Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 20, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Kit lii Tonlgfif miff Tiieibi.
Hat. it'J, 1lln. im, ft. ,sm
Perfr fifth Yar
tnll l.nli Vr
0. :J08
Medford Mail Tribune
Clash Between Opiiosinn Mexican
Factions Expected Near Namigulna
Few Hours Will Determine
Whether He Can Evade Government
Forces in Fllnht From Americans.
Mt. PASO, Tow, March .0.-A
eluali between the Yllibdu and Cnr
ihiiku force i imminent, noonrdliur
l mhiee received liorv IoiIn.v
thtoiigh fiend a I fin vim, tin Cnr
rniir.u commander nl .linncx.
Yilln, tlceing south licfoiv lint rap
idly advnni'ing Ameriemi trniv, in
tippiircnlly Dying to hrenk through
I In Mcxirnn-American cordon doling
in nlmiit llii? l.iiGunii-llnliHcorti le
gion, lie in seeking n loophole in t lit
direction of Xuinupiipn, thiouh
which ho citn escape into the inoiin
tii in nnnind OguritMn nml Vnnln
Aiiiiii, llw liniiiliiir ground whero lit
commenced hi cntccr mm h lintidit.
"iiiiii(iKls Aili'iiiirlni;
Tin- form lixt! nrt nro nilwiiii-ing'
urn Hi In mi Nnmiiiiim, foilv mile
from Sun Miguel Itulirieom, twenty
milt's I nun HI Vnllu, whore Villa wan
i'kh led yeaterday. An the Imnilil
in traveling south', a few hours should
decide whether he enu evade the
troop of General Cntmnxu or lie
foivod into either fighting them or
douhlii'tr nn his 1 1 neks.
Hal the iutereM in the ohuso after
Villa is almost overshadowed on the
bonier by tintieipoliiiii of The relytof
General ('arm una to the leiinest of
the American government for pciinia
sion to iim' tlic Me.icnn railroad. F.I
l'aMi.dho home of nil nor, outdid her
self tmhiy iu the sensational lopoita
that Unshed fwuti one end of the
town to theTtttfflPrflyTlig iit, onlv l
lie succeeded by others mure uhirm
iiiff. .Many iiiuunis ,iiui(
It was imiMMMblo to discover how
llii'e minors storied, but thev newr
lucked belieei. The most persi-i-ctit
and the most generally accepted
asset tetl that Iruusportntiuu nt
ruiu;cmcnt from Columbus to the
flout, a distauee of probnlilv more
than l'JI) miles, hud proved imule
iliiiite and that the railroads Mere
urgentl) needed to forwnnl supplies.
The deert and linn en niiiiintaiii
count rv over which the groat tuanti
lies ot material mtttircd hv the five
or six thousand American sohboi
miisi tmvel on imek mules nod wait
on s, present admittedly h tienieu
doiis pmblenv This problem in )cr cut
ty inereased by the fact that most,
if not ull, of the forage fur the Amer
ican horses must be forwarded from
the Int-e. Amor wans long resident in
Cliiliiiiihun, say it would lie iriiMis
sdnV for the corn and oats-fed horses
of the I'nited Stales eavultv to ub
si( on the food of the Mexican pony.
Tbe )Miint to I lie tac that (leneial
I'ersbinjr bits .iliuK hl some ot
In- mount- .i- ituiif id this.
SUNK BY TORPEDO MX. Ma I eh 'JO. -The oflieu.1
m eouut of the Austrian admiral! ot
the torpedoing of the AuMm-Iluii
jiuriiin hospital ship Klektra, was i -eeived
here ioduy from Vienna as I
lows; "The Klcktra wa torodocd on
March 10 by an enemy ubniarine. It
was eleur mid suiwhiuy weather nud
no HnrniitK watt vi'n. One auilor
wus dnuiwed and two ltwl Cross
nurses were badh woundwl, It W im
jMissible to iiiiHKine u more rrans vio
lation of nft riiutioiinl law on the
IIFIM.IV M.i.b jo Aii
decru v.i. iiud todu to the cllect
that iiuuoin cnvii.c.l in uaiiilul iiccii
aitiuiis b.ill imt nccne nunc than
1H uuiika weikh ii their earniui:-,
iK ther with a -urjilii- nniounliiiij to
not more ( 0M-third of the
aiiioiiut uiM in "ieert of 18 marks.
