Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 08, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Freckles and His Friends
By Blosaer
MMWmn MAtfi mttWSK W.WOtlt), nutans. V.1fV.i' 1U( U . '.m
iiii i ! ann iiBMiiiiiimiiiM ! in iirm r. I n I 11 11 ii miib. jmimii it . i r : vi "t - t i ' iiitiiiiimi innr- I I fiT i - -"-..- , r-T
Mnil. ri-odt are rialiring IUh l
tin Inl week or (lip Nutntorititii
meeting Mud are making every of
ftiil to.ntleml I'rtcli son icfe. Tile
crowd lusl night wn Inrjte nuil the
people I'titluiKhinlii!. The oreliostnt,
tho eltotr unit llio speinl numlierj
were uttrnctivc. Mr. Vetey shiir by
ftpoeinl request "Mv Father Wntohofl
Over .Mo," Tills- iiiiinbnr has broil
culled! fifr tunny Union niitl ncmmiim to
lib i( fhvotife. Mr. Vcs.oy flllH It
with much pathos uhd sweetness. A
male quartet, eoniiMised of AtesH.
Ctinndiiy, Lindley, Luwfoti and Hul
cuui, hiiiik "Sweet Sabbath Kvc.'
Hc-nuoti Upon Home
Tlio sermon of the evening; whs on
"Home." Tlio li'tt wore tlio worda
of Joshua, "As for me nnd'iri.v llnttsc,
wo will servo the Lord." The ml
dreH wAk i'epMelo with reminiseeiiers
advice arid tfood cheer. Mr. Mnthln
"A hhppy Iiuiiip is (ho nenreM like
heaven of nnj tiling on enith; mid an
unhappy homo mole like hell than
any other tlilti),'. 1 inaintain no home
is duly huppv iihlo 11 H n pljeo
wheto Jesus Clirthl N welcome mid
uindo a filond. II' wo tried as hard
to make our homes lnipp. as wo try
to make them beautiful, there would
be luoro happv homes in the land.
"Theie are two element entering
into the making of u home ono of
them in the father. Veiv much is
said about the love and devotion of
the mother not ono woul too much.
Much about the wuerilieo and toil of
the mother but not one wold too
much. lint don't toilet the toil, the
loe and the Mienliee of the fnthur.
If tlio father is tin1 right ort of u
father theie ate times- in the hoy
lite when the father has more influ
ence for good over him thnu anv
other poison in the world. I hold
that mi father has any moral litfht
to turn ur to the mother the moral
I mining oi the child. One of the
ilelii'-t legacies of mv lite i (he
incniurv of m father. He vvu- my
bel It lend, mv jollio-t chum. I
would rather tit any time hnvo gone
with my tather than to any -poitK
with auv of the hoy-. If I am njilo
to be the mt ot a fiicnd and chum
to ins boy that my fathei was to me,
1 shall thank (iod.
Tlio Mother's I'liuo
"The other element in the homo is
the mother. She is an viial pailner
in the I inn. It in a mi try job for h
woman to make u homo fur a man in
the hope ot letoiininjr him. If I weiu
a woman anil a man wanted me to to
form him I should want to know ho
was rnotrrf to the water wagon nud
would stn.v theie. If (lie home lite im
I'liiwliuu and theio is the spirit of
mutual love, it tolls mightily In the
building of the .voting life of Ainei
ion." Mr. Matins was ery happy in his
allusions (o tlio twect memories ot
thn home and ery tender in his plua
for the best Uiiiibm hi the home. In
lutepoiiho to the invitation, many per
ont dueided to neeopt the Chriktlnn
life and made public onniofeaiou of
Johns Christ.
Tonight tlio theme is "Mother."
Seatu will bo reserved for all moth
er and ovorjbody is invited to wear
a while How or in honor of mother,
whether sho be living or dead. The
utuMc will be nltiiic(ie and n gloat
tin ling of ptole will hear the evan
gelist in this addiebs at "..Hi.
