Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 18, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rvjtf tmvrt
Offee Mall trlkiiae n.il1.Hfe, Jl-lM
m Fir sirtti tsisfmens ts.
tffce OoMMMile Tlress, fhe Xfedfefrf
Mail. The MsOTsrd TrKviM. The 0Mh-
t Orstfonsn. The Ashland TrttM.
roBSOJtnTionr batxi
On year, hr wi . - f S.W
Oa$ itwuih, vr mail , .60
I'cr roentff. dsilvsrsd try earner In
Ubl Oinlral Faint .
Infarenr only, trf melt. sT year-..
wwniy, pr j
Paper ef Ilw CHy ef Medferd.
Paper er Jaessett Coenly.
sneend-olas matter at
Oren. wwr the set of Marsh
Hwern (Mreubitton for 1H, IMS.
II leased wJre Asseslstrd 1'rtn din-
SuNcrlbsra foiling (o ro
celvo napors promptly, phono
Circulation Manager at 2R0-R
.lonelo P louse, nuntlo, llio new
lady noxt (lofir nay, tior oniiipllniaiits,
nml will pol plnr very low, tisonuio
liur husband la otlreniuly mualonl.
fiydnoy Ilti I lut f ti.
XornnMirjr Xnitritliiucnt.
Teachor Can any lioy toll mo tlio
three fnoila required (o keep tlio hoily
In lioalthf ? 7 ? 7TT 7
Wtlllo Yr bronkfast, yor dinner
nml yer eiinpor.
Anil lln Isnl So Very 'lliln nt Tlmt.
14. '.. Sobnny Ih tlio iiunin of u fur
rlor In Clovehnul.
Anil They Tnlk AImiiiI .ttiictlrnii filling
Hero nro somo of tlio pot words of
tlio Tlrltlih soldlor nt tlio front, to
KUtlior with tholr inclining:
"Crumps," a projoclllo.
"Arohllmld," nntl-nlnirnft gun.
"IlllghtlyV KiiKlnnd.
?'86lKo(M "hot mo luivo n look."
iWftftnr' tun
'! . ---""'
rtut of iho wny,M
Oulilril (Mb.
Uflw"llio World ling oliHiiKtHlt Can
liOfHRTgcoy dlatilnoml liy ooininoiiH
arid Sf, To(6r looma to Imva liaan
ocllfwwl by aaltputar.
Tliny HluiuM Winiy.
A Piny of Jaynnoto CoHrt Mfo.
IkoriB JTIiti auillenao room In tho
tmlaco of the wlkaito of Japan.
TIiho Today.
Kntar tiio Jaitanttle mlnlnlor of
war, wlio rulM hla nolo Into tlio our
pat at tha faot of tha wlhado.
Jtlkado ArUo.
Mlnlatar of War I aalule tha An
luat lraMiiee with all tliO Uumlilft
naaa of my lowly atatlmi.
Mikado I haar tha Amarieaim am
ooutfrniOatiuc prepared hm. What
hava you to aay? T
. of W. Ok, mh of luHiimarabla
nncaatora! 'Tkay ant talking- about It.
Mikado Mow do thoy Inland to
It. of V. Bow favor tha Aue
trallau motbod. aoma thn Hwlaa. aomo
tka Uraiaw aud aoma ilia I'ork. Tkay
ara plaottlaa aw army of from Hi.
ooo to 0,000,000.
Mikado Aa daflalta M that, ah?
And how will tkay gat tkolr offlrara?
M. of W. - Uk. UMat asaltad lord,
all toe boob of all tha nolltfelatia x
lairt to ho odieara and wiar prflty
Mlkad Hul what of the expert
eutad offkMra who lad tliulr army
now. Wlat have lhay to aayt
M. of V. Nolklni. our majaaiy.
Thay'v haou inoatlud. They are
"mllltartata" and therefore are never
allowed to aay anything about mill
tary aiattara.
