Medford Mail Tribune wrmiiww SECOND EDITION WEATHER i? Unlit Tonight and Hominy. Minimum, ."Hi Minimum, II rorfr fifth Yr. Diil'v Tntii Vir MEDFORD OHKUOS. SA'I I l,i) , V Hi'll I. 1'Mii NO. 205 K SUGAR 11 FOR 191 6 IS PROMISED Deal to Be Consummated Monday for Factory to Be Located Between Med lord and Tolo 5000 Acres of Beets Required and Guaranteed by Commercial Club Beet Committee Wbirlwind Campalfln for Acre age Begins Monday Telegrams Tell Story. A boet sugar factory for this (11k trk't suenu assured. The syndicate lepresunted by Colonel J. F. Mundy, will consummate the deal Monday nt New York City. The Modrord Com morelal club boot commlttoo lms guaranteed 0000 acres of sugar beets nnil will oarly Monday boKln tho campaign to sign tho ncroago. Head quarters will be opened In tho ex hibit building mid a null campaign Inaugurated. The contracts will pro vide payment at shipping point or f 5 per ton. Tho following telegrams toll tho story. S. (I. Sktorlri Id a member of the syndicate, lie ban oporated ex tensively lit Utah and Colorado an a labor contractor, furnishing whlto labor Tor sugar work. Ho made an extensive examination of tho valley and It' toll wine wooks ago when ho vliltHi! Mod ford with a putty of capitalists. Now York. .V. Y.. Mm oh 3. C. K. Gates, Medford Commercial club. Medford. Or. Drill will ho roHMramatoil Monday morning for a sugar factory to be lo cated between Medford and Tolo for 1916 crop If our liaople will guaran tee 6000 acre. We have socured the seed. We need the support of the people of Rogue river valley. We want every acre of land we can get tollable for raiting sugar beet. The greater the acreage the larger tho factory. Wo have seed for "000 nrrea. If can get mfflelent acreage we will build econil factory for 1617 crop. Have arranged with S. O. Skllrls to furnlah any necessary la bor In raining the lieeU. Will the lieople who will be benefited by a sugar factory on the floor of the val ley, to be built for 1916 crop, guar antee to hi 5000 acrei? Aniwer qulek at my expense, Waldorf Hotel. J. K. MUNDY. Acreage final nnlecd, Medford, Or., Marsh . J. F. Mundy. Hotel Waldorf, New York City: We guarantee S000 acres. Poo pie anxious and waiting for word to go ahead. MJJDFOIU) COMMWnmi. ci.rn, MY C. K. Oaten Now York, N. Y., March 3 C K dates. Medroid Commercial club Saw our meeaage to Mundy. You ran aay to our people that we will build a sugar factory on the floor of the Itogue river valley between Med ford mid Tolo Dili year. We want all the acreage we ran get. I will fur nlh any neceaaary labor to take eare of crop. g. G. SKLIIUS. NEW YORK, March t. Medford Mail Tribune, Medford, Oregon' Today I received meaeaget from the Medford Commercial elub. Flrat Na tional bank, Medford National bank, and the Juckaon County bank, stat ing that the people in our ond of the Rogue river alley wanted a augar fartorv Please aay to them through the columns of jour paper that they (Continued on page six) PKKJV. China. Vai.h i -Official aunoiiimm.nt wax inudt here to da that the tit of Suifu, in the kouthern part of ise-Cnuen province, ha been recaptured by go eminent O troops, gulfu wga taken by rebel fur. which advanced from Yunnan p ime and held ! llim until t: a . SENATE AM BILL PROVIDES PREPAREDNESS Chamberlain Introduces Most Com prehensive Measure Increases the Peace Strength of Army to 178, 000, Federalizes National Guard and Creates Volunteer Army. WASHINGTON, Mutch !. The somite nnny bill was introduced to day hy Cliiilnntui Clinmberlnin of the military committee. It proposes the most thorough measures of military preparedness ever presented to con gress in pence time and is the first of the nntioual defence hills urged by President Wilson to bo intro duced. Provides n lleserve. The nionsitio proposes to increase the' peace strength of the regular army to 178,000 men of nil arms, to federalize the nationnl guard with a peace strength of 271,000 men, to erente a federal volunteer nnny com parable to tlie continental army pro posed by Former Hceretury (Inrri Min to pi oxide adefiiate reserve sys tems of the tegular and gunidsmcii under short-term enlistments with the colon, to eiente n far-spreading re serve of engineers, doctor, mechan ics iiml all other civilian supporters of the fight ins; troops and to proide