Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 16, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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L '
WMt'OIlD MAff, 'UUVSK MHU-'OKD, OUff.ov. 'HinMiW fJlf If I'- ffli.
- w-4
Tbe ) way fknUrt fare from
lh Met to tbe eat atate fin lb
ffMfhwrn Pacific ay Mem have been
rn(lilined in hooklf form, confatn
) n ileaetlptton of the roat terrltnrv
Mirotmh wlih'h the lle of lb -em
M. Te ef)trglt htfd period
bMin March lEUMtMl Amrfl 14
IV tlefcMf dfe djfcl fr a dot, al
leging akMrrf&l veHou point
nil mmmIA .
k uMi with
tWtwi at
.&UU:i...i.l.-. i v.
Wfliupriiu ciup
a ; i,.
eg rout.
'' t v give
oTrylbla ocf
Their will bY'
flic nimory liiHiflt
$2'.no to Ion
111.' II. . RtlH
Tbe naai wnwiijTtr HlU-3UMfrn
Woodmen will hold a eeattnu nf "til
trlet Mchoel" In the K. t V. hHll Fri
day evening. Manh 1". Koeh one
lit'expected lo dreaa hb a achool pupil
or ohlrjil (ljiiiw, mid bring a dinner
pall anil lunch. Poffeo will he wrr
(1 by IIih directors. Thorn who fnll
In dioea tho port will b flood a few
cent. Tim toaohor expect a each pupil
lo tin on 1 1 in o. School will open nt 8
o'clock ii. tn. A literary program mill
I"'IIIiik lioo will ho given. Conic
mill ho ti kid onoe tiipru. llrliiK n
8wfot olllor nf Da Voo'k.
The latllea will begin to CHiirniM
ho btiilhnen oclltin of IIih city Krldny
mornlrjgin tho Intooat or tho Med
ford baud f ii ml. The lollclora aug
et that It will wive much time ami
extra jvoik If thopo wlio contribute
will be t;bni1jr'f.or'roerpl on tho flrat
vlall. ThU ylll mvp tho mooihI trip
on collflOtlo.nH. A hearty reaponio
Ii anticipated. ' ''
fim ok o a KIiir Spllz cigar. Re.
Tlioy aro home-made.' tf
A local Innlltuto. will 'hn held nt
Hold lllll Saturday, rinnliiK In (hn
tnornliiKiul fatonlnic In tha ovoiiIiik.
Country tnaeliara will 'muet tho timeli
er n of tho floltl lllll xohootK, PXchmiKP
iili'im, rami pmiora on arhool work
nml iIIhmih innttprg of Importmiro In
Hip ninttor of iicliool romltict. J. 1'or
cv Wollii, county Mohool nupnrlntiwul
piit, will hnve clinrno of tho hull
tulo. CI a ml i; C. Cuto, county Piithol
okIkI, All! ho olio of tlin HpwiUorH.
(Int. your milk, cream, huttor, rk
nml hutturmllk nt Do Vou'r.
All InteroatPil In tho Htiiily o( tho
Ruiulny aphool laaann nro luvltoil to
tnoiit til thti QhrUtlHtt rlnnoJi at 7: SO
thin ovonliiK. a a Jif hour will ho
Klvon to that work haforo Hie tpk
ular prny or maatlnt; tr'lce.
Shollcil corn, 11.00 per humlroil.
1. II. llrown.
Tho high school Imnil. miliar tho
IphiIpihIiIp of Prof. J. M. OriMwly, now
rontalna a niHmborahlp of flftHou. Ita
i'ltnnoo will not bu nftortail In any
Hay by tht reomnuluttlon of tln MimI
fonl baud. Tho IiIkIi arhonl hand la
ppriiltMiya arhoot Imtltiitlnn Cradlt
arx given to the atiiilpnla who play
In It, Jmt.aa oreUtn aro alven In anv
nthvr pourao of ttudy. Tha hoy ara
tnaklnR oxeallottt proaroM, Many of
the m r ilovaloplng rapidly.
Dm. A. U. nml I.011U0 It. Ilodgoa,
rhlropriiotor. bntha, muaango. 23S
i:. Main.
