MKWOftTI MAN, rUTUVXK MfCDI'Wcf), offMJON, VUWW VUU 17. I'M.; MWtffr s4st 4 ELSON PICTURES TRIANGLE PHOckM OF MERIT 10 BE SHOWN AJ PUBLIC SCHOOLS I) tiring III trerl; r M:n-h 1) fir piililif sHimd wHl riit An exlillu tion tlii" fomnttM cftttertion of Klnt jMctnrw. TW rollwtion :insit- r more Ihnn 2t)0 iirbim photograph find cittern ving. oolhiiitf nirtly in brown nuA fn erflorw. Tho MltMtimi in a lnrgf one ami riMlUlim oitlv Mir terv bpt rcproduflitnm of f lit nut- i Iprpiece of art of ilirfrmit cottn Iriwnhtl periods. MOHfly wrv gnl lcv.v mill country in tho world wnnhl hnn to be visited to pi tlic orisinnl pictures which will he brought to gether in tliix citv in one. collection, The collection compriiCim 200 mib jcpts, icprcsoiitliijf nil the principal schools of nit nnd including tunny reproduetionn of nculpttlrc, nrchitpc tuic and impnrtnnt views fnntt nn tufe. Vow cnllwtioiiN hnvc mor brat brought tofMlicp which mo completely cover the hfotory of nit of nil time's us Hi is The proceed.': of the exhibit will be used in piiichiiniii Hiiitnblo pictures to deeornte (lie walls in the vnriutiH rooms throiiKhotit the city nehoola. It is part of the school wor': to incul cute the clement of culture nnd re finement in Hie cliildieu through whatever menus it lum ut its t1b.tonl. Till' whoboiniY nml nfininR inflii t'nec of picttircti'of the light suit on the school wttll in hov.- Rcncrfllly ice oguircd as ouu of the Most v'l table lnmlns of sccuiiug' this c ml. The funds for purchasing such ip(niv, ns well its an opportunity to make n election from n ver,- laive number is Wcu red by menus of the exhibi tion. The larger the iittcnilnncc the grcnter the niimbor of nictiircs that can be sccuusl for the schools. Kvcry man, woman and child kIkhiIiI not fail to visit the exhibition. Vonr interest in tho schools fchoithl now ttniiiiftt.t itself. Superintendent I.'illis nnuouuecs that the Cullibcrl building on Xnrlh Central hits been engaged for tho ex. hibit. anil the wor- of dci orating and hnnaiii'r of pu-liiics will hcuin on tho iiiThnl of (he iictu"cs .Muiiilnv, LT. t mm tnvn STUDEBAKER SIX , - CROSSES SISKIYOUS : BREAKING RECORD i Walter Long in "Martyr the Ala mo," Trlanale-Fino Artilfiturs, Keen Interest in the 1). Wflriffith hisforlcnl Trimiglu piny uuj clear ly demonstrated on Us prHntntitin at the l'nge theater today. I "iiio iMimyiu oi aw. "Hirth of Texas." is a (li cial. Of special incut is togrnpby, distinguished liv limit effect which Mr, or It spe ll plio- biil- riltith knows mo well how to nrndilof flit foulhJ Mv ti And you chii'I help when you oo Hint great "Her Pflinted Hero," a 'li Keystone bttrleviie on slaJ presenting Polly .Moiau nnJ Hamilton. ' roulv, nil" i(e, Hile I MEDFORD COLLEGE NOUS . Miss Hunter of the Gregg in New York writes us this yH complimenting us aH)ii a sol oin pers ic-cicd from Walter Diilfb, Clell McCnedic, llolmul Filthier. .Median Allium. Waller DiimW jvaper was the bes in her opinio Among the school visitors for week were: ('. K. flodftcy of 1'ln tb'lpbia: Miss Mef'lcllan, n comm (In! teacher from Astoria; Mr. Mrs. Owens of Kuala Point; ' The hlll-cthrinniB cnntHls ut tfnrf Vniicteo, in which a slock Stndc-heki-r onldistanced alt others by climbing n .V) pr cent grade with hine pnsnrnars in Ihc car, crtcil much intrct amotig IihI Stndc bnkcr owners that on Wednesday, March . Karl WiMHUhnl, neewn IHinud by Clurencc Lovern, of Onlrnl Point, decided to cross the Siskiyou. Lrnving here at 8:'JII in the morn ing, the first stop was mmlo nt Sls kijiiu, which was reached before ll::tO. Siskiyou was icnched with