Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 04, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Next Tue-day, March 7, Ilnrbniik
day, the Drama lenKtic, (he Greater
Medford club nnd the public schools
of Medford will meet at ttie public
lilirnry to plnnt a troo ns n memorial
to Shakespeare. Tho exercises will
begin nt 4:30 with selections by the
hijjh school bHiiil, followed by cho
rus by .AH. Gallagher's minils of
Itoosevclt sohool, mill "Welcome,
Sweet Springtime," mliiptetl from
"Melody in 1"' (iliibonslcin), by .Mini
(Villi's pupils of Washington school -,
nddrots by tho Hon. J. I'orter Neff;
chorus by Roosevelt pupils; chorus
by Washington pupils, "Spring Morn
ins," with violin ohlignto by J'rofos
sor K. C. Wool; planting of the troo
by representative of vnrious orgnn
izntions mid business institutions n
follews: Medford jmblic schools, V.
Meldo Ilillis; l'nreiit-Teiioher circles,
Mr. Kerby Miller, Mrs. K. K. Kellv,
Mm. Hovins, Mr. T. K. Hillings mid
Mm. K. .1. Stewurt; College club, Mr,
John Ciiikm; Wednesday Study club.
Mrs. V. W. Moars; (Jivnter Medford
club, Mrs. J. F. Mundy; the munici
pality, Mayor V. J. Kmoriek; South
ern Pacific Itnihvny compnnv, A. S.
Hosenbaum: Medford Merchant' ns
social ion, K. C. Gnddis; Commoicinl
club, A. I,. Hill; Ministeiinl nssociu
tion, Dr. J. Lawrence Hill; Neigh
borhood Shakespeare club, Hoy 11.
Peebles ; Medford banks, Delroy
llctehell, W. H. Gore, M. I.. Alford,
George 11. I.indley; Knst Side Shake
speare dub. K. ). Kelly; Medford le
gal fraternity, Judge Mahlon I'urdin
and Judge Xcwbury; spokesman for
the people, C. K. Gates.
All are eordinllv invited.
Tho Oriental tea planned by the
Greater Medford club will be given nt
tho Holland hotel Tuosduy, March
1-1. Many beautiful mid valuable ob
jects of Oriental rt nro brinpr offer
ed by people of the city and valley,
and this promises to be one of the
most beautiful collections ever ns
sciiibltd hero. Many of our maids
and matrons are planning to appear
in Jnjmnoso and Chinese costumes.
In order that costume nnd coiffures
may be in trtio Oriental style, Mrs.
hmlo, n Japanese lady, has kindly
offercd'to superintend the nrrnnge
mciit of sashes and coiffures for all
who so desire. Japanese rice enkos
and ten will be served and the Orien
tal atmosphere will bo maintained in
every detail. The following commit
tees arc working to make this event
u most enjoyable ene: Mrs. Lunge
has arranged a musical program that
homo will wish to miss. .Mrs. F.dwnrd
II. Froiieh, chuiimuu of the reception
committee; Mis. ('. L. Schieffeliu of
tea tables and refreshments commit
tee, and .Mr. Frank G. Owen of tho
decoration committee and their com
mittoos are leaving nething: undone
to make this affair a notable, one.
Detailed account of program and
committed will bo published later.
Tho Cuiupfiro Girls of the Prosby
terian church met nt the manse Wed
nesday evening. The meeting was in
honor of Mis Ma urine Hiutt, who
leuvoe net Heck to make her home
iu Sen tile. After tho ceremonial
meeting the evening was sjient in tak
ing flashlight )Hctures. Kefrosh
iiicut were served. Those present
were; Maurine Hiutt, Kstjier Warner,
Haiol Anile, .Mildred Wicks, Huth
Wurner, Murioti Gould, Willie How
ard, Veru ltw, Nina Seurs, Jeun
inlto I'nttersou, Dorothy Thome,
Meroedes Hurler, 1'hylli. Huberts and
Mr. Shields.
Tlte Women'. Missionary society
of the Presbyterian ehureh meets at
the home of Mr. It, A. Johnson,
Catherine street, Tuesdav afternoon
at 2:30. Subject , 'Mohammedans,"
Leader, Mrs. J. A. Toroey. This is
the aMUtial meeting and election of
officers. All the ladies of the church
and tttngretfotion are united.
