Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 20, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    afrnrnmi Mvrn 'rntrww. Mrnronrr. nnu .(rf Mftvmv '.r Tf j-u.,
vxnv, art
fcl'll I I ' " II ! I I -
ED IN RETREAT uatcd onucD d i i io mamcr? I CARDINAL MERCER
wmmmmm tn mm rrTTiwwiaWaasi
ROMR, Hah. March 20- M'or
reaiioarirnee rf The Associated Pros)
- -Henry Mailer, formerly of the Fifth
f'nlted States on miry who M one
of lb few Americana In th Serbian
retreat declares that daring th Jour
oey te rodejtorlfsa lit MnMeMearo In
11 foor-day anw atorm wore than
fifty thouaaiul men illml.
"Thoy iiioU mo MM," he mid, "that
they Ml erery few yards Mil aleiiic
i In- road. The waaomi An1 cur In
fnt riant over their bodtea. No
body thought of trylttK to turn out
or ihf wny, but there worn o many
they could not but tlrlvo over thotn.
The rond wero full of iniiduolon.
t one plnco I nw no loea tlinn sev
enteen horxoa In ono ImmmiHO puddlo,
nnni'lc to null tlicniHolvns out.
I saw hundred mid thotntonitu of
rnRRcd nion, with tholr feet awollon
too iiiiiih Io vvoar nhooa or to walk
on them, crnwIliiK ulonj; for mllon
on thi'lr hands and knnos through thn
bllndltn; snow, finally Htoiuilnn nnd
dvliiK noon nftarwurds. Thoy novnr
made any nppeiilH for help. It would
not hnvit hnon any mho. IlMddos, thoy
wire too far Keno, Io know what
tin v were about, thnt limy wore dy
ing Tholr ltiMt (iffort Io lu-op koIiik
wni merely u inechnnlmil operation.
Of coumo tlio groat mortality nil
along the roulo wan dint to, tlio hnr
ren nature of Iho country wo woro
traversing, with no Bholtor for hut
comparatively fow of um. Thoro worn
even no forosts whoro wo might linvo
felled trees and built tompornry
ttuartorB. Our flron ror tlio moat
part woro Hinnll, but barely enough
wood to boat water."
Ilallcr, who wan on a vliilt to inula
irnt whon Ilia war begun. onllHted
in the AuBtrlun army and was. nerv
lng n n bugler when, nix months
later, ho was taken prisoner by tlio
Sorbs and then finally wan mnrched
with 7.,000 other Austrlnus Herons
the mounlaliiH Into Albania and
' there turned loose on the hIiotoh of
the Adriatic Io fight for life against
cholera, fovor nnd starvation."
We were Biippnflod to liavo start
ed on tlmt rotront," said Ilallor,'
.Mill a Sorb army of ovor two bun
drnl thoiiMnd mun nnd about Novonty
five thousand Atiatrluu prlBouom. Not
mill) v more than a hundred and fifty
thousand of tlio whole lot got over
tin mountains It was not because
i vuMrlRns or Utilitarian pursued
i imwcvar, with much actlvit) We
i'l.I ninelv hern UNO of disease, lnm
f . r ii I xliniulloe "
W M.LA WALLA. W"-li. Mm
o Tuiieiitial fain throuiihoni the
,ti. yesterday Hfternnim in the mi
t in "I clolldllUrVte III ill IMOUIlUius
uul Inn thill ., i-auwed the itMth ol
Jiinnuir. Hliiniui-ll and heavy pmp-
i iv luiatujL iilutii; all the Mtieanis ul
it. v.illi-y. Manx ot the rier end
link-, ure cut of tlieir liuiuU nnd
lniiiK uro v.i-lnil out iu inn uv Uh'uI-io-.
On Illue till,, en wlle eaat of
fin iiiy, Minimi SlitnuWell ww
i ilit hv tin t it iil riM of water. mm4
i i iinil v i tuiiiiil Into Innl iiiitlK,
w.i-luil u hi the linixlu Hveml
1 iiuih. -, wiie iiiuel Itv horaeHHiu,
11. r water li.i.l eul off their exeK'.