Mlkahi (with abjh of relief)--Our
Mwla are good to ua. W har noth
ing to fear, (lo on with your plana.
Today's ItolliliiKnr,
Soltllor'a Wife (alludlitg to blnok
oyo, n moaoNt from the lodger whan
nakd for tho rant) It ain't my good
looka I caraa abaht, but aoa tha uwk
WHr4 paaltloH It outa wo In. No oao'll
kllvo m my 'uahaiu) ain't bark
twin the front. - London fly-
Quito ii Slfilit.
"You aught to ligvg 8MH Mabal
do tha 100-yard dak.M
"AVhat did aha do It luTM
"I don't kuow what tkay Mil tko
blamed thiugt."
'IVMbiyJ ViM ltlildlo.
QupmiIoii -What i the tUfftfoau
lut w -u u i loud and h w klppod akltdT
n6( i - Ono pour with rflig god
ttu- iihei roiiiK with iialu.
Ili,,i, f tin Qil.n l,,itii lO tMa !
Wk Qitw. Holfo )
TUEITK AW twrt Ihtrughl MrTWf Wnrff liy 0ft Otffrtf (if fffltn
or mttkim. 'fh" rrrrtf h f hi err JrtP cMUlWir, mil
hr wrofKl in th( fhiMrrft of ofhfrai. 'I'Itp thmht rnrml
worth? of Ktrt ocUmi or rtrr h fhp fWIdrrtr of fnp m tion
or mrr. An'up from n vyni Ion to miHi mv)(mp, life lioldn
no flllurpiTipnt, fXcopt we lore gluttony and Innt. 'I'lie
nnl ion Hvph nd grrrWri only through it children. Cirilixfl
tioii fldvafvw only each gnncrntlon of children imprortu
in inoralR nd intellect.
.Science niul phllouophr are' not for the living, for if
thin were true, they would he lout or deatroyed with encli
period. Like art, they nre not the product of one genera
tion, hut the evolution of the life ot unknown centuries.
(Iiildren come into the
journ for a time, pass on aud leave tlio world to their in
vited guests. JJnsie, as life itself, is the truth that no man
has (he moral right to call one from a life of honor to one
of dishonor, from one of justice to a life of injustice; and
it may well he doubted that man has any right to call the
unknown into a life of sorrow and woe.
For tho great niaflK of men today, life in this world
offers only pitilnss and hopeless struggle. This is duo to
conditions created before their birth. The struggle is hope
less, because it i'h not a struggle for ideals, but for mere
physical existence.
H '8 Ji strife between intellectual and spirit mil beings
for mere bread to support the bodv, while the mind
hungers and the soul famishes. They are not permitted
even (he peace of animals, for (he struggle is not only for
bread, but to deprive others of bread, and in the last lies
the only path to what the world calls success, lut the irony
of it all is found in the fact
leature ol human lire, motherhood, is deemed .simply an in
cident to a liTe of servitude and drudgery.
Children are invited into this world and here they must
remain or die. They find no habitation prepared for
them. If they seek to make it a place suitable for their
feneration, they are told that their ancestors in ages past
lave devised what they have called constitutions anl laws
that forbid all but restricted effort, except by the consent
of a few, whose forbears were more wise or fortunate t hail
most. Thus the welfare of the living is buried under the
selfishness of the dead.
Jn Great Britain before the war, 2.1,000 people owned
half the wealth of the nation and 200,000 people owned
cloven-twelfths of the land, and the remaining '12,000,000
possessed but one-twelfth. Little wonder England finds
somo difficulty in creating an army. .It is but natural
'12,000,000 of her people should wonder why they should
fight and for what they should lay down their lives. There
lives an example to be avoided, and one to profit by.
Britain knows now that children are an asset to the
nation, for in t,iino thoy will be a nation, either weak' or
strong. Sordid wealth and idle luxury even heed the les-
'son. Tho children of the laborers arc tho workers, the
jirodncGrs, the servitors, the soldiers of the future. The
luftion is built on them. They outnumber the children of
wealth a thousand to one.
