Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 07, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MKPKonn Nfvrr, rHwrflE, :unroftr, oim.ov TtEHnAV, Af f"rf 7. inf.;
PAflrc arx
4 '
' ''
l M
Frntik 0. Owmi. truster for ths
ftymltatts planning the rrwtioti of n
pgnr factory liotwtuwi Mwlford ami
Tolo, ttw tlmt nthlces from New
York are to the effect that tho ulws
lofr of tin) donl Momltiy was ilolnyod
pending the rooeipt of tints, wired for
from Medford. Ho is exporting the
finnncial end of the deal will lie
oltwod today or tomorrow at the
most. Until word of its final clos
ing In recolvcd, no effort will be Hindu
to sign up norouKt.
There in plenty of timo for plant
ing Htinr beets. The weed ennnot bo
nlnnttil for nix weeks yot, even if on
liand, and there will be nuiplu time to
prepare the ground under direction of
tho nyndicatc uxporU. If plnnled
now tho heed would be ohillcd and the
crop Hot bnck.
(Continued from pngo oni
tioulnr filookhoIder'H Mock Iiiin np
preciiUcd at the Kumo time $8f,000,
000 a year. In other words, he suvs,
tho Standard privilege of taxing tho
Amcrionn people is worth three times
as much nH ti wnH when the trust was
proKccutod. Mr. lligolow centinues:
"If Jiidns had not hung himself,
and if all twelve of tho n post Irs had
started to work at tho daun o(
Kpyption civilization seven tlious
and years nf?o, and if from that time
until tho present day they bad "'
mndo anil snved the waeos of an
American workininan they would
have aeeumnlnted by the present time
lottH by many tnillionH than this oiiu
Klmrobolder linn received in ft single
year by reason of tho increase in the
value of his slock."
Prlro and Mocks Inrmtso
And he oeneludes: "If tho proso
e.uilon of the Inist was justified on
tho ground that it was taking too
much from Ibo Ainericau people, who
Mill say Unit it is not now taking too
much, since tho value of its privilege
to tux tho American people is almoot
three times greater than vtlum it was
Secretary Lane nails nttentlon to
tho foot that the incienke in vnluo of
nil stouks 1ms prouecded without re
gard to the inoronstt in quotations of
other Htouks. He also calls attention
to tho fact that while gasoliuo has
been going up thoro have been an in
oroaso in tho not visi reri.ll)
oroabe in tho net visible reserves of
crude oil "by at least 15,000,000
barrels; that is to say, more than !
per euut of the totsl produotioii for
lOlfi went into storage."
Government manufaelure of gnso
liuo drawn from wells on land Mill
owned by tho government is the only
answer. This is provided for liv a
bill introduced by lteproscntatuc
Itsudall of California.
Pivslilcnt vs. Kaiser
Hnnrosoutntlro Kllsworlh of Slln
ntviota, republlean, followed Chair
man Flood, supporting the resolu
tion and defending tuu Qermuu sub
piarlno cnnipslgii
Hotroientatle lloflln, democrat,
of Alabama, oonnratulutod some of
(ho republicans for standing with
President Wilson In tho fight.
"I am glad to see men nig enough
to break away from their leader and
stand with the president snii against
the kaUer," Mr. Merlin said. "It Is
Lansing and Wilson or Von Hern
stortf and the kalnor."
Apposllug to tho south Mr. llefllu
askusl whore she stood. Ills answer
osms from Itepretwntatlvs Candler
of Mississippi who shoHtsd from the
i oar of the chamber that the south
stood solldl) wth tuu president.
IleprHseutstlve Shsckletord of Mis
Mturl, one of the lesders In the ugltn
ties fur h wsrnlng. surprised evtr-
iHirt)- by urgtug that tho MeLemoro
resolution be tabled. Since the outset
of agitation he has urged the pss
sags of the wsmlug resolution.
Charging the democrats with In
slneeiltr Hepreseutstlve Meeker, te
pulillcan of M It-sour 1. deelsred'
"You talk one way and then pro
pose to table the resolution so as to
proven! a showdown "
Tells How To Open Clogged No,
trlla and Hint Head-Colds.
