11 i , I'! J l;i 11 Kl fifV-' PAcm TWO mWQUD MAfL 'rHfMCWK. MEDFQKD, OMtfiUN. FHflMY. MAWM 17. IfHf - ' TOCAL AND JLv PERSONAL Tfc rhana1 In the Honlhrrn Pnrltir xrbedwlr, nnnnnt for tha t fth lt.. lid Welt wtMrnfl Till' clalr f III JFff will he m do known later. Hrlajc rnr oM rawillj ralpa ami proMTliillonn to' IWth'a Bra 8lr to t.f niiari w BfetRiia m mat llnr. ' ' St An atrirr wim mad In tW an nounrpnifnt of tlia fmlt growara maaa meotlnR aVttiintar. . Iutail tha mrfilHjt will l tr trtMlrwlftr Ih mnalitar Ihp afmli( jwaatlnn. Hh h viow io aiiailnatlrta Ihe (ill fntntUto l the oarllMtt iioaalblf tlil. If mi tffftHlvt mibmltift Hln li fliimil. Tliot io ImtfuflTan the matinr raraful MilalilarMflrfii Will tta:Bt outMtllttjetf tlial will pliaadM nil of f tin nam nt !( nun none or ui uia BrtvajitaKaa, It In Mltl. Tim rmmlt of llio lunxuo ilicwctor'a ileclalon In tlm nialfor will do uwnttfal with mom ilmn ordlnfirr Iitloroal, not only by tlm fruitgrowers, tint by Hie liiltio IwnnlB Hinl Iiotlolio1lfi'fl Kdiu'inllv. Ho Von glvoa trnilliiK attttnpif with overruling oSnapt grocorlo. Tho utiflflfM irlOw for llio rlilltlran ni tho I'hhp thonlor tomorrow fore noon nt In n'elfwk will ip pprullarlv niul (intgrtnliilnKlf roliiratliiiial. $2500 to lonn on good to nil, oloso In. II. S. Stlno. Alox N'tlilW, nwtpWrjr of til Orn- koii-IMhIi ftiiffnr roMfnany of Ornnla I'iim, fltoii4il orrr In 'Mndfnrtl toils? on hl return, FWJhj San KraiiPlaeo, wlinra lie wont to "ihofll Wallop C. W. Nlliloy find Proalilent .Ion. P. Smith on tholr rotuni friiiit iroiiolnlti. Thoy nrrlvatl tin TiioHilar, rflmnlltoil In Son KrnnelHco oiilr tow lioitra hiuI Mafl-i-il total. A1iX N'IIiIpt any Ihn Halt aiiKiir poopln have nn iiaetit on tho wny to ililMla HOW to look nftwr tllo minnr hont eoatl for Host year. A a thoy pitaiotl llta ihlp on whlph ho una on rdtltb, Wallop Xllitnjr nnil ho nxelwnaeil wlroloaa iiiiNWHHoa. Hflo rotary Xllild will pnicopil to OrmilH I'sm (hi ovoiilnnf Moot mo at Qua tlia Tnllor'a Sat- unlay. ISth. Thonmii IIiiIoh. aflR "ThftVolee In thn I'or" at tho Slnr lnnt night provwl n thrlllliiK fllml xntlon Of oiip of llarolil Mcdrath'a inoat grlppliiK utorloa. A ooil lunmo onjoyed It. lironthlMly at tlmaa. un lit nonnld Urlnn won flimlly trluuuih aiitly rttloftteil from tho Inat of tho itpapomto aliuatloila In whlfU he waa thiown 1)r H aerlna i(f pOfnllarly iIIh coiipflrtlntc olraiinrtl'nlirria. It la a HtroiiR plwr wall ilona. Bweot oliler at Do Voa'a. Tha Bonlraft for earrylnn ths I' A mall to HU(1 from. (lie Kinith-ru l'Hcirir atatlon will he IpI to the low .( bhiaar Man tho pnatnfflp "l Jirtvo bean va4l to Ilia tiaw fednrul bullrllii ittNlnt tha I .Mh or April. Poitiniiator Woodfiml will ratPlre the hlili (horafnr. SfnOke a ICIuk Kpltr. olgnr. Ko. They are homtMinula. tf florahl l'ayno eatne In tlili nioni tiiR rrom Portland to tarry awhile In (till oily niul at other polnte In the valley eti bitalnaea roiinwlml with the iiroapaettve loaanbtirry crop thla year Mr. Payne ftliiU raaaon to hellare that (he lofaltarrv Imluatry will nrota to be one 6f the Rogue river allay 'a moat profitable enlorprl" In tha near hi tare, It ilfvelopment .iHpemlllj on tha acreage the grow-i-ra are