Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 15, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    p-Atm vomt
MfiDForm MAtt, rirrnrrNW, tiwvontf, orir;rriv, wfcnttKMfiAY, mahCiT r, (oio
in, ii i r -inr-iir-ni Ti i' ... i i nana iimiji 1 11 iinniiiiniiiiiiii -iiTj.i. fgnn'if rii-Trfr " - ' ' " - ' -- f -
JfteltfOM) AlAitr TMHtNI
i'fjjKT NmviMran,.
ivBtr. a
onu i'liiNT
..&Uit Mail Tribune llnHJliiit,
North Kir street, teiesfiene f.
eiTIMMUM Tlm, fh MfilfeM
i Medford Trhiifin. Tha Smith.
rn Oreannan, Tfm Ashland TrbUne,
BVBBanurtion atjii
On ysar. by mi .
una m
5ne month, by fnnil
Per month,
II, Of
llvered by earrter In
Medford, I'h wnlx,
sad Central Point .. .,
y otily. r mall.
Jrer year-,
psr year.
-fftolnj Paper of the CUy of Medford.
V"iuni j-auer or jaaaao
'aper of Jaakaon County.
llatered ai seeatttl-etess matter at
MedrYn-d, Oregon, oncjer
r in
a aet of Marsh
, I9IV
Bworn Circulation for 1914, 3111,
Full teased wlrs Aaiaelatad Pitil alt-
Eubicrlboru railing to re
colvo twpors promptly, phono
Circulation Manager nt 260-It
A friend of mine underwent mi
.'li nwjjity painful operation the other
j. (Jar thay cut oft his whlafcay. '
t lllllll'n III 11 rMUIIIlT
Tho lihaTFosnoitro club uiot with
' Mrs. Glluttu. Tho programs of you
tordny and of a woeK ago Mondny
woro comlituoil, Tho following sub
Is Jccfs woro discussed: City of San
f Dingo, Robinson Crusoe's Island, tho
proildont of Chill, nnd tho South
. Ainorlcau desert. Nllca (Mich.)
Him woro a dross,
y. I laughed at It
i For brevity's
J Till MOlll of wit,
;' i Wisconsin Awk.
A J'nxzlcr
If u wit turn kittens, iloos n polo
oat havo splinters?
Today's Ilclliiugcr
Oim evening tho youiiK minister,
who had seoinod rnthor atrnotd hy
"111k tflitor" tlrnce, wm tllnlim with
tho family. "Utile SUtHr" wna tulk
Iiik middly whon th vliKor whs
about to nak th blowliiK. TumliiK
to tho ohlld hu iwtd In a touo of mild
IxurH, I bw ioIhr to sk Kro."
"W'ttll, It's HtKitit tiHitt." Hitawtfrmt
"UHjJt) SIHI'" lH RH fN)HNlly rtitrv
Ink toiiH. "UVvtt b4Mt dximnUhk
to do It for u wr, nud h Um. too."
Hollar MoHtUb.
Sti)W till' (ill I nil I he I'lhii
A wh pmea lit for patrimony If
ktft tlMtlful nd rtr luatrtmoay if
JM iumu'l wu-n out.
Wm- (.Miitsllniiv Anutiil
Ttw followlim aluinl quositoM on
lb war woro mbmlUfd to student
In oortral eolkkioa nod vor) fow
cooUl Miowor tkow comcil Wo
eoii't uooorouad xktk; taoy'io a
OtMoa for us. )loro 4e:
Q What is moMHt by tho triplo
A.Too thing that to kaUor trlo
al oh.
Q.-x'Tko triplo aUUncof
A. Tho Ulttf tost July trliKnl
ft.Kao Uio Balkau atatosT
4 It oaH't bo ttoita till the ar
, it avur Uty'r eHaxvluc too ohon.
' Q, What is tWo oaplUl of Dal
A. olk.
Q AXwi reUtton 0 Ike klag of
JinRlnnl U tho owporor at Qorwuoy?
A What's the ua of aasworlug?
Thoy broko off rolotioao Iohk aga.
Q. .Wkat U a Xopooila?
A.--An)tklNK that MMkoa a Nolto
over London at'ulajtal.
Q. Wfeat laiiiunse tie tko pooplo
of IlelRlum sponkT
A Just at prusent thy oooak to
whisper and wo eait't hoar what laa
guago th aro aomktng.
