Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 20, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MMfi'oref) iuti trim-vf. mkhkokd, ohioov vommv, vwtnf ai. ioia.
. .....
'It iinf Mi ' I I ' i i
K iiiuiili lull", tstv In ' i . it t
on iiuainess
Tri mftl - Milt ftf the Dalrr
Til rf of ffte Ofltsrtaa wall nsl
jefrwl JNnttn an oeeonnt f fnrlem
cnf wsather. Ttikt (rip to IteMy
peak will he tahw Monday, Vnrrh
Mary Pick ford nt JHnr Theater ta
dnr. liafth C Mitchell, former flan oul
tnrtoi la charge u( (7. S. ntiraati of
hatcheries work on the Rorns rlrer,
and recently nl Trunk. California, has
been promoted unit teate thin manth
to taka ehargo sr hatchery worallnia
In Alaska with headquarters nt the
Vim liar ititrjr near KoicMMn.
T)e VopjtSttm trading aUunns with
rttftrylliing oiit grnrorlo.
ItOalHes Chanter will hold Its regu
lar ihohIIiir Wednoaday, Mnrrh J2, nt
7:80 iliflrn. The aorla. plnnnnd for
thli date will In postponed another
inoiitli In roanect for Die mmnory of
our Intn Sister l'i nitres Itlckort whose
ilonlll oaonrroil March It.
fit On o lgnn on good fnrin, close
In. II. 8. fltluo.
liny Pnrkor, oily rnronlor of Huttu
1'nlln, who hna boon ntlniiillnac In bus
liioaa In IIiIh city for three or four
day, will rflltirn hoinn Tuosdny morn
ing. Swpot olilnr nt Do Voo'h,
Hlmor t Prlteotiln, son of W. C.
1'rltohloa, tho lioiillryniim, Imgnn to
tiny n ruriil touli iiihII enrrlor on
Itouln 1. Young Mr. Prltachln soo
cpsfullr pnod tin examination Mini
will HiiliHtltiito until April 1, whon
Iip IipmIiih it roguhir sorvleo.
Hmokn n King BplU olnnr. Gc'
Thoy nrn honio-innilo. tf
I'. II. Mnrahnll, of ICInmnth Knlls.
who ntlondod to business In .Mod ford
nnd vlolnlly during thn pnsl thren or
four days, rpturnod homo Hundny
OVfllllllg. I
(let your milk, errant, htittor, eggs
nnd buttermilk nt Dp Von'.
The prpulpltntloii since tho rain lin
Kim In fall Snturiliiy Ik .S3 of an Inch.
II cunin slowly nnd tho moII nhnorlmd
It nil. Tim Intp sown nrnln ui'mlod
II. OthorwlHp tho hoII wah In condi
tion for oxrnllont Htnrt of nil mirly
nprliiK KrnwthM. Tho IihIIpiiIIoii to
dny In for n continuation of tho hIiow
ira. Dr. A. It. nnd I.otilno 12. UmlRCfl.
rlilroprnctors, ImtliR, innjsnco. 1'SC
K. Mnln. ,
Kov. J. D. Wyllo loft thlH inornlni;
for ICInmuth KnlU, whoro ho will nn
RlHt In tho MnthlH nnd VwRpy pvnn
tinllgtlc cnpipitlfin whloh lioun In Hint
rlty Inst I'rldny nvonln-
MHty I'lehford nt Utnr Thontar to
dny. 1. It. Ijitlon, of lkovlow. who
yIsIIihI In this rlty nnd othor points
In tho vnlley durhiR last wok, ro
turiiad homo Monday pvenlua.
lCjro alrnln la rontlnously ttornm
panylHg many pwiplo on tholr dully
rounds. It la no dlsurncn to nnud
Itlnaeea, hut It n (oily to pnHtponn
thiilr hip. I'or InlolllRont sorvloo iir
nHUQiinhly na Hint win Ijo kIvpii, hh"
Dr. Hekorl,'optoiuolrlRt. 109
(1. IC. Iloovor. of Kumbiio, who Iiuh
l'oou ntlundltiR to linslnoaa In this
county for n wooli or iiioro, has con
olmltHl to iflinalli for tho Joint moot-
InK tonlKlit liotwan the ComnmrolHll
iiuh and Uih lliialufsa Men's ussooIh
tlon. It will opon nt In tho
piilillo brory niiilltorliiiu.
