FAOtf rotm MKDT'Onp MAIL THTBrNF!, MmFOnD, oW fiOV. 'WTTiVWMY. "Vf Nf TT 1'l I ! k $ 11 'r 1 i If . Br P-. i,( i . MEDFOKD MAIL TIMUUNEI A CHALLENGE TO CHARITY A, FU w 'KKflMMT NBWHt'Af'Bn EVKflT AlTP.KNOON IT NUVrMY II V TUB MMsFOftll I'lUMTINO CO. i Office XUII Trlbun Htiiultnx, JJ-17- Norm Plr itrwt; lelrptnn S. The rmoeftlfl Tlrn. fhe Us1ff Mat), The llfUfonl Trbuna, The yt rn Off new n, Tha Ashland Trbuae. UniCIUPTIOK XATXI On year, for mat .... . on month, by mnli .... Ft tnoatli, dHlYri by carrier In Mrdfortl. Pliornix, Jackjenvlll ami canirai romi .- -- fl I or day only. ty mail, per year. wrrsijr, prr year ": .9 tM 1.E0 tleU Taper of Die City of Med ford. QfflaHl taper of Jnekneii County. mitred r aeooml-claai mattsr at Medfm-d, Oregon, under the aet of Maroh I, 1879. Hworn Clroulatton for IBM, 2SII. Pull leaned nlre Aaioelattd 1'reia !! fatohri. stW: i t " Subscribers falling to re- colvo pnpors promptly, plrono Circulation Manngor at 260-K .. HONG KONG KOLUM L lloforo CoIIoro "I.lfo In JllHt 0110 tiling nftor nnollior." Aftor CoIIoro "Mfo Ih n sextos of vltnl phonnmonn." Slio Wiim Hiiro of II, Frank; "I hopo you will Itellovo mo whon 1 toll you that you are the onlKlrl lovorlovod." CVtniulu: "No. That 1 mfuso to bo llovij." I'rnuk: " Thon will you bollcvo iiiiv.whou I toll you that you nro the only girl I cvor loved." Mniirte: "Vo, I am auro you aro In orirnoat now." Answors. OfiOANJZICI) charity now, nwonliiiK to the federal in dimf rinl relation committee, the sixth lnvwml Amer ican induatry, lifts been clmlleiiKed, through lis repreHcn-, fntivca, by Judc Jlenry Nell of Onk Park, 111., originator of Hie mothers' pension legislation, to Rebate tho follow-1 ing questien: 1 " Unsolved, Hint poverty is n soeinl disease that ennj never be relieved nor eured by beting." i Judge Neil, in his challenge, say that ho expects to prove the following in the Uebate: That charity dee not relievo poverty to any onatdnrablo extont. That poverty Increase at a hlKlicr rate than uontrlbutlona to charity. That mother and children arc separated and famlllo brokon up aim ply bncntise of povorty. That moat of the Jttvonlln crltno and dnllnquoncy and physical defects are caused hy child povorty. That child poverty la one of the moat oxpcnslvSj luxuries that taxpayers hate te pay Tor. That orManlzod charity linn boconio the sixth IttrKORt private business In America. That It ha a cloely knit organization, similar In purpoan and opera tion (o a political machine. That po-callcd Hcliools of philanthropy are lonchlnn younR men to conduct loan office which charxo the poor people an much a 200 por cent a year for tniiall loaua. That orKKtilicd charity ha been and now Is the bitter enemy of the mother' prntilou law and ha npent thouHamla of dollars In attempting to defeat lobulation for the benefit of doMltute mother and children. That the tendency or organized charity I to perpetuate charity and poverlv That employe of charity societies are terrorized by tho "hlhor-upH" and do not dare apeak their mind about the Munition. That organized charity ha no constructive social plan. That It claim and successfully maintains a monopoly of begging. There is no likelihood of the representatives of the Rockefeller, Satye or other "foundations" nccitinir this challenge. It would cost them their bread and butter if they did. The aim and object of organized charity is to perpetu ate present industrial