vm flrx ftrrcnroffn vwr, rutursv,, m-ufouu. rir.r...i vomm f vi;' ir i'i. All AH NON AN TARIFF BOARD Revised Bill Provides Permanent Commission Alonn, Lines Suggested by President, to Take Tariff Out of Politics Provides Six $10,000 a Year Commissioners. POOR GOLFER-JUST KNOCKS BAIL ABOUT SAYS INSICIOR'ILARD 'feggg SPARED I'ornior I'livddcnt Tnft sIiomii nl loft comtlctlii; a ill he. nppiiiiicli. MIXN'ISAI'OMS, Minn., Mureli '27. If it were not for tint fact that In- in president, N'oudrow WiUon might be t'lii'Hi'tl n n "duffer" ntming Rollers, nceoidinir to (Icttrgc Nni-Rcnt, tier professinnnl nt tint Inlrrlnelu'ii flub. Chevy Cluiae, Washington, i.nys W'il mm is an cntlusinslie Knlfcr, but Iti Kninccnsi.ts mostly of klloiillK till' little tpheie nlioi'l, --, He fore internntluiiiil ililtnii'tit v lationx became rnniplicutcd, Wilson NEWMOKSADDED WAH1IIXOTO.V, March 2T.A re vised liill for n (wnHiiHunt nou-Wr-tixHii tariff romtnisafan on line ng Kcdcd by President Wilaon, nnl vlnch, it i Mid, lift received his full approval, tvn itttrmlni't't in tlio limine tmliiy Iiv Jteprpscntalivc Itninev of Illinois, ntukiiiir ilcinucralic member of I lie hhv nml menus committee. "Tim hill in its present form hss tlir approval of the. nihniniMtratimi ami will Iim tlio ntlminialration mens lire on tliiis subject," Mr. Kidney de clined. ''It will be supported by nil tlio democratic members of tlio ways ami menu committee, ami it is hoped it awII rcccivti the support of the repub lican members of Hint committee. Tlic hill U nuarly non-pnrtihiin, im it In possible to make it." Nlv $10,000 CoiimiUMoneis The bill would provide for the ap pointment of nix commissioners nt flO.OOO n your each, not mora than lluee of them can bclon to Hit same political parly. Tlio first appoint incuts nro to bn mniTo for two, four, mx, on-lit, ten and twelve years, after which tin' lunns of officers of all nro to hi' twelve yearn. The chairman and uee-ehiiinntin must he appointed biennially, neeordlnjr to the tonus of the hill. The duties of tho commission nro 1" mvcMiRHlo the administrative and fiscal effects of the cuatnmH lawn of tlii country, rclntiona between tho latcs of dutv on raw ninlcrialH ami finished product, effects of ad va lorem and of specific duliea, all quea ti'iis relative to the nrrnngriiiciit of nhedulcn ami clasHificallou of article-, in the law, ami to put all infor mation in ita possession nt tho dis posal of tho piew'denl, the house min ami moana eoiiuniltco and the iii.itc mniniittoe on finance. IVolw Tni-lff Itcliitlnns The lull would ffiv tho commission lull power to invoNtigHto tho tariff idations between the Hulled Slates and foreign count rica, commercial In atics, preferential iMtltlie lions, lite licit of eMrl bounties, preferctitiar trnnjHrtBtion, the volume o fiinmr l.ilt.nis com tared with domestic pro duction and of conditions, causes and tie. Is vclalinir to competition of fonii industries, including Cot of oiliiciii nml dumpinir. The need of protesting trade so uttH nml prM-.e( ia reoogniied in a proMion of $1000 fin a or inipria onmcnJ for one voar for n member or employe of tl o(umiai.iou who di- i'-c rniy kcerct of Ihu eoiuwia- .toll HeprcNontative Haiiiiv Mid ilia hill Mould not hi) Nubuiitted to a jmrty tau- us. Although io mvo (iwH U I'..1..iblv would he added In the otmii !' icxpniiDbill. llocauaa i( ia hop4d iiiiikc inc comnilMMJon iw'nnuneal. )'i Inlitred, Ihv bill iH-nvMra for an oiinu.il apitrotirialtoH of 300,000 to ' l I ll f.tHtlfK. I'oc'nillff Stal.lllty "The meokure. in wv iudj-ment. in- ' " " I be rutura tariff alabilify, I Mhcntttar reviwon apMor to he Mi -rv It will make it Mi.silili' to ' i Hoiu intplliucntlv," Miid Jlr. I, i Hi, . 