4 MV.woitu frr, 'ruwvw. Mniiofth, nuf.tr m i.hw , wu u i;m; vnv: TWO h j r -c L" st - A TOCAL AND JLv PERSONAL A III it i rlH-t-f-ff"""""' Mr mill Mr .I(-pti K WiIIp end ihmahtor. Phoclov or Milium H It , have been lxlHnp tliHr npih Hut. Jlm D. W'lli. of thin ltv Thfi fn, rth iileawd with f ti KtKi rinr ?all and pvUlly with th rltMte, bavin lejt temperature .1 tftfrtce below aero In ftokata. ftt Voe jrftfi (raiting utamne with raVjrlblnK wtrent troerles. By way of showing the ienrionry rrfcaied hy tlkn poultry how In this dty recently, H may he Htl that etcht new inmhaiora wero aold In th Km point oWlet rturlnu the 1Mt ten daye. Tli1 MMtford Poul try ftml Kfg company roM wll nn to hens a week. If It could net trom, showing that the iHMtltry Intel neM U thsfttit better understood uml rore fully appreciated already, a a result f reewrt Internet In Hie In dustry. $1600, lo loan on good farm, eloe In. II. i. JJttno. I )l. OjMufimi. or Trnll. In attend ing to business chorea In Hip city to day. Ttirkllh nougat 30c lb. Tlio Shns t. 0. IC. llftlit KHil wife, of Yieka. sro rlsltora In the city tmluy. fJit jroHr milk, ereawi, butter, "eggs nml buttermllK Ht Oft Voe'a. C. M. MrAllsler. tin blooded pig man" of Portland hihI eeir-ral nthur point In tin' nnrt Invent. Ii visiting among the fanners In this vail, for h few days. Mr. MrAllsler In a disseminator of much iirartlrul In formation for (he farmers In tln tnat tor of sloe, prtxltirilnu. Tlmy would ilo well to look him up and havo h talk with him. 85. off on Kodaks at Weston's Camera Shop. W. II. I.rkf. or Rrtlt Lake Clly. I a business rlaltar In Medford today. flntos noils I'ord cam, 1200 down and !26 n month. J. Shlrlpy, nn alinplio of th ahnrlffa off leu at JackMiii villa, hum h Mttilford vlaltor tlila niornliia. I'roiwrndtinaa ti Ilia laauo, an lirliiK In your Ihwiihiowop nnd havo It aharponad and Iw praiuiroil for what la nomlnit. J. V. Mltohall. TIlO allVur !) Of liHHIttlftll dfllKU, won" br ! W Uhlrley on (Iih boat llHff Orplitkton bird In'tlin r""' ivoullry ahow In Ibla t'lly. la on oxhl billon at .Itthiwnit'a Jtwlry almo on laln atrl. Mr. Hhlrlpv ulao won cominirpal prUM on hla Orpington trio. Ske Maddux & lloiinoy. Portlnnd nvH. grMnhauM, about toninto planta fur noroago mauling. Standard va rlattw. loweat prlowa. t'id ltv. W. I. Obpkpr, of UraiiU I'aaa. rturnd hump lam miIiik aft pr a da of biulnpn In tbt rlt. loa IMtva Wood about that tiro In imraiHH poll ay. Offlea Mall Tribune illOc Mr. and Mr, llarrett Klukort. uf Ottoman crk. warp vlaltora In ihla pity yaalartlaV. iPtunilita to Hip farm Iimhm Iftat avanlna. I ill Sc willkakakaa at l) Vwi Mn. V. 0. Vatr. of (Uanta I'aaa. haa rctuniPd hoap afior a lalt llh Mr. W. V. Shlahta. Tal. Dick Santlsra your tioublaa about paparlBg, palMtlng or tint- if the ground ur In roudtlion and the weather fuvorablp. the Mud ford iMMMtmll team will play a prartlpe name la thla Pltv 8niday. Tb. loral team pritilaea In b at row a thla yai' -equal