You feel fln in a few immtruW. ur
osU Is besd i ratsrrk will Ih
Your slufgnl uvtril will open, lav an
paougtM of jour brad will and
yeu eon Ueslb frWtv. No moro dull
new. liMisiiei no liswUtug, muMihi.
imieous ttischanjeii r drystsM, no stiug
gllUK for ItitMtli ul HigbU
Tell your dniggi4 vtnt want s mll
lttln of Kly's Ctmhi llslw. -pl s
little uf tMs frsgrant, salltvptle u-aii
in v out ti .-.tnl- lt it isntrsU lb rough
i-m-i air a..ii' Af tit bssd. sunlur
uiul l.'.il i !" "1l Isltsimsl iuucuu
tuttou-ran". sul roller rotue islsullv
It U iiut what frr wU sikI itrrl
rpjT- ' (T ' ''-'t ' ' '"HT-lu'
TACOAIA. Wn-h . frrh 7. Fne
gnnttirn belieMd bv police to hove
fhId uii A. Shock's grocery Saturday
night and In have burgUiriaed a loan
office oil 1'aciflc avenue, ami to have
ambushed Patrolman Nix at 2
o'clock thin morning, are sough I to
day bv jiolico for the murder of Ver
non I.UhIsht, aa U8, a eripided jd
dler, who was shot six times through
the body as he lav in bed last night
in a shack at IOP2 South Twenty
Mrs t street. Patrolman Nix stum
bled uikmi the men whou bo heard n
hhol fired at Fourteenth street andj
Tacoinn avenue and saw tho young
men wanted enter a lodging house at
1513-i Houth Tacointi avenue. Nix
followed anil a young man opened the
door. While the officer was looking
into an alcove the man drew 11 gun on
t,t. TI.A nffl, rra.Mitn,1 trill. Ilittl
mill. 1 in; tain hi ,. I I ' ".. ......
and the man enlled for help. Two men
sleeping in the nle.ovo came at him
with giins nnd two others wore com
ing down the hall when the officer
mnnnged to break awav and reach
the hall. Nix telephoned to the cen
tral station for police reserves, but
by the time they arrived the thugs
had escaped bv lining a rope. They
dropped two revolvers on tho floor.
BKRUN, io I.uidn. M.m Ii ". A
marriage 1- Iw-ing arranged between
Prince Hori, eldft non of King Fee
dinand of ItalgMtia and heir to the
throne, and a prtneeas of the house
of Hapsbwrg, necordinf to the Jear
tml Dm iNtlkaiia.
Prince II oris of Hulgaria was bom
at Sofia on January 18, 1804, and J
exorcise a high command in the
Httlgftrian army. The head of the
HHiburx family is the Kmperor
Francis Joseph. King I'ordinnnd,
according to latest reports, is in Vi
enna, where he nrrtved on February
'JO, on the second isit which ho litis
made to that capital within n month.
linLUN'A, Mont.. Mur.h 7.-A pe
titiou placing Theodore Kooscvelt in
nomination for proidcul nnd Ilirnm
W. Johnson of California for vice
president in tho primaries to be held
boro Apt il -1, as progrcMsive party
eaudidutes, was filed with the sec
retary of stale today.
Mai-gaM't It. Applegate
Dlod Al tho homo of her daugh
ter, Mrs. I.dwlu White at Climax,
Ore., Monday, March C, 19 1C, ago OS
ears, of a complication of dlsoaBCH.
8I10 was the wife of Henry C Apple
gaeo. Hho bad made her home with
hor daughter since Moptembor Ho
homo Is al Keattle. where she has
lived 27 years. Kite was a nutlvu of
Illinois, and a momljor ofStevous He
lief Corps of Koattlo of whit h she wns
past president. She Is survived by n
husband and two children, Churlea
It., and Mrs. Kdwln White. Funeral
sorvlces will lie held from Perl's
chapel, Wednesday at 3 p m llurlal
In I. O. O. V. cemetery. (Seattle pa
pers ploiiMo copy )
LONDON, March 7. A dlBpatch
from Melbourne published hero to
day stating that Minister of Defenso
l'earco had announced that an Aus
trallan hlcgo brlgado was fighting at
Vordun, Is the first statement print
ed hero that Iirlttsh forces wcro op
erating with thef Kronen thore.