but eiv little effott, no trouble whatever being cniMinntcrcd. At Sis. hiyou it was decided to attempt the drive over the old Histoud of the new x-ond. This action was done because the old road is n much steeper grade and it was the desire to put the ear to the sllffost possible tfr. .Air. Invorn, who without ipirstlon has had its Hindi automobile experi ence driving and otherwise as any mini in the Itoguu Itivt'r valley, pro tiouiircs the trip the most difficult thing he ever encountered, unit states lirnf.5101) wouldn't tempt him to go agum. At times the car floundered throiiuh mud up to the running board. Snow two mid three feet deep wris ptouuil thiough in a man ner that Mr, lovcm said heretofore lie conslderpd impossible. Air, l.ovcni, in eomuientiug on the trip, fltAfca Hint hu has driven prac tically every ninke of car, and thai in bis en tiro experience be has never dm en a enr which performed ho won derfully nnd pulled so consistently under what the ordinary driver teitit ed impossible conditions, ns the Stu ilcltnkcr. The drive wan ended nl Hornbrook. The return was made on Thursday, the Kith, without tho car receiving any attention. It was not oven nec- H can m MM HMtrVf. Vsn a eitr. f -tlMfciwI fW rtw tfrMag Irnlm sM ' Mher lftMip oMwnaffpl on M Irtn. woaM in aft ftfafcafrifitt law h"n j ftftw Tp9 lf1gs nWt fflttfc .I her rosd rondltlwis, which Mr. fot--rn -nvs fa 4tfie$r ctfta1 M break H mt mlnfltc. This is the thifil ts in I he rl in Which the HtHdrtrtkcr has sur mounted obstnalo which hate Mock ed maav oflulr Hks of cars. SlauHhter-Ilnitsc Hill, nt Hoisc Idaho, .was mounted by n Stuilcbnkcr "lt" curryiug fonr asfngr. Th car was stopped al the stiff! atnde ait the hill mid the climb completed from n standing start. Surclv thi concluicl demon -strati that automobile building hns imssed the experimental stim. DRAMA LEAGUE TO HEAR PLAY READ 'Thai lonpfhlnl!' which Mr Hit- Its, our inperliitciincat of snooH, l to read tnis cvattlng nntlar tho sus pleM t tits Drama lMgaa eatr. ivns ty W. W. Womlbrlilge and HtMtl vateit to ths notary tluh at Soatlla, which In (ant daittrattil ih wrltlag to the lttnr rlahs of the worM. Tho author Is little known an vat In tin literary world, hnt Judging from the reception which this work has met with, he must tie touched with the siNtrk of geitlns tw ' mitfrt tti mt of ors have rah ffmr Uw tnntHft m insHlr- t r rffflnfrtllt DMght rttdl ihitt It jwifrtoa ltfi fr tffa nlft of war jlmu fiorat1 g"rTfW nM ami that tins fcofa bcttflF far foiling fiiWn It Th8 0?anlmtnfOfllMcD to It a vr enJeraHie oifc a Mr. IUIIIs reading the mm Of TWTK Truth" In: buslncimWjiist M Impottnat an Intlli lit ovcfytfny fiM; trutft txoatti confldgticc taWmhi i gcj-VTll atftf btiilcU a rcllstbllity that will not bo wrecked by Ibft storms of Sotrifc!ttlmt. l lirotiph irirac gfcncrailonS pooow of ihtt work 'fiibf IIiJrts Been reccl. t l,avfl learnctl to plafld rtiltnrice on file ed with otllhaalnMB. Tho roadlng ndvcrtUcfl wordt nf Scntfs Pjoolstno. will h gmt Id tli Hotel Hdllnild ee-4u.ic lliey rfrd urttftrfifsfted, uhoS- parlore. .xuihlwlon will be frco ns own I arid tilt ftitfcltc Is roMlitlly In Had le attaml. In the Clip of rnliiiro Mt. Ttrtithlns trndeHl a muln to Henry Woodward for n ornnh for his folk. Now listen for aomn good music. -The Conway (Ark 1 Log Those Cabin Democrat. aggerntcd truisms about it household rsmedy o( real and actu.ll worth. The popularity of Scott's KmuMon h Increasing a.i intelligence advances, Itccnuic irt these days ot adullcMilotis ft contlanrt tognsrsntve mire coil liter o(t mwlkliwlly perffrtcil