Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 03, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    T'AOK art
wuivuu Mvn, 'iinnrvK snwnuti jurnu Mtair
Yeans: Woiiu-n nltrhi -tan Hi
pstl feature ut th Nut lust vn
INK. An Invhstlon hail tMn glvtn
for tn yovnn Iftdlt to meet Mr
VnMy for nn Informal picnic lunch
In th socisl hall f tha Matkodlst
rliureh at 6 oVIork. So moth Inn mora
thntt a hMatfrtnl responded and a !o
HgktfHl socisl hour vm apwit. Th
tmttro compaiir 'iit In h body to tlw
revival mmtlNK whre ruwrvmi seals
had boon kupl for tlisiu. Tim music
wns mom Inspiring find HntliHslnstle.
Mr Vwwoy lmd thorn attic; stid wlils
tlo; and wliun lie wild, 'Now. you
miiiK Initio it and nnd whistle that
chorus," they roapondod with Reed
A flnu duut KiinR by Miss Mom
Ilryaii and Mr. Vohhov, "Nnllod to tlio
C'roBs," wan a chotcn ntuuliar.
Mr Miithln lind n npcclal mtmnnKo
for young women. Ho took for hln
text tin) words of Iluth when alio
aald, "When) thou kochI I will no and
thy Rod Blinll ho nut Koil." Hln
tliomo wns tho "Greni Choices of
Mfo " Tho sormoii wns n strong
nnd Mndly nppfnl to tho yoiitiR
women to Mt a hleh vnltto on tho
nltnn nnd umliltlons of Ufa nnd at
tempt to roallzo tho llfo worth whlln.
Hu mild many things liU hearers will
not noon forgot.
"This world offors many Rods for
your devotion. It Is a curious busi
ness whon you chooso your nods.
Tlirro In tho nod of inoiur- Very
ullurlni; nnd InvltltiR. Thnro are
mnny wojs to not monoy Tor a.)onnn
womnn You may possibly luliurlt
lt-but oven If your fathor has the
stuff-- It In no wise nrnues that you
have nn' mora groy muttur limn tho
isM who hus no nuch n banker.
Then you man earn monoy. ICv
erj younR woiiiUii who lu iiinkliiR hor
way lu tln world by honest work and
k'Kltlmntp survlrit Is n ctodlt and
honor to u community. Then you
can sell Miur virtue and chnmrtor.
Let mo tell you there Is no prlro big
eiiouiih to warrant such n knIu. Ther.'
i oub mlrnry and rouiomo nnd utr
mil lot" for the trtiiisuctliiii.
'He serious when you rouie to
miiUo our rholee of a life ooiupuii
lou n old inn I Is not the woral
thin In t lie world Tho lulstnlt
mum mmi ii it woman make li tlmy
innrn money lusiaad of nmrrylng a
man If Mm marry only money you
won i Ret uiiirb. UhI If yon marry
ii mini a real roan, I menu- )tm
need lo be serious about thn inattsr.
Tlie Krost eholte of life la Hi
i hob e Iluth mud "voiir gotl shnil
be tin Rod " Joans Christ Is Uih bent
rm ml and rottiimnlnii any yoinm
woman imii have f am urKlim iu
tonight to make (lis choice of the
i int teacher aa your life friend."
Tho ttcrvlcp tonlKht will IhkIii at
1 "i online to the basket ball RHine
later Tim lornmii tonliiht will be
in 'What moat I do to be suvoU?"
Ml f eimer ttwlilnnts or North or
KouMi liakoln and town uio especially
lntiil and Mixta will bo reserved for
I.nst nlKht a roimI sIsmI deleiatlon
from Phoenix whs present and more
are expeeted this evening.
