i wmm0mmmim.mt,.w var. Y.ViUT ir ! riMifffi mwf. TKifasr. Muanu. nr.-i ma wMrr.i.v iuni V'V v ! i ; i fe f- i ni I I 1 i rt r ft : fr. I.- 4. ' r : s j J. !' i n - f T ? HEHC DAMAGE E SUII SEnLED BY BROKER IN IDEAS IS HEW BUSINESS OF EX-POUTfOAL BOSS COUNCiL FOR 400 TW city eomitril at it rvaalar -aiatk Taaaitajr aqcat c'ol taa mm f Jtf. C. K Pimm sutaawt ta i for all! to ba aa aa- is fall oa a afat li't akU TW esrcait eaart gava Xn iarv a jadawsaal far 1M, Ik aii aaaas am ailawati far iawagaa aa aW Hm akswtar af Um aity. TW ea a laat asgfct ratai ta arttle tb m rr aaatrararsv ay ratios Mr, nam I4tt, aaa la pay tka casta. Tata aaMlaaMart laanw tka pas saaatjr af a apa" Vy the plaiatiff ta tha aaprasa eaart aaJ taa east aaast aaat af 4faaM aajuaat a aaa-.' aUi jatiasaaat far saarr aasfty. AMontia (a tae resart af Bee tsfeal laaawrtar Haaa, Um eity m aatriac. aa far, at tka rata af! ' . ' ':"r 'r r 4BGl36 a saaasa aa tka a- vat! Abraham Rjf f-rrr poll' af Nafctiac , ba at Saa !' !:. o. r.ow on paro " Total af nwi ia I'aliee Jaace , (raai Saa Qant:& urlsca, baa con lata aastaaw attain. Ull W A BROKKR IN I DBA. At keen sati alart aa ia ta a!4 dm wfcaa aatttleal pit aaatara traml4 at Ma tears!, Raaf has. ta a qatat war, OaTa earilr tke aaaatk af Fakra- 'te - JSaaflr Jatkiwl to fit a tke tHr im aaa! tkaa akata a ! i Caaawflaaaa Kaaw akjaetail ta ra- aaava hat aatarmlaatlaa ta auke aafiaa: Xarti Praat atraaU tkaa grr ' aaa aaa saara by laTvaUa a bra ad fagr awa j' praparty, k aaM. far ata-' awaastaam Ta autrkrtlaic af bU ata ta ajMcalat aa. Taa raaaril : atr a4 atbar aaepla'a Maaa will aajtia' Tka ajattar will be rtosH ia ' traai aa aa b hit rblaf aaoaaVor. tkaa aiaaarr ia tka larard f tba aext ' "I waat ta ataki air office a clear, laaatiafr Ibmc aaaa for Mw." aa aaM. 'It A aefcata oearr4 arar tka aaa- roa4 flala broad eaaaak ta tiaa aa to wkatker tke oly waaM be aNrrrtataR la tb worM. tke water Maafard etak ia, I Ua abaat. atur (! bapraraaaeat aail keaatifieatiaa ! mT relaaea (raw pr!oa. far a 1UL t tka Keeerreir park or aketker or ' tltty tbat wauU be apea ta at. Nat tke Greater Maafonl elab n aa- tt "" l la paat yaara inaiann Ij aidiac tke eity ia a aeeea-1 1 r r Meaa tkat sary pakkc wart. Csaweiliaaa Aaay , y aat Aiaetaa to tinar tke tak aaoaey far,- 4aclaail tbat ta the fatara I Om aarpoae. CaainJfcana Kaaaama . eaaiawalaltae r I4aaa aad aa4 Maaa aUr aaiwortea tke eh. A try to e tkeat TtoW a flaaacUl olaiawttee will baM a joiat lartiaar rft"f 4tb tk. .k nNit. ks nwiaatiea TtrH t proaaae ta aaatarUltM Kyf JSCJaEBaWklfy Btav af "BaHaaBBW 4HfXOT9 Y -. w9aaaaT Sal i3L fla? V P SaaaW?5B -JaaaaW MfawHK-aiVba'BWJ ii aMaSnSMBKBnWSzaTal SliJa1fe'iBBaw '''ajaSlBBaaal o j -0 EARLY PLANTING OF SUGAR MISTAKEN POLICY s equity wit Tf aaM b rail l BEETS uafp nt "Trail mA feaeraliy 1" wrter tkaa wkea tke "1 '" Tke latter fwa aa aaeven lnbatiaa af water. IWfn tin- Wrk Vow IB top mm h nw ;a rt "rlitm. m far iitir It oaabt ta AI Kaw Saanb. aa Oregon "e-r, ly. To kacraar it bow. tkae'wfco waj. iaVatiTtea with lb- -nrH breakme an wbaafter rrat aaae kaeeibaatoev af .aatkera Urawoti. iJikI at fumed. aJ tar tke weed trowtk f Oaaaia , Jaanrk tV llfl. Mr aw r r it-.v earker. Tke weaaa aa tke boat fieMaJtk waa at tka tnae of bi dth JH W. W. yVATJiw. eaaae