wlHUif to fuHlTat a an e perlmeHt. Moaar. be arera tbat i here aught to be nn experlnienl about It In BttMtMara Oregon, after ihe leatilla aHaaily nbtalneil from Ita iroliietltH ham. Ohb iliy okly. "! l . t " T-illor'a. Thomaa llatae. SOS A . I'atrleU ilawa will be given in (be Alumni of the high aehool at i be arinOry thl evanlHg. An unua unlly girM IHna U promlaed Pat roneaaaa Mr the eTehlM are, Mra. A J 4Vaba. Jlra. K. W. Tlmrne. Mm T W. Vlttla4laoH and Mra. Hogpr R Dennett. dat your Milk, rraam. butter, egg and bnttarujllh at I Voa'a. Ml Catherine 8ir and Ml Meiie fiate returned from Kugene Tburailay evening Dra. A. llf and Ioule U. lladge. phlrapritftoii, hatha, nuaaage. S5 K. Mali). Mr. aid Mra Vern Cannon, who have regffed at Idl. Callfarula. fm year fUl a half, have relumed to MndfordV) realde permanent I v $ir,l off on Kodaka at Wtn' Oauiera JUtop. C M. Tlioaug baa oftlclhlh an louiel, but aandldacjr for the nom ination nr repreoeatallve on the re piibllcan-ttahet. JlojVao lnpabaerboUa. .Memon of the imfron -Hint who hnmlert the nahen all out of Irelmid tfnrnle. on fhe I 7lh of March, Mmi lime ago, lodar MnaliPe, of iiornl-rook. Cei- i n KrHlibaeh. of hland. havlNg l drtng imlnemi In thin ellv in barae Important irellriilnarr mat lerx to inp aprlng ilerfieetion elsbra. la iielng Informally olieerrert In Ihta rrtv today MM Me gt like aJkaott. Farlet Johjiaon. who wae ralKNT In wattt rn IVafthliigfto aome week Ago i the aerloaa lllgena of hi brethor. ha retoroed. Ill broihor la rtiplil ly eonvareaelNg. Onr ehnoolatea in Xe4for4 ami. The Mrwu. u Mra. ohhto Mitchell, wife of A. i. MKeholI, of thla ttty, will arrive on the -I H'rbKk train thla afternoon from Monteaaoo, Waahlngtea, far a vllt of r month with her hnaband and friend here. Mr. and Mra. Mitchell will realdp at the Hotel Hert ford, Air. Mitchell' Almlfonl home. TTil exhilarating wenther of aprlng tlme iinhlue wilt i,e a welenrao ehange In climate for Mra. Mitchell. Torrential rain bare featured thn weedier In western WaRhlnglon for Weeka. J. O. OerklnR, tno hont nil around photoRraphor In Boiithcrn Orcfion. Alwnya rollnblo. Nogntlvoa mado nny whoro, tlmo or plnco. Studio 228 Main Ht. Phono 320-.I. Mr. nnil Mr, (leo. K. .lohnaon. hc coiiipmiloil by their little hoys, aged in and 7 yearn, grlxxllcid" to tho Riiiuuilt of ftoxy Ann Sunday and had luncheon niul hot coffee there, during the noon real. NotwItliRtandlnK thn louder ago of the little boy, thoy onjoyml the trip limnenmily and will accompany thn drlxalloa, by upeclal Invitation, on their hike to the mini lull of llnldy next Sunday. I.altlco material, window aprcona, acroon doora. I'ae I'ur, I'lx. Pnc. Chief mtlnott liaa an official eye on two or thrMi "Binart Alecka" who freriuent the city park, tho aitnny daya, and dlturb lady vlltnr thnro to during tho warm afternoon. An example will be made or thn first one of theae Innultlng fellowa appro heniled. Poatngo atninpa at Do Vnn'a. '. Miuike. reproeenilng the I). M. Fern aeed Iioiirp In Mlrhlgiiu, Ir a IhihIiips visitor in thla valley thla week. He will hereafter ln a hoot or for Itoglio rlvor valloy. for ho hn only H.prtlon of aniaxeinent nt our rmnuroofitl country nnd (ho beauty of It environment. Dr. Stophoimoii now practlcltiK again. 