ft WWttlWM! WEATHER Tonight and Snt(tijr VnW, Minimum" 7(1, Minimum OS, r SECOND EDITION m MEDFORD ORKUOX, SATlMJim. MAKClf 11, Iftlrt NO. noi vjrr ffn, Yr. til1 v T i Mi Yfr Medford Mail Tribune CARRANZA PLEADS FOR RECIPROCITY Mexican Chief Asks Permission to Send Mexican Troops Across Bor der to Hunt Villa, if Necessary Cites Precedent of Indian Upris ings Wlrfirc Similar Co-operation Was Extended Arranrjcnicnt Will Quiet Popular Sentiment Analnst American Invasion. WASHINGTON, Murcli 11. Gen eral Carrunxn, through Consul SMI man, linn asked the American govern ment for normlsston to sontt Moxtcnn troop ncroM the border and Into the. I'nltcil Status In pursuit of bandits. Consul Bllliiunn transmitted thn following commtinlcatlon dated at Guadalajara, March 10, which was handed to htm by Josus Acunn, Car mnra's nilnlntcr ftfr foreign nffnlrs. It In a reply to tho American gov ernment's representations for per mlHHlon to pursuo the Villa banditti with Amorlcan forcos. "In duo reply to your courteous note, dated yostorday arid transmit ted today through John W. Holt (Sill lman's secretary), I havo tho honor to Inform ou that having brought the nboe note to tho attention of tho flist chief of tho constitutionalist army and depository of tho executive power of Mexico, ho has directed me to say to jou, to tho end that you may, In turn, transmit It to tho do pattmcut of tate of tho American government, that ho learned with rocret of tho lamontnblo Incident which occurred In the town of Co lumbus. N. M., on account of tho as-r-niilt It suffered yostorday from tho bandits led by Francisco Villa. Precedents Aie Cited. "That although there has been n competent numbor of force In tho stale of Chihuahua to ro-ostnbllsh or der and afford protection to nationals and foreigners, over slnco Francisco Villa appearod In tho mountains of the above stato, nt the roquost of tho governor of tho state and of the con Mltiitlonulit consul at Kl Po, Texas, the first chief ordered tho tlmelv departuro of SROO mon com manded by General Luis Gutierrez with Instructions to artholy pursue the bandits who had Just crossed tho line Into American territory, which they undoubtedly did, compelled by tho tenacious pursuit of tho abovo mentioned forcos. The abovo laraont Hblo iarldont It similar to tho Incur sions which wero mado In tho states of Sonora and Chihuahua by Indians from tho reservations of tbo govorn mont of tho Unltod Statos. Incur sions Into tho state of Sonora oc curred moro or lets about mo year 1880, when Oeroulmo. the Indian chief who died not many years ago in rit Mount. Ala., led a numerous horde and invndod a part of tho north of the state of Sonora, committing many murders and depredations of llfo and propcrt of Mexican famlllos until after n long and tenacious chaso (Continued on pago six) 10 SOCIALIST TICKET CHICAGO, March 11. Allan L. vi.n nf Vonkcrs. X. Y., has boon chon as the omididnto for presi dent of tho wwUUfct party ' ft re: Yrcndum voje, Guorf o 1?. Kirkpatnok nt New York wai nominatca for vieo- l)lPilloUt. . Victor Borger Tf Milwaukee and Morris Hdlquiat of Kf York were chosen member of the oxecutne committee. The rwlt of the vote wu announced here today by oftie ,r of the sodaliat national eowniii tic. The vote on the candidate was as follew: For president Ulan L. Nelaon. Yoi.ler. X. . I'", in. James H. M.mr.r, Head,a.. la., 1J.34M; Arthur I . . it. F.rt Stt. Kuu., 340). 1 i m ircittt nt : ' oris1 R 1 . V . . ..r.. 'II I. II. K III M -' NELSON HEAD li s. PERSHING 10 LI AGIST Villi i '.Ftinston In Charge, Though Pershing to Lead Column Start to Be Made Tonight Carranza's proposal Fa vorably Received Volunteers Nu merous Senate Approves Action. ' WASHINGTON, Mnren 11. Whilo American troops nro preparing to mote ncrosH tho Mexican bonier to exterminate tho Villa bandits, General Carrilnrn, in an official communica tion delivered through Consul Silli tnnn, has asked the United Stales for permission to "send his troops into American lerritoiy, if necessary, in pursuit of outlaws. Administration officiols urged Gen eral Cnrrnntti'n proposal as favor nble. It serins to iudicnto that he will not protest against American troops on Mexican (.oil ns had been fen'red. Practically iiich ft recipro cal arrangement nowor would result in n single Carrnnm soldier crossing