M off an Koilnks at Wwlon's
Camera Hliep.
Mrs. Mary 1. Orr left Monday
for 'nsadtiiiw, California, to attoiul
t lit funeral of hor ltrthtr. William
II alitor.
Our ehoefllnto arc Madford mndo.'
Tho Rhattu. tf
J T. ftrnii. nt Oakland, Callfnr
ulti, la a VHlltqr vMlor thla vtaak and
will ratHtn aa Iohr aa h Hilda In
taraat horo--" whloh." said kp thla
morHlHB. "mnka my rsldui well
nliik prmHiiHt, for I am flndini new
lntrot tvry day. I havn alrrady
urowii fond of your valy. Your
KimblnatiHH of rpaouroaa la iiullar
l attractlvo. I cii ho nuythun
tifra. from a ahpoimiau to a mliitna
niagiiata; fwmi a lmnbnnan to a
naidenar. I am willing; to oonrmlu
mat you navf oiif or the most re
aourraful fuutrltN I pver saw."
J. O. (lorklng, tno newt nil nrounil
lholttnraihar In soutlierii Oreon.
Always rellabln. Nagntlvas mndo nuy
whoro. Hnio or placo. Studio S28
Main Nt. Phono XJ0-.1.
The Hoiuh ltiver Canal couiiwu.v
la )tuslitnu Us work an Hit Willow
SprtHCS I'KtausiOH as rapidly as poa
sihhf, but la short of umh. Thttro la
no swoute for ike preaauca of an Idler
lu this Yilly at Hits lima. Than la
work fo,r overy man who dt'lr it.
Kvttu tko farworl ara huani to eoiu
lhilni( tlio.sNi'lty of hl thU ear
Usually tharprra Is true No one
Ua offsd a ganejall) aaiUtsnor)
rataoH for Ua astataiH-e of that cmu-
faw 4yn, ohlalains inrarnuiilftii i
which hf Bftyes my it itft lairr '
afiahh a nami'T of ratniiipx to iimt
ml if whalhr or aot thrv hmi.i
tnaka fntnra honiM hpr t'on-ii
Hotia In British rnlnmhis. rolfom In
fha war, may nre lo lorturr a nrpat J
man paopk tei IaahIp on ihfa i'l
of the line," M Mr Memlnnn ff I i- '
Ira ermm by tho dish at Daln
A. T. Vanwallar, of I'eorla. llllnoN
Is s viallor lo aonlharn Oreaon. for
an Indoflnlla stay. A ihanap of rll
mata fa Hsflaaanrr, hf says, on account
of his rontlMtiad bad health, and Iip
was advtiml to atop hnre for a trial.
Ha la faoiltiR mneli butter. Iip adinta,
and hoUuvaa Hint this will provo to
ho a Reed lopnllty for hliu. Should
Iip finally resell (list conclusion, ho
will send for IiIk fnnillv aarly lu tho
I.nttloo inntorlnl, window scrconR,
icronn doors. Pne. I'ur. Vlx. Vnn.
ln Pntrlck. who hns Iippii trnp
plnR In Hip Itcil uioiintulu dlstrlot
durlUR tho wlntor, IiiivIiir roup thorn
from tho Kliimitth rlrcr roRlon In
Mnniholdl rounly, CnllfnrtilH, Inm fnll
la enjoying n lirlof Hojouru lu Medford
nnd vlolnlty. Up says Iip nujnyod
"fnlr luck." In Hint roKlou IiihI win
lor. ronsldcrliiK that Iip know lit 1 1
nhout II, hut Iip will try iiRiiln noxt
wlnlor niiloaa ho finds n initio,
which ho nvpts Is not luiprnlmkln.