110 Kotith Holly, Phone St'.j-X. The aprlng run of chlnook almon Iiiir begun, vordvlcelved by the war iIoiih from drauta Pitaa t lit morning atatliiK that the chlnook had reach ed tbat H)lnt In great number Com mercial Hulling, however, cannot he puratiod until the flret of .tune. 8t. Patrick' dance big auditorium .Vat Saturday. (lama Warden I,. C. Applegate, of dold Hill. I In the city today con ferring with Warden Drlacoll of Ahlnud and Walker of thla city. Mr. Applegate report matter In hi lino In the Hold Hill dlRtrlrt aa being quiet. W'oatou Camera Shop for flrnt-clH-M kodak fliilehlug and kodak mipplliw. C. I,. Krlt and J. M. Pitt, two prominent San franclacn mining num. are In the city today and will pro long their tay In thla dlRtrlrt Indef initely Local grown artichokes for Mile. They umke the heat hog feed. Call or write for prleeH. Monarch Keed and 8d i . ::I7 !: Main aofi C R Haeeet marketing expert for Mr f. flatter of (irante Pa. the Pnlted Htate arlenlfBral depart- in (bo Hty loilay on iMiRloaao. ment. H. lectnrlag ihta afternoon to Metlfofil ttntx Co "AttyWhofe any , flee Ogre Wood about that fire In- '"" at Aehanl on .loir 1. ., aHf fl. a good ettegdance of frultgrewpra of tlmo." fhoae 191 tMrancA pollev. Office Mall Tribune , In ModfoN to4a in fttrHfOffegre tbU .after ( (he pnhlle HbMrv hofl. ' flogg fit fat HllramnnieHt 9. tt. Ifitlg. ir that proieef. II reoWta UMt the, The rratll gftrwera of te tirtlev him jj, (f, Q. f, etmflrred the gKip ! ftmk (' and Aoberl A Raver of W"""'"B H are i-romotlflfc the become lHiariwi l th repoffwl Igft on a flNae of cadltW(a at a fHMofT IhMHh fnkota atopped ovat rloua foal ore of that MnnetWIly w- mark'ffhg pfam t flit federal f-' reflar meetlog leal olaht and will la Ihla eMy Inat eight t vlalt with ' ,"n,v'' Wtr. Iwlndlflg appfopflgfe ' i-artoienl of agrlrnli"n nd vffll giro eafr iha rrg piirpla dapffRf o it their friend and former iggbor, , "'"I ,,l,v ""''' a'1" "aklng good ele (mention to the explanation t larger clae next Wedneodev etenlng. KMwarrf C'harle Rsol, M' II Ml- pTOt,m- r1l,,K are iwlng ail Jnat el , given by Mr. Itaoaetl todar. ' . nN. Tleir coilthfnwl their awner"' a-"mI. hb reporla. Hi inch n Th Mdlea of the Art and CrafU i SALT LAKK CITY, Mar 17 Tho north thl morning. manner aa to tat a re harmony In erer . egiie will hold a apeelal Stetnrdar. Jack of apadca, the death warning of Ilia tc mlfhannkna at Da Voa'a ty1- "f th" onterprtae. Awoilg , March la. at lh leagnP room from , the It. f) I a inKicrUiun organlR ...,. . l bin renturna of the rolftttrntfOH C. f). rerry. of ImpPHal vHo-. lR,tre.(dv eecnrdd la the "CflwMy hiking over Itogne rlvor valley for ,, ,.., ,, al rnmt nl .r.nnn ' -" " ' --..., .- - -w.. .., " I (ion whtah haa.teen fhrentealHa; tho life of tmrtftt f.'iliiam Rpffy Mw been recelrM M tha fflca of ants? nor Spry, Tha govt root ta Ih Mow Vork. When hla aooratgrT.'rfHlall It. Merdey on-ifnj itN eftvolo MnVngg. d in tfir gefofttor, tho Jawk f fWtla fell out, NOTICK Tf , It. A. Military ioiirc target practice open to member at " ' d raNgp. Menibprahlp ollclicd ..; t v )iVIS 8tc. 2 o'clock td In the afternoon. 