conditions which make for social in justice, and by tinkering with the results, divert attention from the cause and perr'tuato poverty. The system ol organized charity in bettering condi NEW DINGS L IN MEDFDRD 1915 TOTALED $146,415 A WOMAN'S FAULTS TOTAL FIVE? KENDALL READY t low ions'can be comv.ired to the old methods of fighting yel ;nv fever wlu.i efforts were made to save the afflicted vic tim, and ' ery stagnant pool and swamp left to breed 1110,4 quitorto spread the infection. Not until the cause was t.fc. iiifrwl lt liui itfiiit 1 tin tmrtiituMi ..! 1t11!... 1 1. - ..,. J'-"it i vuniim v i.iiiu ntxuiiiin null ivjiiiml: lilt! JII11.1- quitoes was yellow fever effectively combated, and not .until our social and industrial swamps that breed the mos quitoes of social injustice are cleaned up will poverty be eliminated. A JINGO NIGHTMARE Today' Worst Ulddlo. ' What would (Noptuno ny If the una woro.drlod up7 '.An'awor I haven't n notion (an ocean.) " (Don't oheop hnya at n tlmo llko tlilsl) . Nino tlmo out of tun tho guy who Is truly neutral luiMn't got enoujli of tho gray atuff In his lioun to (orui tin opinion, 1'jishIiik the .Mlistnnl. Ilo lia Hiiinll town Hick I'll bet; Jin talk about tho "OHharet." Clnalnniitl IDmiulrer. ' AnotiiQr hot J "a'ltul'B pretty iwfo; iiafn'ivnyfl mire, to f CtollltljfiV ' -Columhiia Statu '. . ' AltlinuKh lilawtiiii " " I'd not dJiiroiQ, 1 miillo to har lllw enUU mii." Detroit Kroo l'rww. llll ItMrt li kind, " ' ill hI U noulo; IlHt UII h m It ' AutemsAII.M -Judg. 'And J Hit to wake Thla porno QQiitplett) I'll bet h la "A atkMlato." K !v 'J 'INmIhj-'s llellrlngur He wiui a vary elwvar iMrxm and li)n lutwit HlattNt victim waa a wu wkn 'biia conductor. "S.wwbttro In I'raiicti, plcaae!" h anld. HttH a irln, teiidwlwu a pay a aha iMint) tor th (area. .So t hi it happened unill the alrle paravd a iMrutlng ottlct. Then the fair tenduotor tasied at the boll ir t anuouucd leudly: , '('bank ban far th SoiuitHhere In r'rauce!' Aiuworl. ' ' Su) the (ill It mi the I'lllil Olrla! If )uu rually want to on- lung tli youHg utau wbu klwwa jur band Ih parllun )ou ahould tall you think It "uttil out of 9l" ,M)torlth of Ratine rd No. i. WI1I8KBHU jaksrs wra Invent ftd by nature 'gov.gr bor wurat mMakea. when pretty child irawa up to niRHbood with a face like a kicked li derby, Mature tivea lilm a buati to 1 blila bttoltut be won't frighten thej li&raiw or aeud bablea luto coiimiI alpna, 1 a- t)d Whisker are oxtrewel? erratic Itod QiiM often nrw n black-balred men, hut lilnak onoj never grow on red-lmlreil mn. Tklg to bm of the niyaterloa of nature. A OKKrAN pajier, widely reprinted in America, has printed a summary of a book it says is being cir culated in 'Japan, which attacks the United States as the areh-enomy of Japan, and gloats over the prospective de feat of America as the aim and desire of the .Japanese na tion. The following is a sample excerpt: Our great Idea and aystem today In order to vanquish California, to own the Sandwich Islands, Samoa and the Philippines-- Is that wo must all save, first our ntrength and necondly, every en thnt wo can. All our prorowior must Imbue their Htudenu with the realization Hint the United Rtatea I our liiKiiltliiK enemy! They must -and they will teach those who are yet too young to nerve, nil the crookedne of the Unit ed State, calling upon their young heart to fight nobly against Amorlcan Injustice. .In reply to such bombastic utterances, R Kumasaka, Japanese cnnsjil at Portland, recently said at a banquet: On the other aide of the oceun my good peoplo'nre of ton haunted by the nightmare of an American Invntdon. They were told that when tho I'linuma canal wn opened and the naval bane at I'eiui Harbor was com pleted America would be ready to gobble up Japan. 