Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 11, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    At the Churches
-.t-..-,-. i 1 1 j.
Si. Mark's EpNnfpul.
Holy rftmntnnien. 8 a. m.; indnv'
MlttMf. 10 a. m.; morning prayer u
. Hi.: cVerawnK, 7: JO a. h. Ww, ji.
Hamilton, vlanr.
Catholic Clini-cli.
South Onkdale Ten. Pint m
Siiuilor, S a. rtu second mans, 10: jo
n. m.: evening scrvlees. 7:30 p. m.
Her. Jskn Pswtn. reefer.
Oakdulc Avenue .MctliodUL
Sunday Mliool promptly nt 9:46 n.
in., subject, "Heroes mul .Martyr of
Faith." Parents should coino nml
bring thoir children. Strangers tiro
welcome H. M. Hrnnham, pastor.
Five Methodist.
Cornor Tenth ami Ivy. Sunday
school, in n. m.; proaohlng, 11 n. in.
mul 7:30 p. in.; midweek prayer
meeting. Thursday, 7:30 p. in. Tlieio
fur vices aro freo and open to till. .1.
K. llrudlor, pastor.
Seventh Day ArivciitlM Cliurrli.
North Klvcrntilo avenue. Moots
every Saturday. Sabbath school, 10
n. in.; BIblo study, 11 a. in.: Young
People's Meeting, 12: HO p. m.; prny
er meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30.
T. (1. Hunch, pastor.
First Methodist Episcopal.
Tlio Sunday school and Kpwortli
League moot at tho usual .hours. A
full attnndancn in urged for each of
these gatherings. Union mass moit
Iiikh nt the Nut nt 11, a and 7:30.
Thesa nro thu cloning meetings of
the revival scries. Mr. Mnthli will
preach at nil eorvlrofl and Mr. Vcssey
will lne.
First Baptist.
Tlio llvo church Kith a cordial
welcome. Morning, Bible school nt
0:4(5, the heart or tho lesson, "The
Fruit of Faith, Noble Living: Heroic
Dying"; Intermediate B. Y. P. U.,
3:20 p. in.: I). Y. P. U., 0:15 p. in.,
subject, "The Causes of Failure, In
Life," leaders, Misses Harrlsou and
Holden. Special music.
First Church or Christ, Scientist.
Ilranch of tho Mother Church, tho
First Church of Christ Scientist, In
lloston, Mass. Sunday service at
11 o'clock. Subject, "Substance."
Wednesday evening, meetings nt
which testimonies of Christian
Sclonco healings nro glvon. All nro
cordially Invited. Sunday school ut
9:45. All under the, ago of 20 uro
welcome. Heading room In church
edlflco, 212 North Oakdale, open
from 1:30 to 4:30 dally, except Sun
days and holidays.
Fh-st Christian Church.
Corner Ninth and South Oakdale.
The church with a vital moseugo In
vltoa you to attend ItH services. Tho
inula school boglns at 0:45 nnd will
dismiss In time to attend tho revival
service nt tho Natntorlum. Commun
ion servlco nt close of Sunday school,
llrlng your envelope properly ad
dreaaod nnd thero will bo no mis
take. You may put It In th has
lift nt tho church or Natntorlum.
PIwiro do not forgot. C. K. at C p. m.
.Tncksniivlllo Methodist Episcopal.
Sunday school, 10 u. m., W. O.
Candlll, superintendent; preaching
seivlc 11 n. in., subject. "Cod's
Contract." There will be no Ep
worth Loaguo or ovonlnK servlco.
Kveryouo Is urgod to nttend tho final
service In tho Nat, Medford. Car
leaves Jacksonville at 5:30. Hound
trip faro only 20 cents. Prayor moot
ing and choir praotleo Tucwdny,
Thursday, Friday und Saturday at
7:30 In preparation for the evan
gelistic services which begin Sunday.
March 19. Come. II A. Hutchin
son, pastor
Reported by Jackson County Ab
tract Co., Sixth and Fir BU.
Annu K. Stow-inRer v. Uuia V
Lunda.s, notion for dnmago.