COM'M HIS. Ohio. Mnr S -Commenting
on todaj's notion of tlio
Iioiuo of roptosontatlvea In tlio armed
ship controvors), William .1 Jlr an,
former secrolar) of stato who ills
cusiod "mllltnrUm ut a public meet
ing hero loulcbt. nld:
"Tho quostlnu wuh iirOentod In
kiioh a waj- that there Ik littlo slgnlfl
( mica In tho-vote' ho wild. "It does
not represent tho sentiment In con
uioH as to the wImIoiu of Americans
truxoliiiK miou belllKerent merchant
in on Had thin question been present
ed and the onlnlon of ooiiRress asked
upon It, there Is no doubt that a ma
jority In both Hennte nnd house would
express themselves In favor of pre
venting Americans from traveltnK
into tho danger xones on belligerent
ships. If the notion of congress helps
the president to reach a peaceful set
tlement of the rontroversv everbody
Would be happ "
Troclncts Medford North Main and
West Medford register now at tho
MsllTrlt'une offu e
u kwial U I i-t A .Irtltsiwa I
Ul.t. A 41 III 4 III K I KU
XVJWN l4l.l Aklrlri.U( j I
CTCC fL- HkM-l.f IH.U...J Ur.i
CLfd9f I'm. S.J fi u.u u -V I
"Vv-i! I l.'J Il4 tll Y '
Mw1"msmi '?':.
If r llr
ve a
o r
"' Bt y SOVCU QN'T rrw? ' Qjgu,Mg PIP IM TMC MlU.1 J a' UT MOT FSFR I FjS $&$ J ) WBUL, ME f
ii ii " ' ' " ' ' -L- ' ' ' - .-.,. ,-. - -m t T- " . ..-. - ...- . t i - ... . , -.- i i
An ollieial letter to I)r .1. I,.
HehilH, vetennuiv. Mtrm'ou for Jaek
hou eounty, from V. II. Ii.vlle, I). V.
M., stnto veterinary and soeietniy of
the Oregon livestock nai'titarv boaid,
.stales that the fust meeting, ever
held in f-outlieni Uregou bv that ollie
ial bodv has bi'cn eftlletl for next
Saturday, Maieh II, t tho public lib
ra iv hall at 1 p. m.
"1 have made airangcment with
the Mate livctofk siinitnrv board to
hold a meotiug' at Medfonl on the
dalo ijf Satuida.v, Match 11. The
boaid will be pleased to meet the
stool; micr of Iaekoii count v and
vicinity and talk over matters rela
tive to the livestock situntiou with
them. Wc iiuiy lie able lo do cotixid
ornble good In .laekson cuniitj uda
tive to the control ol the outbreak of
hog eholern flint litis been troubling
the bit'eilers in your section for some
"We will arrive in M"dfoid on train
I.'l Satuiday momiUg."
Thoo hit ei est ad in Iiveloek, and
piirticuhiily thoxe eiigUKCil or about
to cugnxc in bleeding hog, liould
bv all uieHiis meet the board at its
meeting in tins t-it.
Wliy Smoke lilt Cigars
When Ln Rondas are only 10c.
An Inside Bath
Makes You Look
and Feel Fresh
lays a a'ats of hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
keeps Illness away.
This excellent, common-sense
health measure being
adopted by millions.
rhrslciana tho world ovonrccom-
mond tho Inside bath, claiming this Is
ot vastly moro Inivortnnco than out
eldo cicanllnoss, hocause tho ekln
lioros do not nbsorb Impurities Into
tho blood, causing 111 health, vvhllo the
poros In tho ten jnrds of bovvolx do
Mon'nnd vomen are tinted to dnnk
each morning, boforo breakfast a
glass of hot water with a teaspoontul
ot limestone phosphate In It, na n
harmless means of belplnn to wash
from tho stomach, liver, kldneyn nnd
bowels tho previous day's Indigestible
mntorlnl, poisons, sour bllo mid toxins;
thus cleansing, BW'oetonliiK mid purl
f)liiB tho ontlro nllmentary canal bo
foro jiuttlug moro food Into the atom'
nch. o
Just ns soap and hot watnr cloonno
and freshen tho skin, so hut wntor mid
llmestouo phosphate act on tho ellr
Innllvo organs.
Thoso who wako up with bad broath,
coated tonguo, nasty tnsto or hnvo a
dull aching head, sallow complexion,
ncld stomach, othort who are subject
to bilious attacks or constipation,
should obtnln a quarter pound ot lima
atono phobpbato at tho drug store.
This will cost very littlo but Is euul
clcnt to demonstrnto the value of In
side bathing Thoso who contlnuo it
each morning aro assured of pro
nounced rosults, both ln regard to
health and uppcarauco.