It K I'lielan, whose home In on
rural route four, lu salvlui the prob
lem of ovorromliiR what miaul In
Mime districts heuni hlRh farm lent,
ter price, I feel that 1 am farmliir.
lililRiiieut tu the kolocttnu of Ills iAel
for the usual orfliw. Iimteaij of be-
nniilnu to rwluii the retttul expenae
I'V bniiK rlioHp semi, he Is uiiilertak
mk tu iimtcoiiio It by purchaslUK the
best bitU of the boat variety obtain
able for (tie beat and the lamest
irou possible This Is the business
ay, won Mr. Ihelsn, to reduce the
root faolor lu the farm expense.
"I oaii't Mffortt to raise a cheap
crop because the seed Is leas ex
lieilaire," aald be twd.o ' If I ran
add 10 tu 1 1 an arre In (he leld
by OliWlnlii lit beat seed lu the uiar
Hut fur the most productive varlet)
uf the thlHK 1 dt-slre to plaut, I fitc
UrsiURt I CH sfloi.l to mi, h ilpilar
or IV8 k the aue lot the seed If
0M HIM f oat. oi oru or beans or
tmlulnos will i.-ltt more aiuiudant
efM of a battel qiiailo, ahlna me a
uaore toarkeiable nroilmi at a bet
Uaa ahown lommi mUliW inikineu
right by using that imiibular kind "
This Is aa Importunt point too tie
UWllt .rlol In tbl vallty.
4 swhassasj m m sspw i
Oill f the .MuuUntf ttehs
To.omjf Oh utetMr. lsk t that
vt' Hen oi.i gut on arm.
Hotter unci, ue'ii hear ran
TtA n ' AMtti'i be kaow It
'Join 'hi .il tin- I'.iyi' Ihe xeeiinil
Tliii.i.'li ii".'ii in u ill be "dtown, em-
siiin ni it -i purl TIioiiimo II. Ini'i'
priiiliu turn, "The Iron Htrniii," lent
in iiik )utui I'n rniim mid Kind Mnr
ke, nnd it .Maek-Meiiiiett litiiKh-pro-diieer.
"The (limie Old Knuihl," ctnrr
injr Chiirlex Murray of Murray nnd
Aliuk. "The Iron Htrniii" luih been
eiilled n miiilernixnlioii of "The Tunt
injr of the Hlnew." 'J'Iioiiiiim II. luce
Ims mnde n iIiichk true in hIiuok
pliere, real in aelimi, not a lon-ed
Nitiintinn in the eutlie si pint , hut
it delightful love idmaiiie of Alaska.
I'. 1,. (loiiiUell, iiuteil iniill.el itil
thontv of New York nnd London, will
nrrivo in .Medfonl on 1'Viilay Her
noon. After lim let'turo liefoie tho
tnnHH ineslliiK of KTt,w,,,'" enlled for
Kntiinliiy iifteiuoon ut the Medfoul
liuhllo liliniry at '-' o'olbuk, lie will
lenve for SHermuenlo, wheru he im to
aid dlieelor Weiimtoek in hoIwiik
hiiiiio of (lie iiuilkeliiiic piobleuiH of
(.'nlil'oiniM. B
Tin1 fouimei'oinl liiidle of (lieiton
lie well lie of the whole northwest
tune lioiiored mid feted .Mr. (loodxcll
on tliix, In- first trip through the
noitliwoxl. lie Iihh heuu tho iruet of
eumioei-eial bodiex m Home, ,SmkMiie,
N'oith Ynkunu, Weiiutehee, Keiine
wink, llooil ItiM'i', t'orvallis, Kiirciic,
I'o It In lid, Ihe lilliM'lHily of Orettou
and the Oregon Airtieultiirul eolleuc
Mr. (loodxell hiiH futhered kcvhihI
hi(iiiiii'iiIh which iioiiiie to ureatl.v
benefit, the apple raixiiiK industry.
