Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 13, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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V?. A. Frccbenr linn rented hw ful
lleshfd hoiiMp on tlrnmtc street, re
tfAttly vacated b (Ijdc Dean, to Ar
Ho Van Fleet, it new eur hero who
w4to lnnnajilr tUrtwtar of the Holland
llrf!sltrl Hcftiun of the Panama
oaposMon. fly virtue el' litis, up
jwtotmeiit Mr. Vmi Fleet wa located
Ih San Pmni"ioo tyr ovc two year.
Ho ia n typical Hollander nnd ha
flltod vnrioun positions nlonjr similar
lllo8 in his nntivo lnnd, notnbly at
Tito Hague. His wife is nn Knglisli
woinnn to the rannncr born. Iloth are
extensive traveler nnd interesting
OoiiveiwtUionnlrttN. Mr. Vnn Meet
lmn accepted the position of general
ngont of tho Ori'Kon Nursery Co., lo
cated nt Orcneo, nnd will cnnvnss
rjoiithorn Oregon nnd Northern Cnli
farniri territory in behalf or his iu
ntUutlou. T. A'. Qrohnm, nssfctiuir freight
truffle manage!, of San Francisco,
nouotnpnnled by II. A. Sinshnw, p-ii-pjtil
freight npent for Orepon terri
tory, were in Ashlnnd on Saturday
tittendinjc to Southern Pacific bust
ifosw, and left fur tho south in the
('iVuniiiK. They nlso wimpled llthia
wilt era at tho Ntatiun'M new foun
tain, Tim old jail's interior is buiiut
dismantled, even if the annex is not
to bo utilized for a rest room. Conn
oilman Lamb is doing the wrecking
ifnd tho iitiewwnr.v authoritie will do
tjie fumijfntitur. Tho room will bo
tiled for storage mil nones for the
time being.
Ahhhuiil 20, Me.tford 13, were lliu
figure in the final score of tho big
lour nine at linskctbnl here on Sat
t(iday iiixltt. Ashlami girla won by V2
to i over Jlodfoid, their first win
hing in the bur immes. In the leuu
Inr team's work Delsumn and Gimoz
inonmiriibl.v eontrlbutcd in turning tho
tnek for Ashlnnd. Iloth of their iior-
Iniits now adorn the display at the
tudioo Ashland, vividly depleting
some of their expert end speetneular
plays. Defeated throughout the en
tire series, the Medfoid lads never
theless proved themselves good los
ers, although Coach Klum's counte
nance reflected tho spirit of ilc-palr
as tlie band struck up the familiar
st mills of 'Come, Ve Disconsolate."
Player all around concede Ash
land's victory as well and dearly
On Mnndi "1 liiirh hrdinnl ifiulnntu
AMll give the opera, "Camion," at tho
evin. tho east hciacr reinforeed bv n
jhorus of 00 voice. Tho production
has been in preparation for mmo time
jmst and tho score will introduce
mwio intereetiug and unique featured,
the students planning to rival wen
the "Bohemian (Hrl" attraction of
last j oar,
Culnntlio Templo S'o. 13, Pythian
Siitcrs incorporated a lot of inter
eating innovations in connection with
thoir rejrulnr meeting lost Kndny
ovening, including the serving of re
freshment and a dancing party. Tho
ont was an open ineotin with a
nuiuhor of outsido guest present.
3lUs Hnwley is most oxcollettt chief;
Mrs. Sam McN'air secretary; Misa
Holeno Biodo tronsurer.
Tho Eastern Star Thimble club
will hold it initial mycttog in tho
'dining room of tho Masonic hall on
Tuesday aftortioon, .March 14, with
Mm. Mao lluddio as honor guest of
the oeoAbion.
Ih Uiih with tho policy of tho oity
oAUueil to afford u substitute oona
Wounlly for relief of rcjpilur mem
Tiora of the fire department, Glenn
(litiley tukws the ioiition. Ho is a
brother of 1'aul fluiley, already on
the joo. OIcmii will "spoil" the rc
tarn (wo days each week, and in the
iutarvetiiuK uult "'" fatniliarize him
Mf with other pbaMs of oity work
!u tbo water and light dewutmcnts
in oisler that lm can nit in lull hours
VoHNor or luter as general utility man.
Ashland jitney drivers formerly
Interested in the liiw between Yreku
and Montafcme ivmH that Yrekn lias
Msswl an ordinance levying a licennc
of from $7.0 to $30 per month on
(hose onganed in the orvieo, nccord
iiiir to the eawoity of conveyanee.
