Af TlfIT " - "I ' '' 'I1 L ' in. JO If, TWffi wrn mil ...' W) '" ' I "SM'f II' -B REVIVALIST TALKS "IE" FIXES ACHING, CHRONICLE'S HISTORY IS -TRY WW FOR ONE PERSON IN EVERY FIFTY P LAYS QOLF, SAYS TRAVIS FEE! STORY DF SAN FRANCISCO! LIVtK ANU HUWtLS MRnronn matt, rnTnrsrc, mettfohti, nnKrio. rrnrnv. TO Y OUNG IN ON RIGHT LIVING A Rrcnt thron of youiiR tnon greet ed HvnngellM Mathle ne he MtVHl od tho platform at the .N'ftt meeting last evonlnpc. It wns Young Men's night of tho rorlvnl services and thoy woro thoro In jsrent number. A large section or resorvod scats had beqii roped off for tlmm but they came In hucIi numbers tlint thoy ov erflowed Into ovory part of tlie build in k. Scats wore also rosorved for Ashland, Central Point and Phoenix delegation)). Tho uuihIc of the hour wan most lnHplrlng. Tho great choir was at Itn best and Director Voesoy scorned to bo able to get moro music from thorn than ever hofore. A quartet composed of .Messrs. Vcssey, Vromnn, Edmcndcs and Canadny sang, "Tho Wnyatdo Cross," and responded to nn encore with "Tho Church In tho Wlldwood." For a solo Mr. Voesoy snug ho special request, "Tho Mini of Qulllfe." Senium for Voiiog .Men Tho sermon wns particularly to young men. Tho pronchor had for Ills text, "Dnnlol purposed In his heart. " The Htory of Daniel, wns told In n few masterful paragraphs and los H0113 of helpfulness drawn thurofroiu. Mr. Mnthls mild: "Sooner or lator overy young innn conies to (he place where wo find Daniel tho phico of decision. Huppy Is that young fellow who linn tho pow er to decide. J rent boyond exagger ation In the power of decision. You need not worry about the Daniels In tlnf worlilrVthoy arc tho follows who will find their places and fill them lu UiIh work-a-doy world of ours. 'I will toll you whom you need to worry about, it Is tho young man who has not moro backbone than n shoe string. Unppy Is thnt young man who purposes jo llvo to ho nn honor to his Cod. It Is possible for you to so live ns to honor Ood. It Is n fine thing for a young fellow to to live in such a manner that his life will honor his people tho town In which ho lives tho school whoio ho Is forming his life's character. That joitng IthfiiMs wlso who 11 von to bo nn honor to his parents. I ndvlse you to watch out for the devil's de coys. Ho will not put out his old scrub ducks- but his host and, most attractive. Ite.-pertnlile Tippling; Hit "It Is not tho low down boose joint thnt will -catch your sou. my friend, but the rashlonablo, 'respectablo tip pling hell on one of your butter streets and In one of your fashion ulilo homos. Tho work wfll bo start od there and finished In tho low sin hoddened hull boyond tho palo of do coney. "I wish It were possible for mo to holp every young fellow to mako tho groat choice of Jesus Christ. This is tho finest thing a man can do." In response to tho invitation for "every young mun who Is trying to live tho Christian life to come down thuno aisles'' and give me your lmnd." hundreds of young men responded. Tho inflation to IiokIii the Christian life was accepted by some twenty five porsou. 