Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 11, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Vie program wltieh linn
boon arranged by 3trm. Krutl Lunge
for 'he Oriental ten to ho given at
the Holland hotel next Tttemlny,
Mtir.h M, from '2m until 5:30, is oC
tlio usiitil Btnndurd of excellence Hint
Jleilord nrtihtu niwuro, and of un
usual ehnrm, liecnusc of the partiui
jmnti appearing" in Oriental costume.
Tho following will lie heard in hong
and iriHtntincntnl pieces; The Misses
lie h Ilrynn, Florence Hnzelrigg,
Kitth Warner and Junnitn Furry;
McHduinuB Irene Hiimpton Isaacs,
Kitty I.uuge, Ynnseoyoe, Wilkinson,
Cliilt'oru and George Andrews.
Tlio following committee in charge
nsf'ire an event ehnrmlng in every
dotu': Reception, Mr. K. IF. Freneh,
olininnnn, agisted by .Mcsdniuos Fi
oro, E. U. IJnnlcy, Albert WiNon
("lark, Jonnt) Wold, William Iludge; J.
J. Ktunirnn. J. 1 llnrgrnvo, J. C.
Mnnii. If. II. Sargent, I.eo Hoot, II.
A. T'lierolf, Chorion .W. English,
ItnliJi llardwell, J. A. Ferry, C. M.
Kidd, W. E. C'ruwH.Jt. JK'onroy, Fred
Lewi-, Robert WiUon, II. A. I.titta,
T. E. 1'ottinger, A. L. Hill, C. 1).
lloon, Oeorgo Robot Ik, S.A. l.ouk
woml and Mr. J. F. Mundy, and the
Mise-H Marion H. Towne, l.idn Aus
tin, Yvnitn Hamilton, Katherinc Koli
ller i ud Anna Keliher.
Tt.i tablo and refreshments com
niittc Mrs. Charles 1 Schiol'felin,
asni' ,ed by M'osdnmoH 0. .1. Fatton,
C. 1). Hoou and T. E. Fottingor.
Decoration committee Mrs. Frank
Owen, assisted by Mesdames M. L.
Alford, Walter Itowno, Stewart Pat
terson, E. II. l'ickel, 0. Carter Hoggs,
W. E. Crown, Walter Miiudy, Jap An
tlrowb, Frederick C. 1'age, C. D.
Tloon, li. A. Snhtde, F. II. Hopkins,
V. W. Hollis, Pliil Hamill, E. I). Han
ley, II. II. Sargent and the Misses
Susan Douel and Font Hutchison.
OiKinlians of the gato reeci)ts
Mi. H. I,. .Mnlit and Mm. Walter
Gills serving ten Florence Folgor,
Fern Hutohisoii, Susan Douol, .Mor
' eodf- Harbor,'' Knurn Clates, Mildied
Wick, I.eah Walthor, Francos
Kenny, Jean Anderson, Jcnn Hudge,
Ituth Warner and Elizabeth I'litnnm.
The following ladies will pour in
groti. -, of from from 3 10 to GrilO:
MidnDitw Mary Ij. Putnam, W.
A. F ilor, Paul Jnnnoy and Porter
Mesdauice Jap Andrews, T. E. Dan
iels, II. A. Lathi aud II. L. Walthor.
MomIiiiuos M. Ij. Alford, Charles
Conner, Frank Owen and M. C. Har
bor. MomIhiiios IT. U. I.umsdeii, C. I),
lloon, V. J. Emeriok and C. I. Hutch
ison. MoMlnmos W. F. Isaacs, Alan
Ilrnokinroid, F. K. Douol and E. II,
MomIhiiioii E. H. Pickel, Dolroy
fiotohell, F. II. HopkiiiH and Misa
The Greater Medford olitli wishes
to o.pioM iU appreciation of thu
courtesy of tlio Colony elub and the
Drama league in nting up their reg
ular woik for Tuesday, the Mth, in
order that the Oriental tun might bo
held on that date. AH are cordially
iinitid to ooma and bring your
On Thursday afternoon Mrs. E. L.
Miller of Punadona, Cal., field worker
of tlio Woman's Home Mibnionnry
hoi'icty of thu Mothoilint church, gao
an intensely intorostiug talk on the
work ilono os)ocially Among the
Spauthh peoplo of the south. Mr.
