Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 09, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The Seventh com pan), at It arm
or) last night, prosented a program
of athletic events, undor the rulos
ot amateur sports, that proved n suc
roiilon of thrills to tlio 300 attend
ants. It was probably tho most ox
citing smoker, from start to finish,
tho company linn yet put on. Fans
from Central Point ami Hold Hill
wera numerous mul rntliuslaatlc. In
fact, the athletic clubs of those places
supplied n number of the most In
teresting feature of the bill.
Too evening of sport was oponcil
with a tabloid boxing contest, be
tween two Central Point lads about
12 years of age that was a huuunor.
Tho bantles didn't loaf a minute dur
ing tho four speedy rounds. Neither
was afraid of punishment and each
showed considerable knowledge of
tho science, of the manly art. Ii. (1.
Worthlngton. tho referee of the
events, decided It a draw. The paper
decision wont to I.) on, on a smnll
I". of O. rlmtnplon Won
The. main event In tho wrestling
class was between Harold Prostel,
champion lightweight wrestler of the
l'nl erally of Oregon, and W. ('. Kd-
mttiid of Hold Hill, champion In that
division for southern Oregon. The
coutost was for the championship of
western Orogon. I'reslel won on ag
gressiveness, neither being able to
scoro a fall. Tboy went two stren
uous rounds of six minutes each. It
was a clean, skilful contest, the Oold
Hill bov surprising many by his clev
er escapo from mnny dangerous sit
uations. Preslol's iiggroslvonoss
thinughout tho contest guvo him the
derision by a light shade.
Tim Indian style of wrestling, an
demonstrated by Illg Chief l.aldloy
and Running Wolf Powell was won
by tho latter In a match replete with
merriment. The "hear scratch' con
test followed closely between Hone
and Maddov at one end of tho blan
ket and Mug and Stacy at the other.
It was n full minute full of fun, when
tribal relations woro severed by
Hose's roleasc of tho blanket.
mother's Classy Contest
Tlio wrestling bout between Will
Ileverldgo and his brothor, I.cland
lleveildge, for tho lightweight cham
pionship of Seventh company, was
won by tho former with two falls In
throe. It was probably tho fastest
wrestling bout of tho evening. It
was a case of notion every minute.
Will welKhod 183; l.eland 18. It
was a good exhibition of cleverness
and endurauro.
The principal glove contest was
the bout between Joss Ingram of
Central Point and (ioorgo Peart of
Seventh company. A spurt of ele
mentary scientific work cullvaned tho
mill, which was fast and earnest.
Penrt was tho nggrossor In the first,
but Ingram was faster and a little
moi o certain in his aim, employing
body blows to nIow Peart up consid
erably. At the and of n fast on
fuiv.cme.nt It was called a draw, but
the paper derision would have gone
to Ingram on points.
Tho jlii Jltsu style of wrestling was
demonstrated by a clever coutost
between N'Mkalanl, graduate of the
national school of Toklo, and l.e
land Deverldge, the only man In Sev
enth company who would volunteer to
tackle the muscular Japanese In the
bout. There are no points In this
stylo of contest except endurance.
Neither has won until the othor gives
up. l.eland ijeld Prof. Nakatanl to
several pretty plays in the demonstra
tion, but hod to give up finally. Kach
threw tho other over his head a time
or two In a flash of spectacular exer
tion, but of courso the Japanese was
waster of the situation at all times.
'Tjie middleweight wrestling cham
pionship of southern Oregon - was
won by Clark of Central Point,
against Jacobs of Oold Hill, In a fast
and close contest. Uoth men showed
development ot strength and consid
erable knowledge of the real sclonoe
of the gamo. They are both eoniors
in that line of technical athletics.
The log-wrestling exhibition bo
tween Maddox and Ling was won by
Maddox In less than two minute.
The Japanose anklo wiostling be
tween Will Ilevortdge and Laldly was
wan b the former.
Serxt. Purdin quickly demonstrat
ed that he could pull with greater
strength with his hands than Archie
Parker could with his teeth.