'Hho meeting tonight will boglu nt 7:13. The music will be attractive. Mr. Vfhse and Mrs HoWus will Mug a duet Those grrnt sen ices will close with tho Sunda night m etliiK "Will, I Should Say 'Gits-It' DOES Work" "look a' There, If You Don't Think It's Jmt Wonderful for Cornsl" "Dleis my stars. l"oU .it If lancl of the bi ' h. jut ock ..l ll' That torn came rinlit off -just like iel IniT bananas, l'ut our nncer on m Hid lou i:er See the U.'t J Wonder H.el.t l the HlBBejt Stllloc Corn Cure In lheorld:, toe. right there, -dor. t be afraid. that's It. f.el bow etnootli Hie akin UT Well, that's whn-t the rem was Well, that beats all" TIhI'h the way "aets-lt" works on all lorn every corn, avery time, it's the new. simple way of curlnj? cornn. oull eay -hve to all fooltah contraptions like liundllne bandages. IUK tape. P tars, toe-eatlUK waives, and '; lIBKera ueh as Knives. rasoMaJMl cRvJrs. aeU-lf .tow pain AwJled In MHromU. Never Mi- ttoWiing te tlalc to. hurt or pret on the earn. 'bets-lt" 1 sola everywhere. He a. bottle, or sent direct u I. lrenc Co. Chlcava. Ill Sold in .Mwlfoid and rt'coiuinendwl ns the worlds U-t ( irn Keuittl) by Jycou 11. Ilasklns. fJr Walter J. JWR Uy, Harold Johnion 5olf Is plncd today by one In every BO persons In the United Statee, according to Walter J. Travis, thu i grand old man of the links. I llnvlug mibosomori himself of the ' foregoing statistics the Metropolitan champion settled bnek lu his easy chalr and gave vent to expert obser vations, gathered during 20 years active service lu tho Scottish pustlmo, and lu which time Travis has ncqtilr od moro titles than any other player, with tho possllble exception of .Jer ome Trnvers. "The game has made tremendous , Knlpli 0. Jennings of tlio Apple gate district has filed for the office of Mierff, Miibjeet to thoxwill of the voters nt the denioerntie primary on Mny 111. His nniiounecment appears III UIIH iMilie. .lir. .lOIIUIIIRt. IH ll Will I of William Jenning. who Ims for twenty-Keven yeiir been foremnn of the fnmoiiH Sterlinu mine, which nt one time wiih the greateM producer of nny placer mine in the Mtnlo. Mr. - Jennings himself worked in the mine for nine yenrx before turning to iniiiunjr, wiiieu lie now ioiiow. no hn necu.niiU.ted by InV own effort-j ti fine KlO-nere mneli throo milts. , """ "' '""'com .win ,- e,eiui iiuuiireii neflii oi iiiiig is u unlive euiiio. .Mr. .urn-, HOII Of .InekMIII county, having been horn ueur wherd , , I lie now live- inirty-live er ngo. Ile.liMs n wife mid two boys, aged IS nnd III. Mr. Jennings seemed hw education in the common M'honU und hiii. pun en hit enwbilitv in hn own affairs. He promises, if eleWcdwt conduct the office in a liufcinesslike niitnner with spoeml ivference to strict law enforcement also to pay sHciiil Mttenlion to iH'ononiy nnd give the taxpayers nn honct nnd ef ficient administration. J& C?- RALPH JENNINGS OUT F OR E THE HORRORS OF WAR" (pruelicwllv nil of the crop. ' Where AT STAR THEATER TONIGHTftbe is harden, it will be nmury Truly the horrors of war will bo depleted In a moving pliture by that I name at the Star theatre tonight, i Tho opening scenes show the bora I burdmeut of a TurkUh town by the Hussion fleet lu the Hlsck see. This view was taken from the duck of it Itusslan battleship and the detuile of j loading tho huso guns, firing them.Igo., ,,, roiMK.ted vmMn, p.,. and watching the results of their I deadly accuracy are nil horribly ap parent. A whole town bursts Into I flames, and a new target is sought. A ' fteamnr Is sighted lu tho dlstanee j making hurriedly for pott, and nt !onco becomes the mrk of broadside after bioadildo of volleys. Tho first shots tear up tho water about the . ship and the next instant the vowel i Is slapped as by a vindictive Triton la cloud of smoke sho lists grotes I quesly shivers nnd splinters nnd then settles sickening, head first to her final nort 1 her final port. Tho deadly