Q -What ts ur uUlHtatHMH?
A Tko potllo maMHor Ih which
two woll-fotl kings dare ah othor
to fight aark othor'a poaaanU.
Q -What la ao ouvoy oatniordl
nan "
A u Aaaorlraa "dioloatar ap
pointed 'or wtHfjtKg sate vote of HIk
Clua county to tho parly that won
jlv'tttMft two neutral not Ian
A.t$,lliHik0 and i'HetuMu.
rpffKfft(tfnfI( (tt fli "plulf" iYvnn nml I lie Hcnr!, pn
JL pmi tn frVte rrnmlrv h lirMiul (IpfMWf. 'Iho pf-oplf
of ATcXico iitm! fltr fffirJnlsi df fhf "(If fiiffo" trrvrnmciyt
n? Prffrrn(I (o Yn icrnm flint mny thv 1ffMif tiwttltf.
The liiicntioii vrUWitily h in jkjrmd (he Alfxicfin pnoplo
lo suffh n trxldrt Drnt svrir wifl otmuc, mid with wnv will
ii.ooffinic nimcxHiUfn of fhc went
rcflourcpB, i or uit nrcn-nit hhtji oi iJim rouiiiry io stcni jib
tiify strtlo tlio mgnv mid fnlmrfo Inndn of Culm mid Porto
K iro, mid uio nun wood lorpms or rue niiimmiw.
'Hie doflpoilerw of tliii cotriTtrr, finding no more ponl oil
mid timber lmidn lyiit iinmiid, mid being about to rake in
all the water powers, week new fields to exploit.
The American robbcr-Kenhwi chafes at being confined
within the boundnricN of the V. S. A., and demands that
the people mtpplv them with
go to Mexico and demand that an armV and navy be sent
along to protect and defend
What matters the murdering ot a lew thousand Alex
icans and American soldiers, for these gentlemen are ex
panding an empire, and empire builders can't have morals.
Iiiif while our financial rVankcnsteius are contemplat
ing the devouring of Mexico, those of us who are not ex
neeting to IlHVe a share in the loot ought at least to be
honest enough to recognize that the cry for war with Mex
ico is tlTo cry of the thief who hopes in the turmoil to steal
' Instead of villiricafion and abuse, Mexico deserves
fitrm us the hand of friendship and assistance. The'Mex
ican people, especially those of the northern part, are not
uncivilized. Thcv are a nconlc. with hones and aspirations
lor freedom, that have not been crushed by years ot the
most cruel and devilish military oligarchy the world
knows, and which was largely fostered and maintained by
American (minion created by American investors who
wore using the corrupt Diaz government to rob the Mexi
can people of their lands and liberty.
The Mexican people under the leadership of Madero
and Carranza, have shown thai they are aiming for better
mid higher ideals of government tlian animate the states
men or our country. Little of the work of Camuiza's
administration gets before the people of this country. The
plutocratic press publishes only that it believes will create
enmity and prejudice.
The correspondence between the two governments
.shows that tho public men of Mexico are statesmen, able,
shrewd and patriotic, and seemingly able to hold their own
iu the discussion of any question on its merits. But more
than in their international affairs the Mexican government
is showing in its domestic affairs the ability of their lend
ers to build up a nation.
In the state of Nucva Laredo, the government bought
up Inrgo tracts of land and subdivided mid sold the same to
tho landless at cost, rebuilt the capitol, turned the
churches into schools and doubled the wages of common
In the slalo of Sonora, Governor Talles has established
a minimum wage oi'$l.f)U per day, and this in a country
wliero the laborer has been accustomed to live conuortably
on one-third of that amount. If there has been any at
tempt to fix by law a minimum wage that shall bo three
times the cost of living, the news lias not been bruited
about. The attempt to do so would be futile for two rea rea
eons: First, it would be "paternalism," and second, our
courts would not let us do any such foolish thing.
0 '
It is of great importance to the people of this country
that Mexico should be left to work out her destiny. The
Mexican people tire a virile people, the heroic survivals of
centuries of persecution. The government they will estab
lish will be for the common people.
Theirs is no rebellion of smugglers and politicians, or
cotton planters, but a revolution of the patriots of the soil.
Their counterpart in history is found in the resistance of
the Dutch to the king of Spain, and the French revolu
tion, which gave the world most of liberty it lias today.
