Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 08, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
I Mil iliiaiiuiiiHrt M
t'lmHMeil, Probably ftnlri,
Mrtt. M Mill, ill),
Fofty-Mlh Tf.
Oiilly TVnlli Tmr
NO. 208
Capture of French Position West of
Meusc, Villages- of Forges . and
Regncvllle, Heights of Rabcn and
Ctimlcrcs Wood in German Posses
sionFrench Retake Trenches Lost
inChampagne Fighting Is Most
LONDON, March 8. The officinl
Gorman account loilny of tho new
ilrivo nt Verdun's defenses from tlio
northwest shows Unit in their sweep-ill)-
advance the troops of the crown
prince enptuied more than seven
square miles of territory, wehl of the
Mouse from the French.
In sweeping over this ground the
Germans drove through Forges and
ltegnevillc, capturing more tlian .'K100
prisoner anil ten cannon. ltcporting
on their capturo of Fronos, in the
Woevrc regions, the Gorman an
nounce tlio taking of 700 additional
In the Woevrc district tlie Germans
launched nu nttaek in the vicinity of
Mnnhoulles, which Paris declares uas
checked by the French ouituin of
A smi ii It on Verdun
The nssnult on the fortress of
Verdun is now being pressed with
greatest vigor along the four mile
front running from the north of Cum
ioros, near the river, to Hahincourt,
where tlio (ioniums already have
pressed forwaid into the ('orboiiux
Moods, between Dead Man t.nd Goose
Hills, tlio commanding portions held
by tho FrOneh ill thin hector.
The Itussimi advance along the
Jlmok fecn coast in Annonin is en
abling the central Hussion army, well
inlnnd, to keep up its onward march
, from Krzonim toward Sivus.
Home advices indicate that Italy
lias determined to make every effort
to retain possession of the Avlona
section of Albania.
Berlin Statement
IJKULI.V, March S. Tlio capturo
of a Kronen position wont of the
Muiiho on both sldos of tho Korgoa
brook below Uothlncoiirt, six kllomot
era wlilo and three kilometers (loop,
was anuouucod today by Gorman ar
my headquarters.
It wag also announced that tho II
lagos of Korgos and Itognovillo tho
heights of Habon and the Cumloros
woods woro in Gorman possession.
Tho capturo or .IS officers, 3277
men and ten cannon In officially reported-
Irt the Woorro district tho French
wore driven out of tho last houses
thoy hold In the vlllauu of Krosnos.
More than 700 prisoners were mado.
1'ronrli Itelako Trendies
Paris. March 8, via London. In
tho Chanfpagno the Froncli liavo re
oapturod portions of tho trenches toil
on March 0. according to tho official
nnnouneoment made here today.
Tho situation north of Verdun Is
unchanged. No Infantry attacks woro
mado last night, the announcement
says. Artillery flatting contlnuos.
Tho toxt of tho communication
"In tho Champagne district oast
of MaUons do Champagne, we launch,
ed an attack which placed us again
In possession of tho section of trench
es occupied by the onomy March 6.
Wo took bS prisoner!, Including three
officers and oapturod a ni.ichlno gun.
(Continued on pags two.)
SALKM, Or, Manh Delegates
representing the state grange, and
the Oregon draluage association ar-'
rivad here today for the Irrigation,
drainage and rural credits conference
to be held here tomorrow. Seutl
nisnt seemed to b enstallsiug among
them in favor of having separate con
stitMtianal amendments drafted on
rural credits and on irrigation and
dralHM. The delegates represent
ing the Oregon drainage association
will bold a meeting this afternoon.
Second Effort to Take Stronghold
on Larger Scale Than First
Germans by Employing Masses of
Men Without Counting Cost, Obtain
Small Gains at Meuse.