Mr. Pntrlok snya Hint, whllo Iip flic
no (IhIiii to holiiR u direct dosaond
niit of tho (trout saint, hut never iisr
lects to ohiprvp Hip 1 7th of March
with n little pplohriitlou In tho way
of n roal nnd a study of tho mystpr
loa of fdvillsntlon. Ho roRnrds tho
Inttor as an InlnrostliiK ninutnl ment
ation, hut snya ho hns novnr boon
nlilc In xolvo Us mocIiiI and pollllcnl
rldilliw. A hottor iiunllty of lollalon
ho anya ho flnda alouo lu Hip Kolltudo
bbbbbbT BaBBf3
M,. J tMlMj
ijaaaK UWSL iJaBBBBaaf
Raf 'J9fc, bbbbbI '
ILL I' m i i J w ' n '' tii''
rt-t ii in .. ilf lili if ill ii ifiil
rbHi,i ti'i iiitimi. I nf I'Htpr
da ' A picture mjii nin'l afford to
in but.
SBs- i-sa.-s--a-3gs.--aj-
of tho hills.
Iro cold hutlnrnillk nt tho Dairy.
(County Commissioner Frank II.
Miiddon nnd Mrs. Muddou relumed
Mondny from CIiIcsko. Mr. .Mnddnn
roportH hiiHliioas IiooiiiIiik In Hip oiiHt.
Spcclnl for Kundny dinner, n brink
of Whllo Vnlvnl Ion oronin
The allied nlr rnld on MulliniiHnn
wns roportnd in yontoiduy nftarnonn'a
Krennh offctnl Rlulomnnt.
Carnnml, atrnwhorry nnd vnnllln
luo cream for Rundny nt tho Dairy.
lu coinplotliitf Its filiM of initKn-
zIiioh tor hludliiK. thn public library
finds Hint It Inoka llurpcr'a Monthly
for Novo n i hor, 1018, nnd tho Ameri
can Itovlow of UpvIpwm for DecPin
lnr Mill. If Hipip urn pilvntu files
from whloh Hiosp mm ho supplied,
tho library will bo very arnteful.
PoHtngo atninim nt Do Von'a.
Mr Wnlsh, rpprosonHnK tho l)rn
lar oalnto of San Franrlsro, whloh In
oiiaratiiiK drodRiNi nt Orovllle. Chlro
ami olluir Cullfornla points, has Im'pii
In this illntrlot for somo dnjs In
vosllRallnK conditions on Foots crook
with a view to locatliiR n dnnlRer on
that st renin If optional rntoa nie not
too anvorn. Tho concliislnn ronohod
uppnreiitly puta It up to those who
own Hip lauds nffuntod. If tholr
rntos are reasonable, n drodRiir will
bo Installed on FooU riflok, luvnlv
Iiik a innuthly iwyroll of fliioo to
Dr. Stnphonson now pructlelnic
nKiiln. UC South Holly, Phono SilX-.X.
Wator was tuinad Into tho Phoaulx
inRitiunt of the Itoguo Itlvar Canal
company's IrilRMtlon sstom Saturday
to last the substantiality nf Ua ron
struetlon. Tho tost Is being mad
siiaclflc. Tho canal npiwara to bo
firmly eouatructett ami carries a great
volunio of water without a break.
Only tMHl.aries midar that ditch
have beu llstod In the subscription
scraaR for water this year Thf
ditch, therefore, will not lie taxed to
Ita capaett) to rarr the tmuntlt) re
quired for that acreage.
Weston Camera Shuu for first-class
kodak finishing and kodak supplies.
Chart) X Ulille. of Salem, this
stale. Is In Hie do this afternoon on
business He will ait to Yruka to
il t lit
Mary lloktoni at Mtar tbaator la-
day. ,
Pat wayne af the l'iwr Apple
Rat apeot liuHdny lu Medlard.
Ko Dave WihmI about that flro In
uranco iwliey. Offloa Mall Trlbuno
A. C. Howlett. or KaRle Point,
tmitsaatod btwlnoaa lu this ell) and
Jacksonville today.
Dig Se mllkahukaa at D Voe's.
C. W D). of Weed. Cul . Is lu
Med ford today on bualneaa.
Tho 8tnr brand of typewrltor rlb-
Ivons aro Kimrantood to give 75,000
ImproMlons of tho typo "a" and "o"
without bo cUjkhIiik tho type as to
show on tho paper. This is n pretty
tiff warrant)', but that la what the
Carl Wlek, of Proajvscl, la iIoIiir
business la Medford today.