Mr, ami Mrs. George T. Collins
have leased and now occupy the
beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Itert
Anderson on West Main street. Mr.
and Mrs. Anderson will leave soon for
I.OS Angeles to be gone two or three
Mrs. ltiehord L. Wilson gave a
small informal luncheon at IJrown's
today for Mrs. Delroy Getchell, whose
birthday it is.
Mrs. C. S. '.uturfild entertained
(he Octette at her home on West
Klevenih street Monday afternoon.
Mrs. C. I. Hutchinson was hostess
to the Thursday Killo Bridge elub at
her bomb tut Yefta Ornate street
Mr- John Snider and Mrs. J. F.
1'iuiMi were chnrmiiig hintosses at n
.1-Iiuu;lni imrtv tci en nt the Snider
home Febnlnr -- to compliment
heir mother, who will soon leave for
er home in Ohio. The house was
beautifully decornted with patriotic
emblems, flags mid bunting being ar
tistically arranged in nil the rooms.
Tho Washington idea wns carried out
nil through the delicious ten-course
dinner until the ice cream nt the end
enmc in, each mold flying a little flag.
The favors were mininture musical
instruments. After dinner the guests
Innrched to the dining room, ench dis
coursing sweet music on the different
instruments. Contests, music nnd
fancy work completed the afternoon's
euteiluiiimeiit. At f o'clock tho
guests departed, thanking their host
esses for n very pleasant afternoon
and wishing Mother Frederick a safe
journey home, nnd hoping that she
might return to live niuoiig them. The
guests were: Auntie Hill and .Mrs.
Howard Warner of Medford, Mi's. W.
G. lni)s, Mrs. II. L. Hay, Mrs. Aug
ust Lawrcnt7, Misn Sarah Johnston,
Miss Laura Lawrentz, Mrs. W. Wnl
ter.s, Mrs. A. W. Johnston, Mrs. Del
mer Frederick, Mrs. A. W. Johnston,
Miss Albeita Knips mid Master Willie
P.ugcnc Knips.
"Argentine" was the topic for the
day nt the last meeting of the Wed
nesday Study club. After n cejieral
discussion of current events Mrs.
Alfgnl rend nn entertaining paper on
the "Government, Political Life nnd
General Characteristics of Argen
tine." The subject of "Industries
nnd Hesourees" wns handled by Mrs.
Hoggs iu nn interesting manner, and
"Cities nnd Social Life" was most
cnjoyably given by Mrs. Menrs. An
interesting paper on "Tho Three
Guinnns" was lend by Mrs. Woit
mnn, nnd Mrs. Hrnckinreed address
ed the members to bespeak their co
operation as a club in tho coming
Shnkospenre celebration. Tho club
decided to arrange u special pro
gram, devoted to phases of the life
and work of Shakospenro for their
last meeting of the yeiir, April 30.
The next regular meeting will bo held
in two weeks, March l.'i.
Mrs. John Wilkinson entertained nt
her home on Newtown street Thurs
day evening for the plcnsiuo of Miss
Lomine Hliton, who leaves Sunday
for Klamnth Falls. The evening wns
spent informally, followed by a
Uninty two-courso luncheon. The
color scheme wns green nnd white,
suggesting St. Patrick's decorations,
the centerpiece beiug green nnd while
carnations and n silver caudolnbrn
with green shades and candles. The
individual favors were small green
baskets filled with green mints. The
guests included: Misses Loraine Hli
ton, lone Flynn, Zoe and Vernn Grif
fin, Helen Dahl, Dot Hcrry, Jeunesso
Itutler, Mrs. Carl Glasgow and Mrs.
Donald Springer.
A very nice time was had at tho
homo of .Mrs. J. W. Snider in honor
of her mother, Mrs. William Freder
ick of Ohio, who will soon depart for
thnt plnee. The afternoon was spent
iu convert t inn and "guesswork" mid
a delightful two-course luncheon wns
served. Among those present wcie:
Mrs. William Frederick, .Mrs. J.
Propp, .Mrs. Deliner Frederick, Mrs.
d. W. Snider and little daughter, .Miss
Mary, Mrs. Howard Warner, Mr.