I Iioii-mh reified WM.
.mil iiKiri iail today nay ntuck
-iHiimI IiiiimU. I'ritHMly ilm)e
will in ur..t I he WmIIh WhIIm iie'
i at the lnjjii-t blnite ever known.
Water 'n iniiiuiiK thtiinuh the
Hii'i'i. ut M ilt Ore., twelve luiloa
-mill ut' liiic, lakt nitfht. Willow
eieel., near Ha.Ntou, exM'iienrel it
eliiiulliiil, wathiiir nwuy the liuwe
!' If. A Maxwell, hut the family m
,hmI. Today imlieutuiiiK are for more
Vttli i, liuf the it i emus him ubidinir
aail iKt fiullwr dainiite n eHHled.
The Koiiditx iininw at the Chrik
tiflw elimvh were all Inruelv alteutltHl.
Ttiwr were over foil) ailditiuuu lo
Hie ehnivli nnd elexen were hiittiaetl
nfter llu m hiiiu xerviee. The re
Kliltk ! III.- lei'lit union IlieetlllX
u i re k i . 1 1 1 in.iiiili'fli'il in i v ii ill'-
JMIlllllel ! .1 ll.l l'l k
Thine nil In n mi i-.- .il I bo
i Imr.'li i i .il iMiiiii. I In- tvul. 1 1
7 III. '.. I I.. I tulllflll. ' In
UliiMii Slu , Ih '" lkui tin
I.1 i ' il iiiH-ii b I lie i hull ANu
i. . I iiuiiii this evtiiin
I5 OII,n flMMiv If
WAHINOTO. I) I .Mm Ii -'"
Thw i nothinjr in Ihe pnt ut .lnim
K. fhielil- if T linfK-et to explain
whv he -b'Hilil Iuim inrmd up in tli'
( nited Mini'"" eiite Ii- the wpn
ifnlntive end in'i'iit "I fhe rleilri.
'vnter pfiwer liu-t Nun he will In
k'hown nlwnv- or n l"iijr i" I"-
known -n llu nutlmi l the Slnelil
Wll n nennle meMiur which ei I
-to iixn the dour fur n final rani h
the nme iniwerfiil nnd -elfii-h mt
imtn wlili'h have nhorlMHl Iho
lamia, foreti, minernl, eoal nd
leila and mw bk ndiling the inp
Hlorto lo tlio nreh of pririlene liv i 'I
itlK the powor develoved b the ll
ins; Mlreawa tu'tiiiK it for imiiIuii
niul fororer.
ShiGlitn ia n fHimpamtiveU new
member of the aeiinle. lie wh eleel
ed to lllia offliM .iHimary, lli:i.
Kiuee lakiiiK Ilia al lie ban d'Mie
nnd aniil little.
Shields ia n lawyer. T'or a jrreat
iimny yiiirn ho wh ii aiiiall Invrn law
yer mid luler flei'lie wa 00 wna
fleeted Juiljre of the atiite unpreuie
eourl. A Ittwyor who mrve piivate
elieuU for foea for thirty yeara ae
qiiirwi the lawyer'a mind. Tlie law
yor'a mind ia trained lo ne one aide,
of n enae lo the exeluaioii, more or
Iomk, of Hie other.
Thia idea wna refleeled in the re
pliea of men from TenneNnee wlmm I
naked to explain Seimlur Kliiehla.