This Has been done to protect the
branch railwwd between the two
tawna, inasmuch the jitney serice
outs heavily into revenues of the rail
road. Superintondont Ilri.ciw of the city
schoels will bo aiaoiyr other intnc
iors who will addre a local teach
iW institute which will be held at
'Gold Hill on Saturday, March 18.
Other speaker will be H. C. Sey
rMgr itato agent of tint Ify' nnt'
Rirte' Iadastrial dubs and Siijicrin
fgadunt IHHis of the Medford school,
'Jtifotmia Iuii1hh will be a feature
pf the MK-lal entertairuncHt. Threo
iljjoiul teachers are connected with
tie (iold Hill schools, they being 0.
V. Mildm, suixriatemUnt, ami tlw
l&mm nrtbu P.Iuh and Mianio
I'oloy. Milam, who wan the former
Mrieeipal of the eat chool here, has
lm ! ' auperiiiti-ndeney
Mi QoJd Hill for another year.
Robert Casey has returned to Ab
land for u permanent reideuec utter
huMiiv lu-a luinir m CrHk ant)
for oer w jcar m the vicinity, of
Krdmowl. At fnt h i dirimr at
lot AlHaoa tnct.
W. C. llaMwtB, a iweni arrhral
from lltHHbetrft enflly, fUliforrrla,
in the WJly f ISarpHa, a new
clerk at (he AaliMHtl Trxdinir (o.'s
fteiieral wciTltatHHe cslaWishmpnt.
(Imrltsi KoWtoii of Indian Fall.
iS'. Y in JotiailiiiK the Lumkin broth
ers, fonner sebooliantcH of Ins in old
time days in the Empire state. He
wilt remain In tliid vicinity during the
William Porrr Parlow, who died in
tho Lake Crook noiRUborhood re
cently nt tho advanced nc of nearly
80 yonrs, wn fln unelc of Kd Far-low
of this oity. He uumc to Orof?on from
Illinois in lHf0.
ladies of tho Hnptist church will
nivc u dinner in the basement of that
church on St. Patrick's dav, March
O. C. Tiffany, an older of tho
Prexbytorinn olitueh, without port
folio, is rendering excellent sorvice
iu fnvor of that organization by can-asuif-
among the faithful in behalf
of the annual budget, a work with
which he is exceedingly familiar by
virtue of faithful service in former
Leandcr MI hns returned from n
Inismess trip to Portland.
A. J). Parker, president of the ( ol
orndo Southern and tho Colorado
Spring & Cripple Creek District
Itailrond Co., with headquarters in
Denver, was in Ashlnnd on Saturday,
occupying n private conch with n
Jmrty of friends northbound. Their
advent hero was on the date that tho
lilhia water sen ice was inaugurated
at tho station.
Adolph Michel of Chicago is here
on a visit to his brother, Otto, resid
ing on Fourth street.
V. D. Hodgson has seemed tho It.
L. Hurdle residence property on Lau
rel streot and will move into it from
tiis picseut domicile on Church sheet
on or about March 20, if he does not
decide to occupy the Klinson home,
which he icccntly purchased. He hns
been on the move of late, but being
descended from good edd Methodist
preacher stock, house moving hns no
terrors Air him. Iu the meantime re
port has it that the Hurdle family
will go to Grants Pass to reside for
llie time being.
Walter Smijh has purchased of
Mrs. Dr. lteeder the desirable prop
crty at the corner of Main and Pifth
aticct. In area it embraces the north
half of two lots and is improved with
ti nice little tio-roorn house equip
ped with nil modem utilities. Mr. nnd
Mr. Smith tire iu possession of their
new home, which was purchased
through the Heaver Realty ngonoy.
Ashlnnd Hutto Lodge, No. 12:13,
Loyal Order of Moose, which will
elect ofiiccrs .March 13j supplements
oftinnl hnsincKS with a. social reun
ion alter election is over. There will
be refrisihincnts served and on old
fashioned dnnco will relegate modem
steps to (he rear iu fuvor or tho Vir
ginia reel, money musk, etc. Johnnie
Murphy and J. H. Saunders will lend
tho cotillion.
MIs Doris Hogley of ltoguo River
has been visiting numerous relatives
here of late.
Dick Johnson gavo a soclul dance
lost Saturduy night
Mr. and Mm. Doardorff of Kniuas
are the guests of their son, I'rof. ti.
Deardorff nud family.
