PAHK TWO munmv vwr. rntnrsv, MMWorin, nun.n ii r vt.- rr I'll! TOCAL AND II? I? QAM A T iiaVOVil iJL t lliiMlW'' . ll Mrx T J. fonrftd, who pr tit cm tor nfM,n1l Ml at thr SmmhJ llmrt heapltal Imp' Wrrlnowrlav, til ailfflflentlv twoifrcit lo hm taken te her bom Titnflur rynlnn, whrre n ntinw will take care of her (InrlMic Mr. Conrad' hunlnM hoar. On Vm give trmUHKalamp w!thhv0btor eomnnnr ngreen to with 8tar Mmmtnrthtn mtnonl rrrtanrfaa R. W Morrla, of Val. BnalWH Oregon, I an lttlerMd Tlnlior In MtltortJ anl rlelnlir Ihla wak. JISOO to Iwin on good farm, clfwojtn the park fommlaalotifra of li in H. 8. Stlno I. T,. Hpnnrar, or Itlawatli fh1I. r traimanina hnalflMa today Ih Oil iltv nnd JMkfcitivtUe, lit will go toj Knflur Ihl erntnjr by auto, n- tmnlii to ttt la valley Sahirday fori n loiiRor atar uu bttflnaM. Kiitidpra. paporltiK, lint.nnlutliiR. 332 flweot elder nt Do Voo'u. Thorp will ho apodal aervloe to- nlKht nt tlio rhrlatlan etinrch. at Mdlrh tdiio How llnrrr IS. Tncltor vi ndilroaa ofiioclallj- the mon iiioiu- l-cra on thn "VIIhJ I'olnta of the ( hrlatlnn HnlBloii.M flmolto n Kill Bpltr clwir. Gc. They nro lioino-nmilo. tf Klmo (Iraliani nuil Jllaa Vlolul I'oolf. of Trntl, thla eoiinlr. were married at 2 o'clock Tuofiliir nilur roon nl the homo of S. II. (Iralinm, of ti'ln tit), father of th grriotn. Mr. nnd Mra. (Irnhani will innko tholr lionin on Mr Mrahain'a uxtonalvp i iiiirti nhout 7n nilloa from Madford. riot your milk, rronin, huttor, okkh nnd huttormllk nt l)o Voo'a. )'. W. I.IIJttgrflli, of Modrord, la u jnnnhor of thn T.oaRuo to Knforoc Tcnco, of which fornior l'roaldiuit AMlllnm If. Tnfl la iiroaldcnt, Thla iitovoiiipnt wiim atnrlod for tint pur lioxo of IndueliiK the St. I.ouln nnd ClilctiKo oonvnntloni of tho two load Iiir iwirllofl of thn country to nndorn the Tnft plan for world poaco hy force of uriiiH. Dm. A. It. nnd I.oiiIko K. HndRcn, chiropractors, hatha, ninanBo. 23n K. Main. County I'ntholoRlit Clnttdo C. Cnto rupoita thnt mattora In hla do parlincnt nro procomflnR In u very fiirouniRliiK iniiniior. Tho rnrninra and orchurdlHtH nro roapondliiK with nlncrliv lo Instruction! nnd Ioko no tlnio In iipplylnK dlrnctloim bIvoij for BiirayliiB or In nny othor form ohny Iiik offlrlnl MiiKKoHtlon. Bo far, tho orchtmla ro In excellent condition 2."i off on KodaUa nt Woatnn'a Cnnicrn Shop. I'oudar O. U'alla. of Sacramento, Cullrornla, U looklmc about Uokuo jlr vallay for a faw daya. Our clioeoliiloa am Medford mado. Thn filmsta. tf ' Mr nd Mia. Oeo. V. lhny. who have iihpii rmldenta of thla vuHoy for tlircp eara. have aold thalr puraounl c(iiliment and will ro to linporlnl miIIpv to mnku tholr future homo. J. O. (Jerking, tno neat nil around photORrnphnr In Routhorn OroKon. Always rallable. Nogntlvoa tnndo nny. whoro, tlmo or place. Btudlo H23 Main St. J'hono 320-.1. Win T. I'Miu-k. 'A. N. Ageo and K. Hli vpua, liualnraa man of I'nrtlaud, nio doing liualiioaa In tho ltogun ilvor ilo matropolla today. Sandera, tho all around pnlntnr. 