laaVat work aaa worry aarf 28 yaara ski. He raaae to tbr !' wko are mttrxrytrnK to exarte mek laa if tke nebi of wild ataff ia eifie eaaat ia 1SW aad to Jkn a aaak aaaaaai aajpar beet rajaata ia i arer-abauaaaat. A raat adnutaae ia eaaaty ia ISfl. Ia 1 hr tbia rajkjy ht tka Butter af aaitaar ' i4 ? faiiaai' ,hn" at aarfcVat aaarrW ta Msaarra FkHfr. a IhiIi tka beet aW -to ih aroatei at kit ! !!!f!l!!, " ,W T! "-! J" rT"" Jm" "V. i wwrn. Mt uh hoi, ot waoai ae u aarnvea wh.i nifiii tke taaaaar ia (mar ka saa) tke ekiidaca Kobert 0. Sautb and A. I, BBocveat are I "w w acwaaaaiHv e" aaaajt aaw Baajaaj ajaayaa aBarVNtSJIVVVTl W aTHH kate. U w ;pitraaraiiatitkoaJdfcaae.Taat South of Qraato Paaa: to he aa tka aaM aae of tke great rirtaes !? v9V MMW BO oil at tka tka. It would arra oaty , "SLTi V Tvl " la are plaated aary tow-SaaiC. SamHh af QaklaJM), (al ural coaaanaa at donaaaeT wkarb ' tnrJ tb Utr w Aa - r c.l jt t i l.- , w .w " " ww w. -M riWM V UW7 nMlK-'i Mrt. Klli jhoW THOUSANDS OF SICK WOMEN Helped Every Year by Common Senao Suggeitiona Given Free by The Lydin E. Pinkham Medicine Co. Tot forty years wonn eairering from all Wwl o' female ilia have ben wrl Inn the Lydla E. Ilnkham MedidneCo. of Lyna, Ma., tnr adWce. Thoa they reo-ive common tns rag CeitlofM drawn from a vast volume of experience, and thotwands of I iok we m.n have been saved from untold suffer ing, Bi J-ttiTS like the following clearly nay ke r "oly ky Tlio waoa later m tke kxx of after tke of keeX . Feaioa and . E. Saaitk of IortlinI NewarK.Ohfo. "Lydla E. Plnlcham's Mm. Leo MarUa. Aaaa C. Snith and Vegetable Compound tias maaa ine a a WOll wuiiioMi ivut Sanative Wash b just the thing to overcome femalo weakness. I havo told young mothers Mr ftrat af May ia tbia vaUrr. wkee South maA tmmil resided m Jaik-. l" ! epriac toaaperalares are variable aad rille till 1SS2, wfcea tbey mou-d Mriy rafcat ahall have akte to rrow aaraaalry. eoatiantoaaly ke waa md ta bniMiiiic an4 op- LaT ZTZ1 "."- irt tke b eaiailed ia beaaa; eratia. a ptoaiac auU aad dor ia - UdM f11 " !!T" r waBBl teajeratares torr ia wkiek kaaaaea be f r ,-... ., ,, 7- wot nrodare a hartral ebilL mm mn suosisiMl sitli .1 S aa t - -- - j--- ... . - wv. -.-v .--.., -. IVtitr of tiwr i aratluMe to pot Howard of thi city. In tw cr taB fcaiul IB aygaylaWamt jaaf afittaa Laat LaJM . tkaa Aaaaaa. ts w. . ....... j!' lfc!a!!h "", TiW,rT i tfcal Work jMmW IM"r- ' ,'ioeattfied ia political aad public mat . aaa aaaiocai aaa Use treoerai streacta j ' i n. I of tke plaats eaowrved for aataral ; Mrs. A. F. Xoth. wife af the tier I I praarass ia deakfaneiit if the etef aeat at the Soatbera Pacittc sta-' f. Q. Iewar. af Seattle, is looking are abated aaly after the cold opriar )ttoa la this dty. ia TtsttlB tor two over the- valley thte eek. belnB In teaapratares abaM kare pawaed afe- weekj or more with her parents at tereated la a general view of the or ly. Itaat ee44 are very enrtive tolCottaire irore tkls state cbards rartlalar! I aaaa tare. Tke jrerai es-iK . There will be aa eonditma foUowtaa a ebfll to areraaaae. Tke taad wnM r ,.1111101111111 bH kL. iflfaaaw'BE deatroyed ia tka roMtajt proee of '. kale Tte field of oppormity sbtch ' Go'1 Ttin? Cultivate tbia tho uht oi-en up is ver extea- j Tka. however, i i