Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 09, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MKhFORD Mrr, Tr.'fT;f''P;. miwoun, rm m.v 'innNhw -ffjcrr ' .,;
"Pad CnUH, freiiauror of Jmkunn
MMMHr, ram hi from Madferd teat
Night l vtntf hi parent. Mr and
4N. Oeo. W. Cetvl. (Irnnlo Pa
Cfce& eNlr) ham awl baron,
JNttHR I, paWie market tttnrday. H0
bM. I, mitan wm iMUHtlj- kllleti
T0ky siid bin on-ln-law, doorac
ilarrttt. tea acrtourty Injured In an
ante M)ttJfi with a wnlhbtt)d
onOiern lriric freight iralN at a
rmti cfteuring about two hundred
jrnrl north of the atathtn at Hugo.
Itallruad official are probing the '-
eldiimp today.
, Da 'o glraa tradlna; stamp with
fWaPrtbmfc uxcent grocorfoe.
' Ail iMlnMer, formerly nf tha Moll
'I'rlbuiiB utaff, In now dramatic editor
of tlio Oakland Trlbuna.
inno to i ohm on good rami, eio
Til. !!. K. SiIiki.
Clhrk Wilton, of ClieNalla, Wah..
llnl Hoen In tlio Itogun rlvor valley fur
Hourly two week, lie will ri'tiirn lo
Chohnlla tomorrow to noil hi pro
tifty nml liimlnoMi there. Thl valley
milta lilm o u till Hint lia will rutiirn
u oarly a pomilblo and find n per-
limiKint location for a home. "I
luivun't oen n plncn on I ho count Hint
can lifliil tlita nil Icy nml tlio vnat
wealth of mountain roBoiinoa that
an r ron nd It." ald Mr. WMann thl
niorntliK. "Ilk thlnaa arc on the
lupin for thl region. I am mire."
Sweat cldHr at De Voo.
Art and frafta loagun ha colled
a wlal mooting for Friday after-
n non at 2: JO at the league room. All
mnmhnra arn requoatud to lip proaont.
Hmoke n King RplU rlgur. 5c.
Tli ay aro home-made. If
llnliy contoat itarta tomorrow at
the Holland lintul at t:XO and will
continue until flo o'clock. The eon
toat In to Im conducted along tmtlnily
now llnoa from those of any over held
In thla city. Hpeolnl attention In to
ho glvon to tlio welfare of the inotli
or and huh law and an nxtrn num
ber of nuran and doctor will ho
in (went; o there will he no delay
that would cnuae tlio liable to be
come Impatient and nervous. No
dodlor or nnrao will have any pol-
hie nliaiuo to know any hahy hy ItM
inline, a I hern will be a number at
IhbIiuiI to each luihy. lSverythliiR will
ho dona to make the examination aw
thorough aa Hblo with th one
object In view of pointing out lo
nlntlior anything that will Im for tlio
hntlormunt nf liar child. Should tlio
allfjitoat defect he round. It will ho
mnrlied on a apodal oard and alUtrh
oil id the acMiro card. Ah limit, IX
(Jut your milk, cream, hu 1 1 or, ohk
,ild liultermtlk at De Wi,
Itaaiamln R. Tyler, of Joplln. Mo.,
who hfla Iiwh looking over tlie valloy
for tan tlaya, will go lo Hood (lvr
I'rlday for a vlaw or that region lie
Im much ploaaad with tula vallej and
will look further uuly iHana hr whh
(ifliumtaalmiMl to Inveatlgato condl
tluim In tlirmt or four dirfHifnt t
Minna for othora bImo. Thlx la Mr.
Tylwr'a rirat vlall to tha faetflc coaal
Dra. A. It. and I.011I10 10. ItadiKM,
rUlrwaraetora. hatha, maaaage. 235
M. Mala.
Unary Whuleii, of ICngeiiH. thla
alala. la tarrying with frfenda and
rnrnHr nelgkbora In thla U-ltitly for
a tfnk or .
Sl'A off ou Kodaka at Waatou'a
Oaasara Rbop.
II. A. I'ttraytfce. of KedUlng. Cat.,
la a vlallur In Madford for a fw
ilaya whllt an routa lo Yaiirousar.
Waah., ta vtalt hla aon.
I'tMUiga atatnpa at !) Vua'a.