Twenty p-r Pent tower than pub-
llsheil before
Dear Creek bottom, half In
cultivation . Sz.50
Hear Creek bottom. aJl in
cultivation 115 00
Sticky. lkrHj-rourth cultivat
ed 4S 00
Desert, under ditch IS 50
Commercial Orchard, choice (50 00
Applfgate. Irrigated, half in cultiva
tion, lwrovd SO. 00
SKH mi: vow
102oMt Main ft
I'.ione i93
Heals Skin Diseases
It I nunccewmry for jou to suffer
with fczrinn, ringworm, rnnhci nnd slia
liar fkin Irnul'lcs. A little zenio. Rotti-n
nt nnv ilrutt sture for "c, or ?l.UO fot
extra tare bottle, anil prmiiptly applied
will UMitllr ttlve Initniit relief from Itili
Inc torture It clniies nml soothes tlw
skin nml lionh ijulclily uuil effectively
imwt skin (llsenKcs.
'a'MO I.m a wuiKlerftil dlrappc-nrlus liquid
nml iIoi-h nut ifiniul tin tikh-i ilvlicnm fkln.
It in not xrcniy, in nily nipllcd and
costs little. (vt It tixloy mid save all
further diMtf-M.
cuiu, Cleveland.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the nomination for sheriff on tho
republican ticket, to bo voted upon nt
the co m I n k primaries, May mth,
I have held the position of deputy
sheriff for the past four yonra and am
tboroiiRbly familiar with tho dutlon
connected with the office, both cleri
cal nnd outsldo work.
1 feel that I am competent to hold
the position, and lr nominated and
elected, will rIvo tho people of Jack
son county nn efficient and economi
cal administration.
I also agree It elected to enforco
all laws..
Adv. K. W. (Curloy) WILSON.
I am a cntidldato for tho nomina
tion of .Sheriff on the rupiibticuu
ticket to he voted for nt tho primaries
May !!, 1010 If nominated nnd
elected I will ouforre the law and
Klvo the public an honest, impartial
and efficient administration.
87 eurs in Jackson county.
Adv. II. X hOn.AND.
1 hoi eli) announce my cnndldacy
for tho republican nomluntlou for
sheriff, to bo voted on at tho cnmliiR
prlmnrlos. May 19th, 1!M.
I feel that I need no Introduction
to thn public, having been a resilient
of Jucknon count) for 21 vim re.
1 plodRo mysolf, If elected, to kIvo
mi imnarllal, economical and con
servative admlulatintloii of thU Im
portant offlro.
I have endeavored to sorvo tho
public fulthfull) ln tho past nud
mtreo, If elected to strletl) mid
Impartially enfotco nil laws lUvlnn
a very largo oxperleuco In tho mat
tors of taxation and knowliiK Jack
son county thoroughly, I plodRo my
self to conduct the tax collection
branch ot tho off lie in such a nmunor
as to servo the tnxpn)erH honestly,
promptly mid efficiently.
Adv. W. T. QIUliVK.
I am a candldnto for the republi
can nomination of sheriff of Jneksou
count), suhjoct to the primary. May
! 19. ulfi
I I havo lived In Jackson county
twolvo )fars. mndo the raco for the
l nomination for sheriff two yearn ago
and received n splendid vote despite
tho unusual conditions I had to op
pose and would appreciate your sup
port this time
If elected I will enforce all laws
and plftcjge nt) self to an economical,
Impartial mid conservative) adminis
tration. Adv. A W WAMCKIt.
I am a candidate for re-eloctlon
fo the otflco ot district attorney.
Adv. IC. I!. KKU.Y.
I herelir announce that I havo
filed ni) dnrUrntlon of Intention to
hoconio a candldnto for tho i ninth
llcnn nomliiHtlon for tho offlro of
District Attorney for Jackson county,
Oregon, subject to thn decision of tho
republican part), Ht tlio primary olee
Hon to be hold .May I'. 11.
I beroby Miinourns that I have filed
my (loelsrmlou of Intentions, and thai
I am a candidate fur tho democratic
nomination for the office of district
attorney, stibjett to the Ma orlmnr
ies It I am nominated mid elected
to this office. 1 promise not to forgot
tho fact Hiat I am a public servant,
and that J will to the host or my
ability administer the affairs of the
office, Impartial!, honestly mid
without fear or favor.