An the nation's life depends upon the intellect, morals
and physical well-being of the greatest number of its peo
ple, it is not difficult lo believe that the best insurance for
the future is the best training and preparation of the na
tion's children. Aud this cannot be had where poverty and
want infest the homes and haunt the lives of their parents.
Today our system protects a small minority at tho ex
pense of the welfare or the great majority. Prudence and
wisdom would seem to say that the system should be re
versed, if some must be sacrificed to enable the nation to
progress and live.
a a
livery question that affects humanity, be ii religious,
moral, economic or political, is embraced in the education
aud training of tlie children of each gouci'atiou. lint these
are valueless without freedom, and freedom cannot exist
under economic slavery. Hunger and liberty of mind and
soul cannot exist together, because men so their chil
dren that thev will surrender libertv to buv them susten
ance. Poverty, in all but men of heroic mold, destroys aspir
ations for freedom and independence. We know this, he
cause all men try to escape it. What must the effect be
upon the unformed minds of children and the souls of help
less mothers .'
TIlllM. wliul' l),lllh wull lllt. lit
I he linh iMinifsi dnriiiv; lite lnt luy-
lf Hill) Wft'k MUM olll.llll tllt'tll fit
the hVildx ji'i'lr lou'. Tin- t'ir.t
niio wn won hy Kruiu'o L DoiikIi
l'rt,. ogixl " month, whM Morv wtu
irttt) pwiiitH out or a MkSihle luUU.
Tbu Utile on' urne ia iler cup.
Tlu ktH'iMid jiriae, three diolOrra4ia
each, u tia, a won by llarjpuet A.
IrCuidy. agad IS month , aud Mary
Van D,Wt, ujied 1 1 months encb with
MaS point-. Tha third prise, a baby
book, m wow by Motet IMiiaa
Voaer, ugod Kl uumtW, with a m-ore
of UW.
Tbe Kail Trihunc hga made par.
xiKtul effort to tK'ure the ht of the
hubu'H entered aud tha uronw, but ha
Immw HUgble to aecura anything tuoapt
unfulfUleil pruoiueii. It i there for
unabli' to iriul dftmU ua prtuted for
ktbii 1Mb) hu of ID14.
atome man marry to gat a cook
gat thM kick aoovt tho oooktag
Qftiof roaa marry to gat hmmty
Mi4l ktok al boa Afaaagaioao Mllo.
world an invited guests to so
that the great, overwhelming
death Tails ' to
i'eiltoii & liowei. or hl.inil, lio
procured an option on tuu ilnnutinr
iiitut ou llaydan creeV. owned unit
operated for ninny rr it) J. .1. lluy
deu, who droppod uut'iiMlotis ou a
street of .Morlln last Sunday nnd
dlad h few hours thereafter, aro now
arranging for tho Installation ot r
torts usd ether Hiaehlaery neoaAry
In tha full operation of the mine this
saaiKiH. it. L. Opdyeka litis haan an
poluted suhil Hduiiuistrotor of tha
d. J. Uaydan was a pioneer In tha
souther Oragoa mining dtetrleu. Ua
oania from South Carolina In 1SSI.
Hla body la being held for word from
relatives there as to bat disposition
to wake of It, aaaunilug that it iua
be their daaire to have it shipped back
to tha old homo.
Harden was a bachelor and lived
alone It a soma what primitive fash
tou. iu was familiar lth wining for
quicksilver and elunahar deposits
poisssaog special lnraat for him. Mr.
tloydoo) was an aid man at time
JC hlo iMlk.
M.tiVOlW, ntt.n.
At the Churches
Hf. Mnrk'a Hplwpnl.
tat eomoaff)n, am, Stmrfay
whoa), 10 it, in.; ! eommoiiran, 1 1
a. m.: ff0rtlB)K awrer, 7 SO p. m.
