Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 09, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Tonlijlit nml Friday Fair
Mat. 7j Mlit. IM.
Forty-fifth Tr.
Dullr Tunlh Yar.
MKDFOKD OHKdOX, Tilt l?s).V, MAKC!, 0, 101U
XO. 20D
Nine Civilians and Seven United
States Troopers Slain and Houses
Fired Raiders Driven Out by Cav
alrymenVilla Declares Purpose
Is to Force Intervention by United
States in Mexico by Raldlnn Prop
crty and Kllllnn Everyone In
mm rd
Colonel Slocum and Thirteenth Cav
alry Follow Bandits Into Mexico
"to Stay With Pursuit Until He
Captures the Whole Bunch" Per
mission Asked of Mexico.
COLUMIJUS, N. M., March 0. A
band ot Mexican bandits numbering
from SOO to 1000 supposedly mid or
the personal command of Francisco
Vllhi, raided Unltod States territory
early today. They attacked Colum
bus, killed American civilians who
exposed themselves nnd set flro to
novcrnl buildings.
For nearly two hours flfihtlng con
tinued In the streets. Colonel II. J.
Blocum speedily brought tho JHth
cavalry Into action and shortly after
six o'clock drove thu raiders across
tho border.
'Nino civilians nnd seven Unltod
Status troopers wero thu known dead
early in tho day.
The civilian dead:
A. I.. IllTCIIIi;, hotel proprietor.
WALTON WALK tilt, United States
customs rider.
W. II. WALKUU, or Pluyas, X. M.
C. C. MILLKIt, druggist.
.1. J. MOOIUI, merohnnt.
Unidentified chauffeur.
Amorlcan soldiers killed:
shoor troop K.
Oorgt. MAHC A. DOIillS, maohine
gun troop.
THOMAS IJUTLKIt, prlvato troop
FUKl) A. aitlFPKN, prlvato troop
Tho weunded:
Josso P. Taylor, troop F.
Thoodoro Kalzorko, troop K.
Michael llanuazol, machine gun
John Yorbrough, troop K.
Jnmofl Vonnor. troop M.
John Keoish. troop 0.
Lieut. V. C. Benson, troop 0.
Villa in Personal Coimnuiul
Information that Francisco Villa
and his chief lieutenant, Pablo Lo
poz, who was klllod, wore In personal
command of tho raid was given Col
onel Slocum by n Mexican rancher
captured by tho bandits lost Sunday
and who oscapod during tho fighting.
This Mexican told of the hanging of
tho American ranchers McKlnnoy,
Corbett and O'.Voll. Ho addod that
a fnuith American whoso 'name ho
did not know had been banged at tho
Tho Mexican situation was
brought out in congress today.
Senator Full of New Mexico
announced that ho had prepar
ed n resolution to authorize re
cruiting nn nnny of 500,000 and
to intervene in Mexico nnd nid
thu twisting authorities in
stumping out brigandage, while
in the houso Itepresentalive
Mondell, republican, of Wyom
ing, started debate with n
speech attacking thu adminis
tration's Mexiunn policy.
President Has No Kitchen Cabinet,
But Solves Political Problems Just
as He Would a Mathematical Prob
lemStill Atmosphere of Pure
Reason Needed for Answers.
(Continued on pago six)
WASHINGTON. March 0. The
senate body today voted 5.1 to 10
o take up Senator Tillman' bill to
provide for the purchase or con
struction of a government armor
!ate plant.
Unanimous eoaaent to vote on the
bill March 21 was scoured after a
heated colloquoy between Senators
Gallinger and Swansou. Senator
Galliuger threatened a filibuster
ngaiust the bill to delay a vote until
the return of Senator Lo4m, a warn-
br of the naval eosaaiiUe, who, he
wild, had expeeted to pak in op
iu.iiwtl. . o -
. WASHINGTON, March 0. For
mal request for permission to send
American troops across the border to
hunt down .Villa nnd his bandits who
raided Columbus, X. M., early to
day, hns been made to General Cnr-
ranzn by Brigadier Genera! Pershing
.'at El Pnso, through Andreas Gnreiu,
Curranzn consul there.