3s. I' c AVood, of lnrtlnHl. rprttan .iti of the, Han Kraneiaco hUamlunr. im.Hi lu th uwatpor hhiI iniilii in piniiuMnta, la atlPiidlHK to hual i.ihk in touNMtloH t)irewltli tu thU mi today, lit will lwivt for I'ort luiid thla nvanlHS. t. Wimh! h tho tnilro uorthwNt urn a field for onir iii ion. Medford to Aahland tor tty nnta one way, oh the Hit dray rara. KoniKt trip thlrty-ftvm (., Tim ird in another eolnniH. Mi A. c CliMHey. of HuiMe, who li..t Un vialtlNK with frlenda lu thla i it for two vreka, will lwtve tonlut for her hotue. I.ttle malvrlHl, nladow acreaHi. cren iloora. l'ac I'ur. & I'lx. lto. Vaent C. K. Oliver for nu'waatern i.ult r uud ard equlpineut houafl. w lid mud kta Jlrat vlalt to the ltu liter Us tbla week, will lea re for VoriUud tonUht. He aaya the pooplo viio ue maiiufaftured poultry up Pllua lu iiiU valley are very loyal to tup weati in m.itiufaotuier. He foiinU ihU region . uuiirofluttle field for 1 i houae I'oatave htauipa at Ue Voe'a. J I., and IteiiJauilH Weat. of Weod. ( al.. are nojoinnlug In thla valley for .i few iImm on their way U Van couver. Wu-.lllUMI. Or StfiiinM how praUolu uKatu. i is South UoUy, Phono lll-.'. Mr. uu. I M- Kaiiuett IVkmum of T'iliat mmi,,I uifiwU in Meiifonl nr l.iv lel Weaton Camera 8lior few Mret-claw koduk flnUlilng and kodak aupplloa. Jlra K. tiinrov haa returaiNt from visit with iin Hlaier la Uorke Ipv nod Han Kian. Imo Sm Dave Wood niiout that Uw hi piiranre jioiu. orn, Mall Trloaao lilda. Kulpl (luiiiiiiw i'f iinoiiiin ilevotod Tueada '' 'niiii'r"' In M.'iioiit, Trr i Knu t0 ' '' "d c.nniue homo iHiUtttry. tf '' .inn'1 rjint" 'i 'tout W III" i Hiflf v ff rdM on lnmlnM In tlil ettv, returning In Ih ewnlntt H I wimrti (finrllllniu down III war n I ''Hn r"rv !""" me Se mlfriBli e fe Vo' fart Vim dme ffllfn of UrlUn iKrcwimt Medferrf frtoida In t ii I it Tnwirtr. The lAr 1nind ef trpewrtter rir bfliM nro KflrantJ to nlre 75.000 (MproMtoM of the typo "a" and "v without M eloiRlHg (bo tvpo a to thnw on tJie fMpor. Thin I a prettr tiff wnrrtity, but that in what the ribbon. Sold bjr the Mod ford I'rln' Ing eompAHjr. Thf two Mack WHlnitf treis err Mttteil by II X. Karirlirr of (hi- i laud havp boon planted with due ir emony In l.lthla park of the (Imniic Clly. (tome nddltloiml tomato arronRO multireel. Call and aeo uu. Ilogue rtlvor Vnlley Cnnnlni? Co. Ilert .loin of Aahlnud waa n bua Itieaa vlaltor In Medford thla morn liiK. He saya tho Kourlli of July cel ebration In Aahlnnd thla yenr will hn tlio blggoat thine "'llt "v,'r happnuod In thla purl of tlio country. (Intoa aolla Kord cara, $200 down nnd 2K a mouth. Mr. mid Mr. Wnltor Antlo nnd dHuahtor Juno, who liavo benn upond Iuk thn wlulor mnntlia nt the clly In take, whore Mr. Antlo la keopnr, linvo rolurned to Medford lo remain. Iniilrn your auto In tho ninlnat thoft. flro. C. Y. ToiiKwnld. The rain eontluued Wnduoadny fitfully nnd In thn form 'of March drlasle. Thn temperature la rather low, nflor Much warm daya for tho pnat three weeka, but thn condition la favorable for the fruit. Hhollod corn, $1.00 per hundred. Ii. II. Ilrown. AfMurnuon of antlafiiclory work ut a ronaonnble prlen and refnrence to invnral wenrora of hla glHsaea are two Hood renHoiiH why you ahould buy youra of Dr. Itlckert, Optomntrlat. 312 Thn wnrld'a xrealoat compHnlea." Holmes, Thn InHiirtiiirn Mini. Jon Hlofford wiih nrroaled today hy CoiiHtablo Al II. Hiimmond, on n war rant chnrKluK lilm with robbing Char ny Johimon'M placor aold mine on HtorlliiK eroek nour the HterlliiK inlno, where Mr. Jolnmon hna mined for inoro than 20 jenrti. JoIiiihoii HnH ho Iiiik waahed the eravol In IiIh mini) for morn than a year without mnkliiK a cleanup and waa jimt pro pnrlnK to mako tho eloauup when Stofford, ho chHrene, did It for htm. carrying nay the proceeila. John aon hna no iiiphiih of knowing what thn youiiK man obtnluiHl, hut abowa ii wntohoiiRO full of Rold which ho picked up, ho declare, nflor Hlofford finlRhed hla part of the work. Hlof ford will hnve