Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 20, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Off!c Mutt Trtburxt fiulldlntf, J-JMt
North Fir strut; telephone 78.
The TVmoorstlfl Tlm. fh Mlfofrt
Mall. The AIdford Ttlmn. The Bouth
trn Ortgonsn. Tim Ashland Trbuns.
usaoBtPTZoir batx
On r. by mat
On month, by mall
- .10
Per month, delivered by oerritr
llfdtorA. I'hoenlx.
and Central Point .80
natiirrtajr only, by rnnll, per yr. J.Je
wkly, par year , , 1.80
rlelal Paper of lh City of AUdford.
Official Paper of Jaoknon County,
nnterrd as arcond-olnss matter at
Hertford, Oregon, under tho eot of March
Rworn Circulation for 19U, lilt.
Full leaned wire Associated Preia dla
Bubiicrluors falling to re
ceive paporn promptly, phono
. Circulation Manncor nt Z50-R
A lot of those congressmen In
Washington never do know what
Kldo of thu foneo thoy'ro on until
thfall of.
No! you mustn't kill tho vllllnn
t jSvitli a pistol rude and rough,
You must Hlnp lilni on thn wrist watch
Or perhaps upon tlio cuff.
"Sol your vainplro cnn'l wear low-cut
,'t Gowns, a-vamplng cross tho scroon,
Shp.inUKt l)n dvinuro and modest,
sOr wa'll maku you can tho sccno.
, ,, Todny'n lliilliliwr
Mr, Otihan, wlicmo wlfo wn
III ajf
on I n'lT
a hfllul, onllnd the tint ovnnlu'
Mho w'fiH thoro nnd liiqulrml how li
wtii nutting uIoiik. U whh told that
oho win Improving.
GCaxt day ho oullml again, nnd wan
told fchc watt Mtlll (niprovliiK. TIiIm
wunL en fur nmt tliuo. onch dity the
report ucIiik that lid wlto wan Im
proving. Hunlly. one night whon ht en 1 1 ml
ho whm told tNMt hl wif WHtt dtMlll.
Ht'oliijc thu doaUtr, k wmxi up to him
and wild, with i word ut Mrcw In
liU velte:
"Vil. dwtw, vat did kite die ef
Sny the Oh 1 on ilio I'llm
A (9w wm gr twrH buuttrul,
Wut HMtt of them have beauty throat
Hpoii thuw by the wxluly luttorters.
I Hop It
K you dud that qu bar belli a
' tblng which rtmlly la no eid
l)fjp It!
l'ur'tfco wtae know when to hold a
UilHi nnd nlM whoH they ahuuld
Drop It!
Do lift try In get aenunlnlad
With u Ulipg tbat'i atlgbtly tnlntwli
If U upl aa It U iMlnted
H Joy Krl a pleeo of watal and It
firsVea to ho red hot.
It lUU.Uiti'k a nUjry'i trwn but Inter
fliuj that It Ih not
Prop 10"
Viioii u gtorj told to yon
Vljloh (t' host thaj no ono bnrw,
favon thouch thel(bfy' tnio,
If you lisve a bit of coin whlrb ner
I oaiiin through honoat toll!
Dfop It!
If thero'a nnytlilns about you now
that's apt to Uiu or soil
Drop It I
If advlco pro)v or turQ
MaktM ou wikh (o rvo and aurae
Kvpu ihoiiKh It be this vorae.
Drop It'
-Slew art W KnlgHt. Ill & Itgllor
AN fNpfil'BNDfcNT NKWePAl"'
ru,r mvir i,y?Br
'"plfW fh(rtfl)lf rennU of i if n tiding Jinny m mllilnnwni
- nnd thn friiil of jnilif nrmtn )n trviumy nnd war. Af
the ftlighiffd cxfiim- flic nrtnr ntmun fpndv o Invoke Ihr
tyiiiiiiiv of iniliffliium 'Hie punitive expedition wiwl
Villa nUnwn wltnt could Ik expert rd In cw of rcnl war.