Kiiiis., Mrs. Walters, .Mrs. Johnson
nud daughter, Mis Sam, Mrs. Hull,
Mrs. Laurence and daughter and
Mrs. Hay.
Word has been received from Mrs.
I'd Andrews, who is the giicst of her
sister, Mrs. Wouo, at Mankato, Minn.,
that she will toninin them until
.March 10, when she will join her
daughter, Miss Caroline, at St. Paul,
who plays with tho Do Koven Opera
eompanv in "Hobin Hood" during
that week.
The Missionary soeioty of tho
Prosb.v terian church will meet at tho
home of Mrs. It. A. Johnson, til'-'
Catherine street, Tuesday afternoon.
All members arc urged to bo present
as election of otticors lor tho ensu
MR year will take place.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Greater .Medford elub will bo hold
at the library Monday afternoon at
2:30 promptly, on account of the
baby parade and beauty contest to
bo held the same afternoon.
Mrs. Walter Howno entertained
with a dinner party Thursday even
ing, followed by a skating- party at
the Xata'toriuiN for the following
guests: Mrs. Stewart Patterson, Dun
bar Cass, Chandler Kgun, larl Tuioy.
Mrs. J. K. Stewart was hote to
the Wednesday Auettoa llridga elub
at bar bom on Wast Tenth street
Weduc-d.iv afternoon.
arrciwmn mut, Ttmirvr,
A very pleasant vurpn-c w.i-, Kneii
m l aniline Lemur- b a number
f her friends Moiumv evening in
honor of her birthday, nt her home
on West Tenth street. Games and
music were enjoyed during the even
ing, nnd n piano solo given by Miss
Lender accompanied by MV". and
Mr-, l'. S. Collins on the mandolin
was much appreciated. Dainty re
freshments were served nt the close
of the evening. The guests incltujrd
Misses Delia Warren, Dorothy linker,
Lillian Moore, Wells Mnun, Hussell
Fdmendes, Cluience Pierce, Mr. nud
Mrs. U. S. Collins, Caroline Leaders,
Albert nnd Mnry Collins, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Childreth, Kenneth nnd Vera
Childreth, Harry Manning and Mr.
The Indies' adult Hible class of the
First M. VI. church spent n' very de
lightful hour nt the home of their
teacher, Mrs. P. H. Munsoii, at Ho
N. Oakdale, Wednesday artcnioon nt
u farewell reception iu honor of her
departure, after which they all went
in u body to attend the ufternoon
meetings of the great revival that is
now in progress in the largo hall nt
the Nntutorium. Mr. mid Mis. Mun
son will soon leave Medford to mnke
their home in Los Angeles, Cnl. Orent
regret is felt in losing these good!
people from the city, nnd the Hible
class, but our loss will be Los An
geles' gain, nnd the class wishes them
Godspeed wherever they may go.
For the pleasure of Miss Moinino
Hmtt, who leaves soon with her par
cuts for Seattle to innko their futuro
home, the High Jinks club entertain
id with n line party nt the Pngc the
ater Tuesday evening. After the the
ater the party adjourned to Hrown's,
where light refreshments were
served. Tho party included the
Mistrs Mnurine Hintt, Marie Gates,
Gene Hudgo, Frances Kenny, Laura
Pnge, Glndys Peart, Leah Walthcrs,
I ntliennc few em, Sndie Lacy mid Mil
drcd Autle.
Mrs. 11. K. Swan entertained nt her
homo on Welch strcut Thursday eve
ning. Five hundred wns played. Mrs.
I). Hussell received the prize and
Herbert Luunspneh the booby. Light
refreshments were served. Those
present were: Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H.
Wntkins, Mr. mid Mrs. Heibert
Luunspaeh, .Air. and Mrs. A. Noth,
Miss Lin Hundlctt, Mr. nnd .Mrs. D.
H. Hussell, Martin McDonough, Mrs.
Wntkins of Ashland and Mr. nnd
Mrs. H. K. Swnn.
Thursday evening the Neighbor
hood Shiikespenrc elub me't at tho
home of Mrs. Porter J. Neff on Hel
mont iivtnue. The evening was di
vided into two parts for tho "Hubni
ynt," with Mrs. West as leader, ami
Kipling with Mrs. Cmiode as leader.
iht) young ladies of tho Cuthol'u
church eutertuined with n very de
lightful party at the Sevonth com
pany uminry Tuesday evening with
a very good crowd in attendance. Tho
music was furnished by Hazelrigg's
Mrs. Wallace entertained tho W.