'11h eouuell or the Cougraa of
Motntra and lrtit-TcborH' Clrclrn
will Mat at th library Tuwday.
Marr 1 1, at T: 13 In tha aulug
All ar urged to attend and itartlcl
llata In 'important biialn)e lu be
Tha foliage Woman' Clul. IH
hwe4 with Mra J 11. Carkln. 711
Park. Saturday afternoon. March II.
The demand for ogga for aetting
luirpoaa conllauea to be alronger
than the aiiipy. There ought lu be
a good croti of biollera thla aorlMg.
Meet ui at the Shaaia
Tla rhlldren'a free aboa at the
l'agn theater, on Hie board tor Mat
urday, March 1 1, haa Neu )otHMied
to Saturday. March 18, at lu o'clock
1H the murnlug
Tel. Ulek Sandara your trouble
ant Mtnorlng, nalattag r tint
Hlg. 37
Ilee your magatlue ubacrlpiiooa
with aa. 'e litre In Medford and
are reirttfiatbl. Our late the loa
ea. .Atadford Cigar More :im
ttrlng la your Uggett A Mera
counoaa and receive your premium
Afatfterd Cigar More "!
Tkare will ha a rharal of the
Madierd ogeri baid loulghi at 7.30
at Ik armory.
fir. Roberta, daatlat. baa ret u rued
lo bla offle la (be M K. II. bldg.
nar an akaane of aearal moataa La
the eaat.
J. P. Nov. of Ua Agelea. Cat. la
a vialtar la aladford today I
lktlU0 fjkf HM gar huaUfea.'f
L, U. UT9VH. I
Mra fmM f (ngrade, who IIp var
III at fho Sarred Heart kawiltai la
reported to bt atlghtiy Iragrnved to
toy. knt bar rOndlito. la H rrif
Mee liar vVeejaJ about rkat ftrc n
anranea policy Offleo Mail Trii '
I'. Andrewa, af I'ortlaad. in h
tng over Wed ford and vtrlnlt 1 1
iw Va attya beer kattiaa.
.loo H. Beptttitn. of tlold IMP I
bimlnea vtaltor In tkta rlty
Now tka Hme la plant m"
Some eatra cboiea tbroe-yearold ( a
ollna Teatnut and Frau Karl iJnM i
from th flnnat rom hedgea in Mc I
fordi Order at etire ita aMbalv K It i
Ul. IMerca the florlat.
J. T Itbrll, of llermlatnn. p ( ' i
Oregon, I- looking abont the llo. j
rlvi r valley thla wtek.
iHatiro onr aula In the Ailianto
agaiaat theft, tire. C. Y. TaugtvaM
l'realdent I 'at Welch, of the I! u.i
Itlvw Canal eornyi.v, arrived in i.
Spokane laat evening and mm u
main two or thref daya.
Pruparedneaa la the laano, ao hrlni;
lu your lawnmoanr and have 1
ahnrpound and bo preparod for what1
In coming. .1. W. Mitchell. I
C. II. MtuiBoit and wife, of I.ok
Angelea, Cal., aro vialtora lu Mod
ford today.
.Medford Taxi Co. "Anywhere any
tlmn." Phono S8P. ,
Mra. V. I). Srhrump, of Oold Hill.
la aliopidUK and vInIIIiir lu Medrord
for a day or to.
An unumial review of the afler
niath of lCuiope'n path of glory. Star
Tlinntar, I'rlday only. JD9
(loo. Andrnwa I pruixirlng a aulto
of rooma lu the Xparta building
whore ho will give vocal Inatructlon.
One depnitmeiit will ho occupied hy
Mra. M. IC. (lore, who will toach
piano and harmony The dale for
the formal opening, at which time a
program inception will bo given, wilt
ho announced noon.
Our chocolate are Medrord made.
Tlio Slinala. tf
Mi'H. Alfred .louca, of Table Itoi-k,
la In the city on hualueaa which will
detain her until Sunday.
The Star brand or typewriter rib
bon are guaranteed to glvo 75,000
Iniproaalnnn of tlio typo "n" and "o"
without no doRKlng the typo no to
allow on tlio pnpor. Thin la a protty
stiff warrant), hut that In what the
Wohitor company nRroos to with Star
ribbons. Sold by the Medford Print
ing company.