Miller is n very convineiug poakur,
making all feu) they would like to
havo a imrt in the great work. A
number from Jacksonville and Ash
land wero pioont. Following tlio
nddrvsh, dinner was sorvod in the so
cinjhull. All who attendel o.pres
od thdir apprwiation of tlio oppor
tunity of having ueh an inspiring
ML Hess Hryan and Miss Ceoolia
Nmn&io. tko lattor u mojnbor of
"The Only Girl company, on tho
board at the Page 1,st' ""S1'1' Iira
old-tlmo friends- After the tiiontor
Mi Hryan, Dr. W. W. Howard and
LioJtonant Elmer T. Fows gve Miss
Novasio a supper partv at Hrown's
and a moonlight auto ndo about tho
FiiLurbHii dUtrict, mueli to the de
light of really "The Only Girt" ib the
soictillatuig play at the theater dur
ing the evening. Miss Novasio ex
pressed special pleasure in the entor
tainfuent provided for htr, and much
udmiratiou for tko ity and suburbs
as smu in a jolly wooBliybt ride.
Miaa Ireu Sullivaa eirduHe4
tiie Paii-HtlfaMik club at W lunae
ou Geneva street Saturday afternoon.
iTJgi-g I-'II.
A bo.ird nulling preceded tho reg
ular meeting of the Oroator Medford
club Monday afternoon at the lib
rary assembly room, aud nftor the
soanion tho club mm called to order
by the president. A report from tho
secretary of tho minute of the pre
vious meeting an the treasurer's r
lort was givun. Mr?. Stoddard out
lined her plans for the Oriental tea,
tinder the supervision of tho oiie de
partment, and selected nest Tuesday,
March 1 1, at tho Holland hotel, as the
time, from 2 to 5 p. m. Mrs. Kndo,
a Jnpnnose lady of Medford, will as
sist in arranging thu hair and dress
of any who so desire, and will be nt
the hotel at 1 o'clock. Heautiful
Oriental tteasures will bo on exhibi
tion nnd light refreshments will be
served. Mr. Thompson of the May
dry goods house, ha-, offered Icint
onos to any of those assisting.
The question of throwing remains
of lunches, expectorating and other
wiMJ defiling tho water and grounds
on Hesorvoir hill came up for dis
cussion and ways and means of pro
hibiting such nuisances wcro dis
cussed. The ladies lane undertaken
to beautify this plauo, and should
have the co-operation of every man,
woman anil cliild in McdTord.
A campaign for sanitation will
soon be started to swat tho fly and
clean up your bac!: yuids look af
ter your parkings and build out un
finished sidewalks to the edgo of
your curbing. This all helps to clean
up nnd beautify Medford.
Four delegates and alternates weie
elected to attend the district conven
tion at Ashland the last of April.
The members of the Greater Med
ford club regret the death of Mr.
Hull, tho efficient mnnunl training
teacher of tho schools, sinco his un
tiring efforts in his work meant so
much to tho civic department. It was
through his efforts the splendid nis-
lie lurinturo for Hesorvoir hill was
made, and tho members feci very
grateful aud will sorely miss his us
sistnnco in the future.
The next musical will bo held in
April nnd the next regular meeting of
tho Greater Medford club will bo the
first Monday in April.
Tho pupils of the seventh, eighth
and ninth grades of tho Jackson
school pleasantly hurprlhcd Mis
Anno Hanson at her homo on Xotth
Central avenue Wednesday evening.
xiw uvuuiug was speni with musio
and games, after whieh refreshments
wore servod. Tho following were
present: Misses Anno Ilniibon, The
one Cnrkin, Alice Schloiohort, Huth
Scymoro, Dorothy Myers, Tholmu
White, Mnude Schloiohort, Hazol
Stanley, Vera Evans, Hruce Putnam.
Goldio Wilson, Harriet Milncs;
.Messrs. Mehin Wallace, l.oal Wilson,
Jean Watkins, Arthur Hos, Lowell
Xothorland, Honnld Gould, Dean
Stewart, Irvin Tcrrill, I.eo Parker,
Myrl Gamctt, Austin Hnymond, Wal
ter Shot-id, Howard Hammond and
Arthur Frees.
Mrs. II. C. Honnoy entertained at
her homo on Jackson street Thurs
day evening. Progrsio whist waa
plnyod, after which light refreshment
wore sorved. Thoo present were:
Mr. and Mrs. (hi Samuels, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hollinger, Mr. and Mrs. C.