Ladd & Tilton llnnk .. Hen). M
CollinH et al., to foreclose roorlso.
fiert Anderson et nl v. .! M. ';
Thee, affidavit for ordor for publi
oalion of summons.
J. V .Mitchell s. J. W. KnUptt.
riek et ux, stipulation.
Lottie L. Peltou vs. 1L. 1L Cos ct
ux, rnraraouti.
II. A. Walsh we. Southern Paciih'
Co, cost bill.
Jnrbftou Count,? Buildiiwf & "J-11
a(ieiation v-. June L. Sjijuchi- ot
nl., summon. .
J. M. Dodge vs. K. A. Fleming
proof of pwhlu-atiap.
Pitibato Com.
Efctafe of William fireentteld. bnnd
Kstate of I.ev W H?r
.. iUBiy.aii."j"-"
... . . -" -"-.-
fill I. 11.4 4 -M W
I ,n tJ. Slot HiUta. W
T,fi? &'- MH
W fir
Tho wont her In these jmrts h
been an usual In tun Immediate past.
There are vory fow changes to re
port. In some parts of the eounty It
has snowed, but In other pttrU It
hasn't; so very llttlo can bo said
about It. lint you never can tell
about the weather, and almost any
time wc inny have a bllziard or nn
early spring freshest or something
like that to writo about. And whon
It docs happen readers of tho Wlioezo
can rest assured tho editor will toll
all nobut It.
.lint Frlsblo has tried every way on
earth to get the heart, hnnd and for-ty-fivo
acres of Miss Amanda Fish
and now he's started a mustnahc. Wc
don't know JttBt what this menus
either no's too discouraged to shave
or Is trying to chango his fnco ns n
last resort.
The Vlllago Art league will hold
n special meeting Wednesday to con
sider demnndlug that Uncle Sam Al
ters repair his front ynrd fence.
Thero's eighteen plckols missing nnd
the league contends this makes tho
fenco most Inartistic.
In a recent Isiuo w. printed nn nd
saying that Wlgglcbaum'H night
liifiMi nna thn nlnon In ifn fnr ntiuiku.
I tvui II
chops, cbk lunilwlohcs. Charlotte cU,,,L,(,' !U,a wl" da8h ofr cwry wrclc
rouchoa and other delicacies In tea- for renders of the Wheeic his soul
Kon. Ah Mr. Wlgnlebnum hasn't stirring, heart rending, human Inter
pa Id for tho ud wn take these state- Mi novels,
ments back It ain't tho place to go.
Kdltor. Lynn O. Leu in knows tho human
A poom by the Ilov. Peletlah Wat- bolng from shoestring to celluloid
son made a trip to Chicago and back collar, nud thu name of Lynn O.
last week.
mil Waffles, our local criminal
clans, got eight days In tho lockup for
stealing nn clght-dtiy clock. Wo hate
to thluk what would huppon to Hill
if he stolo Abe Wllklns' sun dlnl.
appointing gunrdinn, lietitlon for
Kstnte of R. K. Hull, ontb of nd
ministrntoi'. Articles of incorporation of "The
Ileal Kstnte Transfers.
C. H. Cavllon el ux to Ilobcit
II. Armstrong ct ul, lot 9,
block 5, Carlton Add., Med
ford $ 100
Kl'fie h. Taylor to Annie A.
I.utlirop, east lmlf of loU
3 nnd 2, block 18, Ilentty
Add.,' Medford - K
I). R. Wiitley to L. A. Wliilley
et ux, land in see. 8-.i:i-U2. 1
G. MoCruckon et ux to W. C.
HnyneH ut ux, laud in twp.
:i7-'2W. - 2,000
Augio M. OHisoii et vir to J.
F. (Ininex et ux, laud in sou.
17-HU-JK - 10
Kdgiir 11. Hunt to Curl K. Hilly,
laud in wc. l(i.:i!)-li:. .. . 10
I.. .Al. Lyou ot ux to Kffio L.
Taylor, eimt lmlf of lots 1
nnd 2, lilook 18, lloutty Ad
ifitiini, Medford -, 1
John HiinniiiK to Weyerliueu
ser Lund Co., lund in sco.