Wllimni Holbraok Walcolt. repra
Mfiitlnv t Vuktno laatltuto, laft
inMt weiifiiK for arMU laaa. havlii
urrnnaed fur the preonre nf the In
' ilei- -"liiBt-ri- rimn that 1um In t'll
t n'f m 1 i , iln Jit X
t ii r', 1
Killir ll n ,,t i , f ,rnni (
mirier rHiirnert hnin iar rnina,
after topplnf la VJmlfnrrt iitern
irnlna vterrfar aflernoon
PraMai( ttamaa at fi Voax.
enator Vo fr Hallen returaed
Horn tml efMIng, aflrr a day nf
ttUfftflMa in Ik ry.
ijlUm material, window nerwun.
afai ikmra. Par fnr. k Fix Ke
Mr. W 11. flrewar aave a dinner
laet nlKht at her borne, 121 Platte
i . for Mr ('herlee T. Thinpon,
hi leave fluHduy itttmlwt for Bed
ford, Ora. rtiftrlerm fffiaaia aat tlwn
lo a Wan 1 1 fill itlnner arvparmt In
Mra Hrewt-r In tn alvle which the
rltlxena of Hterllnit know. All wa
are ad. Fen ran eacall Mra Mrrwer
In Ratting np a menu to pleaae. A
aerial lime waa enjoy! by all and
at 10 p. m. tho gaeata departed
thankl Mra. Hrewtr nnd wlahlng
Mra. ThsmpaflM iupcmw In her chanae
of leaJilaiiBo. Mterltng (Colo.) Advo-
Hr. Htaplinimon now practicing
nffnlu. MC Routh Holly, Phone S02-X.
Mra. V. V. HtruoU or (iranta Pas
waa a Medfnnl vlaltor Wmltieedny.
Tho Siigiir Howl Im fixed up thn
iilreal Irlah window over won In the
city. Aliulo oullroly of hcot aiiKnr.
fr. II. I). Taylor or IIobup Itlver
Iiiih I on urn! a farm nt Korby nml rc
ino'tid thoro with hla fainlly.
Hi. I'tilrlPk'a dunce hlg niiilltorluin
N'at Rntiirday.
Hov. V. II. Hamlllon, rector nf
St. Mark's, la reported quite ill nt
Ida homo In till rlly.
Tel. Dlak SnndorH your trotililc.i
about pnperliiK, pnlntlnR or tint-
ItiR. 307
II. I.. Wnllhera, of tho California-
Orogoii Power company, la nttendliiK
to hiialnoia In AahlHiid toilny.
l.ocnl Rrown artlohkcH for aalo.
Tlioy mnko tho hnt hog fend, Cnll
or write for prleoa. .Monnrch Feed
and S001I Co., 317 K. Main 0fi
Mra. 0. N. Woat returtiPd lo her
AnhlHtiil home yuatordny vvenlng;
nfter n vlnlt In thl city.
Hen Davo Wood nhout Hint flrn In-
auranro policy, orrico Mnll Trlhuuo
J. I,. ItaKHilale and wife mid Tho.
1,. ItiiRfilnle. of I.nko creek, nro In
tho city 011 hualno.
MlK So mllkahnkoa ut Do Voo'a.
(lien Dnvla, or Hilt, California, I
11 Meilford Hojourner toilny.
; Some additional tomato norontto
rcaulreiL Cnll nnd nco ui. Kokuo
Ulvor Valloy Cnniiltig Co.
W. A. MniiHfleld, of T0I0, In at
tending to IniHlnomt In Modford today.
iA. H. ThompHon of I-nke creok, la
ahopplm; In .Modford today.
Propnrailnoaa In tho Issue, no brim;
In your Inwnniowor nnd huvo It
sharpened nml ho prepared for what
U coinlni:. J. W. Mitchell.
J.JIIIU. Dr. Uberhnrt and W.
O. Wehitor relumed Inat evening
from a liunlunwa trip to tho head of
Kvana creok. They report that tho
country lu that illntrlct looka fine
and that tho roada ara In good condi
tion, coimlderlng tha tlmo of aoaaon.
Thare waa nulhliiR lu the cinnabar
proiHMltiou. however.