William H. MMfMeft, Thjar.
ifv'r. .MHlKrflUJ.
Cortior TaiMli Hi1 Ivy. Sunday
arhaffl, 16 a. m.; wraaehlng, 11 n. M.
an 7:30 .: mirfweok prayar
meettMK. Tkurcdtfr, 7.30 p. m. Coma
lotd worahlp with tia. J. JC. ilradloy,
paatsr. ,.
Oiiliollc uimi-cti.
South Oakilttle avonue, Plrat maaa
Snnday, 8 a. m.; aeaond maaa, 10:10
rt. ia.; evenlur aarvlre, 7:30 p. Ht
Itav. John I'uwart, roetor.
Sprout Ii liny Adionlfl
(Xorlli Itlvoraldc Avo.)
Meets orory Sohlinth (Saturday.)
Sabbath aahool 10 a. m.
Illltlo atudy 11 atm.
YonnK I'eoplo's nifiotliiK 12:30 p,
Prayor mpotliiB Wednoadny ovoii"
Inn 7:9(0 p. m.
II. O. TIIUIISTO.N', I'aktor.
.1ikI:miiiIIIo I'li'slijtcrlnii
MnrnhiK worship, with Hormon, at
II o'clock. Sunday sihool nt 10 A.
Ii. Onll, suporlntuniloiit.
Kvonlnx worship, with xornion, nt
7:80 o'clock. Tho apHelnl luiinlr for
tills survlee, wilt lio n solo, "Alililo
With .Mn," (Aahford) by Dr. W. W.
Howard. Tlio adult qunrtBt will slim
tho antlioni, "Pilot le," lira II. Wil
son.) A most cordial Invitation U intend
ml to nil thoso xurvlces.
Ktinilny ncliool, lo n. in.; church
Horvlcos, 1 1 n. in. Tlio oxcollont pro
gruiiL of special music prepared for
this occiihIoii will Im soul inspIriiiK.
I.ut cvory nioinhor of tlio church or
conRregHtlon be presont. After a
hrlof nml IntarontliiR sorvlco thoro
will ho n Hhort conprogatlonul incot
lnR to honr tho report of tho official
board upon tho recent cnll of the now
imstor. Junior Y. P. S. C. K. nt
3 p. in.; Y. P. S C. K. incotH In tho
chapol at 7: 30. All uro cordially In
vited to thoBo Bcrvlcos,
I'Ii-h CIiiiitIi of flu 1st, Sclent lt.t
nrnncli of tho mothur church, tho
I'lrnt Church of Christ, Sclontlst, In
UoKton, Mass.
Siindny norvlco nt It n. in. Sub
ject, "Jlnttor." i
Wodnosdny ovonlng's mootlngs at
which tOHtliuouIoV of Christlim
Kclenco IionlltiRH ar rIvoii, S o'clock.
AH nro cordially Invited.
Sunday school at 9:45. All under
oko uro welcome. '
ItendliiK room In church odlflce,
S12 orth Oakdale, opon from 1:30
to 1:30 dally, except SiiiuIhjs and
Onkdulo Aciiiio Methodist.
Sunday school promptly at i:45 a.
in.; preoohlns; at 11 n. m. and 7:30
p. in., inornliiK subjeot, "The Children
of Ood"; ovonlng aiihjoot, "What
Must I Do to lie HavodT" llaptUniHl
service and roceptlou of mombors at
both morning and ovonlng service.
All members and frlonds of our
church aro requested to conio to both
services. And you "who have no
church homo are cordially Invited to
come nnd make nur home with us.
And any persons desiring to be saved
ovonlng service. If. J(. ltrauham,
from tholr slus aro Invited to the
MolliodM ICplscojint, lurkNOiivlllc.
(It. A. Ilntchinson, Pastor.)
Sunday school at 10 a. m., W. O.
Ouutllll, superintendent.
Preaching service at 1 1 a. m.