French "(-centimetre gun In action, a Riant steel bridge I wrecked to prevent tho advance of the enemy's troupe, the throwing of hand xrenatles over the short dis tance that separatee the Pretieh from the German trenches, the new Kronen aeroplane gun la action, and the dec- j oraUui of those who gave their eyes as toll to Mara, are but a few ef the vivid scenes that make up this film. Ttiainas Leonard, a llssbermau of Portland. Is b.K In Medford and vl- . . ... . , . , iinlt this M'l ultuinlng mn- I itriun,; our luiiibi r tru hi I Travis '. S 1 I ""Hi n strides lu America In rocont years." he said. "Kor a long time golf did no.t appeal to tho sport lovers, llnse- ball, football and tonnls had n firm hold. 1 was 3 I years of ngu before I competed In n tournnmont. To mo baseball was too strenuous. Golf, I discovered, could bo plned with less physical strain. "Another good thing about golf Is it can bo played ns well by tho youth of ton years as by the mnn of TO. "Father and son can go out on tho links and spend a pleasant day to- Ilnrlev Ailiims, who linn been look ing enrol ullv over the valley fo some wt'idiH with n view to detormin inj; thu conditions geucnilly, return ed thirt morning from u trip into the Vi0M. ,Sprinh dihtriet . ,.(- M,MCMl i (I...I ,1i-lHi,. ' n,,,,, :H ,i,i- i.,.- r... i .i... c l -...-.... -.. - "" - - down Iheie," wild Mr. Adams. "The Hjuurninm ut ino iwuin in nmny (M0CK tH yo, , xrept ,0 ,)(r nuu.hir, to plow. The iwclia nnit iw lUtstllllMI fit I lit. ".,.,,, - 1f ltn, -..ji : ,i1M, ...... oontinin..! Mr. a.,.. "i.- ...,ui,i.ui j. ,,, i,,,!,! ,i1B 1.-r,1f11i i, ,,. p. ,ltm, i,, ,BWI1H,lini. Tho to(l. pnjpimjio,, ws l(0,,n 0t.m,m iiy fHVoruble to the vulle- 8o fnr, t ul Him.0( ill(0 ,u, K,oumi ,m,i js Iminw l.ul.l ll.i "" 'P '' 1..VT.1-, "It is yet too enrly to cultivate the moiI in uiHiiy pnrto of that section, cspoeinlly for sugnr beet culture, in which onuc.tho ground must be suf ficiently thy to pulverixo readily on the surface, lu chuck where there in no hiudpnn to interrupt the opillnr.v movement of niointHre upwHid from the water pin lie, the present outlook is excellent. Continued drouth, how over, purine: the spring months will brinjt Hhont h condition thnt will re ipiirv uplefnnlnl irrigation in June Hllil .lull I'.ir itiuiirft.iiiu tV viul.l in to reiy oi uirfiiee moist uni hIIo- gcthcr. In that case, irrigstion will I Ue the only Mireguatd. June nnd ' lul.v are the eritienl month), in crop growth and maturity in this valley." OBITUARY. i xvmttim v'iTrOZ. af Oret od to the groat beyond Thursday afternoon, March 8, at 1:30 p. m., at his home on Lake creek, at the age of 7P years, ti months and 11 days. Mr. Harlow was horn nt Uock Island, III., Aug, ST, lSlfl. and cross ed the plains lu 1852 by ox team, THEY REFUSE TO EAT At pcrtfxls in most childrcns" lives meywii ." ' ,0 cat cven ,he delicacies prepared to I- ... i-. Zl r1!. I lUnfa Hltil erjkfllC?A tempt their appetites. 'J hcylatk; am bition, and growth seems impeded, which causes anxiety and worry. To compel them to eat is a grave mistake, because nutrition is impaired. I Iealthfu! exercise in f rcJi air and sun shine is important, but equally import nt U a spoonful of Scott's KmuUion dtretc times a day to feed the tissues and furnUh food -energy to improve their blood, aid nutrition and sharpen their appetites. The buhiy eonceaj-alKi tnoiictMsi- food in (fcott's I'.n.utsion suppli the J57 rail. r. u nv-,.i -... up thnr htrrngtb fU. nli li itw f frm jk u,) 6 Sv H u