vA(m For ft flf. ,J i M ilMliWi I MiwFOfm fATfJr mruvvt' MffiFMfj, nutans, vuww; vuni 7m k i Hi'" flgSSn v ' giHwS gegmmmmvi K9BbbbkL hBBCilUU!? MMlKmMo8or! WKIOlfl) JWAJft'X'WIlONB SKiEST" in i MTH Mslf Trlbun KulMtnr. Ir lret; (Voihm 78. lJ7-i Nnrth f The J)fmerH Tltw, fho Mtdferd Mull, Tim MwlYortl Trtrens, Th fliulh" rn Orsanmiti, The Aliisni Trhttne. BvnaontPTton xatm on Mr, by iimi , . by iron, h, by mll.. ...18.00 ur Jn mfltii so Ir roenth, djliril by esrrler In Meurord, iTioonir, jnKonvin and Ofltrsl point . flutimlay only, by mall, pr ymr... WMkly, per year 4 -ffll Taper of Ihr City ef Medferd. OfffaUl I'spsr of Jukeon County. Itfiterrd nn eenl-elaa mfltter at MnlfonJ. Orecon, under Ihn ast of Marsh 1, 1SJ. Bworn Clreulatlen for 1914, 3(81. Pull loased wire Aaioelated I'fin dla patches. aB HONG KONG KOLUM Tlio incut r-alcliliiK dlsoase 1 kuov la Insomnia wlion tlio baby Iiuh It. You Don'J Hay So. Wo fool inure than ovnr that the jtnst nil huhlnil tin uuil tlio ftituro nil In front. ltendlng JfliiKltind Stun dard. Tho StolM llritlsh Private Joiiob (crawlliiK out nftor boiiiK burled by n shell oxiiIomIoii.) '111)' 'brso-jilny I calls III" Punch. flat 0 Leon I never bounl n Jltnoy If My i;lrl ImH yollow hnlr. The driver in I r tit collect hor If Ho found Hint hlio Was fair. Pnii-Aiiieilrnti Klniki'M'iii-o The HhnkoHponro chili met with Mrs. Moyors, llroadwny. At roll cnll Items of ciirrout Interest wore kIvoii. Mist) yithers Rnvo nn lutorostlim impor on tlio country of Brazil mid iiKonornl dlHotiMloii of the nubjoat followed tho pnpar. Tlio N'llos Sun. K, 1HM 41 ' Twrnly for u Sfcnt HlRtory l'rof. Tell ubont tho Tur I(Ib1i ntrooltlon of the nilddlo iiroh. 'umo Doini I didn't )nov poo plii Hiuokod olKnreU tlion, I'ltt l'nu thcr. WlnU Cnustil It? DIliBon 1 hear Smith linn huow MlndncHR. Wlmt ontmed It? KlbHon Ilo went out every nlnlit for two weolfH In n full-drowt ahlrt. l'unali Howl. 'I'oiIiij'n IWtlli liiKor. Ho When In n Joku not n Joka Hlin .WnllT Jlo Uaiutlly. 1iiiln Awk. Hii)n IlioClilon the I'llni If It tnke iiluo tiillorn to iiihUh h until wlmt doM It tnku to briwlt that niniiT ' Answer: Jimt one little woiimu. 'lodnj's Wool lllddlo AVIiy Ih u widower llko u liotuo In n Htutu n dlNilldntlou7 Anwor lltwuntio ho wmiiU ruHilr- ItiKt Offlttrl (tit tho dlnrn-HuK eurt.) S nighbull -Sue tliy imme on Unit lilaturu. i Dryblll Ym ,,,VhiI." lllghlmll 1 wh Jnt oinlnrln' vlt thr put It lhrt fur. A blind DIHIl OHIl't ruHil It wml h fullow with ttfon euu iwe far WiMlf. nfitnt Qlmiwrrol. 'I'lio Cni f' i.ii.ii Old Prescription for Weak Kidneys A inodlrlual preparllou like Or l( Miner ' Hwamp-ltoot, that 1ms real Mratlte value slinost sells HseH. Uke aa ewdless ehaln sytom the la recowweHded by tkoee wb lave Immni beaefltttMt to ttiosw wbb are lu uead of IU Or. Kilmer's Hwamp-ltoot Is a pity Man's Hmcriiitleii. It has been teaind.for eara vA has brouaht re IU n eounUeaa uhhUhm-i wuo have fj'hj suocee ef Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- !tp4L dM to fc fuel that it fulfills 1 Hilliuet evary wish In ovoreotulMi kid- '!?. UTr HHit WaJder 4lsoses, cor- rojw tirinary iroNuius aai aeutrai isjH the urte acid which causes rheu lUPOsm. Yt U..I Milffr HmI a luiiltift af Smp-ltool from au druggist now. Start troatwent today. .However, if you wish first to test jthls groat preparation send ten cents to l)r. Kinner & Co.. illHghsmploH. i V., fir a sample