A government ehtiihlwhed by such people will prove
an example, and not a menace.
The early et tiers iu America found a people who loved
liberty more than they. "(Jive me liberty, or give me
death" was not an original utterance of "Patrick Henry.
TIkwk words were the challenge of every Indian nation
that resisted the encroachment, of their designing white
brother. If they loved liberty, the early Americans
learned from the red man to worn life without liberty, and
to that xcntimcut, born from contact with the so-called
savage, wits due in some measure the war that made this
laud a republic. And it i not beyond belief that in the
country tn tin- smith of. us may be established a govern
ment that will create n new love of UlM-rty and point the
wa tit tar better things than we know today.
,-T -.
tMiitU- lmla i--mI tin- lieiw
ameiuliui: tbe ihikIhI avin hank Ian
. ..ii
0 a to iwrotmr the wiliwdiuil .!
poii aiaumum irwtu awu to hnm
with iatereei, otul on additional Hhm
without inlerckt. The bill wu-. innnid
U to nruiit aopaoit of Htnl mimiik
fund in (te aud nattuttal l)nhV-..
rirarllch of affiliation with th- it
rat reserve .totn and lo iimxulfi
ui reaaeil rnuiiwnMation t uuirtl
post lariicr- on a''uut of thc
wci'Ih iu ri'.iki
1 - l
Cbssu subttitutss uVKMi?,tA&t)U!lWroWW
oil fioldn, ininornl mid timber
new lands. Thcv want to
them at the people's expense.
I Klamath Feudist Goes to Trial
I VwHau.1 1 uu raaaaakaa nliflfaiAil wills
. ssiNovt iMiniviHv, i,unigvi " till
tho uturdor of Mr Alma Kuehne, lti
a feud brittle In Dodd Hollow, Decem
ber SO. went on trial here tola. At
the cloae of court tonight six jurors
had been wlwled They are being
closely guarded by two apeclal oall-
I'll" iiiiiiicai" nil" rmiii" llMil
,,,, Be,thl,orll0ll ba8 bew bUU
llfs l'ladiraliN tbe entire Ikxld
I IKM'11,1. d.
Absolutely RciTlOVOS
Indigestion. Onopnckago
proves it. 25c at all druggists.
Iiady AMlstaut
tftong St. 4? t I7-J8I
ti. . . i.ii i
Uy A. C. tfowletl
A. W. Walker, iromlnnt ramll
ihile for tho offlri of alwrlff, wn ot
hero ahriklnK Iwitit with hf inntiy
friflrttla Inst WmlHeodRv Ho seoih
rory oaifgufno of attereos In his of
fer to. He wits accompanied by Oatld
Olngontte, Jfnrry Clngead nnd Mr.
C'a noii-lll-taw, Oeorao Slngowatr
tho moOrlH(0i(ont of tho engraving
dooartmont In the Ban I'rnnritoo Call
and Hxamlnor htiildlng, San Kranolo
eo. They all took dinner at the Huo
nyaldc before sjolng Imck to M ml ford
where tho OlngcHde family aro
watohinx tho developmentii of an op
eration that was performed on Mrs.
Clngcade about the first of tho
Wm. .N'lekol of Lake Creek was also
here for dinner the same day.
Tho word oHine over tho wire
Wcdnetdiiy that Terry Varlow of
Lake Creek Itnd panned off on Tues
day night. Mr. Tarlow was one of
our highly respected pioneer citizen
and has been prominent In the busi
ness world In Jackson county, lie
lived to- he about SO years of ago and
loaves a wife nnd several children,
ninoiiR whom are his sons Thomas,
Frank and Lee, all of whom livo in
the neighborhood in which ho died;
hosldos n larce rlrclo of relatives and
friends. His remains wore interred
In tho llrowusboro cemetery on
Wort C. Peel was nmone tho busi
ness callers Thursday.
Messrs. Utinnington and Ulrivh
took a band of sheep through town
Thoursday ou thulr way to range
north of hero.
J. H. Tyrell and Mr. Martin of
I.nko Crook wcro among tho guosts
nt tho Sunnynlde Weduosday. Tlioy
oame out to procure a cuukot for tho
l'orry Fnrlow of F. L. Heath, one of
our morchants.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C I'arker of Clinton,
Iowa, Mrs. II. V. llohliiiR nnd hor
mother, Mrs. F. L. Sherman, of Mud
ford, woro with us for dinner Thurs
day. Drndshnw, .Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C.