1 1 enacted mlo law, It will ,..om "" ivmotiuir from the (mitt mi 1 '"id unreasonable partiktiu ucliou .' "i iionwurp yet eonccicd." tin meiiNuro would ifixe Hie pomi " '--i-i lull jmwer to PitiiiH'l llw at i' mi.,.,,,. f witu.i.i.e and aiv it m. " i" and the right i 110,IV Hnv '" "".nl of nuy indiuJuul or busi- '" "-erufd in the iro.luelii, or v .'le ..' iiuy m1,o under investlaa lll'll. No i-TH.in could be amtoiutl the 1-ouiniiM.ion who has bwn eleited! :: ;:t:: 18 POUNDS OF BLOOD "!V".nL3i ";' w " 'V y heathy I. e ZltuZ LT bt',1 1"'1 u"- hut it it the quality .. the bio.).! .n,., ot theb.ll. w , k liKhKH, wc fi , rold liaiuU and chilly Kct; in children an aversion to btudy, anil in adult theuiiunc lendeiuics. In changing seasons gel Abundant frehh air and take a spoonful of Scott' Kiiiubtinn alter inel, iMcause Scott's lunulsion ismich WchkI food that will iitcrta.se Uuh quantity and quality of the blood uhilc it warm the body and lil'lr cany oil the impurities. When multitude of Hople wu to (lay tuliivg Scott's luiiuUion to atrt mwrt siikntss, ami are giving It to tlveit (liiklrcn it it r.irclo to neglect iU Im-ii, t,t- I...k out l! .-ul'IUuU J , 1 Mv JgggL?$H r 9$ l'lildoiil Wilson at lllil H)loK' Olffkull MORAN PURPOSELY apout inui'li lime on the link. ar- guut often nvcouipunU'd tho pitfuidunUuiatchcH and devlnrea he is a really and inatrtteti'd him. XSiw the prcKident docs not sol much time for poll. However, he man- agi'M to run out to thu couiie of the Snryont, for five yenra iiihtrnetor Wawhinnton Suburban, club, a rhort to the nntiou'w chief exeet'tive, Will- automobile ride from the o.xecutivu iiiiu Tnft and Wibon, on the links atinaiiHion. Thm ih a nine-hole courec, and tho president nml Mm. Wilt-on mill motor nut there, play one round and he hack in an hour. Tnft, when nreaideiil, wan a mem ber of tho Chevy Cliiwo club, nml played nil hi -'itu there. StirKonl 0Hwcd the former ptCNident in many aooil player. l'rcsideiits of the I'liitcd Steles arc nut the only hitih offiuiaN whom Sar gent haa taught, lie Ion mod bin golf in KiiKlnud, where lie wax honi, and before coining to thm country was a professional at two of the largest cIuIih in the llntinli Islow, where he showed many of the nobility how to take their stance and handle the clubs. He Molt the national open eliiimpionsbip ih Ui()0sat Kuglcwood, N. J. 10 PUBLIC LIBRARY The following imoKn i.tc lioon iltled to the pulilh lllrar durlug the M'ook. Alaakn I)aa with John Mulr (Young.) Anelaut lllatory far Huglnneni (lluUford.) Ileal t of UlackatouM (I'aul.) Hltttui tha IMrk Trail (llawkea.) How to ISat anil Why (Oimdlt A Long.) I r lull Xuna at Ytrei (Cnlumbau.) Life In America Oh Hundred Yoara Ago (Hunt.) MiHlern Htudy of Literature (Manl- tou.) Opernlltm of tb Initiative, Hefer- o ml urn and Recall Ih OtegoH (liar- net I ) Out or Work (Kaltor) I'lKttlcal Worka tUret Harte.) I'nHluctve Poultry 1 1 Italian dry (l.el.) Itomiswliarw In France (Davla.l Mprlni flora for High ftchoola tCoHlHD A Coulter.) Klnry of a l'loaeer (Anua Mhaw.1 8tutlle of American Fungi Muah- itHnttn I Alkliinon.1 Voyage of Captain ttcutt (Tur- le.) BOB BURMAN DEFCATS BARNEY ULDTIELD at no time being moro than thirty lioeoud behind. Oldfleld, niter jump ing Into the lead In the Hint lap way uniiblo to maintain the pace, and fln Ir!um n third place. Although fourth, uuh the lion! ha could do, Durinan wna given credit for driving the fast eat Inp of the day In 1.13. SAX tHKtJD. lul.. Mar. 3T Tak ing tho lead In the third lap from Harney OlilflcWl and never betug headed from that tint to tha (luUh, Nob llurtnuii Kttiurd ulteruoou vtnn the I'Humiu t'ullfornltt Kiltlon M) mile match Iteie Iturman'n time 37 ."0 I-'., aiul tp considered ic muiUttlile li expei Ih lit view of the daiiKcroun course IVIsiitlf jiIho drove k reiiiurKulile rare and fiom lite elet eath Ian on. i 1om pursuvd llurmau. i i DIED rltKY John Caruev, aged 7: 'par, iiid la Central INdnt. gatur I". March 85. lraacd. a tingle iimii. h g native of Ireland, lie '"of ned In Jackaoa couotv 30 )era, n Kicuter part of that time In Cen irm J'olut. lie baa a brother. JJ. ). ""te, lu ioa Aagrlea. California, i hi. ml Htfrrlce wilt be held at the atiiohi' chureh Tueaday forenoon at " " Burial will be lu Jackaoa hi cenietan-. John Carney, many i i ao, tiullt the Central lolnt t ,,ti i KELLY 10 FORCE TRIAL OF BIGAMIST Prank Thomaa, alia U. C. Thomp aon, who deaertwl hla wlfa In thl elty, going to IStigeno, where he pre tended to take another wife, will not eacane ao eaelly na at flral appeared In be poaalble. I'rflaecullng Attor ney Kelt), recognlaing the tterlotts- i neaa of the raae and lnalatlng on tho proaerutlon of Thomaa for bigamy, prepared a complaint and aunt It to Lane count. accompai)litg It with Mn. Tbomaa' marriage rcrtldcate and other data to be used lu tbe cat. There la no doubt that the defend ant wilt be held to the grand Jury and hi marriage enterprise uncov ered. Mr Thomaa la In entire aym palhy with ibla turn In the iae of her much married huabaud. hungry and almost tinliod, In Orovlllu taht waa tunlntnlnod na a living ex hibit In tho Afflllntod Collogoa' mu Roum, In San Kranclaco, whoro ho kindled fire Ity rubbing two atlck together, faahloned arrowheads and exhibited prowppa In other primitive, exploit, for tho entertainment and Instruction of thotauda of vlnltor. II 'J When lllllous, llcmlarliy, Ski., for Sour Stomach. Ilml III colli, Had (olds. LAST OF ISHI TRIBE. STONE AGE CULT DIES HAS I'll VNCIHCO. Mill. 27. -laid, lukt of the stone-age Yaltl tribe of Indlaiv), vi bub once flourUhed la California, eaat ot the Sacra men to river whoc "dlacovery" tn 1911 tiear Orovllle. Cat . resulted in hla adop tion b avuuta of the Cnlveraity of , bead and cbeerfulnesa flet a la-cent box Take a Caacnret to-night to cIomiiid your I, Ivor, fllnmach and llinvolft and loit will aurely feel great by morn ing. You men and women who have I tiiijailui.hit iwkattMl Ijintfllu a halt mill are billon, nervou. upvet, bothered Mllh a alck, gaaay, itleordered atom ach, or havoj backa he and feel all worn out. Aie ou keeplUK your boHol clean with Caaeareta or merely forcing a pitiaaioway every fen day with axil, cathartic pill or caator oil? Caaeareta Immedlatoly cleauae and regulate (he atomach, remove I he aour, undlgeated and ferineatlug food and foul gae; take the excea bile from the liver and carry off the cou atlimled wate matter aud imUou from tbe bowela. Ketupiiibui, a Caitiurel tonight lll atralahteu you out by ntorulag. A 10-rent box from your drugglat mean hoaltln hop action; a clear fur month. California a a valuable anthropolog ical acquisition. 1 dead here, front tiitiercnloHiH oaalbly brought oh b the mien tuition of hla pjrliutllre out door life Slni-c .-hurt U ufler hi appearanco. i Don't foitu-l the t'hildten Adv. 1LE!N Wl FOR 1 lL0THES MADE I 1 ,N VlEDFOrm o WESTON'S Camera Shop 203 East Main Street, Mod ford Thg Only Exclusive Conunoivinl rhottirniiore iu Southern Oregon Negatives Mado any time 01 place by appoint inont. Phone M7-J We'll do th.erost E. D. WESTON, Prop. CIMCAOO. Marrb 2 7. Jnm t II tefd, bMvywelgbt rltamato) of Ih" wrW, rrlned here today tttm Mew Ter, altowlM ho ' efretta of latur day ahrtf flckt (ker tlMM that hla rtght band waa In hfiMatM. According t awaVuali iat, Wll kird will remain In CMeag aaverai week, getllNR hi band bach in ebapo. Me baa a coatfUfC l Rive exhibition bonta with i4e1riwdarliiR the aummer. It I reported hi end of (he anmautr'a purer will amount to approximately Ita.ooo. 1 Ilofere tHklnii a taxlcab tf hill homo Wlllard aiHrtvefdl many Motion. "I did 'hot knock out Moran be canae a knockout would have a bad effect on tho fighting game In Xew York and there I enough feeling agulnat It now." ald Wlllard. "I won alt the way. Moran got In my itntch ac-veral tlmea anil I would have stumbled over him If he had not 