Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 22, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    vav vumr
viwvnuh Mrr, ruiv.rsr. MF.rFfnn, or.Knov. k)-:su. vaucu 22. win
r j
Muster F)vh Warden It. C. (Inn ton
of Portlnnd arrived in Mod ford Wml
nesdo) and will xid the bnlutu-e of
the week arranging the instullntioit of
hatchery pond at Uutle Full,
whjph will bo tho initial construction
in connection with U10 proposed statu
troot hatchery. Tho fry will ho
lintehod llim your at Klk crook
ery nnl fed in llio ponds at Hullo
l'nllfi until fiiiRprlinff size. letter in
tho hoosou construction will begin
upon thu ponnnnmit building, but tho
Mtnto commission wish to nsourtnln
first thu Hiiitfibility of thu water and
fiito for hatchery work.
Mr. Clnnton linn appointed J. V.
Reman of Mod ford an fih piilturiHl
in charge of tlio Hutto Falls plnnt.
Jlr. Roman haa hnd tunny yuan' ex
perience, both with thu United States
burenu of luitchorloH mid the ntnto
hutehory, mid liin iippoiiitinont in ory
Rnlisfiiotory to locnl anglers.
C. Rnrriok, ohiof engineer nt
the Htntu prison, ni'coinpnuiod Mr.
Clnnton hero, to complete tiri-iingo-menta
for tlio installation of fifth
screens on tlio irrigation ditches mid
Mronmn of tioulliuni Oregon. Pmc
ticnlly nil the ditch owner Imvo
fdgncd up for flurcru iiiHtnllntinu. Tlio
6crcons nro to bo lnmlo lit tho jieiii
tontiury and furnished tho public nt
cost. In uoniHiiiy with Screen Sup
crintPtident Knndry, ho will visit the
nrious dilehctt to Hocuro a bottor idea
of tho various typos of construction
(Continued trom pugo one
WASHJXOTON, Xnrch Jl. Tbe ICAN AHJ4Y. Moxlco. March II. via
(Me ot I.ouls D llramtels hM been
helped rather than burl In the Tally
Hoot protest. Hoot m a member of
eowrler to Columbus, K. Jl. The
rail slant wklrh Dinnhii Vllln ra.
...... .- ,
troatml from Columuu lean than two
tho Joint oongrMMlONHl commits, , w """" " " '"""' 7'- """ wor"
which sat to try tho Uftllliignr case. J . visible it 'mum points for
and worked hard to hw Tnft from '"""" "" ,l w""" "T,r """ "u
tho eapoturo which Urandels at fbat ln" hm, ,B n0""" The
tlmo drom to a HticeoMfti) conel.i- i roau ' B" widwieo "t tho offleloncy
or i no Amonran army wineii, in a
wook'fl tlwu haa conrortod tho trnlt
ncrtxM a Hemt-uonfjrt Into a military
Theao faoU wore rootillod by ioiiu
torti who rocolvod the Tnft-ltoot pro
teat. Tii ft haa n pnnonnl KHovnnoe
nKuliiHt UrnndolM. Aa pnwhlunt nnil
MlioiiMir for llnllliii'nr. Iin inn Out
root ilnrmulnnl In ll.n ,' llliwy. hill It nerve tlio purpotn.
ol.ot InvostlRotloii. Thnt ".tullty" rn'" M BW utiloniohllo trurlta
w..h tho vordlct rondorod by tho pub- wl,,oh carrjr ,ho '" "' "
Up wns al.own flr liv II... fnrl D.,.1 I '""" "1 r"1" " 1,'0I' ' " "f
road, thu mnln artt-ry for euppllos
to Ofiuiral Porulilnt's punitive roU
Thin mm road Id not an Idenl
thu roptibllcnn iiiujorlty wtu ovor
turniid In tho liotmn In IIih hi Id die of
tlio Tatt adiutnlBtrntlou, forcliiK llal
lluRor to roxlRii rnthor than fnro
throntonod Impwicliinoiit charnoa, and
Inter tho vordlft naa drlvou homo by
tho eight olocloral votoa of Voriuout
nnd Utah received by Tail nt tho fot.