"Tlio riKlila of property," aaid one,
"probably appeal t liim. Think of
Ilia yenra of pmetiee a a lawyer ami ,
1ii expnrienee a n judne. What doea i
ho know expertly n lo the welfnro
of the pooplo iim auehf"
Inliii l. Slilelda, demoertil, wna
horn iieiir Hemi Station, (IrniiiKereo,
'J'enn. lie wan eilueiiled hy private
tutor mill linaii ntinlyiii)f law in hia
futlier'a office nt the mature tine of
17. He mid father woiked thu law
toKelhei' until 1811.'!, when hu liitelied
up to the lion. If. K. I Mountcaatlo
ut MoiriMtowiit Teuii. Thia lirouaht
liim up to 1IIII!2, when u bin fuaa took
plnee ovi'i' whether emuliilatea for
juilxe hIioiiIiI he ehoaon hy the ma
chine or elected nt primnriea. The
Imrxtood tOKethcr ami primal iea pre
vailed mul with Ihem Shielda ivm ele
vated the heiich.
In 1UI2 (he atnle deaitloekMl over
the Niiiitnrhip owiuy lo fat'lioiial
'iiinrrel-. ain1 m the working nut of
the deiidloek ShieldH mum ehoaeu oa
. eiinipr.iniike caiididale. He wax
Hilluiiit piililienl eooiplexion.
One of I lie n If- well known (o
law mi- i-, "When mi have n bud I
("nimuliir repoils fi.nn S..11II1 Al
Hea oh Anierieun 1 1 nit iiuitam the
"InllowuiK intonuatiun.
.ppli Kind rii'feueil.
Harlieular reipuremiiil- of Ihimt
iu this consular di-triel. as viell n
III otlh'l- (Hirls of South A I'm a, m,.
Wnahiuatoii nnd Orenou apples, tln-e
Ifeiua; jitelei red Inrirelv on aeinuiil ut
tb ayateni of iwekiuir best -uitim:
market conditions. Medium-surd i,.,
apfili's, aiieh as Jimathiins, Itome
Hettulies, ItilliUHU Hpiles, iin-iip-aml
HfMlaeuUeivH, Miilieulail tin
Inst two, are preterivd to nlhei .m
el tea.
I'iiiMiik nml SlilppliiK.
Apde should be nruiHicd iu wisr
aNirnteH nnd packed with hule.
IkiNes eontmniuir l.'i to 2UU, each lm
Hiarkeil with emit en ts, sell be-t. Tin
tuost udvuntnatHiux tune In
tti4f from the Coiled Stales tm
thia uiarkel is in Sepleuibei, Oetolui
aud November. September shipment
beiut; espeeuilly deaiialde, a- O. lulu 1,
Xov ember nnd Iki-embei' aie ilu li' t
aelliuit motttha. A leutliim luut nn
(Muter of this city states that An n
tan extorter of aiuia should 1,.
it a Miiitt uot to bii to South An. 1
after the first week iu Nouubi
The season atarta here with .1 m-h.
und if guoda arrive alter (he month
almve staled they fmiueutlv do ui
reahae half of the euat of freight. In
t'uit, Rvoda which root 2.B0 pei b
hiiv had lo be disMiiMd of at .'
nuts pr box, owing tw arrival aliei
the clota of the atple seaaon. Ap
pies arriving here after IWemli. 1
eome in eouiatiliun with all of tb
lueul fruits, such aa )ierhs, sar-.
pneots and other fruits bun II
rrown, aud for this reason me w
little in deumud.
latMUted upla are not nt pie-mt
allowed to be sold in the jivaeinl mar
ket huus of Jouanuesbiiiif m com
lietititHi with locally yromi iimt, ibe
murkel houan beine eontmlltsl b I hi
iiiiinirip.iliiN 1 In' nun mii-i In ih-
j ll llS lIllQlll pill , S - I 1. .1. I 1 I
eaae, nhiie the- nppnMin c.un-el."
The oppo-ini; i nin-e in tin-, eime
haipennl to he (lillou I'lmhot--liol
offiemlly, of einiie, hut lieeaune
he Iibh been triii to protect the pub
lie projarrty aKninot SbieliU ami the
water Hwer Inwt.