3fl Chna. Mix, of Pall City, thla atafe, Imi. .. Mat lt.l,.i.AaluJ ulallne Im tUim o!T.!!flriiiiiMi .-. ' h"h haw6r9r b" "' '""""- part of airatktrii Oregon thl week. -""".'"" "' "" ""- ing TTte best talent from I'emllotoki rwinrmt. in and ao h. itogtto hM ,, ohtnUuHl uivor vanav canning t:o. 17. M. Water, of Corvalll, Ir a nckstaaaatiHi IBBaBBRRZnaBaal vlallur III Metlford and other poluta In the vnllej for a week or ao. Prcparnduoas la the Imuo, ro brln? The guaar Howl ha fixed up the Other extraor-' iiIk.i iri.i, iin,in , in dm . . ,.,..rn. ,.... ..,,,...... .... ........ .... uinur.Y iBnuirm are eeina; aecureo. clft. 5fndp Inauro your auto in the Alliance William I ncfllmit tlioft. flfo. C. Y. Tongwnld. lis, Ih lookl Tho bannnn bonm shown in the big ' thin valley thl Home Balund Reduces window ever een ill the -i f k J a? i i -. t r ent.reU of beet augnr. (OM lOX Ol JlW A V M&U llardoubriiacr. of Corval- Jbr . fSeS ng over the situation In , YfS hi week. yipil'"" " . ' . . . . In your lnwnmower and haro jti at tho CoumiPrclal club In .thla Rharponod and bo prepared for what ' '' "r" "'trnctlng much attention Ih comlnB. J. W. Mltcholl. i" are ' '""fnloly Mr. C. Agar, of Yroka, California, lwl,lt' ",nl ",nn' n"'u,nr ,0 belevc mat titer nave noon nrrecteii uv me i IF IR IS TURNING Afsgwfflrai 7X tJLwo? FRECKLES Mui-cli Iti lugs Out t n-luliil) Sjnit. Huh to demote Misll)' The woman with tender Mii dread March lecaue It U likely to cover her faoo alth ilgt freckle No matter how thick her veil, the ami and ulnae have a atrong tendency to make har freckle. fortunately for her peace of mind the preaerlpllon. othlne double atrcngth, makea It poaalble for even thoHC moat auareplible to frecOea to keep i heir akin dear hik!' white. No matter how alulitioiii a aae of frock lea ou lime, I lie .loiilile atrength otlilne blioiilil M'iiuii tlii'in (el all oiiiki' i loin miiii drimglat and luml-h Hn nnk1 Monet liack If It trtil- Vh mF? f.1UZ. C E A - p1 .... VKmwzm w "i mcw-. iiiitij VWtc ii iiviiitir tKNi. DROP" Ys?mM hh u . eWNafBinf ' Rn;v V'-jbB '' HS:7 VHaVIB 1 ' ' ' aapu SannBI v. , i , nvrfvSnsaBj ' ' ' ' j fcM'rf7iiAx3al ai.j.n ,.,.., n larfaaMnaapnaBi ?TOO MTU TO UI,SBIKV, VOU 8AIk? OxeiUud roadatet Kei B. A. Hick. Manager. Orein Oranlte Co. ' KoTrsTTH-Wlll Hell 10 uiiea trait good laud In clovei bint i.iiltv uiib 't room ltiriuheil IuhIm aiiit i,illlilillllri- IK.'" I'hueiitv Willi :.,Qlill Tgjal JirUwunh iX"" ..i,i( loo casjt, boiau h un Black Silk Stove Polish ' tt 4i id hfct i i tt 'k, U,t 1W k .t , t) ..., 1 UI It )- . . a yj k t IV . et I K I Wf IU lilvl i. .,,", ,1 Wu'rtl 3 i! ilsQtiS ' rnFi " iaallilai ' ' iVaIcUttRT'i ' ' ' UIII'i IiHtM ' ' artilftlH "JtJ " i i i w 1 1, 1, .11 1 II y t l,.liu w, . i r i. I i uurviti .J'it)'ai.J fluk sn i. pu. 1 return '.l Pat. It vlaltlng with relative In thl vi cinity thin week. When bottcr Intturnnce In sold Holme?, the Insurance Man, will jell It. Miilcom H6ot Iin k rchinicif front Snn t'nincfico to tifk after hi Tabic Hock orchard during the front period. Onto mil 1'ord rnnt, $200 down nnil $2S a mouth. luvoatlgfltlon by thn public Hcr vlce cominlaalon of Oregon I it to ensoa of public lulorpal Involving tho rltloa of drnnta Paaa. Mud ford nnd Klatil ntli Knllg will he hoard aa follew: Omnia Paaa, at tlin court limine, April 3, 10 a. m.: Metlford, at the COmmernlnl club, April t, 1 p. m., Klamath Call, at court houae, April 7. 