Some additional tomnto aeroac
reiiulreil. Cnll and fo us. ltoRtio
lllvor Vnlloy .CnijnliiK Co.
(l llnydnii, of liagle Point. Is lu
tlui illy todn, on loiito to Cnllfor
nlii. When better liiflurnnco Ir Bold
Holmes, tho Insurance Man, will sell
Andrew Cioss, n llluo l.tulue dis
trict minor. Is ilolux lnislmtoi in tho
valley metropolis for n dny or two.
Do Voo buys bocr bottlos.
.). Itodmon, of thn Applofjnlo dis
trict, Is a .Medford sojonrnpr for a
few days.
(Intofl soils Ford ears, J 200 down
nnd JJfi a month.
It. II. Tracoy, of Amity, OrOROii.
Is a visitor unions; frlondsln this city
Innurn your auto In thn Alllnncn
nanliiHt thoft, flro. C. Y. TeiiRWnld.
II. A. Long, of Hlssoii, Cal., Is
lookliiK about the Medford district
for a weol; or so,
Sliollod corn, $1.00 per hundred.
U II. Ilrown.
(loo. I.onwoll, of HrantH Push, Is
transacting buslneas In this city this
Try it Klnjc Spitz cigar nnd on
cniirnRo homo IndtiNtry. tf
Mrs. A. K. Willis, of Ashland, Is
vIsIHiik with frlouds In this nlty to
day, romnluliiK until Wtxluosdny.
Medford Taxi Co. "Anywhoro nny
tlmo." Phono 88C.
C. V. Stowurt. of K'ermiin. Cnl.,
Is turrylug lu Mcdford nnd vicinity
for a wook.
Meot mo nt tho Shnstn.
A. M. Smith, formur proprietor of
The Mhlwny fruit stand lu thla city,
will go to Porltnuil lids ovoiiIiik nnd
from lliore to Dallas, whole ho will
remain, bavin purcliasod a an-ncro Highland iuinanon , Foot a ereok, now
1 1 tin hiinlv nniK'i- uf itper
il n - hud ei then tnlt- lrty feel
eiilier niu when inwtpetiiig theil
I. urn ahum the luniks f Hirdspye
H'fk. in an mletiiM' area known to
'ic iiuiicriilied, lliev would lune
tmiinl (tiild-httariba ore ieliliiir from
JH' in !.V000 n ton. They minwl
williin e tew fur I nf thi irdge on
eiich iile or it, and then nhuHiloned
the territory to lmik for xiitnetliim
richer. Many of lluin found rich tic
ponits nf oro in MirimiK iwits of thi
vaat ininenil rogiim, Including gold,
ropier, silver, iron and coiil, some ol
wtiieh wotv developed n far ni il
npiwntoil lo bo pitifilnhlt' to worl.
thera in (ho nlijeeuee of facilities i'ol
shipping Uie ojp lo n aiinllur. SeoreA
of Miltmhle ojililu-i ore I'millil in tlilA
eunditiou todiiy ttill nwnitiii); the
advent of tnin-iortiition i'tieilitiea to
imilip Hieir opeiiilitni worth wliilc. It
in the opinion of fti'll-informcd mining
men in Huh lotion Hint innnv excel
lent eluiiiw of enrlv du, linxo hecu
nlmiidoiicil iiecntir-p of the ubicne.e nl
rnilroiids in llic district.
Hut Hip eliiini on Hintsc.o creek
now heinje worked hy Swintker & Mp
Ke.vuolds had nexer been disturbed
until ii lew wool; nxo, when nn in
different surface indication .surest
ed exniniiintiou.
SUutlluK Itcmlts Announced
The ipsnll ia (lint llic Swnpker-Mp-IteyuolilM
(oiuimnv aro Inking out
ore from Hint olnim tliut runs na IijkIi
aa l"i,0ll(l lo the too. The poorest
look tlioy Jinvp taken out yields
$'28?.7'2 to tho ton. Il is rod; in
which there is no gold uppnicnt to thn
nuked eye, Iteftisp nceumnliitioiis
elioxelcd out of the way of the main
dump iiHruiy over i.'i lo the ton.