Mlaa lilla May llunwpor. who haa
heeu vlalting In Medford for a month,
will ao to Aahland tonight for a few
daya' vlalt there, after which ahe
will return In 1'ortlnud.
Weeion Camera Shop for fti-at-claa
koiak fliilahlug and kodak aupplloa.
.1. IC. Weill, or Madera. Cal.. I
looking about the valley thla week,
while on route lo Tacoma, whole he
Bmi, to vIkII a vlaler. Ho haa heard
much abont the Itogoe river country,
he coiifcaaee. and will atop on hla re
turn and leain mine about It.
.1. O. (larking, tno iioat all around
photographer lu southern Orogon.
Aluaja reliable. N'egatlvoH made any
where, tlnm or place. .Studio i
Main St. Phone 320-.J.
Ham Paytnii, of Applegate, aaya
he believe he will Join the h eg Ira
to I be hilt thla prlng lu iiiet oi
gold and other mineral and hire
voiuehod lo work hi little ranch
He aata the mining fever I becom
ing contagion in hi miction and thai
bo didn't eacape It much by coming
to Medford.
When better liiBiirnnco 1 anld
Holme, the Inauraure Man, will gall
"Turkey" Howell, rnrmerh or the
Rama valley dlMrlct. but for a num
ber of year a farmer In the vltlnltj
of Cnrvalli. I In the valley thla
week, trying to Induce hlmncir lo
eonie bark. He suit! till morning
that he I a I in oat iwrauailetl.
Horror of war! Actual ieiie of
war In tCurone. Star Theater. Krlday
etily. i
Oohi. It Hatrlek. hroiher of Dan
Patrick, the Ited Mountain region
trapper, came np from the Chlco
country, in California, to enjoy a
vtalt with hla brother. The latter
will he in Medford tomorrow.
(late aeila I'ord car, $800' down
and :. a month
V. (1 McPheren a prominent bu-
ine mau of Portland, I Initio
Medford and Kugle Point where rel
ative leaide. He ha Jut returnad
irom Waahingtou. I) C . aud other
eaaleru rltle aud at a ten that th a
tlment for the re-election of l'raal
dent Wltann la mi atreng VaU he duva
not believe he can be dafaaUd. a the
people geueralh iurwrflatw the dif
ficult aituatlojt hb HM faced and hi
kill In keeping tka Nation out of war
some aoMiuouai lowato acroagf
required. Call and aee na. Kotuo
UUer Valley Canning Co.
The Houtbern Oregon Poultry -ocatiou
may add tha feature of a
torn itbow to the Mate ahow thla rail,
ahould It coute to thla city That
matter U being dUcueaad. The pre
Idant or the tate aeclatlou In en
thukUatlcalh In favor of the Kogue
river vallev (or the atata ahow In l
cent ben
Tr a Klaa iplts cigar and an-
couraji home laduetvy. f
Ni ywur taMir paper
W4ftt) PrlHtlu Co.
'HaHHS9!39 ' 'lPfflfcaMiMWPM
$mm iV'XL'-mA
af'JBBnjBauKaVW ' li if'v w$LMfi
aMByV4fflw mm
II lii i r i.oM Hill, who (iituo
up to 'n .'-"Mi'tli company amokor
liiKt iiIkIu m in losing n lft of two
or thicc da' . 11 t-ila city und at
Dig 6c mllkahakea at Da Voo'a.
Mr. and Mr. .1. II. Muvlllo, who
leceutly located lu Medford, aio now
located at Ui'9 Noith Central avenue.
Two uotuhle addition to icroen
vlardom made their debut lu the
"llllndneaa or Devotion" at the Page
1at evening. They are Robert Man
toll, long fnuioit on the legitimate
Ntngu aa a Shakeapeatoau uotor, and
CeuevleVM Hamper, hi loading lady.
Mr. Mautell I Ideally aulted for cam
el a work, hi acting I foitefiil and
diamatlc aud he appeal with tlio
cam or n mail who haa long atttdlo
eiorlenie. Aa for .Ml Hamper, xlio
I not only a riulHhed uctreaa hut la
exceedingly boautlful. In till play
ahe I eeu lu the role or a achemlng
adventure but thunka to Mlaa Ham
per the character take on a curtain
attract I voiie. The eblcle choioii
tor the flmt appearance of thoao two
atai'M I a modem drum, the atory la
Ntiong and clear cut and remarkable
for the number or Inlenaoly dramatic
The Nowa Pictorial la alao varr In
terval lug ono or the arena being
taken at Cranta Pa ahowlna the
gff I ill Hit la ! Ir I Maw oml u.uut (u. h
the Sugar Maet rartory. Thla program
will IW ahown immIm today for tha last !