For iimtoHee, in the delmlc iu tha
senate Shield nlludeil to I'inchnt an
"I have underntiKxl (hat thia letter
(to the preaiileiit ) prearwl hv him
(Oiffonl Plnehot) waa offered to the
proM naaociatlona and declined hy
them, anil therefore he had to reaort
to 'thia eirvular for publieity in the
jireaa of the rounlry, and ilouhtleaa
thia ia the aame loiter. . . , Tlmt
ia nil I have to nay about Mr. I'iu
eliol ut thin lime. .1 know tlmt he
held n Nuliordinuto HtMitiou iu the
iiUiicullurnl deMitmeiit ut the time
of the llalliiij(ur iiivcNtiftntiun, mid hy
fortuitoiM eiremnatiiiiceH neipiired
some puhlieily in conncetion with the
natural remiurctm of the count rv; and
I undcralniid, from Mieli puhlientioiiH
na thia, that he Iihh Ihhmi uttempliiiK
to keep in the limelixlit nnd hy ua.
amliiiK both thia hill nnd that known
na the rYrria hill, which imcd the
houai and Una been reiMiiled with
eonie umeinluieiilrt fur pu"utte li tbo
aeiiate, for the development of water
pawera on the polilie lamN."
The ammtor wade a three-day
Keeeli on the bill filled with inae
eurntw pud mialeadiiie atatementa,
ami then, under the license to reviae
aud enrreet, held hia peeeh out of
Hie record during all the week the
hill waa under eonaiderution.
hv direct ah. locally grown an
plea are moat idenliful iu murket dur
mjr January, FVbruury and ilari'h ;
henee the ndvnntnte of (he initortrd
I ruit beinir ahii)iel in time to arrjve
here before the Hmilh Afnean fruit
is marketed, ns ubove stated.
1'eors ure usually reipnred in one
half boxes, these bavins proved to lie
the most successful sellers. The var
ieties mostly in demand are Winter
Wilis, Ul.iiitmneseati mid Howella.
The usual tenn- tri anted to pur-eliii-eir.
mi' tlnrlx d.iv-, In other
1 ii-.-, tenn- nn l. .1 1 1 .iiit'iliK III.
(A li-t ! li .iiliuj .liihauneobura;
iiiisiit.i- ..I inn! 11 i Im hud from
llu liimi 1 n .mil iliiini'-tie
111 Health the Cause Many
Alarming Symptoms of Wo
men's Ailments How Cured.
l'a teraon, N J "1 thank you for tha
Lydiit K- I'mkbum rmu dn 1 as they liw n
-1 mwle me feel Impiiy
and heultiiy Some
time hk I felt so
run dow 11, bud pains
in m ba.'V and aide,
ttiwvirj irregular,
tired, lurvoiiM, hud
much bud dreama,
did not fori like ttt
idk ami had abort
breath. I read your
adv rtmement in
the newipaiiers and
ducided to try a botUe of I.ydia E.I1nk
liam's VeceUble Com)ound It worked
from Uh flnit bottle, so 1 took a second
ami n tbird, abto a bottle of I.ydia E.
lliikbam'a Hlood IHtrirter, and uow 1 am
Juet 04 well a any other woman. 1 ad
viae every woman, alngle or married,
who is troubled with any of the afore
said nlmtenU, to try your wonderful
Vaifatabk Compound and Blood IHirtfiVr
awl 1 am sure, they will help her to get
rid of bar trouble.'' -Mr. Burnt J.
Vandkk 8AMUH, 7 Godwin Street. Iat
traott. N. J.
Wo&en snsTeriM( with any form of
feaaals ilia, or ary symptoms that they
do not understand, are invited to write
Iho Lydin It Pmkham Medicine (V.