n preliminary hoarluK tomorrow mornliiK bofnrn Juatlce or the l'eaoe Olenii O. Taylor. rronarodnoan la tlio Isiuo, ao brine In your Inwnmowor nnd huvo It ahnrpenod nnd bo prepared for what la coming. J. W. Mltnhnll. llurvoy Curblny. of Salem, who hna been vlaltliiK In thla vnlley at var Ioiih jilucoa for tho pnat two weeka, will return homo tomorrow morn liiK. Meot mo nt tho Slmatn. P. 0. Iteufro. of Davenport. Wiibh., la lu the clly looking for n bualuoea Uienllou. Mr. ltonfio la a furniture man. lie will look the vnlley over carefully before returning. Medford Taxi Co. "Anywhere any time." Phone 886. Mra. M (J. Mleeee, a recent comer t ollila valley, will go to !. Angela In a day or two for a nwUeniled vlalt there with her daughter, who la III. A. M. Norltiley. of Kagle Point, la doing hualneaa lu Medford thla after noon. Chnilee II. Merdlaou, of Oold Hill, where he located about a moatb ago, la la Medford oa buelaeee this alter noon. l)e Von buys beer bgttlofl. Oeo. llartle), who reeeutly low tod lu thla valley from .Nevada, came In thla afternoon from the ApilegiU country, where be aaya coudltloaa plfc the fHimera and atokmew very much. ftllaa Aggie Hunt, who Imi been vUltlng with frleada lu this elty and Ashland far a week, will return lo OranU Pass thla evening. Henry iltlroy. of the Trail dlatrlrt. la attending to hualneaa In Medford today. He Is uleaaed with the prop erty he reeently acquired lu that neighborhood and says he wtll do a lot of clearing thla year, hla purpose being to hi le farm out of part of hla grating laud. NliW YOMK. Mar. ti. The Itua alM port nf Klkoiulevak at the mouth of the Amura river tu Siberia wilt lm oDOitOd for navigation June 1 1 pro vMtatJ a new rhaHuel for Hie impor laliaa of goods from the Inttt.i Miates. the Anierlouu-UiilMii chum bor of commerce In thla it v w.u in formed by a cable nioaaaKo nvl today from Moscow. NOTIPH PreoUsts MoUhsrd Korth Main and Weat Medford reolaUr now at the MaliTrlbuae aftteo. MjMlfBi-il llotislnisj Sniltko I The Medford and Mt. Pitt Cigars. OTAnTHr."TFn TODAY Kzrm , rzvmzvM. iV 'VSHBISJJXSWtU MAE MAWII t LAW PAYtONii'KtC JIUTttRlD IDOL" roUM IVkMT MUTUAl MAR1 t,lll'ICTUaC Willi lilt ipIIi.iiu '! "Hfl Shnl- lorcd lilnl," wniiili'i-riil Mae Meiwli oiii'i- iMtii'i' ciiini'- in tin Imp n he lnr o n .M ut tut I ,t:in -(frti-t m . ami ill till" llllll-l III HimIcOII "III" tin iiinpli' iiiHitluiiii fitinU Id cHinbliHli linrxplf n- the "iiin-t inli'rftiiif net reH iiin'iiriiiif uu ibe xpreeu IiiiIh.v." n ilt'i'riitinii jnxtlv npplit'il In her ny I). W. nnirilli hiniMdl'. Ill 10 SPRAY The henulirul nnd well knpt lawn In .Medford hnvn been a matter of prldo ne woll aa n subject of favor able comment by visitors to tho city, and It has become u matter of no small concern la know how to com bat tho rapidly IncioaaliiK crop of dniidollona that have become ao nii mernuH the iaat two yoara. and which nro allowing up In atlll Incroaalng numbors thla aprlug. It hua been only In the past two or thrqo yunrs that ilHudollona hnve been In evi dence In Medfoid, but thoy aro In creasing In auch number that prompt mousuree ahould bn taken to ontlroly erntllcuto them, or they will eradi cate tho lawna, lSxperlmvnts mnde by the Colorado Agricultural college lu the destruc tion of thn dandelion .pro vp thnt they can bn quickly anil permanently kill ed with very little trouble or ox piiiisc. It was found that with thren nppllcatlona at short Intervals of a 20 percent eolutlou of Iron sulphite the