the line, ns the possibility of bandits taking refuge in American territory is considered i emote. l'crshlng to Lead. It is rcalixod that such an arrange ment, however, would go far to sat isfy General Carrnnra and permit him to comply with populnr senti ment in Mexico. There was no indi cation early today how the proposal WouM'bo received. No definite announcement was made nt tho wnr depnitmont, but it was genornlly understood that Brig adier General John J. Pershing will command the nrincinnl column of Amcricnn troops in the pursuit of Villa, Major General Funston retain ing' command of the general opera tions, which, it is cxpeatcd, will in volve the use of three or four col umns. I'n to noon todav no American troops actually had crossed ho fnr as was known horo, and it was behoved noun would start mowng before, niirlit. All nrraneementK nro heinu left in tho hands of Major General Funston. Villa today was reported moving southenst with not more than .100 men. Lust night's report gave his force as 11000, but that is believed to include sympathizers in his terri tory. Ily his movement southeast, it was thought n threatened attack on the American Mormon colony nt rasas Gniudcs had panted for the proseut. Many Volunteer, Tho war department today was deluged with telegrams from indi vidual and organizations offering service as volunteers. There whs at present, Secretary linker said, no need of summoning volunteon to tho colors. General J'unslon confirmed todn.V officially the killing of Pablo Lopez, Villa's chief lieutenant, during the raid on Columbus, and also the re port that I.opez otuumnmlcd tho ban dits who tnurdorod nearly a scoro ol Araerioans at Santa Ysnbel. Gen oral Funston also confirmed the ie port that -100 Cnrrouxa troops had reached Pnlomns, six miles south of Columbus, to join in the pursuit of Villa. Senate Approves. The senato foreign rolntions com mittee i odd y unanimously indomod the action of the president in sonding American troops into Moxico to cap ture Villa and his mnraudors. It was decided informally, after full discussion of tho circumstances and an oxplnnntion of tho adminis tration's course given by Chairman tatouo, that tuero was nothing lor congress to do at this time. Should Cnrranza resent Iho nrnsonco of Amcricnn troons in Mexico, it was explained, congressional action might be necessary! 6 KL PASO, Tx., M.tr.h 11. -General Ca-tio, imlitarv poern'r of Oaiaca, H')ri- lie has the Kit nation eooiplelel) in bund, aecordiUR' to a toWram to the Msxiean consul here. The rural population of this former ipatu hiroiiulixM. su' Cartro, piv--iiu- mill ii.br jiid i- inten -ti d li.vrc ill IvifUi ! tu.iU ill rCvvlutiuUa EAD PURSUIT MA STRONGHOLD COMPLETELY PACIFIED AIMS ON SHIP TORPEDOED BY SUBMARINE Norwegian Bark Silius, From New York to Havre, Sunk Without Warning in Havre Roads Seven Americans Aboard, All Rescued, But One Injured and in Hospital. WASHINGTON', March 11. Con sul Osborno nt Havre reported today that when tho Norwegian hark Sil ius, from New York to Havre, was torpedoed without warning In Havro roads on tho night of March 9, seven Amm leans abourd woro rescued. Tho loss of tho SIHus was first re ported last night from London. Three monitors of tho crow wero reported lost. fltato depaitmcnt officials seemed Inclined to vjew tho attack on the Slltus no a r.cfious affair. Bo far dispatches to tho stato de partment simply have said thoves ncl was torpedoed without warning. No mention was made of tho nation ality of tho submarine, and thcto was nothing to Indicate whether a tor pedo actually was responsible for thq sinking of tho vessel or whether sho might havo stniclc a mine. If tho RIIIuh was torpedoed such on attack was contrary to the as surances tho United States has bo cured from tho Control powers. Socrctnry Lansing said no action would bo taken until the stato de partment had full Information. One Amcilrnn Injntwl. PAltlS. March 11. Seven of tho crow of tho Norwegian bark Stilus, which was torpedoed and sunk yes terday, wero Amorlcans. Tho SIHuh left Now York February i for Havre. Tho Petit l'arlslon says that ono of tho Americans on tho SIHus was Injured In his logs and was taken to tho Pastour hospital. He Is John Hartmonn, IS years old. The Sllluswas a 2600 ton thrce mnstor, formerly tho llrltlsh bark Holly. It