When better Insurance Ii no hi
Holmes, the Insurance Man, will sell
The ladle of tho Alia ard Crnfta
league will hold 11 apeolul Haturday,
March IK, at tho Iohkum rooma from
2 o'clock lo & In tho afternoon. 3Qi'
Weal on Cnmeru Shop for flrat-Qlnaa
kodak UHlahliiK and kodak suppll".'
The atraet Jppartiuent somewhat
buay theae atinuy day ImprovliiK the
miiiit. htghwaya lu many raapacta.
I'ie sin rate of the tiHpaved atreeta la
it M in k0"'l ionditlou to bo worked
Tho Star brand or typewriter rib
I "ia nro guaranteed to give 75,000
Wm 1
' ' ' II
l uT
kSBb Wife.. JWawBBBWIWi
O'ttng ta rniMpfied hnalnaaa of
t fir Hate rainajg bin to FrtliHl, be
ha ion oblnvH to aanrel Hla en
aacfment far the lecture announced
for I'ridny wvenlrm fer the Dnima
League center.
Mr Hilda, auporlHlendent of tSe
Med ford tchoola, will fill tho date by
glvliia a readlHK ntitled "That Somo.
thing " In aplte of the disappoint
ment in not hearing Dr llatea at thla
time the center feela mire that the
dudlemo w(ll be well repaid lu llrt-
tuning to Mr. HUH' reading whioh
nn neen given with aacceaa on pre
Mou oecnalona. The reading wilt be
given lu the Hotel Holland roadlnr;
room, promptly nt S o'clock Friday
evening and an uaual there will be no
charge for admlwlon. The public Ii
cordially Invited.
Jama T. Trea4rlf, faraoe aaln
Ing man of tba wet, hrmher anH
ro-wnrker of tba dlaevferof Of the
ftrent Tramtwell mHte In Alaaka. died
mldenly whtlu m route borne oa tho
ferry fro 01 tun Franakwo to Oakland
on the ovohIhr of Marrh . lie waa
C year or age. Amoag raemhra
of the raMllv who aurTlve aim la
Mra. It. J MeQuold, a Muter, or Kaglw
Point, thla county.
About ten yaars ago Jamas T.
, rt-Aif-V r"ilre,l 'mm. 1 unit' "i-l
I neo MiRaiBg hl hnme on hi "an
1i1f.1l oahlnno' artat" h'r tba aldoa
I purvlve him
Jamea Trwirfwrtl a ow f lh
fitrmnftM flrea la rallfomW art
Aioaka nilnMlft oportlloa. Ma wa
bar in !ow raicli. nom o cal
fra1a rn ll fHw anrf ! "
eorfer m a nallrtlog eontrae tf In Son
FmNeiaro. He and hi broihar aan
lHeae prominent flgurea In mining
ananttlona. aa a ell, and anceoeoVd
In amaeaing great forwnee.
The Mwlforil Kloctrlf company la
repairing the wiring of tha rtoyal
bakery on Wef Main utreet.
NKH- VWJK. Mfrth li.- The l.e.
gae tmn (if 1Ma. at wMeb for
mar FrWrtnwt , fclllUM Jl Toft it
the bead, nnnonneorl today that It ha
bognn a moremefttfo fwoTtteo the dem
orratle ami rapMbllonn ronvontlon
to Inaert plan ha in nnlhwinl, atate and
rountv plat fertn endoratng tha pre.
ponal that a tongue of nattOMa lea
formed after tho war tn maintain tbo
paare of the world.
Im, re 3 ona qt the typo "a" and "o"
t t y V '
1 I IP f
t' .tr !
1 1
l M'
t tr
' 'p
re t "! r
1 S id 1.1 r"'l
i i 'K i n
Met'l me ut Hit' SlusU
Krult groaom of Kogu rier val-i-
ought nt to mUa tha lecture by
- K. Hnaaatt. inarkatiua axport rroin
ibv Pali J Mute Uiartmuil or an
ihuituro, b ylvoA at tha public
ltl.rar ball at i o'clock Krftkay (to
morrow! afternoon, on tb marketing
Plan of tho department for tba north
went. ilr. lUaaotl ha bean making
a lour or all the fruit dlitrlet of
tho uortbwoat and baa aroueod vary
profound ItHoroot In the mat tor of co
opornllHH IUi lh BOreruutoi)t'a pltn
O? marketing and ibtpmeot Mr.
