Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 23, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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t a
MKPFOKDMATf, THTnPNK. MRDFOftf), Oftf f.OV Tiff .'vf)V f W.'f ff j : I'Mf,
Mrs. i.nla J Mmuly. wife f Colo
llol Mulidar. and Mr John M. Heat
HOt (if Medford, Will Hit ill tlio iw-
tlOMl sonventlon f WnmfH'i I'ed
anttod club lu be IimIiI in New York
Oltr (ram Jlnjr 23 lu Juno 1. Tbsr
will so tw representatives of the
Greater Medford chili. The nttlvl
tfsf of tho Womtn'h federated dliiba
nrq designed (o promote n hinder
oIrjw of e(tl7Btihl.
t)on't nil wgo 3 tomorrow.
Voatarn Clult "Woman's "Coustnu
or' "Wook" will bo oUaorvod iltujng
tlio WTolt of April 3 to 1). Tlio tfov
ortiors' or Washington, ltlnlio, Utnh
ami OroKou have laeuod proclama
tions Rolling ualdo Hint woek for that
purpose. Tho Motlfonl Commorcinl
qlub lius uuun asked To appoint e
committee to net jointly with n
committee from tlio (Iroator Mod
ford club in (irrnuKliiR pinna for Kb
observance. Tlio ifiorrhnnt will lio
naked to ndvorllso a "Iluy nt Home"
cnnipnlKii; locnl niunufncturors Mill
lib urRcd to i it u lie a sieclnl dlsjilny
of tliOlr goods In store windows. A
lfoiiio-prnduetn dlnnor mat bo served
by tho Indies.
I)o Voo given trading stntnrin with
ovoo'tliliiK axoopt groceries.
Tlio rogulur postponed buslnoan
moollng of tlio ArtH and CrattH
lonRiio 'wl moot nt longuu hond
iinrtora In tlio Mn compnny build
lu); nt 2:30 Saturday nftornoon.
, Jt will bo at tlio hour of 10 a. tn.
Hiiliirua. Itoml pngo 3 tomorrow's.
Tlio ITnipqun vnlloy people Iihvo
Alranilg shipped $0,Oihi worth of
liroccoI. raised In that section lust
yoar. it comnMnd $ a rruto.
Thoro nro soils In Uokuo rlvei vnlloy
Hint will produi'o biocroll Hbunrtnnt
I)'. Tho nuitkol for it ,la olwnra
ljlipgry. TIo expense of iiroduoliiH
a oi;p In about tho sumo iim that ot
wibunRu or cauliflower It coats a
llt(li) inoro to hnrvewt and irnto II
JStlJjfJ to jqan on good furin, close
ui.iji.ffi sung'.
''ta.OJlQi' y?inmmu, hUntUI-
tM9,lur and H-liM tit Polio IlltUon
toli iitu VHat" ll) Unijoii to tho
i)0t boy who iiiukoa fool of him
aolt In that msiiiior.
A aurprliM for the publlr on page
3 loinunovv'a pHjior.
(loorgo C. Howard, of Portland,
who la mniiiiMur of thu rummua
projldentlnl oaiupntKU In thla atuto,
wnn a vlaltor In Mad ford joetoiilny
and laat iiIkIH in thn Intoioat of thai
online. "Xonutor Cuiiinilua la tlio
favorite throughout Hit uorlliuont,".
Raid Mr. Howard, "and bla eaui
pnlgu la moving along b tho lininil
mIoii of Ita own weight We hold uu
ontliualiiatlo mooting lu Aahhuid on
Wednesday. All fnetloita nro united
on Uiiuimlna." A moetlug with
tiromlnuut ropubltrana wna ljohl on
the uioswiiiluo floor ot tho Mod ford
hotel Inal evHiilng.
Handera, pnpurlng. tlut.iwluttug. 331
Kmuk II. Muildmi, sount) oominla
alouer, lett )uit evening tor Seattle
on nttslHCNM.
SNsltil fttjo of nitlrt WaleU, 11.10.
C?. A Chspuwu lelurned last evoii
Dig from a biuttieaa trip to Child lllll
Swaitt flljer at I) Vo.