He Ihim in I crest e the Roeniori of
Idiilnt nnd fiiiliiiiutini, um well h
many fiiinncinl IhhIhw In the ehnrter
iiiR of a leiiuifchtp for dinet triin-i-HrlHlioii
of futit to Kuiilund. The
Rovenior ot OreRou hu Im'cii the oiilx
one who ha-i not iindertakeii to aid
this inoxcmi'iit, which iiiiiiii- I be ciit
UlUf of 1 1 1-lull t rales to K.lrjl.iml limn
1 tu .1.1 ci ni- a b
Mr. and Mis. Vole unit little daiiRli
Icr, who lime been iMm In r
mother, Mis. I.. A. Obeucliaiti, hae
ret unit d to their home in Sun I'uiii-eiM-o,
Williniii and Loivu Moure return
isl TuHiluy Iroui a biiMneh trip to
Mr. U'llhiini Scars unit childieit
i el a rued Taestlas from .Metlfoul,
ulicre he hme Ikh'U MHiliuir.
(IcorRe V. Ilurker is Iwek from a
iit to Simla ('in, t'al.
Mn I'. 1'nMie iiinf elllldien lnixe
III I 11 l lllll; 111" -.l.lrl, Mlos H.ll'llll
Miller ui .ii I. ii U line, id'- sin
rtlllllHil In In I ii. 'i i I n dm I
Kt 1pm romt if you feel liaokaehy or
Iwve UbuUar trouble -SSalU
line for Kidneys.
Msnt forms utie and uIikJi nxcitM
sud overMurk l ho kidney m tbeir rttoru
to UlUtr it frete tlx y-tem. ItefruUr cut. ,
ere of lwU uttul liuah lb kidney imr-
sionall) . Vim tausl relieve them like en
relieve yutir Uiwlt rvuMmng all the
ciil, waete .imi oiou, eUe ton fivl .1
dull HiUHiry iu tk kitiuey regiun, lmrp
puiu- ia the Iek or slek beatbit'bv, Ui
aiaete, ;our uttntiach wi. league is
etMted sad whrn the wentaer U bad you i
lmvo raeuinatio twinges. 1r urine l
cioudy, full uf vedlMent; the eitauasls
often get irritated, obliging you to get
up t or tbiee tiinee during ths mgltt. i
To Heutritlie thete. irritating acid
and ttuah oif the budy' urinous waato
uet about four uunres of .lati MslU
trow aay idtarwacy , take a tsbU '
spoonful in a rIsm of water U-fere break.
fast tar a few hty tu.l jour kidosyt, will
then jjet Ba- mul bladder driers -lis-itppeer.
Ihls inmeut lu is made frwa
the aeid of grsitct and Irmuii juice, eaaa
bJaad with III bin, and leu been unsl ior
prnsrsfluM to rlcjii mul tinmlate du
pish kidpeyii mil ttp lrriUtb,
Jad KaHs is ine.. ni..; Imnulciu aud
make a eVIigltlful e'Toru'sn nt lilbU-
weter drloJk whkdi tuilllmis of nun and,
Mxncn tike now and then tirnn avoidlaic
wtn'u. ki.l.i.i iei Lht.M.i di-eaws.
vii jamm
Hv r r ( vti:. . .i .hh.ikIi
Vow I I he ttiin lo inol effi'(tle
Iv flRht all field rodents, fio h as
aophers molea and are (llnneri tr
r round xqulrrels. My aettlna aflr
them now a rta many brood are
! elimlHMted because so far they have
not commenced breedlnR, thus mak
liiK the task smaller than if left un
til neat summer.
Their lliibltat.
dray dl-tntra prekr II'" Isrue open
fields and hills, but thev will a I mi
come Into the orchards where they
oft mi make their burrows close to
tho trees, cuttliiR mnny ronta In do
ing so. They will also climb youiiR
trees ami do considerable damaRu to
tho yoiniR buds and loaves by strip
pltiK them any. This dnmnRe Is also
extended to Ki'tiftluK scions. In
Ki-slu fields, nsldo from doslioyliiK
Krnln, tholr burrows certainly are aK
KrnviitliiB ut hurvcHt time. Thoro
nro Instancos on record where stock
liao broken tholr Ioks by ruiinlui,'
Into a dlk'Koc burrov.
tiophorH prefer alfalfa and clover
fields, whiiro they burrow throiiRh
the Rroiiud. fcudlnR on tho surcu
lent roots If rpnt crops nro not ciil
ttvnted at short Intervals they soon
become Infeitcd with tho gophorn.