I,) no. Mum (igwAdentlMl), and receive
idvKU wholly ivh) of ivst, 4
ly r jBkj
1 i.i 1 1 iii.iii'iiiiiiiiii
!nMKi. March ' (loveiti-r
i ill .n Flioailtc aeeorHmir t" n
i i- , '- trUgnm, taaa rti-pat H .1
i. ' i '" leidiiwil Kawier red inln ,
i. .ii. T- lenten paaloral lo wimii
iu .a ha- already heen mi de m
Ii pit-he-. -Hya ifixjMffeh
, l.'i it. r- AmaterdiiHi eorrpapondiiii
h. .lAiro'ir KeaentTf letter i a
, ulliiw-:
i ' Tin re can of anf0 be Ml duilbt I
. mer pieent your annnenre fimn
t. niiiiiiitiiratmif to JWHr floek whai-
w-r the Holv I'ntber wihra them (
know llirouRii ou, mil lteiiio nil",
vniii eminence, in letter", in-
IiiIlt- in Miliiienl htflteitieHl- aitaiiiit
wliieh I deeMledly firqleat. It ia qillle
iiieeuahle that fonr eminence
-liinild i line unjuatiflotl liiiH"H rejrnrd
inpr Hie i-mie of llioAvnr. Thin, for
iiiotnticc, your eminence han men
tioned maeeiirate nUernneea of ier
houh who me not In touch with the
evetitH nnd who eurlaiidv cannot lu
called eHrta. Von Sia'iik of the
HHiliilitv thnt n deoiNion mich us
you deain eonld ho mnetei hv the
aproiidiuir of ilmenaoa. Itv mim-Ii ar
hilrarineaa ou eauai aiiuuiK a eieilu
loua HipiiIntioii no.vioiiH excitement
and induce them to opiate Ilic ad
miiiialratinu woik of those who me
in ncciiMitiou of the country.
"Uapecinllv iiiaihiaahle in the
imatoral letter ia a hint nt menace to
the relijfioiiM lihuity of the people
of the ovi'iipied lorritorv. Your em
inence knowa heat how completely
uniutified ia thia aiiRpieinp.
"In thene eireiunatniicea I almll
liuncofortli viuoroitaly prosecute an i
political activity and miv tii-rintr up!
ol hoxtile Meiilimeilt niiaiusl the au
Ihoritv of the occupylnif power, wlitcli
uutliorilv is leitiiuate, necoidiiiK to
international Ink."
WASHINGTON. Mni.-h jo. ((
lieiiimir of the income tn ilccisiou us
it applies to miiiinu; cnrpurntions .1 .
iisti-d (oiliiv of the supii me court and
tukin under oon-iilcnili.ui.
Home Missionary Tells How She He
stoieil Her MieiiKtli I
"I am a Home Misalonar). was
weak and run-down after a hard six II
tt lttpl.,na t l.U! I1.1II
HestlOH and alna In my ehesi. and
waa tired all the time. A friend
asked me to try Vlnol and the re
ault Is I am free from those doubles
and I reel well and ali-an; and able
to go to work agalu " Jlrs. I Utile
Johnson, Tnwauda, l'a.
Tim reason Vlnol was, to success
fill In bulldiUN up Mrs. Johnson's
health Is beoause It la a onnstltutlnn
al iclnedy which contains peptonate
of Iron lo enrich and revitalise the
blood, the nourtabiiiK propertlca of
beef peptone and the beallac medi
cinal evtractlvea of frealt, health)
eads' livers, all coniiilHevI Iu a deli
cious native tonic win, without oil
We wish every pemon la Medford
who Is aufferlna from a weukened.
run-down, devltallred roHilitlon,
would try our Vlnol on our guaran
tee to return their money If It falls to
benefit them Mediurd IMiurmao
H our New ImpiiiVtHt Method.
Gold Crowns $5.00
Full Set Tocth
Silver njlimjs $1.00
Enamel Ptlllnas 9 $1.00
t- 3t
I ' i WK 7 A
'"W I
20-1 Main St . Cor Cent nil Ave
unch, dash,
1 Dl
"Bull" Durham.
you'll find these
It tnkes only n little
Simply get the knackt
A$k for FREE
package of "paper"
with each Se tuck.