Mrs, FraxK Tbwwaa left for lCu
KNe luet evauiug to hpiui 'agalnet
her husband an a charge or bigani)
Us Mi in. Tbuiuaa lu iha clt)
Vul August and clalma to liae
tAksH another wlft at Kugeuo about
thte wseke ago. lra. Tlimuaa haa
legsou to believe that he had a wife
and cblUlreti at the tluio she thought
h useaute ale wife
Alf bargslu offera tomerra.
Wgch for itsgo t
Mjr iiiUIbc itsta n loral no lee oh
Tuh4si. as turn ts tbl paoer whs
aM4 to thai Mra J H ldnvlllu
If tie euur of Bvaa Urautea. of
KlgfMlu Kala. Tbla la uu siror.
Mrs. Uuvltts la a slater of Mtullu
MelkMawmk. of thla cltx
ImmXo i Klg Iflu elgnr. o
Tits are hla-m4e tf
Hsreai-TescUsi'' circle of ts Un
co in acliool mill meet at the aeoool
building at 3:31 Krlda aftsrsoos.
Xmtt rur uSCUaos "CeneraJ
Tru.u or chlWrf." in whteu Mrs
llllng will liuwi.
Doit t n.laa pagw lomprrow.
J li llariieiaisf, i Oregon Clt),
la In the clt) Mile tek on uualneas
ooiiut. ted with orchard Implement
lMil'titlon Mi QarnelBler la de
1U1.I .1 with the appearance of the
oi(!i..r,t jMtit of thU part of the
vail ii I ixlU'Nf.- (bat the future of
llOKne iixet aU fruit it euuiuier
elHlly ta er iirowlalng
'rpsnrednaes Is the tesue. so brln
in yqur lawnntower and ba it
ahnipoDod and be prepared for eb'it
I H Howard, who h I'ii III for
mMr weeha With hi grlno nnd It
nftwr of (est. Is r0fwrtrf nt so woll
during thla blustery March weather.
mutter, an lefts mh I maturing lit
a tfpitemi war drfg the poet weiith.
A rarprlto fur the Sttblts n pug
3 tomorrow's pnpr.
A recent len for the new wembers
of the Christian church will bo held
from n to 0 o'clock I'rlilHy Hlghl.
r?ach mmiibiir of tbe krrh will
lirln Imaltet of IhmcIi, fihtr with
tnll. hitha, dlahoa, iiMphhm and m
forth, mid Invito nt lanat tso of tho
now mombora to (Kirtako of Ilia
luncheon with him or lifr Tho
inambra nrt ruiiilriipd lo Iflko cream
with thorn 'alio, for ooffoo will W
nmdo nt the church. Tho new mom-
bora will bo tho ffuoata nnd hro not
oxpwtnd to tnlco nn)'tliiiK nluni; In
tlio way o( Itinobuon nnd dlnliiKrooin
An immotiio ahouliiK of HprliiK
rosin, $8 TiO up Ahroiii
Allnn II. K.ilon, of tho Oregon
unl orally, will loot tiro Krldny even
ing nt tlio publlr library auditorium
on "Amorlcnu Potior) " Mr. Kuton
Ik capoclnlly iiunllflod lo talk on thla
auboct, hnvliiK been lutnrcHtcd In
tlio tnnnufnctUto of pottery nnd
knowing nil of tho proceiwH tiRod.
Mo will brliiK tin exhibit with him
nnd will bo plenKod to answer ijuoa
tlona. This lecture Is freo and tlio
publlo Is Invited.
Got your milk, cream, butter, orbs
nnd buttormllk nt Do Voo'a.
Alien H. Kntou of tlio V. of O
will lecture Krldny evening nt tho
Public library on "American Pot
tory." Mr Kntou Is especially qual
ified to talk on (bla subject having
been Intornatd lu the ninnufnoturo
of notion and knowing nil the pro
roeaoa ued He will bring nn exhibit
oud will be plonnod to answor qiten
IIoiik This lecture la free, nnd tho
publle la Invited. '
Splnucti. .Criili oer ninrket tin)
MrN.,Tobu Y lllll, Muporlntuudnnt
ofconalriiotloii of Wnrren Pnvcuinnt
rjeiupnn uf Poilliind. with Mrs. Hill.