to thp team of laxi upbnoii. If not liUlr. Their record of nine atralaht vlrtoripa luat eai- Itpfore meetlna defeat will be hard to Imi Kv la tba time to plant roaoa. Stuns M'tra euIc threyaHr-old Oar oltna Teatout and Ktau Karl Drutht frottt la flnaat ioa bedaea In Mad fiml. Ordar at euro aa aupply la lira Had. Warce th Klorlat. A- B. Oornell. of (Iraula I'hhk, Ik altendlui lo buaiiipaa In thla It to day. He will n'tiirii borne thin cwu ln. W'aatan Cataera thttp (or flrt claaa Kodak tlnUhlRf aad Kodak auapltna. A bualnaaa waatlna or the Soulk ,. Oreaou I'oaitry oino ta up tng held rhla aftaraooa at the publle markat. TypawrtUr papera all kluda. at Madford PHaUag Co. J. II. Uberly. of the fyrii aerv ice, haa completed an excellent map of Javkaon t-ount abowlua the Innda Included la the Callfoiitia-Ureaou land urant. Ua Voe buy beer bottles, A number of Mi-dford people will attend the athletic penta omIou at Clold Hill tonight. The Star' brand of typewrltar rib koaa are guaranteed to five TS.aOO Iwpreaalona of the typa "a" and "a" vluout u ologglng tka typa aa to altaw an the paper Thla Is a pretty stiff warranty, but tnat la mhat the Webster company agrees to with Star rUU& Bald by the Medford I'rlat Ing pitmtaity. daor9LaiinUiarh, f Jacksonville, li.iiri M4TWnki'oaierencaa with rrlpgd fra lHMiM4-' t,,. n. I i H i' "ti t'. i .1 i.p ir.,. dI IiiidHipk In fiil 'tt la n Ins. rMofiilna to pliland lst rlh on t'w fiplal train mrr'nii ibo Iras krfball ran Medford Tan! Co "Anywliera any Hm." rbana . Al gather was a prominent flnrt In the Theatrical Workers' entertain ment In Portland thla week. Mr Ha I her waa foraiar manager of the War theatnr la thla rltv. raannt brittle, 0p. Tha Shaatn. ' Katry Week opened today with edn atlwaal asMMta la the at ore win down. Mrs. ,11. K. Haney has moiml her dress making shop to Oaraatt Carar bid. ltm 313 and 314. The local Klka held their reaular annua! pIppIIoh oti Thuradnv even ing. Carl Hcllltronner waa chosen oxalted ruler; .lonaa Wold, lpadlng knight; J. I. Hue liter, loyal kulght; O. O. Alentloerfer. eateenicil lecturing knlaht; Lee Jaroba, auriPlary: Ver non Vawtpr. treaaurer: Charles II. Oay, Uler; T K. laiilpla, trustne. three-ypar Iprm: W. II. McOowan. delpgatp to arand lodge; I. eon II. .Haaklna, altprnatp delegate. 1'iMlagp atampa at Dp Vox's. Tomorrow will Iip Ituby 8uiidav and will b observed In eomi' of tint phtiiphea. On Monday the Imbv pa rade will atari on the public library grouuda pioniitl nt I o'clock. Tho thrpe prettiest children. Iiresppptlvo of ilreaa. will receive prlaoa at Hip noon exlilbll In .lohiiaou'a ewer window. The parade, la not llmltPd to liablea nloiip, children alao being hIIowimI to participate. Judges will be selected Hliiollg out-of-lowu v I e I -lora. When hnttnr Insurnncn is sold Holmes, tho Insurance Man, will soil IL Mrs. Rofla Wllliama. arroalPil with V. IC. Monro, ImiIIi of Dunamulr. Cal . at Ashland laat Stindav, pliarged with a statutory offense, to which