Although the Tufted State l not t war, flic army linn
proceeded to nullify the nation's) lnw nnd erente lawn of
it own without the m net Ion of legal authority. M Hi ta tiffin
known no lnw hut Itn own and rutlilnwlv trample eatab-
li.ihed rights of the people Into tho mire bv power of wight.
The arbitrary eatnbliahment of the illegal ceniondiin along
the border in an inntiuice.
Correnpondents who want to send news from the Mexi
can bolder or interior are obliged to give bond for $2000,
put up u certified cheek for $1000 ami join the army. Ue
liig noldiei-H, they are obliged to submit to all military rulen
and regulations and nothing can be sent not agreeable to
officers in command. The alternat ive i to stay at home.
If the nation were at war a limited censorship would
undoubtedly be authorized upon purely military news, but
in times of peace, army officers have no authority to in
terfere with news gathering or sending. It is pure usur
pation. Although a minor instance, it shows what the
nation can expect from militarism.
Censorship on military news was first practiced by the
Japanese in the war. They were first
aUopted in Europe by (lermany, and then by other Euro
pean nations. The army war college drew up similar reg
ulations for the United States in case of war, which were
approved by Secretary Garrison. They were arbitrarily
put in effect in the occupation of Vera Cruz and now ill
the pursuit of Villa. In neither ease was war declared or
tho censorship legalized. The precedent established is
dangerous and un-American.
The navy under Secretary Daniels is more demoeratie.
$q bond is needed and no enlistment enforced aboard war
Ships in times of peace. The navy has not yet attempted
unwarranted Interference with the Ireedoin ol the press
always the first action of tyranny.
The censorship has already accomplished some things
it has succeeded in concealing for a few davs the crim
inal inefficiency of the troops guarding the border, who
were solely reponsiblo for the success of Villa's raid upon
Columbus. The Carranza government had reported Villa
heading for the border and warned United Slates forces to
bo on the lookout. The day preceding the raid, Villa was
reported in the news dispatches as twelve miles from
' The censorship concealed for a week the fact that de
spite Villa's proximity, no sentries were posted, and the
troops asleep and unprepared. The censorship concealed
the reaspns why the two machine guns "tailed to work."
It concealed the tact that Villa look these two machine
guns back with him along with over a hundred horses be
longing to the United Slates cavalry troops stationed at
Columbus. It concealed the reasons necessitating three
(lays' delay in the pursuit by troops who have been on the
ground and supposed to be proparud for such couiiu
goncies. It concealed the reason why ifiie of the officers in
a minor degree responsible, committed suicide.
As a means of temporarily concealing the blunders of
tho army, the censorship is the success military censor
ships usually are. So we have officers in possession of
(olograph and telephone 'offices, reading dispatches and
stopping aulos containing dispatches, lest "military infor
mation which might assist the enemy" be wired the fugi
tive. Villa fleeing over the wireless wilderness.
OUKGON'S governor recently appeared before a meet
ing of the employers, at Portland and protested the
proposed reduction of the hours of women workers in
stores and factories from fifty-four hours a week to forty
eight horn's. His vehement enthusiasm against protecting
the female toilers brought forth the following resolution
from the central labor council of Portland.
Wheieaa, On the rtlli da of Mart'li, IHIti. h mtu-tlii of Hiiilotr wun
held at the I'vrlluud fliMinbtr r Commerc i for Hie turMe of proieallnu
Hgalnat any tiemut of the luduatrlMl Welfarn l onimUalon to regulate the
ho lira ef labor or the womicu orkera of the atat. and
Wliereaa, II MHari that the llenorahlv .lame Wtthyroiulie. rhltf
Meeutlvti of ih Imi. alleiulwl Uik luettiiK oh behalf or three women work
era of (be Salem wooleu mill, and no far forgot the falrueaa, aud digiilt)
that ekould be ehuraclerlailr of the high offlie he holda, aa to oltt lilr
MHtlmeuta In oudobIUon to au action having for It puiiioae the reducing
of the boura of labor; aud
Wbereaa. Tdla attitude of the Honorable Mr. Wltlmomb U atultl
fytng and dlmrmlliahle to hlmafli. and provwatlu' or grlevoua luJuatlcu
all workera. organised and uuergNulaed: Thetefore, be It
ItMolvml. That the Centrel Labor Council of I 'on land and vlclnlt) go
og record aa atrongly condemning the action of Mr. Wlth.trombe In volun
tarily ibamploutug tbe cauae of Ibe would-be e.ploitera of female labor at
the aloreaald lucetlng.