IhIUmk hia pnrtinlH, Mr and Mrs
t I.uwniiiro Hill.
Dra. A. H. nnd I.oulso IC. Ilcdgea,
hlrnprnctora, baths, ninwago. 235
i. .Main. '
The NelKbborhood Sbnkosponro
club lll bold its no,xt rogulnr meet
ing on TliurMdny ovonlng of next
wCek nl the roRldeuco of Mr. nnd
Mrs- William West, oil jlnrtlett
ntj'jjoU tho meeting tonight hnvlnjc
Fteuu poitpouod on account of tho
tiuelro of maiij of fla mnmberK (o
a'tjojiil tim leotyro ot tlio Huiuilnii ex.
Ili) tonight will bo nbws worth leudliiK
Jon pngo 3. tonrrpw'tt pupera.
'Aa an evldojuce Hint tho uiiuauiil
ilouiNud for liimbor ull over the coun
try haa become general. It mny bo
cited tlinj the Trull J.uiuber compaio
Of thla ell) hail Juat fflwl nn order for
3,000. oito ruiu; or jiiuo lumber of
clHaaoH thrro, two ami one Tlio bulk
of thla order will go to California
Pnit of It will go our I. This com
pnuy haa recently filed u number
of orders (or luuibtfr lo bo delivered
a Hie mirlleel ditto posalble, purl of
which will go to Yrpka, Oil., ami
tnueh uf I ho remainder outaldo of
thla htnto, also
28 off on Kodaks nt Weston's
Camera Shop.
"A Suffragette Hah)" h Hip name
Mf u pla) pioaeuled by Mra. HonIouh'm
cIumi at the "Home Coming" muvt
lug of tho l.ndlee Alif Hoclety tor
dfiy o eiilng nt the Vital Mothodlat
church. It wna woll douo nnd much
onjo) ed
it will be n tho hour ot 10 n m
Saturday. It oud wge 3 tomotrow'a
"ltnrl lte)uolda returned this after-
luiyn froui u buelnoss trip to the An
telope count ri.
There will new a worth loading on
page 3 loiuorrow'a papers.
Portland people bue Hmde luiUlr
tbiough the Comuieilal club ua to
w bother or not Medford would like
tu ouceuruge Ike oetabllahmant ot a
college In thla city
General mercbaudlae store, '
hutol and towg propert) In Slaklou
eouHty for aale or trade for Income
property Call or leave address at
N'ash Hotel Haituu 311
A. C Crowe of Portland, Is do
ing bualuesa In thla lt totta)
Ht)l Craft Coats aud Suite are
lpre lu greater arlet than ever Ujfc
fBro- Ahreua. Jf
Paul Dentmer'a wine houo was
rplded b Chief of Police lltttaou es
lei day ufteriiuon, the reault being
tfte eonflaeatton ot about HMy ajul
lona of wine The i barge agaluit
UNinier la that uf selling liquors itn
lawfull) He had tbe wtae tu bla
ftoasesaloH when the prohibition lnw
vent Into effect pemmer do oaf) t
deny having sold liquor alute then
The preliminary heariug la being held
this arternoon before Jusllee Taylor
J. 0- (lurking, tno Beat all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Alwaa reliable. Negatives made any
where, time or place. Studio 2J
Main HI. Phone tHI-.J
Muster Kiab Wardvu It. K i'lan
ton. Klah CulturUi J W. Herrian and
nartt len Tburndat for Rutte Kalla
to eleet a site toi the proposed trout
huhery it Smith the anient
tMflsr, an om panted iheia)
'fleoilhtte Wood nbaut that firs In-
aunittg; pojUy Office Mult Tribune I
Hit' tnHr being M1 I f Hn- H.-mIIi
ern rnnne onmtmtTf nl the rrn--.ii.
of tho !4wtHhem Oregon 'r
(i.ittvuiH ' line (hi Main w
ninrty.nnl teei ilfw i
p"ftl to the weight of th ( -
ftitfileTs, (hesllsrosnd psln'i .