hoUle. When be sure and weution the ft VVi. 4ait tlVVNUK HI. r- imar Olli BMUDGlNa OWCII AIM) lifNlitiK l" riTfigiiiwrt nn n vhIimMp fly In wring fntit rvnm (luring fhi front npinwn, 'nicrr are inniiy kind of fifcl (lint rnn 1h ttned, Imt locul piMtnm linn centered iijkui Ihe two of mmtdgc niis LmrTtfng emtio oil or (Hutillaio. Without attempting to dlwtww the -plciitiflr pltniM of tlio Hinder, 11 run be truthfully wild thnt oil ftinmlgliig hfli heroine an oi'fflmi'd fwl and a public nulminre. The heavily charged, ainooty smoke porinenle every nook and crook of building of Medford, soiling whatever it tom-heis. It damage stoekH of incrchandme and it ne cessitate a thorough house-cleaning to eliminate its stains from farm and city residences. TliQre is no desire to interfere with the orchard indus try, but there are many ways open to the fruit grower to heat bin orchard without damaging the community. Wood or local coal heat the orchard without injuring the trees or buildings, and have the additional advantage of leaving the money m the community instead ol sending it out. There are manv who are convinced of their super iority as orchard heaters. It does not stand to reason that a heavy layer of oily soot improves the tree itself. .Repeated year after year, it must certainly check the natural processes of the trees' breathing, and interfere with development and growth. We know that in the smoky cities of the east, like Pitts burg and Cincinnati, that soot kills and stunts the vigorous growing varieties of shade trees, and any such artificial blight cannot benefit a fruit tree. .For five years the people of tho Itoguo "River valley have suffered from the smudge nuisance without com plaint, except from orchardists convinced -that their groves were damaged from thier neighbors' operations. The smudgcrs themselves have blindly followed the fad in their heroic efforts to preserve their crop and (he com munity has sympathized with their efforts. Hut oil smudging has not proven such a success as to warrant its continuance. There are plenty of other ways to heat the orchard which damage neither tree nor com munity. They should be utilized before the nuisance be comes so great as to invoke drastic action for its cessation. "STAND BY THE TJ HO senate has done wel' 6 stand-behind the president in Ih'h (llnlomiiic. dr.iiiiiL's nnd nrcscni :i tinitod front o foreign nations. , 15y the constitution the president is the diplomatic lead of tlio nf!on, and it is unfortunate that congress has ittemptqd 'to play politics by conspiring to take diplo- imtic relations out of his hands. Such action only wealc- enTTfiie nation by unneeded complications against a united foreign nation. President Wilson is a ljeaco advocate and has striven his utmost to keep the nation out of war. But ho is for peace with honor, not at the cost of self-respect, as he views it. The president has given the lie to his defaincrs who accused him of weakness. His coercion of the plotting congressmen was an act of courage and proves him a strong man. Jlo is not only too proud to fight in a dis honorable cause, but too proud not to fight in an honor able one, and too proud to be thrust aside by the peanut politicians. The head and front of the conspiracy are the "cotton congressmen" from the south, who seek to cud the quar rel with (Icriiiany and begin a quarrel with the allies to compel the lilting ol