'I lit ri'-idue mii-l be dt-Mi-ited in sax
in.- Itm i. 1 1 t Iu iv Mltbdi.i ttli dill
in,: Ihe Hal.
Carranza Forces Withdrawn From
Casas Grandcs and Other Points
to Juarez, in Rear of Invaders No
Reason Assiynctl for Transfer of
' Kl. PASO, Texnn, Muicli 20. Car
ransii trunpi stationed ut Cubur
ftrnutlofi nml polnta of that section nt
the 1 1 in o (lonornl Porabltm lieKnu liU
mnreh Into Moxlco now are Inrnted
at .hiaror, oppuKlto Kl Paxo, and In
the rear of (lenornl Pornblnn'a col
uinna, It wim uitthnrllHtlvnly Htntod
s'o teuton linn lieeu aoalitiind fur
tho trnnifur of trouiM from point
Inland In the liorilor.
Prom reliable houiqoh It Ir xtatnd
that In ono Itmtancu a Cnrranxn do
tenaliment allow oil Villa to pami
nonthwant on receipt of a uieMutKe
from the Imndlt hmilur that ho wum
not wnrrliiK aRaltiHt Mexico.
At Port lillu today rouimeut wan
withheld on tho northward movement
of CarrnuRn tttiopa, nltliounh It wan
understood in army rtrcles that the
movoniont was not largo.
((moral (3. K. Doll, coniinnndlnB
tho troopa here, said, howevor:
"Thoro Isn't a roanon on onrth for
anlty In Kl Paso. Tho military Is
prepared for any onioiKoney that may
(euoial Bell's stAtnmont was dl
reolml particularly to ropoits of un
easiness in the border situation burn.
Humor woro spread HiioukIi tho
city today that machine Runs woro to
ha tnilnnd on polnta over tho river.
At Port Wis It was denlod that any
such aetlon was contoniplntyd. It
whs sutliorltatlvely declared. that no
lennon existed for It
IIASICI,. Switzerland. March i0
When I'll allied aeroplanes raided
Mulliauwn, upper Alsace, the ureat
ost aerial battle of the war took
place. Accounts Just leaching; here
deolare that nioro than fifty maohlnas
were righting at such close quarters
that the Herman antl-nlr oraft nuns
had to cease firing in order to avoid
Hitting their own machines.
One French airman rammed a Her
man machine which fell In flames
Five Qeruiau aeroplanes and tliree
I'retieh felt, the occupants of all be
ing killed. Kven while the allied
airmen were riali'lna the dropped a
uiiuilier of IioiiiIik uiiou mllltar) posi
tions ,
Mam thousauds of arsoiis wl
nessod tin- coniliut
Hi:ill., March 20 - Vn official
Austrian statement says that a
Preach destroyer of the Pourehe t) pe
has been torpedoed by an Austrjatt
submarine. The destroyer sand In
one minute. '
Official announcement waa made
In Paria yesterday that Ute Preneh
destroyer . ItenaHdin had been sunk
In the Adlratle by a auhinarlne, with
the loss of 17 wen. The Itenaudiu
betoHged to tbe aame claaa as the
WAMIIXQTOK. irarch 20.-Bp-bcarin
of tin iiea Irom tbe South
Ilakota siipicinc court's approvul of
the nht of the elgisluture to jmiss
the 191.) primiin net and thereby re
peal the iMMitde's primary law of 101 ij
MioptKi lt the uutiutive process
Wa- .ikcd tuiliix i,t the -iipicmc
i mill Tin .ii!ii illiili W.i- t.iki II
limit r i n- di i ..Iu.:..
Mexican Chief Asks for Information
as to Needs of Railroads by U. S.
Army Request Not an Ultimatum
Assurance Given Troops Order
ed Not to Occupy Towns or Cities.
VA8UINf5TON,( March 20.- ficn
ornl Oirrnnsn today lopllod to tho
American govornntont's rnqucsl for
imo ot Mo.xlcnn ralltoatl . Ilnoa ,for
movoment of supplies to tho pitultlvo
oxpodltlon, with a icquoat Tor more
cnntpliite Information of exactly what
tho war department wants. Oononil
C'arranra's teil was sent to Proa
lilont Wilson. The Inrormatlnu ho
asks will lie furnished.