Oeorgt ( lloi mi be ii
lrprrHnliitn w ' i unit m
li''ne til tin- i U t ruiini.
(nix mnrnirar for I'orllnnd
Kxlra' itrn on gage
iow' Hipsr
.1. Al. J'i1m MVd t.'. I'nfr i, t
men vf Hflii IfrwelrteH. ere ill
I bo
city on bnaibma.
Tlie Star brand of typewriter rib.
bona nro RunrniiTepil to glvo "R.OOO
Impreesions of tho tyjio ''n" nnd "o
without no clogging tho type ar to
show on tho paper. This s n protty
atlff wnrrant. hut thai Is what tho
Wobator compnny ngreos to with Star
rlbbpna. Bold by tho Medford Print
ing comunnr.
II. I,. Hr( nun t ami Mile l Port
land iiic filing in .Med fold nnd u
oiiul Jor u tew tlttyt.
Ilooth 33. Publle Mnrkvt. 312
S. Qilell ol Creawell is tloiuir litis-
inesn in Meilionl today.
Dig fio nillknhakop nt Do Voo'a.
T. J. Ilnituii ,r .loe liar. Call., is
nlteiullng lo IihIiipw !n Hits city this
UxtraJ Kxtrn! on pngo 3 tomor
row pnper.
('. I. AtlaniH of Awlilimd jh vifitiuc;
in thiH cilv Intlny.
Hose of l.uxlto for women, black
nnd white, ."Oc.'AhronH. i .
H. ". Unhhvi) qr.A)le,'nte'JH n!
Medfoid jVitor l(fu'ij ," vJ
Mcdfonl to tAsAlnujl, for twonty
cents, ono wny,' on tifo"'litg,o'ray onr.
Hound trip thlrt-flvo couls. Tllno
card lu another column.
Juiluv ,('. !. WalNou of Aslilniiil is
nltt'iitfliig lo lojiTl burfinefi id tlii5 eliy
ouil Cold Hilt toduv.
Soo those bountiful Taffeta nnd
tiros do Loudroa Silk Sulta tu tuny,
bowling green, tnn and bluck. Ahrons.
dobn Kugllsh. of Portlniid. Ih look
ing abodt tho Rogue" river vitlley this
week. ' '
Millinery never wna so beautiful
and so reasonably priced. Ahrena.
J. C. Cameron, of northern Oregon,
Is a leisurely viRltor to this vnlloy
this week.
So pnge :i tomouow'ri paper.
A. A, Chlsholm. of Onkliiud, Cal.
ncc,ompnnled by Mrs. qiilaholiu,. Is n
buslheua visitor lu Miiilford thla'uh
oru'oon.' .
I.atUce material, window screens,
jremi.d4por8. Pnc Fur, & Fix. Kncj.
A flurry of snow aw opt tlvoTTlTo
alloy todny. lowering, tho tdnlriora
turo Miiddonly iu real March fashion.
but tho Hiinw molted alutoRt aa fast ns
It fell. It probnbl.t did no harm to
orchaids or snrlug growiha or any
Poatftgo atiiinrHi, ntilfo Voo'.
Hard frost la predicted for Thurs
day night, but the fruitgrowers antic
ipate nj great amuunt of dniungo I.e.
rattan cif the roctyit ahouors. Kroat
and cold rarely damage fmll when It
la moisture Indeu.
Dig bargain offera tomorrow.
Watch for page 3
Word is oxppfltml within a dny or
two legnrdlng tho completion of the
den I for u augur fnctor betweon Med
ford and Tolo. Difficulty lu scour
ing bent seed 1iaa held up tlio projuct
See pngo ;i tontorrow'H pat. or.
T. X. Musty, or Central Point.
wna a Thursday vlaltor in Medford.
Dr. HtephetiRon now practicing
again. UC Routb Holly,, Plume SCS-X.
Charles Sinllb."'tjf, Jttlch, aperit
Thureda) lu MeUforU. ' ,
Weafon Camera Shop for flrat-claM
kodak tlulahlug and kodak supplloa.