S. N. Sewing elub at her homo on
Jackson stieet Thursday afternoon
at nn old-time quilting party. A
dainty luncheon was served. About
twonty-sovoit of the members nud in
vited guests were present.
.Mr. and Mr. C L H. Webb en
tertained Fiodoriek Tiden of tho "Peg
n My Heart" eoinauy ntd inner on
Monday evening. .Mr. Tiden and .Mr.
Woldi weie schoolmates in Knslniul.
Mrs. William Hudgo entertained
the St. Mark's Guild at her homo on
Thuredny afternoon. After tho bus
iuotes meoting a very pleasant time
was had in musio and needlework,
which was followed by dainty rc
Tho meoting of the first aid class
was hold in the publie library Tues.
day afternoon, followed by a meet
ing at the Colony elub rooms to oon
tinuo sewing for the Hod Cross soci
ety. The Knst Side Shakospeaio club
met at tho homo of Mrs. S. A. Nye
on Hast .Main street Wednesday
evening, at which time the study of
"Twelfth Nighr wascomploted.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark nrrivod
in Medford Tuesday evoning and aro
the guests at the home of Mrs. Chas.
Conner, near Jacksonville.
Mrs. L. H. Miaard of Mae Doel,
Cal., i the guest of Mr. and Mrs. II.
II. Patterson and other relatives and
friends in this city.
alias Marie Gates left Friday for
ISogaae to take part ia the Tbata for
mal mid vi-it friend fr a few davs.
muwokp, oumkis, nvrtmiw. a. um, i. c,
!! .i!'1 ..t"
I An Interesting and snffMMfnl musl
'al rtrKnl wn alrm br tho pupil of
' St Map- nendemr In the nndlterltim
of ttio aendomr, Thuriiloy evening.
The auditorium wns tastefully dcror
ntetl with Irr. ferns, lilies and oar
nations, tho ntngA In particular form
ing a pleasing backaroand for the
modest, white clad children nnU
youne girls who took part in the pro
gram. The music was ofl tho umiat
excellent quality. Mrs. ItorhiiiB'
charming rending and the two gym
nastic numbers by the Minion grmnn
flutn class under Mrs. Horinus' direc
tion varied tho musical ("elections
pleasantly and wcro very well receiv
ed by tho appreciative audience. The
progrnm follow a:
Spanish Dnnco Moskowskt
Piano 1 W. Clanov, A. Holzgnng,
O. Drier.
Piano 11 K. HoUgang, M. Drown,
It. Low.
Hondo Caprtccloso . ... IMendolssolm
Neva Snmuols
Vocal Duet Sims On..... Uonza
Soprano, Dortllle MtkBCbo.
Alto, Patricia Mlknchc.
Third Meditation Joell
L. Koontz, J. Steol, X. Snmuoln.
. Minions' Gymnasium Class
Sonato Pnlhctlquo Grave, Allegro..
Jean Steel
Heading, Snapdragon Konata... .Baton
Mru. Lynotto Hovtous
Consolation Mondolsnohn
A. Holzgnng, W. Clancy,
M. Drown
Vocal solo Tho Lost Chord..Sulllvnu
Winifred Clnncy
Violin obligate, Huth Campbell
Military Polonalso Chopin
It. Koddy. M. Scudder, F. Wing
Vnlso Caprice Newland
I.ucllo Koontz
Anchored Vcazlo
St. Mary's Choral class
At tho piano L. Koontz, J. Steel,
N, Samuels.
Tho Grlzzloy Hiking club celebrat
ed their first birthday anniversary
Thursday, evening at St. Marks hall
with about sixty members In atten
dance. The pronrum for tho evening
was novel us well as entcrtnlnlng. A
musical program of seven numbers
was rendered by Prof. Hoot's Juvenile
orchestra, composed of boys and girls
between tho ages of eight and twelve
Tho boys woro full ftrcss suits and
mndo a very manly appearance A
song composod by ..Mr. H. M. Dunco
for tho Grizzlies wns sung by his two
little daughters, and tho club Joined
In tho chorus. Tho little folks re
ceived n great deal of appluuso and
wcro very much appreciated.
