Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 23, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
iiftAvr most tonight,
Miit, (I, .Mln. 112, Pre. ..
Petri t
V. .r
iiiih 1 . ar.
MKDFORD OKKdOX. TIirlfSDW, MAIinr Si. 1011!
NO. 1
General Herrera and Forces Loyal to
Carranza and Busy Fightinn Villa
Have Not Gone Over to Bandit
Leader Official Denial Relieves
Tension AJpnn Border.
I lorrcra, ofthe Cliiliiiuliiiti garrison,
liinl nonieserted to Villa was receiv
ed by General Gnvirit of tho Juarez
garrison 1 1iis afternoon in a telegram
from General Ueriurn himself.
IX PASO, Tex., Mnrch 23. Iff
nucio Knriipioz, civil governor of tlic
statu of I'hihunhun, sent a telegram
to Consul Garcia al HI Paso today
declaring that (Jont-nil Luis Ilcrroru,
commanding tlio garrison at Chi
huahua City, still was loyal to tho
first chief .and not to arotlit reports
of his defection to Villa.
Consul Unrein i) i a ill! public a mes
sage from Governor Knriiiiei, which
"Your message reforrjug to tho
press reports regarding General Luis
Herrcrii received. I huvo ,ttst slink
en limitlri with Ocucrul Hei-reni anil
lie is loyal lo tho government of Mix
ii;o. Do not give credit to reports in
thin matter."
Confirmation lacking.
Heparin of General HerrcriiV re
volt wero heard at army headquar
ters yesterday and from private ad
vices received hero. They wero gen
orally credited, hut an absolute con
firmation or denial of the report was
Inciting;. .
Whether or not the report of Hor
roru's defection was correct it was
obvious that in military circles much
apprehension wax felt over the situ
ation at Chihuahua.
lliigndier Geiiorwl Hell said he had
hecu advised everything wuh tuiet in
.1 mi icy. and while his icports indicat
ed there whs a Villa sentiment there,
ho regarded the situation as satisfac
tory. The goiiornl htt yvery precau
tion had been taken to meet any pos
sibility of an uprising in Juarez.
Oeuoml Ilcll said that he had no
information regnrdiug n vague report
that General Pershing had taken over
the Mexican Northwestern railroad
south of (Van Grandcs, and that
troops were being moved south from
ytlmt point by railtoad.
Official Denial.
OALVKSTOX, Tex., Murrh 2.1.
(leucral Luis Ileneni i conducting
active military openttious against tho
ilia torce nail uai mil none over to
the bandit leader, according to a ca
blegram from Mexico City, received
by the .Mexican consulate here today.
This mcskUKU nay that the Horrra
cHinpiiiKii against the Villa forces is
being waged in outliorn Cliiluiuhua,
and that on Tuesday night pint of
llcrrera'i force under Colonel Cano
fought a battle with a baud led by
Villa himself.
IIKKL1N. March -M. Attempts in
other countries to intcrpiot the vari
ous pauses in the German operations
ut Vorilun as indicative of tho wan
ing offensive or the exhaustion of
German trooiM denote failure to com
prolioiid Gorman strategy, according
to the tenor of dlwuiou in military
circles here. Qffioers My these
I muse art) only a part of the general
scheme of aporaikHtg. Tb method
Ims'beeu to make preparation for
every attack mi thoroughly as to
guarantee ueofc with minimum
loee. German eotMmaudere have
pui'iKtsvly avoided a stimuli anou at
tack oti the whole Yinluu frouf.
Neither do thc-e ntticcr admit the
Genamis am tilitu.- t revive the
spirit of Uw h..i.(. ,. ii..ii, Hilb
only a forlorn hope or ictory. It is
said tlic-c K' ration', arc intcnilctl to
li'iut ! I lii i.iiliin oi .rilnu .uiij
. l i. 'In 1. ia.iu.ili -I. lUt- 'ar
'$. ?3L?i!SsKXM- Mnrch 23. Kur
tlicr cijanrmnauijii that General Luis
ASK $8,807,095
Lansinu, Back From Week's Vacation,
Takes Charge of Mexican Situation
Rush Appropriation Sought
Soft Pedal Put Upon Mexican Ag
itation as Dangerous to Peace.
WASHINGTON, March 23. Sec
retary Lansing, reluming from a
week's vacation ,took personal charge
of the situation so far as it concern
the state department. He conferred
with Klisco Arrcdendo, (lenernl Car
rnnr.n's ambassador, who presented
n dispatch from Consul Garcia at Kl
1'aso, denying entirely Hint General
!!crreru had revolved with the Chi
huahua garrison ami .joined' Villa.