Iloujouiln llarrUon, of ltoguo
Itlvor. was a recent Med ford vlaltor.
Our ohoeolntos are Medford inn do.
Tim Shnstn. .It
Ilalph Jennings, of lluncom, waa
electloneoilug tu Aahhuid and Med
ford Wednesday.
Try h King Spltx elgnr and en
courage homo IndiiHtry. tf
Judge W II Canon vaa nn Ash
land t tailor Wednesday
8ome additional tomato acreage
roqulrtwl Call and aeo its. Rogue
River Valley Cunning Co.
Merchant W. Stfliii. of Urowns
tfnh. r Urov
5mU Hnr b
Oafes fls TOrd 'Wra. Jlrto itbwn
and $J6 a month
I C Koutuotl .ind J Jr-4sif.j
son. two or 1 eiurei I'ouu a prominent
business men, are lu Medford today
on business
Assurance of aallafastor) work at
ri reasonable once, .mtl retoronce to
several thousand wearers of his gAg
es are two good resaone why you
aheuhl buy yours or Dr. ftlckst, Oo
tomotrlst Stl
s "ieisSSta wssasaass1
Kirs-pass, auto
for real estate
er S p m
Phoue klS-lt. aft
313 KOK SU.K Young cow giving 10
quart per dav O Ockernian at
Old Ms Uruderpuer. Usat Side.
Central Point
POR SAI.K-I'rlae winning light
Hrdama Olid and egss Phoue
w II Mimi-KI
HaBabBBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaferBaBBBBsal III lllll ill
.W...H YUi'ElilN
HBaBBsaRr 'gggH
i HK. fggVH '
sasflsaBaP -HSBaBaBai '
BaHSBaBaB sasaB
gsaBaBaBBBasanaBBBtr ??VlsBBaBBBBai s
. HigssssssK JH33M r
IPIssssH fiVM
EilBaBBiKiW ii. tasangsM
1' mi.. Tie I l id r
ii" .i lu'iii pro
ti MJI-i.iKHI llf
dui I. li ol tin di i
tin 1 1 nlii. 7, i ,
fi r ttitlii itiilv.
.it ill" Mar tip
II. O Nordwlck baa enrpontora at
work building addltjona and porches
to his rosldgiicu, corner Klghth ami
Ivy alroets. . ' '
Insure jour nulo In tho Alllanco
ngnliiRt theft, firo. C. Y. Tongwnld.
A. K. Tlioburu, of liugono, Is at
tending to biiRluoaa in tho valley for
a day or two. '
Shollcd corn, $1.00 per hundrod.
j. n. Drown.
Ii. I.. Moshur, of Portland, is trans
acting bilalnomt In Medford today.
Tho world'fl' grcntoat coinpiinlcs.
Holidoe, Tho Insurance Man. -.
4M. Molvin. Df Cugonu, la n Med
ford visitor toifay.4 'f-' ' , '
' Mcot mo nt too Shasta. ' j ,
Sprnguo msf;el, of 6QldiIl0l, Is lu
Medford thla afternoon.
Medford Taxi Co. "Anywhoro any
time." Phono 88R.
Nellie HIIrh, of Springfold, III.,, Is
vlsltlig lu thllljy.
Do Voo buya beer bottlos.
T C. Wood, the representative of
the Kxainlner, Xhu did buslueaH
thla cltt for a few data, went
Portlnnd Inat evening
Dalr.Mncn and thoxi -tho fousiiiuo
dairy productH Hill be Interested lu
tho ruK)rt itxuiltst mmtr to tint kov1
ornmsiit's bm-oaii ur auluinl luil)tatr
to tne oriect tnat i)nu-ruiir nud flvo
teiiths nereept QHaUo riiieries of
the countrv are Insaultart to a great
er or lose degree; that alxtt-one aud
five-tenths of the cream uxed la uu-
oloaii or.ilceouijioaeil or -both; that
aeveuty-iwo aim six-ieniiia or the
cream used la not pasteurised, but Is
made Into butter to lie consumed lu
a raw Ut, in w hleh stale germs re.
tain their vlrulelice for a long po
lled uf time, lluit-a. large porceutnge
of all dulr cattle are affected with
tuburculoals, and that Infected dairy
products me among tho active agents
lu the apread of tubHrculoala. Uphold
fever aud other lufeotloua disease.