Alter sinking; n whnfl Iwenl.v-thrcn
feet, during which depth the chnrnc
ter nnd value ot the oic weio iiu
elinnged, the (oinpauy has lieun lo
Inuuel into the mountain on the ledge.
The only ehnnpo in the ore is Hint
of inerenso in wilite- so fur. It is
pockety nnd the vein is onlnrfjiuj; ua
depth is attained.
J ('. Hlliotl, who hn, driven mil to
Uiidseyp oreek two or tlirep timw
lately, brought in some ot' tho oic, Il
inny he soon tU The I'nntoriuin nnd
Dye WuikH, on Xoith Fir stieet.
.Mr, Klliott iJo hroMght in a ipiun-
lily of hpoelinenn ol' ore t'loiu the
farm lu that vhlnltt
In the mailer ol eneiiiuauiiiy np
Hirt "I the Chamfieilaiu loud grunt
bill, winch provides that, in the die
sMitiun of the lamU of (he grant, dfl
per cent of the proceeds mll go to
(he school fond nnd III wr cent to
the counties of Oregon, Judge F.
I.. Ton Vclle, fur the eounty court of
Jackson eounty, .Siitiuday, wind Ike
following mcs-iiKc In the (1 logon del
egiitioii, house n representatives,
Wa-hinglim, II. I'.;
"The count v eiuiil of .Ineksnn
ettiinty urges the (hvgon deleynlion to
llo its ulUMist endeavni' to sacute the
lutMsuge of I lie t'hnmuerlniii land
grant lull ami to protect the eouiitiex
in the mutter of delimptcnt taxes."
A messiigp b the Mwlford Com-
HieU'ial elub will iiohably he toi-
warded thi evening eonluiiiing n inn-
inn niH'iii inr -iiimhm i 01 me t liaui
be Ha ill uieniire.
Why Smoko jilt (!icnrs
Whon I.h (Inudas nro only 10a. '
on exhibition nt Ihu Conuncrciiil club
looms. This, too, is n very piomisjug
pmpeity, tho prospeut allowing; lietlei
icsults as depth is attained. An of
ter hna been made fur litis pmpeity,
hut the denl haw not yet been con
cluded. Whether or not it may h
lictweon Iho paittes to it in this ease
depends homewliitl nn Hip success of
present plans to ilevclop it under its
pieont innnttgemcnt,
.New I.lfo In Old .XI I mix
The Sim ling mine, owned hy S. S.
Itullis of Aledfonl, the ohlest nnd
most lelialde produeor in this wirt
of the count i'v, ia being operated day
and night hv tho hugpst force and
equipment of gnmU.t oacily pvot
usial on it. (uoflt nleetnc NPiut'li-
lights onahle tho workmen to luirsuo
oHrations at night well as iluring
the day. It is the scono ol groator
aelivity now than for many jeiirw.
Thirtv men me at woik and three
giuut nosles, eneli tin owing n five
meh stream, mo constantly trashing
the piecem- .lift Inna (he walls nf
Sterling i-reel
The Opn and Noilin- nii'iei, also in
' tn
USltON. u 1'iiiiv Mtireh '-"fl
SidoilHi Plies, I'nrtuguexe uniii-t,
Qeriuiiiu nice Hip cMahlKhliicnl ol
Hie n'puWie. who led iWrlin alter the
hit-iik between (h'liniiitv ami I'm in
gal, uiiImhI in l.i-bno last mglH.
In on inteiMew Hi. I 'a,- nlliide.l to
Hie emit raver. lienuen (iemuuix
and Auierieu mei the Mihmiinac i.
sue. mid dtvlaied he n corn im ed
that Hie (icmiaii uoveinuieiit ilcvivc.l
ill nil eiiols in ii ni, n hieuk With the
I'm ted Stole-.
illUau at litis lime, mlmm It ba that WobsUr eompany agrees to with altar
th prohibition luw lias driven the rlbtwaa. Hold u-the Medford l'rtnt
loafars out of the stais, as well a lug oompany.
thNU1 ewwk shows that miwh mora
ralu fell lu the suirouadlag hiouh
tatus during the iat foHy-elRhi
hours than lu Hie valley.