Ifl-'JIMi:. . . - 2,000
W. II. Hiiniphrev et nl to II.
W. .Mcl'iB-lund, lot 8, blk.
1, Humphrey Knight Add.,
Medford ....-
In tho Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, for the County of Jackson.
Hokum Rlvur Valley Canal Company,
Plaintiff, vs. Flora A. Irvlno uud
(1. W. Inlne, Dofendants.
To the above named defendants Flora
A. Irvlno and O. W. Irvlne:
In tho namo of the statu of Oregen:
You are hereby summoned and re
quired to appear In tho ubnvo en
titled cause of court nnd file your
Leave, Medford dally except Sun
day for Ashland, Talent and Phoenix
at 8 a. in., 11:50 u. in., 1:15, 2:30
3:45 and 5:15 p. ni. Also on Sat
urday at 11:15 p. m. Sundays lonvo
at 10 a. m., 4 p. in. and 9:30 p. m.
Louvo Ashland for Medford dally
excopt Sunday at 0 u. m., 12:50, 2:30,
3:30, 4:45 and 6:15 p. m. Sunday
leave Ashland at 9 a. m., 1:00, 6:00
and 10:30 p. m.
SO acre near Creek bottom, 70
acre In cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and
grain, easily Irrigated, Lom than
3 miles from Medford. I6S00 cash.
One ot the bot buys Ir Jaekson
county. Say when and 1 will show
102 Woet Malu at.
Phone 799
mmouv sixin Tnmrm,
jjJMi?i?y i?
' 4. 4.
Not for tho Curs Hut for the
(Ireat Whenw Novel by
Lynn O. I.ouni.
J- !
Who hasn't heard of Lynn O.
I.pum? Find us tho man, woman or
child who hasn't rend Lynn O. I.i'inn
Lynn O. Loilm decorated by royally
here and ulironil. the Brcat writer
iaurcMo UttH uiRnei n conlrnct with
tho Wheor.0 for $15,087.01, nienla In-
Leum ns a writer of arlpplug novels
has covered more territory than tho
grippe. We will break the Buspenso
next week nnd start off with a novel
that will thrill, fascinate and hyp-
notlzo you.
nnswer to the complaint ot plaintiff
on flic therein within six weeks from
nud after tho data of tho first pub
lication of this summons or from nnd
utter tho dute of personal servlco ot
this summons and a copy of said
complaint upon you without the state
of Oregon, said period of six weeks
bolng tho time prescribed within
which you shall so appear and answer
by the ordor ot publication In tho
above entitled nctlon mndo by tho
Houorable F. M. Calkins, Judge ot
said Court, will oh ordor appears dat
ed February 25th, 101C.
And you nro hereby notified that If
you fall to appear and nnswer said
complaint within the tlmo aforesaid,
plaintiff will npply to tho Court for
tho relief demanded In said com
plaint, a succinct statoment of which
relief so demanded Is us follows;
That tho court will ascorlaln nnd
assess tho value of tho real estate
sought to be impropriated In this ac
tion to-wit: An easement nud right
ot wuy thirty feet In width for un Ir
rigation canal, being fifteen feet on
ouch side of tho confer line thereof,
on, along nnd over tho premises
owned by tho dufondnnt Flora A.
Irvlno situated In said county and
doserlbed as follows, to-wit;
Heglunliig 5. GO chains onst of
southeast corner of Donalsnii laud
claim No. 51 of Martin Angel, In
township 37 south range 2 west of
Willamette meridian; running thonee
north 17.90 chains; thence oust 5.00
chains; thence south 17.U0 chains;
theuce wost 5.00 chains to tho place
of beginning, In Jackson county, Ore
gon. Hnld center line bolng dotcrlhod
ns follows, to-wit:
Heglnnlnx at n point on tho oast
boundary lino of tho promises above
described 407 9-10 feet south of tho
northeast corner thereof; thence
north 43 degree and 8 minutes west
2H0 fuet; thence north no degrees
and 3 minutes wast 199 foot; theneo
north 4 1 degree and 28 mlnutoa
west 92 feet to the north boundury
line ot nn Id premises.
