mtntwn vxtn rmrmryw, wjwanTt, mv.afiv, Tnnnmv, vrorflrr n WTrf itit'i ,0-- ha fur in II iiiHHii diiMn'mrHnl 5,000,000 M MS AUGUSTA BUSINESS SECTION APGfSTA. Oh, Mar.h 23 Ono of a ncrlM of fires m tilcli have canned millions of dollars worth of dumago In 'the past few days In tho south and southwost swept through ton bml 11 ohs blocks of August mid twrnty adjoining residence blocks last night and early today and bnforo being got under control had caused damage which was conservatively estimated ntV.,000.000. No lives worn reported lost, nl though there were scores of narrow escapes. The flnnio-swopt area Included tfio largest offlco and business build ings on the north side of Hroad street, warehouses on historic "Cotton Itow" containing thousands of bales of cot ton, some six hundred homes, many of them In tho clty'most exclusive resldenco section, and St. Paul's Kpls- c6pal church hullt 13S years ngo. ' Today local mllltla compautes were on duty. . ' Jlollef Work Hotel and homes in tho sections of tho city not reached by tho tiro worn tin own open to those whoso res idences wero burned and steps wero being taken by local authorities to give relief to tho 3000 persons who Jfnll lost their homes, f Jn aiea of about one and n Quarter BO'iaro miles was ravaged by tho flames, which wero driven by a heavy gale. Fire apparatus from Columbia, Charleston, Atlanta, Macon, Savan nah and Waynesboro was sent to tho nld of tho local firemen. Wind sub sided Ju. t after 1 o'clock and it was not until then that tho firemen could gain in tholr fight. Tho fire stnrtcd yesterday evening nt 0: 15 o'clock In the Kelly dry goods Hloro In tho Dyer building. From there It spread rapidly to Cotton How 'iiid destroyed block after block on llJrnud street, Tho twelve story building owned by tho Augusta Chronicle wns practi cally destroyed. Tho Augusta Her ald' building also was burned. Tho Chronicle ustnbllshed nn offlco in a Job printing plant and wns Issued this morning. The Herald will be Issued this nft'Tiioon from a temporary lilant. Cotton ix DeMmyed (Cotton Interests, today estimated that the tire destroyed about $2,000. 000 worth of cotton stored In tho warehouses along the rlvor front, Tho 000 block of Hroad street proved to bo the miracle block of tho flro. The flames leaped over thl blook and not one building was dam 'aged until 5:30 this morning when fire was found In a small warehouse. This blatn was quickly extinguished. V. T. Klrod, an automobile driver, roscued two young girls from tho Dyer bul'.dlng. Ho mado two trips to the fifth floor and was painfully burned. Threo companies of tho National Guard of Ocorgln patrolled tho streets during tho night and a strict watch was kept today on tho devastated dls-trlct. WORK PAS AI , IEXAS PAIMS, Tex., March 23. Work o relieving the Miffcrcr and the home lea in Paris niter the disastrous flro of Tuosday nij?ht was carried nloiip swiftly todny. Large snips of money, raUcd in Pari nud in neniby eilcis, wero tliHlrilmtPil to the needy Uytho icliof committee, headed by Moxor K. II. Meditation. Ylio 8000 homeless s-pent Inst night in JUc home of friend nml relatives nirlttwiiK nud in Mieh public build ing as romaiticd. Ituilroad waiting looms wero turned into dormitories for the women and oliildren. Tho jjrenteet thlc today wns elenr-iiie- the business, dihliiet of the debris. Of the fio bnnks in Paris, three were nusod. Officer of tlipe three e.x peotud to make attempts at opening ihdir nulU todnv nml believed they would find the content unharmed. 'J'lie death list remained todny nt throe with one perou miinj,'. The propel ty lota la estimated at ?!',- tlQILOliO. ANTHRACITE RAILROADS ASK FOR REHEARING WASHINGTON', Muii-h l.