PrtWHHlMas Mi tha lasHO, t Mns
In i'Hr lwHHUwr ;i?d ba&U U
(iltsVMoiiflit and ha untuarod for wftVt
it tOtflUlf- J. W. MUahtdt.
xvorkiaea of good repute whe prater
larger privilege socially and. oIhr
footloose have Kune where lk) can
Olljuv ti
Mdliiuil to V-.liliAl fr lNlr
oauiN on.- . iv on ii )Hy ifa tttra.
liaun.i nn. him i uxt acuta. Ttaaa
card in . noun i "Hail.
FOR AhK-- Three acres e.xeelloat
Wuul a ad a flue modem bungalow
Uartnt fftur rooms aud a slwplug
lorh Md good ouibuildiugs. lth
iu a mil of lb Medford city lim
its Terms reaaauabl. iMquIra of
J '. Herrlau. Mifnl ftuik Wdg.
1XT Urge white rat, yrjr Urns,
fa wily net: last aoen or South
Holly alraet: it raward tor ratura
to stttthvaat wwr Oroa Tar
raa gtMl RMir Amm, ttt
Snya we must make kidne vx clean
tho blood and jiitiiplca
' ' '
IMmplet, fares and Uoik tnually re
f.ult from to.Miii, iHMS04i$ and impurities
Xvbkll are uenrratcd in the hnualt and
then aborhcd into the bhasl throiiKh
the X'arv iliu-ic u.huli &linnlil ali.nrli nnlu !
iKMirishiucnt to sustain the body,
It is the function of the kidney) to
filter impuritii'i from the blood aud
t-ait them nut in the form of urine, but
in many intaiiccs the Isiwels create
more tiixint .mil impurities than the
kidney can eliminate, then the blood
ums the $kiu oores as the next beU
incr,i of Rcitiiifj rid of these inmuritlei
which often break out all oxer tlie skin
:'0' in the form ot pimples.
3jj p iiic surest xvay to ciear me sun ov
invic rrupuoiii, jas a ivimmi aiituomy, I
is to get from any pharmacy about ,
tour ounce of Jad hults and take a
tableaaoonfol in a glau ot hot water
each Muiriiimr Wfaro brrjL.f jit for rui
xek. Tbi will arevent the formation1
of toxins in the UoweU, It alo sllmu-j
Iates the kidney 4 to normal activity,
thus coaxing them to filter the blood (
imtwilics attU clearing the tkiu of
Jsd Salts Js inexpensive, harmless ami '
it made from the acid of granet ami
Iruwst juice, romUnwl with lit Ma. Here
you haw a plensajst. eKervescant drwk
xvhiek utuaily wake nimoh$ dwappear;'
c4Riuts the Mewl and h excellent iti
tk.e fcwiiejw avcll, ... J
too laTK to t;ussiFv.
iAii iv.m S" " ; '?" ;' T ""i at geitaiij nil ot tnese imnuntiesi
IOlt It W.T -Three fiirnlsIiMl house-1 which often break out aU oxer the skin
keening rooms. Rrounu floor,
riuth (lrap. Phone 73S-.X.
m !'
, -Ii .
yiHid iiliie-
trtn (,. rmnfi nt the rrHifiu
life sfoHtldv
! Ice v ! mil V "I J
imr Mtternlol on full tunc, the or'
fmm eneh being Irriilerf et the (,.p Ibcr ehule- gircn
in. II ((
""HI 1
W-.rh will ..., be r.-.m.rd'r"- '' I" "
.. -r ,k. k... . 1 1,,, ,1-alrnl ri-lllf
rriiitrv ,fi wrv inwf-- n . -.-
i.rrlunlnMrv til imOflltlOII linvv lieilltt Till
mode tm H m Wwrtic- that bnvej
tor veal hftfii lillp. I
The Inre or gftkl has again iurUwl
the proepcclor lo search tht mW
lain of southern Oregtm and ftorlli
orn California m In the days whew
Hip element of chntien wga lea iirmfl
laingr Manx- rcpresatilaUtew of Mfi
ital in the eaat are in this riiatriet at
this time inspceting properties with
a vw to buying and 0ipiiiug Idem ii!
for anuatHiitinl iloveloiuticiit, mu
reliance being plnml on the pro
jippt of trnnsportfllioii fapltilies in
the near future.