WASHINGTON, March 0. Secre
tary Lansing announced today thnt
the I'll it ed States was considering
asking General Carrnnzn for pcrmis
sion to send American troops into
Mexico lo capture tho Villa bandits
who raided Cotumliuis.
Secretary Lansing said thnt if per
mission were asked it would be for
this occasion only and thnt the
trooj would he withdrawn when they
had accomplished their purpose.
It was said thnt tho request for
ponnission to send tho American
troops into Mexico probably would go
lorward lo General Carrauxa beloro
Slocum In Put-suit
Senator Fall of New Mexico re
ceived today a telegram from Kl
l'n m, which said that Colonel Slo
cum, commanding; the thirteenth onv
airy, had followed tho bandits into
Mexico and had wired that "lie was
going to stay with tho pursuit until
he qnptured tho whole bunoh.''
Tho Mexican commander at Jua
rez, tho Fall telegram said, had in
dorsed the notion of Amerienn troops
in crossing tho international line.
Tho bandits, according to the ines
sago, were under Villa's personal
command when they raided Colum
bus. Conflict of Authorities
Thoro is conflict of opinion re
garding the authority of the war de
partment to send troops into a for
eign country without the consent of
congress. Some offtoials, however,
contend that tho constitution vests
the president with authority to repel
invasion, including power to send
troops over tho Hue. Precedents for
sending troops into Moxioo to pur
sue bandits wore found in the state
department archives concerning
trouble with Mexicun Indians and
raiders in 1871 nnd 1878.
Major General Funston is in su
premo oommund of the situation on
tho border and lias full authority to
do everything short of sonding
troop- over the lino without com
munication with Washington. War
depaitment otticiaU oxpeet he is in
personal chaise at Columbus.
LONDON, March 9 -A Llojd's
dispatch from Malta sas that the
Peninsula and Oriental stcnuhlp
Nellere. with fire aboard, was beach
ed, that the fire had been extinguish
ed and that passengers aad malls
have been removed.
, WASHINGTON, March 0. When
President Wilson docs something mid
den like appointing llrondcia or call
ing congress' bluff on tho war iisne,
he does it all himself. It is not his
cabinet, nor his kitchen cabinet. The
conclusion is his. President Wilson's
idea of finding out what to do is to
go out into tho middle of n ten-acre
lot and think. To bo alone with Ins
mind is his idea of Inking counsel.
People bother him. Cabiuet eoumils
kitchen or otherwise nro confus
ing. Ho believes the cold, still at
mosphere of pine teuson to be the
medium through which correct ans
wers are acquired to nil political
problems. A political problem in his
judgment is no different from n
mathematical problem, niid you don't
call u town meeting to solve a prob
lem in Kuclid.
Solves Problems Alono
What line to take in dealinc with
the central powers; what sott of can
didate wpuld bo best for the supremo
court, whether to push n continental
nnny plan or dispense with a secre
tary of war all such knotty matters
are woiked out by the president in
tho study, Hie cloister, the back scat
of the official auto the teu-ncro lot
of previous comparison.
And hnving decided bing, splug,
hpmsiii jui oi a sudden, with no
warning, things begin to happen.
Cabinet officers fall, congress runs
around in circles, insidious lobbies
find themselves under tho search
light. Or it may be that opinions
whioh were onee "administration" uro
found to be unorthodox and there
must be a new adjustment of plans
nnd personnel.
It is because ho does not nonsuit
that these presidential conclusions
'cause such distressing embarrass
niont. If half n dozen enbinot mem
berskitchen or parlor know thnt
tho ship of state was to bo headed
up into the wind nnd sent on the op
posite tncl;, thoy would hustle around
and loosen n few sheets and make
ready to dodge the boom. Hut no.