T. Xoe, .Air. and Mrs. Woisser, Mr.
and Mrs. Iiunspach, Mr. and Jit.
Earl Howmau, Mr. and .Mrs. Hem
struot, Mr. nnd Mrs. Van Gilbert, Mr.
and Mr. II. C. Honnoy.
Mr. D. H, Hussell entertained at
cards at her home on Welch street
Woduosday evening. Those present
were: Dr. nnd .Mrs. Carter, Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. H. Watkius, .Mr. nnd .Mrs.
It. E. Swan, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ol
son, Miss Dalia King, Miss Lin
Kundlett, Martin MeDouougH aud
Mr. and Mrs. I). H. Hussell.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dais. Jr.. of
Portland, who have been visiting
Chandler Egau and Mr. uud Mrs.
Frank Owens, will leave Sunday
morning for their homo. Mrs. Ow
ens will entertain at dinnor this oo-
niug for Mr. nnd Mr. Dais.
Mrs. J. Vilas Hookwith entertain
ed nt dinnor lost Friday eiening for
tlio tollewmg: Mr, nnd Mrs. Donald
Clatk, Mr. nnd Mrs. Phil Hnmill, Mr.
bcudder, Mrs. Hollowuy, Miss Dor
othy Connor, Lincoln MoCormack and
Conro Fioro.
The rogtilar mooting of tho High
School Paront-Teaehor oirolo will be
hold Friday afternoon, March 17, in
the, high sohool building. All patrons
of the high sehool are ooidially in
vitod. Mr. P. W. Hamill entertained at
dinnor Wednesday evening, cover
sMuag laid for ei(t Mr. and Mrs.
Corning Kenley, Mr. and Mrs. Itobort
uaai, jirs. w. u, noutway and t.
II. l!ru.
MFDFOm matt mnirvrc,
On TiiPfldnv afternoon the repre
sentatives of various organizations
of the city, together with a largo at
tendance of tho public, gathered on Jc
At saia.a - ..."
puuiic nurnry grounds to tnKo
part In the planting of the Shakes
peare memorial tree, under tho au
pices of tho Greater .Medford club,
whoch undottook tho celebration nt
the request of tho Shnkosponrcnn
celebration committee, of the Dra
matic League Center, with gratifying
Music for tho occasion was fur
nished by the High School band and
also by the pupils of tho Hooscvclt
and Washington bcIiooIs, with violin
obligate by Professor 0. C. Hoot, nil
of which wan mostc rcdttable to the
porformera and enjoyed by tho aud
ience. Judge 0. 0. Kelly spoke and ap
propriate remarks and quotations
woro made by thoso who represented
the various organizations. Ouo of
tho happiest expressions of the ntt
ernoon was the distinctive and ex
qulslto little poom, "Tho Tree," by
Joyce Kilmer, which was delight
fully given by Mrs. 0. II. Plckcl:
Tlio Tree.
I think Hint I shall never see
A poem nH lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth Is prcst
AgatiiRt tho Earth's sweet flowing
A tree that looks at Rod all day
And lifts hor leafy arms to pray.
A tree Hint may in summer wear
A nest of robins In her lintr.
Upon whose busom snow has lain
Who Intimately lives with rain.
Poems arc mado by fools like mo
Hut only God can mako a trco.
Tuesday evening tho Mooso gave
an old fashioned dancing party, two
steps, waltzes nnd Gcrmalns being
tho only dances allowed. It. Hlcca
who for tho past week played at tho
Star theatre, on tho I'lnno Accordtan
generously volunteered his services
which were gratefully accepted. Mr.
Hlcca played many of tho familiar
aim, transposing them into dltferont
keys and using many variations. Ills
music waa enthusiastically received
by tho crowd who encored ovory
dnnco several times, Tho music start
ed up n spirit of fun nnd enjoyment
that has never been equalled before
nt any of tho Mooso dances. A largo
crowd gathered by ton o'clock and
tho small lodge floor was soon
crowded. At 12 o'clock 7S couplo
sat down to an old fashioned New
England dinner, which not only sur
prised the guests but was voted an
enjoyable Innovation. After supper
the crowd returned to the ball room
to danco until 1:30, but when tho
tlmo arrived to adjourn, the music
ians wero bribed to play another
half hour. At two o'clock tho danco
broko up, with overyono feeling that
they had enjoyed "a real good tlmo."