-Au tliroiU' eHrryiiiff rtoilrud todnv c titipned the intewtnic eommeree eom tlii$ftion to reoen thr dwuuMi fix i'JT reduced rute from the W online and l.ehi-h regions to Albany. Troy nd MeoliHiiiet.ille, X. V., whu-h were ordeied to Iiwojm effective April 1. Tiq w York CeHtrol joiiwd in the petition. . Med ford llxlr.-. Smoke. Q The Medford and Mt. Pitt Cigar. CONFESSION ARES B FOUR MURDERS TV remain- ' WiUoii. one of the rf. if lutnillN flifln wtn i There fhr fcflfml iMHrtmii Ilw- ' retire KnM when lie rmijelit tlicm rtli- blmr dnift low. TtoqlffJri frUuni- led to Him Pftliii'hH'n nd Mllfil.JifiiK ,. , , , - irirvi". Sjmde wheH IlO (IscOforvtl UlW RV A 1 1 ji hANm T bHh,i"ri,it ',i rmw h,r t'Irt'fs,, J Therr were five in the original """ rftijr, nminin nid In Iu eonfc- i.,v l.h.v.iu,.,, m' i .-i " Two of the bandit, Thotno SAN HIAMlHCn. MhH, 2.1,- l(,ri.rn ,tm, j,,s MHrray, r, ,umv in 0H.ntioti of nn nutomobile bandit ,, QMnin pfan, --rvin)c sen ritiR that perrwlratcd three murder ' tcueen for robberies committed in in Snn PnineiHco nud Scuttle and i !' Angeles.- Another member, .luck 'store, ilgniii lliej' trtnrned to Hnn 1 r'rutwfseo And fltiil two ssMoih, n i (rwier.T lr' ntttl Rpudr ntdottee . Ilnnniit' fntliei, wki is an at jtnho aflo nujirenie e.rt of Mitry ' linff, IW PtHpfrtypil nttorsets to feok lnfTrf fii on'n intwrstn. Dmnilffttn ' in 'id yours old. He ndmiltrtu imrfiil j rwttnit in (lie robberies, but claimed Hint no nml no port in tin mHrdcrs. UN IN LINE . ALL NIGHT 10 BUY ditv. Tiii fin TICKETS FO FIGHT elexcn holdups in Pacific comt cit ies Xovcmber mid December, nro dctnllcd in n igiicd confession held toilny by the local polifte. TJie tory of the oriincs wijh told last night from a cot in the county hospital hure'bV Howard I)iiuni;an, one of the ban dits, who wns arrested in Los An geles recently n.s he souglit tucdicul nid for n wound received in n revol ver duel following n cafe holdup here. Dunnignn is said to be n seiou of a prominent Maryland futility. Police Corporal Frederick Cook, who wns kilted by the ImuditH after they held up n beach cafe here Xo- vember 24, wns the first (o die nt Manning, alias Duncan, i in jail hnie. Wilson, the fourth member, was killed by Cook. Duiiuigiiii said tliev always rode to and from their crimes in stolon automobile-. Tlfr robberies, and, holdups occur red in Scnttle, Sacramento nml Snu J Francisco,. An unknown man who I wns hold up near the Pnnnmn Pa cific exposition grounds wns the first to lose nt their hands. A beach enfe was their next objective. Then they went to Sacramento mid on Xo vclnber 2'J robbed n snloon tlieic. He turning here, they robbed n enfe und held up filly patrons. Their next crimes were in Scnttle, where, in l)e- MEET AT ROOSEVELT The Parcnt-Tcncher clrclo of tho lloosevolt school will meet Friday at 3 o'clock. The program follews: .Song by 7th grade. Iluslness session. Piano duct, Miss Ilrucc Putnam, Miss Naomi Hemphill. Address, Supt. Itlllls. thrif bands, jn tho running duel thnt frmber, they held up u negro gnm followed the holdup Cook killed Hurry bier nud robbed n snloon and drug WAS1I1XOTOX, March 'iiL-Ocn-oral Funston todny nsked.for eight mow aeroplanes. Ho wants four to go to Columbus to fly with Ilrigndicr Ocheml Pcrhhing'n coltunn, nml four others to bo sent to his headquarters nt Foil Ham Houston to ho held for emergency work. XKW YORK. Mnreb -2X Women stood In line for hntir enrlv todny waiting for the opening of the ticket sale for tho Willnrd-Mortni 1g)if. Saturday night. Whon tho box office nt Mndison Square flsnlen opctieit it wns bemegod byn crowd C scvom.1 hundred to purclmsc the ifTl'nnd !?o liokctN. Jinny of them hnd been standing in line since midnight, some bringing break fnst With them. The ticket sellers hnd 2000 of the lower-priced sentN, but could liavo disposed of 20,000. Only two ticket wero sold to a person, officials .snid, in nn effort to keep them out of the hnnds