Seeks Infot million
It was undoratood (lenornl Carran
ra wnntH Information of tho oxlent
to which tho Pnlted Stntos oxpohtn
to use tho railroad, ifud tirobnhly ns-
sninncon that the lino la to be uiml
only for fitrulshluK supplloe. Ailtujn
Istratlou officials realize that 'Uhi;
ransn Is dealing with a difficult sen
timent In Mexico and thnt use of tho
railroad by American troops, unions
fully understood, might load to fric
tion. It Is bolloved Carranza Is favor
ably Inclined toward tho requnst.
Ills roply wos forwarded from Quoro
taro. Mr. Polk denied emphatically re
ports that tho icquost of tho I'nited
States for permission to transport
supplies ovor Moxlcnn rallronds was
In any sonso a ileinand or an ulti
matum. Protect anil lleply
(itineral Carranza has formally pro
tested against Amorlcan troops occu
llylnit Casns.Orttndos In their pursuit
of Villa and the American govern
ment has i e jill ml that the troops have
been ordered specifically not to oc
cupy Casas Orandes or any other
towns or cities of Mexico.
The ptoteet aud reply wete Includ
ed in an oxehango of notes between
ctlng Secretary Polk of the state
department and Kliseo Arrodondo.
ambassador designate to the United
States from Moxleo.
After a conforenco today betweon
President Wilson aud Mr. Polk it ho
came known that Mr. Polk In a noto
forward til to Mexico estnrdiiy 'said
Instructions had been sent to Con
em I Punston to keepjils troopa sv
fiom all towns.
Sailing orders of tho bnttloahlp
Kentucky, ordered from New Orleans
to Vera Crux, were changnd today to
send the ship to Oalveston.
Serretaty Daniels said thoro was
no need for the ship at Vera Crtta
and that tepoits from the gulf coast
of I iro were optlmlhtlc
Till: IIAfll i:, M.-.r h .' Tin
lire. jf The Netlieil.uiiU, in discu
iliy: the sinkinit ot the lilici Tubaiilia,
refers to tbe Mtsibilltle ftf will be
tween (lei man v and Holland.
Tbe Amsleidam llundeUblud, after
ilisciiing tbe uelessness of smdi a
onflict awl eoiisideriug the many
tie Iwtweeu tbe two aountries, adiU:
"Neverthele!, nothing would lie
iiioi damaginir to our indefiendcnee
and natiottal esistcnee thun tho iden
guining ground that we ore unprepar
ed to shed our own blood for the de
fense of our rights and independ
ence." The ettfitteer, DeOrooi, of tbe Tit
hantia. sow uakea the statement thai
an hour and a half after lenvinu the
ship he saw a submarine ol foreign
LONDON, Munh JD Between
March 1 and ilanh ih, nineteen
hostile shins of the entente allies.
aggregating 40,000 tons, have Mrfi
sunk. sas Iteuter's Amsterdam eor-
ii-Miioiiileni, inilltliis the stHli-iiitnt
to a well iiiiurinij .-.uiipt iu llcr'iu
Ik Jf T . JssaaaBsaaaaWsaaaaasaaaaaaaaaat T WvPaBBaWvCo-vkBsLSBBBBBBBBBSsP'w .
L LT 2k uiiuiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiVniiiiiiiim tj J, Mar 4aUnwBaaV vliiw''HnKsr StuntV
' bIsV TftLslsaslslslslslslslsLJBtHaC' TJsttsVslslslslslslsfeBlslsiBiaBsaslslslslsblK
Stouts. '.'." m UiWwKzaHNlmBtk
Hmvat Ws Mi'-y
a.. ..,.- S.JP'
t- .v.
I'lilteil Slates rnali jtiien view Inj: tbe IiaiiIj ofu Mexican bandit, on
,1... ...d......l l.lll.i.l .ln.t.i.v lit., lliiiilli llnil full, .unit llln'u nlliifl. ,1,1
llllT ll'llll'l, ,11,1.1. ......iih . r. ......
Columbus, eu Mcxlio.
LONDON, March .'o I'lftx sallois
landed at an east coast iort this
morning, according to tho Central
News, which says the are understood
to bo fiom Norwegian and Danish
steamers torpedoed off tho east coast
last night.