Chnrloy nnd Miss Ethel Meyer mo
tored into our town Thursday even
ing from their farms Just above
Walter Charley, ot Climax wh n
guest at tho Sunnysld Thursday
night. Mr. C. is perfecting an Invnn
Hon of his oWu that ho expects to
putcnt soon nnd put on the market to
bo used ou trolley cars. Ho was ac
companied by fi. V. llouseii, also ot
O. W. Mol'homon of Portland
aloppod off to visit his son and fam
ily. F. Y. Mcl'horsou. Ho was on
his way to the Hawaiian Islands.
J; C. Turnbull of Grants Pass was
hero working In tho Interest of tho
Orogon Journal. Ho secured the
services of Mlwt Olaro Zimmerman to
act :u agent for tho papor.
There was quite nn Interesting
spelling match In tho Reese Creek
school district betwoon that school
last Frlda.)- and tho Knglo Point
school. There were thirty-two of the
pupils who went from here to spell
against eleven in the Iteese Creek
school. They went out ou wagons,
autos, carriages- nnd the rest went on
a hayraok Jammed In like sardine.
Tho two schools that la all above
the fifth grade wore lined up and
when one niiMod a word he or she!
sat down and after spelling one
thousand words there were left stand
in the floor Miss Freda I.eabo, Mis
Knv Perry. Miss Fern Lewis. MUa
Nellie Coy. Mloa Helen Holt, Mies
Mae Oreb. Master Ail In Haslton and
Mooter Thro Klorey out of the thirty
two lCagli point pupils and of those
left standing In the Iteose Creek
school were Mia Mae French. Mis
Ulleu McCabe Maater Karl Mathews.
Master Paul Iteblnson aad L'harle
Padlgrue They all did ery wall
and deserve credit for the Interest
they seemed to have taken tn that
important branch in our studies. As
there were o manv more of the
Uagle Point ituptl than there were
In the ee.. Creek scnoul the com
mittee det tiled to call It a tie Little
Miss Jon re Yon dor llellen bad made
a cake to i presented to the win-
The pi.-ture which has no equal. It needs no introduction as it played to over a UuuimuuI well pleaded Star pat
rons last mouth at 50 cents admission. The second shpwdug is the result of hundreds of rwjueats from om many
patrons and as the rental jwlee this time is soihe smaller, we are pleuwd to offer this world's greatest produc
tion at the small admission of 13c for children and a for adults. Hememlx't'thero are uine stupendous reels
in thus big- feature. The doors wUhggu at 2 p. in first shoft at 2:15, no tickets sold alter 8 oVkwk. J1r show
in. the woning 7:15, no tickets will be sold sfttr S:45. Come early and yet a seat.
nrr in tho rnntff init it tnerc were
cruhf a owe stria sort fr flM
of her ft wo'deMtl to hitvi) tko tuff
teen sift the eitRe Ingelfrtr. After
devonrlng the egha tho (wo bffolMC
boll looms enjeryorl tl oontesjf lit that
broneh of fholr xtNdto htft a the
Heeoe- Crook IcJbi) dad iurt Imd any
prnetleo, having Jnst nretil the MM-
koto, and thff Ragle Co fill lenw hove'
been praotlefng ntht after the If fee o
Crook loam came ont second heat.
Hut thoy all hod n good time nnd no
doubt the eliUdren loomed omo
llilug that rnay oo woofol in nftot
While wo were of dinner Saturday
word came over the phono wire that
Mrs. Hverett Abbott of Ilutto Fulls
had died suddenly. When her hus
band left her In tho morning she was
In her usual health and during the
forenoon so'me one happened to go In
nnd found her on the floor nnd help
was summoned. She was placed on
the bed and upon nxnmlnnttou. she
was found to be doad. No cause of
her death was stnted, If known.
Among the guests Saturduy for
dinner were Miss Norma A. Smith of.
Ashlnnd. She was on her way to
Lost creek to tnko charge of tho
Mr and Mrs. Itaphael Ourdner
while here gave me an nil to lie put
In both the dnlly nnd weekly Mall
Trlbuno offering a horse for snlo.