PAHIS, Mnroh 8. Tlio battle of
Verdun developed both in intensity
and in extent all day yesterday nnd
is now raging along the lino from
.Chephy, in the Argonne, to Frcsncs
in the Woevrc, showing that the sec
ond nttaek for the stronghold is to
be in ltd o on a larger scale than tho
first. So far, according to the re
ports received here, the Germans, by
employing masses of men without
counting cost, obtained some slight
gains both to the west of the Meuse
and in the Woerc, whore they car
ried Frcsncs after a fierce struggle.
Icscrnto Figlitlug
Desperate- fighting is ngnin gointf
on on the left bank of the river. Fol
lowing up the advantage of yesterday,
thVi Genitalis, going around the foot
of the sloM which sorted them as n
mask, followed the railroad and en
tered Kegnieville. From there they
launched 15,000 men against Hill No.
'JO.'i, to the cast of Cole de l'Oic, and
carried it. ' Thus they control the
loop of the Meuse, within which
Kegnieville is located.
The French withdrew their right
from within the loop and it now rests
on the Meuse above Cumcries. This
withdrawal from an advanced posi
tion on tho left bank bedtime ncces
snry, according to tho military ex
perts, in order to maintain alignment
with the positions on the right bank,
and it would have been difficult to
hold the advanced point which-the
Germans had at the same time at
tacked in tho front and flank,
fiiiln n Footing
Having thus obtained commanding
positions on the heights which run
from Jlcthineoiirt to Cote d l'Oie by
the spur of I.e Mort Hommo and the
woods of ('(irbeaux .'nd Cumieres, tho
Germans without losing n moment's
time hurled masses of infantry
against these positions. They gained
a footing in the Corbeaux woods, but
elsewhere their attacks were repulsed
with heavy hvssos.
In this district centers at present
the chief interest of the battle, and
the result of the Gorman effort is
awaited bv the French without fear,
us they rolym the defensive power
of their forces.
unofficial returns of yesterday
primary in from almost halt of the
procitibts, Harry S. TCow led this af
tomoon in the race for tho repub
lican nomination for United States
senator and Former Congressman
James P.. Watson it close second.
James P. Goodrich led Warren T.
MoHuy and Quinoy A. Myers in the
race for tho republican gubernatorial
John M. Adair, representative in
emigres from the eighth district, h
conceded b. ninnv leudeis to ao
won the demoeratie nomination lor
goenior over Lconurd 11. (lore.
WASHINGTON, March 8. -When
the senate resumed debate on the
Shield wnterpower bill today, Sena
tor Shields unnouiieed he would seek
to hold the body in continuous session
until it reuehml a vote.
Subs tor New-lands' amendment em
hodrimr hi eoumission plan of deal
ing with waterway of the country
with annual appropriations of fl0,
000,000 fr teu year for gsneia
water development improve-
meilto. Wiik rt'ifcli'il witbmil a rnll
United State Steel Corporation and
Five Other Concerns Accused by
Ohio Grand Jury of Conspiracy to
Fix Wages Youngstown Riot Is
Probed and Officials Censured. .
YOUNGSTOWN, O., Marcli 8. In
dictments were returned today by the
Mahoning county grand Jury against
the United States Steel company, flvo
other steel companies and K. H. Gary,
executive of tho United States Steel
company. The defendants arc charg
ed with having formed a trust to
fix the wages of common labor In
violation of tho laws of Ohio.
In addition to tho United States
Stcol company tho following concerns
were Indicted:
The YouiigBtown Sheet and Tube.
company, the Republic Iron And Steel
company, tlie liner JIM steel com
pany. Tho IndlctmontH followed a
sweeping probo of the Hast Youngs
town riots and labor troubles of Jan
uary. Conspiracy Alleged
Tho specific offense charged
against the six steel concerns is that
they conspired to keep tho wages
of common labor nt tho same figure
at the time of the strike at tho Re
public Iron nnd Steol company and
tho Youngstown Shoot and Tube com
pany in January. Announcement wan
mado by all these companies within
two days time of ten per cent Increase
in wages.
This action In hold to bo due to an
Tho Jury report sets forth that tho
grand Jury was unable to fix any
particular eailso fop the recent- Kast
Youngstown riots.