1 bellevo It I the duty of Mane men on both aide of the ocean to get together and atamp out thoao uouaeiiaicHi nut micuier-provoKing cauarua. To me and to you nlo, I trnat, the Pacific ocean look big onouglj for liolhAmerlca and Japan to get along without trouble. "We will certainly not have It mile we liuiat on finding It. The vast expanie of water be tween it I no longer a barrier, but n amooth highway which wo utilize fpr trade and general lutercourae. We ahould be lacking In seimo If we did uotjunko tho moit of It, It is entirely within the bounds of probability that no such book ever circulated in Japan, and that it is a fic tion perpetrated by our clever Gorman friends to stir up trouble in America. If there is such a book, it is the work of some crazy .Japanese jingo whose counterpart exists in the American yellow press endeavoring to stir up trouble between two friendly nations, for there exists no earthly reason why there should be a quarrel, now or in the future, between the I'uited States and Japan. The German wish is the father of the thought. ,a train U one-half mile away, how far away miiat a train bo when It 1 1 not negligence? 1 am writing thl communication to conect the Impreaelou given l From the annual jijmrt l ijuirin K. Illnmaii, city elcitnenl inspector, the fnrt i gleaned that the total coat of building nnorattona within the city of Mwlfonl during- 11)15 wn $110,- -J15. Tlirre new bnineK ImililingH were erected at a cost of $ll."),f)00. i Nine new reaiilenPes were built lit n total coMt of 18,!l00. In addition to the ileum of improvement, the Ilnr nuin bote building and the Elk' tem ple were completed, adding; $(10,000 to the above totnl. The cost of buildings oreuted nnd additions made to others d urine the past year ex ceed that of the yeur 191 i by $80,8 1.. "During the month of November, lOlo,',' says the report, "n new stieet lijlitinp contract was entered into by the city nnd the Cnlifornin- Orcgon Power company whereby the preNent nri'-ligriting ,vlcin will be discontinued nnd replaced by the more modem serio Mazda s.tein, usiiif; lyie '(" nitrogen lamps of :00 nnd -100 candle-power, the city to mukc nil replacements nnd renewals ut burned-out lamp". Ilcgiuiiiug with Docembcr 1, lOlfl, tin ilepnrtmcnt nnaumed the tuk of making the le newnls nnd icplnceincnts nu the clus ter lighting aystem and upon the com pletion of the .series Mazda ny-tcm, will attend to replacements mid re newals theroon." During the year Inspector Hininnn nmile 11-101 clectrionl inapectinim, hu- )crirttendcd the installation of $1 1, (170 worth of gleet rienl wiring, issued (11:1 pennit, made JO trips over the gravity pipeline telephone system, making repairs nnd inspecting the system, giving n total of 10(1 hours to that work. During the year mas ter elect ricinns' licenses were issued to T. K. riynn, manager of tho .Mcil "ford Klcctrie oopipnny; II. W. Paul, nuiniigcr of Paul's Jllectric Ntoro, and O. C. llenloiii of the Klcctrie Con struction company had . , i i l?5.H SfMaw V .