Counsellor l'olk and Mr. Arredondo
discussed with Secretary Lansing tho
proposed protocol for joint notion in
the pursuit of Villa.
Mr, Arredondo said he found Mr.
Limning in aceoid with the protocol
as it has been drawn uud forwarded
to General Carraimi, and he expect
ed some work from the general to go
ahead and complete the agreement by
late today.
Appropriation of .Millions.
A rush appropriation of $8,807,01)3
to cover tho extraordinary expendi
tures of the expedition into Mexico,
including the increase of tho army lo
its full strength, was asked of con
giess today by the war department.
The umoiiut coutemplntcs ;f7,3."0,
077, in oonseipieuco of the full enlist
ed strength and the bulance, it is stat
ed, is for "urgent expenditures
brought about by the extraordinary
conditions prevailing on tho Mexican
border and tho complete fitting out
of the cxH'ditiou entering Mexico in
pursuit of bandits."
The aggregate includes items for
emergency purchase, maintenance,
operation and repair of airships and
other aerial machines and motor ve
hicle, not to exceed half a million
dollnr altogether, and for purchase
and maintenance of pact animals,
motor trucks and other paraphernalia
for the expedition. The appropriation
will he humeri, for (pink action.
LONDON. March 23-Uoyd8 re
porta that the French bnrk Hougain
vlllo has boon mink. Twenty-three
member of her crew wore picked up.
Tho Hoiigalnvlllu sallod from San
Kranolnoo August 21, taut, for Lon
don and wan roportud as having
Railed from Kalmoutli-lu February.
She wna owned In Nantod, whoro slie
wan lmllt In 1902. Her gron ton
nago wan 22 IS. i
LONDON, March 28. Tho Jlrit
IhIi itwiinsliln Sea Sorpent has been
HUllk. i
LONDON, March 28. The Nor
wegian steamship Kaniilk wan mink
Woduonday night, nccordlng to a din-
patch to Lloyds from Havre. Tho
crew was saved.
WASHINGTON, March 23. To
support tho contention of private
manufacturers that a government
armor plate plant eannot be nuecoM
ful. Vice President Uarba, of the
Mldvale Steol company, told ' the
home naval committee -today that liU
plant, with all Its faelllile and toch
nlcal equipment ku already lot
S00.00 ou a eontraot to make arm
or pleretBK shells for the navy.
"And when we make dellverr," ho
Mid. "we are through for all time
with making projeetllee fer the navy
under IU preneat ie(letloiu of
teetinf at 10 degree angle, 'ltverr
naral officer we have talked with
laid he hosJ he would not be ae-
HiffllPd to ainiul HlrtnillM ill lie tuulil
not ,iu r'
Rumored Defeat of Bandits by Troop
ers Near Namlquipa Not Verified
Funston Preparing, to Meet Any
Emergency Communication With
Pershing Restored.
SAN AKTONJO, Texas, March 23.
General FuiiHton proceeded today
with his plan of preparation to meet
tho altered situation that would bo
created by any Injection of new
forces Into tho Villa baud.
No cvldcnco confirming tho re
ported defection of General Luis
Herrera and 2000 Carranza troops to
Chihuahua, was received.
No report has been mado to Gen
eral Funston of a revolt at Torrcon
or In Sonora. Unofficial reports wero
Hint many of tho troops In Sonora
yesterday proclaimed themnolvcs ad
herents of Villa.
General FuiiBtou today sent to Gen
eral rornhltiK, at Casus Grande, or
ders to mako earlier and more de
tailed reports of his operations,
llattlc I'ncoiifinned.
Vhcithor tho sovontli cavalry had
encountered and defeated a detach
ment of Villa's men near Haiultpilpa
as reported last .night was not known
at headquarters.
No additional troops have been
ashed for slnco the Fifth cavalry and
tho Twenty-fourth infantry wero or
dered to tho border.
Goncral Funston Is still anxious to
uso tho Northwestern Railroad for
tho movement of supplies. Tho quar
termaster at Columbus reported Hint
less difficulty now Is bolng en
countered In niovliiR supplies with
tlio-aiitomobllo truclHr-lut-ta(f "of
ficers roKnnl such a method as In
adequate. No Information concerning n ro
poit that Goncral Pershing Is tis
Ins a section of tho Northwestern
Itnllroad for tho transportation of
troops was available at headquarters
hore, hut Gonorul Funston said It
mlKht he that he was using that part
of tho lino south of Casas Grandos
to tho Cumlii-n tunnel. If ho was
using It. Genera Funston wild, It
was with the content of the local
Communication IteMorcil.