The roport charges that neither
tho mayor nor any member of tho
pollco force mado any effort what
ever to disperse the mob. Mayor
Cunningham Is criticised for not clos
ing tho saloons of Fast Youngstown
early on Friday morning nftor ho
had received notice of tho temper
of the mob.
Took .Militia as Guards
The roport cites tho fact that a
guard at the Youngstown Sheet and
Tube company who Is n mombor of
tlio state militia, without legal au
thorlty look ten members of tho Na
tional Guard to the sheet and tube
company's property to guard tho
Bamc. It In alto stated that the
guard appropriated stato ammuni
tion. It Is net forth that tho action
of the guard mado It Imposslblo for
tho sheriff or tho captain of the
inllltlu to mobilize militia men In
ttmo of gravo public danger.
Guards on tho sheet and tubo com
pany brldgo who fired Into tho crowd
assembled about the time office bo
fore the rioting began ore censurod.
The grand Jury, hhs the report,
was unable to find that tho Influence
of any" foreign government was re
sponsible for tho riot. Tho alleged
combination of manufacturers with
tho Intent to keep down tho wages
of common labor Is crlticlsod.
Indictments also were returned
against Mayor Cunningham and six
coiincllmen of Kast Youngstown,
charging them with being financially
Interested In property purchased for
village purposes.
KL l'ASO, Texas. March 8 Ac
credited but unconfirmed reports re
ceived today by Genoral Gubrlol Ga
vlra at Juarez, stato that two Amerl
cans named Franllu and Wright,
were killed today at Colonel I'echaco,
by Villa bandits between Casus
Grande and Janos, Chihuahua.
The advices contained nothing as
to tho wife and small son of Mr.
Wright, who were reportod with the
men at Colonel Pacheco.
Guvlru declared the man, said to
be Mormon ranchers residing watt
of Casas Grandos, disregarded warn
ings he had sent to all American res
ident northwest of Chihuahua when
he first learned or VHU movements
to that section.
o - !
Who Tin civ
CHICAGO, Marth 8. -Tabulation
of the referendum vote of railroad
employos on the quoation of whether
their demand for air eight-hour day
with time mid n half for overtime
shall bo presented to. the railroads,
was taken up today at n meeting of
union officials. Tho piesent wage
agreement expires March 31.
The vote of the emnloyes has been
'Jit progress by mail two months and
it is said more than 80 per cent of
the nion have voted in favor of the
eight-hour day with overtime.
About 100,(100 railroad employes,
including every road in tlio country,
or .VJ8 different hues, nro involved
in the present eontrovoray. The loud
er nro said to be opposed to arbi
trating their dil'teioneiii this your,
although they vxpiuM the hope (hut
n general strike which would tie up
every xteiun rinlioud in the country
will not bo neees-nry.
Itailtoad ofticiuK have declared
that the eight -hour dv and overtime
demanded hv the employe would
mean an increase in wages of approx
imate! v 100.0011,(11)0 a onr, mid that
this increase annt be grunted un
der exiting conditions.
WASHINGTON, Mnii-li 8.
healings mi the imminntion of
u. jiranueis oi jo-ion ro lie es.ooi
nte justice of the upromo eoutt weie
terminated today by the judioiur
sub-committee of the somite, The in
quiry nun oeen in progress lor n
month. Tho Mili-iommittoo gave no
indication n to when it would report
.to the judi'i.iiv "iiiiiuttee.
rOM'MW s, M., M..nh 8
With three Annie .in cattlemen pre
sumably held .n prisouci-,, Fran
cisco Villa wu-. leported tmluv with
between 'J00 and UOQ men at n (mint-
on tie lloea Urumlp titer in Chi
huahiM, fifteen miles we-t of Col
umbus and tueut. seven miles soyth
of the border.
if V . i I , fM
mU&&F&$ Ire
'MSBakt wCls it
That llrirk?
FAIItHANKS. Alaska, March S.