Since dalt) produet are the inoat
widely uaoil of all human fooda, ioii
groes will be mmKikI to reaped the taut
that tbe ought to be subject to rigid
I fedora I inspection, a Joint, roaoliitlon
having been Introduced In tho houso
of roprotetttallvos for that purpose,
asking that a luiuiiilttuo of flvo mem
bora of the hoiuo be appoiiited whose
ilutv It ahall be to Investigate and ro
porbJts uudilt(ns nrasttUle on 4I10
Alport to bureau" of aulinnl ludusliy
ami to suggest further action lu th
matter Tblx toinmlttce will be em
IHiwored to -n. union ami oxhiiIiip
wltneesen Mini to enforce the produt
Hon of leioitiw for official txuniinu-
Reported by Jac'seon County Ab
tract Co., Sixth and ?lr Bla.
flit lilt
Slate of On son Vb P
lhdc eti
II gl, duwlaluiei oraSuiuiaX., Ihildwin.
SjiUo utOrejoii vs. W iCIhiW et
nl. dttrlalnici dt P v " Clnik-l'o -
SfMte of Ur.-KQll vs. K llwle tt
kl. tH.dimer of-AS njUJjv(n.
State e Oredn: W' A fHvtl, et
al. dlaslalmer f Y. A Hde A. t'o
Kit Dahsck vs. On Cowstock, no
lice of Hen.
M. K. King vs. R. H lUrt et al
mechanic's Ilea.
Kstste of I Jit lie J C Joluuiin,
proof of put) of notice to ciedlioi-
.tt L7s Dyo
That Faded Switch
To Mat-h Your ITair.
Marinello Shop
407 Garnett-CorayBldg.
M.-lford. Oro.
I l.'AM is(i. Mh rib .' :
. - Inmi I biiM,i revnlu-
uli r m bimjlini ipieited
I lie in l. t tin- Clifiiee r
i latum here, luted Yiinn
Km- reoivnntmn hn lieetf uV-
inl lit 'bf -I ihi'iIk iui n'nnt.
Trial by h nallmiAl nsaeMVTy of
rrovime repn -1'iitallioii torrfevlHg
o ' i ! the rmtiorshlp la alee dc-
i Hit'eii, ncrorning to the same ranis
The demanda are Sa'td ih h's heOH
made by rjoterdl Tails: CtiNYko oom
niaiiiler of the "rtttnn1iWntV" and
govorndr of YMiinnti prov-
SHANGHAI, China. March 23.
Advlros from I long Kong today Itidl
onto that tho state deimrtiuont man
(Into announcing abnudonmeiit ot the
plan to resume tho nionnralilnl form
ot government lu China has met with
n mixed reception in south China. Of
the two equally strong and forceful
fnctloua thoro, tho supporters of Yunn
Slit Knl are believed to bo looking
for a aottloiuont of tho disturbance
as a result of tho decision. Tho op
pononts of the Yunn Shi Knl faction
hetlevo tho decision Iiiih tomo too
Into and prove Yuan Shi Kill's faith
lOjisness lo his prrsldnntlawoaUu
5 r- h
At a meeting of tho Bedford baac
ball team players and fans, hold ntj
tho armory Inst evening, a pormanont
organization 'was inaddVnnd officers
eliicfol .for U10 year ofMHC.' '
it I.. lCwIug, who for the paat aev-
oral years has beou the president of,
tho local tenin was unnnlmoualy
oloctod to that position last night and
nlso as notlve manager. Diijk. Antlo
wor olectod treasurer aiid I. S. Uev
orldge seoretary ami otilclul scorer
A sohsoii achodtile aviII bo niado
public In -a few das and a number
of cities that havo novor been repre
sented b n tonm In Medford will ap
poar. Ml Angels college has askod
for a game or two If'posstblet also
the Harrlman club of Portland. 11)11,
Weed, Hornbrook, nnd several other
northern California tqwng wljl np
1 oar on tbe schedule. Strenuous ef
forts lyivje beeu.made to get a team
In Ashland and nt Ihu.prosetil time
thnr nroajiHiUa ljHik.EOod (or onod
there. Hoieburg. Albany, Salem.