lu-- ' i l5 HEAVIER RAINFALL AT WILLOW SPRINGS gothor. In no other branch of sport, swimming excepted, can this bo ac complished. "Tho fact also that women con ex col nt tho sport Is another reason for Its present popularity. Many of our best golfers are members of tho fair sex. "The prosont American courses nre In the majority, too easy. I look forward to tho time when tho bun kers will bo nrrntigod so tho duffer mid good golfer cntt play them. There should he uu easy and n difficult way of negotiating each hole, uxcopt, of course, tho short ones." Uolf enthusiasts tho world ovr aro concerned In finding out whethor or not tho champion Intends to compoto In the various tournaments of tho coming season. To all questions of this nature tho Chirdon City veteran answers with a smile. settling lu tho Wlllnmctto valley near tho prcsont stto of Albany. Ho mnrrlod Mss Elizabeth Ilald wlu, daughter of tho lato Thomas Ihildwlu of Hrownsbaro, Oregon, In tho year l.SGfi. Tho deceased, If ho had a lived a few months longer would hnvo celebrated his golden nn nlvnrsnVy. , Mr. Fnrlow lnovod from Albany to this valley In lp7l, mid has lUed hero ever since that time. He was a mnn of sterling qualities, nnd his lose cnu not be soon replaced. He ""B "" V1 "'" HUiiiiiir lacmin in was ono. ?t' tho Kovornlug factors In !,I,J onrly.hffnlrs ef tho county, and .... .. l.t. ...... .1 I.. ...... .. A ...! noted for bis sound Judgmont and sunso of fairness. He hold several of fices In this county. He is survived by his wlfo, three sous and one daughter. The Interment was made lu the Ilrownsboro cemetery, Itev. J V Klunoy, of Lake, offlolatlnx. HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! 8ays o'as of hot water with phosphate before breakait washes out poisons. To sco tho tinge of hoalthy bloom cfenrer and cleurer, to wnko up with out a headache, bnokauho, coated tongue or n nasty broath, lu fact to feel oiir host, day In mil day out, Just try Ineldo-bathlnK every morning for one wook. Jlefore breakfast oaoh dayT'drlnk n glass of real hot wator with a teaspoon fill of llmeetono.phosphalo In It as a harmless means of washing from tho stomach, liver, Milunys and bowels tho previous duy'u indlgeeilblo wasto, M)iir bile ami toxins; thus cloauslng, sweoteulng and purifying the entire alimentary canal beforo putting moie food into the stomach. The notion of hot water and limestono phosphato on an orapty stomach Is wonderfully In vlajorutlntf. It cleans out all the sour fermentations. Kee und acidity imiiI glvos ouo u sideudld uppeilto for broalt fast. A quarter pound of llmostone plios phate will cost Miy little nt ilia drug More but Is sufficient to dtnuonatrato that Just as sosp nnd hot water cleanse, sweeten nnd freshens tho nkln, so hot water nnd limestono phos phato act on the blood nnd Internal or 'nns. Tlioso who are eubject to con etlputl.n, bilious attacks, ucld stomach, .rheumatic twinges.' ulso those whoso 'ektn la eal'ow and comploxlon pallid, 'nro ns'surod that ono week of Insldo Lathing will bsvo thgni both looking nnd feeling better In ovor way. Medford Taxi Go. ax m:iti: AxyriJiK." A Share of Your Patronage Solultod. Phone HH.