IowIiik ulcctlon.
CutiKla Willi wmN.
Tnft and Hoot iuIkIiI have fornhon
IlrnndelR for holpliiK I'lurhot anro tho
publlo'n conl InuilR in Almkn. and tho
powomllOM which HnllluRor wnntml to
roatoro to entry; what thoy do not '
forgive wn the rolontloiM manner In '
lomloM annd nnd grnvol that nt roiiio
placoti thuro M no Iodkit olcaranro
for tho axloH nnd parallel roadi liavo
buoii laid out aloiiRtldo tho older
trail. At Intorvnla of a few miles
oach, nil day onn bo aeon whnt np
ponra to bo Iiiiko cIouiIh ot eroy
fTliofio mark tho positions of tho
iiiovIiik supply trains or cavalry pa
trols, HciumlH of slKnal corps moil or
military autotnobllos. Tho ureal
plains nnd thu mountain! bordrriuK
the rond nro mo.itly devoid of vory
hIku of lifo. Hut occasionally on a
distant hill n signal floK li wIk-wjir
! ("" X'. tt
I -i ; &m
I 1 47"eA
ounuuL icHuncno m
ralHo as a eoaeh, hut thr wembprs presont. Tfie work of prpparlng tho
of the hoard shied at Ihe propoflllon 'eontrarts will baln todnjr, and tho '
and no action was takon selection of teachers for the 1918-17
All iiif-m'-cr of Hip 'ioard were crm wlfli i
duel wns very lively in the region of
Mnhiuoniirl, Ksiioh and Hill .'101. A
purtiuulnrJy ioiont firo wiih direotvd
iiffniust tho Hnncourt hill.
"Knst of tho Mouse liio bonilinrd
inent wan inteiiho in tho region of
Vnux nnd Datuloiip. There wore no
infantry notion, Tho nljtlit wnn
calm on the romnludpr of tho front.
Ci'imnn Slaloment
1U-UILI.V, Mandi aa. Tlio Huh-
siniiH liaro filled ne aiiecowi in thuir
Krent extended offrnaivu HKiiiat tho
Ocniinn lino, thu war offiuo an.
noiinemi today.
The atattiueiit follows :
"Wtwlorn frent: Dnnnir tho work
of elparinn up th battle field after
tho attack of Matvh 20 northeast of
Avoeourt, and owing to the oeeasionnl
eadure f additional tmiehrn from
the enemy outiudr tin- woiHled sec
tor, tbo number of uuwoitnikd mih.
I'livrn capturtd tliore uu been in
rreasHl to .SH oliiiers Md at)Jd men.
"Artillery hniilr eonthtuisl ti
liollt aide of Hie Mous. with great
ioleiiae. alilutuirh at tinum they b
euiHe leaa inleUMp.
At Oberwpt. Ile I'reneh avain at
tempted to make up for the ehock
they tuifferrd February 13. Thoy
were rejmlaed wiih eomiklerabk Iom.
"Three enemy aerotiiaaee were wt
out of action by our aMator in aer
ial onfftgeweiiU north of Verdun.
Two earne dowtt behind our front
northeast of Hamofuowx. The third
eraidied down in flnuM Ubiud the
eneui'a hnea. lieutenant Itoelke
there brouiriit down hia thirteenth
eio-niy aprop4aao and lieutenant
J'aritehau bin fourth.
'Kaatorn front : The j-reat uffena
ne movement of tho ltuiianH in.
rrvaiod in extent. The points of at
taek have beeiune more uunieroua and
iidvHMce followed eneh other witk
out interruption at aeveral )tlurm
tbroutihout the dav a lid nwht. The
siruniieal sloiiniui- altiek s n.iin
directed ai-uiust the front aortkHeM
of 1'w.Uvy. Altkia noiut the Ions of
the enemy rearbed. an eMruonlmnry
liRiire even for the number of ltu-a-biauH
in aetion.