Also an easement nud right of
way for an Irrigation oannl on and
over a reetmiguUr strip of lund 15
ftiet In width and 93 feet In length,
tho west Hue of which strip Is do
scribed as follows, to-wt:
Heglnnlng at a point on tho oast
boundary line of said promises 407
9-10 feet south from the northeast
corner thoreof; thence south on said
east boundary lluo ot said premises
93 feet.
And also dotermlne the damage. If
any, resulting from the appropriation
thereof to the remaining lands of tho
defendant above described.
That upon the payment Into court
of the amount so ascertained tho
Plaintiff have judgment against de
fendant, appropriating to it said
easement and right ot way.
Dated February 25, 1910.
First publication of this summons,
February 2Cth.
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
H'tlW'.!. 'i -- .-- ' 1
I horeby announoe my oandldacy
for the nomination for sheriff on tho
republican ticket, to be voted upon at
tho coming primaries, May 19th,
I have hold tho position ot deputy
sheriff for the past four years and am
thoroughly familiar with the duties
connected with the office, both cleri
cal and outside work.
I feel that I am competent to hold
tho position, and Ir nominated and
elected, will give the people ot Jack
son eounty an efficient and eeoneml
Ml administration.
I also agree If elected to enforeo
all laws.
Adv. E. W. K'urley) WILSON.
' P
mvvotw. orif.ov.
"j i . "-j. -
ii jj-jfst.
The Village Art soelety has start
ed a movement to pnt new east Iron
hlUhlng posts nleng Main street In
plane of the old weotteH tmn. It
looks ns If Uils would start tt fight
wlti the vlllaie foelety for Dunih
Animals, vhtrh asks, "How eottld
the poor hortes gnaw Iron hitching
Klmor Sqwlres came bark from
Kansas City Tuesday and Kave the
right tlmo to the station ngont. Ho
net his wnteh by tho eloek In tho
biggest Jowolry store In tho motropol
Our letter IWiv.
Hear Kdltor Did you know that
a string of garlic Is vory strong,
but It couldn't be used for tying
ZscchiiH I.ehorwurst.
Dear Kdltor Could you think of
nnythlng nervier thnn a young mnu
sitting down In n street car flirting
with n girl hnngliiK In front of him
on n strap?
Porsls O'Clrnvy.
Hear Editor Don't you pity tho
poor Eskimos, berauso thoy never
,,oar ""' rnn'1 Porn?, . .
v wii nnvv n,An, ,",,,,' '
fciw iiv vn j t.ivi( ,
t 4-4 4'4' 4'
FOR EXCHANOK Will tench tho
fox trot,to young man or lady for six
bushels of potatoes, ono sldn of bacon
"d hn'f n Darro1 ot npples. Prof.
WANTED Strong farm hand, ono
who cun play niolodonm preferrod.
It. fl. Scraggs, Fiddlers Hoad, 11, V.
D. 23.
I am a candidate for tho nomina
tion of Sheriff on tho republican
ticket to bo voted for at tho primaries
May 19, 19 10. If nominated nud
elected I will enforco the law and
give tho public nn honest. Impartial
nnd efficient administration.
37 yenrs In Jackson county.
I hereby announco my candidacy
for thu republican nomlnntlou for
sheriff, to birj'oted on nt tho coming
primaries. May 19th, 1910.
I feel that ,1 need nn Introduction
to tho nubile, hnvlng been a resident
(of Jackson county for 20 years.
I pledge mysolf. If elected, to givo
nn lui'iartlnl, economical and con
servative administration of this Im
portant office.
I have endeavored to servo the
public faithfully In tho past uud
ngree, If elected, to strictly and
Impartially enforce all laws. Having
u very large exporlenro In the mst
tors of luxation and knowing Jack
son county thoroughly, 1 pledgo my
solf to conduct, the tax collection
brunch ot the office In such a manner
ub to serve the taxpayers honestly,
promptly and efficiently.
Adv. W. T. 0 HI EVE.
I am a candidate for the republi
can nomination of sheriff of Jackson
county, subject to the primary, May
19, 1910.
I have lived In Jackson county
twelve )enrs, niadn the race for the
nomination for sheriff two years ago
and recelviHl a splendid vote despite
the unusuul condition I had to op
poso nnd would appreciate your sup
port tills time.