Altogether, the smoker covered two
and a half hours of royal sport.
ate last night after four wks of de
bate, passed the Shields bill to pro
vide for development of water power
In navigable waters by prhate cap
ital The vote was 10 to :':' Con-w-ratinn
1 h impious fought hard to
a'D'-n 1 ti r h r .18 ire l"it without
In spite of the fact that the cnim .
orator' nHirt last fall showed the I
school census fo bo about 12.1 pupils
of school npe lew than the preceding
your, the ttnl enrollment in the high)
school this vcn i 370, which is a
Kitiii ot llo students over Inst rar. '
Inasmuch us tlie present high echoed '
faeilities are cleat ly inadequate to'
meet tlie present enrollment, the mi-J
peiintemlent uuil hoard of education'
are in n quandary ns to how the mu
III it" of about 12,1 freshmen shall be.
nceqmmodnted next fall, t'nles-, the
taxpayers insist on tlie erection of a
now high m'IiooI building in the ncari
future the lioaiil will ptobablv lie J
forced either to rent or erect n tem
pornry structure in which to house1
the surplus .students. '
Progress III Departments
lYoni the time of opening school I
last fall special emphasis' has been
placed on the work of the viuimm de
partments. The commercial depatt
iiitmt has been leorgunizcd and
Hticngthened, thus making it more nt
Iraetive to students. An effoit has
been made to fit student., graduating
trom this depaitment, tor life. AI
ready .students are working extra
hours in downtown ofliees, while oth
ers have already positions engiiKcd at
graduation time. Six new typewrit
ers nud a new lidding machine were
recently added to the department.
The commercial room has been equip-
ped with regular commercial- senls.
Office piaetice has been installed and
ute being initiated into the inMctics
of correspondence, bunking, letter
nud card filing.
.Manual Training Work
The manual training depaitment is
now under a new head. The work is
being reorganized. A new assistant
is heinjr added and tho work of me
chanical drawing will he closely cor
related with this department. The
students are just completing the con
struction of twenty-fivo or more
large rustic seats and tables which
are lo be placed in tho city park.
The more advanced studcntH have
made several nrtieloH of furniture,
aiii'li as filing cases ami tables for
the principal's and superintendent's
offices. Mnikcd aptitude is shown in
this work by many of the students.
The special interest they manifest in
it nud the faithful care they exert
show pructiial capacity in rapid de
velopment mid a sense of the wiluo
of precision.
Domestic Science Popular
The school management desenes
congratulation on the manner in
which it has inspired special interest
in the domestic science department.
A visit to this deparli'leut at lunch
hour will pioe a sui prising i evolu
tion to those who have not interested
themselves in it sufficiently to ascer
tain what it is really accomplishing.
For the first time it has worked out'
the problem of hot lunches for the
students without a loss. From forty
to titty of the students take advan
tage of this opportunity. A full meal
is now served and not a dish of
anything: costs over I cents. The
girl students aie ortrunixed into
groups of two ami llnoe. The gioitp
is icnpniiHihlc for the buying, cook
ing, -erviug and the Mi.Miieut of all
bills. They plan the menu for the
tiny and are sent to the markets to
bargain for the foodstuffs, later my
iug for the Mime, thus connecting (w
duties of the home very closely with
those of that department.
Domestic Ait Itcpui Uncut
The depaitment of domestic aits
has been much strengthened. Ilesides
garment -making, the work of home
management, millinery, designing and
cutting and lilting are now taught the!
advanced students; although much
empiiasir, placed upon skill in
hand-sewing and needlework, the
older pupils use the sewing machines
to gieat advantage. Thus tho fund
nmentHU in the subdivisions of this
department aro not only taught the
oretically, hut they aro put to prac
tical application, us thev are in the
manual tiaiuiug and domestic science
dojwrtments. This intensified inter
est in tho theory and fidelity in the
work of applying it practically. The
value of (be lessons thus taufrht may
not bo easily overostininted when ear
ned into tho work of tho home life.
Tests .Show Hfflulcnry
In the elementary grade close su
pervision liss been given, not so
much to criticise, but to locate the
weak places in (be course of study
ami to reconstruct and sireugtbeu
them. The absolute Jiecessity of a
complete mastery of the fundamental
bub been carefully impressed 011 the
minds of the pupils. Monthly tests
from the iipriutentleBl' office have
show 11 a steudy growth m efficiency
iroih the 1 1 i -1 to the eighth grade-,
in I i-ive
'iJie it 1 ..rt m . it . . 1 r t .i 'I, -
I..J.I,, . 1 1. j
i i .u l
medfoiw matt; Tfrmrrrc.
L. 1 ScimiBitoi
Klgbt, (mntcss Mm Itei'iistorff; centvr, tier ilauglitcr, Countess Pourtales; below, Count ltn inniiil Pour
tales; left, Count inn lleiiMoiff, (criiian anitmssadoi- to the I nltivl States.
r-Tnr-r i m n 1 1 i " '-
and written spelling. Intertdass con-,
tests have been held from tune to
time throughout the school ear. The!
entire school, trom the fjttli grade up,
is engaged in leu ruing the I (KM)
words recently compiled by the Rus
sell Sage Foundntioii society.