Itaaaett and Claud C Cate. putbol
oglac ror Jacknoa M)iniy, aro por
Qiml faiendK Mr Cnlo auggeata tbai
Mg. Bnanatt U a aioaaaw of great
lamjtAftiHeo to the fruit grower ot
MUn WtfJer auo W' ait tntoreated lu
any monaure ougb' to ' U
Our cuoooUl ait XoaUord made.
Tho Hbaata.
l.wal baaehall ulbwtoa will aoon
iuin to ornuairt tr the eeaaon of
the Me.t ualiniiul 41 ia.
J. 0 qerklng. tne nejt aU SieHWl
photorrephtT Ih iitb m 0rO)H.
Als r. 1 til, . 1 m.t4 oMUTt
Uero. Vluia or place Stadia 118 tit. fhoue 320 J. '
without to cloKBlut; tho type na to
clnw en tho paper. This U a pretty Ht it
it'tf .irrinty, but that U what the
v'-ter rompany agreee to with Star
r V- in Hold by the Medford Print
Ire i oiupnuy.
Im 1 it water department la lurn
. in new erlc 011 an aerug of
or four realdeuee numbera a
O.o ludUutlug that Muple are com
iiik In ami Ux-atiitg a little earlier
thU year tliun uaual Kmploye of
the depart nient have taken aonie cevru
to learu that tha great majority of
tboao who now call for new water
ervlce ara recent comer to tba city.
Date aolla Ford ear, J800 down
and SS a mouth.
Mr. C. II. DenuUtou. HIS Voa
Main atiaot, la romedellng bar home
at coualderabla rot. model ulalng It
In evary wajr.
' Inaitre yuur auto In tho Alltauco
niuluat theft, flro. C. V. Tangwald.
IV. C. 0.' Van aVoyor baa uearlx
eouipletod tbo work of rebuilding bla
noma at KOI South Orange atraot.
U Imb boon waoUeralaod lu every way
and took Movant like a new atructure.
Try a King IpiU cigar and on
courage borne induatry. tr
Tho iUrnuaa garage nu North
Front atrottia about completed. Kloc
triclau Faul ta wiring It.
oleoford Taxi Co. "Anywhere any-
llM." Phone 1(6.
MUa Julia Callahan, eaablor (or
the Callfornia-Uragon power company
t tlraut Paaa, eome up tbU morn
ing on buainoaa. tbo wlU return
tbl eveaing.
Lincoln Md'oimuck left thl week
rn au oMfiidi-ii iiin f) AnadfH
Manager Hunt nf the Page theater
Iiiih Inetalleil a new nlele lighting eya
leiu, by which tho nUlen may bo kept
lighted during the perforiiianco or
tho picture howa without liitorfnr
Ing with the creu light. lliirnclt. nwaUtant flro chief,
who went to Sail Franclaco nearly
tlirco weuka no, linn obtained a po
rtion with hla uncle In that city and
haa written Fire Chlor l.awtnu that
he will not return, allien the compon
nation ror li Ih work there la more
O. C. Ileloln ha been repairing
Hip wiring on the Holland hotol nnd
removing the outline wiring on tho
Modford National bunk building.
.Mr. Jounle K. Quluauo, who hna
heou vlaltlug with her daughter hure
ror Home month, will leave for hor
home In Peoria, IIIIiioIh, on Hntiirdny.
Mlaa QiiIiiniu) la a teacher lu thla
Mra. Irene Pattoroon, who hna been
vlaltlug lu Medford and other polnta
lu the valloy for hi-vera I woeka, will
leave on her return homo noxt Sun
day. Mra. Pattenou la delighted
with the Itogue river valley nml, nays
alio will try to Induce hor husband
lo mill nut hid IiihIihhh In Mono, Ne
vada, and 001110 here to live.
Mr. A. F. Noth, who haa been
vlaltliu: with her pnrenta at Cottnno
drove, thl atate, for two weeka, re
turned homo Wodnonday I'vonlnR.
She had a deligtrul vllt, to he Hiiro,
nut la glad to get hark to the aun
ahlne or Itrtgno river valloy.