Miss Ora Ilalney roturnod homo
from Central Point Thursdny. Sho
was accompanied by Prank Miller and
wife who spent a couplo of days villi
Karl Matliows of tho laurel dis
trict Is now attending tho Iteeec creek
Will Houston went to tho valley
Miss llniel Coffeon and Mrs. CoN
fomi returiusl home from the alloy
Thursday. They have spent the last
two weeks In Medford with rolatlvos.
The Cotternl Hros. took a band of
cattle to feuding around on tho east
sldo of the river Sunday
Friday afteraoon Mr and Mrs.
Wheeler and tho fifth to tho olKhth
Drive It From Your System.
Iterauae Catarrh ufftctn t)i no and
throat. cnuiliiK sorts In the tiuMIH.
toppas f air-panDHSf aiil eathrrlni;
In the tUroal, It has bn imuinon rt
tiiic tu tral't,atarrh with al, waah-
aisl pray appllrd tu lhe wrt.
TlilauuMlcor trvutniem rasnut aiva por
MUlxnt rrtlt, ami U liable tu aggravate
th truuhtr. Catarrh ranaut lw trlflad
with. If allow td tu run um tt will ill the bruneiilal tubra, etll ou the
luav snd affect th atawacb Iimm1
It la a very terltisa dlieate. iJun't treat
It Uteally 'Die on treatment ibat Ma
ttiuwu effiMitlve In the treatnivnt of Ca
lami IS a. .. me KrwiMi iii un.
tier aiul WooJ UtnU- bnewn
It relieves
m or (
'larrh by reuourleblna;
ul niiwlui Ha ttieor. iclvtaa
new llf tu the red blotsl cofpum lee and
ftllmulating Iho flow to tkikt ll baa Ilia
vitality o threw off tbr puieon and
K'-ma from the ayetem. It la literally
a bath. Yau quUkly ferl reaulta.
Headacb dUaPPr, the KS'herlnr In
ih- throat etopa. the aoetrlle heal M. S.
; li a i.aiurkl blood tonlt- and liaa
j.i.,vti efftcllva in tkf trtetamnt of all
blood affin..n. K aefpa, tetlvra. laah.
Scrofula it osr druseiri .
If "U ntkd eipeit adw.e write the
Swift tipociric Cv, Atlauis, Us.
MKnroun mot; TmnuNr
jcfAtl-. ln lu-le of (lie Manic Point
wheal mm up to (tin I twee creek
Mbool hfime ami took purl in a ietl- j
Iiik match Tho coualy list words
A and H ware swU Thoro were
thirty-throe pupils from KakIo I'otnl
ami olOTcm from Iteoco Creek. At
the end of the eoiitMt (hero were
olglit from tingle Point nnd five from
Itecco Creek stilt on the floor. The
wlnnors, Charles PcttBgrew. Paul
ltohlnwn. Karl .Matthows and MImor
May Pronoh nnd Kllon McCaoo were
; presented with a urako by Ltttlo MIhs
Jorce Von der lldlea of Haglo Point
Thoj- aald the cake was dullolous and
pronounced her a flno cako maker.
They plnyod two gaiues of bajket ball.
Hoth dletrtcts wore woll rcp.rescntwl
nnd overyono considered tho after
noon well spent.
Myrt nnd Chariot' Dally arc spend
ing a few days on tho" river.
air. and Mrs. llert flnrno are vis
iting Wallace UtJrgmnn nnd wife for
a few days.
Thoro will bo a dance at the Ash
hall on Trail March 17.
Gaga ft Johnston lmvo started
their Aaw mill.
l'orry Foster spent novoral days
with his daughter, Mrs. Henry Prcnch
uud family.
Reported by Jackson County Ab
tract Co., Blith and Mr Bt.
Ileal Jtstnte Transfer
fno Hurdle et irto (1. S. Ihil-
ler, laud iu Medford on
Pourth street . .. $1,000
Oscnr .lohnson et ux to dohn
Carlson, land iu sec. ll-Illi-
2W. -
United Stutcs to Ooorgo A.'
Grieve, laud in auo. 28-10-4P.
-. ..Putent
W. H. Singler, sheriff, to
Pranei Q. Swedenburg et
ux, lots in block IS, Ashland ...
.1. M. lirkin et ux to Lee
Spear, lot 0, block 2, West
Medford -
Sarah K. Ganinrd to George
W. McXabb d ux, lots In
HOGS Alive, 0-;C.
STKKIIS Alive, 6fJD5V4e.
COWS Alive, 4c.