It hit been rcM'iitcdly demonstrated that as much work
can he accomplished by the average person in eight hours
as in uine-a fact recognized by most employers of skilled
labor. It is also a fact that no woman can stand for nine
hours a day without physical injury, and if we are going
to care for the future of the race,' we must protect the
mothers and future mothers but what is humanity to
commercial greed?
The governor's attitude on such matters is well known,
aud has always been. Did he not come out Cor Chinese la
bor before his election U he not a consistent worshipper
at the shrine of the great god lusiuessi Why should or
ganized lazor protest the acts of the executive'they helped
oll'd and whose attitude thev knew in advance?
l.iMON. Mui.h 'JO An inline-1
'!1 .itduipt td u-.-u-.MUad 1'ieui-I
ii' r K.mUi '.m.ii hi HuL.tnji i ii
P"H(it in .ill I . liutljJC I 'ltyi.iil ill- ;
linn ii ii' ii i;. in,.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onopnckugo
))ioVos it. 2Coat all tU'tijgist&
jrrcnwmn maw 'rumvrw,
WASHIXUTtlN. M,u,.h jfl. Ire
idi'iit Wil-ou tnduv iioininatcil '.. M
llUlltllf)'to HWtllltl-tcr .it JllllCHI,
! Lady .Ulant
j l'iioura M, 41 ana 47-JJ
tinliulauiie Snlrg Coroner
mmdfomi htuaw
tJlKlHJH, itmrrto ! The Aulrt
anx hare keen ateiidtlv -etitinlBa:
their marrh in Atbania and have now
arrived before the ndvanred Italian
laWtmna at Aehmit. ny u dtpaiteh
to the RxehaHflit T.l'ifrairh rnmpmny
from Athena. Thev have not, how
ever, it aMe, hffva mi nttarh.
Avlona i ."8 mile- mnith of lf, nn the Adriatic en. It ii the
lnt Albanian paMrt in the hwU
of the AltMiniaitA ami llelianx.
To the Killter:
If you will klndl allow mo aoace,
I would llko to reply lo aomo atate
menta made In a, dodger algnod by
ISmll Hrltt and Fred .1. Mok, and
which It la sold were dlatrtbutcHt In
thn rlty df .Incksonvllle on the morn
ing of Mnrch 7, In violation of the
corrupt prnctleof) act, thla being the
day for our city election. I will
quote their Htntonientx verbatim:
"In lulkltiR about economy In ox
pondlturoe, Mr. Abbott has no kick
coming. Ilo hni fiirnlliod aupplloe
to the city, nmong which wore nu
morotiR oloctrlc Ininpa for which nt
one 1 1 mo ho clinrgoil the rlly IS conta
iiplofo nbovo tho rentilur price flxod
by the company, aud this he cou
tluuiHl until hla bill wero rofimod
by tho council, nnd then he redueed
hla price to conform with prlcoe olo
whoro. In ll'ila connection it la tt
oil that Mr. Abbott. It elected, could
not qunllfy us mayor, for the ronton
that he Is not n taxpayer on real
property as required by our city
Moth of tho above Httitomoiitu nro
malicious fnlsohoods, nnd made for
tho expreas purioHo of dofoatliiR me
nt tho polls, nnd I do not foci dis
poned to let thorn pass unnoticed, for
by so doing, It would not only In
jure my reputation, hut also my hual
noes, and I doslro to mnko tho cltl
zena of Jacksonville ncqunlutcd with
tho facta.