II has boon reported horo that Ilrlt
Ish artlllory had beon moved to Ver
dun nnd bad been doing great oxo
cutlon, but It was not known wheth
er tho big guns transferred wero be
ing mnnncd by Ilrlllsh or French
artlllory inon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Pierce, of
Minneapolis, Minn., will arrive In
this city on this evening's train on a
visit with the famllj of O. L. David
son of tho Medford Cigar ttore. Mr.
Davidson Is a nephew of the visitors.
RKWAItt). Alaska, March 7 Tho (
strike of men employad on the ton
structlen of the government's Alaska
railroad ended yostorday when the
federal labor union at Anchorngo
votod to return to work pending a
settlement of tho wage controversy.
Four hundred mon resumed work
yesterday and more gangs will bo
put on as soon as the union formu
lates a wago scale.
Tho sealo will be fixed by a com
mittee representing tho union and
the Alaska engineering commission
and will bo made retroactive to the
date of resumption of work.
Tho atrlko began February 7 when
sixty trock laycra working on tho An-choragc-Matanuska
branch quit work,
domandlng an increase In pay from
3714 cents an hour to 50 cents an
hour. Two days later workmen at
Anchorago organized tho union with
an crollmcnt of 1200 men and pro
claimed a gonoral strike. Settlement
of the trouble was delated by inter
rupted cablo communication, but
when tho government adopted a con
ciliatory attltudo tho American Fed
eration of Labor instructed tho union
to call off tho striko pending adop
tion of a satisfactory wago scale.
The Alaska engineering commis
sion is anxlouH to proceed with tho
work on tho branch, which will opon
tho Matanunka coal fields, and if no
further troublo Is encountered it la
hoped to complcto this fifty mllo sec
tion or tho lino during tho coming
i: F P Schuorer, of Detroit, Mich.,
is transacting busIncK in Medford
this week.
I 1 'I ,, Miiiliiiil"''l iinimi 'ii i'ii-' l.-.l-:.. .1 . I
P 'I '!' ;
i ' xr"-
iJJZ-" ' 'imI-
Women Uvtr)sbcrc KnJone thlrorlleH
Lenta, Oregon. "In my younger
uii)B i hub Kii'uuy
' irouineii wiiii gnu
mi my Moiiiurii ;
it gave me lots ol
trouble. I began
using Dr. I'n rce's
in v die i lies and
received mcli
relief that I ean
recommend them
t( oibers.
"1 have raited
n lurgc family ami
nil, n -,rt m Einiri-
mother and have always, niltil tlmt
my iiaiigiiirrt ui-iaw into ur. rierce a
laMiUte Prescription when tx)MscthtK
to U-conie a mother. " Mas. It. l".
Sim.KY, Mil tMUi Stnvt, . K.
iliousauds of women who ate im
blessed with roliiiM liealtb cannot
underhand why tlioinmiuU of otiur
women contlime . wmrv and suffet
(torn ailmenU ncnlisr to women when
they can oUaut for a trilling sum Dr.
Perce's Favorite Prescription, which
will muely and ipurbly ImuUb ll pain,
distires and uneery and icetor tlw
wnmsiily (unctions ) H'iftH-t lienltb.
Young mnihers who preeorve tlto
eliatms ( face and figure in spite of
an increasing l:imily nnd Dm oare of
growitig cliildr1!! are always to bd
envied. Doctor llenv's FavnriUi Pre
fcription giM the (Mn-ngtli and health
upon which happy motherhood de
neiids. It praetieally does away with
the pains t( maUTiuiv. U eimriiMi the
mother to n mruli ili infant lid do
lienduig on her, and enjoy the hourly
bappiuewi o( WHU-hing the develop
ment of it perfcctl) bfalthy child.