County Contest .Vt .Mouth
A county contest will be held
some time in April. The winuera in
each grade will spell for honors dur
ing the week of the county fair.
The schools are also
the "thrift" movement adopted by
the X. I-:. A. at Oakland. The Par
ent Teachers' organizations have in
terested themselves in the movement,
mid an etfoil will be made to engagu
the boys nud girls in piofituhle em
ployment thiough the summer months.
Gardening, poultry raising, fruit can-
ning, mechanical devices, projects in hire since then. Mr. Hiiibnugh is
domestic science mid ait nil offer certainly enjoying unusual strength
splendid opportunity for boys mid ' ami activity for u nwn nearly a een
girls to utilize their leisure time iliir- j tury old.
ing the summer vacation. A "juvenile) Mrs. I India ugh U much younger,
thrift exhibit," showing the fruits of being only f8. She m a sister of tlio
their work, will be held in the city late Tom Kennies, and also of Kvun
onrly next full. j Kennies, who is engaged in business
indorsed Kiilliuslnstlrally , in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Unrlmugh is
Aitioles, ranging from a Inv or'" M,",v'' of tUl s,ilt" ""ll i',ti"K ex'
t.if.l Iw.v m ,, i,,.l, .,..(.. .... ..-.wi.;
...,, ...- ... .. .,,,.. .,,.,. ,., 1--.,
eate of deMsit, will he plueod on ex
hibition, 'Hoys and girls, us welt as
parents, are already making: interest
ed inquiry concerning the proponed
work. livery indication shows that
it will meet with the neatly endorse
ment of everyone.
At the beginning of the second
semester provisions wore made for
an undergrade room. About lifteen
exceptional student haw enrolled
for special training for advanced
work in the grades and there are
many on the waiting list. The object
is to prepare the older pupils for
higher grade work who have not had
the opjMirt unity to attend school ins
ularly and are too old for their
grades. Hxeeptioiially bright pupils
are also enrolled and are allowed to
make progress us rapidly as they
can. Ity this method the imr oeHt (f
letardod children will be lessened
from yeor to year.
The progress being made in con
structive work in all departments t
the Med lord, public schools this
school year is admirable.
milNNVIU.i:, n,e. Mar 9 Th
hair 'rat" which had figured In tho
provlous trials of Mrs. Anna Ilooth
and William Hranson, for tho alleged
slaying ot William Ilooth, the wom
an's husband, again became the con
fer of interost at Mrs. Ilooth's trial
today, when Coroner Tilbury, testi
fying as to what his investigations
had diselotod Immediately following
tho murder, said that he had found
tho "rat" at tho scene of the tragedy
and that It was foimd to match In
color and texture similar articles
which Mrs. Ilooth had worn. The
ooronor also testified that ho had
compared Mrs. Ilooth's shoes with
tho foot-prints of a woman found
noar Ilooth's body and had found that
tboy matched.
Members of the grand jury aked
Coroner Tilbury and other wltnoMefl
examined today a number of ques
tions, and Mr. Ilooth's attorneys
oross-oxamlned them at length in an
apparent effort to show that torero
methods had been employed In ques
tioning Mrs. Ilooth Immediately fal
lowing the murder.
PreclnrU Medford North Main and
West MedforJ register now at tho
Mai'Tri' r,ff p,
Mrcniyonn, oi.i-nnv, rrtnismv, ri,rrr . win
1 roill
Oliver lluihuugli came river
Jacksonville Thursday. lie recent
ly celebrated bis Hist birthday nil
uiversnry in an sprightly a fashion
(lis many u man would who is only half
that age. Mr. Hmbaugh was ljorn in
Tusenrnwns county, Ohio, Felntiary
M, 182.1. He came lo Koguo Itivor
valley thirty-three years ago, locat
ing at Jacksonville, and has lived
there ever since. He faimod for n
number of years mid then sold his
I place for enough money, he suys, to
live like ii gentleman of elegant lois-
loeiicnt iieallli
(Continued from page ouj)
us a keeper of the Wilson oonseienoe.,,,,,,,,! fnnnlv mn n,.,.onliiig to
How much of this article or the Wil-j ,,, ,.,Mp nnd the orthodoxy of x.lit
son judgment Colonel House keeps, .i n, )M.j p,w.w4.,' ,.s
or how little, House knows to his re-1 H.0,(. , ln,, ,.,. , ,,j,. ,.Ilk ,
gn-t. There are a lot of things' ,., ,iem talk until thev run down
House would like t.. have done- has IUI) ,u. t, , , llWilx llM ,(KM MH,
in iiici lecommcn.K.i ami nrgo.l- ,
tact locommcniliil and urged
that have not been done. For in-
stance, he would the president
Alto packed
20 tor 10c
give somo attention to conservation,
if only for political reasons, nnd not
stand by while thing like tho Shields
bill are put over in the senate. Hut
House is really only a getter of in
formation for Mr. Wilson. He is
; ojes and enrt, and what is done with
what House sees and hours is deter-
,., ,1 I... WJIm.iii in tin, iniilill.i .,?