'loved out of tho way. "I do not Intend to retire. I am not that much or a foot, oven If they do any thing about mo." fur i ifln "f Hi" ni '" V it V rTff f uM on iotftf tlrftfell, (inanlni tttttHttn JfHfmM Notfh Muftt and ni amawg Ih eapfi atNMN IM WM tHHi4 tfgmtt w M fhJ rlna'tft" alfhwftaw ff faee rfn ItoffTffiwlKl offlf. ' ffr.iii rr ltl nanin' fd eofitf)ital n. - .. .. effort- io Uni i i-om b fl'f a-owld Why hnfifcc Htf Vtftnr liflnir ilo in ln ; intle wi,,onn When A Omtdaa are Ofllr l"a. " ' " l Reports frcm werii mate All Agree that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Wonderfully Relieves Woman's Suffering. NliW YORK. Mar. J7. .leea Wll lard In Htlll tho honvywolght pugllle tlc champion of tho world. In ten round or fast fighting he defeated frank Moran of IMttabiirg hore Sat urday night on point. ' A crowd of about 1.1,000 persona imld approximately $150,000 to ee the fight and went away apparently nntlafled with tho reault. It waa the I gretot Hhowlng Madlmiu Sipiare Onrdon had ever hocii. Many women were In tho throng. Wlllard broke hi right hand in the third round, but blown from hi fight ing left kept Moran at a diitauce Moran' boat round waa tho third anil hi worst probably waa tho aev eatli. Ho wa bleeding aflor the fifth round and hla left oyo waa al ntont cloHod nt the end. Wlllard was ruhed to tho ropoa lu thu third anil roceUed blow after blow on the fnce. The crowd cnod a knockout but thu flulihlng punch waa lacking. Moran put up a gamo fight Mo I of tho time he crouched and foicod the fighting. Wlllard neemod lower on hla feet than tho challenger, and appeared to have an unlimited capac ity to tako puuiitlitucnt. Moran arowlud a hi) fought, hut WlUard kiulled. From all parts of this country the clearest evidence is constantly coming to the office of the l.yilia l 1'inlcham Medicine Co. of Lynn, Mass., proving the wonderful power shown by Lydia 15. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in controlling ills peculiar to women. I lore are letters) from Vermont, Arkansas and New Jersey: It Cured Me! T?wliii-v Vf " A vniw ncrn Inat. Tlecntnlwr I vns taken with n fonmlo tronldo and loctoit!(l for it hut did not Ret any liulp until I took Lydia E. rinkhnm's Vcgctahlo CoiuihiuihI. My lmck troubled uip a good deal and thoso tniuhlca luwtcd so loiiB that 1 grow terribly por and I fell a great, lcl eft'-ier lying down. Ko ono knows what I buffered. I did not dans consult another doctor t waa so afraid he would say I had got to have an operation. I can tmlywiy that Lydia. K. I'inklmins Vokc- taiile lounmuiHi was a gou-aeini to ino ior mier fnilforiiifc about tight months this wonderful liiedi eiiw cured me." -Miv. ixlik E. Fiiench. Her Best Friend. Weehawken, N. .L ,; I nuiai. cull you my Itest friend for what vonr leinedics have done tor me. I am , aud am passing tltrouh the CliniiRT of lift? and for some timo I fell Inn I hut ainti I took Lvdia K. nukham'a Vegetable C'omiKiund I feel line and will iccoiu- mentl It to every woman wlio mitlei-s as 1 tUd. .Mrs. Ivathii: J.BOXIIARHT, 41U T til bt., WuviiawKen, . .J. Had Awful Pains in Side. Branch, Ark. Kvi-ry month I suffered with cramping jmiits ami I had awful aiui iu iny lift side. I mi. very itiv-riil.tr. I had it tin'd fcehngall the time and dil tmi sleep good at night. I took Lydia !i rinkham's Vegetable Comjiound and in thans months I was well." Mrs. Mai: Gattis, Jtraucli, Ark. If you wnnt special ndvleo write to Ijydla 15. I'iiikliain metllcino Co. (coiilldeiitinl', I.vun. JMuss. Your letter will lie opened, rcuil aud auawcroU by u woiuuu ami uoui in hiiici eoiiuueuee. gP "4 m i i J 4 pi i mM i'lW'T? ' -- '? " I Rai Th am or e Shine VJ jrOeS KJTi J ust the bame! Jl.JLj Jl - TfcP A0 F6 Stock of Another The Entire The Daniels Cli Known as Daniels for Duds BEING Everything for men; Open every day othing Store SOLD!