an officer-.' reserve corps with def inite obligations to the government. Fuller the sennte plan, fedornlirn lion of the national guard is propos ed under n military pay bill mid the authority of tho national government over the body, in times of peace, or would be widely extended to secure mlciiuto training ami discipline Conipiohenslvo Measure. "It ts the most compichruivc measiiie in the way of pieparedness ever presented to either house of congress, Senator ('hnmhcrlinii Mini. "Tho essential features comprise a sufficient increase of tho regular nrmy to enable the mobile force to be oigniiini'd in divisions or brigades, and to provide n sufficient eoips of const artillery to mnn existing mid approved new butteries. The new mobile nrmv will comprise sixty-four regiments of infantry, organised into seven divisions; twenty-fivo regi ments of envolrv organised into two divisions, and the loinaining regi ments attached to infantry divisions; twenty-one regiment of field artil lery mid seven regiment of engin eers. This, will give proper garrisons to Panama, Huwnii aud the Philip pines nnd provide four infantry mid two cuvuliv diw-ions within the Fnited Si.i.i - " s POKTLANI). March L - Snow woe falling In Portland today, as well aa over a large portion of Oregou. Aa a consequence of the storm wire traf fic was Interrupted to a large extent In the western part of tho state. In Portland the ground was cov ered with an Inch of snow, but was melting rapidly. The local weather bureau says there have been but few Instances where snow has lain on the ground in March. Hailroads report no serious delas. The temperature bered urlng the forenoon hovered around 3S degrees. Keports from Dallas say that from 3 to 12 Inches of snow have fallen over Polk county. Farming and log ging operations have again been sus pended. LA FOLLETTE BILL IN EFFECT TODAY XKW YOKK, Marih I. -Preparation have been made heie to put into ctlect toduv the La Kollitte acumen's law n applied to foicigu vessel. It hu been oHTnlive siucc November 4 n affecting American ships. Gov ernment agents are cxceted to re- 't'u-c clearance pnp r- to nnv fr "vt. Ii' - t I rl pi I '(X I ' itll llil il I, . I lV 4. . - (I STORM NORTHERN OREGON HOUSE 10 ACT S i Matter to Be Brought Up Early on Convening Absence of Represent atives on Week-End Trip Prevents Action Today Action to Be of Decisive Character. WASHINGTON. March -1 The next step In President Wilson's fight to dispone of the armed ship imita tion In coiiRress has been postponed until Tuesday. At an early confeionce today ad ministration lenders In the house de cided not to Insist upon a vote to day. This afternoon the rules com mltteo will meet to frame a rule to table tho Mcl.emoro resolution to warn Americans off the armed ships of tho Ktiropoan bolIlKoronts. Tho rulo will bo Drought In with the first business Tuesday when tho adminis tration forces plan to dispose of It by n substantial majority. The foreign affairs committee already has agreed on tho resolution. Plan Complete Victory. Administration forces plan that tho action in the houso shall glvo no room for doubts of tho decisive character of the sentiment In rongross. Thoy plan that the action to table tho Mo Lomoro roiolution, which will Include a declaration that tho president shall handle, diplomatic affairs, without congressional Interference. The lenders nro confident they have tho votes to make their victory com plete and undisputed. I.oadors explained that the post ponement was ngreod upon becatiso of the nbsonco of so many memburs on week-end trips. Member are Absent. Many loft yesterday under tho Im pression, it was said, that the house session today, which began at 10 o'clock, was to end at .110011 nnd would consider onl claim bills. Administration officials said to day that practically all senators who voted yesterday to table the Ooro resolution were voting for the piesl dent's policy, and that should the house fall to vote to uphold the pros lilcnt In doi'lsive form, the fight might bo carried back to the senate for a direct vote to defeat tho Me Cumber rosolutlon warning Ameri cans off nrmed ships of belligerent nations. Mr. Ilryan said his coming hero at this time had nothing to do with tb armed ship fight now In progress be tween congress and the president. "1 