Two lliiodrtil nml Fifty Stutle
And overy atory u good one.
' ney
arc entertaining, but that I not nil
ou ran a about them. You know
theie la hardly a periodical publish
ed that I not full of tlme-wlng lull ll..rln .!.... I.. VI..
v . r. -.... .... ......' '" '
........ n . ul.i mil in u limn aier.
Take the Merle of C A Htephcu.
It would be hard to pick out ona
rrom which ou cannot learn aomo
thlug uaeful and yet entortalnlag.
Some of The Companion atorie re
freKh our knowledge of geography;
aome reteal thn aeercla ef'foreatry
and of general farming. They rover
a wide range The) are thoaen with
an eye to the poaalhla llkiug of
every member of u Companion fani
Ity- -atoiieK of t igorona
action and "
atlrrlnu adwrnturo for boji. atorlaa
of mllege li( and douievtlc vlclaal
tudea for uiil. Ntoriea that rang all
tha way Irom beer drollery ta deep
eeriouenee tor men and women.
There are no utortea ipille like thoae
In The Com pan Ion. and yon get 830
of them, and a lot bealdea. for $2.
ii von are not familiar with Tha'
Companion a it Ik today, let ua tend ,
ou aample .opie and tha 'Tor-
'"'fH' i'!.J.
tun tui-tii-h COMPANION
HoKton. Ma. ,
'e aubacriptloiK received at thl
off he.
Why Smoke nit ciar
Whan l.a (ionita are onlv 1 Oo.
jug laTK in uti.ssn:.
rQR''RIacir"PereheroB slal"
Uea: five; eais old cheap If takaa
at oace. II. C Beat, JaekottVlll ;
and loeuU Koad. Medford. SB
i.V tiAik Vu'iT.i T.
lOR KA1.K- One lord louring car
vuvf min iui uiiiHuieiu aui oaso
iu flrat 1 1 .on.lltlou
Inquire of
Kad Tniimfei ,
WNTKI To tent mi in fvir two
mealhi Vddieas HA j$ Cn
I il ih tl k. ..J
ra.ifi;Kflfew i
ti u mu til ittlfti 4 aM attsaVMa '
(Continued irom pagu one
imriicuiany iieiiy, neeordlug lo
MtileiMent iiinde by pri-nnorp, and
turn ynet ih believed to be the ex
planation ol' the unexpected ajiee
tnele of Oennau ofieeiN up lo the
rang or general , onleix of the cm
penir, leiiiMmx I laa-t t- ii into action
mlenl of following thru. Till tight
Imd not been vitnei-i.ed. it i xnid, lor
many montlm.
A a reault of yetlenlu.v opera -tiona,
the I'Vetieli line west of the
Aleuce in the Yurdun battle, now runs
from Helliineourl. hv t'orheniix wood
und Hie iioi'tliein pail of Ctimicio
'to the upper end of t'ole de IOie.
mid ia thus in ndwmcu of tlie firi
line of reaiatanee ouunlit ittnl by jios.
itiona miining fi.mi Moil Uoiuiue hill
to the hoiiIIi of Cunilerex. Tliic i
coiihidered a n eonaiderahle iui
provenienl in the rVoneli. position in
tlmt aeelion,
Tlie whole fiont yilerday wa
eopiouxly nholled hv the Oeiioun
heuy uililloiy, but the (iennan in
fantry attacked only against poai-
tion at Hethittcourt, ou the left of
Hn ire weatvilv of the two plat
eau between which I be French line
SlMMiliter TroinriHloii
Wave nl ler wove of deiielt itack-
cd imtaee davuml iorwanl, but the
Frenchmen, hiniug nuert'etl
shelter ax. mmiu n I lie piclimuian
"' ad ww-ed. d.ic-tcd
, ' "" ,'l,,"v ftn' '""'' m-lull
piaeeit waeiiinc gtma, aecniiiiiiinie.l in
lfir' I'lom rillea ami 7 .min i,,
j umi. thai niter triiibi. b. I. II
ihkiiib nun again, tne - i
uiiv .. ,,., ... i.,.i
Kiteiiuraueil by their .m . - i ,t ,
Mntunce, the Krenehmen ,i. i,, ,
Corheiuix wmm, which thc I ,( ', -i...
i i. .. .