Kp worth league at 0:30; loader.
Miss A. Neldeui- or.
ISvonlng servhe nt 7:30.
John C. atllle. iKistnr-evangellat,
will proaeh at both services. Profes
sor and lira. Ahrraft will be with
us at the evening serriee and Mill
glo serveral uiimloal selections. We
expert a full house.
rStnngelletlc meetings will he hold
every evening during thn week nt
7 "SO. Wo oordl.illy Invito everyone
In the coraniUHit to hear Mr. Stlllo'i
live luoesagee. Came and bring a
PliM IbiptM ClniiTli.
Tho llvo church with the oordlat
welcome. Morning service: Dlblo
sebeol, 9:48, special opening sorvlre;
sermon, "The Dlety of Christ." Itev.
K. W. Carsteu, special muslo. "Calm
Is the Night" (Ootio), Mis Ilnslo
rtgg and Will Vawter; offertory, vio
lin solo. "Andantiuo" 'LeMare). Miss
lose Klynn; lutennodiate U Y. P. (' ,
3 p. m : 11 Y P. I!.. 6 30 p m .
subject, iwiiomhutlomil Rdiuatton."
leader, K ur
chun h serviie. I
7 o i in
We bum
, adiiks 1 Mi-
iMi d b Kev
IWuirt.l. Aikft'll.lHll
,. ti
ttn tuv m BmL Mini. Ak it KS1
. Hutu
rtiinucoTi?n o mi i o
i .niuncoLun o riuco
15 0i ''(-.k-ll'U".'uJIirJA
pUi2iJ?N i'iiu u il4 i uu SkV
-M . T4l Ikrr. liar T tor V
VlflMMV. tU1 K
niaek'tnnr of VhMni! u.rrl! nntle
The ffuclflictrin fFntiroi, M
riant" OrennUv nn1 ChlMer. l-r-
tfawal aafvi" Ml r rorilfulrr la
rlfmf lo prevent nt (Iffy " of
the above arrl en ao draplav I
awoXfcar aOfWajii.
I'lrst MeilKMlN ffpisfffrmf.
Dr. J. C. RolNtM, paator. The Son
day ael hwwr Ja t:4ft. St runners
are NMNie waleme. A grwlng and
ffffMrat school. Rpworth Iagwe
Meota at 0-1.1. The yownf pwpls
honr. A swtendH, wlde-Rwak der-
tlonal meeting. AM yewag people
eertHolly Invited. PiibHc worship at
11 a. m. and 7i30 p. m. At the morn
lag honr hnpttamal service nnd recep
tion of membere. A brief address by
the pastor, "What Chnreh Member
ship Means." Music try the full vest-
oil chrrlr. At the dvenlng hour a spo
cIrI inustral program. Or. Itolllns
will speak en "Thn Simplicity of the
Gospel a Snare." Musical numbers:
Antliom, vested choir, "When Powor
Dlvftio" (Kiiiire): duet, Mrs. Van
Scoyor, Mr. Kdmeades, "Peaco to Ills
Dwelling" (Smith); solo, .Mrs. l.y
notte llovious, "(), I.ovlng Katlior"
Del Itlgo), with violin obllgnto, Illlss
Heine. The public Is cordially Invit
ed to all tho sorvlcos of tho day.
I'lrst Clirlitlmi Cliurdi
Cor. 9th nnd Oakdale.
The church with a vital inosaaRO to
which wo Invite you next Sunday. Our
morning servlco at 10:45. Wo will
bring n helpful mesengo to nil. Wo
want those who Indicated their pref
erence for the Christian church to ho
at this service.
Kvonlug 7:30. Kvnngeilstlo sor
vlco. llaptlsniH nt this sorvlro.
Monday night at 7:30 short sorvlco
and hnptismnl service.
Tuesday evening 7:30. Address to
new converts and baptismal service.
Will iiiinotinco later If wo decide to
continue services.