VKAL-rDrosscd. fifJDllc.
Llvo Poultry
HENS Light, 12o; lioavy, 13c; old
roosters 7c; stngs.'llc; spring, 15o.
DUCKS Fat, be.
OEESI3 Fat, 8c.
TURKEYS M17c, nccordint' to
liny ana Grain.
(Buying Priooa.)
WHEAT $1.00 bushel.
OATS W0 ton.
HAY Alfalfa, $15 ton; grain, $13.
BARLEY Whole, $'28.
Pricos rata ty oeaiors
EGGS I72c.
HUTTEH Dairy, 2 lbs. 50c.
ONIONS 2o ier lb.
HONEY 12o per lb.
CIDER 25o.
PORK 8fJS8Vao.
BEEP 0(2llo.
LARD 10c.
BACON- 13fn)18c.
BfTTER PAT -3lc,
Bt TTLR Wholcsaile, 30c,
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it. 25c at all druggists.
ivrimritiiAN auto c.n co.
I.uava Medford dally excejrt Sun
day for Ashland, Talent and Phoenix
at 8 a. m., 11:50 u. m., l:lf, 2:30
3:15 and 5:15 p. in, Also on Sat
urday at 11:15 p. in. Sundays leave
at 10 a. m., ! p. m. and 9:30 p. m.
Leavo Ashland for Medford dally
except Sunday at 9 a. m., 12:50, 2:.'!0,
3:30, -1:45 and C:15 p. in. Sunday
leave Ashland at 9 a. ni., 1:00, 5:00
and 10:30 p. m.
SO aeros Dear Creek bottom, 70
jcrea in cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and
grain, oaally Irrigated. Loos than
S mllM from Mlf6rd. J6800 cash.
One of the boat buys In Jaekaon
county. 8ay whan and I will show
m Weat Mala 8t. Ph,one 799
MF.DFORT), omnON. Mf)M)V, MU.Ur 1 10
MaUe Shin Smooth
fe. .lepoislshle twst-
if M
Hantly Stsl that ilmnm and aorrtlir Dm
Ak any drnniat ror a ars Iiih ox
mow am applr It aa Mfisptri. 8i
yon will find tht pwid. Wack heatte.
ortww. rluawnrm and elmllar eklu tmn
ls will dHflprfsr.
ItUlc Kfw. the iHtHMnOm. Mti
frllif IlfiaW, I" nil that In newted. for It
UsfcilxH nil kln eruntkHja ami makas
llrti nkln soft, nn,Klli and lwtllir.
mo. Oreloml.
1 haroby ntinounce my candidacy
for the nomination for sheriff on tho
ropubJIcnn tlckat. to be voted upon at
tho couitUK prlmarloc, May 19tb,
1 have hold tho position of deputy
sheriff for the past tour yeata and nm
thoroughly familiar with tho duties
connected with the office, both cleri
cal and outside work.
I feel that 1 am competent to hold
tho position, nnd It nominated and
elected, will give tho peoplo of Jnck
son county an efficient and economi
cal administration.
I also agree If cloctod to enforco
all laws. .
Adv. El W. (Curloy) WILSON.
I am a candldnto for tbo nomina
tion of Sheriff on tho republican
ticket to bo voted for at the primaries
May 19, lUlC. If nominated and
olectcd I will enforco tho law and
filvo tho public nn honest. Impartial
and efficient administration.
37 years In Jackson county.
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy
for tho republican nomination for
sheriff, to bo voted on at tho coming
primaries. May lUth,
1 fool that 1 nvoil no Introduction
to tho nubile, havlnr been n rosldont
of Jackson county for 20 years.
I pledge myself, If elected, to Rive
an linnnrtlal, economical and con
servative administration of tilts Im
portant office.
I bavo endeavored to servo the
public faithfully in the past and
nRroe, It elected, to strictly and
Impartially enforco all laws, llnvini:
a very larjje experience In tho mat
ters of taxation and knowing Jack
son county thoroughly, I plodo my
self to conduct tho tax collection
branch of the offlco Iu such a manner
ns to servo the taxpayers honestly,
promptly and efficiently.
Adv. W. T. GRIEVE.
I nm n randidato for tho republi
can nomination of sheriff of Jackson
county, subject to the primary, May
19. tUlC.
I have lived In Jackson county
twelve years, made the rnco for tho
nomination for sheriff two yonra aK(
and received a splendid voto despite
the unusual conditions I had to op
pose nnd would nppreclato your sup
nort this time.