-'!lii I r3fy TO BUILD RAILROAD 1 ROSEBURG Florence La radio, Star In Than liontcr-Mutual Mastcrpioturci, Do Luxo edition. "The Five Fault of Flo." allowing ut tho Star theater today I a drama j M of a woman' soul. It lay bare the hidden motive which nctuate liar life. It uncover her fault. It graap tho atruggle of hor spirit for freedom from aelflah nes and envy. Do you believe that the fault of every womnn can bo reduced to five That prldo, onvy, flckleno, extravagance and Joalouay away tho Mfo of every member of tho gentlor ex? POUTI.AND. Mnr. h . I nl 1' ferrel by cintiiiuniice of btiuatioii actual work on the Hoacburg k I'.nst- rn railwftr will begin May 1. Thla atatement was londe trwlny Uy S. A. Kendall of Pittalmrg, Pa., pnident of the Kendall Lumber eomin.v, who through co-operation with the citv of Itoseburg, ha undertaken to build n rail line into the heart of the lumber country on the Cascade slopes in con nection with a new mill. The matter i now before the su preme court n to whether or not the city of Itofoburg had made the best possible bargain with the Kendall when it voted j $300,000 bond issue to help the road. "I'ntil the decision is handed down," said Mr. Kendall today, "I ennnot discuss our plans very intel ligently. If the decision is adverse it will menu that we will have to en ter into n new ngi cement with the. city, but it will by no menim put a stop to our work there." "Business in the east is at the highest tide I have ever scon it," said Kendall. "All tho mills anil fae- ' I'MitK.nnl mr, Ker nirhnt be '"'M I'll I "Ini rg and ImVuntrr full ..r loarferl ears waiting ff n rhnrM" in irrt int tle rl " :girls! thicken and beautify your hi and siop dandruff iTry This! Your llnlr Oct Wavy, (l(.Ny anil Abundant at Ouco Altogether, Inlncetor Ilinnmn n busy year. WHAT M.W'V (Jllll.llim.V luCK A Had Right, Indeed, It I to hoc to many children on our streets weak, peevish, dellcnto and ailing, with HplndllnR llttlo loa and arms and often so croH tli.it' parentH can do nothing with thomf all bocauio they lack vitality. Our local druggliti, the Medford Pharmacy, ask tho par ent of overy suchfolilld to try Vlnol, their non-secrot cod liver and Iron remedy, to ovorcomo such conditions. It contain no oil or grease, and U so delicious children love to take It. - Adv. MACLEAY ESTA1E MAHSHFIF.U), Or., Mrch S. Purchase of the Coquille Valley Ftsh onncn's Co.operntivo onunery nenr llundon, on the Coipiillo river, by the Mnelony catnip of Pottlnnd, is ho- lieved to he a forerunner of the form- 'M night the trouble bothered mo, too, nlion of u big fishing comMiny which, and ofton I couldn't sleep. PliiHtors bus been planned for (he Oregon. " llulmeiita didn't help nio and I torios nro working day anil night. Money is plentiful. The things that hurt now are the ear shortage on Ihe one hand and the ship shortage on the other. Hut for that the industrial situation would he ideal. "As it is, howcer, we ennnot even ship lumber into New York, though our customers are nlnmoring for if, because there is no room for n simile, Neighborly Advice Freely (ilvi'ii by n Medford Cltlcn When one ha suffered torture from n bad back and found relief from tho aches and pttlns, that per son's advice Is of untold value to friends and neighbors. Tho follow ing neighborly advice cornea from n Medford resident. Mr. William Charley, 30B .V. Grapo St., Medford, says: "I had pains In tho small of my back and Homotlmc