IMrs. K. C. Hollows caino In today,
Saturday, with a lot of cream for
W. P. Holhrook wns among tho
huslnoss callers S nturday, and no
wns Rudolph Peck of U. 0.
O. W. Agcr, n very prominent can
didate for county school superintend
ent, accompanied by Prof. II. F.
Nlhort of Agnte and Prof. G. II. Gro-
vcr were among us Saturday. Prof.
Ager seemed to hnvo received a vory
cordial greeting nmong his old friends
whom ho mot while hero acting ns
ono of tho school supervisors.
JninoH Owens, wife nnd son, motor
ed Into town Saturday afternoon.
Since my last report M. S. Wood
of K. P. has renewed his sub. to tho
D, M. T. i
Frank Holmes wns n business vis
itor in Central Point Monday.
Willow Springs wns represented at
the piny. -Tho Only Girl" at tho
Page Friday evening.
MosdamcM Then. Fislt and Carles
of Phoenix were guosts of .Mrs. W.
A. Thompson Frlduy.
Henry Itlloy of Central Point went
"plumbing" hy hero thin week.
Wednesday II. M. Porter left for
inn ... -.,,., ,i... I
III. II1U1MU, ...HI M-Ulllft M'.nm. miniim.
Snw Vniir llulr! Make it Thick,
Winy Mini Itcmillftil Try
Thin, brittle, colorless and scrag
gy hair Is mute evidence of n neglect
ed scalp; of dandruff that awful
There la nothing so destructive to I
the hair as dandruff. It rob the hair '
of Its lustre, its strength and it verv
life; eventually producing a feverish-
ness and Itching of the sealp, which
If not remedied on urn the hair roots '
to shrink, loosen and die then the ,
hair falls out fast. A little Dnn-'
tlerlne tonight now any time !
will surely save your hair.
Get a 25-cont bottle of Knowltou's J
Dfludorlue from any drug store or
toilet counter, ami after the first ap-'
plication your hair will take on that
life, lustre and luMurtnnce which Is
so beautiful, it will become wav
and fluffy and have the appearance '
of abundance, an Incomparable gloss
and softness, but what will please,
you most will bo after Just a few I
week's use, when you will actually :
see a lot of fine, downy hair new I
hair growing all over tbe scalp
Adv. i
M, J "ssJaBaMWafctMssBfrsayTBrM - W9LLLwLw' i -f T
unj 'crowds gq
winter at hH fouMtn home In this
Jff. irI Htft, J. W WWi inter
(nfnott iflfOrnMtlr Hh AfNtl C their
ffofflev "Cmm Attn," , WNfloedor
ore iff mf
Mr. N. J. Lto of Stmreo. Ore
gon, retorxrtd 16 hor MWW After
flferfevtflt HMt wKh hoT loltvr, tin.
SsfSIf AleKay.
PthUy efiwlitg til ftrWftflOW on
joyed a rery Intorooifraf Intaineoa
meeting, of tor whith an Impromptu
program wna rondorod. Tho next
meeting wtil he the foorth Mtnrdar
of Mnroh nnd another iBtores'Ung pro
gram la In store for all who attend.
One of the prettiest port lea of the
week whs arranged by Mrs. T. f Law
at hor homo on Bandar afternoon In
honor of the birthday of her daugh
ter, Miss Kllnor Crowder. The
houso wns most attractively embel
lished In spring flowers nnd greoua
nnd the gracious matron extended
hospitality and cheer to the1 hidden
guests. During the delightfully In
formal hours a sories of guessing
games sharpened the wits of the
young poople nnd caused much
amusement. Partners were chosen
nnd ut tho closo of the afternoon re
freshments were daintily served.
rnlque among tho season's social
affairs was the froshmnn carnival
held In tho club rooms of tho Athletic
Association In Central Point Satur
day evening In honor of all tho class
es of tho' high school. Clowns, tho
f"lllg Four" tennis girls, Hollander.
merry widows, denr little Sunhonnot
Sue nnd her friends wero there, even
Ilituk, tho trump, dropped In from
his sojourn through the world, for
that matter tho w'ero nil there and
made the four walls rln with mer
riment. Tho rrlvoltv lasted until tho
woo, wee, hours No' No! Just 12.