Tho captain doesn't so much as yell
"icady, about!" He just throws tho
tiller hard uport and it "sails in
the wind and the crew in the seup
pers" before the mate etui say Jack
No Kitchen Cabinet
.Somebody writes to ask who is
Wilson's "kitchen cabinet." Ho has
none. Joo Tumulty is about us much
of a kitchen cubinet as he has. If it
eomos to pardoning a soldier I rum
Leavenworth or receiving the bishop
of Alaska, Joe can doubtless influ
ence the presidential mind. A lot
has been -.aid about Colonel Houo
sggggggHrT JizwWMmi.
M;i Iff
KBsa,jhnkV f fly$$a&A ' Ws.
LWnMJRjr'iBrT l r l 't . iiBti itxt- i v- 'rSh.
Thcodoio ItooM-vell.
rT.Hl IN
Roosevelt Says It Is Mistake to Fifty Craft of All Descriptions From
Nominato Him Unless Country Has j Dre'adnaurjht to Torpedo Boats Es-
In Its Mood Somcthinfi Heroic and!
Ideal Is Ready to Realize These
NBW VOItK, March 9 Colonel
Thoodore Itooeevelt, who Is now at
cortcd by Zeppelin Come Out to
Look for Trouble Painted Gray.
LONDON. JIuKh n.- Accoidlng to
lUToimts in the muruing ncwMpupei-M
regarding the iweut activity of the
Trinidad, llrltlsh Wwit Initios, In a j Gorman lli-et in the North Sei(, the
(Continued on page tbreo)
SALKM, Or .""March 9. - U tho op
onlng session hero today ot tho Ore
gon Irrigation, Drainage and Uural
Crodlts conference Governor J.imos
Wlthj combo delivered an address in
which ho opposed the, plan for tho
ttato to guarantee the bonds of prl
vato Irrigation and drainage projects.
Governor Withycombo suggested
as a substitute that idlo mortgage
In tho hands of the state land board
be used as collateral for the money
which the backers of reclamation un
dertakings might wish to borrow. I.
K. Uoun or Portland opened the con
vention with a plea for the develop
ment ot Idle land In the well settled
A. L. Mills, of Portland, was elect
ed temporary chairman of the eon
ferenee, and I'rod N. Wallate, of
Tumalo, secretary, o
statement given out today, through
tho Now York lCvening Mull, emphat
ically doollnos to be a candidate In
thu primal km of Massachusetts or or
any other stato.
"I will not enter Into any fight for
tho nomination," the oolonol says.
"and I will not permit any factional
fight to bo ninilo In my behalf. In
dood I will go further ami say that
It would be a mistake to nominate
mo unless the country had In Its
mood something of the heroic, unless
It feels not only like devoting itself
to Ideals, but to the purpoae meusurn
ably to loullio those Ideals In Amer
ica." A Kjiio Interval
"This Is one of those rare times
wnlch come only at long Intervals In
a nation's history when the action de
termines the llfu ot the generellons
that follow, such times woro those
from 1776 to 1789, In the days of
Washington and from 1SSS to 1865
in the thus of Lincoln.
"It Is for us of today to grapplu
with the tremendous national and
international problems of our own
hour In the spirit aad with the abil
ity shown by those who upheld the
hand of Washington and Lincoln.
"Whether we do or do not accom
plish this feat will btraaly depend
on tho action taken at the republican
and progressive national conventions
noxt June. Nothing la to be hoped
from the present administration
All that they offer us Is a choice be
tween degrees of hpcHirlsy and de
grees of Infamy.
I'nmitnly Iwilliiro
"Hut disguitt with the unmanly
failure of the present administration.
I bolleve dvs not. and I know ought
not, to mean that the American peo
ple will vote In a spirit of mere pro
teat. They ought not to, and I be
lieve they will not be aoaleal merely
to change the present adainistraUaa
for one equally timid, equally racil
IsltuSi equally l3Afclog(.U Mulou, lu
fleet included about filly emit of all
descriptions from the most modurn
dreadnought down to old-fashioned
loipcdo boats. The fleet was escort
ed by two Zepjx-lin, which sorvod as
scouts to pieent a surprise attack
by hostile chel. One t law lor sight
ed this fleet l(l.i miles due v03t of
the mouth of the Kibe. Another saw-
it :n miles northwest of Ymtiidcii.