Pleaso attend Humtnv school nt
9:4.' and get acquainted. Wo lmo
n flno orgiiulnntlon for service. Visit
us. Lot the church members nil no
come members of tho Sunday nchool
and Sunday school become momhors
of the church.
C. K. nt (1:15 p. in. This Is the
young people's meeting. Welcome!
Thursday evening 7:30 wo hnvo
half hour Instruction In Sunday
school lesson and then half hour of
dlKQiisfllon ou prayer meeting topic.
Oood nttondanco last Thursday night.
Conio to the homo-like church.
Htr.iugors especinll Invited.
llAltltY K TITKRIt.
The Ilernaul Motor compativ, dis
tributors for southern Oregon for
the Dodge llrothors motor cars and
the Hudson Super-Six, have recently
opotied branch offices In Ashland and
Orants Pass, The Ashland office Is
iu charge of Harry Murphy and the
Urauts Pass office will bo In charite
of O. V. Meyers. The Medford of
fice, togother with both branch of
fices, will carry In stock n complote
line of Dodge parts Iu order to render
quick and efficient service to Dodge
owners. The phenomenal success ot
Dodge ears throughout the country
and tbe clean record of thla ear Iu
this valley has established n reputa
tion for ondursnee that Is absolutely
beyond question. In tulklug these
ears to a prospective buor the ller
nard Motor company always refers,
without hesitancy, to the owner of n
Dodge ear. Nearly fifty satisfied cus
tomers are tbe beat argumeut for
thlg wonderful car. Out of sir these
ears sold, not one of them have de
veloped a weak featurv and not a
part has had to be replaced. The
lleriuird Motor company business has
Increased to such an extent that they
will move from their preseut loca
tion to their new and eoiiiodloue
garage, located at 130-130 North
front street, opposite the S. P.
passenger deimt, next week, whore
they will have one of the moat com
plete garages aud shot rooms. In
southern Oregon, and will carry a
complete line of I'nlted States tires
nnd accessories, in addition to the
XOTK'l. It) X. II. ..
Military course target practice
open to members st O. X. O. renge.
Membership solicited
307 C W DAVIS. Sec.
tonic ni(.i:vn i:
stimulates the dmestne organs to
action so Hmt il r foo.l that t uteri, the
stomarli Is di-.t'iti'd .tud .iiuuiated
Sold onb ns, 51 eo
Ijdy Assistant
phones M. 17 and 17-J3
Aubulsuce Service Coroner
If Cn, l-'ctrrWi, Slrh, llllloin,
(lean Utile Mrei nml
Children lore this "fmlt Inmttfre,"
ami HeiMng else clean tho' tender
stewach, liver and howala so Jilrelv,
A chlW stmply will not stop play
ing to empty the howela and the re
ault Is, they become tightly clogged
with waate, liver gels sluggish, stom
ach sours, then your llttlo ono be
oomes cress, hslf-slck. feverish, don't
oat. alep or net naturally, breath Is
lmd, system full of cold, has sore
throat, atoinaoh-nolift or diarrhoea.
Listen, "Mother! See If tongue Is
coated, thou gtvo a tcaapoonfut of
"California Syrup of Pigs," and In n
fow hours all tho constipated wasto,
sour bile and undigested food pusses
tint of tho system, and you have a
well, phi) fill child again.
Millions of mothers give "Califor
nia Syrup of Pigs" because It Is per
fectly harmless; children love, It, nnd
It novor fnlls to act on tho stomach,
llvor and bowels.
Ask your druggist for n Re-rout
Lottlo of "California Syrup of Pigs,"
which lins full directions for babies,
children of all ages nnd for grown
ups plainly printed on the bottle, lie
warn of counterfeits sold here, (let
the genuine, made by "California Pig
8 nip Company." ltefuse rny other
kind with contempt. Adv.