He ill a Pass and Hugeiie will Jirobuh.
ly play here atao.
The Interest In aeaaou tickets haa
reached an enthusiastic point and
many tequests for them have poupd
In. It waa decided Ibut tbeao HrVetR
should Include nil gnwea, whether
on schedule or extra.
The games will In all nrobabllilv
be played nt the fair gro 11 nils and the
Jltnoys have agreed to put Ibe price j
to a Su fare each way.
I'llll.ADHI.IMIIA, aitireli U.I.
I'reMiUut Wilson iwiid a brief viit to
l'liilstlelphm today to euwult bi ix'ii
lit. Hi eye huvu Ihmw tumbling
him slight Iv reeenlly. He wiim acvniu
imiiiul liv His. Wilnoti.
Kidltiwing an sutoaiobtle ride, Mr.
mill Mrs. WiImmi ilHnitn lenre tor
Wahhingtoii when1 they will name m
time for '
Tlie prei-ideut hrnoghl with him
tllhtnti he eoiii'eriiuig tjhe .Mxnnii
".itunlHUi 'itenl to I lie wbil boAe bv
Seerethigf"!!! Wsjf IJ.i Ker lif toix' his
liuitlr4i lie exK'i-'Ho & .Mi.
linker --mill .iltt 1 hi- t t-t 11111
tow- ?sAgj(t-fe m
tW t t r a- g'- t i-i t
JJ Co 1 not 't ft, Hi to' ' at
at nl , - 1 it Isjta tour jM
r Black snkStOtjo!lsh,f
?i U In 1tx I . It If It j more
H nt fH u ' -1 'O
jy 0Vo' orop" SA jj ( I
Papers I
hi mi
CHICAGO, March -'.: -Hllllam C
Vlblsck, receiver for the La Salle
Street Truiit and Hsvlnga bank, re
aamlHg the stand todav In th trial
of WIIHsni InHmer, ebarged with
cowsadrMy In the bsnk's failure, rs
newed his charge against C. B Mun
ilnv coHflcted vice-presMsnl of the
"Do the books shew Ktmdav got
the mowev?" asked Assist Ht States
Attorney Ilell.
"Tos, air. lr chunks of It." re
IT1' tkn witness. "One largo Item
MsHrtny got was $130,800 worth of
Southern Traction comtMny bonds."
The witness said the books showed
no evidence of dlahoiiesty on tlio part
of Mr. Lorlmsr, and declared:
" You can't keop books so aklllfull)
aa to covor up everything. One can
gonorHllr find whore the dofaultor
has laid inonoy aaldo to keep his
family vvhon the crnah conioe."
MAUFA. Tex.. March i!X I'nlilo
Villarenl, the Villn l.nnillt vtlio reeenl
ly mlilieil mill ohtuincil a .i-lfiOO mil
som fur Juan Million, a entile buyer,
hit been nrielcil nt Snnilorsnii by
the ilieril'l tlieie.
Ends Dry, Hoarse or
Painful Coughs
Quickly '
A Simple, Hnmr.Mailr, 'Brmrtlr, T
Inrxprnilvr but t'nrtttmlrtl T
'J lie prointit ami positive rcnults given
1V this plciiRiint timting, liomc-iimilo
cough svnii has ciumcd it to be used In
inure liqmcn than anv other rcmetlv. It
gives almost Instant relief and will usual
ly overcome the average cough In '21
(let 2Vj ounces Plucv (110 cents worth)
fro 111 hiiv drug store, pour It Into a pint
liottle nud till the bottle with plain jjr.irm
imti hiiKiir svrup. una iiiiikcs 11 iuu
plot a famlli sui.plv -of the ninst ef
fective cough reined v at a cent of onlv Til
cents or Icmi.
Veil (Miiililnt Imi
as much
remit uiuile cough inedlcitie for i?'2A().
Kvnllt prvpnrctl nud neter spoils.
oiriTiiuns wiin I'inex.