I could hardly bond or straighten. To he possessed of a hoad of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff Is tnoro ly a matter of using a llttlo Dandor ine. It Is easy and Inexpensive to havo nice, soft hair and lots of, it. Juat get a 2K-cent bottle, of Knowlton's Damlerlne now all drug storoa rec ommend It apply a llttlo as direct ed and within ten minutes thoro will be an nppearance of abundance, fresh ness, flufflness and an Incomparable gloss and lustre, and try as you will you can not find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real sur prise will be nfter about two weeka use, when you will seo now Jinlr fine and downy nt first yes but really now Jiair sprouting out nil ovor your scalp Dandorlno Is, wo bollevo, the only suro hnlr grower, destroyer of dandruff nnd euro for Itchy scalp and It uovor fall to stop falling hair at once. If you' want to provo how prolty and soft your hair really Is, molston a cloth with a llttlo Dandorlun anil carefully draw It through your hnlr taking one small strand at a tlmo. Your hair will bo soft, glossy and beautiful In Just a few moment n delightful surprise awnlta avpryana who tries this. Adv. Wk 1 rvJ5 .... r.u .r,. T! w I JfXL. .J 1 fl tim t .!'. t! DS Cot " coast. It is known tho Maeleny interests considered pulling their ejild stortigc plants nt Ilotfue In'ver and Port Or lord into n big; fiahitig company to be formed by Portland men. Purchase of the Cofiiillo river cannery Is thought to be part of the deal. Or. W. IV Chlsholm, of Oold Mill, returned home last evening, after a professional visit In this city and Jacksonville esterduy. was almost dlxcourngod. Four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills restored me to good health." OVIJIt FIVU YKAltS I-ATHIl, Mrs. Charloy said: "I havo had no kid ney trquble slace Doan's Kidney PHI freed me of it." (Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney I'illa the same that Mrs. Charley has twice publicly recommended. Foster-Mllburn Co , Prop . lliiffalo. X Y - Adv. TODAY The Five Faults of Flo Starring Florence Labadie Mow Flo wn cured of pride, envy, Jealousy, fickleness and extrava gance. Thl oxtraordlnary masterplcco will be shown today only on tho SKimo proginm with the one reel com edy "Hunting," h picture of a hun dred laughs, featuring tho Irroprossl ble IIUD ItOSS. Admission 5 and 10 cents. COMIXO FRIDAY -The Horrors of War." COMMUNICATION. To the lidlter: My attention is called to an article In I'stii a nt iiiin iiiuiii.iIIiiii. Lti unllnii agahut tho Southern I'aclflo railroad lour arl'c'0 "J " " of JO"' for the destruction f my autowobtle. , ,wl'"r "' M"riH " The article cone the wrong lm- J ery truly ours, prM,,a. MltS. ADDIK 1IA1.I.KY, ri... ruM. ur, u.i .. .,. i.,.v.. i Medfonl, March 7. - arai r nv-t nmi ea ni' hiuubiiii F. K Deuel has returned from a mouth spent In southern California. H jm i out k the wltneaea for myself, when my car waa driven on tho track the Southern Pacific paesonior train was one-half mile away ami when the signals were first ghen to the engi neer to halt his train it was 1S00 feet away aad, by the testimony of the engineer and his fireman, it was more than lS.'