with glycerine atxt hjponlionphhes to Imllit etrentrUi, Im prove the blood ntid utrmgthrn the Iiiiim. It Is free from alcohol nr oplitei a wlmle ofae food-tonic, truthfully ndvrrtltd. Ksttftftown llliotiirtW K J. 3-n L DAY SATURDAY Saturday Is Orungo day and every body u aiked to help colobrato It. .A I ml ford morelianiH have largo slocks and are iitnkiug Htcclal dlplay. flood HotiHoMeoplng for January, lulu, aa: "Probably the roaon tunny of us consider tho orange a luxury rithor than an ovary-day food is beenitfo wo still chorlah liiemarlos of tho tlnio whon tho fruit wan hlgh-prlrod nnd not widely dlitrlbutod, and an ooca slonal orango was a turprhm often ro sdrvod for tho too of tho Chri.tntus Mocking, "Many of us aro moio or loos Hlavoa of our habits of thought, and In fnco of tho fact that oranges can bo piirclmnod from Decombor to April at almost any price, nnd tho rent of tho year at price which aro moderate when the value received g consldortsl wo-do not tako advantHgo of tholr -woudorful dletolc propnrtlca bocauio wo coiiildor them too expensive. "It Is goncrally known that the ornngo oontalna citric acid, which U a liver stimulant, and that It la a gontlo laxative. Hut lis wonderful supply or phosphates, a direct nerve food, Is naually overlooked, and the faot that oranges therefote have a moat heuuflelal effect In cases of In somnia la practically unknown. In short, tho Importance of the orange as an ovory-day food the year round can not be too greatly emphasized. "As a breakfast fruit It is unequal od, but to obtain flte greatest boueflt, It alios Id tie oaten a half-hour before tho meal, so (hat the Juice may leave the stomach and commence Its rapid unbuilding and genera! cleansing while the digestive tract is compara tively open. If this Is done, a ceroal with light cream and sugar may bo oatau at breakfast, but If the orange f(KMres as the breakfast fruit, the odreal with sugar and cream should he omitted, us the combination some times eausos uniisea and gas. "Tho necessin for washing oraiiRes .t.f r. lv .. I .untiiis. .ir. nun .urs vossey. m,,,,.. in ,.i ...Mitim,.,! ii i,. ti. were niitch pleanM to Irani that bofi,.,.,,, vnHVt Tl0 drive from uil to .Mr. nun All's, cssey nre (iiTgoil,lir()I.(i ,. (iu, roinm. w-liidi i- Mi.. iip;-...i li ' " i,l""H' wvoist part of the drive, was made in The Mioa Sam Norwood andi little over Ihreo hours. Vivian Childers recently enrolled' for Mr. I.overn says that this without uie Kicnognipiiic course nun arc ciifouiil stamps the fStuilelmker us one teiing into tho work with much en-nf the most powerful, most tlnisinsiii. llotb arc splendid stu dents .lonti1ndcrsnn, who has been spe cialising in legal work with the re sult that she can turn nut ns neat a IHiper as anyone in Medford, hu been doing some work for one of the lending lawyers here. When the bell rings for correspond ence class it meant the postman's enll For the letters and, not a little pride hns been displayed by those who produced their Idiom on time mid with absolutely no errors either in arrangement, construction or typing; for such letters are put in the dis play files, and mean Hint they would pass inspection by anyone. Hell MeCreedie is now in the dic tation olnss. Ho passed the final theory lost with a grade of HI) per cent. Louise Williamson is just complet ing her woik in actual liuAinwu. She has specialised in legal palters, and all branches of filing, and bus given satisfaction to those for whom she has done outside work Miss J'loience Clark, who is taking some spceiHl work, is an enthusiastic student and making