Three soldiers woro killed and two
seriously Injured In a fire early1 yes
terday morning that destroyed tho
main barracks and ammunition
housos at Fort Gibson, occupied by
company II, llth Infantry. Tho dead,
Privates Herman Lund, Henry Minor,
Curtis 11. Willis. Injured: Borgcunt
Anthony Klvlnak, Private Grois Kel
ly. Tho bodies of tlio doad woro re
covered. Tho flro broke out lit tho upper
story of the. barracks, close to tho
bed occupied by Private Minor. Ser
geant Klvlnak soverad an artery in
his arm whllo brooking the glass In
a window of the burrncks, and near
ly bled to doath. Private Kelly fell
to tho ground through nn open win
dow, struck on his head, and wan
picked up unconscious.
The members of tho companv
fought bravely against the flumes,
although the temperature was fifteen
degrees below sero and a g!o i ag
ing. The pump houso was saved with
grout difficulty. Tho oil was remov
ed from the oil house before tho
building was burned. Tho ammunition
storo rooms were burned, with their
Fort Gibson Is situated at the
i mouth of the Tununea river whjtih Is
I a tributary of the Yukon.
SKATTI.K, Wash., Mm eh 8. Tlie
unuificiul majority of Mayor I In am
L Gill over Anttin 15. Griffith in
lyesteiday's election is 5073. The
vote cant whs 3000 lifer thitti in the
The charter amendment for pref
eiential voting appear to have been
beateii, while the amendments olini-
filiating ward boundaries and jilaeing
cerium eiiy employes iiuuer tlie in
dustrial insuianee net wore raiifiud.
lu thw Port of Seattle vlMttion the
pi-opositiouio transfer fundi alieudy
on hand Aiu'd belt line along (be
water irout and make other im
provement received a majority, but
probably not the teipiiud 60 per
$10,000,000 FOR
Southern Pacific Proposes to Con
ijress to Relinquish All Claims in
0. & C. Grant Lands for $4.40 an
Acre and Release of Perpetual Ob
llfjatlon to Transport Troops Free,
WASHINGTON', .March 8 Tho
.Southern I'ueifiu railroad proposal
to relinipiish all claim to lands of
the Oregon & California hind Rrnnl
for 10,000,000, if released of its
perpetual obligation to transport
American troops and property free
of charge over that part of its lines
covered in the hind grants, wore mado
to the house public lauds oommittco
today by J. P. Itlair, pjucrtil counsel
of tho road.
Mr. Hluir said tho company wna
willing to compromise in litis way to
avoid future litigation mid ihnt tho
road now eluinied tho right to re
move timber valued at upwuicls of
$30,000,000 from the land grant por
tion of its property.
The company's proposal, tho com
mittee was told, involved payment by
the government on the basis of $1.10
an acre. Attorney General 'Gregory
contends that the railroad is not en
titled to more than $2.50 tin acre,
with deductions for pust excess sales.
S. A. I). Fitter spoko in behalf of
persons located on those land grants
to the milrond, who want prefcrcneo
rights upheld in any legislation. He
said ho hud contracts with them un
der which ho could repurchase much
of this land nt n nominal price, if
they secured title. He will eonliuuo
testimony tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, March 8. Sena
tor Stone of Miouri, ehainnan of
the foreign relations committee, de
ohired in the senate today after n
conference with President Wilson last
night, "that so far from the president
desiring to involve this country in
this disastrous European war, bis
supreme wish is to avoid that oalain-
"All through bis servieo as pi evi
dent I have co-oHmtcd with him,
and with nil my heart I wish to con
tinue that co-operation, mid so I
lmve concluded not to my anything
at tiii juncture that might bu mis
understood, especially in foreign cap
ititls, and which might by any chance
contribute to the diffioiiltios with
uliieh the president.) beset. Suffic
ient unto the day i the evil thereof."