"Murinr a MueeeKaful pountcr-ut-tek
at the point where email in
roada wetv made in onr linea. eben
Itiiwaau offieere and ft73 men were
taken niitier.
ItUMlau I'lintt Actlui
LONDON', Maivb 2X The Mnkiuir
by a ItuMiian wnmhip of the si earn -nliip
i:.MrauM K KU Akra m the
Illark ha, off the Itunwnian coast, u
n-porteU in a Reuler dUMtUh nlwt
nt Ituehareat on Sundu.. The Ks
ienwa, a 7lMHi-io v.el flviuj- ih.
Oerman flan, u xaul to kae b-en
londttl wi,h i Uiuffh for i.n-.inn
tinoplt. in, ,ik Mll, rapt in id h
the ltu-i.n, I'll,. ,i,,h uUn n
jwrti. tb.- -inkniK .i' i more of mh.iII
bailintf l i - - wnli LirKtH-i of l.o.l
ii mm
'AIHIuril Mm, , . vi.
tilt) kOtt" i'Miniiiill,p IoiIim ,
eoji'od ti t.iiu hi I. iii i. r ttowin
inonl. jMjiti , ,, ,. t.,1,1. Mi,,,.!, ,,
od tUb M. it uUn re
tt0JV$&VrH i !..... tlilrheui
Si 14 tMUMiiM '" rut lli- iii. .,
lirtHor fllllll lln iuvmiiI j.iu, ,. Ji
u ton o fjotKi
tflni. nlwiti'liif. ivliorn nn Amnrlonn
which IlrnndolB brouKbt out tho f.ct )ookout g 0 tl0 wa(ol
inni iTosiuuni ran ami Attorney
Oenoral Wk'korshnm had liven par
don to the mntiuructuro or evidence
calculated to mislead tho public nnd
tho committee tho preparation of n
document which never hnd twisted, '
but which tho prosldont claimed was
tho basis of his action In "exonerat
ing' Becrotnry Hnllliij-or. This wns
the (anions "Wlckorshnm atimmary''
of evidence in tho Hallinger ease,
which, when It beoamo evident that
congress would InvostlKato tho case,
wan written by Attornor-ftonornl
Wlcliondiam somo time in N'ovomber
or December, 1900, and dated back
to September 11, 1900, by Tad's or
der. ltmsol liy lliwiiilnlo.
Hrntidels not only
"While trio celebrated ride ot tho
American cavalrymen 110 inllo in
toiiy-two hours marchliiK time wim
heralded throughout tho United
States, the work of tho Infantry
HvliiRlnK In behind tho cnvalry wont
unnntlcod. One command carrying
full Infantry equipment and (Kicks of
4K pounds marched !6 miles in nbout
olaht hours. This was ovor rocky
roads covored with volcanic stono or
olee In placid where tho dust drift
ed over thorn like a heavy foK.
rwiuro 't'--jrwi.B
I'nlm Heneli'H Inti t ernre is the
aport rostume. One i the most ror-
reet in thin of Mrs. N.uiderbilt. Ie-
ypito ite put, nn odd
style note in the font, wluah buttona
only on tho collar nnd belt, xives it
distinction. Tlio material is n new
kind of wood jeraoy of nnironi finish.
The mlk lint she wears with it linn an
Indian border of pointed embroidery
over the edge.
(Continued from pa go one)
(Continued trom paco one)
pleco of deception, but nlo forced
tbo production of that other famous
document, the "(.awler memoran
dum" prepared by Oscar YY. Lawler,
a subordinate of llalllnger In the In
terior department, and used by Tatt
In making up hie letter exonerating
IlalllHKer. It was thus proved that
Tnft, Instead of giving judicial con
sideration to the evidence himself,
had asalgned Ualltnger's subordinate
to prepare an opinion of Ualltnger's
conduct. The publication of these
(nets loft Taft in such a position be
fore the public that he haa never
boon able to forglv Urandela for the
cynosure. For thee reasone, the
senate Is expected lo give llitle
wolaht to th ex-iuvsldent'a opinion.