All the German hips weie rmintud a
wur gray and" were invisible at a
short distuneo.
One Dutch trawler is quoted as
hating reported that during the lucent
air roid on Knglnnd h Zepiwlin was
M-en scouting in udvauce of three
iniihcrN and u lleet of destioyors
nnd lulimnnnes, which weiu behoved
to hue tlit intention of making n
dah ti I.hkIi-iIi water.
WASHINGTON, Mun h 9. - Stato
department agents bae been inform
ed that Felix Dhu, the Mexican invo
lutional leador. Is hiding lit New
Orleans ami upon their Information
they are s atlsfiod that he has not
landed In Mexico with an armed ex
pedition as had boen reported.
moral Integrity, and In high resolve.
We must clarify and define our
policies. We must show that our be
lief in our governmental Ideals Is so
real that we wish to make them count
In the world at large and to make
the -necessary sacrifice In order that
they shall count surely. We of this
great republic have a contribution to
make to the eauw of humanity and
we can not make it unless we first
show that we can cur prosperity
and fair dealing among our own wen
aud womea-
Greatest Artillery Duel In History
Still Rarjlnn -German Losses, Par
ticularly In Officers, Very Heavy
Battle Line Now Runs In Ad
vance ot first Line of Resistance.
I'AMS, .Ma reh I), via London.
On the Verdun sector west of the
Mcuko the French hnvo repulsed re
pealed attauks on the village of
Ilcthincourt, according to official
slatemcut made here today.
Tho Germans hnvo been repulsed
between Dounuinont and tho village
of Viiiijc after scvoral heavy attacks,
accompanied by intense artillery fire
and violent infantry assaults, no
cording to the French official stuto
ruont which says the attackers wero
completely defeated nftor having
penetrated the village of Vnux.
Kaiser Declares War on Portugal
and Hands Passports to Portu
guese Minister, Because of Seiz
ures of German Vessels in Portu
(juese Ports Lonrj Scries of
Breaches of Neutrality Cited as
I'AIIIS, March 0. The official
statement published last night Iuib
dono much to relieve tho tension
whiuh hud been mused in tho public
mind by tho expectation of a irrcat
onslaught on thu main French de
fenses on the we-it hank of tho
Mouse. 1'icsh aud public nro now
more than ever convinced that the
Germans will not be able to take Ver
dun. Aitillerymen on both sides nro liv
ing up to the teputation already es
tablished for the battle of Verdun ns
the greatest artillery duel of tho
war. .Many sectors of the French
front on Sunday and Monday Just
received an average of 100,000 shells
in twelve hours. Wholo woods were
teduced lo kindling. The river at
Forges disappeared altogether, hav
ing been dammed in half n dozen
place and thirty feet of the crest of
Hill No. 'Jill, near Forges, was blown
Six Hours llomlmrdiiicut
The first attack on Ilothiueourt
made on Tuesday, was preceded by
six hours of torrifiu bombardment.
Then the infantry enmo on from
three sides, along the road from Gor
eourt to llcthtuooiirt, from Forges
village mid from thu slopes of Hill
No. 20.1. Prenoh officers estimate
that the attacking forues were not
fewer than 20,000. Fifteen differont
battalions wete identified. All day
long the Germans fought to gain n
footing in the important village of
Ilothiueourt, which lies in a hollow
commanded by both sides, When
night fell the last attacking column
was thrown back bv the French, who
fougtit with gieat determination
against hostile fuiees double tliuir
The M)Mtioii on Cote de L'Oie was
similar. The Genuuns wore held in
eliuuk as long as daylight lasted.