exeellent tin aive i to beaia the eaitrrat)a of the gnmn! , "My rommr lil Idraa mlaht la- tor tke M bed. If the aTsand erv ' valve, for iasuace the efflcieat atll- not plowed baM faM it hoold he Har-1 Itatiaa of vacant property, to aa to rowed or daked before plnsing at atake tt a profitable aeeot laat aad Urn eajoa, Tkaa follow qatekrv with af aa espeaatve bordea. They aateht j tke ptowmt;. The top toil tj'I be pal- Against Substitutes Ask For X lavcdve the eaeceasfal noaaetac tf a rerixad by tke aarfaee manipaa ti"n baataaaa prepoattloa for a aaaa wbe with tke bartow. The plow wiU turn ta overs helaisd with aeUt. or the tkat aaderaad tbert .f ibe t nt, asKcaaUoa af a me: bod of pabttctty ' will have palveriaed -: in hi.-h tv to attract trade to a elaaglah baai- rrow. There seine: r-.itr.' e, aeas; perhaps they aitsbt reeatt la the bets will he store uniform and the proaaoUoa of bis eoataserciil ta- I af hatter rrswtfc aeaerally. After terprlaas. sock as the eatabltahaieat ptowiac, let the round -land m that ef a aew fleet of ataaaMhlps which eaaditioa a lasts - imibic The bi wrttaaa; aad thea decide tke aaatter ' ' " r ' 1' ""K w" aad. weed m win reranaate A .nnsr at aa early ateotiag af tke aaa aaM. j i 'Ta say salad, oae of the aaddest itbat Urk aad th- Haat- that w The aUr earner wa aatkarized tol ite periods alaaar tke earaiaar af the t thlaas ia the world ta the fellow who j froaa tke re4 will oproat. Jut be- -." . .. . ... .... ..... ........ . ..... i ... .. .. dtape af the poplar tree aaaaaac by diaxkaK ap aad reaaoviac tke affaad baa rrawth. Chief af Poliee Hitton waa aa tkarued and iDtro-t-d to proeeed viaorovslv and impnrtisllv to dix-onr- aice the parkin of auto for ladefin- d fr" the nn n- i advaatag " Get tba W3-Koowa Roond Packa CAUTIOH S Ato SuSit'tulM!! MTal J I raJ rX lalVJLLUiaimM & hawaaeaii block froaa Uatly aa Main to tba bndsre aad aa Xorth Cantral aveaaa. If etiaa aa a atotioa to tkat effect l not lecally nffinrot, aa ordiaaae will 'w ki --.! In th aaatter Alttrn rr.i MraT- .iporar- ha a brttltaat Idea, bat caa't atlMte fore ptaattae the beet Ved barmw It. aad baa ao way to brias It to the the rroond weS. That sill !-' r.v atteattoa of a felk who caa. ilsaillMNah t weed. Thu. proees i.l hope to he able to serve aa a middle- ave aaarb hard wrk in r i tivfttir; man between tb- p-odocer aad the the emp after the thinning .-i .--. consamer of idea to their mutual It wid fnr t iut --dlW c n- 'ndition Imirati) r ten t ' ' "' co&2ic oa ? VfflSd WrPSs r L!Wk ' Take HORLICKS THE ORIGINAL 0 MALTED MILK Made in tha largest, beat equipped and sanitary Malted Milk plant In tha world We do not make "milk products" Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc. AskForHORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Mfldo from clean, full-cream milk and the extract of select malted grain, reduced to powder form, soluble in water. Best Food-Drink for All Ages. Used for ever a Quarter Century Unlyous3ty"HOnUOtCS" . you may gat a SukstHutOt a Package Hom& i as well as older ones about your reme dies, and what they have done for roe. I think Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound saved my life, as my health was very bad when I wrote you, but now I can do my own work nnd havo not had n sick day