IVII'OIII'IM- M'M'lll. lll'i:it '!
iii:iim:iih or this i vi'tn.-Any w
mw ilMlrliur ciwr of Tim I'eoi'W AminMii
Imrm MmIU-oI AdvlMr Ufora Ka wllOua U
rthauMHl hwull mmi.I Iku nollco Ui-lKi wttli
lliiriiiMU-i toriUnii litUr 1rc nvlid"
)(XI lluiUlo. N Y . nt it tuiy Mill U Mul
l iclufii wall, U clinjs irpi4,
Gnkes, pies, ra-itry tho very names tempt tho ap
petite. And when they are rhortened with Cot
toleno tho natural flavor and healthful ".oodnusa
become ovon more tempting.
Cottoleno blends so perfectly with the flournnd other
ingredients that tho resulta aro most Rrntjfyinu.
Use Cottolene fit-all your frying, shottrning and Mke-maldnu.
Your grocer wilt supply you regularly. It la p.uked It patls
of various alios for your convenience.
E5SZ.FA1 R B AN K ",'" t
Your Eastern Trip
Should be aiiHiiaed via California o that von
ean stop over at San Francisco. Uberal stop
overti allowed. The cost is no more for thh priv
ilege on either firnt or aeeund class tickets, . (
Ogden Route
Train --ervue i eviillent. Three daily irns-T
loiitinintiil limited tinliih to Chicago and the.
Knot. latest equipment. All steel observation
library ears, thiough sleeiuag ears, diuing ear
eerviee unexcelled. Protected bv oleetiie auto
ma tie block signaU.
Overland Limited Pacific Limited
San Francisco LimitedAtlantic Express
A-k vour local agent or vmte
Jului M Stott, ( Pa-eiiger Agent, I'nitlanil. Oregon.
Southern Pacific-Union Pacific
: N O T I C E :-
I have installed an Electric Polishing Motor and an Electric
Plating Motor. You ma) have your silverware and jewelry
cleaned, polished and refiniihed on short notice. '
1 lnve uU. vi Manufacturing Department. You can have anything made or
mo jnted m the jewelry or agate line. We call for and deliver your clock.
Visitors Always Welcome
212 E. Main
, Ill n I I III II I IWUW ' '"' HH-ilMIIHilllllil ,
These arc a lol of Ihings about the coffee business that the public
doesn't know.
There arc a lot of coffees of the "ten -karat'- .variety masquerading
as the "eighteen -karat" kind.
There can be no belter coffee than- V
Royal Cliili
Super-Quality Coffee
It sells regularly at -loc. No "first quality" coffee should sell for
There might be times when a higher price would be justified but
not now.'
"Green coffee" prices fluctuate just as docs sugar or flour and
any other staples. Due to a decreased demand in Europe, coffee
has been "down" for a whole year past. During part of this time
the "best" coffee could be retailed, with a reasonable profit, at 35c
in the home market and -toe in distant markets. During that time
we sold ROYAL CLUB at the reduced price. Recently prices have
advancedthe regular price of ROYAL CLUB is now '10c, and
it's worth il.
The coffee roaster who maintained a price of 40c to 45c, during
this "low market" period, charged you too much he robbed the
public of thousands of dollars. They were entitled to share in this
saving just as they do on sugar and flour and other staples.
The Coffee Roaster who charges you an unreasonable price fifty
one weeks out of the year, for coffee no better than ROYAL
CLUB, and then reduces his price for one week to what it should
have been all the year does not deserve your patronage.
We will cliallenge all competition. ROYAL CLUB has no equal in
quality or price. We will not be undersold no, not for a single
We will allow no "outside" coffee roaster to unload his surplus
stock on the unsuspecting public at what he claims to be a marvel
ous reduction.
For two weeks you may buy
ROYAL CLUB at reduced prices
to meet all competition. Buy it in
any quantity at these prices. You
know it is the best that money can
buy. You know it is fresh for it's
roasted daily in Portland and deliv
ered to your grocer in small quanti
ties just as he needs it. a can
be certain that it his not lost its
strength in warehouses or in transit.
1 Be-iCM x- J-V
( sin it--.-, y. -Av
I nykj "-J-vlPs
r -
1 i-" w
vZ 6& l WvM. -C llffnrP' KiSSl-'RL'Hij iPavgHk
SKHtttu.vs' gUiifarMlWWfQuimf sXmH
The "Royal Clulb9' House