1 1 in- uiiv ihmoi e, u nn
' ' '
i" '' honor of the .1.,
w.ll. n. u .. I. i. i .1
.iu i u- rri-ui'ii. Bill i lie in' i'i.i
wniiii'il unilet ideil.
in conjunct nut, with tlie i.
Hie wet ,if iho river, tin (I, ,,. ,
muile unothef detenu I . n..n i,,
vnrrv Doiinumunl platemi bm ii,
kiieeeeilwl oul iu retuiin tin i ,
alion av it ix.k oh oPil.t. ,,ii, ,,
aceiimpli-llilif; oy lieu pi...i.. . i
the iiuuc liuic tha Ofrinau in. r- ( , ,
the igur m their ticlmn m tin-
. 1 AtT.uii r.t .111 m.. I
(Uriunu jilioWeii Unc
When the i.MrratioiiH iiehu ib
Ueruiaif had. iroai Ktmn in I umic
the 1 1 lib l.midwehr UiM-mn (,i ib.
liflh i up- . ii, the third H.n.m m
iHirpN in all (iil.OOO men. , ....t
uloug it twelM-uille fiont. 1'hc i.,.
ture ot rri-in, enahleil them in .,
nitre and t,. .borteu then- l,.
-eei, mile. Fie-ijis h,..i -.,
daja been p utmllv amel..W in th,
UenniiON ah... at Jlanheullc. ,. the
north nml ( bautiilon on th. .....n,.
hud rendered ih ..n.... . .1. ...... it
1 . ,, ". '
mi mini vk t.iuilU till en
Willi he.i I. - hv the (ieini.iii-
The FreiMu i'ell buck on toimi.lahle
HMtioiix 'mi the height ot tha Meu.e
aud then b.iitone on the heittht-
alopped the (i. man allempt, t p ih
roratir.1 tn.m ilanheulle, .tin) Fiv
ne. It i inn eouaideied likel iIi.h
a aeriwu otti-aaii-e will he iindci-
Ukau bv the GerwAHB aui-t
heighl. wuhmit eom-iiliMable iem
iforcvnieiit, ,.i mftuitrv aud ii,..n
.)1N .
I. it Us )yo
That Faded Switch
T.. Your Hair.
Marinello Shon
--.- ..,-
407 Garnett-Corey Bldg.
-" Mfifunl, Ore,
i i.
A il.Uuri tim b. been coach
iiinnlved un i''dford k tleo(
riu-tr aulMMitaiea ha ba
U b i to reoraeaat tha alar nf tha
i r in i eiajreN and In Ihla va (key
'I u t tha beat of tha acaie Id
bi . me aad win tha title. Krai-
Ihtii off rolor the attat two
1 1., and bag net heeu fl ";: up to
lutloa a a foul akijitar. fta
i iM.raad ,ta form Wfd ranorta
.. e i uidkiNirk to nat( a no-
In tlie paat if eUJier team
1 .' i ' "I 75 percant r thcae
,i e i lie1; would have won. alod-
li l I Cluvl.-Wly BO.
1 1 )ui vuius prattle Krale)
1 'vi (.'ie with tno of.tlitl rnstetft
' Muii uard platiiK ajgalnat them'
ii cd U baakata. Moat of ti akotc
i .i ion,; i.tuge.
A !.'!'! enpact to aprlng a Kitr
. . c in .ndlnr nnti or tbetr guard
due ii U sniri. They claim thej bae
iliiovered raveral plays which will
j; o Msdtord. Thu putter ie
leu ml to probabl) I iMymatc, who
In the lait chinas ttovrud two fluid
AMilnnd I already to grab the title
and are ahoutlng the vlctorv paen
ahead) - ma.xboiu. Ma) lie not yut,
aaM Medford. A apodal train ot
800 will eoiuv to thl city rrom there.