If elected I will enforce all laws
and pledge mysoU to an ocouoiiileal,
Impartial and conservative adminis
tration. Adv. A. W. WALKER.
I hereby announco my oandldacy
for the nomination for sheriff on the
democratic ticket, subject to the will
of the voters nt the primary to be
held May It), 1910. I am a native
sou of JarkKon eounty und my en
tire past life la subject to your Inves
tigation. RALPH (J. JENNINGS.
1 am a candidate for re-olectlon
to tho office ot district attornoy.
Adv. E. E KELLY.
I heroby announco that I have
tiled my declaration ot Intention to
become a candidate for tho repub
lican nomination for tho offlco or
District Attornoy for Jackson county,
Oregon, subject to tho doolslon ot the
republican party, at the primary elec
tion to be hold May 19, 1910.
I heroby announce that I have filed
my declaration of Intentions, and that
I am u candidate for the democratic
nomination for the office of district
attorney, subject to the May primar
ies. If I am nominated and elected
to this office, I prorutfco not to forget
the fact that I am a public servant,
and that I will to tho boat of ray
ability administer tho affairs or thu
office, Impartially, honestly and
without fear or favor.
The first of the var a number of
republicans, ineluding many who ap
proved of my efforti in the Interest
or the taxpayers as state representa
tive four years ago, requested me to
become a candidate for the office of
District Attorney, inasmuch as there
would be. iu addition to the regular
duties of the erlwinal aud Juvenile
courts, new duties and conditions
confronting the office. Among these
were WHutluued the enforcement or
tbe prohibition, act, and the llkell-
TrrtfAY. rT;rrr ir. tm
hil tt hafln fa fM-io nihht tux
Hrtfl. frtrllfflfartr fo sgalmK tM
(toiithorR Paelftr taint grunt t nourl?
half wllHwtt acre ift .feektM mnwlf,
amsniNtlflg (o rifrotit SO0,9f.
Mr repir was thai I would Uenm
n candidate If It were generally de
sired and the rr feu Id be made
wlthHl atouming saeHal aMlsjalkiit
to ar partkular Individual, fsellun,
lofgnty or Interest.
Tfcerefere, after ronsMlllns person
ally or by letter several hundred mm
anil women of all nenipnttons in
nil parts ot lit county, believing
there la a real doslre for my candi
dacy. I will be a candidate for the
nomination of District Attorney on
the republican tleket.
'Deputy County Treasurer Myrtle
W. Illakeley announces her candidacy
for tho offie of county treasurer.
1 hereby announco my candidacy
on the republican ticket for tho of
fice ot county treasurer, to be voted
on nt tho earning primaries. 1 ham
hold tho position ns deputy In this
offlco for tho past year and am con
fident that I can fulfill the duties
connected therewith.
1 sorved two yenrs as deputy coun
ty recorder before taking tho posi
tion ns doputy county treasurer: I
have nlio had evporlenre ns account
nnt for several corporation!, such ns
tho Medford ('"Hereto Construction
company nnd Medford Ico nnd Stor
ago Company, before taking up coun
ty work, nnd will any thnt my past
record Is opon for Inspection to tho
voters of Jackson county.
If nominated and elected I will run
tho office without tho cxponso of n
doputy and contlnuo to servo tho pub
lic Just as efficient In the futuro as
I havo In the past.
I hereby announco that I havo filed
my declaration of lntontlon to he
coino n candidate for tho republican
nomination for tho office of county
treasurer, to bo voted on In tho com
ing primaries.
It I nm nominated nnd elected will
conduct tho offlco In an efficient nnd
businesslike manner.
I hereby announco that 1 am a can
didate for the nomination of county
treasurer for Jackson county, Oregon,
on the republican ticket to be voted
for at tho primary election to bo held
May 19, 1910.
I formerly held the offlco ot county
treasurer and believe I gave general
satisfaction to tho public.
During tho ttmo I wns county treas
urer tho county employed export ac
countants to expert the county offi
cers' books and said experts compli
mented my work very highly us a
public official.