Marble Pudding
Slcamcd puddings will not be heavy !(
made with KC Uaking Powder and cooked
ilowiy to give the pudding lime to rise be
fore the dough is cooked through. Have a
low blaze under the water fur at least the
first fifteen minutes.
K C Marble Pudding
Hy Mm. Janet McKemle Hill, Editor
of rtie lloiton Cooking Sihool Machine.
S cups eMcd jxislryjiour; 2 level tea
tpoorjuU K C Unking I'owder 1 fort
spoonful cinnamon; J tewspooiyful sail',
yolks ofScgciH. beaten light; J cup sugar;
i tabletjtoonfuls melted butter; 1 cup
cold water; whites of 2 cogs, beaten dry;
H ounces melted chocolate.
Sift tPgtther, three times, the flour, bak
ing powder, salt and cinnamon. To the
joiksath! the supar, butter and water, and
ttir into the dry mpredicntj. Ad J the whites'
of the cgci. Diwde the mixture into two
parts and add the
chocolate to one part.
Diipoiethetwo parti
in a buttered mold
to give a marbled
'""""iri jnr.wi
Vanilla Sauce
Tlitil suits of suaar and a cun ol
I tcafcr six minutes; add 2 tablespoonjuls
i of butter and a ttaspoonful vj vanilla
j extract.
i The K. C Conk't Hook containing this
and 90 other delicloui, successful, reclnei
scntrrr upon receipt of the colored certifi
cate packed in 25-ctnt cans of K C lUking
Ponder, Write your lume and address
plainly. Jaipies Mfc. Co., Chicago. 4l
Medford House Movers
Movims of iioi'siws, noii.iuts,
Phono IHH-M
01 S. Now to un. Til' W. Mth St.
' "- iWbTKrmi h l ii
I - " ageaHS )
r'Wr Li'tWiliT 4
From the Book by Elinore Glyn
Page - Today Only
Don't atay e,
grayl Htte't a simple
reelpe that iriyb-ody H aHjWy
wtllf a
llQir oruan.
JW1 UW) 01 mgc ami r
storing faded, Ofay heir
eefcr oWes baofc J graml
She weed It U keep hor
The tuw ef ftige awl Wtflfitr for re-
ay noir tn nn nMrai
Nimowsera wmp.
hair tfnautlfully
itark, moy w' abtuwont. wnenevpr
her hotr Wl otr or tof that doll,
faded or ssfrehed appearooee, tfcw Mm
plo mixture was applied with wonderful
Hut brewing at hoot" m miwiy aad
on t-of dale. Newadaya. by aafcliu? t
any drug store for a 0 ent IxitUo of
"Wycth's Sflgo arul Sulphur Hair Ram
edy." you will get this fanwus old
mslpe which can be dcpcmlcd upon to
restore natural odor ami luty to tho
hair and is splendid for dandruff, dry,
feverish, Itchy walp and falling hair.
A well-known downtown druggist says
it darkens thfi hair so naturally nnd
ernilr that nobody can tell it has lwi
applied. You simply dampen a sjumgo
or soft brush with it nnd draw Um
through your hair. Uking one strand at
a time. Hy momintf the gray hair dis
appears, and nfUr another application or
two, it lroiiiea'benuUfully dark, glossy,
toft and abundant.
Here's flmnl Ne.i for Medfnnl lies.
Have jou n pain in the small ot
tho back?
Headaches, dlsr.lnoes, nervous
Aro you languid, Irritable ami
Annoyotl by urinary disorders?
Don't despair profit hy Mudford
Medford people know Doan's Kid
ney Pill havo usotl them recom
mond them.
Hero' n Medford roldont's state
ment: Mis. W. F. Longwlll, 102 S. Mis
tletoe St., Medford, nays: "I toek:
Uoan' Kldnoy PHIh for kidney weak
ness nnd dull twins In my bnek. They
soon rid me of tho trouble nnd inatto
mo well. Doun's Kldnoy Pills havo
also boon used with good result by
othora In tho family."
Prlco 50c, at nil dottier. Don't
simply nsk for a kidney rnmedy
get Doan's Kldnoy Plllu tho snino
that Mrs. Longwlll had. Fostor
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Kvory day sees the arrival of now
models. Wo cull special attention to
our new line of Sport Huts and Com
bination Sweater Sets.
Miss Lounsbury
.Milliner 'M. .t M, Dept. Storo