If elected I will enforco nil laws
and plodgo myself to an economical,
Impartial anil conservative auminis
Adv. , A. W. WALKER.
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy
for tho nomlnntlou for sheriff on tho
democratic ticket, subject to tbo will
of tbo voters at the primary to bo
held .May 19, 1910. I am a nutlvo
son of Jackson county and my on
tiro past life Is subject to your Inves
tigation. RALPH O. JENNINGS.
I am a candidate for re-election
to tho office of dlstilct attorney.
Adv. E. E. KELLY.
I hereby nnnounco that I bavo
filed my declaration of intention to
bceomo n candidate for tho repub
lican nomination for tho office of
District Attorney for Jackson county,
Oregon, subjoct to tho decision of tho
republican party, at the primary elec
tion to be hold May 19, 1910.
Adv. (I. M. RODERTS.
I hereby announce Hint I have fllod
my declaration of Intentions, and that
I am a cnndldato for tho democratic
nomination for tbo office of district
attorney, subject to the May primar
ies. If I am nominated and alnctad
to this office. I promise not to forget
tho fact that I nm a publte servant,
and that I will to tho bast of my
ability administer the affairs of tha
office, Impartially, honestly and
without fear or favor.
The flrnt of the yaar a number of
republicans, Including mauy who ap
proved or my efforts la tba Intaroot
of tho taxpayers as state representa
tive four eara ago, requested wo to
become a landldato for tho of floe of
District Attorney, inasmuch as there
would be. In addition to tba rogular
duties or the criminal and Juvenilo
courts, new duties and conditions
confronting the office. Among these
were mentlouod the enforcement of
the prohibition art, and the likeli
hood of having to foreclose many tax
Hens, particularly those against the
Southern Pacific land grant of nearly
half million aores tu Jacksou county,
amounting to about $200,000.
My reply waa that I would become
a candidate If It were generally de
sired and tbo race could be made
without asMituIng special obligation
to any partloulur Individual, faction,
locality or Interest.
Therefore, after consulting person
ally or by letter several hundred man
and women of all occupations la
all parts of tho county, believing
tbere Is a roal desire for my candi
dacy, I will bo a eaadldato for the
nomination of District Attorney on
the republican ticket.
COl'JfTY TItil.lSI'Rltll.
Deputy County Treasurer Myrtle
W. IMakeley a&aounes her eandldacy
for the office of county troMiiror.
I hereby announce m candldaey
on the republican ticket for tho of
flco of county treaaurar, to b votod
oh at tbo coming primaries. I havo
held tha position as daputr la this
office for tho past year and aia ooa
ttdant tbat I can fulfill tha dutiaa
ounocted therewith.
I rved two j ear a deputy coun
y retoider beloie taking the posl-
,lrn fle depntf conntv reaanrir if
' hare Hlao had etprlanra as arennnt
' ant for sral aerporaUdiri, aak aa
I the atadfaisJ CiMKrefa Constmilton
company firtil Me4fril Ir ami Bler-
ngfl l Hlllimnr, pwiore inaina; up wmi-
tr work, and will say thHt tnr past
roconl Is open lor litetwcltori to the
rotors of Jaekoon eoanty.
If nominated and elected I will run
tho offlre without tbo expenso of a
deputy and continue to serve tho pub
lie Just aa officiant In tho futnre as
I have la the past.
I heroby announce that I hare filed
my declaration of Intention to bo
come a candidate for the republican
nomination for the office of county
troasurcr, to bo voted on In tho com
ing primaries.
If I am nominated nnd elected will
conduct tho office Iu nn efficient nud
bualnoMllka manner.
I hereby announce that 1 am a can
didate for the nomination of comity
tronsurer for Jnokton county, Oregon,
ou the republican ticket to bo voted
for at the primary election to bo hold
May 19. 1910.
I formerly hold tbo offlco of county
treasurer nnd bellovo I gave general
satisfaction to tho public.
DurtiiK tho tlmo I was county treas
urer tho county employed expert no
countants to export the county offi
cers' books and said experts compli
mented my work very highly ns a
public official.
If nominated and olectcd I shall
endeavor to conduct tho affairs of tho
office In an honest, efficient nnd bust
uesa-llko manner.
(7. A, (ardner N llcpnlillraii Oindl
date for County (Jlerk
1 hereby nnnounco my oandldney
for the office of county dark and If
nominated nud elected will continue
to give my entire tlmo and attention
to tho duties thereof, conduct tho
offlco according to law and glvo mi
efficient, economical and business
like administration.