that intellectual solitude aj'oromen
tionod. And lest Colonel House might press
findings or opinion too insistently,
ho fc often furnished with errtinds in
foreign lauds which keep him out of
Washington and Xew York for lonp;
s-pnoos of time.
Consults With Tart
Charles it. Crane might he consid
ered part of u kitchen cabinet, lie
helped dining the campaign mid lius
u regular meal ticket at the while
house, but he is not willing to admit
that he is responsible for nnv admin
istration history, lie still liclvs and
he advises; and like all the rest he
is heard with gracious (net a tact
that has convinced many that their
advice has become the found I a ion
stone of the government's olicy for
ut least ten years to come, when,
truth to tell, the president was mil..
iNitienllv waiting for that
;nometit when the inside of his office
door would hide the buck of his de
parting guest. Hut tact he has, and
lmtienee nnd much dioloiiiiicv. He
. Bd,,m ideal's or natuotieallv
considers best for the wellaiv ot the
nntion. ,
JlPf ( o ) P-( (o ) )
At the Oriental ten to be given nt
tho Hell ml hotel Tueedny, March
II, from 230 until 6:30, the follow
ing program will bo rendered:
Dtiot, "Swoetly the Moonlight
Heuuiing" (Campaim), Mrs. Clcorvo
Andrews and Miss Florence Hazel
rig; "Moon Song" from "The Mi
kado," Mrs. Ony Chlldera; "The Jap
anese Poll," The Japanese Maiden"
(Jonsio Oaynor), Mis rlorenco Hn
jtelrigK; plnno forte solo by Mrs.
Irene Hampton Isaacs; ,8011,
"Chorio" (Leo Kdwnrds), Miss Hess
liryitn; "Yo San" (Amy Woodfonl
Findeti), Mrs, Kitty Lunge; waltz, in
(' sharp minor (Chopin), Miss llruco
Wnrner- waltz, in K flut (Durnnd),
Miss Junnitn Furry; song, "l'llouro
lixqtiise," Mrs. John Wilkinson; "A
Japanese Love Song" (Clayton
j Thomns), Mrs. Vnnscoyoc.
Tho benntifui objects of art ro
generously offered ussnroH n collec
tion that will delight all lovers of tlio
beautiful. This includes rare pieces
of porcelain, Japanese prints, Chin
ese piiuts, three Japanese wood cuts
by mi old master, nu enginvuig on
wood, representing tho celebrated Hn
orcd hrirign of Japan, over which no
ono hut tho emporor linn over passed.
An exquisite panel of Chineso em
broidery done in tho lovely Chinese
blue and gold, depicting flowers and
butterflies on 11 satin ground; 11 val
uable Chineso rug in tho exquisite
Chinese blues; beautiful pieces of
porcelain which, booiutto of their
value mid brciiknbility, tho commit
tee hesitates to accept, mid Mini)
other loclv tilings.
Heemiso the proceeds nro lo ho
spent in beautifying tho city and
nuking it 11 more healthful nud at
tractive plnco to live, the various
clubs and individual citizens of tho
city mid valley mo lending to tho
movement splendid support. Fair
maids from tho land of flmvorx will
servo your ton and 11'eo enkes. flrand
ladies resplendent in the costumes of
Cathay will pour. Homily will smile
11 welcome and nil will he merry as
11 miuriago bell. Kveryono is cor
dially invited to come nud help make
this a joyous event.
NI5W YOHIC, Mur. f KxlonMvo
saltpeter or potasslum-nltrato flolda
aro believed to have been found In u
section of about 100 square miles In
j northonsteru California, soitthoaatern
Oregon ami touthwentern Idaho, tho
navy consulting board was told today
by II. N. Lawrle, chairman of tho
Oregon bureau ot initios.