the blockade a little enough to per mit the shipping of cotton to the central empires, which would double or treble its value. Allied with them are the provincial congressmen playing for votes of hyphenated Americans at home placing self-interest against the na tional interest. It is well for the nation to present a united front in its foreign relations. The nation is for peace, but only for peace that carries with it national honor and it is the part of patriotism to stand with the president in this inter national crisis as the best way of preserving peace. The Competition of Swords (My James lthoderieh Kendall.) To Ihe kVlitor; ll has lo'ttti well said that' govuro went is a auhstitule for private war, and just how the world is more than iMinlly inleieled in tho iieMiou of a substitute for international war. The JupuucM atutcuHiau Mould offer JlD.jKiited effort of six nations. This might keep natiuus from fighting, hut is not an ultimate solution, without it uImi kecM thuin from wunlmg to fight, utid there is nothing in the lrosiliiMi Io proe that the six na tion would not eutertaiu belligerent feelings towurd each other, for the cause of war due not depend uHiu the fuel thut six nation hne or hue uol created a monopoly of imwer xhieh might he used to dhido Ihe win Id among thetusehes neeordlng to the ethioa of greed of modern eoui MterciuliHiu. What is war? This kiuiple ques lion kouuils may. lis correct uiuwer il ulo suHly uuolher to the iiie tion just as sigHifieaiit, whut pence f And what ia armed? The ho)Htals of the world are full of iniute human derelicts, takeu from the firing line of the coinuur eial eonfliet, culled pace, where the ugencick eiuploxetl are ufteu uiort; fa tal in o er lielunne and erushing op posiiuMt than eer the woid. Tslle luud snid: "lingiiage is an iulru uieul iiiveutid to conceal ihuught." Uidomuey U tho art of lying. Its puiHHe i to acquire advautuge, just or unju.t. And weaiu, even to the threat of Uw ewepd, it employed. Thie uniett gtiihmiUl mav, kits A NU18AN0JB PRE?rij3NT" the true animus of so-culled war. i- wir in all but Ihe bhiod-letliui;. The nations ari' competitors, and like pii vate eomHtitoiv, in the modem com mercial war, acknowledge no code ot clhici us Ktivoruiui; their actions to- ward each other. "Succe" in (he "hihholeth. Drawing Ihe kword is but a change in the scenery, is but the adoption of a different means for (he same Hirxte. This is the (ienuan point of ucw und is feroi'iouhly log. ieal. This world ur of xword is but the culmination or climax to the commercial of Ibis twentieth cen tury, ami should he known us the competition of swords. If pmutc husiuohh rivals should ap)H-aI Io club in an endeaxor Io ilclrox i.ich other The Finishing Touch Tha fini.lung touch to a good dinner it tatty driteit. Cake, Ice Lream and I'udding tlavored with Merit Vanilla have that palate nlcatinc laale that maket one leel so good. Order of Your Grocer JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKES Lady Assistant S H. llAIlTI.inT l'lione l. -I? una 17-J3 Ajitl.iM( Sen tee Coroner "-" k.lMViIl't ' .VANItlAll' r9l v ' i" t.Kl iniMiiiliiir'. 