In roRnrd to soiling tho city elec
tric lamps nt IS cents nioro than the
roRiilnr price, will any that uliout that
time the lump company hud put on
the market n now no-watt lnmp vilth
a Hiunllor bulli tl;nu tho old 00-wutt
lnmp, which Hold for 1,1 ceuta, while
tho old flO-wutl lnmp sold for Ob
routs. When myolll for the old 00
wntt lumps wa rbml lit tho city roun
ell, ono of tho ('Oiiiiclliueti slated that
Everyone Should
Drink Hot Water
in the Morning
Wash away all the stomach, liver.
and bowel poisons before
To fcol your best day In and day out,
to feel clean luildo; no sour bllo to
coat your toaguo and elckon your
breath or dull your head: no constipa
tion, bilious mtaoka, sick Iiomlnolie,
colds, rheumatism or Bussy, acid Btom
nch, you must batho on the Inside like
you batho outside. Thin Is vastly more
important, becauso tho akin pores do
not absorb Impurities Into tho blood,
while the bowel porea do, sayg a well
known physician. '
To keep thiM poisons and toxins
well flushed from the stomach, liver,
kidneys nnd bowels, drink before break
fast oarh dav. a glnsn of hot water
with a teaHpoonful of llmeetone phos
phate In It. TblH will cleanse, purify
mil freshen the entire alimentary treat,
before putting mora .food Into the
(let n quarter pound of limestone
phonphnte from your pharmacist It
is Inexpensive and nlmost tasteless,
except u souriah twinge which Is uot
unpleasant. Dilnk phosphuted hot
water every morning to rid your
tern of these vile poisons and toxins;
also to prevent tholr formation.
To feel like voting folks feel: lib
you felt before vour blood, nervea and
muscles became saturated with an ac
cumulation of body poisons, begin this
treatment nnd above nil. keep It up'
Aa soap nnd hot water act on the akin,
cleansing, aweeltnluR nnd purifying, so
llmeatooo phosphate nnd hot water be
fore breakfast, not on tho stomach,
liver, kldnoyo and bowels.
l.NTKItritlSAN AlTOlWi; ft).
TI.M12 fAKI).
Leave lied foul for Ashland, Talent
aud I'hoeulx daily, oxcept Sunday, at
S:0t a. m.. l.KO, J; 00. 4:00 aud 5:10
l m. Also on Saturday at 11: IS p.
hi. Sundays leuve at S.uu aud 1: au
a. ui. and 1:U0, ttStt, t;0 and 9.30
p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford
dally, except Sunday, at :00 a. ni..
1:00. 1:06, li and B:U p. m Also
an Saturday- inhts at 6 uo and
13 30. Sundays leaf Ashland at no
a. m. and 1 0. 130, C.3o aud io jo
p. m.
Medford House Movers
I'Ihiiio tSHOI
tTnrsr.vmiwir, 77 w.Tuirsr.'
vnwiw vuhh ". nir,
i " ail lii'
vifiiford which
iftat lalf (" r
lti, anil Minn i
f hiM hr Imitshf In
resulted In rnjr (
iHillf )h- twxf ml
,rrrfiM t flm' alieaH-
ln. I etplMinoil in ih ofinrll that
IM Nnia that I ha'l "M in the efty
was the wall lamp, the price f
whleh aa ctlll o rents n formally,
an4 I verify mv statement I shewed
Iheaji ihr lamp eftfflfmny'a prtaUrf
prie Hat, showiaa the new ftft.watt
lamp prleed at ir rents and the aM
fl-watt lamp priced at eenta.
arheraaaaa evrv mew bar af tha ra)H
HI haaaata aatlaflad that my Mil waa
rlRht and Jaet, and it was arriarad
paid wlthant making any redntMn
whatever, aa the bill which la en file
In the office of the city recorder will
shew, and this 1e the enly bill et
mlno that the rlty council haa ever
queatlenod or held up.