First Baptist Church
The Live Church Willi ti
Sunilny school, the school wiih Hie
"pep", Dil.'i.
llihlo School syng service (orelu
tra music), Dilil).
0-ning exercises noiiihioteil hy the
Loynl Hearts clns.
Clin- none; (Songs tyv Service)
Xo. 0.".
C1h IMuttn: "I cmhhoI do great
things, hut I can do email thing iu a
great way."
Solo nml chorus, Xo. 0.
Kemling, Mr. Jledley.
itesousie reailin(r, clnas.
I'rnyer, Miits Webiirn.
Sermon, "The Diety of Christ,"
Hov. 1 W. rnrstcua, vastor.
Special music. ,
Intermwliate II. V. P. I'., H:00 p. tn.
It. Y. P. V., 0:30 p. m. Louder,
Ward Keiur; subject, "Deiinminnl
IMiicutioii." SHviul music.
Conducted hy Mihh Kuhy Weylnirn,
nshisted hy llev. Arthur Ulackatono
of Aohlaiiil.
SKcml music and Omnia Choir.
The oidiinucc of ltuptiin will he
ohervl in the evening. You aro
ent'iliullv inxited lo nil of tlieo sor-
SH'cinl fi ii i', ihiriiig the week
eliillliu Mali Ii J I.
Safety Razor Blades
30c A DOZEN Any Make.
Heath's Drug Store
Kvery edge mudo better than new.
Your OWN blades batk STKU1LIZKD
AVork lone by
Snuitniy Slmpponinff Co.,
Kdge ICxnoi'ts. Uyrkoiey, Cnl
Straight Itaxors lo-lCdgcd
3.1 Cents
Auto Service from Eagle Point
to Mcuiord and Back
The uudersigued will leave Frank
Lewis' confectionery every day ex
cept Sunday for Medford with hla
uuto at 1 o'clock p. m., arriving at
-' oo p. m. Leave Nash Hotel, Med
ford, at 6:00 p. m , arrive Eagle
I'olut at 6 oo p. m A part of the
traffic Is solicited S II. IIARXISIT
i Kagle l'olnt, UreKon.
Klein Suits Klein
Also ClMtilng, Pr8?nn and Altering.
II. W. OrtffHIi'ff
SrtHciiler Ilrnnm
Martyrs of the Alamo
AIho h I.niiKli or Two at
Her Painted Hero
Shotting the trials and tribulations
or a matinee girl.
Lord Loveland
Discovers America
A fhe-iut drama from the celebrated
novel l the same unino, fenturliiK
the well-Knottit stnr
Arthur Maude
Hogans Annual Spree
A two-reel Kexstone comedy.
('online Sniiiliiy: I'cntl White.
.tleudnj: Mniy I'lchfortl In "Tlio fill I
of YeMorihiy."
Star Theatre
wm:ni: tiik ciiowiis go
The latest (jold Hoonter play ranks
as one or tin- old stand-bys of tho
Amerlcun staae, having been played
for jears throuahout the country.
Pearl While, the charming Path star
Is featured.
Muiy Pickfoul Monthly.
Tin: wo.max wno nxow
Celebrated Clairvoyant and Medium.
Know what 1910 bolda tor you; alio
tells yon the truth, what you 'want
'-- )lr twlwerii
blind, wife or sweetheart la true or
false. When and whom you will
marry and how to win the one you
love. Conquer onemlea. Ilrlnga tho
separated together. Sell or trade
your property. If you are unhappy
and discontented, or Iu any trouble
whatever, bring them to her, she
will straighten them out to your ou
tire satisfaction. No work too dif
ficult. Known the world over as the
Good I.uck Woman.
VVLh ItKAPIN'O 51 00.
Opposite Xnsli Hotel, l'jilni IHocb,
Itooms H-tl.
Camera Shop
208 East Mnin Street,
The Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
in Southarn Oregon
Nof ntivoi Mnde nny time or
plAoo by appointment.
Phono 147-.T
.E.. WESTON, rop.