Tungsten llcrently Found
Ttiiigatcn, a rare inetiil, hna hccti
recently found in the Gold Hill dis
trict, itpcoiding to the icports or (I.
I,. Huff and II. A. Kny, two Indus
triotis prospector of this ipion. This
discovery i snid to have been made
about tin ce miles above Hold Hill.
Two xcins have been opened tip,
showing this mctnl, which is properly
elussilicil us xlicclite, nnd is fice from
uny other forms of this ore, such us
hitcbnmitc, wolframite and t'eilicrile.
The piiiinipiil vein is l'loin eiht to
Ion inehps in width. Four chutes
re is I oiio. I m heat yktARinff
a itiM WW ng t be oan the
g M. It la while nf erem
color. In eeiKiiii formal loha it
mirkt yelmweh.
Special pnrch is hg made for
'eitniahar wherater pjnlfJUa!lnr may
Im found in this mining tRrritory.
There in no dealt thai llila senson
wilt develop ratmoeditsMry aetivuVa
in mining mnlkni lkroutHWt the en
tire soiitheru OrtSRjon elicr of dis
tricts. ' i
('aid of Tlmiik
Wo desire lo thnnk tho many
frlenda for tholr kihdniyw during our
roeent horonvomont and asjibclntly the
Hod Men and Pornhontns lodges for
tholr brotherly kindness nnd assis
tance. mu. and .Mita. m. r. wrimiiT
.Mil. AND MHB. C. n. w'lS'KLANn,
Tho McCurdy Insurnnco Agency
wlili to announce Hint thoy have re
moved tholr offices from tho Sparta
building to tho Medford National
Dank building Phono 1-2-3. 3
I'AIIIH, March 20. Lietilcnunt
Clrtieml Count Cndornu, the Itnlinn
pommnniler in chief, arrived in I'nris
tminy to take part In the military
nnd iMilitii'itl ponferoncp of tho en
tente nllic. Crown I'riiiuo Ale.xunilor
of Soihin is due hero tomorrow with
Fremiur I'hpIiIIpIi. He wil jp the.
gupst of tho Frene)i government.
(Irent llritnin xvill bo reproHPiitcil
hy Premier AK(iiith, sovornl other
mi'inbnrt of tho eubinet nml.Qeueml
Sir Ilotiglus Huig, eoinmnndor of tho
Ilritish forces on tho continent. Pie
uiier do Hioqituvjlju will attend thn
eonfeiciicp for Helgiuin nnd Gcncinl
Uiluisky, nidc do cimp to Einiicror
Nicholas, and the Uussinu ninbassa
dor to Frnnoe, A. J. Iswolsky, for
Kusiiii. Premier ftriund xvill preside.
The eonfci'eiii'e is looked upon hero
us of tho greatest importnnee, n it
will decide the joint policies to ho
pursued during the next period of iho
JL 0 1 I
a mil MJLM W &
m. W .tL4 V ' w
irif ' f am vs . ,
. .a
IN our last advertisement we told 3"ou
something about the investment of
capital that is behind the Owl, '"
We explained how a stock of slowly
curing leaf valued at over one million
dollars is constantly in reserve to ensure
the flavor and blend of the Owl.
If we call it "Owl The Million
Dollar Cigar" we think this name will
serve as a constant reminder of the sound
foundations under this famous brand.
It will suggest the leaf investment,
which explains why the Owl is always
a mellow, fragrant smoke.
It will suggest the careful hand-workmanship,
which explains why the Owl
alwa3's draws free and burns evenly.
It will suggest eleven busy, well-ordered
factories, which explain why the
Owl always comes to the smoker in
clean, tempting condition.
In a word, it will suggest the sound
business effort and forethought respon
sible for the success of this famous nickel
cigar. So we're going to call it "Owl
The Million Dollar Cigar".
Vf.w Jn 'rrroHRAbHRIt
The Million
Dollar Cigar
( i