Whoro Irrigation Is practiced tholr
wdrk Is very ruinous.
Molos thrive host lira loose, loamy
soil where they feed upon grub,
earthworms nnd Insects. I'roui tills
fact they nro beneficial, but because
of tholr unsightly work in lawiiH nnd
Rardotm they should be combntod.
Tho liiolo ban two MVstomn of bur
rows; onn Is mode just beneath the
surf ii co of tho soil lu toarchliiK for
food. The deeper channels lead to
iindorcround chnmbors which In their
IIvIiik quarter. Diuiuiko to root rrops
ami seed attributed to Ihem may bo
due lo mire, which are often found
In tholr ruuwnis.
Combat It o Measures,
druv niaRer: In (he San .lemqulu
valley, t'ullfornlii, pnlsoiiliiK by car
bon sulphide has been found to bo
the mokt effective mid lu tho long
run (he clieaieit method This should
bo done during the rainy season slid
preferably Just follow lifc a rain when
the soil In llRht. Carlton bhittlphldo
Is a liquid hiMliiR a ver dlsum'ttiHiblo
urilor It olatllUes at ordinary tem
perature as a heavy Kits. IteliiK heav
ier than air It will follow down w Intr
low and when Mr. Sfciulrral la on
countered lie Is miiiii oveiconiH. In
using carbon bisulphide In Melds
thickly Infested with siilrrse twh
men a work together to the beat
sdtsnisRe, one man earr.ilMg the jwl
miii mul the abserbattve material and
the other man earning the shovel
and doing the digging. About n
tMbleaooo'tful is pomed on In any
waste malerlMl, such as pieces at old
Rtiuny sacks, rags, coincobe. horse
tnHiiure. etc This Is iiHHiedtatt))'
thrown down the burrow aa far aa
IHMslble after which the hole la
closed. Care should always be taktm
that the poison nbsoi native la uot
roveinil up b the soil III iltmlug the
hole. I'h.i no attention to old bur
rows showing no idRtiH of siitlrrera
being preseut. As etiiitou bisulphide
Is tuy explostM'. It should at all
timoa be kept awav from any light.
Likewise do not antoko when han
dling It. It rait be purvhamHl at any
ding stole. Theie are eommori'lal
proparatlous on the itmrkot, a fow of
which me m good, but generally
thev are more expeushc
Trapping and hootlnn Is more or
less elfectlvti ut all scitMOUN
1'oIhoiiIur In (lie Reaeiul ptaclbe
What to Do for Eczema
IlKMUk .ftlt.M Mill! ..(ill flta.tttK .ll.llll.l 111, I
be Niliiii if rimhI i li'ii r skin i. ujtitril
I'ruiu any diaggist foi '.'V' ei $ I oil fm
etna larirt nise, get a twill.' ot '.iu
Wkeu appltiHl as dlreciml, Ii cftiviitoU
ii-iiitoes e.ii'iii-. iiulcxly lni- n hiu.'.
unit hi il skiu iniiinlci'. also iiren, liti n
wutiutls hihI ilmtiux Ii in li.ii'
Icmiim's nnd mmiIIim .-nu is iIi's'ihIhIiI"
mid iiiih iisite Ti i' ,i- (if delicti'
no! hi UK tun Iwte etei Usui i- a eflo. lite
aud .ti'-iMnn
miu i 'I. ni )in
Bargains in
100 Tnree-year-old
Caroline Testout
Koaes for sal av n b.irgnln
The finest ruses ia Medfurd
trow the best rose hedge in tho city
The Caroline Testout is a perpet
ual bloomer, large pink rosea and !
the -bent hedge or vtreet roee for twti
fv , r-yt .