of pcculntors. t At both ennips todny the minors of Jess Willnrd nud Frank Mornti nn liouuccd that Hie heiVyweight pug ilists were "on edge mid 'ready," Liglit boxiiiL' only wns permitted to- Temofrflw' Uic" fhmtIon rtfftl hii crTBcf will nml. tfAfrillmfti? tar fko ImvMNln -t it a Xfi.Mrt iDffnn. MMftllaa nt fhrt ffltof HmU JtlftrU jfltt (rwfwlfefrrlfftf frtf "rite both ntrtnr (W tmtfUMo cj tert anil Hi rttemfe foMffwcm etf boxing. Mortin's fsjttfWptice In ftl nbtlitr, not only In ontbo.t Willnnl, but to knock ont the frtgflntl Kn iin, Is little flmrl of an ob(wsiort. He Adtnlw that he never mw Wffl urd outMilc of tho movies, but claim" tbnt (Ills In tin batuliKMit altton lin linn been able to slmlv every inorp of Uio enrcor vi tne ciininpwii at lus lew- urc. ' CHIEF OF AVIATION SERVICE SUFFERS FALL WASHtXHTOX, March Colonuy .Samuul Holier, ohief of the nrmy nvintion service, foil three storios in his home here todny mm wns badly injurcd.l He wns re moved to u hospital. Reports to tlm war dcvarlmcnt hf ter Colonel Hcbcr had been exniniucd nt the hospital wero thnt hi injuries wero not serious. Run down ? Tired? -Weak ? HMMBBMSWtll 'SSI & For 50c Next Week Only ) Plus Four Trademarks from Quaker Oats Packages; M -'. This Quaker Cooker We have supplied perfect double Cookers to over 700,000 homes, to make Quaker Oats more delightful, They are made to our order to bring out the fullness of the flavor and aroma, ' Such a Cooker as this, if sold at retail, would cost more than most homes would pay. But our purpose requires it in every home where Quaker Oats are used, so we ourselves supply it. Our purpose is this: To 'create more Quaker Oats users, by making this the best-loved morning dish. To this end, we use queen grains only in this brand just the big, plump grains. We get but ten pounds per bushel. That means that two-thirds of the oats as they come to us are discarded in making Quaker Oats. The result is large, lusdous flakes. They make this dish doubly-delicious. Yet they cost you no extra price. Pure Aluminum Made to Our Order Extra Large and Heavy Cereal Capacity, 2 Qti. Retail Yalue, $2.50 These flavory flakes have won the world to Quaker. In a hun dred nations this is the favorite brand. Millions of oat lovers send thousands of miles to get it. Our next object is right cooking, and we offer this Cooker to every home to attain it. But we supply only one to a liome. Get this Cooker next week under this special offer. You want children to delight in this vim-food. You want them to eat an abundance. The way to attain that is to serve Quaker Oats cooked in thlsQtrakcr Cooker. Next Week 50c But No Longei Next week's oflfer is this: Send us four trademarks thepic ture of the Quaker cut from the frqnts of four Quaker Oats packages. Send with them only 50 cents, check or money order preferred, and we will send the Cooker by parcel post prepaid. For one week for next week-we cut the payment in two. For 50c you get this big Aluminum Cooker. But this offer will not be repeated. No requests will be honored unless mniled next week. , Note the grocers who have displays of Quaker Oats featuring the Quaker Cooker. Learn about the Cooker, and if you approve, arrange next week to get it. Please don't forget. TTifs Offer is Confined to Oregon and Washington w'. ?:..: Address The Quaker Oats Company, 1708 Railway Exchange, Chicago These Grocers Next Week Feature the Quaker Cooker a -j , s. A ,r .: . XA.MK r ,MHI)l(Oltl( QHKO.V a. v. mw :....: ... KnutM Mt-iKvry C . Hutrlilnbon At liiiiiihilrn JoihV Cash Oroovry .;.. i . l mil i;. .... .Maili Ji llfiiuclt ... ,,.. 1 I',. OllllKfil4t ...w.............mA..w....., -.-. Watner, Wortnmii fi ;ix,...Ml .SIIIj,V.I OltKOO.V XA.MK II. I. Ilolnics -Nlinn & Siuiudt'i- k... 'AVlilte llouso (ivonsry - AUDHKSS -........ tMJi CutrU ....................... :il. 10 K. O'lilrul Ave., .. .......'Ji:t K. .'Main St- . JEW AV. .Main St. .- - ..,IJ! W. Alula St. v Mtilfoitl, Orr, i -.......,... I.'tt W. .Main St. il07-rtOU ItJiht 71Ii w- ADDItHSS .KuKlg- I'Viliit, Ore. '; AI'DItHSS ...VhllluilCl, Olf, . AiJuiiI, Oiv. ...lltanil, Ore. KAOI-K lOINT-,-QIUJrt)y m .... ?'&, ntiiKo liiiniii v ,-vjii. ....... .Ma.M.iv." ' (WANTS PASS". OltlWOX. J' XAJIH . '" .f ADDUHSS Cnin'tM I'uss Ilocliilalo Qtt ,....v....,.,.............(IrniiU Iim., Or. Kinney & Trims ..,... (Smut Vans, Ort. .looliili ranlwi K........w....-.....waiJ?..-i....,-...ranta I'ii, Oni. I. A. Scliulllioiii ... v ..... fli-uuU I'nM, Olf, Wliltehoiiho 3ircry .-....-......,....- ...........ninU I'uhn,' Oixu JAOKSONIlIl.W, OUHfiON NAM II . ADnilHSS Tylr Williams CV - - JarkMmvlUft, Ore. O Rrcry gprfric mont peijitlo he "nil put f orts-tlipr vltnllly M nt a WW eDu. TlirTHiRli ihc wlnler inontlu lint ti n Btont Iral in lientcd lumv, onloc. or factory, with llitlo healthy cxerolso In the ureal outiloatft enliug more limn nvemcury tht blKitl he-Hn-ii Mirlinrnol with polonl Tho best 8prlriir tnwHclne ntnl tonic Is ono mndo n( herbs ami roota without alco hol thnt vn flwt diocnvori'il liy Dr. Pierce war at. Miitln of (Inlilcn Soul loot, blfiod root, with glycerine, it In called Dr. Pierre's Ooldoii Medical DUoovory. Inrellont on wrapper. It pllinluntea from the bluod dinenec breeding pohtons. It nmloH the blood rich and pure, and fimiMict n foninl.i tlon fur mmiid, phyaical himlll Sold by medicine denier, in liquid or tablet form, or send 10 rent to Dr. Picrco'B Invnllda' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y., for n largo trial package of tnbluta, WHEN "RUN-DOWN.0 Salem, Oregon. "As n spring tonic, to build up a weakened, nitwiown Hyslein, and to civo one an appetite, I found Doctor hercc'n Golden Medical Discovery Reed. A friend hnd recom mended It and I found it nil that lin claimed for It." Mica. Jaki: (Iindkii, lGtiO S. Ucllvicw Street. Constipation enures and terlouniy ORRravntes ninny dienen. It in thor oiirIiIv curwl by Dr. Pierce'i Plcw ant Polletn. One n laxative J tWJ Of thrco n cathartic. Don't Miss Page 3 TOMORROW Clairvoyant TIIH WOMAN WHO KNOWS Celebrated Clairvoyant and Medium. Know whut 1D1C holds for you; she tolls you tho truth, what you want to know, at a glanco. Her powers have mystified tlio moot skeptical. Dullness, love, courtship, marriage, divorce, lost or stolon nrttnles, min ing, samples of oro road with absolute! accuracy. Tolls whether your hus band, wlfo or sweotheart is true or fnluo. When and whom you wilj marry and how to win tho ono you love. Conquer cnomlcs. Urlngs tbo separated together. Sell or trade your property. If you aru unhappy and dlNcoutcntod, or In any troublo whatevor.rliiB thorn to her, sho will stralghton them out to your on tiro satisfaction. No work too dif ficult. Known tho world over as tho Good Luck Woman. VVU, ItKAUlN'a 11.00. Opposite NaMi Hotel, Puliu Ulock, Itooms H-ll. Big Bargain Offers Tomorrow Watch for Page 3 WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 Enst Main Street, Medford Tho Only Exclusive Oommorcinl Photographers in Southern Oregon .Mo low inK Mill ilia e of IdK lour Mta. o or oono 331 (H bl rrofivrtq Afjulo nnv t.ntlO nr r OOUOON MAC CIIACKBN. Jt, O-l Hotuaopathlo Physician, Surgson, !13 Bast Malu St., Mslfor(J, Qi gon. Offlco pbono 143, residaaN Phne 734-UI. Office houra 1 to I 4 p. in. Prluttn and Publishers MEDFbUD PhrNTlNQ CO.. has ib' boat equipped printing offlco 'o couthern Oregon; book binding loose leaf ledvem, billing systems etc Portland prtcos. 'il North Ptr st. Trnnsfers BAD8 TRANSFBR & STORAGE! GO. - - ij North Front at. Pbon on Page 3" Tomorrow's Papers ii!iis-iiiMwwiwifcjpa . Tv mourn- f j jjiLjjmUBB&Mit 2rGSHmmtKBBUMtSKSKtiKKtKKKtULjd ' vJftwtel r