Miss Dorn Smock enlcrtnincd Fri
day evening at her homo on North
Central with a vory dollghtrul pre
nuptial affair in the form of a Jap
anese ten for the pleasure of Miss
Vera Hammond, who leaves Tuesday,
for Poeatello, Idaho, where she
will bo carried to Frank 0, Hob.
oris on Thursday, March 1(1.
Tho oveuiug waa spent with social
conversation, musio und hennaing
towels for tho honored guests. At
the uloso of tho opening a delicious
luncheon was served in the dining
room, where an Oriental eolor sehomo
was carried out. Almond blossoms
formed tho centerpiece and a hand
painted .Japanese, china servieo was
used. The guests included the Missos
Vera Hammond, Cnrolitn Jacks, Gen
evieve Wortman, Isabello Phipps,
Juno Jlininnn and Mrs. It. II. Hawill.
Marian Von Gilder and Mnrjoric
Tuokor gavo a party Saturday at tho
Medford Commercial oollogo to cele
brate their seventh birthdays. The
hours were .'I until .5, nnd tho tune
was spont in playing games, after
which dainty rofroshmonts wcro serv
ed. Tho oontorpioeo was violets. Tho
girls both received several pretty
gifts and many good wishes from
their friends.
Among thoso invited wero; Dor
othy Kados, Horniee Gressley, Dor
othy Tuokor, Muriel Van GUdor, Eil
eon Gressley, Minnie Poarl Tucker,
Carroll Fnyo Hovious, Bertha Porter,
Hachel Kados, Hrysn Tucker, Sarah
Whillook, Marjorio Tucker and Mar
ian Van Gilder.
The Lady Elks enjoyed an infor
mal aftornoon at the Elks' new home
Friday afternoon. Mrs. 0. 0. Alen
dorfer, Mrs. R. P. Antle, Mrs. John
Haniehurg and Mrs. 0. C. Dogge were
hostesses. The gentlemen on the
raaaiving line were: Dr. W. E. Goudy,
Jean liamebarf, Ralph McKay and
F. Karl Kaapp.
MEiwin, orwnoy. sA'irrmAV, MArtcrr u, iftir,
'"" " "'" T-vr :::-
Tho nhimnl will atngf one of Ihoir
ever popular dancing partien next
Friday evening, March 17, tho affair
to take place nt the armory. After n
long period of enforred wolnl inac
tivity, owing (o tho basketball sea
son, everyone Ih eagerly looking for
ward to this occasion. The date fall
ing on St. Patrick' day, the affair
will be given as an emornld hop,
many novel features being introduc
cd. Not the least of those will bo
"dancing on the green," for whioh no
extra charge will be made. Good
pepful" music ie assured, this im-
po'tunt dotail being under the direc
tion of Herbert I.uunpaeh. Tlio us
ual invitation list is now in the bands
of the committee, invitntion being by
card only. Tho list of patronesses
will bo nnnouneed nt an early date.
Next Saturday afternoon, March
18, tho Arts and Crafts league will
enterlnin with n St. Patrick's tea nt
tho lenguo room over the May com
pany store. Tho following numbers
will bo included in the program which
is being arranged:
"I'll Take You Home Again, Kath-
Vcn," selection from Edison phono
graph; paper on "Art," Jnss Dorlnnd
Robinson; aolo, Mrs. Guy Childers,
with Edison phonograph aeoorapnni
ment; selection, Professor Root'rt or
chestra, composed of Professor Hoot,
Hliss Heine, Mrs. Dnddysmnn, Mr.
Wallaeo; violin solo, Miss Florence
Invitations have been received for
the third minimi ball to be given by
the Roguo River Valley University
elub on Saturday evening, Murch 18,
in the elub rooms. Tho patronesses
are as follews: Mrs. S. Vilas Reck
with, Mrs. Ralph G. Hardvvell, Mrs.
Walter Rowne, Jr., Mrs. Charles H.
Conner, Mrs. Donald Clark, Mrs. E.
F. Outline, Mrs. Philip Hamill, Mrs.
Fred Hopkins, Mrs. Fred Lewis, Mrs.