I.ONDON, March 2i Tho sinking
of a neutral and a llrltlsh stonmshlp
with tho losa of one or more lives,
wna announced todav The Norwegian
steamor I.ungelle, 971 tons, was sunk
and her ongluoer was hilled. Six
teen survivors were reaeued. The
Urlllsh steamer was the Port Dal
housle. Her mater, pilot and five
men wore lauded. Tho remaining
members of the crew aro missing.
The Port Dalhousle, or 1711 tons
gross, waa owned In Kingston. Ont.,
and was last reported leaving Swan
sea, Walea, February 10 for Dunkirk.
J.ONDOX, March 30 The Danish
steamer Skodshorg of lfff7 tons has
been sunk geteutecu members of
I lie irew wire xavril three being lost
INDIANAPOLIS, inil., Hui.h '.'.
-Thomas Tuynuit, diinaeriitie nu
tioual eoiniuitteeman, as itpsuiitcl
United States siiuilor to fill the wi
euiiey caused hv the death of Keim
toi llenjuiniu lf. Sluly, by (loer
nor Ttalston today. Mr. Toggnrt ex
iwcts to leave for W.iiWugion mi
minliately. The new senator has uiAint.'iined
the leadership or the deinoeriilie
party iti lndianii for about tweni
lite euis.
WAMIINMI'iJk. Marrh -'.-Cbairniiiii
Chsiuheiliiiu of Hie --i-inite
nilitarv eoinnuiti c Iim, dei-idcd not
to call up hi a nn reorgunixution
bill until tbe house bill coasrs iqi.
"It ms be that we wiht lake -un
Hjrt!osa ' the house biH entf rr ; r
our own, or we mux merel -iiliiinl
tin- -i n, Hi lull i- ,i -nl, -i iluli m Ik
ili. i -i nit .i - un , i i hi!
V . . . .,, I
. ?n
'ifi.0 .-'KJ!EH
.es "- , Msi
IrtBPSHi.. 7 . -' jyi
-w -wi - - r
V .,'
- . r. ... ....
VSlllNtiTO. Man h in - Hlls-
co Arrndondo, General Carransa's am-
' I.UMMU.lfir !..! Anllnw IfiaAHAluw I...llr
today discussed terms of a proposed
new agreement for a Joint pursuit of
Villa by American and Mexican troopa
to replace the present agreement by
which General Carrausa agrees to
the American punitive expedition.
Officials, of the Carrausa govern
ment were -reported In a dleMtoh to
the alate department as "thoroughly
underttauilliiK" the position of tho
United States. Tho dispatch was
fiom Special Agent llodgete and ap
patently was sent after extended con
versation with Mexican officials.
General Punslon reported thnt
threatened diaturbauiea serosa the
line from Presidio. Texas, were gretT
ly exaggerated and that comparative
quiet prevailed throughout the Dig
lieud country. i
ICIIseo Arrodondo, ambassador des
ignate of the Carransu government
and Acting Secretary Polk arranged
for a conference this afternoon to
ill'iciiss the rep to the request of
tlii- t nllc.l Slates in sliip supplies b.v
nil to the nicili in forces.
"WASHINGTON. Mar. 20 -The
fight for equipping the Hrsmcrton
navy yard at Puget Sound for battle
ship construction was renewed today
bv Senator Poindexter and Represen
tative Humphrey of Washington, be
fore the house naval committee, Tbe
bill glreadj has passed the senste.
Senator Poindexter quoted Hear
Admiral Stanford, former chief of
)arda and docks, as saying that the
only excellent deep water station waa
In Puget Hound
GAI.VKHTON March 20 - Imme
diate iaee Is In sIkJh," Is one sen
tence iu a cablegram received thla
morning from Loudon by a Galveston
shipping firm. Tbe cablegram can
celled arrangaujeuis which had been
ni.nli liirmuli iin iMilvrston Iioiihi
lr i li.ii ii ru, i i oniiiii i ,iii, aiiinuiil
of tonnaKe aud gas as the reason for
Hi In ii (loa tlic iuiiiit tor iiiiini
lilall J.i .li l ill Jul nil.
Sixty-five Aeroplanes Drop Dombs
on German Seaplane Station
Fi(jlitir.(i About Verdun Attain
Slackens, Each Side Reporting At
tacks Repulsed.