"1 visited the section early ln Sep
tember," ho wild, "and found a mora
general oxposuro of tho mineral than
I hail been led to stispoct existed
there. 1 understood stopa had boon
taken to orgnulzo for tho purpose of
exploiting this supposed field. A
preliminary reconnalssanro has ro-
centl' ''eon made ot this nrcn by tho
Culled States geological survoy."
pacts Tmim
Most Eminent Medical
Authorities Endorse it.
Dr, Kbctle nnd Dr. Ilrftlthwaito M
rTdl as IJr. Simon all distinguished
nuthorj agree that whatever may be
the dlaeai", tho urine seldom alia In
furnlnhltifc us with n cine to tho princi
ples upon which It Is to bo treated,
nnd accurate knowledge concerning the
nature of dlfcaio enn thus bo obtained.
If backnolw, Rcalding urine or frequent
urination botlier or dlitress you, or If
uric acid In tlio blood has caused rhou
inatlitn, pout or sciatica or you luipcct
kidney or bladder trouble hut write Dr.
Tierce nt tho Burgled Instltuto, Buffalo,
K.V.; send n sample of urino and de
scribe symptoms. You will rccclvo frco
inodlcnl adv Ico after I'r.Piorcc'a chemist
lias examined tho urino this will bo
carefully dono without charge, and you
will be under no obligation. Dr. Pierco
during many years of experimentation
has discovered n now remedy which bar
finds lo thlrty-ecven times mora power
ful than lltbia In removing uric acid
from tho system.' It you nro Buttering
from backacbo or tho pains of rheuma
tism, po to your best druggist nud ask
fur a oU-ccnt box of "Aiuric" put up
by Dr. Ilcrce. Dr. Pierce's Favorito
Prescription for weak women and Dr.
Piorce'e Golden Medical Discovery for
tho blood havo been favorably known
for tho past forty ycara nnd moro. They
ure standord remedies to-day as well
as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for
tho. liver nnd bowels. You can get a
tmmplo of nny ono of the jo remedies
by writing Dr. Pierco.
Doctor Picrco'fl Pellets are uncqualcd
na a Liver Pill. One tiny, Suiptr'coutal
JWet ti Dose. Ouro Sick licadacho,
Jlillous Headache, Dizdncss, Coustlpa
tion, Indigestion, lllllous Attacks, nud
nil dcrangomcuta of tho Liver, titomnch
and How els,
This house litis to be sold
or torn down within threo
weeks. Rnthor than tear
down, will sell for $an0,
$200 down, lmlnnce to suit.
It has 7 rooms, including
bathroom, bathroom fix
tures included; is piped for
water and sewer, all connec
tions included, and wired for
Houso can bo seen at 217
N. Tliver8ide.
Call for key at Colonial
Flats office, or phone 900-L.
'Jays we must keep foot dry; avoid
vxposmu mul cut
um moat.
Stay off the damp ground, avoid ex
posure, keep feet dry, est lm meat,
drink lots of water and above all take
a sjKxiiifiil of salts occasionally to keep
duwu uric acid.
Khctitustlsui is caused by poisonous
toxin, called uric acid, which it gene
rated in the bowels and absorbed into
the blood. It is the function of tho
kidneys to filter this arid from the
blood and cast it out in the urine. The
pores of the sk:n arc aUo a means of
freeing the blood of this impurity. In
damp and chilly, cold weather the skin
pores are closed, thus forcing the kid
neys to do double wotk, they become
weak and slugffUh and fail to eliminate
this uric acid which keens accumulating
and circulating througli the system,
eventually settling in the joints and
muscles causing stiffness, soreness ami
pain called rheumatism.
At the first twinge of rheumatism
gel from any pharmacy about four
ounces of Jd Salts put a tsWespoonftd
in a glass of water and drink befortr
breakfast each morning for a week. Tint
is said to eliminate uric add by stimu
lating the kidneys to normal action,
thus ridding the blood of ths impur
ities. Jsd Salts is inexpensive, harmless and
U made from the acid of grapes ami
lemon juke, combined with litiiis. and
i used with excellent results by thou
sands of folks who are subject to rheu
matmm. Here you have a ulestsnt. ef
fervescent lillua-water drink which
overcomes uric acid and is beneficial
to oiir kulnos ut well.
Camera Shop
208 East Main Street,
Tho Only Exclusivo
Commercial Photographers
in Southorn Oregon
Negatives Made any time, or
plai;o by appointment.
Phono i47-J
We'll do tho rest
D.WESTON, Prop. ,