It la evldentlv Taft and Hoot who
lack the "Judicial temperament," not
lanstnl. erushini- him to death in his
impi-mu i inn bed.
$8,050,000 LOSS BY FIRE
(Continued from Page One.)
left only smaller eioros on side trH-u
radiating from the public square.
Heller Wink 1'iiiWwny
In these stores Parle bualnesa men
opened eatabtubmenta this morning i injured, noeordinir lo tho monger re-
to ear tor the needy, lu one build- 'port received here, lite property
Jamea Hector of Motion, Iiul., waa
kilknl when hie home was doatroyed
by the alorm.
W. J. Kickctls wi kill-nl at T-og-nnsport
when Ihc roof of a factory
building was blown nftnuit hit home.
Mm. Jern Carter of St. Iouie,
Mo., an Italian woman nnmotl la
"iiolc, of Trinidad, Colo.; WUHnm
iiutehins, Frankfort, Ind., and K. .
II. Moore, Vnn Huren, Io4., were se
vcrely injured when throe poaoke of
the Clover Inf iMmwentTPr train were
blown over near Moriou, Ind. These
were taken to the hospital in Morion.
Several houaea and factories were
unroofed in Marion.
In I.onanMrt the alorm confined
itself to a narrow at retch, Imt
wrecked pmctically avcrytbing in it.
HARTFOND CITY. Ind.. rarvh 92.
(lertrude Alspaeh, d-yonr-oM
daughter of a farmer living near
Montpelier, north of here, was killed
by the tornado which wefti the
northern section of Ibis (Hlaekford)
ounty, early today. l''our other
members of the Inuulv were severely
damage was eatuualed at 100,000
in the eoiiuty.
A wind estimated at sixty niiie an
hour, blew kertVretirall all of lat
night and oarly ibis muming. I'inte
glnt windows were broken iu tin
other side a small store of dry goods i business district and street lights nnd
and clothing, which was In great de-1 telephoiie wins wen blown down,
mand by those who had lost most Of The wuul w'a Heeoiutuni-d by H
their apnarel In the riam.s sirv ,t,.,. m the teiiiw latuie.
lug. less than fifty feet wide and
about one hundred feet long, wwe
located a bram-h telephone office of
the telephone company, for long dis
tance service, a temporary telegraph
office, consisting of a key and sound
er placed on a shelf: a hastily con
structed apothecart shop and on the
being sent io tho border. The Fifth
onvnlry o,undron nt Fort Meyer, Vii.,
Fort Sheridan, III., nnd Fort Leaven
worth, Knn... nnd the Twenty-fourth
infantry nt r'ort I). A. Russell, Wy
oming, were under orders to start
south today.
In official circles it wn said today
that thu protocol proHod by (leu
urnl CnrrniizM to govern the pursuit
of Villa Jy the international forces
will undoubtedly bo n force within n
few days.
IVililng Itooiil I'iiiiii
SAX ANTOJCIO, Tex., March 22.
ficoeral Funs ton today rct-Vivod from
General Pershing (he first reMirt
from tbe front in sixty hours. It
onine fnnn Casus Greuides and the
only reference mamt tho oHrn
tioua of Villa wa f hat Viliisla and
Carranxa troops hal been engittteti
Monday ueur Nauii(uiMi.
Major Sample, m Hirting fnun Col
umbus', X. M., said that Aviator
Willis w safe and ibnt Aviator fior
rell is the only liver now missing.
DorrcJI was lost sighteil over the
Colonia Junrei, Mnthrat of Casas
Oeneral Pershing reported an aero
(lane in communication with the
Seveulh cavalry sixty wiles south
east of Caoaa Gruaxlen. Two other
advance cavalry fofonutN ore known
to be imshing south. Xo report of
fighting between Americans and Vill
istas hue been received.