TOItOXTO. Out.. Mar. U.- Several
periono wr huil hete today lu a
riot a a reault of a prohibition par
ade to the parliament building In
which several thou fund parson many
or. Ilium women in automobiles took
part. Some or the returned overacu
lioldltrr. took uxeeptlou to an allegor
ical rvpie.autatlou or "Old Man On
tario on thu waturwngou.'' and attach
ed it placard bearing the word "wo
fought for you; would you doptlvo
un of our liberty?"
Thl waa torn off by n marcher
and a fight ensued. A half-mile long
banner, a feature of the parade., wuh
reduced to hred. and mounted po
tion were compelled to force the!
homes Into the crowd before order
mt restored. Meantime the "water
wagon" h'd taken a short cut to the
parliament bullitlngM.
Premier HearM after addreimo hy
clergymen and icceltlng a petition
Should Use
IT'S differ"" t fr
otheiabei. s'
l taken 1 1 t.m f i i nr '
and the pu'ei.. 1J u t-! aid .P
U-ghir Krade.
Black Silk
Stove Polish Ut v piUA i' .t i'i.c
i"U').1.fil' I..1.J; i .lit
tovt hum a l.i rf ai it., iul, s . ..
f bv'rfiiiH', tfrvic-.
f At .illl.nM Ubll.l. 4 CT,'.
v lnf rT yrr n. I r. t . f lv
' . I .' . K- 'v ft-l.a . r .r
... v...i..,rM-. . Ii.t. (ir
ti I I. f
U'-VIIIUi JtlilM., 4. tt A. I
EI ck Fdlc Siotv- Poiur. Work.
m BtHk Wlk .IjI e- . i . -. , .,:
P . . r VUfcw Vjhjf.
IV -
pM i m
ie i, i rawafiwlw o,r. , .... 12& o
VKuft'urS '' ' ' ' ' y' aril
RctKmK bin ion mh
SM vt.-.Vr!E 011 jJS
jj rR MUbbUvvVI VjA. "ft? J iil ' "" iflWi
f.araTKSS'jr.'y 'r - ..wvtvT-wMiha c
"W NX.
a rt.-j '
'J I 17
iM,nriMiu. vm,.j
frein the Hr-l-i. which advoated ii
"dry OlaHifte" aaiHraweod tUt If the
rWerMdokj aft nrol-rffloit k rarfwl
tke aararrt wm all M ita h-
or to anforrk the law. ,
PTCTnOtiWAIi. Mar ! Theaitlv-i
Ity or Riwlan torpedo boat in tne
. i . ., ... .. Mil nf
JMwa aa ' " -" "
traldxond I coal Inning with aurceaa.
Ai-eordlng to recent dlaoatfhe from
are crumbling before lha IntenBlty of
the Knnnian bombardment.
. , , ...
There apparently I a growing dl-
poaltlon on the part ot the Turk
along (haAaatonlan horo to aurren-
A- wlllulhl fftklltitf 111 IllttllV pflUf.
according to report, received ,IBrr.
the Turklih population ae sent out
emlaaaiiea in boats to the Hnaalnn
.... .-.-. .....i 1.. i.. it.. i.
Hl W..V . mi ........ ..,.. .w .-. .---
Rittan en
Rntan crnlter coullnu to Immbard
Ha mora of Turkey'a wllllngue to
tor Into peace negotiations with
enter Into pe
RiuIh are Inrreaatuglv current hero
but there Ii no official confirmation
that Turkev haa up to the proeeul
lime made actual o crimes to the
Uukv.lan iroerument.
SAVE ten
cents a
pound on
Coffee It
keeps well in
sealed tins.
Buy enough
to last you a
month. ..Large
tins cost less
a pound.
Fol ger
W e e k
thousands of
families to
higher grade
coffee Many
have never
known the
taste of
Golden Gate
Folger week
wins women
who were
indifferent or
didn't realize
the difference
in flavor and
aroma between
Golden Gate
Coffee and the
others You
serve it one
week and we'll
trust the other
weeks to care
for themselves.
$ Tln
Lb. r .45
" .
J, A.Folger & Go.
t San Francisco
Ttllpar4 ar ttnj jour otdtr
ta your dtahr to day
MARCH 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11
'Auto Service from Eagle Point
j to Moilford and Back'.
The undersigned will leae Frank
ll.fiiA' coufei i loners eei da e-
tit Suuda foi Medford with hi
ttiuo at 1 o'cloik d m . urrlviim ai
j eo p in. Uave Xash Hotel. Med-!
fold at 1-UO p. in. arrive Kaalei
ruiiu at .Q.v.p. hi. rt pr 01 me
i raffle U .ollcTled. S H. HA)tNISH.