I Iff ft fltP IllnflQl
iv I y KltK. 1 IlMlOl
rdurliia ihf siiiintr itid r M r rb
1 nine llng lb" poison used IHsoolve
I one onnce stnrhufne w) mo onere
j Imrss In two nnrta of tot iter ton-
tslned in a rloserf reea, -link In oe-r-ifinellv
unru (Moentt-et Then W
, fnnr nnarti4 of -fm nvtei In which
one fourth piiti(l ot lHt hae been
, did-oivPd Hprtnkle thiatol'iilon over
jiwentv .ofHls of eltlier crashed
iwhesfev, oats, or rofB, which
ever is at hand Phicv half g tea
I spoonrul at the en trance o( each bur
row Small t r stale of strt hnloe In
seried In pieces of rarrot. turnips or
whol- ralstM are goorts.
Uepbers: Trapping with proper
traps and keeping at It ill the time hi
often very affective. It) paving Ihe
boya a i)lekl for each toiher they
will become Interested and an keep
them under rontrol In small fields.
Poisoning. The gropher belug
very fond of fleshy plan'it, we une
such plsiitn for belt l'in"; of up
pies, potstoei, carrots, whole iriinei
nnd rnlsliiM into which .rwtulx of
m v5fX
:l I I rlYanfirri t -"
On this day only, we will make extra
special price on fancy Sunkist Oranges
in half box lots.
Phone 252
trrlni i- hf iinrn In ("rifd ar
the moet eiirecMfnl poison The
The pwisoned belt Is Inrerted in Ihe
hntttrm fhr(tgh a note marfe with a
pointed ntlck. ny locating too bur
rows close together Ihe rnnwav will
he on a direct line connecting them
mtriergronnd and with a few trials
one ran read 1 1 strike Ihe hnrrovn
' wNh the pointed stick.
The SHSirtcteti Mni
Moles- The mole la difficult to trap
or poison, locate a plnre In the
Imrrow where fresh work Is nit Ice
able. Tress down the soli for a dis
tance longer than the trap and set
It. When purchasing traps always
get directions and follow them close
ly as It Is difficult In an article of
this kind to go Into detail.
f'oisonlng Kemore the send from
rnlslnii and Insert In their place n
crystal of strychnine. Mike a small
hole In ii freshly made burriw and
Invert the KilHoneil raisin
ItolHiiR the I.HWI1 HollltiK lawns
neie In ijl-fouriun the worK of the
5- -
I'liinir tii i
W 11
III! Il I ,1
i li
CiMir. '
1 If
oSLTr' fi
Hi fffVs
m. in c.
A CHEMIST could tell you the
1 diff'rence between Nature
matured VELVET an' process
matured, tobacco. But yo' old
pipe can make you understand
that diff'rence. h&
Test It For Yourself!
VETERAN smokers and tobacco men say
that Kentucky J3urley is naturalh the log
ical pipe tobacco, because of its body and
fragrance, combined with an extraordinary
But even Hurley tobacco may have a "bite" that must
be removed either through natural mellowing by age
or by some time-taviug "process."
Which obtaim the best results ? Nature's methods
or artificial processes ?
VELVET'S two years' ageing iu hogsheads brings
out all of Burley tobacco's tiwmU superiorities.
VELVET is the truly age-mebwerf
smoking tobacco.
Test VELVET yourself. Let your
pipe be the "crucible" or use a
cigarctf paper as a "test tube."
JiflZ&ISffyMt Zfatatoe CU
10c TU
8c MUlHat Rtt
On I'eiuJ Gku I lumn'on
ihhbh unmtw
mot to ir t ni f ltel am
rtdgen already made
In using petaane of any hind great
care should afwav he exnrelaed Al
ways label the containers Poteon"
and heap tima oat of reach of chil
dren. rVdaanad maferiah In the field
are liable to be eaten by chicken
and birds, which should always be
taken Into canelderatlon.