9 n. in. At thotfo I linen nnd plucoft all (Mirtlea Intereated will he heard. 'Tho Star brand of typewriter rib boon nro Kunrnntncd to nlve 70,000 Improaalonn of tho lypo "a" nnd "o" without bo cIokkIiik tho typo nn to hIiow on tho paper. Thin In a pretty stiff warranty, but that Ih what tho Wobitor company agroM to with Star rlbbonn. Sold by tho Mudford Print ing company. iiroreea ctnpldyotl In preRcrvinR thorn. I'rof. Krohhnch. who procoaued them and who heard litany Pxpioaftlonn of wondermout nt the RpeClmon shown nt the Panama exponitloil, nnld thlt morning tlmt they appear ilbsbhitoly natural In tho big Jnr. They were produced by Mra. W. 11. Smith, of Aahlnnd. Those who desire seed Hhould addrpai.hbr. However, it In mild that It Will he dlfTicitH to ob tain liny morrt 'seed UiIh year. Tel. Dick Sanders your troubles about papering, pntntlng or tint Ins. 307 O..II. Oa(wdlrtt,'of Tacnmn, Wnnfi (ngtbh, M 'h villty visitor thla wepk, obtaining Information about promised trnnaportatloti 'facilities connected with outlying district of timber and mining tbnnn'Ko. Bholle.d corn, $1.00 per hundred. I,. II. llrown. .Manager J. C. Ilurch of the Denver Portland Cement Co.. of dold Hill. la In the city for two or three tlnya on hualuess. Try n Kins Rpltz clgnr nnd en courage homo industry. tf E TEA Don't 'look old I .Try Grandmother;! recipe to darken and beautify faded, lifeless hair. Tlmt hcnntiful, even tluulo of dark, fllossv lialr can onlv Ims had by brewing n. mlxturo of Saco Tea and Sulnhur. Vour lialr U your cliarm. It make or ' niarn me mcv. vyjicii it iiuics, lurni fitty, alrrukcd nnd looks dry, wlipy and ocrngiy, just, an application or two 01 B.iKu end tiulp'liur cnluino'i it appear siico a hundrnlfold. Don't Ixjtlicr to prepare the tonic; yon can get from any druf atore a CO cent UiUle of "WvcUi' Saf,T) and .Sulphur Hair Itcmedy," ready to uc, This can alwaye In ilojmk-d iipon to Lrin(f Iwick the iuitur.ll color, tliickiivn and Itutro of your Jwlr ntnl remove dandruff, stop icajp Itohltijt and falling linir. Kvcnladv iiim "WvcthV Rape and I Sulphur IVcatiNo It darkens k naturally arm evcniv tlmt nntxxly can tell It ima liecn niiilicd. You simply dampen a eiionjw or noft Iirtieli with it and draw tills through the hair, taking one small itrand at h timet by morning the. p-uy hnlr has dlflappcurol, and after another application It hccnnic UMtitlfuIly dark ami appears glossy, luntrout and abundant. THE U. S. D;pt. of Agriculture Jn Experiment Station Bulletin No. H2 says that ten cents worth of wheat supplies almost three times as much protein and ten times as much energy as round steak, and with some other cuts of meat the difference is eVen greater. -i If then, one really desires to reduce her weekly moat and Rrocery bills, she need only make more use of her oven. Who ever heard man, woman or child complain that fjood home-made biscuits, muffins, cake and cookies appeared on the table too often? Instead the tendency Is "to male a meal of them" and the variety Is so great