IS. F. Venale, or Venice. Calirornla,
la lu the city today ror a rout, he
aaya, "alter having loafed on tho
beach at Venice until" he la tired.
Ho hna hoard ao much about tho
Itogue river valley that he concluded
lo atop over a few da on hla way
In Portland. He la In the country
toilny, enjoying the orchard bloom
and aarliiKtlme atmoaphere. '
,Mr. and Mra. II. C. Stoddard lolt
Wednesday for San Franclnco, where
the will remain for mohio month.
Mr. StoddTird la aiiperlutundent of
the Calirornln-Oregou Power com
pany While In the liny City he will
compile volumiiioim data ror hla com
pany lo be submitted lo the railroad
It I unlawful to catch flab under
leu iHfhoa Ih length until after Apt II
1. Many people are dnlwg no, how
ever, and aro tbua Inviting aerloiia
trouble. Women ami hoy are the
offeuder In thl roapeet, very largely,
and the warden would regret tho ne-
reaalt) or arresting them, but that i
what will happen If they are caught
(Continued from page one)
nlry, flic sixth nml Nislpentli infantry
nml oilier details Hint hail linen en
enmpeil here.
Acitiplfliie In HvlilencR
Toward aiuitloun. while Hip fitst
neroplnne ever mu'ii in Coluinhus wns
kiinming the alcav to tlie south, men
came bnolc with Hip rpjiort Hint the
pei1itioii litul oampcil for tlio nilit
without any o.witcinent. It i said
in Columbus thai conditions tihenil
were well known to liendquiutdK, ns
tin Amprienn eowhov hoouU line
been netive. The ceiixor 1ms asked nil
porrpjiomlpiits filing hv mail not to
diseloip mtlilnr' movpuipnta, or iIp
tnila ns lo numbers of troops, snying
Hint lo ninKe public tnntters of such
inilitnry importance might mean 11
loss of American livp. Tlii ntle np
plipil only lo mail matter, ns not even
the general fnolH of Hip crosyinai
have heon allowed lo go over the tele
graph wini, which is in iliropt mili
tnrv control.
TIip eoluiun leaving Columhns wns
llioronglily rquipju'il for nil eonill
lions Hint might nnie nml represent
ed an nnna of the mtvicp.
. 1 1 1
Why Sntokn Hit Clgara
When Ln Ooriilaa are only 10c.
ft IteKiilnr cpnimunlcntlon Friday
xAVovonlng March 17th. All M.
VM. Itivltrftt to ho preaent.
r4 -z ri k. n ra"JH-ji" m.
tAWvu ai ff Kb? ii
v VSgss) x7f Packed w HRr f
V zZ&:7aS&&' coupon in ly v. rr
It. H. I'nraona wont to Hilt, Call
fornla, today on luislnens.
Oct a 23-cent hottle of Dandorlnn
at nuy drilga atore, potir a little Into
your band nnd rub well Into the scalp
with tho Hiiger Hpa. Ily morning
moat, ir not all, or thla awful ncurf
will liavo dlaappaarvd. Two or three
application will ileatroy ovory bit of
dauilrufr; atop acnlp Itching and fall
lug hair.-- Adv
Get This $1.80 $1 A7
,. .w;v
. JfL.'
r, tr
1 W
-Ui.Tlll HIpkUt ,ml )tiiut Wilson
took lald Nee ai reeled a tew da)
ago .11 Uolit Hill, cliaiaeit with bav
iHk Hiolru an .uilonioliil. and ev
orul other tlitnax. to tiold lllll to
ilet ou hi promlne to bow them
where other parte of tbe auto wore
bidden. They round part or tho tun
chine oh tbo day of No' arreat.
Proaocutlug Attorne Kelly accom
panied them.
It ta reported that N'oo baa prom
lied ut make a written roateaalon of
bla ovildooda during tbe paat eeral
montta. It may be that bla wlUlHg
Hoaa to loeaw bla loot for tbe offi
cer k Ue Initial atrp toward a cq
foaaiiiH tbgt may ahow eMeiulve on
eratlona nd poaalblv Involve other
Kite .MIiiuto! Yo I)yHiplii,
Ileal (Inn n or Any Sloiimcli
too uvTH to ctassim.