Captains were chosen and sides
taken for a track meet betweon tho
reds and tho grays, tho Judges decid
ing In favor of the grays. Hcfrcsh
nients then followed. Mr. Cathcnrt
then appeared In apron nnd cap
carrying a lurgo cake adorned with a
slnglo candlo, Indicating tho ago of
tho club, and presented tho samo with
a few appropriate remarks. Mr. C.
M. Kngllsh road a very Interesting
roport of what had been accomplish
ed by tho club for the first yoor.
Dancing and inuslr wcro enjoved for
a short time, nnd at about 12 o'clock
tho club adjourned.
Tho first trip of tho your will bo
taken next Sunday to Qulgloy Hocks.
Those wishing to take tho trip aro
requested to moot at tho Washington
school nt 2 p. in. Tho club will rldo
to Hhoanlx and V'lk 3 i mllos oust
to tho rocks. Koturnlng, loavo Phoe
nix at six o'clock.
Tho following program hit boen
nnnouiicoil for buliy wook boglnnliiK
Saturday, March t:
March t Kducatlou exhibit In
btoro windows,
March fi Daby Sunday In Med
ford churches.
Monday, March C Haby paradn
on Library grounds, 4 p. in. l'rlzos on
exhibition lit Johnson's Jewelry win
dow. Tuesday, March 1 Mother llsy,
under auspices of Congress of Moth
ers. Lecture by Mr. Osborno upon
Kxpoctunt Motherhood, Holland hotel
3 olclock.
Wednesday, March S Lectures by
doctors at Medford library, 8:80 p. in.
Thursday, March D Children's
day Star thoatra, special program.
All children up to 12 yours of ukc
admitted frcn to all shows afternoon
and evening.
Friday, March 10 nuby contest,
Holland hotel, beginning 1:30 p. m.
Prlzon now on exhibition at M. J.
Hoddy's store.
Saturday, March 11 -Daby contftst
contlnuod, program samo as Friday.
One of fn rmrprUos of the new
yoar Is thoannountomont of tho en
gagement or Miss Vera Hammond,
who Is to be a pre-Haster bride, to
Frank O. Hoberts, of Pooatello,
Idaho, on March 16th.
The brldo Is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Win. S. Hammond, and ono
of tho popular members of the young
er sot, having graduated from tho
local high school several years ago.
Sho Is a talentod artist and musician.
Mr. Hoberts Is tho manager of the
largost garage In Pooatello, Idaho.
Tho engagement Is the culmination of
a schoolmate rom'aace. whleh began
tan years ago, both of the young poo.
pie having attended school together.
A pietty Innovation to lb mar-
rlsge rustom will b given when the I Mai, Tr.bnft and the un in cornier
I brldo I married In her fntnre home ,inn wHh thr worfc t hM rt,,
bi rwmsiie. u im wwn or
both tho young people that their mar-
rlngo eeremeny tke place in (Uelr
now home
The brldn le-b will Im ae
rompanlcd to Peeatella trr her mtr,
Mrs. Verva llammlll, ef .twmpa.
who is n guest nt the home at her
parent at tho present tlmo.
The young people of this elty wltl
regret the lose of this eharmlng
young lady from their midst, all of
whom wish her a long life of happl-
Several prc-nup lal attalrs are be-
ng given by her high school cl.nms
In honor of MJsenmn.ond.
Mrs. M. S. Harbor wns hostess to
the Tuiwdny Hridgo club at her home
on West Mniu street Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. Halph Hardwoll otiturlniuod
the Girls' Sewing ohib at hor home on
South Oakdale Tuoeday afteniuou.
Mrs. C. A. Knight entertained the
Friday HridRO elub nt her homo on
Fast Main street Friday afternoon.
Mw. J. F. Heddy arrived in Med
ford Monday and will visit friends
mid relatives for n short time.