The first or the rr a number of
republicans. Including in sin who ap
proved ot my efforts In the Internal
ot the taxpayers as stale representa
tive four years ago. requostwl me to
become a candidal for the office of
District Attorney. Inasmuch aa there
would be. in addition to th rtKular
dntUa of tbfe criminal and Juvnll
courts, new duties and icmdltluns
roafronilBC the office A motif these
ware mentioned the enforcement of
the prohibition uci, and the likeli
hood of having to foreclose many tux
hns, pnrtleulurly tboave against the
aieutliern I'aclftr land grant of early
half inllllou acres In Jackson county,
ampdntiaa to aout I iou.eoo
Mv repl was that I would become
h 'sntlidatM if II wort aenen !
ii'd and I tin rut rouiil l,i mnd1
itteit a i iii in-, -i'i,i.l i iife ! m
to any parttculnr Indlvldunl, faction,
locality or luWest
Therefore after consultlnR person
ally or by letter eev oral hundred men
mid women or nil occupatioiiH In
nil partn of the county, believing
there Is n real dcslro for my enndt
dacy, I will bo n candidate for tho
nomination of Dlstilct Attorney on
tho republican ticket.
coiwtv Tni;simi:u.
Deputy County Treasurer Myrtle
W. Hlakelny announces her candidacy
for tho qfflec of county treasurer.
I horoby announce m candidacy
on the republican ticket for tho of
fice of county treasurer, to bo voted
on nt tho comtnic primaries. I have
held the position on deputy In thin
otflco for tho past vcar and am con
fident Hint I can fulfill the duties
connoctod therewith.
I acrvod two years as deputv conn
ty recorder before taking tlio posi
tion oh deputy county treasurer; 1
have alio had experience as account
ant for several corporation:, such as
thn Mcdford Concrete C'onsti action
company and Mndford Ico and Stor
ago Compnuy, before Inking up coun
ty notk, nud will say that my past
record Is open for Inspection to tho
voters of Jncknon county.
It nominated and elected I will run
tho oftlco without the ovponso ot a
deputy and continue to servo tho pub
lic Just as efficient lu tho tuttiro ns
I havo In tho past.
I hereby announce Hint I havo filed
ni) declaration of Intention to be
come a candldnto for tho republican
nomluntlou for the office of county
troasttrcr, to he voted on In tho com
ing primaries.
If I am nominated mid elected will
conduct the office In an efficient mid
businesslike niuntier.
I hoioh) nuuoiiuee that I am a can
didate for the nouiliintlou of eounty
treasurer Tor Jackson count), Oichiii,
on the lopubllcnii ticket lo bo voted
for at tho prlmurv election to be hold
.Mny 10, 191 fi
I formorl) hold the office of county
treasurer and believe I gave general
satisfaction to tho public.
During tho time I was eounty treas
urer tho count) employed expert ac
countants to expert the county offi
cers' books and suld experts compll
uiented ni) work veiy highly ks a
public official
If uomlnnteit and elected I shall
ettdoavor to conduct tho affairs or tho
otflco in an honest, efficient and bust-noss-llku
ror.vrv cMJitic.
('. A. (7urtlncr Is Republican C'audl-
Unto lor i ounty i letk
I herehv annoutiie mv candidacy
for the office of county clerk nnd If
nominated and elected will roiitlnuo
to give my entire time nud attention
to Did duties thnieof, conduct tlio
office according to law and givo an
efficient, economical nud business
like ndmlutstintlon.
I hereby announce tnru 1 havo
flltd my declaration of Intention to
beeomo n eandldnto for (ho republi
can nomination for .the offlen of
county clerk, tor Jackson county,
Oregon, subject to tho decision or tho
republican pnrtv at thn primary elec
tion to be held .May 111, ID Hi.
Adv. (Little! JOK II. WJI.MON.
I herehv announce that I have
filed my decliratlou ot Intention to
become a CHiulldato for tho republi
can nomination for tho office of coun
ty clerk, for Jackson county, subject
to tho decision of tho republican par
ty, at tho prluiHiy election to bo held
.May ID, l'JH
Adv. A. V. IIU.DItllltA.N'I).
1 hereby announce my candldaoy
on the republican ticket for the of
fice of County Hobool Superintend
ent for Juckum county, Oregon, sub
Joet to Ho will of tjio republican
part) at the primary election May
19. I stand for practical school ef
ficiency, personal supervision of tho
schools and elimination ot county
school supervisors.
I !