COLUMHUS, March 23. Wireless
communication with tho expedition
ary baHO at Casus Grandos was re
sumed today when It was learned by
Major Sample, commanding tho army
station hero that all tho transport
trucks and wagons with their drivor
ers and giiaid were safe at the tem
porary base. Two drlvors and four
guards, who loft Asconclon for Casan
Grandos labt Monday, who hnd been
missing, roportod today. Tho trucks
wero dolavod by the heavy sand
LONDON, Match 2.1. Announce
ment wttri made in the hoiue of com
mons today by David Lloyd George,
minister of munitions, that Premier
Akqtiith would go to Paris next week
tn attend an important conference of
tho entente allie. Sir hdward Grey
and Karl Kitchener also will attend.
HOMK, auircli 23, in Pari-. Pre
mier Snliiinliu and Foreign Miuistof
Souuino left Itnme today to attend
the ooufvroiice of the entente allies
at Paris. On their way they will
iit Kins Victor Kuiinanuel at tho
front to diaciiss the attitude to be
taken mi iuetions rm (! ut the coa
ler c I ice whii-h Atffct
six mw
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Mar, h -'3.-The
death of the ininut child of Al
bert Irwin of Mouou, brought the
death toll Ukeu by the turnudu which
swept northerH ludiaua .earlv yes
terday Biorniag to i.. The child
wa carrUNl wore ta lVW leet by
the wind.
The iron-itv (..- wn- . 1 1 ti ut i 1 ui
iji aid-. uL .',"iiii 'Mi'l
The ago of a captain In (lie Mexican army Is llahle to ho anywhere
from III years up. This picture shows one of Hie trusted captains of
the do Cm to noVviiu.U'iit, Captain lUidrlqticz, vtlin is IH, He is Ma
Honed In the office of (icneial (avlia, the Cariaulsta cotnnmudant at
VTiiutv. GoncinI (Jnvlra is slioun In ' the center, the joinig captain on the
right ami An(lr(. (iarrla late consul-general of Hie de facto gm eminent at
Ml Ihm, Texas, on tt,o left.
NKW YOUIC, March 2:i.I)oloo
tlvoe sent todn to arrest Dr. Arthur
Wnrrou Wnlto in connoetlon with the
doath of John K. Peck, millionaire
druggist, of Grand Itaplde, Mich.,
found 111 in In a condition of stupor
as a rosult of an opiate, self adminis
tered. District Attorney Swann, Inter In
tho day, aftor a visit to Dr.- Walte.s
apartment, made the anneuncement:
"I shnll chnrge Dr. Walto with
murder In tho first dogroo."
Tho district uttoruuy last night re
ceived Information from Grand Itnp
Ids indloatlng that l'ock may hnvo
been postponed. The district attor
ney's office gavo out tho luformntloii
that Dora Holler, a maid omployed In
Dr. Wnlto's borne at the time of tho
doaths of Mr. and Mrs. Peck, had
said that on two occasions she saw
Dr. Walto pour something Into 1'eck'a
Dora Holler was, durlnc the day,
the principal witness before the grand
jury before which the oaso was pre
sented. Dr. Waltb, who hail partially ro
covered, was left In eustody of two
detectives, who had orders to tako
hi in to police headquarters as soon
as his condition permitted.
Dr. Waite was married to Mies
Clara l'ock last September,
ate: Met at noun.
Debate was resumed on the Indian
appropriation bill.
Finance committee atojifcideml Uio
house riwalntUMi retwwjtlif free, aafttr
tariff tinmaiun. L ,
ICein Himuulweiit ( imuk law to
poimit lituik diiwtont to ttrro aa di
rect ore in olliar baiikspH'aa favomljly
rejMJiied. r
Met at 11 a. hi.
Debate on army n-ojeanliatwa bill
Ways and means cuiHiaiUae iIHK
' ruts met to erfet tile tuIiHiaiatra
turn tautf comuiixsiua.
N'uval committee continued uaxsl
de tense heanug.
LONDON, March 1. Captain
Kaold AuinaiUeu, according' to a Cen
tral New, dpatch tr I'IiiiMijiiih,
Will -1 Jl 1 1 nil H III. rill HC i H-lltll,l
iu t tic jnia- of ll17,
WASHINGTON, March 23.--The
Iwuse puiilic lauds sub-commlttco
has voted the following division of
the proceeds of the timber sales from
the Oregon California land grant:
Forty per cent to1 counties of Ore
gon for toads and highways.