1-Mile Point. Of;ou6 o 0
, .
Point at ilqle-B. a. A part of the
...., n . 8
K MUM ouwuurn yoHfjna
Vanish In a llurru
tmrvrl-lnietT tie-' CnowM Hjtap V
l)lr and Vhtnplf S
Mnite at Hume io
t ee one in oor faimlv ha n nl-
j aaririM- nn- i n'i n
, M,g,lr rMtgh nr a bed t
...U that koa Ihiii Imaalliu
H it a ilea mnmi or imih
ni ni return
Vnm.J. T,. .t..utr.C tt.u .... J,.-
t ti. nxm.t, of ffl, wi Mwke ft
Into a plat of nmgh ayrup, aMl wuh
&"; ,. ,
frmu worth) Int.. a pint bet t If and fill
lb W tie with pla-n '"' -"-'"
ruit. lhc t"lal i""-t i siinait .il mil ,
Bd 'pip. 0u n full pint -.i fumilv
. Mwlv-eT , ' F) lw?B,Hi.-tiiU
, w,r,;l, rt n;,ri c?h. )bnv pmund
1 in A niltUIlM
I KecrMlvand ha. . Plea.,t le..,-.
lllll lllircimiin wmi i infT,
It- rPatv rrntarkahlc ho-v premnlly
and eeail it louaeii thr tin, Ui nr
. tight cough and heal the Inllaiuctl inrni-
hriie! In painful ciaigh. It lii ntopH
the formation of phlcgai In. toe thro it
and nroncniai tube, nia rnuiuB
itrnt leave cmttth. A ricnui(l ri'Miiilv;
for broiwhltln, winter ceiighj, bun Inu
, nrthiaa ;! wlaaying cough.
n, winter t"m:j, br'ii tnut
I'lncc N a MPerial and liiirMv rumen-
irated cotuiHiiind of gemnnv Ntmt.i iuiid
. tract, rirli in trualacol, wldili in .mi
hralitnt to the membrane.
Awld dlnappoiiitturnt hv nuking ntir
druggi! for "ity ounce of I'uirx." nut
do net accpit ainllnnu i Iru A iunv.iiit'
nf absolute satisfHrtion goeK with 1 1
pre)inriitin or nmue piomptlv rvfuiahil,
Tlie i'incJt to., Ft. Unjuv, Hid.
We have nil the latet charming
Htlea and shape aud you way choose
with perfect confidence In their cor
rectness. 1'ibcs lenvouablc.
Miss Lounsbury
Milliner .tl. .V -M. Dept. Stuio
Phone 153-11
Miss Bryan
Vocal Teacher
212 So. Grape St.
Medford, Ore.
Klein Made
Tin; om. who knows
Celebrated i'l.(iroaut and Medium.
Kuow what tutu hold for ou; alio
tell ou the truth, what ou want
to knoa. ut a glance. Her powcii
have uivi.tuied the nio.t al.epthal
HiiKlnrnb. lovfl, courlahlp. m irrle,
dlvone, lot or utolen ariiiiea, mln
lus. hample:. of ore read wjih ;;bsniiitn
accuracy Telia whether nur Im
hand, wire or aweettieart in tine or
fale. When and whom ou will
marrj auf bow to win the one ou
loe. Couquer enemle. Jlrlna (Uo
aepaiated touetlier. Sell or trade
our property. U you are unhappy
and diacontented. or in any trouhle
vshatercsr. bring them to her, nhe
,111 ktraiauten them out to jour eu
j Hre aaturaiUou. No work too llf-
fi'-ult. Known the world "Vci a tho
i flood I. uck Woman.
Oiiosu .V.-ihh Uutal, Palm J Hock,
Itooiii K-ll.
Bargains in
200 Three-year-old
Caroline Testout
Hoses for ala ai bargain
The finest roaea In Medrord
from the teat rose hedge In the city.
Th Caroline Tetout Is a perpet
ual bloomer, large pink roea and
tU bwt hd8e or inl ro tot thl
W-v 0 f r1
lJ!ArPp fhfi It Ajlct
vl C; U1L llUIlOl
ra .-
P o "