Porter J. Neff, Mrs. Frank Owen,
Mrs. Frank- Preston, Mrs. Frederick
0. Page, Mrs. Gcorgo Roberts, Mrs.
liOitis Snlado and Mrs. n. C. Wash
burn. s
Mrs. J. II. Carkin is hostess today
to tho College Women's club at hor
homo nt 71 1 Park street. Tho dis
cussion of "American Painting" will
bo continued, Miss Robiuson telling
of tho third, or modem, period, and
Miss Quisno of mural painting. Mrs.
Heine, president of the Arts nnd
Crafts lenguo, will talk on "Ameri
can Art Galleries." Mrs. Hammond,
social chairman, will bo assisted by
Mrs. Neff and tho Msoa Folger and
The High Jinkftnlub held their reg
ular business meeting nt tho home of
Miss Margaret Sottllor on North Or
nngo street Thursday evening.
s s
Mrs. Slownrt Patterson entertain
ed with n dinner and thenter pnrty
at the Page thoator to sco "Tho Only
Girl" Friday evening.
: . "ii.1 i. - ?r-i "" - ."J i'"J ill . i .
Mrs. W. V. QtH.onberrv entertain
ed nt lief homo on South King street
Thursday afternoon from -I to 6 with
ft birthday surprise party In honor of
her dniightet, Mir Loin, the event
being her eleventh birthday. Tho af
ternoon wnq spent with games and
musio, followed by n delirious lunch
eon. The little guests Ineludod Huth
Smith, Volnrio and Louise
Ed I Hi, Oarrottson, Loin Debley.
Glady Hartley, Gertrude Wells nnd
Lois Qitlsonborry.
Medford Camp, M. W. of A., and
the Royal Neighbors will entertain
their mombcrs, fhmitict and friends
nt the K. of P. hall next Friday eve
ning with nn old-fashioned scihool
district social. Luncheon will bo
Forved from dinnor pails and sohool
luneli boxes. Tho participants nro
to dress in tho garb of school clip-
drou and the program will consist
principally of schoolroom exercises.
Miss Cecelia Novasio of New York
City, playing tho soubrctto pnrt in tho
"Only Girl," was entertained by Miss
Hess Bryan during hor stay in Med
ford. These two young Indies toured
together in tho "Louisiana Lou" inn
sicnl comedy company, which played
on tho coast two years ago.
s s
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clancy enter
tained with nn informnl dinner Mon
day evening. Covers wero laid for
seven Dr. nnd Mrs. T. G. Heine, Dr.
nnd Mrs. R. W. Clancy, Mrs. E. L.
Procbsting and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Mrs. M. T. Imbodeu, who hu been
tho guest of Dr. nnd Mrs. J. M.
Kecnc, en route homo from mi ex
tended visit to Sim Diego, loft for hor
Jiomo in Portland Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Itnbodon is a, bister of Mrs.
s s
Mrs. T. C. Wieks entertained La
Senndi club at hor home on Dennett
nvenuo this afternoon. Tho club re
grets the loss of a member, Mrs. Hcrt
Anderson, who left this week for Los
Angeles, to remain for several
s s
Tho Enht Sido Pdinkcsponro club
met nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C.
D. lloon on Myrtle nvenuo Wednes
day evening. Preliminary work was
taken up preparatory to commenc
ing tho study of "Henry IV."
Tho council of the Congress of
Mothers and Parent Teacher circles
will meet at the library Tuesday eve
ning, Murch 1-1, nt 7:15 p. m. All
members are urged to bo present.
I s s
.Mrs. II. U. Lumsden was hostess
to tho Friday Hridgo club at her
homo on South Holly Friday after
noon. s s s
Tho Political Science club will meet
nt the public library Monday nftor
noon nt 'J:.10.
Can be done by the chick instead of by guess. Eleclriuity
alone gives the same measured heat every time it is al
ways under control, and in every ono of its many appli
cations is most efficient, convenient and safe.