If nominated nnd oloctcd I shall
endeavor to conduct tho affairs of tho
offlco in an honest, efficient und business-like
O. A. Oardner N Republican Candi
date for County Cleric
I horeby announce my candidacy
for the offlco of county clerk and if
nominated and elected will contlnuo
to glvo my entire time and attention
to tho duties thereof, conduct tho
offlco according to luw and give un
efficient, economical and business
like administration.
Adv. (J. A. GARDNER.
I herohy nnnounco that 1 havo
filed my declaration of Intention to
become n candidate for the republi
can nomination for tho offlco of
county clerk, for Jackson county,
Oregon, subject to the decision of the
ropubllcnn party at tho primary o lec
tion to bo hold May 1. 1910.
Adv. (Little) JOE H. WILSON.
I hereby announco that I havo
filed my declaration of intention to
become n oundldato for tho republi
can nomination for the office of coun
ty clerk, for Jaekson county, subject
to the decision of the republican par
ly, at the primary election to bo hold
May 19, 1910.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for thu offlco of county assessor ot
Jackson county on tho republican
tlckot, subject to thu primary on
May 19. I pledge myself to nn
honest, efficient, impartial and neon
omleal discharge or tho duties of the
offlco and pmposo to makn all assess
ments upon the baala of the true
netual value of the property aud not
upon any Inflated valuation.
I herewith announco my oandldacy
for county n sauna or. subject to tho
decision of tho republican party at
tlie primary election to nn noid May
19, 1910. If eleetml I pledge myself
to mako a Just and oqultnblo assess
ment a lid administer the affairs or
the offlco In u buslnoes-llke manner.
I heroby nnnounco my oandldacy
on the republican tlokct for tho of
fice ot County School Superintend
ent for Jackson county, Oregon, sub
ject to tho will of tho republican
party at the primary election May
19. I stand for praatieul sohool of
tlcloncy, personal supervision of tho
schools and elimination of county
school supervisors.
To tho veters: I am republican
candidate for comity school super
intendent at tho primary election,
May 19, 1916.
1 am for supervision of the schools
by tho superintendent and for econ
omy In tho county superintendent's
otflce and every place where it dooa
not retard tlio efficiency of tho
I am In favor of progressive educa
tion, that Is, education that prepares
tho boy or girl for life. I am for all
having a square deal and an wiusl
ehauee for un odueatlen.
If nominate! aud elected I will
do overy thing In my power to make
the sajiools of Jackson Ojounty the
beat in th state.
Adv. A. J. HANHY.
I heroby announce that I have
filed my iloclarattou of iHtentlona,
and that I aw a eoudtdato for the re
publican nomination for thu offlco ot
County flerfoul flupemtftfldeaf of
.faeJetari femnfr. mtkjmi in Inn ptl
marlea of May 10,
If ftoffltiMteil and eldafml t BlftffM
mriHrif to an honest, tmmtlhu itntf
eeonomfr ndwlnttratlHn tintl will
personally supervise erar sehools.
I hold nn OrMdn life eenineni.
anil having reeanflr pnl four ses
sions on preparatory work, Nth in
the t'hirersltv of Oregon arid (n the
university or Ooiirornia in the study
nf modern edneatfon and snnnrfl-
slon, and having served the eounty
m rural senool supervisor far two
years, i reel competent to fill the or
flee in a thoroughly anttsfsetory man
ner and hereby sot lei I the snpport of
e-tery trve frfatnl of edwiuleu
rdv. G. W. AOWR.
I nm a candidate for the reXiull.
oaii nomination for County Sohool
Superintendent. I aland far: A eou-
tlnunnee of progressive policies in
duration, economy consistent with
efficiency, unl educational advan
tages ror tho boys and girls on tlio
farms with those In the cltloa and
If nomlnntod and oloeted I will In
the futuro, ns In the past, glvo my
full time nnd boat efforts to the
aupervlHlun ot the schools nud the ad
ministration of the duties of tho nf
ftro. During my Incumbency I hnve
not confined myself sirlcllv to tho
routine duties of the office hut have
taken a broader view of tho mission
or tho County School Superintendent.
In addition to my efforts to rnlso tho
Htandnrd of teaching and Improve tho
phydoal conditions at school I lmvo
labored to promote the welfaro of
the boys nnd girls through Industrial
elulis, school fairs, srhool credits for
home work, parent-teachers circles,
spelling nnd arithmetic rontiuttn, and
other activities. I feel thnt my work
has been regarded with favor nnd in
order to contlnuo this work, I nm
nuking ror ro-olectlon.