Kuilnwul I'roldeins
The Mexican railroad problem
nguin took first t)new tn jmblie in
terckt on the bonier HMiay, following
a report that the American military
authorities were roQtomidating send
ing a new column into Mexico from
Fattens, a xillnire tniiiy milt's east of
here. It w.ts si. i (,.,! that this plan
was uuder 1'oiisnirmtioo us an ullcr
natiM' should tJ ueral Cairuuxu re
fuse the mpu'sl ,f the Wasbiiiton
gt eminent for ibe use of the Mm.
Xoiihwcstern i.nlioad oxer which to
triuisimri Mipiln -
Five Facts You Should Know
(1) That disease Is the rctult of a disordered condition.
(2) That when we co.rtct the disordered condition, wo eliminate the
(3) That the blood Is the carrier of poisons throughout the body.
(4) That to successfully treat any disease originating In tho blood, wo
have to treat the blood, as the cause.
(5) That S. S. 8. Is the most reliable remedy for removing Impurities
from the blood.
S 8 S. Is no experiment ot to-
d-r, but Is a successful remedy tor
liftYEAP v l'ha 0,Otl tUM haa bon blessing
V(J-r v10 thousands ot sufferers for the
k,vz -Vvv ' " years, inero is nounng
CcSotr mysterious about B. S. S. It U an
extract from native herbs, roots
and ba'k. oach known tor Its pecu
liar mejiclnat value. These iagre-
dit-u's rouibine and act In a txne
r . i ami toilful Mktj vkuu natui
Poison, chroalo skin trouble, or any
other form of Mood trouble. S. S. S.
will co directly to the seat ot tho
trouble; glvtag tho blood a thor
ough cleansing, driving out the Im
purities In a natural way, and leav
ing the blood pure and refreshed,
ready to do Its full duty In building
tbo tissues up to a normal and heal
thy state. Desln today on a bottlo
or a a a and nolo how soon you
win Degte. to reel relief
XV A Mill
.! ii't lu(tr wbciber your I elsJIr pita an ml ,Ivh-a i-.i fr.
vt bioi trouble I one ot Uie consultation. If you are In dubt
tujwtt stone CO.
ri, Histal,
SteM towards a reduction In the
alary of Xodford school teacher In
both the high school and grammar
departments wore taken at a apodal
meottng ot the school board V'josdny
night, whan .the recommendations ot
Superintendent V. Moldo Hillls wero
suatalned, culling for the adoption
next year of the followlnir salary
Hchediile with n maximum nnd min
imum salary, ticcordltiR to norvlce,
etc. Tbo schedule calls for a maxi
mum salary of $S0 In tho xrnnunnr
KrndoN, nnd a nilntnium of $05; and
n inaxlmum of $100, and a minimum
or $8fi In tho high school. Thu pol
icy doe not become fully effective
until next your, the point contended
b) Kupt. Hillls.
Tho board ticcepled tlio recommen
dation upon the contention that Ha
Immediate adoption, whlln beneficial
lo the taij)crH would cause nn up
heaval, iu the school syHtem. All new
tearhers employed are uffecled by the
Hchedule. Thro will bo fifteen va
cancies lo be filled this year. It
virtually kIvos I ho teachers a year's
notice of the chango. The Hchedule
will he modified Iu somo cases.
It developed ilurtni? the meelliiK
that Mod ford was paying blither sal
aries than Kukoiio or Albany through
the failure of previous boards, years
ni;o to adopt a salary schedule and
adhering to it. Supt. Hillls favored
tho schedule but opposed a sudden
and drastic chanRo. Thoro wns qulto
nn argument over tho schedule, but
tho mooting ended peaceful.
It In highly probnhlo that Otto
KIiiiii, conch of. hlKh school athletic
teams will bo to California, whero tl
Is said he has been offered a position
nt $1400 a year. Ho offered to stay
for $1300. Ho Ih now receiving
$U00, and re'celvod $S00 at Ashland.
Dr. Sooly said ho was willing to con
cedo a ralso to Kluiit, of his
Hake Thrift a Household Word Mm)
Teach the children to be thrifty. Habits
formed in childhood are not apt to change
in after years. The key opening box of
ShinoiA with more than fifty shines and a
for .polishing is an outfit
unequalled for economy
and convenience.