Without Grease and Without Water
Windsor Kettle
Flncc the kettle empty over a low flame.
In the heated kettle, scar the roast on all
sides; then turn the fire down to a mere
flicker. When half done turn the meat
over. Thus cheaper cuts of meat may he
made as palatable as more expensive cuts.
The Wear-Ever" Windsor Kettle may
he used for nvany purposes every day in
the year.
1 1
Clip the Co tip on Get
your Kettle today for only
Take roupon to vour dealer and for onl $1 OT
net a, "Wear Kver" four uart Wludaor Kettle.
Hie kettle- which sella regularly for $1.S0 Is
oid-red for a limited time at the special price
so ou cull see for ourself. If you do not al
ready kuow, the difference between 'Wear-Kver"
and other kinds of aluminum and enameled utensils.
Crater Lake Hardware
Other M on locotod vvlieivver this
K uiKr cltx'iilaten iwy liuuor
"Woor-uvui" tiupH!.,
M' u'.ul wa.i Ia ail Ik. lllla
. 1. w n.l. VM w v. ww vi. .w
( so you will understand why so
Q manv women prefer "Woar-Kver"
x to other cooking ware.
Q Ilepleee utensils llat Htsvr out
V ... l .. . ..... ... .1
Willi iiiensiis i im i "teHi-iver.
sni i f ! j
g i ne Aluminum toomne
Utensil Co.
Tv'rvv Keusliitt,-n, l'a.
The Star Spangled
square-sliouldered, ready - for - a - fight
vim and vigor of the great
Wherever the flag goes over
a lively lads "rolling their ownyyilhJpulI Durham.
Bull Durham
practice to learn to "roll your own" with "Bull" Durham.
'then you'll enjoy your cigarette as you never did hefore.
Because the live, crisp, snappy taste of "Bull"
Durham ha3 never been equalled by uny other to
bacco. And rolled up in a cigarette it gives you the
freshest, mildest, wholesomest smoke in the world.
The distinctive mellow-sweet flavor and aromatic
fragrance of "Bull" Durham make it unique among
tobaccos. For genuine smoking pleasure and satis
faction "roll vnur own"
with "Bull" Durham.
An Mutinied
Booklet, show
inccorrect way
to "Roll Your Own" Cigaretlo,
nnd n package of cignetle paper,
will both bo maile'd, fit t, lo any
nddieit in U. S on tequctl. Au
ilreta "Dull" Dutham, Dutham,
N. C.
GetThis$1.80$i A7
Kettle forOnlyPA"
If your
mall It il
ailllndl in tiav
tatlon and
ou will
the follow
K J . .li
s l 1 II -S7 JPaaV er V ' ' 1 WT
Medford Furniture & Hardware Co.
: din m. n "Wear-Evtt" jiiiuiiiuiiii v are wtBmI
iii.. .ici . ii this . uupon un.l $1 i.T in Kiiiun( for MV(U
on. Km r ' four uusil Winitaur Kell'e. ffl&SilM
wlili'li . lis rgulrly at II o, providrd you lire ffitSitiXV
iu nt tin- tiuHu In pvraon at siors on or berure flMMinil
March :i. IU. sod write un e eouoon ur I xCtfiJ
nam. . adilrms aad data of purcbae. Only on FoL s(
auld o a customer v?7 r,7l
The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co. ik
j Nw KtailartoB rtamylvaals (uJifSOrV
- or - a - frolic men' like
American smoke
the seven seas, there
dealer will not honor the coupon,
US Hltll St. 30 tliu 93 nihil
Ilia .ntl nt .! .... nnna. O
we will send you tlio kettle nronald. a
get the kettle at tho spoclal price nt
lug stores on or before Marou 21,
n -tLwlMZLk H at laatatao
lSTHPl "" - v
1 s, I I
1 f 1 I
1 ii
aaasHiMmaaiaisHBMBa ts