Is reported that Captain Syvort son. of tho SIHus. was drowned nnd two sailors nro missing. The rest of tho crow was saved. Amet leans Atonnl. NHW YOIIK, March 11. Them wero only four Americans aboard tho SIHus. nccordlnir to azonts of tho lino hero and they woio mombom of tho crew. She carrlod no passcngorB. The Americans woro David Sher man, of Iledford, Mass.: John Warb man, of Philadelphia; Daniel Norah, of Connecticut, nnd Henry Mououan, of Uoston. Tho barkj commanded by Captain A. H. Syvertsen, sailed from Now York February 4 for Havre, with a cargo of 2200 tons of barley shipped from San Francisco. The local acentn said tho Slllus' crew numbered seventeen men OF WASHIKGTOK. March 11.- At the request of a committee ot New Voik and Philadelphia men representing about -WO stockholders of the Chi cago, Hook Island & Pncihc Rail road company, Heprosontntho Ox lesby of Now York today introduced a resolution to direct the houso in terstate oomraeroo committee to .in vestigate tho affairs of tho company. The ioolution contains chareet that the system is threatened with reeiv- orship on March 13 and with reor ganisation in tho interest of persona who the interstate commerce com mission htld after its recent inves tigation to bo rosponmblo for tht present stato of alfair. FIRST SALE OF WOOL BRINGS 24 CENTS I s XOIITII YAKIMA. Vash., Mareh 11. Tha first sale of wool for the ASK INVESTIGATION ROCK ISLAND eaoi was wade here today. Thir ttM tbonaaiul pounds clip from pure bred fthropshires and IJncolns wore oM at :.'l cent., a higher prut- than tin In -t ..ol el Ihe knl Mille biou0i't mot jtur, 0 CARRANZA A CO-OPERA UNITED STATES General FEAR SAFETY OF KIj I'ARO, Tex., MiiicIi 11. The situation of tho fiOO members of tho Mormon colony in the Casus Grande district, Chihunliun, 1S miles by train from Kl I'aso, cntioal as it was in the first place, has been further menaced by tho preseneo of Villn' with n band of foHoHcm at Tj As cension, closo to the railroad over which they must trawl to Hit safety of tho Amoricnn frontier. Carrnnza guwrds from Cliilumliua were expected to MiiemMiiy n tmiii load of refugees, due to lunva Cusos Grande for the north ently today. Tho natural oovem of tha land near La Asconcion, howover, afford protection should Villi, ntlnok Hie train. In III I'aso hope for tilt oefle of the Mormons is ImiMsl larsly on tho unverified rumor that Villa It abort of ammunition. Although only 300 men are reported to 1 with him at La Atcencion, Villa still lias force of .'000 in that region. Tho arrest of numhoi of well known Villa ngents by tha Kl Paso police, including a genarnl who was trying to buy arms in a gttn atore, a colonel who whs found In the gen eral' home and an alleged apy with penciled mn (if Mexican railroad in his pocket, judicata that tho situa tion mi HI I'm m has been mora sri ou than has peurcd on the sur face. LOWING A NEWYORKTOSHANGHA Ni;V YOItK, March 11.- Uhat i said to bo tho longest tow voyaga New York haibor to Shanghai, (.'hiaa in the history of the American oil shipping: industry, was begun today when tho stowmship Itiuluuoiid of the Stnudnrd Oil oompanv fleet, sailed with tank barge Xo. 05 at her line's end. The two esseU carry an oil cargo slued at :i,000,000. The Richmond and her haiga were engag od in ol moiug traffic on the Pacific eoast at the outbreak of the P.uro poan war and wade tho fiist to voyage of its kind through the Pan ama canal and nave iIum haeu in service between New York and Ixm 'don. The present oyag will be by way of the Strait of Magellan. YANKTON, 8. D., March 11. The great lee gorge constantly being added to by the flow of lee from up river, has flnallr reached Yankton. Tho water remains high at this point with a drop of onl one luch in twenty-four hours It ii ii-liiK at 1 ulb-r-lllo aud cqa of Uw'. JsBnnnnnnnnWi'9'jPnW fjrf IVIKjHBuJtfLt tRr sXaWVLflninnnflnnnSLVLnnnnll VfvTBkVTVIHl, iJ AlrJTsBnnnnnnnnnWnBsBnnnnwlnB MORMON COLONY LD MEXICO IN OF IN CAPTURING VILLA I'lirrnna. FROM HA BY El E Ft, PASO, Tex., March 11. Mrs. Maud llnwk Wright, the American woman who redo nine duys with the Villa troiM preceding tho raid on ('olumhiiH, K. M., had information to dav that her liahy, taken from hero nnd giu'ii to a MeNieuu family, wus HMl'e nt Peaivou, Mow, nnd that her liiiMband hud been murdered by the soldiers n short distance from their home. Mr. Wright nrrivod in Kl Pano yoMterdny with Mrs. II. J. Slo eiuii, wife of lliu thirteenth cavalry ciMiimsiuler. She was infonn(l the child prob ublv nould be brought to Juarez, on Ihe I ruin which is to bring tho Mor mon coloitlnl. 