yellow posts were completely eradicated. After the first applica tion the dandelions turn black nnd apparently die, but It waa found niw essary to repeat the dose to complete their destruction. In the college campus, which had practically beou taken by the dandelloua, not a aurvt val waa left after the thlnl applica tion. It la auggeated that the Iron eulphlte be put on with a force apray. The solution does not Injure the grass In any manner. The above la commended In the many property owners of Medford who find their lawns about to be ob literated by ilaa4teiloHS. DIED MOUIMK- Kdwin Alorria, nwl TO enr. died nt hi home nt liioenix at II (I'eloi'k Tuc-diiv night, heart trouble bring 11-o.iKtipd ne the immedi ate euup nf dpiiili, allhiHivli deceas ed wa mti.'h cnl'eclileil hv ncc lie lcusr u wife, two Mina uud u ilnugh I p i'. The elder him li in tho vi cinity of Phoenix. The ulher aon uud the dauf liter liw ut Mui.vville, Cal. Little in forma turn i olituiuuble to do nbtiitl ibe life of deeeael in this i alley. It i niiiiouiiepil thnt the lu ueral will he held tomorrow after nooi, hut, in the oUmwc of Uoiler Inker Perl, further dclniU are not klHlWIl vetii'i: To bockstera and peddlers of Med ford. Will ahlp mullet at reusonatile prlcen. aUo l.tnk ilyer whitp fish. J. A. Latimer, llox 22, Klamath Kails, Oregon. .110 TOO MTll TO CUtHSIPV. roil insTimr .vitouxkv I am a tandldate tor the office of dlstilct uttorne on the democrat tl'fet If iionltliated mid eltfelPtl, I 1 tthall Nerve the ouUt uj 1 liRe nerv ed I he oil v ol Medlonl diiriHK tl I '.it tluee ii'r iIuiiiik wbiili time I hae lieeil l nt v 1 Ad II K M lHK ATI NTA. WHITBY. 2 la. klsb I i. Mk DANDELONS AR-R.OW COLLARS IIm3Si Oull ri,U,tra,l K.Un THOMAS ACCUSED OF BIGAMY BY . WORD WIFE M - Kt Jink Thfim-i-. wlm nunc in inlifomia and Inmied m l- i.l with her Pnibiind iui Ann'i-'. ill n warrant isaned m .Mmiili . i i ;niit her kiiMtHind with ii"n ui The hntdMRll went t h. -u nc tt.'l 11 rpniderieo hi ihti citv ol inn ,v. !,-, Int Anniwl. "n wenuiK "" ' i.i 1 11 nt in Koftane yctenlnx. I he ol tuei discovered that Tltomni wn- In -I'Hv' iili mother Wiiitmn whom lie Hied wife. He sflid he wni neir uijiiiriid to the ".Medlord woman." MiuHcil In Cnllfornln We(lnif.ila,v intfrMlna Mm. Tiiomni liresfiitcd bur nmriinge certificate to Pne-eeiiting Attnme Kelly, showing thnt ihe nnd rVttnk ThomnM were imirricd in C'aliforniii on August , 111 I. 'I. yllt' is tlio uitither of 11 liuhc by Thomii. nenily two yenrs old. They lived at l.tvonnore, lnl., nenrly u yenr following their marriage uud nt DuiiNiimir, Cut., uud Kluinntli l'nllh, thi Htute, liefoie eoining to Medford lnt full. Two weeka after their nriival in llii- city Thomas left, Inciiling in K11 lU'lle, Hn ih n lituiiili'.vmun, enr driver and woikn nt imuiy other thiiiKH when he is ii'e-ieil for money. tin wife MiyH. (lenernlly, she nvei, be is n ne'er-ito-woll, nllJiongli u mini .11 en ik old nnd of nttmetive ier Miniility. .Mrs. Tliomns, who is williujr to go to Hugene nnd upieift nguinnt lier luudjiiml, who will lie clmi-nod with bitfiiiny, says alio iliscoxeivd from n loiter writ I on by her hitxlmiur ailor senile iniintliH ago, that lie whk a innr lied mini uhou he pivlumletl to be come her liiihlniiii!. The sister wrote to' iiinke imiuiry ulinut his wife uud children, tint knowing that lie win, liv ing with u wife lu Oregon. TIiouuih .....i..;., ...1 ii.ic :....!. 