excellent prog- res. and, Indeed, all fruits, onu not bo too stronKly insisted on, for no matter how clean they may look tbey are no more fren from bacieila than ttn wrapHtsl bread or caudles sold from open oases, if to be oaten with a spoon, the fruit should be cut In halves crosswlso and tf tbey do not stand level, thin slices or skin may lie cut from the ends. The pulp around the edgo and the momhraiie hotween tho seitlous should! he loosened by a curved gropefrult-knlfe consist - - OJUD-TIME (let a Hiimll mwt Too, or ill it,"lUmburi WIN -.. OLD-TIME COLD CURE- DRINK HOT TEA I,-..., . IV , ,, ., .M puckngc of Hamburg Hit tlie (iiTinun folks rr tlrn.l 'II,,-. "nl ,.,,v ITarinacy. Take a tablcupoonfiil of tho U, put a tup ot boiling water iioii jxMir through u sieve and drink n Ucup full ut any timo during tho d or before retiring. It Is the tmt iflctho ay to brenk a coll ami euro l?j, iu it opena tho pores of the skin, rebWng congcitioa. Also loowiu tho tjovlt, tints brvnking up a cold. I y It the next time you mjHor from i old or the grip. It is Inoxpciuivo wui entirely ecctabh', Uicrcfore safo i-bilhsruiUxs. EUMATI STIFF. ACHING JOINTS Rub Soreness from joists and muscles with a small trial bottle or old St- Jacobs Oil Rop "dosing" rthf-uutritiim. It'ipnm only, not otto com In fifty rwjuirw intornnl trsstment, Itub sooth ing, pnietrnttng "St. JacoU Oil" right on Uw "tiiidw sNit," ud by tlie timo you Uy Jack ltobinson out oumw the rlieujitio pant. "St. Jacob's Oil" it n lmisWs rlieumatUm cure whleh never dInsuiU and doesn't burn the hlun. It takeui4iii, soreness and ntidiirti from - j-r.,,,M ,...w--,fcia ...... . -. -'fr-w 'inui, liltulH.'o, ismkstiip, r.i-ursiKin. I.ilir tip) l-ct a 'i!i rrnt Itottle of olUimc, hotiet "Ht. JocoU Oil" from hy Jrug utorc, and in u mnount you'll I frs- ft jiii iik. iu'Ims miiI Htlllntfi. Don't sulferl lluli r'icuma tiam uSiv t!-Mjl f f ? f V f f ? T t f t f f f f V f f ? ? 9 f f T ? t f ? ? ? ? t T T f A.A.AA.A.AA.AA.A.AA rA aT. aTa aa a.Ta aTa aTa jF. aTa. aTa a7a aTaaTi T ' V V A. k A A. A. A.A.A.A.AA.A.AA .:. e0IIII'i A.AA.&AAA.A.AA.JkAAjO.. A.. A d. A. A A . :eCi40ileI'H&0 T T "W tWWWVWr ,- f J The Power Car of 1916 STUDEBAKER climbed the Duncan Street Hill' San Francisco (50 grade) carrying 9 passengers STUDEBAKER climbed the Boise, Idaho, Slaughter House Hill, a grade of 62 i STUDEBAKER crossed the Siskiyous going going to Hornbrook and return March 1 5 and 16 (a feat pronounced impossible) - Forty Horse Power Four $ 945 Fifty Horse Power Six $ 1 1 65 F. O. B. MEDFORD fc Sparta Building Better see this car before you buy C. E. GAiES Medford, Ore. 15 Pounds of Susrar for $1.00 1 ww jKL&fiiw Possibly AsfomshThera ?fg Bske a cske wllb VAtllllAIVJ J MERIT VANILLA iXX I and you'll have ibem j-ijjBn I all begging for tho f: jOTj 1 tecipe. h' tbb flavor JtWSiMjft that iniuict succets LC--vrtJ In every baking. V3 Include a 25c Bottle j Nt in Today's Grocery JtA WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Main Streot, f Aredford Moire chocolates do cost us both a little more. MODERN CONPECTIONBHV CO. rerlianu Orcgua 'run: c.ud INTi:iU'HH.X AUTO C.K CO. Leave Medford dally except Sun' i for Ashland, Talent and l'hoenlx at S a m, 11:80 a. in., 1:15, 2:10 I" and 5: IS p. in. Also on Sat- tirilav at 11' IK n i Sundnvc InavA Vogan's j ut 10 8 w 4 p. a jj 9:U p, w. LesT AshUnd for Medford dally except Sunday at I a. ., 11:10. I0, S 30 i 41 and B:1B . n. luiulav 1 4-1. l.u.l A. A 1.AA . AH irar pmuu m 9 A. in., i.vv, j.wvi and 10 30 p. ui. rii(Only Exclusive medial; rtnt J-iKfiUnlv JJixeiuaive CoimnetBial