I hereby announto my candidacy
far the office of county assessor of
Jackson county on the republican
tloket, subject to the primary on
.May lb. I pledge myself to an
linnMt ftfflrtftnt Irftinnrtlnl ftn.l haaii.
omlwl discharge o the duties of the
office and propose (9 make all assess
ments upon the boat of the true
actual value of the property and not
open any Inflated valuation.
I herewith announce mv candidacy
for count) aesaar, subject to the
decision of the roniblleau party ac
the primary election te be held May
IS, lii 1 8 If elec-lao' I pledge myself
to make a Just and equitable assess
ment and iidminlster the affairs of
the uffliK in .1 ''usIneHi- lil.o manner.
dv J U Pii EM N
County School Knpeilntendptit,
To the veters: I am ropubllcnn
candidate for county school super
intendent nt tho primary election,
Ma) 19, 191G.
I it m for supervision of the schooln
by the superintendent and for eron
otny In thn county superintendent!!
office and every place where It docrf
not retard tho efficiency of tho
1 am In favor of progressive educa
tion, that Is, education that prepares
tho boy or girl for life. I am for oil
having a square deal and an equal
chance for nil education.
If nominated and elected I wilt
do every thing In my power to make
tho schools of Jackson county tho
best In tho state.
Adv. A. J. HANDY.
I hereby announce Hint I hnvo
tiled mv decfarntlou of Intentions,
mid Hint I nm a candidate for tho ro
publlenti nuntluntlon for tho offlen nt
County tlchool Siipertutuudent of
Jnckson count), subjeut to tho pri
ma) Ies of May 1U
If nominated and electod I pledge
myself to an honest. Impartlnl mid
economic administration and will
personally supervise our schools.
I hold an. Oregon life certificate,
and having rrceutl) spent four ses
sions 011 preparatory work, both in
tho University of Oregon and lu tho
I'nlvetslty or California In the study
or modern education nud supnrvl
nlon. and having served tho county
ne rural neiiool supervisor for two
j ears, 1 feel competent to fill the of
fice lu a thoroughly satisfactory man
ner mid hereby solicit the support ot
ever true ft lend of education.
Adv. (I. W. AC1KR.
I am a emiilldate for the republi
can nomluntlou for Count) School
Stiiwrliitoiideut I stand Tor' A con
tliiumiee of progressive policies In
education, ecotinni) consist out with
eftlclotie), equal educational ailvHti
tiigoe for the ho)s mid girls on the
fui ma with those lu the cities and
If nominated and eleited I will In
the future, as lu the- past give my
full time and host of foils to tho
supervision of the schools and tho ad
ministration or tho duties or the of
fice. During 111) lut-umbniiL-y I huve
not confined mvsoir strictly to the
routine duties ot the office hut have
taken a broader view or tho mission
of the Count) Hi iiool Supeilnteudeut
lu addition to to) efforts to raise the
standard of teaching and Improve tho
physical loudltlnus nt school I havo
labored to promote the welfare of
the bojsand girls through Industrial
clubs, school rails, si hool credits for
home work, parent-teachers olruloe.
spelling and arithmetic contests, mid
other activities. I fool that my work
has been regarded with favor and In
ordT. to contlnuo this work. I am
asking for re-election
Adv J. I'BRCY WKI.I.8.
FOR RKNT A-roiiiii modorii house,
walls now I) tinted. I'honu r37-Y
Foil RKXT - tikoly furnished 5-rooni
bunnnlow, cboup. Phone Rl I-1.
FOR RKNT H-rooni motinrn bunga
low, range eounoeted, east front,
Hhadii. Tel ISK-X.
FOR RKNT Modem bungalow, flvi
rooms and bath, nicely furnished,
.lames Campbull, Phone .111 -It. 200
FOR RKNT- Apartiuont for rent.
Tim llorbon, 10 Qulno Ht.
roil HAT.iu-iiivi'nviooi:
II) It SAI.H One frtsh lersy cow.
ono fresh Hborthorn heifer, one
I in roc Jerso) brood sow, 0110 m
Into plantni. II W DvIsoh.
Central Point. Ore 803
FOR SALIC Or ejtihunge. work
horse for eows, calves or hogs. Ap
pl) .Mall Trlbuiio liox t gUH
FO ifliA I .hV-Workloam. good "flcwlii
elgh about KiOU lbs ohcIi For
gujnk sale, $150. Puliuor Piano
Place. Phono 870-J.
. r-5 ri, J -r. tts- .