FOR RENT ApaVtmont Tor
Tho llerbcn, 10 Qiilno St.
- i z T.'jiiai ."".trsfi
FOR HALE Red Polled hull, 1 yoar
old. Phono W It. Lamb, Med
ford. 30C
FOirSALK Dlack Percheron stal
lolu. five yenrs old. cheap If taken
nt once. II. C. Dost, Jacksonville
und Phncnlx Hoad, Medford. 305
FOR SALE- Registered Diiroc boar,
In first claim condition. Apply N.
II. Hamilton, Eaglo Point. 301
FOR SALE Ono rrosh Jersey cow,
ono fresh Shorthorn holfor, ono
Duroc Jersey brood sow; ono po
tato planter. H. w. Davisson,
Central Point, Ore 203
FOR RENT fi-rooni bungalow with
gnniRO, tln.OO. Phono 84 l-X. 224
FOirTtENT 3-roomcd nicely fur
nlshed modern houso; Bcrqened
porch. 417 Juy St. Phono 742-J.
FOR RENT New modern furnished
bungalow, sleeping porch, garage,
ull convunlciiQOA. Scott V. Davis.
FOR RENT C-room modern house,
walls newly tinted. Phono 637-Y.
FOR RENT nlcoly furnished 5-room
bungalow, clump. Phono 514-J.
FOR RENT- fi-rooni modern bunga
low, range connected, east front,
shnde. Tol 488-X.
FOR SALE HgRH from wdeeteil
winter laying nnd prlzo winning
strain of K. C. Rhode Island Reds;
$1 per setting. Mrs. C. S. Lam
iney, Rogue River. Ore.. It. 1. 318
FOR SALIC Ono turkey gobbler
(bromo), ono Ilerkshlre boar, two
ilerkshtre sows; all young, well
hrml stock. J. II. Webster. Phono
FOR SALE- Hutching eggs, day old
chirks. O. A. C. strain, from (rap
nested, brod-to-ay 8. C. W. Leg
horns; egg production first, but I
also huve quality. At So. Oreg.
Poultry Dhow I won two firsts, ono
second and three specials on six
birds entered. V. J. Warner, Med
font. Phone 096-M. 310
FOR HALE 3 W-lueh Mollne wagon
and farm ImHlemoHta. E. X. Clark,
(leu. Del., Medford. SOX
FOR BALE Myers power apruy out
fit complete; good as new. Phone
or write A. C. Nl Dinger, Ashland,
Ore. 306
FOR HALE One Ford touring ear
body with top, wtuehleld and dash
Iu first class condition. Inquire of
Eads Transfer Co. 301
FOR SALE I wagon $36; 1 hack
t; I buggy $15; l set single har
ness $5; 1 set harness S3. 45 No.
Durtlutt st.f Phone 8S7. 301
FOR BALE -1910 Model M 0-cylln-der
10-b. p Chalmers in perfect
condition, thoroughly equipped
with electric lights, self starter,
ota, all tires used lees than a
month; also extra new easing. Will
sell for cash or trade part rush.
What have you? 11. W. lllngham,
Medfoid. Ore. 302
FOR SALE Soudan grass and Col
lego Minnesota No. 13 seed corn.
F. S. Charley, lirownsboro, Oro.
FOR SALE Hy owner, good farm,
elose In. Addreaa "Good," care
Mall Tribune. 306
FOR 8ALE--Hyowners. oiiolca llear
ereek bottom laud close tn Med
ford, with eight year old fruit treea
apples aud pears; also alfalfa
laud. Houses uud lota for sulo or
rent. Jaaeyh Taylor Sou, Phone
463-H. 311
FOR bULB flood stock rnMh with
water right, good rattf. at a bar
gain. Imiutre JJox 88, Jacksonville,
Oregon, 3UC
J-fTW VtVti
WAflfKff frTMjrfh'rfW;ri
WANTBD Tff ram Anfo ,. fof fwrt
moHlfiii. Aifrtrae KM iHlCill,
aui iwa.i,ea 1 nil m in i Hi nwaanaMaiajsiiaes
WAJrnfi-Te fmr tentn wfrifru?
between J7 and 300, iruifM
preferred. Platte Dr. Unlade, Cen
tral Point lit. 3 Or,
Wa1t"DsToop benight arid HOJ.f.