1... .....:.... ii.... "'"" V T ; K he wn not innrHod to the womnii j tiiiout wiiom me sisier nsKCd. Wlfo Siipixiilod Self 1 I Mr. riiomiis sni hIio tins sup- ' ported herself, ua ilic m doing now, ever aiuee they wore miinieil. Some times, who Miiyn, she supported ihe IiukIimhiI, also. In nnswer to the ipiohtiou by .Indue Kelly fi lo whether or not she is willing tn prosecute her liualianil, she unswoted very positive ly that she ii. The eAse will oh uldy lie liennl-iu lnm count- where the alleged crime or higiimv is .said lo hnve lieeii ciHiimiltetl. Mi. Thonmi.' father !ie near Sueraineuto, Cal. ller mother died nhout a month ago. She is making her home hete with Mi's. L Waul, It IH 11. Alain treet. Mm. TboiUMH, an altraelive I111111 elle, will be 'i ycurs old net July. P0ST0FFICES INSTRUCTED TO SAVE WASTE PAPER WASHINGTON', '... In otiueliiiiis eie sent todnv to the eiiMtiiiliinis of nil uoverninent liuild ingM in Ihe I'liited Slate lo collect their waste paxr nnd old rags. Iletetofore they have hcou tluiiwti away. The goieiumeuj oxpeeU to sell them mid a tidy sum probably will he plnoeil in the treasury annu ally froin their sale. I'Olt OVKKWOIIKKO AVOMKX. This Is the season of the year when Ihe wife and mother begins to feel the strain of household and so cial dutlM, and gets Into a run-down nervous, weakened oondltlou. To all such our local druggists, the Med ford Phnrmnc). nay: "We have a rare combination of the three oldest tonics known, in VI110I, which wo guarantee to restore strength, mako yipi oat better, .leep hotter nnd feel hotter., or we will return vour mon e "Adv. The aelotitilii'. inlellieut, drliglCSS, ciiuient udadatiuu of glasp for ih aiil i vision and Ihe relief ut headache uud eye strain. , Dr. Rickert HasTeVfKk sHil SMELT 6cl Pound Medford Fish WOMAN HAD NERVOUS TROUBLE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgcta ble Compound Helped Her. West Danby, N. Y.-"I hove had nervous trouble all my life until I look Lydia K. I'inkhfim'i 1 fretable Com pound for nerves and for female trou bles and it straight ened me out in good hape, I work nearly al1 the time, as wo he on h form ami I hnve four girls. I do all my sewing and other work with their help, su It shows thnt I stand it real well. I took tho Compound when my ten year old dftUKliter came nnd it helped me a' lot. I hnvo nlun had my oldest girl take it nnd It did her lots of Reed. I keep It in the house nil the time and recommend It." Mrs. DBWlTT SlNCEliAUOlf, West Danby, N. Y. Sleeplessness, nervousness. Irritabil ity, backache, headaches, drajririntf sen sations, nil point to fcmnlo derange ments which may lie overcome by Lydlu E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This famous remedy, tho medicinal Ingredients of which are derived from nntivo roots nnd herbs, has for forty yenrs proved to be n most valuable tonic nnd Invigorntorof the femnle organism. Women everywhere benr Willing testi mony to tho wonderful virtue of l.ydln 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cream CaKe Inquiries among a large number ol women using 'Tlio Cook Uook" showed this to bu their favorite cake recipe. It Is cay lo make, certain to turn out well II K C Halt ing Powder is uted, and may be put to gether with almost any filling or Icing. K C Cream Cake Uy Mrs. Janet McKemie Hill, Kditor of the lloston Cooking School .M-igaiine. One-half cup butter; 1 cup eugcir; yolks of 2 cgo l,futfn fff''' l e "P Bfled jfour; X level teapoot) ul A C Hakiwj Powder; J cup cold water; whites ufi eggs, Leitcn dry. Cream the buticri add