-S. Medford House Mavers NEW FIHM .MOVKItS OP HOUSItS, IIOir.HHH, IIKAVV MACIIINKKV, KYO, gATI8KACTOItY SBUVICIt Phono 1KH-.M .MOI'ri.T A. IIUItKH AIIDT Hl'J ti. .NentoMii, 7U7 Y. 1 Itli it. How "Tiz" does comfort tlrod, burning-, calloused feet and corns, noed-bye, sere fwt, burning feci, swol len ft, tender feel, lird (Mt. uoou-nyc, earns, cmiioimo, minions and raw t.eU. fo more shoe tlphlnns, no nmre limping with twin er drawing up your fac In ogunv. "TU" is mneiwil. J rte right off. "Tit" draws out sff the I immonoui cxiulotleni wldeli pulf up tho ' ft. Vte "lis" sml irwr mller ho. i to "iii" and forgot Jour feet mlicr). Ah I how comfortable your feet fnl. Oct a a.enl lxx of "Tir" now nt nry drugelst or department store. Don't niilfiT. Have good feet, uUd feet, feet tliul never swell, never hurl. nvt uct tired. A year's foot cumfort cusruutwd or money rciumlcd, a i E3BtSSBSt BABY SHOW TODAY AT HOLLAND HOTEL Itaby contest starts today ntj the Holland hotol at 1:30 and will coutlnuo until flvo o'clock. Tho con test Is to bo conducted along entirely now lines from thoso of any over held In this city. Special attention Is to bo given to the welfnro of the moth ers nun babies and nn ixtra num ber of nurses and doolors will bo present; so thcro will bo no delay that would cause tho babies to he conio impatient nnd nervous. No doctor or nurso will have any possi ble chnnco to know any baby by Its name, ns thoro will bo a number at tached to each baby. Kvorythlng will be ilone to make tho examination ns thorough ns possible with tho one object In view of pointing out to mothem anything- that will ho for tho hettorment of her child. Should tho slightest defect ho found, It will bo marked on n special card and attach oil to tho scoro card. Ago limit, 18 months. H( OMEM to me is thar's real cookin entirely pipe smoke. When You Buy Raisin You exnect to tfet JnT i -!' - -..-i: '-n I flVRfn TTS?i:-Cl I liflWfisiV sikfJ 1 y) RAISINS in it, not the name. OUR Raisin Bread contains NINETY POUNDS of Raisins per barrel of Flour. "Count the Raisins" Cakes for Saturday - Fresh From the Oven Nut Cakes, each .:'.... .'. 30c ' Gold'Cakes, each ........,.,.!. '. 30c Layer Cakos, each Silver Cakes, each lJ'ronoh Pastry tk ivaU NURMI BAKING CO. MAKERS OF BUTTER-NUT AND PAN-DANDY BREAD "JoMrnMlini in California,"' Jv .Mm I Young, wn fiwt nillihml in llif Shu Frown Chronicle Janu ary 10, lttl'i. to MftiHlfzo the fiftieth t Mtiiiivr)nn ni the fnumlation of the paper by I'hnrles nnd 11. II. do Voting, the present proprietor. It "" "" . ,..,... ptibliofllion nttrnctcil oorwidoniblo nt tntitlou nl the time, oanacinllv in odu tendon nl the titno, ospacinllv in odu CRtionttl eireles, and it iMtunnce in booh ftinn is mulnly duo to the fuel that the hendx of collogeti of Jtuini nlim were urgent in their request thnt it bo put into convenient shape for the use of Minimis. "Jounuvlism in California" is omo thhijr mofo tliiui it.s title implies. It is, in funt, n history of San Fran cisco, for in referring to tho pnrt pluyed by tho pross in tho develop, meut of the citv nnd the stuto of Cnlifoniln, the author found it ox- podiont to tloscribc at Home length the principal events thnt mnrked their grovrlh, dwelling with moro partiim lnrity on the occurrences in tho me tropolis. In nddition to tho blogrnphicnl mention of those plnving- their pnrt I in the history of San Frnneiseo joumnliMu there nro n number of skutehoK of prominent Cnliforninns, accompanied bv hnlf-toiio it traits of the subjects. Tho book i well indexed nnd will bo n welcome nddi tion to lliA libraries of tho prim ni'wspnperti of the country, on whoso vill find n place. DOt'dhAS. Arii., Mnr. 9. General P. Hllns Callcs, mllltnry governor of Bonora, who'nrrlvod nt Agun I'rlcta, tho Mexican town opposite hero lato today said ho had coma personally to supervise tho campaign against Frnu clnco Villa and his forces should they enter Sonorn. some place whar affection air good surrounded by vNE of the greatest "comforts of of VELVET. For VELVET'S age mellowed flavor puts the "seasoned" taste into every pipeful. ftjiitftlftuietiauo&. Bread a bread with the ....1 ,:. 