LONDON, Mnreh 'JO.-Sixly-fivo
allied iu i opIaueN lodily hninlinrdcd
the neioiliome ut Iloutnvo, nn tho
Itclginu coast, ueiir the (own of Zoo
liruKtte. All tetiiined.
The follow inn orfleiul sliiteuienl
ivus uuiili"
"In the eiith hourw of luilav n eoin
biiied force of niimvimntely fifty
lliilish, I'Vueli nud Melgittu aero
plniios and seaplniuia, aeeoinpiuiind
by fifteen fighting machines, ntlnrk
ed tlio fleniinn senplHtiu stntiou nt
eelirtiOM and ilie ueiodrome ill
lloullttile. iioHi Xeehruirve.
"('("isideinhle dniiinge npponra lo
lime been done. Tho mnehiium on the
iivenige enrried WOO liounils of
hoinlis. All llu innehlnes reluruud
"One Belgian offieor im repoitod
setiously wounded.
"All the llrilish mui'liiuea rofenod
In werp tinvnl."
Zeebrugge is on the llelginli const
twelve miles northeast of OsUuid.
Since the (let mint occupation thin
port hns Imh'oiuo of considerable iin
potlnnee, iitiitieulnilv dm u Oonnnii
suhnintine base. It in one of tho prin
cipal points front wltoli iiiiliimtrliui
opui'iitiiiiiH iu the Not ili son rtio di
Lvpeteil. fc
t V 'W
i si '
I'lendi Attail. ItcpuUiHl
MKIILIN, MniWi an. -Aii ntluek
made French troow on the Ullage
of Viiiix, niirtheMst of Venlini, wna
repuiseii Willi Heavy losses, tile far
office announced today.
The iolenl attacks of the uiiM
in the bike region on the northern
Iu1 of the eastern front were eon
tiiiuml. Tlte Itiissian eharged 're
pea lei I ly with sttoiig forces, but weie
lieu I en back with large losses.
Got mini Attack Itepitlseil
I'AIIIS, Mnreh aO. (Iennn fotees
have hiHubnrded MnlnnroHtt nml tin
attack nmile bv jhem on the I'runeli
H)4ilnni at Cote de I'oivre, bus ie
sulltil in lailure, ueeordiug to the
unuouiieeinent made by tlie Kieueli
war office this afternoon.
Theie has been iiitennittent liiim
bardmeut iu the region of Vnux.
Tbe text of (he statetttent says:
"Wet of the Meiise tlie enemy lias
delivered n homliir(linen( of eoiisid
e ruble violemi' outh of Muluueourt.
Knsl of the rixer, after a premni.
lory uHillery rite, the enemy deliv
ered ugaiiist our Ms.iliniis at Cole de
I'uiwe a small attack which resulted
in eomilele failure. There has been
an nilermittenl bomlmnlment in the
region of Vhux.
"In the Wwvre there waa fnirly
spirited eapnoiiadiUK nl J-'imi t
U.s." .
LONDON', March 2II.-A strong
I'rench eolumu with light mtiilciy
from the Kaloniki eutrein lied uump
ha attacked and oeeupieil the til
luges of Mueikoxo, Kiiradagh aud
Kosuuu, which had Irhii entereil by
Teuton and Hulgariau lorees, oceord
iuk Iu a Iteuter disaiteh fnmi Subm
ki. dutwl Mnn-h JH. The I'leiich
hud only a few eMsuultie. Owiug lo
the euemaehuiouts or the Teuton al
lies into (ireek Larnlniv uii.l ika aim.
sequent duuee of the French, the
neutral frontier 4u which hud been
uvreed iimjii between the (irvek and
llulgnriau gowromeiiU, i now elnn
inated. Folic-, nl tin- ct'iilral MiWeis and
of the i-iilinli iillit-, hi,- l,,,.,. fai e,
tin, mliU, iiii, bellum, -lil,
iiii: and --it a. nl thiiiwm.' mm in ii,iu-
ll-- 111 till III l.lll..illllMI, , , nl.l.NC
uiiulio.itd Mlliii -. iiliiniL iluity
miles north ut' Salomki, n on the
iHur ir.nil- win re tin- mhir-ury
Ion i .in u, ( nntui t.
National Committee In Session at Chi
carjo Root Eliminated as Candi
date and Borah Favored by Will
lams of Oregon Little Sentiment
Amotifi Members for Roosevelt.