"What electric light is to tho candle, electric cooking is to
the other methods wo have the latest and most approvad
ranges on tho market, ranging in price - '
from $25.00 to $150.00. j;
J?lat rate of $5.00 per month for current. f
California -Oregon Power Company
21(5 West Main Strcot
SJ'iil 1.JUH l-IJHU
The Pflrenl-Tpnohers' circle of tlio
Washington school met Friday after
noon. A very interesting program
was tnken up. A motion firo song
was given by Miss Pheister's class,
lining firo bells nnd whistles. Pro
fessor Dally sfK)ko on tho beautifying
of city lots along Main street, nnd
prniRcd the work done by Mr. Pec
blcs nnd Mrs. Stoddard. Mrs. Hovi
ous sang an old English song. Miss
Swendles accompanied her. Profes
sor HUlis addressed the meeting on
tho subject of "Piny Grounds for
Children." Ho said it was as neces
sary for tho child to ploy as cat, and
to have a place to play ns to sleep.
He suggested n public playground in
tho summer months under pcrsonnl
supervision. Tho meeting was then
open to discussion. It was decided to
meet hereafter the last Friday of the
month instead of tho second Friday.
s s
Mrs. Pert Orr entertained at dinnor
Saturday evening with Mr. nnd Mrs.
0. C. King, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Dia
mond und Mr. und Mrs. A. P. Olson
ns her guests.
Miss Cnlheriiio Swem loft Thurs
day for Eugene, where she will visit
friends uud attend tho Thetn formal,
which takes place Saturday at tho
Mrs. Frank Owens entertained nt
luncheon this afternoon at tho Med
ford hotel for Mrs. C. 11. Davis, Jr.,
of Portland. Covers wero laid for
Mr. nnd Mrs. Valentino Pulsifcr
left Sunday night for New York City,
after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Clark. Mrs. Pulsifcr mid Mrs. Clark
nro bisters.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel F. Owen and
two children of Portland are guests
nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank
Owen on Siskiyou Heights.
s s
Miss Fern Hutchinson was hostess
to the Girls' Thursday Hridgo elub at
her homo on South Onkdalo nvenuo
Thursday afternoon.
s s
Mrs. E. G. Hiddcll enlcrtnincd tho
Thursday Nullo Hridgo elub at her
homo on South Onkdalo nvenuo this
! Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Luuiispnch
are spending tho week with . Mr.
Lntinspnoh's parents near Jackson
ville. '
s s s
Mr. nml Mrs. Hcrt Anderson loft
!Mondny for Los Angeles, where thoy
will remain for several months,
s s s
The Wednesday Hridgo club met
with .Miss Gcrtrudo Weoks nt her
homo on Orango street this week.
S s
Mrs. A. J. Hnnbv entertained at
flinnnr TiiAurinv nvmniw will. Aft nn.1
1 -........ . ...-.....(j v. ..... ...... ..... ...11.
Mrs. Vessoy as her guests.
I I I m
g -VJli-XiXi!
Tho Shakcspcaro momorlnl tree
planting on Tuesday afternoon took
placo under n smiling sky and was
attended by a largo nnd Interested
audience. Tho Center's heartiest
thanks nro duo to tho Greater Med
ford elub, which responded so effi
ciently nnd warmly to tho Invitation
of the Shakespeare eonfmltteo to take
chnrgo of the event.
On account of tho Oriental Tea,
which takes placo Tuesday nfternoon,
tho regular monthly meeting of the
board of directors of tho Drama '
Lenguo Center will bo held nt 2:30
Monday aftornoon nt tho library.
s s
Tho Colony club has responded
very enthusiastically to tho Invitation
of tho ShakcBpcrean celobrntlon com
inlttoo to participate as a club body
In the coming tercentennial celebra
tion, by holding a "Shakcspcaro
Afternoon." Tho dnto and plans for
the occasion will bo determined upon
and uunouncod later.
s s
In connection with tho movomont
which is on foot for tho reorganiza
tion of tho city band, Mro. Hrackln
rood, president of tho contcr, was
invited to attend tho various commit
tco meetings callod for this purposo.
Tho outlook for n successful out
conirj of this undertaking Is very
encouraging, as there seems to bo
an earnest dcslrt on tho part of nil
citizens that wo should, ns a city of
our slzo and Importance support a
good and permanent band. This
movement Is ono In lino with our
Drama league work and tho center
will lond Its support and asslstanco
whorovcr possible.
In a depottdablo and satisfactory rem
edy for uso whom n good family llnl-s
mont Is required. Very penetrating.
Sold only by us, 2Gc, GOo and $1.00.
Lot Us Dyo
That Faded Switch
To Match Your IMp.
Marinello Shop
407 Garnott-Coroy Bldg.
Medford, Ore.
Klein Made
' J
r ij
; f?"M