slnco I began taking your remedies. I keep the Compound nnd Liver Pills on hand nil tho time. "-Mrs. Geo. Thomp son, 2 1 Sherwood Court, Newark, Ohio. Why don't you writo for free advice? Aujrew Lydia E. Pinkham Medicino Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. ! Medf ord House Movers 1 NKW KIItM MOVKILS OP HOUSES, HOIIiKHS, IIKAVY MACHI.NKUV. I7TC. SATISFACTORY SERVICE Pliono -IHH-M MOFTIIT & IIUIlKIIAItOT n'2 S. .Vcntown, 737 V. 14th St. I" Cjti3r lul(4-ilhia lllf fi iA,i,Ut ialtkli. hcry cms llk trhilt llU. 140 SOm OUTSIDE ROOMS Sm Uuy itttl lid (tMriti Biil.iif. Rates M.La day one rtisox M.IIU OAT TWO PERSONS fri ferry tt DU lilt "OIIVERSAL BUS" (it tor e;) Irr Cnr ilritt (ir nmi the Jnr. ziitiiziitite ? Y i M QMKS i TKeYoman's Store Medf um mm iiioihisiii si iiiiinsaaiasii ord's Greatest Silk Sale -asr t y v v i v y V V f y y y t y V f y y V ? y y y f y y y y v ? ? v f r CEXTHAL AVE. OPENS THURSDAY MORNING 8:30 SHARP. DONT FORGET THE DATE onnsi ThcWbmaifs Store XKAK POSTOFFfCE S I L K S s I L K S $10,000 ica w ORTH OF NEW CRISP SILKS ON SALE - $10,000 These Silks were bought before the rise in price. This fact puts us in a position to offer you bargains which we will not be able to duplicate until the war is over BUY ALL YOU NEED NOW Black Taffetas Uaod Vary Extenivoly Thl Spring. .Kviiirli. Hft fiiiifth. ? 1 .25 gratlf. yarl OSc 3ii-inht aoft finish. $1.75 gradr. xl 1.20 36-in'h, ift fiuifcli. .ftO UM-ad-. Vil $ 1 G0 IO-iiii'b. a4ft fiiiinh. ?2.') irrath-. 1. ?1 .OS LU-M valui-H vf- offtittl. Crepe De Chene For UndrA"aar and Drease iiM'htti wide, i-oinos in white, )itik. light Miu, maize and llak, thm Hfith i worth tidav ?l.ift a vard, whih it la.tK. jor vard . a' aa 98c Silk Poplin Ju-t rweiwd, a full hm- f our famous Silk and Wool Poplin, in all the new shades for spring, this loth is worth $1.50. (jj 1 1 Q sal prit'i. yartl iJlH Tub Silk ."kHJ yds. of this splendid rloth for waists ami dresses in satiu striies. worth j? 1.25, now, yard 98c Pongee Silk Very Scarce iM inhis wide, heavy weight, this i-loth rannot be duplicated for less than $1.00, our priee. S ( yawl OVC Oeorgette 'repc. lu in. O-t HC Sirijx'd "I'w Wee" M QO wide, in all eolon. yd. vlu Silk, wam'thiiiif uew, d. vlwO StriiH'd Crepe de Cliine, ver swell, sM-'iftl, yd.. . $1.75 4tMnh Sundown Taf feta, all colors, yd .$1.98 Cheney Bros.' Flowered Chiffon Crepe, yd. .. Messaline T coming; Imek. 18-inch All-Silk Me snline, in all colors and black, cheap at 56V, sale price, Q (n yard w Colored Taffetas 3(i inchcx wide, chif fun fiitiisli, lieu oImI's, worth ttdav si. "5, our price, aid .$1.39 Taffeta "De Soie" 2.25 Thin season's newest silk, couh'n in two-toned effects, a real $2.25 cloth, our price, yard $1.75 Crepe De Chene lleay qiulity, 40 in. wide, should be sold at $1.75, niir price. it id . $1.39 Fancy Taffeta In stripes, checks and plaids, real $2 values, our price (?1 QQ yard . . . V0v Silk Chiffon 10 iiU'hes wide, for slecveii and trimming. via1:.. . UM Colored Corduroys In the new spring shades, suitable for coats, can't get anv more, our C j on price, aid pldt S I K. s s I K s Monn's THE WOMi.N siuuh oilks for Every Occasion Mann's o Till. WOUKVS STOIJK t ? ? ? ? t f t ? Y ? ? v ? t V V ? V ? r r r f t v y y y y y y y y y f y y y y A ft