tho woman entPiml n plea of guilty, la thp mother of four pIiIIiIipii She la an eara old. Moorp has not vet pii (pred his plea. Insure, your auto In tho Alllnnro nfinlnst thoft. flro. C. Y. Tnngwnld. Local hotels have rated bettpr dur ing Hip iwat week, travel having In frasiHl ponaldernblv, TIip llollnnd hotel haa Iippii full path night the greater part of Hip week. (lot your typnwrlter jinpor from Medford Printing Co. N 8. lloniiHtt and A. C llnrgoaa have donated two fine depr hoada to the local ICIka' cliibrooms. Try n Klni? Spitz clRnr and en oouraao hotnn Industry. tf A. L. Slilinlel, of Kureka, Cal., la a Medford vlaltor lodav Hppt elder lit He Vop'a V. A. Shauklln. or Kalem, this alate. is attending to bualueaa In .Medford and ili'lnlty tor a few daa. .1. O. Clerking, ttio nnst nil nrnitnd photographer In southern Orognn. Always raliable. Negatlvaa made any whare. time or place. Studio X28 Main St. l'hono I30-.L lleckla tl WpIIh. ol Klamath I 'si Is. Is tranaactliiK limlneH In thin clt and at .lackNOiiitllP toda(. SmnWo a King Spitz ' cigar, Re. 1'hoy are home-made. tf In presenting ' The Only tllrl." the new muairal comedy, at the lage nel l'rldn) night. Manager Joe Weber PHiiiiIhpm not oul) an Pkcellent prti ductlnn and a xiieilal orpheatru, hut an exceptional cast aa well. There are uo atara In ' The Only tllrl" com pany, but It Is made up or well known and popular play era. Some of those who are to apiiear In the production are Kdua Munae, Cptella Novasia. Klsle ltalrd. Heglna Hlphards, Oene vteve Houghlou. Ann Walker. Frank Iwi Karnum, Frank Coomb. Kuasell lnnou. Thomas llurton and Airred Kiahar. la addition there la to be a charna of pretty glrla who will be arrayed In the latent up-to-date (In ery . ' "l"T Ora. A. K. and lrfiulsa K. Hedges, chiropractor, hatha, aigaaage. 'i'H K Main. Mrs. (leorga Colvig. of (Irani 1hk, la vlaitlna bar eon, Count Tieasurer K. I.. Colvig. I II It. Hancp. who recantly re ' .(riipiI aa cashlpr of the Hogue Itlvcr Cuiial company. U now outhern ore gon represents tlu for the Coast Cut ! pi-i and Flume lompuny. of 1'ort land Shelled corn. II " per hundred i L. I. Hrown. Oeorge K. Iloos. c. retury ol Hip. Tri State Hood Itniut aasoclation. Im I returned to Medfoid to make tbl i clt hla headquaricii- The uext mec) ' lag of the usHOctatiou will p held I at Seattle llatinit vhitcd nil iai i of the I'aplflc co.!.t .Mr Hoo I uuihoilty vkliPtt be -'- tlmt Med ford Is Hip bpl tdace r t'leiu U n IUe lu. Are Your Eyes Worth Insuring? If so. i-all and hi in.' iiiMiiv tluiu u;aii)M l lit harmful nml tli-amvraMr '! tts of r i siiain wiili a IMJOI'KUI.Y KITTKl) pair of ll'HSt'S. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Cas DR. RICKERT fPYBEST ' Over May Co. M. i, 1.. M t i l. - I II ' ' nt Wnrh I hii - ' iniif)(l I'ov flursnta' oil iinlne oppor tunlf ttwlfis in oilier Investineni I am of feeing for ele im Kit k of general man hanlo at Kagle I'olnt This Is a well sHefted l'Mk of uta Iftlea wnlr. In a good brl'k atore. low tasarance. moderate rent and the state la and alwa ha been a good paying investment. Ragle Point l on Ihe direct road to crater Uke and In the moat deatrable and prosperous part of lha Rogue river glle KRKHL HKATII. !:, Owner Kdltor William R. rirowar or n.. Rogue Klver Argus, waa a Ha in r. In visitor In thp allc. Arthur Myer and Miss Ifdna Ki' ) ardaon, or Rogue River, were nm rled Wedneaday at Jacksonville I will make their home In Hdn ley. J. K. Haas, division InapePior "i c Western I'nlon Tclpgraph pompm with hed()uarter In Seattle l to Medrord today. He reimru biwmi boomlnf with hi company In ' uorlhwost. Mrs. T. II. HpIiip. prpsldent of ' Arts and Crafts Ipague of thu i' will begin a course of leeiun- ' tuoiiibers or IhH leaguo on I'rtd.i evening, March I", at Urn rc-ldrnn' of Mr. (I. Ifi. Johnson. fWi Wc-t Tenth street, thp Ipclttre to ! uln at 7:30. Mrs. HpIiip la a mpmbei of t. . Intoriiatlotial Art KocIpIj, Chluitiii and I a maatpr ff the art huIiIm! llo will dlapiia. TIiokh lecture" will lip replete with Interest to the low r or art and It development mid ineui her of the league are delighted nid the opporlunll to enjoy them V.MIItl'ln. M.n.h I. N" -nl' .Mr. Itmiu'- .uiimiI eiiuseil ii iIiim on the liuuhp I'loor. l(piliMlltllltlP Vuile.V, lleinoeliil. hi eloe I'rieiiil. met liitii, nml Ibtih.v Hiiid ibey iliepiixM'tl Hit wnniinu re- llltlt tiltl xilUHlioll. While Mr. lwile. in-lc.l Hint Mi. Itr.Min would take no iicltM' pint n the right. inlininitiiitioii lendeis -.nv Liu Iiik iiippupp ptiiii. foi iippiii. Their inU'iPt whs I'm llur nroii-nl when it wu leiiineil Hint Mr. IIimiii pm'cI- lo lid urn here tomorrow and rpiimm until Moiidny niulil, when be pe.ik- hi iiuiiuuioii, ACADEMY NOTES .in. CliiK-p in candy -nm king lor the eiimly -n le were olunnipil mid ion dinted III the klltlicii at the ih-.mIi ih Vpltipdny nllPiniHMi nml evening, and were unquptiontihly wtdl aitcod I'd. Tile pflu'iPitpy of teiH'hei- .iml liiid- wax ultpteii hy thp .mihn and aiuount ol candy -old Thui-dn evening. After Hip rppital ThurMlny evpiuna: Hip pupil of the -pliool KPi'vpd a luiieh of liomp-mndp pake-, eandic-. chopolatp, nndwiplip nnd ice cn-ain, liy thp nle of whieh t Iit IiohI to delrnv Ihf itiPHlentiil pXhii"p ol' the recital. TIip -tuilpnl- worked dexoi pdly and Hip manner in which Hip oivaniaed and co-operated niu-t hap IuukIiI t Iipiu nian vtiluable le--on-I'of the neeU of Intpr life. Thp at prpciatcil mo-i heaiiil the p'ucioii iaii'oiiag' ol i'rieul and ipIuIhp-. ATIHXTIOX ,. I ,V A. Al. All Mason will convene at Ma-onli ball at I Uo p in. Sunday. -March '. to attend the funeral of W Mi Donald. IHI.HKIlIt VM' S'i v Wli) SiiioKp nit ClKort When l.i CondiiH arc only inn. 4i Will 1 1 I IMMI M i i a. . ,'. ini i ii. t ' ii t i- i Sold 'iib ,il lini 'ii ii tl in,; , I $ I Mil IF THEY'RE Klein Made THEY'RE TAILOR MADE MEDFORD TAILORS, 128 E. MAIN BRAN CAUSES FLURRY AI CAPITAL JM, r tfSfUffVtf!tH 5ifJ llio Crirk:,- "Give us TkACTION, 303 l ... . ci... ($10.40 30.T '' (513.4U 32x3Vt 5i5'lS j.lil Mitir iiiiii .. 