I'orinir ack'.tiii. fticri.vcj
A meeting of the Sonthern Oregon
Ponltrv aeroriallon Is herein called
for 2:.'!0 Saturday afternom. In
stead of t .10, at the public market,
the primary object being to receive
the treasurer' report, financial and
otherwise, and to hear a report from
W. T. Crleve on information ob
tained during his recent visit to Sa
. i
b?m eoncemfng the atate ahow at
Mcdford in December.
E. V. IU'NTi:it
21i t I'resldont.
.luiiier T IC'lli m of cttattlo, Is
doing butilneHH lu Mcdford today.
" w-TsDfl 2rct
, s
right. IttS
ft J'
C A I 1?
m, i . , . '. -4 -' e-" -
ftet a smell ractfife of fUMftVrK
Hreaet Tea. or n the Oenawa lews
rail K, "Hamburger flrast Thef,"al any
pharmacy, lake a taJileeaoMifnl of wo
tea, pat s rap of boil leg water Uhott
It, pnw tbroagH a Hove ami drlek a
ieaMP full at snv time .wring the
day or lefore rrtirinij. It Is the met;
effective way to break a eU and en re
writ, aa It n ilm mire ef the skin.
I relieving; congestion. Al loeesns the
I Uiweln, than ln-pakmjr np a cokl.
try II ts next time yon mtwer inw
a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive
ami entirely ttgeuble, therefore safe
and barm lees.
Rub Soreness from jointn nod mtuclos
with a small trial bottlo of
old St- Jacobs Oil
Slop "dosing" Ulietimatism,
It's in onlj s not one caso In fifty
requires InU-rnal trefttnumt. Hull nnotli
lug, Hin'tralinK "St, ,Tiicob Oil" rtelit
cm tlie "twiiler sjiot," ami liy Uie tlmo
yon any ,Tnk HolilniKin out oinws tln
rheumatic pnln. "St. .Iixrol.'n Oil" is
n Imrmlsss rlinmiatlm cure whWi ner
ilimpiolnU niHl do-wii't Imni Uio nXIri. It
tnkw pain, noreinss ami stiffnoso from
nclilng-Joint. iniiviloM anil Ikiiibs; lop
eclntlcn, liimlmgo, backnclio, iiMirnlcld.
Limber up I Oft a 25 rrnt liottlo
of oliMliuo, Iionrst "St. .IwoU Oil"
from any druj" ntorr, nml in i niinntnt
joii'II l frri from pain. nelioH nml
rtltfiiss. Don't suffer I Hub rlicuma
tliui nn.v.
Lovo Mcillonl datly oxcoiit Sun
tiny for Aulilnni), Tnlont ami I'lioonlr
nt 8 a. in., 1 1 : r, 0 n. ui 1:15, 2:30,
l!:45 anil 0:15 p. m. Also on Sat
urday nt 11:15 p. tu. Bmulnys leavo
nt 10 n. in., i p. in. nnd t):30 p. m.
Lcnvo Ashlnud for Modfonl daily
except Sunday nt ! a. in., 12:50, 2:30,
3:30, 4:45 nnd G:1C p. m. Sunday
lonro Aslilnnd nt 'J n. in.. 1:00, 5:00
nnd 10:30 p. in.
Klein SoIfS Klein
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Clcnninrj, Prcssltin and Altering.
Medford Taxi Go.
A Slmre of Your I'atronnae Solkltqd.
riiiiiui sk.".
Medford House Movers
.Movicits or musics, iioii.kks,
I'liiinc IKM-.M
(111! S. .Ni'MtdWii. 7:17 V. I itli St.
Is tho Beat:
First j liffiiiihu it's niailo
.Si'fentl: Bfi-nup wo uio
liothiiiK but I'ii'sL gmdu
Third: Ht'cmiic our oquip-
miMil is uitKlcrii.
Insist mi ytiur yroccr kiv'o
,Mui this Ih.iikI.
Medford Creamery
Camera ShP
208 East rain Street,
The Only Exclusive
Commercial 1 'hoturaphors
in Southern Orogon
Negatives rade any tima or
place by appoint wont
Phone M7-J
We'll do ihe rest
E. D. WESTON, Prop.