'I bo iirniniitiicm. certalntv ami oflsc
with whii Ii this Pirn; Svrup overcomes
n nan long.., cuisi or lliriKit cold Is trillv
l inAiuiiia 11 dri.
lienrM) tir ttyht reugh ami IkiiIs nml
Kootlien n liiiinfUl 1S1IRM1 luti linrri Willi
it M'ritont Iikmm' Itiugb It hlnps the for
mation of phlegm lu tlin throat anil bron- I
c I1I11 1 tuiKt!,' time ending the uiiuviug
I'lncx s n filultly ceticfliitrntetl coin."
pound of genuine Norwav pine extrnrt.
rich in gi.Hhirid nnd is faninut the worftl 1
over fur ita splcnUhl int In brnntbltis, 1
wiiooping mh ifh, iiroiH'ltMl asthimi hikI
vvlnti-r roughs
T( fltnlj iliaaiirKifntnieiit, In mnkliuc
inn, iisk vtnir tiriitfuiHt mr -1 ouncej
in l'liiex
Hlkl iliin't ntimit HiivtltliK?
uiliirMliteti nf iduuibili luitiiifim
linn, or mmii v proinptlv refunded kohs
wltb Him prcpsration. Tlio Pines (Jo.,
It. nnc I nd.
White's Velvet Ice Cream
,MHKt 4 iioiKioua opaaou lor iiiutu, )
dinner or picnics.
Sold bv dish, pint, quart or nallon
We iaek and deliver all orders for a ,
iuart or more.
(."Iv-r IT AT
Heiiicmbor to Drink Unlrv nuttcrmllk '
mill J.ivo to llo IUU.
J " 1 n a i 1
. I lin v moved nn shop kMiipornrilv to 10 X. Front
,streot, next to lOads 'rnmslVr Co. oVficc. Will roturn
to old stand when new building is. erected.
GUS, The Tailor
UUasasn V ft iVMuf ! MlJm 'I
ii HI lX?MsWWX
To Get a Trade or Professoin
that I taiviit to save his monf will be a
I nun or a failure l.n.non. i- n. .r to U... kf-tone
V '
A t i
.ut iihnaiuuf, tlie nun wi u tuve. will rise in
.ad. r iroi.t,ion vttailih mis is in.viu,'e Let
bank, take tare of our SdVlUKS and imi t i,u r..t,r ,.
it-ot for the prAiUge.
I Try MM4nH9 ) S Wow Qufctcly
I ' .ltJtClfe'VBC.
' YriMitnitlilftTEROLBJritelihly,
I and tmiallr tf"" P' (fone fleflctoiM,
.ootlnWrtyfaft rsijKI to tsJita plw.
in'tcau Ol IHTUiaru piwi. ! "
JJotiori stntl mir-cgiiw MtJS iRkOLK
and rtcosnjnsnd it to ihrk- powflt
Th W glndlv tt M Vl (M tt it
iric from lore Threat, JJreeknis,
(roup, Stiff t.v t. 'kma. Newralgte.
Congcation, Th .. i Khconw in, 1.8m
bso, Tama nod ,ucs othr- IJk or
lorms, Spii'n. ; i a,i "i"9,
riiiaMalna. Fro-tcd Feet, Cdds of lire
Cl-ttt (it often rrrvrjta ParampgU).
At your dniggi 1 -. m -'-c and 50e tors,
jnd a special knv tio pitnl 81x7 for &().
He ure ywi t-t the centiiBS MVs
TFROLB. Re fc iVHattoj s-ft whrt
vnti atk for The MuitertiBa Company,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Nurmi Baking Co.
Mukcro of
Butternut Pan-Dandy
Calif. Rajsin Nurmi Rye
A Surprise for
the Public
Tomorrow's Papers
Phone 153-11
iss Bryan
Vocal Teacher
212 So. Grape St.
Medford, Ore.
'It Will Be at the
Hour of 10 a. m.
Read Page 3
Tomorrow's Papers
Is comlnc J W. Mitchell. BWg,
I or write 0 11
are Talent,
ISJajgi i ic
W ' IbsbbV