I hereby nnnounco tlmt I bavo
filed my declaration of Intention to
become a candidate for tho republi
can nomination for tbo offlco of
county clerk, for Jneksou county,
Oregon, subject to tho decision of tho
republican party at tho prlmnry elec
tion to be held Mav 19. 1910.
Adv. (Mttlo) JOE II. WILSON.
I hereby nnnounco that I havo
filed my declaration of Intention to
becoino n candldnto for tho republi
can nomination for tho offlco of coun
ty clerk, for Jnckson county, subject
to tho decision of the republican par
ty, at tho primary election to bo held
May 'J, 1910.
I heroby nnnounco my candidacy
for tho offlco of county assessor of
Jackson county on tbo lepubllcan
ticket, subject to tho primary on
May 19. I plodgo myself to an
honest, efficient, Impartial and econ
omical discharge of tho duties of tho
officii and propose to make all assess
ments upon tho bnsls of the trim
actual value of the property and not
upon any Inflntod valuation.
i i...
I herewith nnnounco my candidacy
for county assessor, subject to tbo
decision of tbo republican party at
the primary olootlon to be hold May
19, 191 C. If elected I plodgo mysolf
to mako a Just and equitable assess
ment and admlnlstor tho affairs of
tbo offlco Iu a buslnoss-llko mannor.
I heroby nnnounco my candidacy
on the rnpublloan ticket for tbo of
flco of County School Superintend
ent for Jackson county, Oregon, sub
ject to tho will of the republican
party nt tbo prlmnry election May
19. 1 stand for practical school of
tlcloncy, personal supervision of tbo
schools and ollmluntlbn of county
school supervisors.
To the vetMis: I am republican
candidate for county school super
intendent at the primary election,
May 19. 191.
I am ror NiiHrvlloH of the schools
by the superintendent and for econ
omy Iu the county suprlii(ondmit's
office and every placo wiu-re It dnos
not returd tbo efficiency of tbo
1 aiu In favor of progressiva eduon
tlon, that la, education that prepares
tha hoy or girl for life. I am for all
having a squaro deal and an equal
chance for hh education.
If nonilaaUMt and eluctad I will
do every thing In mv powar to mako
the schools of Jackaou oounty the
beat iu tho State.
I hereby announce that I have
filed my declaration of Intentions,
and that I am a candidate for tho re
publican nomination for the of flea of
County School Superintendent of
Jaekaon county, aubjoet to tbo pri
maries of May 19.
If nominated and olsrlad I pledge
myself to an honest. Impartial aud
economic administration and will
personally supervise our schools.
I bold an Oregon Ufa certificate,
and having recently spent four ses
sions on preparatory work, both In
the University of Oregon and In tho
t'nlverslly of California In the study
of modern eduratlon and supervi
sion, and hurlng servsd tha county
as rural school supervisor for two
years, I fool competent to fill the of
flco in a thoroughly satlefactory wan
ner aud hereby solicit the support of
every true friend of education.
Adv. O. W. AOBR.
I am a candidate for the republi
can noantuatlon for County School
Superintendent. I stand fer: A con
tinuance of progressive policies In
education, economy consistent with
efficiency, equal educational advan
tage for tbo boya and girls oh the
farms with those in the cities and
If nominated and eleeled I will la
tho future, as In tho Mat, give my
full tlm and beat efforta to tho
supervision of the schools and the ad-
miulstratiwH or me ttuiiea or ino oi
K rlugr'u luiumuoiuy I hae
not confined mvsalf sfrlrll to thaj
roimne nnrim or in omce nni nav
taken a hroadar Hw of in m (sale it
of the Carta ty Srbtml SMHttMdt.
in nntluian (o ray naria to raue two
standard of ttweblnn and Improvo tho
nhyslral roudlllanf at wheat t hare
Inborn! to promote) tho welfare of
the boys and alrls throtmh Industrial
etitbs. school fairs, mhoet credits for
home work, tiarut-tonhor circles,
sncllliiK and arithmetic con tenia, and
other activities I feel that my work
baa beH reuarded with favor and In
order to continue this work. I am
asking for re flection.
FOR RENT Apnrtmont for ront.
The llcrbon, 10 Qulno St.
roil RArirv-titrrnToox
KOU SALE Irgo extra good brood
sow with eight pigs. Scbuchard
Orchard. Phone 0I1-R3. 90S
FOR SALE One Jorsoy cow, frosh.