VOH HUNT Throe room
houae at 4S WoodhtocK ai; ran
reajaomtbio. He i. wvoly or J
W. Borrlaa.
Sour, gaay. upket stomach, indi
gent lou, heaitiiitru, dapeia, when
the food you eat forinenu into gaxoa
and stubborn lump; your head aches
end ou reel aiek and mUorable,
that's wkeu ou reallic the magic lu
Papo'a Diapephlu. It make all stom
ach mlaery vanish lu rive minute.
U your Htomach U lu a ooutinuoua
revolt If you can't get it regulated,
please, for our sake. ti Fape's
Ulapepalu. i so ueetllosa to have a
bad atomarh make your next meal
a favorite food meal, then take a
little Dtapepain. There will not be
any diatroaa- eat without fear. It's
because Pa pen Olape'paln "really
dooa" regulate weak, out-of-order
atomacba that give it ita mllllotm
ot ale annually.
liet a large .".Or en or 1'wpe'u Ula
pepain from anj- drug btore. It Is
the nuleKwt, suroat atomarh relief
and cure known. It acta almost like
wagle It la a aclonllflc, harrnlea
and ploaaant atomaeh preparation
which truly belong In overy home
Without Grease and Without Water
Windsor Kettle
Place the kettle empty over a low flame.
In the heated kettle, scar the roast on all
sides; then turn the fire down to a mere
flicker. When half done turn the meat
over. Thus cheaper cuts of meat may be
made as palatable as more expensive cuts,
The "Wear-Ever" Windsor Kettle may
be used for many purposes every day in
the year.
J 1
Clip the Cou'pon-Get d1 fn
your Kettle today for only tJpi.U
Take coupon to vour dealer and for only $1.07
net a ' carKver" four quart Windsor Kottle.
Tlie kettle -vihlch holla regularly for l.S0 Is
offered for a limited time at the special nrleo
tin ou ran see for yourself, if you do not al-
(.ready knou. tli difference between " Wear-eKcr
and other kinds of aluminum aud onamoiod uten.
1 ' a. ri
If your dealer will not honor tho coupon,
mall It to ua with 1 1.30 the 43 centa heliiK
added to pay the cost or paekitig- and transpor
tation und we will send you the kettlo prqpnld.
You will get the kettle at tho special price at
tho following stores on or tioforo Maroh 81.
1910. '
Lot Vs Dyo
hss That Faded Switch
at , bM
lTb futi'li Your ITair.
KOH 8A I Jl Haired Itaek egg tor
eulng Jl M for . Won flrat
eoek av flrat ngllol at voeent
he rnl Janne. It V IV .',
Phone 11. o au
Marinello Shop
107 Gnrnett-Oorey Bldg.
MtMlftml, Oiv.
Crater Lake Hardware Co.
Oilier htoiva located whevver this
paper fiivulato.N may honor
'Wenr-lier' Couixui.
We wont you to get tho kettle
to ou will undoMtaud why to
many women prefer "Wear-Uvor"
to other cooking ware.
licpUcu utensil-, tlkit sir out
wlili olenMIs that ""
The'AIuminum Cooking
Utensil Co.
N'exy Kensington, la.
Medford Furniture & Hardware Co.
Jj9Ki v ft'r.- thai vll "Wear-Evtr" aUimimii , ..i VjKftMr
DLfSTJll .lOttpt thin iiuj"ii iul tl UT 111 ..wiKi I 1 t luKlVllI
IfuSmX .jti-Kvr' run iurl Win,iir K nu jHKfcfix
ut-tmn w ''' h "" "BUtarl hi )I.I0, prutled 1 i.i, Afo'hJ&i
li fW II ' ' ""' '""UPOD In pirMiu al lr. on or h Mn iPWt-tVMU
H S?nI !u.I tl lll, na wrUe on IUo ioum v .ur x'f;'v. I
iujk- u(( nam llrra and dale of purcliaw. Onl n,i Y 1
jV'pt'il 1 i a raatuanvr. Ir ,-"rM
iMMl The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co. 111
lC)ij!(3) Hew KemlBgrtoa Pamylvaui l&)ljll(K