Ni;W YORK. .March . When in
formed ot tho indictment lelumcd at
YoungMowu agaitiat the United
States Steel uoiporution and other
Mecl-eurapunies and binelf, Judge
J.liiert ll. Uan' toduv issued the Jol-
loHing tatement :
"Theie uio no fuels to jimtify the
ndii-tmonU retuined bv the Mahon
ing county giand jury agsiust the
I luted btatus Steel oonmnttion or
file t urnegie Steel company or anj
otlicis; or. so tar .m I know, against
an of Ihe eniiipdine-. The indict
ments are an initiaite.''
&AI.KM. Or, Marth s Nine pen
HutMary prisoners were paroled to
day by Governor Junius Wlthyeombo.
Among them was a woman, Stella
Williams, convicted lu I'niatllla coun
ty of robbery. T. V. Nugent Hint
When J. Whitman, convicted in Lane
county ot larceny and attempted as
sault lespectivel), alio wsre puroled.
Controversy Over Submarine War
fare Reopened Asserts That the
Blockade and Armed Ships Are as
Illegal as Submarine Warfare and
Will Live Up to Laws If Great
Britain Does Not Violate Same
WASHINGTON, .March 8. Tho
Gorman government, In u memoran
dum, hnndod today by Count Von
Hernstorff to Sccrctnry Lansing, out
lines in detail its position in regard
to untied hiis, reviewH events lend
ing up to its decision to torpedo with
out winning all nmtcd merchantmen
of its onentios, concedes tluit inter
national law, ns nl present constitut
ed, makes no provision for tho ttso
of submarines, nnd espressos n will
ingness to operate its submarines in
accordance with international Inw
prevailing prior to the war, on the
condition that Qrcnt Ilrituin ' does
not violate the sntno laws,
llillaln Accuse!
It is alleged that Great IlritHiu has
taken advantage of tho contention, of
tho United States that Ainericaim
must be safe on defensively armed
merchantmen to havo tltosu ships act
offensively toward enemy Mibiuehi
ibles. Tho memornndum contends tho ev
idence appended to tho Into German
announcement proves that Dritisli
ships armed ostensibly, for defense
have been histriioted to not, nnd hrtvo
noted offensively and that they nro
not peaceful tinders, ns the United
States was assured they would be by
Sir Cecil Spring IficO, tho Drilisb
Tho memorandum reiterates the
protions declarations thnt subinn
rino warfare was begun by Germany
in reprisal for the announced inten
tion of Great llritain to stuno tho
eirilian ))opulutioit of the central em
pires. KntimerutcH Ylolatlonf
The memorandum refers to tho
long-fetmiding friendship between tho
United States and Germany, mid ex
presses the hopo that the American
people will, when familiar with tho
explanations offered, appreciate tho
position in whiuh Germany finds her
self as a result of tho bloekade.
IJy way of supporting the conten
tion thnt Germany's reprisals nro
justified, tho memorandum enumer
ates various actions of Great Ilrituin
which have operated against tho in
terests of neutrals and their uitigous.
These are cited to show that Great
Itutuiu has M'olated international
law, To .ustuin the German conten
tions, it is pointed out that Germany
agreed to abide by certuin tonus of
the declaration of London, but that
iiiUMinueh us Great Ilrituin bus not
legulated her actions to coufonit with
the terms ot the declaration Gennuny
cannot be expected to agree to op.
eiate under a code which Greut lint
mn ili-reuard-
N1AOAKA FALLS, March S. Piro
following nn explosion in tbe oJilor
ato department of Ihe Niagara Kley.
tro-Cheniical eompouy hero today,
threatened to .ouiplato the destine,?
tion of the plant begun last night
hIkii bcuiuI explosions and tha ry
siiltunt firei. indiotad damages eitiw
muted at $U0,0Q0.
The e.xjdosion was heard for wv-i
end miles aronud and aerosa the Ni-
agara eutaraet in CanuiUi, whero it
caused u Iiwsly luobiimatiou of tbu
militia guardbig Ihe froMtiar,
Dr. Ileetor It. Carvatb, tnuumjer ot
the coniMinv, i&autsl ft foruiul statu
lueut today u)uig ihe pluut had bcu,