30c 30c .-....:.&..& i4tti & SSSSSSLTt IF SICK OR HIS Tonight! (Icnii Your Itotvcl nnd Stop llcnilnchc, Colds, Hour Htomnrli. Out a 10-cent bos now. Turn tho rntcnlt ottt-the hcad atue. biliousness, IndlRestlorT, Oio elck, sour stomach and bad colds turn them out tonight nnd keep them out with Caranrots. Millions of tnon and worripn. take a Cascarot now nnd then nnd never know tho miser)' caused by a lair liver. cloRgcd bowels, or an upset rttomnch. Don't put In nnothor day of dis tress. Lot Cascarcts clcanso your stomach; rotnovo tho sour, fcrniont Ing food; take tho excess bile from your liver and carry out all the con stipated waste matter and poison In tho bowels. Then you wilt feel great. A Caeacrnt tonight straightens you out by inornlnK. They work whllo yott sloop. A 10-cont box from any drtiR store menus a clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver anil bowol action for months. Children lovo Cascarcts because they never gripe or sicken Adv. Safety Razor Blades Can bo Successfully RE-SHARPENED 85,000 sntisfit'd customers testify Hint Ono Firm in tho West Does It 30c A DOZEtt Any Mako. Strnight ftnzors Ke-Kdged 35 Cents .Represented in Mcdford by Heath's Drug Store Sanitary Sharpening Co., Edge Exports. Berkeley, Cal CO! SAGE TEA IN IR TO DARKEN IT Grandma kept her locks datk, glossy, thick with a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Tiio old time mixture of Sago Ta ami Rulliliur for darkening uray, streaked and fiuloil litilr is Kraniliuutlicr's treat ment, and folks arc ii,iiin using it to keep tlxlr hair a t",K,, ucn ctdor, which Is quite senilblc, an we uxe living in nn ago when a youthful acpcarauco is of the pcatcst ailvanUipe. Nowadays, tliouyh, wo don't have the troubli'ioms tank of .ithsrins tho sara and tho mumy mixing at homo. All drug stores sell the roftdy-to uso product called "Wycth's Sups and Sulphur Hair Ibmuxly" lor aiout ou cents a uuue. It I very popular bcaaiMo nolxxly can illtcovcr It has been applied. Simply innlttvn your comb or a soft bruth " Ith It ini'l draw this Ui rough your hair, taking ,m small strand nt'a timet by morning tlio gruv hnlr dU.inpMri, but what de lights tho ladles with Wycth's Baga and Hiitplmr is that, licildea leautifully darkening Ilia lulr after a few applica tion). It alio produces that soft lustre ud appearance of abundance which Is so nttmctKe; Iwldos, prevents dandruff, Itching scalp nnJ falling hair. ain This house has to bo sold or torn down within throo woolcs. leather than tear down, will sell for $350, $200 down, balance to suit. It has 7 rooms, including bathroom, bathroom fix tures included; is piped for water and sower, all connec tions included, find wired for electricity. 1 ouRo can bo scon at 217 N. Riverside Call for koy at Colonial Flats office, or phono QOO-L. IF THEY'RE Klein Made THEY'FIE TAILOR HADE MEDFORD TAILORS. 128 E. MaTh Mmm).Kim, mmamm. i Crotrtllr Kitc4 -llki tlujtri hwtt i suuhu. ivtnr n .ua ttnut pit. Dutifullr l(Bfckd. 149 SBKHY OUTSIDE BOOM) Snti U.ry tttl mi cwuili ByiUlir. $1.1a day oke Ptssoa j.H DAT TWO PERJOW forn Tiny i DtpiU till "UKIVESSAL BUS" (t tr tijmut) BIG o&rg I unj unr r- tr pt iwt j.r 0 "'""""" " "'O' '1 "'"f Ir I : M HI M -.,