CHICAGO, Mnruh !!0. Solcolinn
of n Ictiipornvv idinitiiuiii for lliu ie
piililicnii mitioiiiil (inuvenlirtn whicli
nifcls here ne.xl June, was hoforu the
lepublieitu nutlounl t.'ouiinitteo'H suli
eommittee on convention urninc,''
inculs huio today.
Willi I he leecption of 1. C. Dniirnii
of Xnith Cnnillnn, every member of
Ilie sub-committee wna proscnt wlien
Charles I). Hillra of Now York, olinir
uinn, nipped for order.
The western members were regard
ed iim fnvoriiuriin immedinlo selection
of the U'inponiry uhitirman, their pos
ition liomg stilted by Ktilph Willintns
of Oregon, who anidt
"There will he less strife if we
make the selection now thnti then
will eettuinly be if the sultmtiott is put
off two mouths."
Hoot Not n Candidate
Franklin Murphy of Now .lersoy
brought word of the climiiiulioii tir
Klihu Root fiom tho temporary ehnir
innu contest. He suid Mr. Root had
stnted positively thnt ho would not
attend the uonvenlion.
(.Imiininn Hillis declined In dis
cuss piesidcntliil possihilitlcs. lie
hnid nn effort would be mnilv to liitvn
the eonvention go on rruuril us fav
oring a uniform pivsidentlal primary
1110 sub-aouiniilluo plunuud a two-
IleforK Ilia eoinmilleJi hcmmoii beaiui
Itnlph Willinnis of Oiegoii snid Or
egon repuldieoii tegnrded Justice C.
K. Iluglies a tho Jient eouipiuuuso
"I do not think," snid Mr. Will
iam, "llmt Iho loaders repaid Colo
usl Iluoeevelt seriously a a candi
date." Itoosoiolt Not Putoivd
"Tlie wisest leaders of the party,"
said Mr. Murphy, "suein to think Unit
Colonel Roosevelt could not be elect
ed if he were nuiiiiimU'd. lie is
stronger in the wct tint it iu tliooust."
Fred V. Uphniu or Chltmgo, head
of the Chiengo convention commit
tee, who hns jim lutiirnud from tlie
east, said that the seutiiueiit he hnil
heanl in thut section plnucd .Justluo
Hughes first; fliivernani .Met 'all see
Mill, and Foiuier Vice-I'iesident
Fnirlmnks of Indmim tlu'nl, as pos
sible contention candidates.
The members of the sub-eoniiniltite
are: CliMilesD. I lilies, Now York,
ebntriiiHii; Clmrles II. KevnnliN,
W'nsbington, I). C siietnry; George
It. Sheldon, New York, treasuier, V.
V. KtubitMk, New HainiMlnie. Ja.
P. (loodneb, Iiidtaiia; Ralpli Will
iams, Oregon; FmnkhH 3lurnliv. Now
Jersey; Alh II. Martin, Yirgmm;
l nomas K. NieIriiighaiis, Missouri;
Charles II. W'nrren, MieilKHH; John
T. Adams. Iowa; Fred Stanley, Kan-
sa, and K. C. Duiioan, Js'arlh Caro
Williams for itor.ili
The Oregon eonnnittoisnoii snid lie
finored the seleetiou of. Senator W
H Ibirali of Iduho as tetnporurj'
ehairmiin. Other candidate iliseuss
ed toi the leiiiMii-ary ffuvel weie:
St'iiotor Henry C. Lodge of Mus.
uehusflts; Fonoer Governor Chase S.
Osltorne .r Michigan; Oovoinor S. A.
McCsll of MasMu-hiuetU nud I. C.
Ivuox of I'eiinsylvttum.
I'mnkbn Murphy of fuw Jgrov
said he did not thinl; Colonel Roose
velt would be eon.idurud sorioiiHlv by
the contention us u proeidiuitiul onu
didute. He brought with him n boom
for FJlhu Root, who. be said. urn.
the ideal eanduliitc. "
WASHINGTON, Mar. S0--Sn-ale:
Met at nooh.
Posioflee Mmmittee heard pro.
tests against ohanglng method of
lis) went for rallwa mall tmuHnorta,
Government minor plate bill do
bated. Ulouse-' g f'jvr
Met at 11 a. mi. -i
Debate resumed on Hay arm riQr
gaulsutlou bill,