34x4 "Inlr.l.l.l" $22.40 36.4H "1.00 37 xS S37.3B 385ki 580.00 GOO $2000 BANKRUPT STOCK-Groceries and Notions jWJLilllLI NO 2 WEST JACKSON STREET. MEDFORD. ORE. NO PHONE ORDERS TAKEN AND NO DELIVERIES MADE. BUT WE SAVE YOU 25 TO 50 PER CENT. Wc havr just purchased for rnsh a bankrupt stock o( groceries In Portland. Wc arc qoina to save you money. We will soil yon from tills stork in any ipiantity at the prices oh en; and you can save yourself from 25 to 50 per cent on evrry dollar that you spend with us. In addition to the real cash that we save you. wc will uivc you S. & H. Green Stamps with every pnrchr.se. HERE IS THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE TO SAVE MONEY. IF THIS SAVING IS HOT WORTH COMING AfTER WE CANNOT AFFORD TO DELIVER IT TO YOU. No. S size Fancy Solid Pack Tomatoes. 20c duality, our price, per can 10c No. 3 siie Fancy Pack Gooseberries, regular 25c value, our price, 2 cans for 25c Fsrey Sifted Wisconsin French Peas, sold in Portland for 20c. our price 10c Fancy Rrti Salmon, tall cans, regular 15c value, per can. 10c; 3 cans for 25c No. 3 size Extra Quality Fancy Dill Pickles, regular 15c stuff, for. per can 10c State of Maine Fancy Sardines In Oil. a 10c Sardine for. per can. straight Ac Fanry Easiest Cream C'cesi. selling In Portland at 28c. our price, per pound 20c THESE ARE JUST A FEW SAMPLES OF THE PRICES THAT WE ARE GOING TO SELL THIS STOCK AT. OVER MO DIFFERENT ARTICLES IN THIS STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. These prices will he maintained as long as wc have any of this stock left. 90 - EXTRA SPECIALS i'.i.-ii.. T.iii.i. ..i,jur. mm in. I'ummI.. T.ii. i ..' .-.hi iv Fancy Eastern Milk, 2 for 15c h.ii'r Stiiitkliiwii'w, - in- -'"" K.n s uii. i .hi lo' I tir lli'iu i I.iilii'l Tolini'i'ii, run : . S.tlml li,in(j I 1'. K. S. slinU'i S.ili .V I.ililis t)!ii-, M' bil tie Sc I '. K.itn'v liiliii I"'- -" t'luiimx IV 1'iiti'iit Spring l'loilu' Pin, clojt. .V I ! l in. 7t " . I 'i-r 'J.V llfiul lln''. 7 lb.: 4 tor 2V lmlir Sni. 7 lnr 'JV ..ln i i ..'.. -. 7i- ll., I iiii -' St-lio.il t'iiinl. H. 10 Hli- I'lf Hiiot r, i". I IW 2.V 1 He s.i. i Inn 'I'oli, ii i ii. cm "v Kiini'x I'nik lliMii-, 7r Hi., 4 toi -JV 'J lb. Sui'k Suit If jiic v i , i 'bii Toli.t in i I'm- ItV Aliiiniiiiiiit Tobiu-i ii, fun Sf 4 Ih. Kut-k Knit Si aii,i I I.. ' I'lii" Tolui.'. ... lb. 4iV I Of On the S.iwiiv T..lni.c.i, . .ui Sf lrkin Hii'i'. Hr lb. -lnu-lii .V nhui,. .1 I' it ToIkhio, Ii. IIV Ri'uuliir ." U'iuI IVmiU, J lor V I'uiM t'ik''lti'it, kv- f JV l' in I ii..- Ilni-lii UK- IIV liottlt' Mu-tniil . Hhinoltt, box V .'.V Ntii !'