KO R SA l.K Oiie i o'lTogK C) pliers
incubgtnr Phone illo-ltl. 2S
FOR KAI.IC One turkey gobbler
(bronsei, one llerkablre boar, two
llerbablre sews: all young, well
bred sWk J. li Webster. Phone
KOIt SLM.K -Hatching eggs, day old
emciws, O A. C slralH, from Imp
nested, bred-to-lay S C. W. leg leg
eorns: egg pre4ueiwu first, but I
also have quality. At So. Oreg.
Poultry Show I von two firsts, ono
second and three aitoalals on sis
birds entered
W J. Warner, Med
ford. Phone lito-M
FOR KXriUNOR Work horso for
lot III Medfoid or kihhI milk mu
(i Mbit 1 "l I Kliu Si i"7
I'OH SA1.H Oood steel ratiRo cheap.
I'lionq 723-Y. 2U8
I'OIt SAIiK PlrfcoiiM at a banditti.
7,'I8 West 11th St. ilOO
FOlf HAU-r-l !l I r, Moilfil "KPlTcy 1 1 n -
dor 10-h. p. Cltnlmors In perfect
condition, thoroughly equipped
with electric lights, self starter.
e(6., all tlrcH URod less than a
month; also exit new cnidng. Will
Hell for cash or Undo part cash.
What have )ou? II. W. Dlnghum,
.Mndford, Ore. :M2
FOR HAI.I-; ClHMip, f. dining chairs,
rug Si.xl2, wash machine and tiro
less cooker. 11US 11 1 1th Ht .
I'liond (177-11. 200
FOR BATlJinrloy-UnvlilHon motor
oulo In ported condition, cheap.
Inquire 310 North llurtlett. 2US
FOR HAl.i: Oood wagon. Call be.
twecn 8 and C. Phono CC. Hven
Ittgn S5G-J. 2J0
FOR SALR--l.lttlo club need wheat;
also feed wheat. James Campbell.
FOR HAI.M Nlco grnln liny, baled,
$11. Phono f07-R2. 298
FOR HAliU UIIKAP - flood hack, sin
gle harness mid hand cart. Union
l.tvory barn. 300
FOR HAM-:- Haled hay, $10; young
brood soivh (3) $1) each; heifer
calf, 0 1110. old, $tfi; 100-cgg Itiau
bator, $3.riO; light spring wagon,
$18; llroiuo turkeys. Mrs. D. M
McNtiBHor, Central Point. Phono
H3-X2. 311
FOR SAMS Or trnde, ono second
hnuil auto truck, lVfc tun, lu good
condition; will trado for second
hand Ford. Appl) to Ilox R3,
Ashland, Oro. 218
FOR SAl.KKoudnn grass and Col-
logo .Minnesota No. 13 snoil corn.
F. S. Charley, Ilrnwnaboro, Oro.
Fo'lTsAMC Or Trade for city real
detieo property, country mercantile
property. I acres commenlul orch
ard, piirmanent water right. Ad
dress Owner, Rex -111, .Medford,
Ore. 288
FOR SAMC-lty owners, choice Hear
ct-eek Iwttom land close to Med
ford, with eight ear old fruit trees
-apples and pears; also uirulfn
land. Houses and lots Tor aula or
nnt Jnsoph Tit) lor & Hon, Phone
I&2-II. 4X1
FOR HAI.K (lood stock rnncli with
wntor right; good range, nt n bar
gain. Inquire Ilux SG, Juuksouvlllo,
Orogou. 300
WANTKll Hl.iumiiiA.'vrtOlW
WANTKD Second baud hle)cio Tor
hoy II or IB; price must bo teas
onable. Phono HO&pJ. SOS
WANTKD TO I1UY- County wai
rnnta. Name lowest price you will
take, liox 100, .Mail Tribune. SUK
WAN'Fkd )hMleriihiiuan. AahlanT.
.Medford or (iranta Pass rnr lo a
Irilgnlml on hard near Medford 011
P. & K, rich soil; $i(iua. Owner
Ilox fin, It. , Modfotd. 3W0
WANTKD Thotiaaiid to eleven hun
dred mure, farm wagon, sUo about
mi with single or double set work
harness Write II. A. Alorae,
Drain, Ore. 200
WANTKD Piano to store for lis
use; good care; no children. Ilox
3. Mull Tribune 200
WANTKD TO HUY -About 60 head
of atoek cows and heifers, no .ler
soys. James Campbell, Phone 31 1 -It
WANTKD Sheep bought and Mold.