Phono 788-Jit. J07
FOR SALE Red Polled bull. 1 enr
old. Phone w. R. I.atiib, Mod
furd. 300
FOR HALE Itlaek Parchcron stnl-
loln, five yearn obJ, cheap If taken
at once. II. C. Rest, Jacksonville
and Phoontx Hond, Medford. 305
FOR SALE One fresh Jersoy oow,
ono fresh Shorthorn heifer, one
Duroc Jersoy brood sew: ono po
tato planter. II. W, Davlasou.
Central Point, Ore. 203
garago, $15.00. I'limie S I t-X. 33 1
FOiFreNT Now modern furnished
bungalow, sleeping porch, garago,
all conveniences. Scott V. Davis.
FOR RUNT 8-roiim modern houao,
walls nowly tinted. Phone 5S7-Y.
FOR RENT nlcoly furnlshad 6-room
butiKnlow, cheap. Phono 511-J.
FOR RENT C-rooni modorn bunga
low, range connnctod, oast fiont,
shado. Tol -I8S-X.
FOR SALE 800 "fntioy' wlilto Leg
horii chickens, fl.00 onoh. C. M.
Hvenson. 302
FOR BALE Rhodo Island Red eggs!
Whlto Leghorn eggs, wheat, hoavy
wagon. Robort Dutton. 303
FOR SALi: Eggs for hatching,
$3.50: from prlxc-wlnnlng Butter
cup chickens. Mrs. J. S. McKonzic,
R. R. 3, Medford. 30C
FOR SALE Eggs front selected
winter luylng and prlxn winning
strain of S. C. Rhodo Island Rcdn;
$1 per setting. Mra. C. S. Lam
moy, Rogue River, Ore., It. 1. 318
FOR SALE Ono turkey gobblor
(brnnrei, ono Berkshlro hoar, two
Berkshire hows; all young, well
bred stock. J. 11. Webstar. Phono
FOR SALE Hatching eggs, day old
chicks, O. A. C. strain, from trap
nested, bred-to-lay S. C. W. Log
horns; egg production first, but I
nlso have quality. At So. Orog.
Poultry Show 1 won two firsts, ono
second and tbroo speolnls on six
birds entored. W. J. Wnrnor, Mod
ford. Phono 0'JC-M. 310
FOR SAI.IC 3 W-Iiich Molluo wagon,
farm Implements and tout. Ed
('lark, 13th and Pnrk sts, or Gen.
Del. 303
FOR SALE Two auto casings. 37.x
!Vk, ono 36x1, sumo cushions and
other materlnl. Wilson's, 117 B.
Front st. 302
FOR SALE 3 Vi -inch Molluo wagon
nud farm Implements. H. S. Clark,
(Ion. Del., Jledford. 303
FOR SALE Myora power spray out
fit complete; good ns now. Phono
or write A. C. Ntnlngor, Ashlnnd,
Ore. 30 C
FOR SALE One Ford touring car
body with ton, wlnwileld ami nah
In firat elnaa condition. Inquire of
Eada Transfer Co. 301
FOE SALaVri9t!i Model M 8-eyllu-
der lO-li. p. Chalinera in perfect
condition, thoroughly equipped
with electric llghta, solf starter,
etc.. nil tires msou lesa than a
month; also extra, new casing. Will
sell for cash or trade part eaah.
What have you? II. VY. Illnghaw,
Medford, Ore. 302
FOR SALE Soudan grass and Col
lege Minnesota No. 13 aeeil corn.
F. 8. Charley, Ilrowiiaboro, Ore.
FOR HA I.K I ly ownor. good farm.
close In. Add icss "Odod," cam
Mail Tribune. 300
FOR SALE By owners. cUolcu Rear
creek bottom laud olose to Med
ford, with eight year old fruit trees
apples ana neara; also aiiaifa
laud. Ilouaoa and lots for sale or
rent. Jason! Taylor 3t Sou, Phone
153-11. 311
FOR SALK flood stock ranch with
water right; good range, at u bar
gain. Inquire Bex SG, Jacksonville,
Oregon, sou
:-,- tm
TO LOAN $1000 on Improved ranch
llnlmaa tbo fnaiirnncn Mnn
aasasawsaa aa - eeaaie e etepeei
by Rev. J. T. Sunderland, mid otli
or UnltariMn literature sent free to
Inquirers. Address Miss Haul
Burton. Central Point, R. F. D. No.
1. Oregon. 814
XT tuJayiiug on Ouk-
n uaia nav teu, a wain
Finder call tilii-L.