On next Tuesday ufternoon at 1:30
p. in. inc planting oi ino fciinKcsponro
memorial tree will take place on the
grounds in fiont of tho public lib-
rni-1. A very fitting nud Weill
thought out progrnm has been pre
pared for the occasion. The pupils
of the Washington nnd Hooscvell
schools will render npproprinto mils
ical numbers, ns will also the high
school band. All of the organizations
of the city, both men and women, will
bo represented nnd express sonic sen
timent appropriate to the day. Por
ter J. Neff will deliver the principal
address. This event, which tnkes
place on llurbnnlc tiny, Morcli 7, is the ' a. m.; preaching, 1 1 n. in., my Pastor,
first on the program outlined by Hio't. G. Diinoh; Young People's meet
Drnmn League center of Medford in lng, 12:30 p. in.; prnyer meeting
its participation iu the nntion-wido'Wodnoaday evening. 7:30.
celebration of Shnkospenre s tercen
tennial nnniversnry. It wns placed
in the hands of the Greater .Medford
elub iu accordance with tho center's
plan to invite the co-oporation of all
the organizations of the city in thin
celebration, mid through the untiring
efforts and effective leadership of
Mrs. II. C. Stoddard, chairman of thu
civic department of the Greater Med
ford club, who has had the nffnir in
charge, the afternoon promise to bo
n very successful one and most grat
ifying to the center.
The Wednesday Study club, at tho
invitation of the center, have set
apart Wednesday nfteruoon, April
(), for n Shakespeare program to
express their mrtieipnlion iu the
coming celebration. A very attrac
tive program nud one most pleasing
to tho center bus been arranged,
which will consist of vocal and in
strumental music, npproprinto for
such nn occasion and selections fiom
"The Mercliunt of Venice," to bo
read by the members.
The center wishes to express its
great appreciation of thu continued
kindness mid generous assistance it
lias received from the editors of the
coupon in JM jggTHE CtCARETTE gj
PACKAGE feppr Jj Wj
J j&isS i55K WoPcks4 vSjfS, JL .r Vi I
SA , ?J 20 or 10a S TNT WS I
TT 15h yn & jf J wlj t v
H yI k ir) i
m fh(l pUy ,,,, im,t wnmt
,hrir --.-.-,,. - ,,(,, r.
fnrt wtnM fM , ri(v.UxfMnHt nnt
it is only through such nnfailms; sup-
port a we have received from our
pre that any movement for public
advancement ran hope to sneeeed.
The center also desires to express
Us daep gratitude to Mr. J. A. Was
terlnml for his generous neepttaltly
in giving the use of the beautiful
reading room of the Hotel Holland for
ir Wtare coarse. No more appro-
fomu, wnvw,m,t nml Mr Weaterlund
,,, ,, ,,. lfs cver.remly
,,, o flrt)er h(, gom, of Uw rf,y
by everj1 means in hi power.
At the Churches
" wtw
St. Mark's Hplsropnl.
Holy communion, 8 a. in.; Sunday
sohool, 10 a. in.; holy communion,
11 a. in.
Cntbollc Clitir li.
South Dakota avoniio. First mass,
Sunday, S a. in.; second mass, 10:30
a. in.; evening service, 7:30 p. in.
Hov. J. Powers, rector.
Ministerial Association.
Tho Ministerial Association of
Medford nnd vicinity will meet In
regular sosslon at tho public library
Monday morning at 9:30.
ng mlnlstrs ore vvolcomo
'y(u, uacy.
All vlslt
Jolm D.
Krco Methodist.
Corner Tonth and Ivy. Sunday
school, 10 a. in.; pronchlng, 11 a. m.
and 7:30 d. in.: mld-wook nrnycr
' meeting. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. You
nra Invited to attend these services.
.1. K. Urndley, pastor.
Scventli Ibiy Advent 1st Churrli.
North Hlvorsldo avenue. Meets
overy Saturday. Sabbath school, 10
Xatntoiiiim Meeting for Sunday.
Union sorvlco nt 1 1 o'clock. Mr.
Mnthls will proach his famous
"Farmer" sormon. At 3 o'clock lie
will npoak to men only. This Is the
last meeting for moil of tho sorbin.
At 7:30 Mr. Mnthls will preach on
"What Shull I Do With This
Who Is Called Christ " Thu music
will bo an uttructlvo feature ut onch
Oakdale Avenue Methodist,
Sunday school promptly ut 9:15
a. iu., subject, "The Doath of
Stephen. " This Sunday school Is tak
ing an now life. Paronts nro re
quest wl to come and bring their chil
dren. No preaching service. Krory
body la Invited to attend tho union
evangelistic service at the N'atator
lum at 1 1 a. m. At 3 p. in. Is a spn
clul mooting for men only. At 7:30
p. in. u meeting for ovorybody.