that somelhlou you bake yourself could well be the chief feature of every meal. ej Borne Baking is Simplified by the Use of K C Baking Powder Wit'. K C you can make thlncs moist and rich yet have them light andfeathery, wholeaomennd digestible. Iilscuitsmay be mixed the night before ind baked fresh for breakfast. Muffins need not be dry and heavy. You can make a cake so light that you can hardly cet it out of the pan whole, yet it will not fall. K C is not like the old fashioned baking powderc It is double acting and continues to give off leavening i;us until the douh Is cooked through. K C is sold at a fair price a large can for 2$ cents. This would be no object If strength and purity were fracrl tlced, but every can is fully guaranteed under State and National Pure Food laws and la pteate. We lake all the counces. Your money back if you do not get better reaults with K C than uny baking powder you ever used. Include can in your next C'ocery order, try some of the new recipes that appear In this paper from time to time. Then you will have fone far toward solving this vexing "Cost of Living" problem. M y3pa-Wy I tSIIBB4 The Season's Choicest Styles "Style Craft" Suits and Coats Madame Flanders' Silk Dresses Buckingham Dress Skirts WE HAVE NOW ON DISPLAY THE MOST WONDERFUL SHOWING OF NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE IT HAS EVER BEEN OUR PLEASURE TO SHOW AT ONE TIME. EV ERY DEPARTMENT IS REPLETE. NEW SILK PETTICOATS, NEW BLOUSES, NEW FIBRE SWEATERS, ETC. Mr ' fc 1 T W Mvlc iy7 X iA STYLE CRAFT Coats and Suits Iv'it-h simplicity thai 'wcnis" is n striking clinnu'trMsfie of Stylo Craft Coats and Suits, tho nrwi'st notis of spring fashions arc tail oirtl in, hut tho hixaiTt and freakish arictios arc omitturi. That's why wc can say to you that Stylo-Craft Coat or Suit (hut you buy in our store will give you lasting satisfaction. Sou the many beautiful Silk Suits, in black, navy, Howling fliWn and sand, Taffetas, I'oplins, etc. STYLECRAFT SUITS $25.00 to $55.00 STYLECRAFT COATS $15.00 to $35.00 OTHER COATS $ 8.50 to $25.00 Tailored Suit Special at $18.50 One lot of Newest Spring Models in Cljeeks and Pop lins, colors navy and Hague blue, sizes It! to 10, real JU..')0 values, special : $18.50 h?A fl &133E!l HOME OF THE NEW SPRING KABO CORSETS GLOVES ARE HERE Charming Silk Dresses Madnnu Flanders' Silk Dresses, who is style authority. We etiuld not begin to describe them, but ask you to come nnd see, and we have not only chosen this great line, but the best from two other woll-known lines of Silk Dresses. Priced $19.50 to $,15.00. MORE NEW SILK WAISTS MORE NEW DRESS SKIRTS CHILDREN'S NEW WHITE DRESSES r -XMFi i o .. jm f?7W7j kissi" i Ail Exclusive Spring Millinery 4Vs 'Tf4iV The Spring Hats this season seem preHr than ever bo fore. If ymi admire the small hat, it is here in many varieties. If von admiro thn, Invo-m. ii,,f i.r.,, .;n mc.,i :V t" l J'J "III ItlHI H 1 in (o suit your style. Colorings are-bright and many higl triiiis. Pleasingly low-prieod. Wonderful values ii I'nnmflwl lints nt $1.00 to $7.50. Others at n prieo .von wish to pay. Untrimmed Shapes at $1.50 to $6.50 1 war lime A Imrgat Wi'i I'llliH" !lo ditltel'or. tn.u J : -44- o ot?-