" "" - ""'.jg
Intretlfftw hoof rathotlr profmMlwti
a tbo ifwirfcet; Mg moiiro' mtn ho
made bt hustlrir. Ifentffer fir.
3(1-31 ftafelny St., New Yflfk. 301
WAXTBn-YoiiHf mm for aitlos
Mle btislnaaai we mako you oxpeft
In ton weoto liy mail: my nftar wo
secure you position; big iy. Cen
tury AutemuMte Jitttitttto, (101.
boa Angeles, Calif. 303
WANTED-- Three first clasa carpen
tern, one shop man, capable ot
reading details and running light
machinery: steady Job for tho
right man. Address with wageit
expected and reference to Rot
336, Yrekn, Cnl. 305
WANTED MrstTit,tiftjKOrJH
WANTED Four or 5-roont furnished
bouse with barn or garago. Ilex
D., Mall Trlbtino. 30!!
WANTED To buy tenm weighing
botweon 3700 unit '2&Q0, mnrca
preferred. Phone Dr. Salado, Cen
tral Point 181. 305
WANTED Sheop bought nnd s61d.
Rosenborg Pros., Central Point.
Phono Slxxxl 300
WANTED Droasmnlrlng nt homo or
by day. 144 S. Central, Pbosa
Auto Supplies
are operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant lu tbo Pa
cific northwest. Ubo our Bprlnga
when othors fall. Sold undor Guar
antee. 26 North Fifteenth Bt.,
Portland, Oro.
GEO. W. CHERRY Attornoy- and
.Notary. Room 9, Jnckson County
Rank Building, entrnnco N. Con
trnl, Medford, Oro.
PORTER J. NEFF Atlornoy nt law,
rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National
Bank Building.
Corey bldg.
G. M. ROBERTS Lawyer.
Medford National Bauk Building
Gnrnott-Coroy Bldg., ulte 310
Mcdforo, Oro. Phono 800.
Collections nnd Hcports
collected Bomo nceounta 14 years
old. Wo know how to got the
money. Tho Duitock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Mas
kins' Bldg., 210 E. Main at.
Unglnccr nud Contractor
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bldg
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
dralnngo, orchard and land Im
provement. Insurance,
EARL S. TUMY Geueral Insurance
office, Fire, Automobile, Acoldont,
Liability, Plato Glass, Contract,
nnd Surety Ilonds. Excollent com.
panlos, good local service. No,
210 anrnott-CoroyJUIdB.
Instruction In Mualc
FlU?iPALTNMIOIIT, tcnohcr 'of
plnuo nnd harmony. Composer
and nrrnngor of muslo. Halght
Music Studio, 401 Gurnott-Coroy
OAB11AGE Get your premises
donned up for tho summer. Call
ou tbo city garbage wngons tor
good service. Phono 374-L. F.
Y. Allcn.
Physicians nnd (surgeons
aeaaraepaaaMiBMaaaae aan)erfB)
MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathlo
physicians, 410-417 Garnett-Corey
bldg.. phone 1030-L. Rpsldonc
20 South Laurel at.
DR. W. V. HOWARD Ofltoopathl
physician, 303 Oarnott-Corei
building. Phono 130.
DR. J.T.lsMMENSi'hyslBlnn ano
surgeon. Practice limited to oye
oar, nofto and throat, tlyea salon
tlflcally toated and glasses sup
plied. Oculist nnd Aurlst for S. P
R. It. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co
bldg., oppoalto P. O. Phone G07.
DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon Phones, offlco 30, resi
dence 724-J. Offlco hours, 10 te
12, 2 to 5.
cian nnd surgeon. Offlco Palm
block, opposite Nash hotel. Houn
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
Hoinoepathlo Physician, Surgeon,
238 Hast Muln St., Medford, Ore
gon. Office phono 142, residence
Phono 732.R2, Officu hours 1 to
4 p. tn.
Printer and Publishers
aa-eaee,e eNiiea"ie -eaTSaie .eeiSMi4
best equipped printing offlco in
eoutborn Oregen: book binding
looso leaf ledgers, billing systems
etc Portland prices 37 Nortl
Fir st. ,
Oftiee 43 North Front st. Phon
315. Prises right. Service guar
anteed. Sewing Jfachlnes
SALlf OR RENT om i. used ma
chines aba) for ante. Cleaning and
rapalrlng, Baldwin Piano for auto
from factory to ouatnmer. Riwl
reuoo 375 So. Central. Phouo 300,
, 1