Eofonrinrff Iifo5., Central Point,
Phone flxxxl. 300
WA'jfffHDreilamaklriK at homo 6r
br day. 114 8. Central, Phono
e-rr-rm-r. J J.JL-8S '-- -Wr TW
snjiMsss, enw weai sefi i isn)
TO LOAM tlflOO on Improved ranch
Holmes the Insurance Man,
MWrcvlrnjOAN--WM loan u i to
$5004 on farm property, E. S,
Tntny. 310 Oarnett-Caroy Dldg.
by Rev J. T. Sundorlnnd, and oth
er Unitarian literature sent free to
Inquirers. Addreaa Miss Hnxol
llurton, Central Point, R. h D. No.
I, Oregon. 31 -I
ACT QUICK Automobile, gasollno
going up. Sell Gaso-Tonlc. Equals
gasoline nt 3c. a gallon; eliminates
carbon; dollar nn hour profit; sales
guaranteed. White Mrg. Co.. Dept.
95, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Auto Supplies
nro operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In tho Pa
clfla northwest. Uso our springs
whon otheni rail. Sold under guar
antee. 20 North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Oro.
OEO. W. CHERRY Attornoy.. am4
.Notary, Room 9, Jackson County
Dank Dulldlng, ontranco N. Cca
tral, Medford, Oro.
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney at law,
rooms 8 and 9, Medford National
Hank llulldlnc;.
Coroy bldg.
0. V. ROBERTS Lawyor.
Medford National Bank Building.
Garnett-Coroy Dldg., ulte 318
Modforo, Oro. Phono 856.
Collections nnd Itcporta
collected romo accounts 14 years
old. Wo know how to got the
money. Tho Uutiock Morcantlle Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Ras
kins' Dldg., 216 E. Mala at
Engineer and Contractor
FRED NrcUMMiNdsSnglneor aail
contractor, 401 M. P. & H. Dldg
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
dratnngo, orchard and Und Im
provement. Insurnnco.
EARL 8. TUMY Ooncral Insurance
ofllcu, Fire, Automohllo, Accldont,
Liability, Plato Glass, Contract,
and Suroty Bonds. Excellent com.
paulos, good local sorvlco. No.
210 Garnett-Coroy Dldg.
Instruction In Music
piano and harmony. Composer
und arranger or music Hnlght
Music Studio, 401 Gurnott-Coroy
GARBAGE Get your premises
donned up ror tho summer. Call
on tho city parbago wagons for
good servlco. Phone 274-L. V,
Y. Allon.
Physician and Burgeons
MAINS CAHLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 410-417 Oarnott-Corey
bldg., phono 1036-L. Residence
2G South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopatuls
physician, 303 Garnott-Corey
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. UMM UN'S Physician and
Burgeon. Practlco llmltod to eye,
oar, noso and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tosted and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for B. P.
R. It. Co. Offices M. F. & 11. Co.
bldg., opposlto P. O. Phono C07.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgoon Phones, offlco 36, resi
dence 724-J, Office hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
cian and surgeon. Offlco Palm,
bloek, opposlto Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
Homoepathla Physician, Surgoon,
228 East Main St., Medford. Ore
gon. Offtco phono 113, residence
Phone 732-R2. Offlco hours 1 to
4 p. in.
Printers und Publishers
auibFOR D PIUNTINO "CO,, has' The
boat equipped printing offlco In
coutheru Orogou; book binding,
lonso leaf ledgors, billing systems,
otc Portland prices, 27 North
Fir at.
Of floe 13 North Front st. Fnone
315. Prices right, Service guar
Sowing Macbluee
wy, i w. .
' .. . i.p. .
3ALW OR RaTNTSomb used m
ubioM alio ter ante. Clounliig nnd
repairing. Baldwin Piano for salo
from factory to customer. Rest
rouco 375 So. Control, Phono 390,