Ton per cent to the state of Oregon
for common school purposes.
Forty por cent to tho general roo
lamatlou fund.
Ton por cent to federal treasury
for administration of grant.
Itepresuutntivo Slunott offered an
amendment providing that 10 por
cent be assigned to reclamation, to
be used ou Oregon piojoata, hut he
was outvoted. Action ,wa preceded
by a long discussion. Whllo tho full
committee will later pass ou the mat
ter, It Is believed the apportionment
made will be rH slued in tho bill as
reported for iwssage.
Section 7, dealing with executory
contracts, probably will be passed
up to the entire committee for de
cision. Power HlU's Wlllulniun,
The chief changes agreed upon are
as follews:
Classification as timber laud of
tracts containing 300,000 feet ou
forty acre.
Withdrawal of power sites.
The secretary f the Interior to of.
for timber for sale at suolt tliuo atuL
under such conditions "as In hlg
Judgment may be productive of beet
results," and may limit the time for
the removal of the Umber.
Cultivation uf logged-off land re
quired such as will satisfy tho land
office or the settler's good faith. In
stead of Imposing rigid raatrlvtloua.
For the Actual .Settler.
Actual settlers an laud December
1, 11 a. to be recognised,
If there la over 1.Z0MQ0 foot of
timber oh a quarter section claimed
by an actual settler, he will be al
lowed only forty aeies.
Mineral elsliu entriiieu are al
lowed no timber.
Apidlcauta to purchase are left In
the eold.
No addition to forest reserves,
unlms to protect city water supplies.
POTHOOK A O. March iA, via Lom
dou. General Soubbomllnoff, for
mer wiuister oi war, ha keen ra
mored by imperial ukase from the
council of the empiie. sys a seml
otinlsi ue agency dispatch,
Despite Great Efforts, No Advance
Secured by SlavsGermans Com
plclc Success at Avocourt hy Oc
ctipylntr French Points at Hau-
court Bombardments Reported.
1IHHLI.V, March 2. Tho Itus
shins, In splto of their great offens
ive on tho eastern front, have mado
no advance, nnvs the official state
incut given out today by the Uormnu
army headquarters,
fl'ho statement nays:
"WVstorn frent: Tho Rot-man suc
cesses nour tho forest of Avoncourt
havo bcon completed by tho occupii'
Hon of tho French points of sup
port on tho mountain ridge south-
wost of Hnuoourt. About 150 prist
onors worn taken.
"Othunvlso tho general situation
on tho western front Is unchanged.
Attacks- ltcpuNiHl,
"Kastorn frent: Tho Russians
showed their main aggtesslvo activ
ity In tho evening and night tl mo.
Thoy advanced several times with
strong forces against tho Gorman
positions nnd bridgehead of Jacob
stadt on both sides or tho railway
botwoon Mltiiu' nnd Jacohstndt, and
four times against tho German linos
north of Vldr.y.
"On tho front northwest of Post
avy the number of prlsonors tnken
by us has renched fourteen offlcern
nnd SSU men. Tho Hussions In thin
district undertook no moro Impor
tant nttneks, apparently ou account
of tho overwhelming losses they had
suffered. Thoy advanced several
times with renewed force, howovor,
between Xnrocs and tho Wlsxnloz
"Tho groat sacrifices of men and
ammunition brought to the UumIiuis
In these attacks as well as In seven!
local enterprises at other places, not
even the smallest advantage against
the unshaken Gorman defence."
I'l-enili Statement,
PAIH8, March SS.Tho I'renoh of
flclnl statomont this morning says
that last night a violent bombard
ment took place to tho east of tho
Mouse rlvor. To tho wost of tho
Meuse tho fire diminished In Intensity
mid the guuural situation Is un
changed. Tho Krench Avar offlso this after
noon gave out tho following statu
ment: "West of tho Mouse the bombard
ment diminished last night. Tho
enemy did not renew his attacks on
the Utile hill of Haucoiirt (about
one kilometer southwest of Maliiu
rourt), part of which we hold
"ICast of the Meuse the bombard
ment has continued with violence at
several points.
"In tho Woovre there has been no
Important development to report with
the exception of an intermittent can
noiiadlug. i
"West of l'ont-a-MoaaHoii n anr
prise nttuek upon a troneh of Uift
enemy In the vicinity of Key-en-Haye
resulted In our taking several pris
"The night passed quietly on the
romslmlor of the front."