PliotojTapbcra m ooutliorn Orogon Nogative rado auv time or place by appointment. ! Phone 147-.T ' Weill do tbo reft E. D. WESTON, Prop. 5 To Get 15 pounds Sugar for $1.00 To Get 7 pounds of Sugar for 50c Make up an order of $5.00. indiullnu 15 His. Make up an order of $2.50, Includinu 7 His. sugar, of any of the articles shown fielow, or sugar, of any of the articles shown lielow, or others In stock, and bring to our store, Others in stock, ami bring to our store, THIS SALE BEGINS TODAY AND REMAINS GOOD ALL NEXT WEEK IF THIS SAVING TO YOU IS NOT WORTH COMING AFTER WE CANNOT DELIVER IT TO Y0U r T y i r r r t t ? r ? ; T T T f y T T r r r t r y y T y '.AAAi' To Get Vi pounds Sugar for 25c Make up an order of $1.50, Including 3 lbs. sugar, of any of the articles shown below, or others In stock, and bring to our store. Other Money Savers 30c size Pacific Washing Powder, per pkg. 20c Liliby Fancy Olives, per bottle 10c Soda Crackers, lb. 7c Leader White Soap, 8 bars for 25c Crepe Toilet Paper, 6 large rolls ,25c 10c can Imported Kipper ed Herring 5c 40c Coffee, per 111 30c Fancy Strawberries, two 25c cans for 25c Fancy Gooseberries, two 25c cans for 25c Spearhead Tobacco, per lb. ....40c Natural Leaf Tobacco, per lb. 40c Saratoga Smoking, three 10c cans 25c 25c Pure Fibre Brushes, each 10c 4 CANS WELCOME MILK 25c TO EVERY CUSTOMER Making a purchase of 25c worth other goods at our Store. This offer is subject to being withdrawn without notice. No PI one. No Delivery. EXHAUSTED ARTICLES NOT TO BE REPLACED. MAKE YOUR OWN SELEC- TION THESE PRICES ARE RIGHT 10c box Shlnola 5c 65c Broows . . 50c 50c Brooms 40c 40c Brooms ... 30c 35c Brooms 25c 25c Shaving Mugs 10c 10c Dirt Cleanser 5c 4 lbs. Onion Sets for 25c 25c Star Naptha for 20c 15c pkg. Klngsford's Corn Starch 10c 20c bottle Heinz' Vine- gars for . - .15c 5c pkg. Dixie Tea 3c 1 lb. Golden West Baking Powder 35o 2 Va-lb. cans Golden West Baking Powder for 35c 4 lbs. Pink Beans 25c 4 lbs. Best Jap Head Rice for 25c 5 lbs. Broken Rice 25c I lb. 60c Green Spider Leg Tea 40c Fancy Dried Peaches, per lb. 7c Fancy Dried Apricots, two lbs. for . 25c Fancy Dried White Figs, per lb. 9c 3 pkgs. Skinner's Spag hetti 25c Fancy Mixed School Candy, ib. 10c MUSIC Over 10.000 copies to se lect from, values from 10c to $10, per copy 5c 15c pkg. Seeded Raisins for . 10c 1 doz. First Grade Mason Jar Rubbers, doz. 5c 2 10c Sacks Salt .15c Spring Clothes Pins, 3 doz. for 10c 15c can Kara Syrup 10c 25c bottle L & S. Sweet Relish for 13c 10c jar Mustard 5c Sweot Midget Pickles, per quart -. 20c 20c can Tuxedo Tobacco, per can 15c 40c Tuxedo Tobacco, per can 30c 4 lbs. Split Peas 25c 4 lbs, Soup Macaroni 25c OthcriMoney Savers 10c F, n. S. Shaker Salt for . 5c 20c Chow Chow, per hot tie 10c 20c Solid Pack Tomatoes per can 10c Fancy Qifted Peas, 20c can for . . . JOc Fancy Red Salmon, 20c can, 3 for . 25c Fancy Dill Pickles, 15c can for 10c, 3 for 25c Maine Sardines, 10c can for 4c 20c Cream Cheese, lb.20c Fancy Sweet Pickles, per quart . . 20c Fancy Sour Pickles, per quart . . 15c TOILET SOAPS All 5c Soaps, 3 bars .10c All 10c Soaps, bar 5o All 15c to 25c Soaps, 8c per cake, 2 cakes . 15c ! SNEARLY SALVAGE STORE No. 2 West Jackson Street, Medford. No Phone Orders Taken and No Deliveries Made, But We Save You 25 to 50 Per Cent. ... A. A. A. A ... A A . A A. A .. . A. A. A A A A A A A. .. A . . . .. .. A .. .. .. .. . Ji . . .. A . A. . A A. A . Ty vr . n . v . . wr . - w. w v V-v . Tjr vv . v 9. . - . T-T aT aT TT TT 7t TT UT ?.t tv TJrJ v - jr vsr ,r ur itw T 33 il i m - I ,( T J ' -K V o ' f i Miit tU'iW. yTf