At all dealers - Take no substitute.
Wash the poisons and toxins from
system before putting more
food Into stomach.
Says Inside-bathing makes any
one leok and feel clean,
sweet and refreshed.
; a
Wash yourseir on the Inside before
breakfast like you do on tbe outside.
This Is vastly more Important beeauso
the skin pores do not ulworb Impuri
ties Into tbo Mood, causing Hint;,
while tho bowel pores do.
For evry ounce of food raid drink
taken the stomach, nearly an
ounce of waste material must bo
carried out of the body. If this wasto
material U noi ltmluated day by day
It quickly ferments and generates
poisons, gases and toxins which aro
absorbed or sucked Into the blood
stream, through the lymph ducts which
should suck only nourishment to sus
tain the body.
A splendid health measure Is to
drink, before breakfast each day. a
glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphAlo In It.
which Is n harmless way to wash
these poisons, asses ami toxins from
the tdotuaeh, liver, khlnos and
bewels: thus cleansing, sweetening
and froshpulng the entire alimentary
canal before putting more food Into
tbe stomach.
A quarter pound of limestone tmos
(sSale costs but very little at the drug
store but Is auulcicnt to make anyone
an enthusiast on Inside-bathing. Men
and women who are accustomed to
wake up with a dull, aching head or
have furre.1 tongue, bad taste, nasty
breath, sallow complexion, others who
have billon, attacks, acid stomach or
(Hint lat Urn ur' assured of pro
nounced Imimnenient in both health
Slid nppcuraace shortly.
Medford House Movers
liiono -188-M
OtS S. Newtown. 7a7 W. lltli St. '
NE RfST TO l.VlliY flHNu
6 J.
e )
I x
"Meet me at
the Manx '
f .. . H 1) t . . . A M ft . . .A -L.-.t- .
" ' ' ' wi i'wuiu-iu vi - aoiut me oi vuur ci-e. wi'9
t..r!. -oroU. IU, .id Medi. ' rvpartment, Rxm 7J,
San francisco
yfbnvfSi. atQTmtll
OrrgonLins I lead
quarters white in
Saa Francisco
moderate rates
RuMMiK J JintlVJ " lgjstt
K UiiU .' .it .ty 4 y. K1H
room. i, ii:h-
imh iecH lo loJ-.-s ij
tmwtini uiwKor- K
uJ A l.i r. - rill
diMUl IVvr.' IciiUii
m . a
l '?Tlf R lTfwnr
Medford's Leading
Clothing' Store
To Prepare Stock for
Great Sale
THE DANIELS STORE, ono of the best known
lion's Clothing and Furnishing houses in this part
of tho stato, closed its doors yesterday to prepare tho
entire stock for a hasty riddance. Xo doubt this no
tice conies as a surprise to the public. Yet conditions
I exist whereby arrangements have been made to have
this merchandise placed on sale to the public. Alton-
tion is called to tho fact that this will be a sale of only
high-grade Men's Apparel, as this store hns always
! purchased from the leading houses of the east.
Nothing will be held back nothing
will be reserved. This entire stock
will be sold to the public
Store is closed and will remain closed until salo
starts. Kxiicricnccd help wanted. Apply at side,
door. Ask for Air. fVaig. For furl her particulars
' see daily papers.
Bo y "give" your Insure nee bus. '
Imosw to some orot while asont or do
n "plaao" It with an ostabHslid
$nay one that Is able and oxporw
lenced onbueh to ntinmi in i.n ........
- ----- " V 1HIJ .
necessary details that make a polioyu, , ' JS,
"an OUt" wall nffnr M.o n W
"pan out" well after the firo?
The MeCurdy Insurance Agency
have jKild out $35,000 of different
kinds of Insurance lossoe within tho
pnt two years and can assure you
that their issuance will pass the
ganntiet; that the companies to whlah
thoy trust the financial security of
their patrons, are first olas goes
without mention.
3!lllom XATIOX.W, hank nijiifl
miiriiw.l1 lU3
' eH'a "?t
4 V
...r .
,y i