'fh ftoffMfi i ImiiI'I Ini r ft frwhfto irftffa(tinfll wanmnir mmwil wHh a rrrttlH Utrnuff, Imt r lHhWtM WMft fMrnlM Tf nfPf Ike wnfM. Mfc flirt mHt Imt ftllrMf her of all fe of rommHhM. If Iho " - i wwrlH hatl 4fken I beat baek borne, btr war of MfMineioj Bihjrbt r4 been a neeeaaHy, in pla of a grant erhw. Thai man or nathw mat pay honent 4eht lm nothiw io tie with the quentioa, Imt ninee then m no etbiTH in Umim" Iteyoml tbie, OVr Mny Mitel the nword to tab what rilpiomae? Itad failed to acquire, with a motto which miffhl he liberally trannlatml: "I tnitit live; to bell with .you. Thin dlffcrn in no emwiilinl front the oommerrial motto of the world. Awerien Ima made the world "tired" with ita mineellaneoua aawirt iiient of peace lnn. Uet-rleh-iulek Autoford has just uono over to toll them how to make a million in a min ute. Thin tuny dmtrMel their lienrts from murder, for hh neur iih I eim wee, xreed nt the bottom of the trouble. The tuition that would lead others into pntlm of iwnnniient peneo must ttct a new e.xnmple, nbating itx own Rreed. We aie rich beyond our iicciIh, fiivorably loealed, a eonti- nentul people, absolutely independent of the UMiifruot ot the sen, while hm; hind iw an iiiHiilar people, who, by neeenwity, must live by tho sea, and yet wo dream of an oversea mer-' chant murine, oven sustained by a.ib nidy, that we, if poaaiblo, may mon opolize those groat hi(hwayH of eom mereu without eeu a thought that we are takiiiR bread from otbern, whose needs nre much (?renler tliiiii ours. Wlmt u itlorioim ambition, to absorb all tho ru-hes of the woild. Hut, iiIiik for the rel! America may set an example of inloniulionnl "ta ble iiiiiniit'Pi." There is n deep resentment seltliiiK into the liouVtrt of tho I'iiHhIi people over the eonstnut haliiiK of our government about iufriiiKmeuts of our innrine rights, real or imaginary, while they are biittliii); fur life. Its translation is: "Your paltry jruin are more to yori limn our lives," while bur marine nierelmntH are planning to even "swipe,'' the ronst from llieir plnti'H, (IioiikIi their cxpcmoH are .t'j:,00l),000 per day. (Ireedy Amer ica. Nliauiel What is noulriil? The auwer to this must dejiond on the definitions of pence and win. (Icmiany seeks to destroy Kiic,lnnd, because she seeks to hog the Imtuiicss of the world, and it is only too jrjto, that she does not lack the greedy ambition to do so, but only the ability. KiiKhiud's exeuso is (lenuany would do tho same, any of them would do tho mi life, just as a mercantile linn would take all the htiMiuesH if it could. Tins iiuabalcd ambitious peed is nearly the whole oatinc of armed con flict. Are wo froo from it? Whilo tho champions battle for life, do we scheme to take tho business which in their extremity they must iioitloct, and which by tho law of ncccsNity hoiild he theirs? This in the nil I -male question, not nloue iiuient: na tions, but iimoiiic individuals of the Maine society. Unrestrained eoniH'ti lion lionet its the stronir, is not tho life of liii-ine-s but the death of hiis- ine"-.. This (iientiou now is hcekinura' solution 111 our national councils, ever set k in u' It will iiot do Io take auav null- Uven If haitit ate turnlnir ctey, heaiti den t change much after all. A box of Vognn's will arouss many an oM time memory. MUDKHN CONPKCTIONERY CO I'ortlaml, Uirtfon v You Sprayed For Scale Last Season. And Yet You Tailed. Why? I ! In iiihwIKi SOlUBlE tULPHUH Ml 4-. u '. . ,t,lli h nrwiaMt tutwa net. Will a tny ll l alt II sill ! "" r I " ' !VjiVi l Om m4, imuI kiIi or latclllftat lil ! irtjr It Klkt. IT It RIGHT IT DOCS THC WORK. mno ran our im iprav bulletin, it USl MlMlki ! okllt tWl SCALE AND ajj, wriu