.O feet away when, ac cording to their testimony, they first saw tho car. Miss Wilson aud no keif both run up tho track giving tig uals to the engineer to stop before it reached tho lleur Creek crossing, I960 feet uwuy and no effort was made to stop the train, according to the engineer's own testimony until he had gotten within TOO feet of the ear. After the signals were given b) Miss Wilson aud myself aud a man standing oil the truck, and obseniug that the engineer was not endeavor ing to atop the train, we tried to pueli the c.ir otf the track but could not da no if It can be said that It i iiPiiluciiii M.lriwona track when oELlrANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onopnckuipti provos it. 25c nt all druggist T ODAYI : : : : : WM. FOX Announces The Screen Debut of the Crowned Monarchs of the Matinee 2 P.M. 10c Eve. 7:15. Adults 15c Children 10c Stage Information tor - Limn Sufferers Yl.r uiHkrm i.f V.km.uiM Allri.i tl will ha lc.iiit ,. ,n.l i."it of rt ovurieii Ii.un lul'n. iiloam ,tnl H l.eoklt lf lllltlmt .i nulTiT. in Mill, itifoiiimtuiii ..I. .Mil .lut .in. I f " '. uli Ii)mtiK.tlt- iIiin iiv Jill .suoutirkiiHUN Vr., I'lilU., I'ii. "U llrsr Sin I ir Itiu )rar I w lUlrlril will. hruturrliHur ul Ihr Iuoh. huiI lulrr I its InUr.i IIU n rrrr miHrk of i.uruiui.ulH. hrn 1 rrt'utrrrd umi'lrull In mIU alum! tlir linuar I m Ir II nlllt Irlahllul, IixUIuk t'uiiiih, nlilrli uu iiinllrlur I IihiI lakru ii.ulil Kllrlalr. It m al (lila (li.ir, llnrvli, I ISIS. Ibal 1 alarlr.l laUluu i;,k.iiau' Allrralltr. In a aUorl lime i.i t'nuul. tiaa soup ami I ir uuiiucril Mrll. I can mil a.rak I no hlahlx lor Ikr auutl II lia iln.ir." ( llirrlairil.l lIUHril) MOW Villi I.. Kl.Oi.. Ki km in k AltfLitor ih in .( -ill ,t rluua in lirelii In il .'rtUiili uiul . rir Uu. '. .1 .in.l Iuiik itlTc. luu.a .in.! ui l.uiUinm: Hi aifin ivntmn. in lituntul .i liill.ll fornuliK .liiifcs ..rit I... Mil.liiuti Miutl) a, if II i . k il .) a .' : -S..M In I, i. in K ill uk k ii a i ill' f..i I . ok It I i r ii iVii .(.a l.rk.uan I aliuralur), I'lillaOrli.lila. Robert B. Mantell The World's Most Eminent Dramatic Star WITH- enevieve namper The Most Beautiful Faceon Earth IN THE STARTLING MODERN DRAMA JOHN A. PERL UKDXETJJKB Lady A.wUtAnt fill 8. 1MUTLKTT l'liiaaaM M. -II oul 17-Ja Ootoufijf I AuboLmov gofrty "THE BLINDNESS OF DEVOTION" BY REX INGRAM MedforcTs Lea dine: Motion Picture Theatre BIG Bargain This house has fo ho sold or torn down within tln-oo weoks. leather than tear (lnwii. will soil for &J50. $(H) down, balance to suit. It has 7 rooms, innluding liathrooin, bathroom fix tures ineludod; is piped for water and sewor, all connee tinns ineluded, and wired for I'li'i'trieity. llmuso'ean be seen at 217 X. liiversido. Call for key nt Colonial Flats office, or phone 900-h. ti.mi: C. III) IN TKItl'ltMA.V AUTO CAlt CO. Leave Mwlford dally oxcept Sun day for Ashland, Talent nnd j'hountx at S a. ., 11:50 a. to., 1:15. S:S0 :i 15 ani 5:15 p. ni. Also on Sat urday at 11:15 p. m. Sundays loavo ut 10 a. m., p. m. and 0:30 p. in. Leave Ashland for Mod ford dally except Sunday at 9 a. m.( 12:50, 2: 0, 3 to. 4:45 and 0:15 p. m. Sunday leae Ashland at" 9 a. ni., 1:00, 5:00 and 10.20 p. ra. PAGE NEWS PIGTORIAL Latest Current Events NEAREST TO LVEaYTIinN'G Hotel Manx Sm Frflnr.ism fPoYellSt.oMmtil OregcnTinsIIead- quarters while in San Francisco moderate rates ( Jfc "tect rnct the Manx'' RuiiMin disilllAl nJ i.e I.U.T hi fury J r.'i. SpA'i.il..fi ii. Il.'ll .IICII to Itl.lu J Ir.i Jiiiji uii.Miir I.J. A til i-iirie Jiiiiiiat rogiii, Munaccmrnt i l neurr i Kellev -osVlr 4siiii,rS'fi,"V35 ti i ml it in m Bgii&Ba5 & O