the sugar, yolks of emandtiaterillieh the flour, lifted tluee ,"J;ei ilh ll( uuni: ,)Wleri lastly the thitei of crci. im.e in two or "'.' byIJ". l'e toRttjier with cream fillinc, and drediie the top ith confectioner' lugar. -Ins. HaKSSW Trfiifniani me uzv.r? Cream l'illiiul Onr-fourth cup a)1cd Jlour; I tea spoouiul salt, I cup hot milk; 1 vgfl, beaten light, 1 up erqar: 1 ttipoonjul vanilla extract, I ounce chocolate. Mix Hour and Milt uiiit a very little cold milk I stir into the hot milk and cook ten inlmitfl add the chocoUte and Mir until it ii melted anil rtrnly liletidtd with the Hour mbrtUHi, then lieat in the egg ntixfd witli the ugur, and UMly lln- anUla. Vihi twnt the K C Cottk's Hook, contain ing tltl sad i'i ulher iltlicimu jfciprt tHt J'rte upon rectipt of the eolorctl certificate pocked in every 2S-rrnl ran 11IKC liaking lovir. iHtud tu the Jaipics Mfg. Co., Chicago. 41 lU'SIMLSS OPPOIITCMTV Only business of Its Kind In South orn Oregon; aultable for handy man or carpenter, all outdoors. J37VO0. Terms If desired. Ii. M . Mall Tribune. IXTHItrillt.W Al'TOCAlt CO. TI.MK (Will). l.nave Medford for Aahlaail, Talent and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at S:80 a. m 1:00. 2:00, 1:00 ami 5:15 n. m. Also on Saturday at 11:16 p. in. Sundays leave at S:00 and 10:30 it. .111. and 1:00. :00. 6:30 nnd :10 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, oiicopt Sunday , at 9:00 a. i., 1:00. 1:00, 1:00 and 6:16 p. m. Also on Saturday nights at 8:30 and 12:10. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00 a. m aud 1 uu, 1:30, n:80 and 10:30 P in Suite 1-2, 0er the Muv Co. iMiTnlliWWJiiiiir.'iii ' IHB9 iHi' 'Li,n, i lljp taw jW nil i jiii ., v jm !835ij . -. 1 s.bti&m i'$9Pr ?& -fJtf'V forXENT jh & Poultcy Go. Page Today WW. I OX I'ltlHCNTS William Farnum DorothyBernard is 'THE BROKEN LAW" A I'liolo innnm of (Immrter nnd IHilliutloii, rmitnlnliiK one of lr. I'-anium's ltet .Slimle-lliiuileil I'Jsrlits. 1 Mat 10c Kvc 15r Chililrcn 10c Have UaUnM You Seen "Betty's Wardrobe" IT'S a mighty funclnntlnn Stylo nook which you can pet by calling on our garment department. Tho STYLE CUAFT coats and suits pic tured hi "Betty's Wardrobe" aro also on display and .wo want to show you how wonder fully becoming they are. We lmvo a splendid array of Kinippy Spring styles in tho ne Vast Spring fabrics nnd colors all tallo.rcd with STYLE -CHArT perfection. Cnmo In and coo them. Suits $25.00 to $55.00 Coats $13.50 to $30.00 m Mm$k $ HERE it is ff rVrjTTrfiCr?W3 tffl"' ' fjl . .i-S ft v,tvrj!y rlllYiB j Ht JABiry) I i jl t-y- ' " '-"J Wi"r Ss3p THE MODERN GAS RANGE Tho iuickost, coolest, fhcapt'st im-ans of cnoking. Prices $20.00 to .mr.0), ('onnctcd. phone r2() Oregon Gas & Electric Co. 27 x. ampo MOVED 1 have moved my shop temporarily io 10 X. Front street, next to Kails Transfer Co. office. AVill return to old stand when new building is erected. GUS, The Tailor Start tlio Pay Right ACORN BRAND BACON FOR BREAKFAST Knd a successful day with our succulent, spicy HAM. All the leading stores in the valley carry our products. Wo Pay Highest Prices for Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. UIOIIUhT MAKKKT lMtlC'IC l'OK WOOL o CENTRAL POINT PACKING CO. Sti bILk vtHbbH I NEWS PICTORIAL I jY far the greatest line of Ready to Wear ever gathered at one time is here to greet you now. It will be a pleasure for us to show you. Make your selection now while the showing is complete Modern Indestructible Rust-Proof Handsome ot