expect to leavo tonight for New York," he said. Clark Opposed Vote. Speaker Clark was opposed to n voto Monday, as it would Interfere with the unanimous consent enlnndar. Discussion In the souate was re sumed by Senator Lodge, who took Issue with assertion made during yesterdays debate that Crest llrlt nln had set a precedent for a warning by advising her cltlsens to keep off belligerent boats during the Kusxo J aim nose war. He read into the record a letter from the Jlrltlsh ambassador salng no such warning had been given. William Jennings Ilryan came to town today to fulfill a lecture en gagement here tonight. Administra tion leaders speculated widely over whethor Mr. Uryan's coming had an) thing to do with tho delay an voting on the armed ship Issue In the house and the decision of the leaders there to postpone action until Tuesday at least. The conference adjourned with no formal action except a decision to hold a rules committee meeting at 2 o'clock todav. A Bo-called geutle man's agreement was made not to have a vote befoie Tuesday. HELPLESS AI SEA SEW YOKK, Jr.iwb J -A wu.l. BMsage received ln-ie tod.i.v bv the Clyde line imm the iemuer Apache said the projtellor shatt wus broken and that the ship wok helpless at sea. The passengers number l-IO. Of ficial of the line said tin v exerti'l tav 1 -1 In in .11 1 iv In ii Mmiil at, i i"' ' 1 1 iVi 1 . N 11 - in m s A Hero of Civil War Crosses Divide BViBBBBBBBBBryE? fsS1 lr5(r'A )f 4 ' Wf 1 -TMlfl' ff Tfci 1 j TjlrBtjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS BjL IriffuMv'iU. fVl Jbw7 -Jl MrTjjGsBBBBBBtitTBsr'isws' M SibwMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! ('cttciiil William Soov-Smllli, Who Died ToiIjij, In III Willi Year. iMANS CLAIM GRANT'S CAVATrT SINKING OF II LEADER PASSES FRENCH CRUISERS AI AGE OF 85 IlUltl. IN. March I iil wireless to Sa.vvllle) Tho Milking of two French auxiliary crullers and one Hrltlsh patrol boat liv (ierinun sub marines Is anuoumi'd l the ad miralty. , The announcement also aaya that from Paris Is reported the sinking uf the transport Provence, "which car ried 1S00 men, uf whom only 60S were lescued." La Provence was listed as an aux iliary cruiser, but the wording of the Ilerllu dlsiwtch does not make It clear whether she was one of the two said to have been destroyed. Offi cial rewr(s from Paris Indicated that about 3130 men went down with her. Tho French admiralty said no sign j of u submarine was observed before or after the sinking. PAItlft, March I.- -The Temps says (hat the (lemma admiralty's official announcement that submarines had sunk two armed auxiliary cruisers ofi Havre la false. LKCIIOKN, Huh. March 1. via PsrlH. The steamship Olava, which left here Februur .", has been sunk by un Austrian nniihiurln,e. There wen' no mciimix on board. GUN IN PHILADELPHIA PHILAHi:i.l'lll M.'i'li I A luun believed to In inMillc -tuml l - day in the doonv.iv o a in tV southern m el ion oi the ci'y vvHh a reeutiiig rille in In band', .nul bi fore he was overpowered he shot urn) killed one uiun and wuuuded two oib, ere. The maniac, Antbonto Tronogo, 3H years old, emerged fmn tho house and, inking his stain on the door step, raised his rille and shot at ev eryone who eumo w tttsin rai ge. One of his victims was u blind peddler w ho was shot through the body and drop-H-d dead ulter riiiiimi g short dis tunee. 1'l'ollOKO j;ave'le to polled!' I., but was hiibdiied .nul orre-liil. GERMAN MEMORANDUM UPON STEAMER ROTTERDAM WASIIISCJTON', March 4. Secre tary Luiining uuiiouiieed todav that the appendices to the Dayman mem orandum regarding armed merchant ships were on hoard the ste un-hip Until nl. un il I' kIIi .1 li Ni v, I l- ) (Jeneral W'IIIIhiii Sooy-Sinlth, fa nio'iM commander of the dvll war, leader of Grant's citvnlu forces In Hie Hhlloh aud Vlcksburg campaigns, famed as a civil engineer throughout the middle west, sno spent hid de clining years at Medford, passed away at noon Saturday, March I, st the Hacred Heart hospital from pneu monia. In his stlth ear. For the past five .vears he bus been a familiar figure In Medford, owning an or chard south of the city. William 8ooy-8mith was horn at Tarlton, Pickaway county, Ohio, July 21', 1:!0. He worked his way through the Ohio uutverslt), graduating In 1MB. Ho was appointed cadet to