I'llst Ibipllst.
The live church with n cordial wol
come. Kunday school, 9:15 a. in,
the limul of tho lesson, "Korgtvlng
Knomlcs; Living I.Ike Christ; Dying
vaciv rnniffl
LtHe Chrlsl". Intermediate . If. P.
V. 1i3 p m.; It. T. P. U., : If p. in.,
snnjarl, "The 'CaaefteTfttfa'n of
itrength," hmders, IfMHlea PnvM,
Bthel Ortr. Pnlen Mrvtaes at tho
Nfltatorlnm, It a. m., 9 p m. and
7 30 n. m.
First Methodist.
i The snmtay seuooi win meet ai
: sharp. It Is Important that
there be a fall attendanso there will
ample time gtren to reach tho
Xatatorium for the 11 d'oleek serv
ice. The Bpworth League will hold"
Its itsnal devotional service at C: 11.
A reusing good meeting Is nssured
allyonng people are Invited. I'lenjy
of time will be afforded to mjt to tho
groat mass faceting, whore Mr. Mathls
will jireacn.
1'lrst Church of ChrIM, Sjlontlst ..
Dranch of the mother church, tho
First Church of Christ Scientist, In
lloston, Mnse. Sunday Bervluo at 11
a. m subject, "Man." Wednosday
evontng moating at which, testimon
ials of Christian Saleuco healings nro
given, 7:30 p. m. All aro cordially
Invited. Sunday schodl at 9:1G a.
in. All tindor tho ago of .0 aro wel
come. Heading room In church edi
fice. 212 North Onkdalo, opon from
1:30 to 4:30 p. m. dally, except
Sundays and holidays.
First. Christian Church.
Corner Ninth and Oakdale. Tho
church with a vital inessaga to which
wo cordially Invito you. Sunday
morning at 0:4G tho Dlbloohool as
sembles nud we trust that many will
bo present at tho oponlng. Wo nro
oxcoedlngly nuxlous to havo nil tho
church In tho Dlblo school and nil
the Dlblo sohool In tho churoh. Com
munion sorvlcea nt the oloso of Sun
day school to glvo you tlmo to roach
the N'atatorlum for the morning sor
mon. Drlng your otivolopcn marked,
and elthor put your contribution In
at the church or at the rovlvnl serv
ices. I WILL GIVE $1000
bilora It POISONS dcrp uas rf itticlit ts BORE
Without KkUo or Pain,
No A Ha vr otb r
wlii(!! Anl-'aml
plant umki'Mlt "J'
Any 1UM0R, IUXP rf
or line la
CANCCh; It ui'Vtr
lHtUK llll' 1 1 IStl IIIRa
110 -PACE D00K Kilt,
HCKK. 1UOKI toll.
monluU. mKi it urn
ti nMUnCDndBlTpolonidefprra.
ISbAnllkinpit R'aii'U slid KlltS QUICKLY
Out t.i mn uicvm Tilu 'Olranrcr -I'-S nrr'
Wi r. I' ii mm li ilt l' ' iiCiLmiiiiiilia
,'iorr ri'd t 1 j. i f i.nri' It U y. tmll
Or. & Mrs. Dr. CIJAMLEY S CO. l$lltiWtl
ntiwly RtllaWe. Cttilcit Ctncir Ipeciiiut l Wine''
.34') R 430E Vslsacia St, Ssn rrsncJica. Cl.
i .ilUltllAN At'Tti OAH CO.
ia,sto Medtord dally except Bun
dny for Ashland, Talent and I'hoonlz
at 8 a, ni,, 11:50 a. m 1:15, 2:30,
3:45 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Sat
urday nt 11:15 p. m. Bundaya loavo
nt 10 a. in., 4 p. ni. and 9:30 p. m.
Leavo Ashland for Medford dally
except Sunday nt 0 a. m., 13:50, 2:30,
3:30, 4:45 and 0:15 p. m. Sunday
leuvo Ashland at 9 a, m 1:00, 6:00
tnd tn-sn d m
ssm-k. sM -s
Tlnir-d.iv .iflcriUKHi.