Mr. Hrltt and Mr. rick were both
members ef the rlty counoll nt that
tlmn, and In making the statement
quoted above, they iituit havo known
that It waa n deliberate falsehood.
As to the other statement that If
elected mayor I could not qualify,
will aav that both Mr. Hrltt nnd Mr..
I'lek knew that I waa acquainted
with the law In regard to thin mat
ter, and thev must have known that I
certainly outd not have consented
to become a candidate had I not
known that I would he eligible.
KiihIoi1, Quicker
the lllNtee
Thore's no sonso In mixing up a
mess of mustard, flour and wntor
when you can so enally reltovc pain,
soreucaa or stlffnosa with u llttlo
clean, white Ml'STKItOLIC.
MUSTISIIOLK Is made or pure oil of
mustard and other helpful Ingre
(Hunts combined In the form of n
pleasant white ointment. It takes
the place of the out-of-date mustard
planter, and will not blister!
AtUSTKItOLK glvoe prompt relief
from soro thront, bronchitis, tonslll
tls, croup, stiff neck, nxthmu, neural
gia, hondnchu, congestion, pleurisy,
rheumatism, lumbago, pains nnd
aches of the buck or Joints, sprains,
sore muscles, brulsos, rhllblnliiH,
frosted feet, rolds of tho chest (It
often prevents pneumonia.)
At your druggists In 2.c and ride
Jars, nnd a special largo hospital size
for $2..".u.
lie sure ou get the genuine MlTS-
TKItOLK. itefuso luiltntlons, got what
you ask Tor. Tbe Musterolo Com
pany, Cleveland, O.
A .New llaik for mi Old One.. How
It fun He Done In Medfoitl
The buck aches at times with a
dull, Indescribable feeling, making
ou weary and restless; plorelng
IhiIiis about across the region of tho
kidneys, and again the loins are no
lame that to sloop Is agony. .No use
lo rub or apply a plaster to tho haok
If the kidneys are weak. You can
not reach the cause. Medford rind
dtmt would do woll to profit by the
following example.
,Ksra Arnold, Applegate Itoad.
Jacksonville, Ore., says: "My back
bothered me for five or six mouths.
I had a dull pain through my kldnoya
aud the kidney action became very
Irregular. I had to get up at night
ou that ncrount. I was (old lo try
Down's Kidney IMlla and did so with
fine results. Tbe soon rid me of all
the ailments and my kldueys have
lioiherttd me very little since "
1'rlee r.itr. at all dealer. Don't
sliupl) ask fur a Mdne remed get
Doan'a Ktdnct 1MII tbe oanie that
Mr rnold had roiei -Millmrn Co.
I'roph , llnfliilo N ,h
Camera Shop
208 Enst raiii Stroet,
The Only Exclusive
Commoreial Phot urapliors
in Southern Oregon
Negatives !Made any time or
place by appointincut.
Phone 1-17-J
Wo'll do the rest
."G. D. VESTON, Prop.
I CtittnUr lcala -Midua iWiirt i4 ilimii
U(ruti. t.f rM uk xnttt tk.
I Bwl U1 tmnk4.
if iltn lil tt ttntut tutii.
Rates I1,9 DAY ME P",''
(reoi I my n p(t tilt
(l M tlHMtl
i Mllfilll
Eaema Conquered
ftmrr lv nml eilnfmcnta shanM af
k. mtUA ll anl , Imp klfl Bl tttMl.
Pma an trnlt f..r 'tw nt 1 1 fof
eatra wrt a!1 f a
liotile ef sema.
applied a dirwicd. It ectlTeW
rm unlrklr lno llrhlaf.
ail bMhi 1111 trotthlca. sl"0 mh, mirfja.
wtmaaa and aln. ft aeaettytsa,
ehanam and wawbee, acbw m apenMMe
gwA Inwiwmrtirc. Try M. aa we illwa
Hethlng yen have ever aetd M a caeettvo
m aatWjrlna.
London Assurance Corporation United
States Branch
of Leaden In lha Kingdom of Ore.t Britain an the V rM''r:
II I ft made te the iManraace Commissioner of the state af Oregon, pursuant
Amaant of capita, pal u ...