1 localise she suffered in silence, never complaining, nnd holding her Helf aloof from the hoide of soldiers, fugitives, derelicts and vagabonds which comprise Villn's soldiers, sho we called "Ijiroyna," queen of the Yillistas, by the hoop. Villa had told one of the officers that ho pre ferred to have her die of exhaustion rather than to kill her outright nnd because she proved to bo nblo to withstand hardship better than hi own men, lie promised he would re leaso her after he had sacked Col umbus. He also agreed to give her $100 gold and a irmit to travel un molested throughout any art of Villa territory. On his retreat from l oluiubu-, Villn told her to "go." MM t)JA', Neb., March 11. -Peti lions remic-tinir thut the numo of Governor II. M. Moreheud of Xo brass go before the Nolirnsku voter at the eomiiig presidential preferen tial primarv us a caudidHlu for the democratic nomination for vico-pru- ndent, wcie filed here today with tho secretai v f state. Gneiiior Moii-liead gae his per- lnlnl'lll. II IlOBTON. March 11 --Tho supor dreadnaught Nevada, the most power ful American warhli ready for ac tion, was placed In commission at the Charleston navy yard today. The Vferada adds a tonnage of 37,500 to the I'ntted States navy and an arms mi iii of t.-u H inch fun, whUh ron- MttiK lar $alu battery. fi IN FREEDOM HER 10URANC mm S UHlNSt Ur U.3. E Freedom of Sea for American Com merce Is Really What President Is Defending In Submarine Contro versyNation's Business, Not Na tion's Honor, at Stake . OMI M, Ily (1II.SON OAUDNKU. WASIIlXaTON', March 11. Our overseas commerce Is really what President Wilson In defending In this IHioiit and armed merchantmen con troversy. Tho right of tho American to travel on a morchnnt ship Is mere ly th ii symbol or tho real thing. It Is the merchantman plying bin over seas trade that tho United States Intends to dofond. "Dofond tho territory of tho United States," says tho statesman who wants to glvo up tho right of Ameri cans to travel on tho Bhlps of bellig erent nations, "light only to repel Invasions." Those reluctant to mix In tho Euro pean hell like tho sound of thin ad vice. Irfiss of Foreign Trade. mil nro tney willing to glvo up their foreign trndo? Tho seas ore either free or they art not. They nro cither highways open to peaceful commercial travel or tboy nro closed by forco tho forco ot drcadnnughtn or ot ntibmnrlues. American trndo and traders either havo a right to go or thoy havo not. And It Is really tho Amorlcan trndo that counts. "A pnssongcr moro or less does not count. An Astor oven may bo lost on a Lunltnnla nnd tha country nurvlvc. Tho diplomats and statesmen talk about tho nation's "horor," but what they mean Is tho nation's business. And when they menu tho nation's huslnoss they moan tho nation's rlnht to live. For thin nation Is part or n world-wide eco nomic system a system whoso very llfo Is based upon oxohnngo. No na tion Is sufficient to itsolf. Tho United Ktatoa Is very Indepondont. It Is blessed with food-prodiiotug land, as well as manufacturing plnntn which supply n largo part of what Its pooplo need. Hut It looks abroad for coffoo, spices, tropical fruits and many manufactured products; and oven tho Isolation of ono , European nation and tho consequent cutting off of dyes has thrown our manufactur ing all askew. Foreign Trade Essential. "What would happon If nil our for eign trndo woro cut off or any con siderable part of our Imports or our exports? During tho month of Jan uary tho United Stnlos oxportod goods vulttod at 3an,R3S,303, and Imported goods valued at $184,192, 800. What would happen it tho na tion woro suddenly called upon to glvo up Its foreign market for cot ton, wheat, moat and war munitions. Assistant Secretury of Commerce IS. F. Sweet In n rocent speech nil swored that questions. "Wo con sumo about one-third of the cotton crop." ho snld, "and export about two. thirds. Should our oxports bo cut off, wo would havo about throo tlmoe as much cotton on our hands as wo uso, and tho price would thoroforo be reduced