tho lulled States military ucademy at West Point the same eur. and gradu ated in the class of 153. He served In the regular army until June, 1X5 1. when, first lieutenant, he resigned to enter the profession of civil engineer ing. I Yu I seil for Onlhuitry. At the opening of the Civil war he volunteered among the first and was mustered Into service as colonel of tho liith Ohio Infautry upon the oi junUatlon of that reglmeut at Cuinp Dennlson, June 2tf, I SO I. He com manded it in the summer and fall of I siil under tienerals 0 M. McClel inn and W. H. Itosecrnus, participants In the engagement at Caulflx Ferry and Laurel creek. He was commend ed by (Jeneral Hosecrans "for the great energy and perseverance with wlibh he watched the reconnaissance on the enemy's left, and for his cool m h and courage lu leading his col umn to the attack." (ieneral llenham, referring to the same event, reperted: "lu Colonel W. H. Kmltb, or the 13th Ohio regi ment, I hove found one of the most valuable and efficient officers I have ever known. His great intelligence, knowledge of bis profession, skill and caution, coolness and excellent Judg ment on all occasions, both previous to and duriug the action, merit my highest praise." Itaul In .Mississippi. Shortl) after the 13th Ohio 'was ordered to Kentucky, participating In the capture of Howling Ureen and Nashville. General Booy-imlth was assigned to barge aud repair of rail roads and later to tommand of the Itth brigade of the Mh division, par ticipating in the battle or Button. He wa commissioned brigadler-gauera! of volunteers, April 15, lsSS, and later placed In command of the Union cavalry against Uragg'a army, Of Qeneral ilooy-Siiiltb's raid through Mississippi, deuersl (Irani said: "It has been one of the most lirllHiiht uivalr) exploits of the war, ' I nl ' J J I ' .1 nil l'.i'l li I IBS AGAIN BREAKTHROUGH TURKISH FRONT I, I Ml Capture of Oitlis Increases Security of Caucasian Flank and Opens Way to Daytlatl antl Union With British Bitlis Not n Fortress, But Strong Strategical Point. LONDON. Maich I.- Two Turkish divisions, reinforced by troops that had fled from Krxorum, nro tho forces that had boon opnintliig against tho Itusslnns on the lino running through Mush, llltlls mid Van, according to Keillor's Potrograd correspondent. Ith tho occupation, of llltlls ho joints out, the entire Van roglon Massed under the control of tho Kus IniiH, while the Kitsslau success fccpnratos tho two Turkish forcos op erating In the regions of Mush and Lake Priimlah, respectively. With tho loss of llltlls, It nppoars, Turkish roliiforcemonts coming from Mesopotamia would bo compolled to travel by roundabout ro'ites lu ordor to roach tho third Turkish nrmy. PimtOflltAI), Mnieli I, via Lon don. For Ibe second time in a trifle viver a fortnight the Russians have broken through the Turkish front, The importance of (he Inking of 1 tit lix, officially announced last night, is in the opinion of IliiKsinn military of 'fieinls, twofold, inasmuch as it not ably increase the security of the ItiiHsinn left flunk in the Caiieanian ciimpaigu nnd full her opens the wny to Itagilnd ami a union witii the Bril ib forces. From llitlis lo llnjrdud is n distauco of sligbtlv nioio than -1110 miles. The Tuik. vveie limbing reinforee menU fiom MesoMitainia. not only for (be defense of llilli. Imt o aid the TuikiMli Inxip retreating from hrxeruin. These hoops will now be forced lo take n roumliiboiit ronle lo reach (he defeated Turkish third a rmy. Ititlia also sen-ed (be Tuiks as n (Hiint of coutinunicnlioii between (he lrooM oHraliug in the MumIi ditriet and iIionc ii bout Lnke I.'nuniah, over I he border in Per in. Willi the com mand of (be whole nke Van terri tory in their biuulx, (he ItussiaMs now effectually semrale lliono forces. Itilli is not a foilress, but its lo entiou guve it a strong defense ad van la ue. ltuiini observer ctliiiale (be strength of the Tin k- opposing lliem in the llilli distiiei a (wo divisions of inland nnd artillery, Willi a strong nnxlure of (Icrmaii troops. WASHINGTON Marh I. - The storm sweepltiK the Aliunde coast from Jacksonville to Kastport, Mo , was moving northeast today with In creasing violence off the New ICng land coast. At Nantucket, .Mass., the gale attained a veloelty of TX miles an hour. Off Cupe