Aiistiiau Ktateniei't.
IHSHLIN, Mureh SJ. The Auslro
lliingurian ofdolal stnteaient Inst
night said:
"Russian artillery fire has been
violent on (lie whole northwest front.
On the Strlpa ami Kormln sector
ttueslau infantry delachmeuU at
tacked our forces, but wore every
where repulsed. At one place In
tfust Gallcia a Itusslan force of about
one battalion sufforeil losses of 3
officers and 160 soldiers killed and
100 made prisoners, while the Aua-
tro-Hungsriau casualties were only
some soldiers wounded."
LONDON. March 33. -The Norwe
gian bark Llndflelil has been sunk.
Thirty of the crew were reacuod and
are aboard the Norwegian bark Silas,
which is approaihlug Queenstown,
AMY L N Fl ill
Administration's Effort to Establish
Electric Plant for Sccurlnrj Nitro
gen Out of Air as a National De
fense Safeguard Slaughtered Na
tional Guard Provisions Successful.
1 'I
WASHINGTON', March 23. Con
sideration of tho Ifny nnu,y increase
hill continued in the limine today with'
only two important Motions nwniling'
disposition. One wna tho military
pay provision uudor which the bill is
expected to produce u foree of JJ,
000 imtionnl gmirdiuen -within fivo
yours, uud the other providing for
tlu construction of n nitrate plant.
PneHago of tho bill vlrtunlly was tis
8u red.
4 On the find vote to strike out tho
provision for n government plant to
hike nitrogen from tho air for miin
iiinetuio of explosives, the motion to
eliminute the project carried, 122 'to
100. A record vote wuh demanded.
The iidtninistrntlon plnu wus shown,
by the record vote to be defeated, i5t
lo VJ8. This eliminated tho entire
provision for securing nitrogen as a
national defense safeguard, designed
to mako the country independent of
.. , i.. e ... ,'... ci !
Celebrated Clairvoyant and Modlutn.
Know what 191C holds tor you; she
tells you tho truth, what you want
to know, at a glanco, Ilcr powers
have mystified tho most skeptical.
Iluslncss, love, courtship, innrrlar.o,
dlvdrco, lost or stolon articles, min
ing, samples of oro road with absolute
accuraoy. Tells whether your bus-
, hVlfltX.V$-.Q ?weothcartJs trueor
quickly adopted with little debate.
Kepiesciitulivo Gardner of Miissn
ehusettH, however, expressed fear
that it would accomplish little in timii
uf war, pointing out that during tho
uivd war only -10,000 man were ob
tained out of 770,000 subjected to
An amendment by Reproseutntivo
Anthony, republican uf Kansas, to
hnve army officers retired for dis
uhilitiea examined ut interval mill
Hesigned to duty if nble, was minut
ed without opposition.
Another iimemlmeiit by Keproticnt
utive Good, republican of lowu, pro
vides that when any munition iiiunii
facturer refuses to make supplier for
the government the plant imiy ha
taken for the public, also wn.'j
adopt t'd.
. ... J
sVASHVH.l.K. Teun.. Morch 23.-4
Cltisens, civic and cuurh organlza-
Uons of Nashville today wore carlun
for 5000 peisona made homeless by
the fire which swept Must Nuslivlllq
late yesterday, destroying fiOu resi
dences, ou using one death uud a prop
erty loss of Sl.600,000. Nattonul
Guardsmen patrolled the burned area.
The blase started from u lighted
ball of yarn thrown Into a grassy va
cant lot by a boy. A planing mil!
first was destroyed. The flumes
quickly spread to an extensive negro
settlement, wbero, funned by a hlgli
wind, evory house was consumed. Tho
conflagration then broke Into two dis
tinct bluioe, ouo (lowing east ou Suv
enth street and tho othor down Fifth'
avenue. An aieu of thlity blocks wau
swept clean which included many of
the most costly residences of Naah
Wlle, sevornl churchos and ono char
itable Institution. After purallulint;
each other on separate streets for,
many blocks the two flroa uguiu Jolu
" ;
WASHINGTON, Mawb 33 -Abuse
of the congressional Crankier irivi
lege is ilenounccd in a report rf tlm
huu-e p'uiting coiamittee, whu-h hnd
included a provision in thy peiidiuc;
revision or the printing laws dosigu
el t$ elvtt' the practice! , j
i isriai mii m m ' nassji '