to vory much bolow tho cost of production. In the onso of whent In 10 IS wo oxportod In grain and flour tho equivalent of 333 million bushols of wheat. If this had been kopt In tho country, and If tho ratio of eonsumptlon to prleo wore nppllod. the prloo would havo boon probably 36 oente loss than that ac tually rocolvod." To cut off foreign trado would moan panic and stagnation qulto be yond words to doscrlbo. Trade Under Foreign lings. Ilut what has this to do with Amorlcans traveling on armod mur chantmon of tho bolllgerents? Hv- (Contlnuca on Page Two) Foreign relatione committee up holds President Wilson's nctlon thus far In ordering troops to Moxico to take tho Villa bandits. Heuse: Continued consideration of the iPKUlallvc, executive and Judicial tip- )lr4r'Qftou bill. DAY IN CONGRESS WASHINGTON, Manli 11. Seu-ate fffsuai YIELDS A N JGERNMt In connection with tho tuorcmont which Is on foot for tho reorganiza tion ot tho city band, Mrs. Draokln rood, president ot tho center, wan Invited to attend the various commtl tco meetings cullod for this purpose. Tho outlook for a oucccssful out come of this undertaking Is vory encournglng, as thoro seems to bo an earnest dcslrt on tho part of all citizens that wo should, na a city ot rs Isit tho nt ed- rn, pulse m lluyun ih,ii-v...- - ItKIIMK, Mivreli 4-1 -Capture of French positions' 0100 ynnla wide nnd uTioitl two-thinWtof n rallo deep south of Villo-Aiix-llots, near lUieimK, wii nnnouiiccd today by tho war of fice. The to.xt of Ihe statement follews: "Snxoti regiinenlH stormed wl(h slight lossort strongly fortified posi tions in tho wood southwest nnd south of Villn-uux-llaig, cloven miles northwest of Rheims, over n width of about 1100 ynrds nnd for n depth of nbout two-thirds of n mile. Twelve uninjured officers nnd 7115 uninjured men fell into our hnnds. Tho booty consisted of ono revolver cannon, five machine guns and thiitecu mine throwers. Wet of Mriigo Clcnrcil. "On the wcMcrn bank of the Mcuse. tho last positions still held by tho French in the Hois des Corbcaux and tho Hois de Ctnnieres were cleared of enemies. Kncmy counler-iittnekfl de livered with strong force ngniimt'tlin southern boundary of these woods nnd against tho Gcminn positions further wost broke down- under our fire. "On the enslcni hnnlc of tho Mensn lively urtillury nativity reigned, es pecially northenst of Urns, west of Vau.x, and at several points on tho Woevre plain. With tho oxaoption of n local French n I tempt to deliver n surprise attack ngninst tho villngo of Hlauxac, which wns repulsed with sanguinary losses, there was no dc eisio inl'mitry. engagement. French Statement. PARIS, Standi 11. Thoro is still violent fighting for tho possession of tho fort at Vaux, according to an nouncement of tho French wnr of fice this afternoon. Tho Gcnnans have mado progress along (ho hIojioh lending to this position, but they hnvo not yet reached the bnrbod wlro cn tnuglumeuts in front of tho fort. iho GennniiH hold somo housea in tho eastern part of tho villngo of Viiiix, while (lie French nro still in possession of tho wostcrn part of tho (own. Tho text ot Iho wnr office rcpoit follows i "North of tho Aieno tho enemy yesterday, nfter linving bombarded for several hours our positions be tween Troyon and IIorry-iui-Hao, moved out from Vlllc-au-Iloiis and attacked iho snliont formed by our line nt Hois des Huttoa. "After u spiritoil fight wo drove tho ouemy from tho norihwoetcni ox trcmitv as well ns from tho western section of tho wood. This wus ter ritory the Germane had succeeded in occupy ing. West of Mcuso. "Wet of tho Mouse tho Gc,nnann last night delivered a, strong nttack houthciirit of Rothincourt nguinst our Ucnches along tho highway from Hcthincourt to Chattancourt. An (Continued ou page six) PR0TES1 SEIZURE OF WASHINGTON, March 11. Pro test against neuure of tho American htiMiiucr Kdiui by a Hritish cruiser was placed today boforo tho stato de partment by Jtopresontntivu Kuhn of Snn Francisco, on bohalf of (ho ves !' ownors. Mr. Kohn said tho Kdna wnt elmrtored to WR. Ornoo ,& Co. of l'ew York. Thu.departmnt took steps to bcu.ui nt oiiqe au inquiry into the faets through consular agents with u viow to making repve soututions to Groat Britain. The Kdua was taken to Port Stan li'i P.I. . . 4 - li f i i 4 ts. (Ml .r , M Ljw , M O V