.Vet premliiHia reeeiwl durlnf tho yaar ;..... ... ... .-"; ,,,!i',1t,-Il2
Interaat. dMdeniU. and rnt reaelvad durtng the J-er 111. 1 1... JO
Income from other source roeelTel dartnf the yaar.. aaa,ui.i.t
Total Income ..-..'... . sfaS: $.7Q1,40.37
, I)ISHUItSIMR.Vrt ..r., ,.,,-..
Ket loiwas paid during the yonr "'iJJ'nTT ie
Comtnlcalona and aatarloa paid during the yonr 8U.JT7 ?
Taxes, llconioe, nnd feoa paid during tho year '
Amount of all other expenditures - ......
Total expenditures
Value of stock and bonds ownwl (market value) ??? v2-2?
All other dlsubrsomonts , iT 'r,,'f..l
fnul. In l.nnVo nml nil lintlll ... .Uh,iJ. .Hi
Premiums In course of collection written since Sopt. 30. 1U1R -lflC,779.!2
Interest and rents due nnd accrued I.kH'.IjS
Total nsscta ..... ........$ I,'I02.SS9. IS
Les special doposlts In nny stato (If any tharo bo) llJ.,.0',,
Totnl nssots admitted In Oregon 4,So,S-r.ti7
Cross clnlina for losses unpaid v I iJJ'JJSvS.
Amount of unenrnod premiums on nil outsandliiK risks............ S.22,-J4. 71
Due for commission and brokerage l5',2r?1
All othor liabilities - J.331.1U
Total liabilities, oxcluslvo of capital slock . $8,081, 131. 85
Total premiums In forco Dec. 31. lMfi $l,8C7,0S0.5y
Total Instirancu written during the your J6,43,4S2.00
Oross premiums recolvod during tho your S7.30lJ.lo
PrninliitiiN retitrneil dlirlnc the Voar 10.2nl.iS
Losses paid during tho year
Lossos incurred during tho Jenr
Total amount of Insurance outstanding In Oregon Dee. 31, It) 15 6, 820.082. 00
illy A. W. Thornton, Manager nnd Attomoy for Pnc. Const Hranch.
Statutory rosldeut general agent nnd attorney for serUce: Gum J.
itoth. Portland.
1). It. WOOD i CO., Agentw, Medford, Oiegon.
Mary Pickford
The world's greatest and most
talked-about movie star
known the world over as
Mary Pickford 's name on a poster or
lithograph is enough to convince the
showing public that there is a splen
did entertainment at the theatre in
which she appears.
Coming Tomorrow
De ytt "life" eur linmronco hu.
itusw t some eretwhlle aent or do
you "ita" it with uh eetakllanqd
aiMMiy one that is able and uxpr
iencd enoudh to attend to tho vqry
aeceaaary details that wake a pojlgy
"pan out" wail atter the fire?
The JleCurdy lusuraaee Agono'
hve paid out S35.000 of dlfforout
kinds ef imturance losses within the
net two ears a)d can assure you
that their Iseuaaee will imm u,g
gauntlet; that the eotuuaulea to whlth
they truat the flnauilal seerlVj' or
thalr patrons, are first eiaae aooa
without wenitoH.
JlUlirOltl) .VATKJXAL IIAXIC 111,1)0.
Aiilo orvifcc front Kflgfe f'ofnf
Jo MrTiffofd rirld iMk
Tha nntafairnail will imtS rf
f,wi' canfeetlanary wrf (fttf
eep Hnlav far edftrrd !IR fog
sutn at I o'elaeh p. ffl-. arrlvfftf At
I o p. m. I-aa m Hotal. MmU
fofil. at ft ft" P " fTlt Kaajfo
Taint at : H " tmtl f tflo
Iraffle la aallelted. 8. . IIAHNIBff,
Kaale Pemt, Oraaan.
i 0-1,475.02
"Sweet Alyssum"