Howotcr, sheltering theuixelves in
ravines in Corbeaux wood, they man
aged to force a way up u narrow
lane leading to ('uinieies wood, which
stands on the top of the ridge link
ing L'Oie aud Aiort Homme bills, only
to be dm en out of the greater part
of their eonquest by a Ficuuh eouu-tcr-attaek
on Wednesday.
Many OfrlreM l,ot
The German in olliceis is
IJHIILIN, March 0. Geniiuny de
clared war on Poitugnl at 3:1)0
o'clock yesterday artunioon and
hauded his passports to tho Portu
guese minister.
''The 'German government there
fore consider herself from this lima
in war with the Portuguese govern
ment," is the conclusion of n declar
ation handed today by tho German
minister at Lisbon to tho I'ortuguoso
government and in Ilerlin to the
I'orttiguofo minister, n semi-official
Overseas News agency announcement
Caused by Khlp Seizures
ilTlie German declaration,'' says
llio news ngoney, "emphasized thu
fnet that this step was mudo ncces
sury by tho recent illegal seizure of
German ships in Portuguese ports,
which is tho gravest sort of breach
ot' neutrality and of special treaties.
Germany, therefore,1 fe "obliged to
give up her former attitude of for
bearance, which sho had maintained
because of Portugal's awkward sit
uation. "The declaration onumorntofi a.
long series of breacliog of noiilrulity
by the Portuguese government, weli
ns the permission of free pnesngu to
L'nglish troops through the colony of
Moainbi(uoj the permission given to
Knglish meu-of-wnr lo uso Portu
guese pjorts for a time exceeding that
given neutrals j the permission given
tljo KnglUh navy to uso Mndcim as
a naval base; actual engagement.1
between Portuguese nnd Gorman
Irooiw on the frontier of German
Southwest Africa and Angola; fre
quent insults to tho German nation,
by member, of the I'ortuguoso parlia
ment, who never wore reprimanded.
"The declaration further points
out that tho seizure of Geimau ships
in neutral I'ortuguoso ports on Feb
ruary 2.'l was an act against tho law
and tho treaties concluded between
Germany and Portugal."
Tho rupture between Germany and
Portugal had been oxpootod since
Germany, after Portugal requisition
ed German merchantmen interned in
her ports, addicted an ultimatum to
tho l'ortugiicae government demand
ing return of the ships,
Portugul is the thirteenth nation to
enter the war. Her rogulur nnny
consists of :i0,000 men, with 2.'I0,000
resene. She is credited with u
total available strength of about
870,000 men. Her navy is compara
tively negligible.
(Continued on Page Two)
WAMIINti'lON, M..k-u I).- I'hul
lenguig cwr Milintunlwl bargu
again-.t Gu-Ht Britain eontained in
the Germuii uiemoraiiduiu ubuutted
yesterday to Seeretary tanking by
fount iou lleru-totff, the British
embassy issued a tutcmnl intended
lo show that while Germany con
tend her submarine wartare i in
irtuliattou for British violations of
iuternuttouul luw, many of the Ger
man acts wete enuituuted hvture the
uiMtea uuu issueu me oruers m
.-,-., .-,. ... ,.,. , mauj in oifler to etoar a way foi
council or commuted any other acts Austrian battleship which, are
JL htvli Ihj Usnaauj uaujjjltynj
IIOM.H, Manh 0. m.i Paris. Twc
ot the must powerful of Austriu'a
dreiidnuiighta are beiug prepared iit
u Dalmatian jwrt, the Trillium says,
with the intention of repeating tho
exploit of the former German vessels
Goebeu and Iltcluu and foroing tho
allies' bloekude of (ho Alriatlo in
.order to M-ueh the Dardanelles nnd
briita usistance to Turkey In l(j9
Black sea, as the situation of tjju
latter is growing depMto, owing to
IfiiKsian uawil supremoey in those
water. For the reason, the nows.
ler adds, the floating mines whloh
obstiiic ted the Dardanelles have boon
-wept up by the Turk and the Gor-
uiauji iu older to eloar a wuy for tho
IKCtcd, 4jBO
Q 4Ml