.i kill I'K'kUo, ln- Hii' 2lV ltuturt Hurihiit'. fun IIV 1m t'tmkit', lb. ! in. hour I . I. !., m irUi " AHiw in tutr pkj;. "&" 10c lVnhol4ir, sai'h ."h- ItV Knur tilitkin I'U'kb'"., aln V riniiaiuon in Hiwr pku. .V' Sory in wxr nkg. " ' "if Swi'.i tlli. rkin l'inkli. tin. - ItV ('Imrn in W)Mr pk. , .V Thi'OW in impr pktf. ,V I tv Kwi'ft (ill. t kin lVkli. ul.i- ' (liiiB'-r in iiaiMT ik. . .V HrW Sice in paper )kg.. V .'"f Kwfvi Mixed lHrkfrN kIu 1(W Hmi in jwiwr kg. 5 I'oulliy Season in mr pkg. -V ltv KwiH't bA Ihi'klw, tfluJ .V MBrjiirum in iH'r pk. ."to I ql. cau ('lii-Numel Oak Finili. flfto V Wour 1'ifkli iu ln lt Mtttnnl in uimt pkj. .V I u. fhi-Xauifl Wall Tone ?1.2.i H. Kour Pukle in gtu -V N'utuu's m hujht pku. V 1 gal. Ola- Jar, each . 30f .'V Sxu'i't l'i. kirn in kIu '' Hli-k l'epper in ptinr pig. , V 3 gal. (ili Jar, ouch 2.V HV Sttwt Pn kle in glla .V Whili IVpppr in pnpt-r pk. V '.''to L S. Krlih. eaeh . .l.V .'V J'ii'kU'il tfa in alii ItV l'uiiui lVpiH-r iu mht .k. .V le Kubber Halls ,v Itk- l'i. kbil llftut in kUi-' V Snge in p.ipr pkg. 5r 10c Window I 'leaner . . Ii' IWobiilU ItV KnveliM, pkp. .V ltv flfr. Fly t'ati'hi'r fa -.'"m ttawbtilU '' V Knv. 1om. .1,. -v IVilU 10e I IV iliinu'iin Vile V U- IV-t t'.niN. I for 1,. W DolU . fa Vk Kiilero .V 'n To-t innN. lor .V In,. To nout fa ' pir Shm' loice V 10f ot Cunl-. cailt .V HV Ink Tnlilet fa KV Koll Toil. , INhht " l.iiruf lloll I'.ik-i Toel I"..' ".. IVn.il Tnbbi . . SNEARLY SALVAGE No. 2 West Jackson St. without FRICTION!" 'AKINO thn "Pilvprtown'Tonl Tirf, trttiRht IVi w.i a lew Iftiannrt in Ihe mRnuiHcitirMoi iiKiu-jr. coolttr, more flexible ami enduring l'ADRIG Tires. , ... . Tho "Silverlown"Tire, ymi know. Rams ita marvel lous Speed (and the CoaatinK qunlitiw that demonstrate its Frxvd) primarily through having only TWO layers ot Couls, lnul transversely. Of course, these TWO layers bend more readily than Five, Six, or Seven Layer of Fabric do (or of Cord would). But, ve found it necetwwry. in order to conserve that P'rihdity (in tho Two-cord construction), to put a Rubber Tr'Tul over it which was equally flexible, c (juatlu strono, and f 'a.'c nwugh to act as a sort of spring between tho liu-ih and tho Tire-caninpr, when Brakes were thrown on it stopping, or clutch thrown in atstartinjj. So, we had to devise practically a new hind cf Rubber, for this purpose, TWO YEARS AGO. And this new kind of Rubber Compound now does for GOODRICH Tires a work paralleling that done by tho v r ndtrful Alloys of Steel and Bronze m modern Motor Car construction. It multiplies Rubher Efficiency, for Tiro purposes, vhilo dirrcathiii its Weight, and without incmumiy ita Bulk, or its Coat lo you. 4) AS wo cannot yet supply half the demand for f "Silvertown Cord Tiros" (until enough innnu- JL Jl facturing cquinment can be constructed) wo compromise with tho Public by giving them, without addi tional charge, the highly eflleient black Silvertown Rubber in all Goodrich FABRIC Tires for 191G. This makes GOODRICH Fabric Tires the most Re silient and Responsivo-to-Power, tho most Long-Lived and Lively, of all FABRIC Tires, at ANY price, without increasing their relative price to you. We call this new Silvertown Tread Compound by tho namo and brand of "Barefoot Rubber." Because, it CLINGS to tho pavement for the same sort of reason that your bare foot clings to a slippery floor, whilo being flexible, stretchy, springy, and light. TENACIOUS, resilient, enduring, this "Barefoot Rub ber" you today get in all black-tread Goodrich Fabrics Tiros, Goodrich Motor-Cycle Tires, Goodrich Truck Tires, Goodrich Bicycle 'lires, Goodrich Rubber Boots. Overshoes, Soles and Heels, and in none but GOODRICH products. Test out a pair of these moderately priced black-tread FABRIC Tires ami see what results from the mixing of BRAINS with Rubber. THE B. F. GOODRICH CO. DRICH BAREFOOT" Tires fJS uzncueisxrccMnsro NOW ON SALE AT P H ITS P IP SALVAGE Akron Ohio 90 STORE MUDKORD, ORE. f., t I - Ihf' That Faded Switch M'fi Mnti-li V"'f nnlr. Marinello Shop 407 Gam ett-Corey Bldg. Mniri.nl, Ore Safety Razor Blades Can be Successfully RE-SHARPENED H.'.OIXI siilisl'iitl iistoiilfl's testily that One Firm in the West Does It 30c A DOZEN- -Any Make. Straight liaors I -tolled :j."i Ccnis liYuivsriitnl in Mt'dt'ord by Heath's Drug Store Sanitary Shaii niiit Co., l-Mi?!' Kxpcrts. IScikclcy, Cal Klein Klein TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Clcanint), Pressinn and Altering. 128 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS Medford House Movers Ni:V IM KM Movcits oi'' iiorsi:s, mm, Kits, HKAVY .M.VtTIIMlllV, HTO. SATISI'ACTOItY SKUVU'l-J I'liuiio IHH-.M SIOI'1'T.T .V lU'ltKIIAIinT tllii S. Ni'HtoHn. 7JI7 V. Utli St. Medford Taxi Go. "axvwiikui: Axvrnn:." A Sliare ot Your PnticniiKC Solicited. 1'lioiif KHo. Clairvoyant thi: VO.MA.V WHO KXOWS Cplfliriiti'd Clnlrvoynnt si ml Medium. Know ulmt lUlti tiolilx fur you; Hlio tellH you tho truth, what you want to know, lit a glnnco. lli'i' powers have noutiried the m out Mkvptlcal. IliiBlnem. love, rourtililp, mnrrlne, dlvoreo, lot or Molmi artlclan, niln Itiir. nttniiltK of orn lend wlltt alisoluto uemraey. Tells whetlinr your hu liiuitl, wife or Rweetheart Is true or faltte. When and whom you will marry and how to win the omh you love. Conquer enenilen. HrlngB tho Krimrated toKelher. Hfll or trnde our proiiet'ty. If you arn imliapjiy .iml ilUroutciiti'tl, or In any troutilo whateVKr. lirliiK them to her, nho will xtralRliti'ii them out to your en tire atUfartlon. No work too dif ficult. Know ii llif world over us tho (iood Link Woman Fl'l.l. Ki:l)V(! $1 00. OpMI.l' ll-Il Hotel, I'uliii llliiil;, ItlHIIIIS 8.11. Bargains in ROSES 500 Tnroe-year-old Caroline Testout Roues for sale al n hnrgnln Tho fmeat rosea in Medford from the belt roio hedge In tho city. The Carolina Testout la a porpet ual bloomer, largo pink rosea and the best hedge or street rose for this climate. Pierce, the Florist WESTON'S Camera Shop 203 East Main Street, Medford The Only Exclusive Commercial Photographers in Southern Oregon Negatives Made aiiy time or place by appointment. Pltoue 147- T -u Wll do the rest oils 6 in this r ?kV?rda. returalnu haa1 E. D. WESTON. Prop. o o L