llatleras, N. C, the wind velocity was fH miles. KreesliiK weather prevailed us far south uh northern Florida. E E LA KOCHKLLi:, rrsinc. March The French steuuiHhlp Lukine, of Dunkirk, at 17 tons gross, which sailed from la Itochelle on Tuesday, was sunk on the same day lu the llav of Illsca) at a poiut six miles north west or He d'Yeu. She Is believed to have struck a mine. 8lx of tho t eul -two men or the crew lost their lives. ROBBERS SECURE $700 FROM OKLAHOMA SAFE Tl'LHA, Okln.. March I. Itohuer blew 0H,u the suie and wrecked the bunk nt Mound, Oklu., early toduy aud escttd with between rotlll uuil itfcOOO in currency. The eploHiou In fin d the iiiriimv It i thniicht 'Il l (l u ill In .ililltllud Wli1! Ul-C, STORM SWEEPING ATLANTC FRENCH LINES AT VERDUNHQLDING: OIL IN BATTLE War Minister Satisfied With Situa tion German Losses Terrific In Efforts to Break Line Village of Douaumont Still Held hy Germans, But Commanded by Allied Artillery PAKIS, March l.rjeiinrnl Oal llenl, minister of war, tins told tho commission on military affairs or tho chamber of deputies that ho Is sails fled with tho situation nt Verdun. Ho gnvo tho dolalls of (ha reserves of mon and stocks of ammunition now available. Military wrltors say that It was. In keeping with all tho precedents that tho aormnus should attempt to m duco tho sallont(of Douaumont pla tonit for this key position must lie. taken before solid progress could bo inado elsovvbore. Tho attack began after a long pre liminary bonibnrdmont on Wednes day, Herman columns started to do ploy from Hardaitinont wood on tho right and at tho snmo time a division advanced on tho village of Vaux. Tho latter attack failed with heavy losses to tho (lermnns. lie.H'rnte Onslaughts. The Frenoh artillery flro was ho fierce that evening that tho Ger mans were iiuablo to push attack on any point of the Douaumont plateau. Mnssos of rosorvos wore brought up ond the fighting began with renewed fury on Thursday, llcnpcr.ila on slaughts wero made by Pomeranian nnd Ilrnndeiiburg regiments. In the first and second attacks tho assailants, who fought with grnvo brnvory, reached tho Kronen barbed who. but so floroo was (Jio hnll of bullets from tho machlno gnus and ilfles (hut (he gruy-con(od legions melted away. Tho officers rallied them again mid ngaln until no more wero loft to rally. The third attack began nbout 3 In tho afternoon. It wag oven morn violent than those which havo pro ceded. For more than ntt hour tho Hermans came on lu sorrlod ranks, hurling themselves ragnrdloM of cost, against the ridges hold by the French men. At last tho defenders' linn wavered at two points, but only mo montarily nnd the counter attack, driven homo with tho bayonets, drovo the Hermans back to the sholtor of Ilia Chumbrottos or the Hardaumout ravines. Night Advance (iulns. The (iormnns then resumed tho bombardment, plowing up tho ground nnd pulverising the rooks with hun dreds or big shells. Tho fourth ad vance wns made aftor dusk by rrosh Prussian brigades who had roplaced the troops ongnged lu the morning and afternoon attacks. Aftor dos perate fighting they managed to gel a footing on the extreme edge or tho plateau, whence they nnshod forward Into the houses on tho north side of the village. The Hermans now hold Douaumont village, but the Preueh dominate them from commanding holghta. Ah the aides are fairly evenly matched It Is likely that the village will ohanga hands more than onco before, tho lmt tie ends. The experts say that derma n possession or It Is only tem porary and that the technical ad vantage remains with the Krcnoli whose Hues continue tinbrokon. Itombnnlmeut Continues. PAKIS, March 4. Tho bombard ment contluued with eonRldurablo na tivity lust night lu tho various boo torn of the region of Vordiin, It wan not, however, followed by any no tions of Infantry, according to an nouncement by the French war bfflco this afternoon At Kp.irgo, the French prevented (Contlnuod'on pago six) 6UNMNQPLEADS GUILTY. SIOUX DIY Klol liTV. Ta March L Chae. M. I-'oid, the alleged bead of a baud vf gunmen uud inimuuU whieh ter- forued Sioux Citv fur over a joar, toduy entered a ilea of guilty to trio murder of Itoy Morley aud was ghou a thirtv-vear term in prison. Ford was formerly a hotel proprl ttoi and poltlieiuu iu the fifth Wurd, u t-