Rosenberg Pros., Control Point.
Phone 3 1 xxx I. 306
WANT18D Droaamuktng al homo or
by day. Ills, Central, Phono
LOHT While shopping In Medfonl
Saturday, Fob Kuth, a touud cup
par bell pin: liberal reward If re
turned to Mull Trlbuue. 2U0
TO LOAN $1000 on Ipiprorod rnnch
Holmes the Insurance Man.
siBSaasp .
MONBY TO LOAN -Will lotH up to
$5000 on farm property. IS. 8
Tuuiy, 310 UnruoU-Corey Hldg.
-. 101
r4, ii !
by Rev. J T- Sun1mid, and oth
er Pultarlan literature sent free to
Inquirers Address Mlaa Kasol
liiiiton C'uli)l It F D No
1 On ;ou 111
Auto Supplies
nrrl operating tho largest, oldest
and host equipped plant ln tho Pa
cific northwest. Ueo otlr springs
when others fall. Sold undor guar
antoo. 2C North Flttecnth St..
Portland, Ore.
GEO W. CHERRY AttorneyHd
Notary, Room 0, Jackson'0 Cbunty
Rank Untitling, entrance N. Cen
tral, Medford, Oro.
PORTER J. NEI'F- Attorney tU1w.f
rooms S mid 0, Medford Nhlfoaal
Hank Iliilldlng.
Corey Mdg.
O. M. ROUERTB Lawyer.
Medford National Dank Otllldlng,
Onrnott-Coroy llldg,, utte 310
Mcdforci, Oro. Phono 850.
Collections nnd Rcporti
collected Domo accounts 1,4 years
old. Wo know how to got tho
money. Tho Htttiock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has
kins' Illdg., 21C K. Main st.
Engineer nnd Coutrnctor
conlrnrtor, 401 M. F. & II. Illdg
8urvo)S estimates, Irtlgatloo
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement. lustirniirc.
KARL 8 TIIMY General Insurance
office. Fire. AnteinoOllo, Aoeldent,
Liability, Plato Olaaa. Contract,
and Surely Honda. Excellent com-
i mules, good local sorrlcu. No.
:10 Oarnett-Corey Uldg.
Iiistliictloii In Music
r7t'icr)u?To"NnAimVT Iwim7ot
piano and harmony Composer
aud arranger of music llnlght
Muslo Studio, -101 Onrnott-Coroy
OARRAUf: Got j-our promises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on the olty garbage wagons for
good norvlco. Phono 274-L. F.
Y. Allon.
Physicians nml Burgeons
MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathlo
physicians, 41G-417 Garnott-Corey
bldg., phono 1030-L. Residence
2G South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician, 303 Garnett-Corey
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EM MENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
oar, 1100 aud throat. Uyea scien
tifically tested and glassos sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlat for S. P
R. It. Co Offlcos M. F. & II Co.
bldg, opposlto P. O. Phono CG7,
DR. R. W. CLANCYPbyslclan and
surgeon Phones, offlro 36, resi
dence 724-J. Otflco hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
cian nud surgeon. Otflco Palm
block, opposite Nash hotel Hours
10 to 12. 1 to -I Phono 110-J.
Homeopathic Physician, Surgeon,
228 (Cast Main St , Medford. Oro
gon. Offlen phono 142, roaldonc
Phono 732-R2. Otflco hours 1 to
4 p. m.
DllTo. W KTKP7lKNSON Physlolan
and Optician. Calla answered.
Hyoe tested; C.lnssee fitted that
will correct any defect ot vision;
prleoH roasonablo. Phono 8G'J-X.
Ofllso at residence for tho present,
Medford, Orogou, 14BS Holly.
Pi Inters mid Publishers
BansemM 'isii.t usatjmaasjw's)
beat equipped printing otflco in
nnuthern Oregon; book binding
loose leaf ledgers, billing nysttxus
ote. Portland price. 27 North
Jlr at.
wm90 ii im .4.4 irtmmtmap mmm
Office 43 NorUt Front at Pnau
115 Prltes tight. Service gur
wtesd Sevvluar Mnrhluee
-. - - - - - .. .411
8 vi K tilt l v 1 m in used -eiiiuir..!1
ii b ' ' niiag and
ip.ililnk n 'v in i" im. for sale
from taciorv lo eiistmner Rel
renee 875 So central Phone vn,