lr rnMk LILLYS nli ' thnf ij ' itili-m l! Mr fnny l rrtnclril ,i iM . ' h nn' ,,ti.f- III wnn liil , fir ; ! nm lll" limrr lhtn Ihr ' it 1 tui. urn 1 Tltink hiiii. It i lh ffHT if Wiirlil pnrr. Inl'r MttKififil Intlhum niuM ten". If IM MtioN IrNly (toftifM to ti an f Mpl of pMf, ftt K adopt fh MMtte: "I am my hroUwr'" ktper." Til ftfrirft of tM will abate it r?r1 to jrrub all tho fownww by whifli lifr l niifltainm!. It wonhl mean the VWwi ntlo appltal to nation. If oUmt nationa will aJojK it lb raae of war will ea to oxiat. There in aneh a thing- aa Unaine rivalry that would not design to take Imaine 'from another, not aanetioned by the golden rule. Nation may combine to enforce pea re and arbitrate to avoid war, hut there can be no instill pent with out n rt't'o)(ni.ed code of international otliiea inatirinir io oaeh tho right to "life, liberty ami the mrstiit of Imp pinoSHl" I'ohco Hnsdrnlml, pence Hnmilenr, peace Itnnnlbal. There h enough for Ilomo nnd Curtlinjre. Why SmoRo lilt ClRnnt When La Oondnii are only lOo. II L, Try This! All Diindiiiff IHsiipiH-ms mid llnlr Stops Coining Out. Surely try n "Dnndorlno Hair Cleanso" If you wIrIi tolnt modlaloly double tlui beauty of your lmlr. .lust moisten n cloth with Oundorlua and draw It carofully throiiKh your hair, taklntc one small strand at a time; this will cleanse tho lmlr -ot dust, dirt or any excosslve oil In a few mlnutos you will bo niuiuod. Your hnlr wilt bo wavy, fluffy mid abun dant and possess an Incomparablo softness, lustre nnd luxuriance liesidoH beautiryliiK tho hnlr. ono application of Danderluo dissolve every pnrtlelo of dandruff; Invigor ates tlio ncnlp, stoppliiK Itclilnn and fullltiR lmlr. Daudorluu Is to tho lmlr what frosh showers of rnln nnd sunshine are to voKotutlon. It boos right to tho roots, InvlRorntos and stronRthciis thorn. Its exhllliiratluic, stlinulatliiK and llfe-producliiK propcrllcs causo tho lmlr to row Ioiik, strong and boHiitlfut. You eim suroly have pretty, soft. lustrous lmlr. and lots ot It, If you will Just Met a U.Vcent bottle ot Knowltou's DHiiderlne from any driiK store or toilet counter mid try It as directed. Adv. TODAY cissy FlUueruld In the Cinlno Star Comedy Curing Cissy i ! Settled Out of Court fciturliiK l.urlle Ward and Win. Car rill liumnii Intercbi ilia in u with u ll-ll XClll. I Curly A powerful social drama with aide . llahls on the slums, featuring Lottie I'lckford. i Easy to Handle - Costs Less .3 Always the Same JtLYS SOLUBLE SULPHUR coMrousu) All )uf wr, kSAjH'-J NWi KmJv Get the home care of shoes habit It pays Well dressed people always have well shlned shoes. ShikoiA, with tho key for opening tho box, its quick shining qualities and the handy US rakiS!! Y rnZ-v V Jtag J HOME SET "iHhiir "Triangle Plays T X . X 9r ( TODAY DUSTIN FARNUM A dominant personality in that great Alaska love romance that perfect photoplay THE IRON STRAIN and The Triangle Keystone A GAME OLD KNIGHT A REAL burlesque, by that master laugh-producer, MAX SENNETT, featuring CHAS. MURRAY, of Murray & Mack PAGE MEDFORD'S LEADING Moving Picture Theater rr L. a DINING CAR CHEF; ' aaaiaMiiMMMilkjaaaS-lalaTfcM wi 'M Baking Powder Those who have had Ciil.cs ruined by jarring the stove, slamming the oven door or a heavy footstep may have wondered how the dlnir... car chef can turn out such marvelous biscuits, hot breads and pastry when his ovea is being incessantly jarred and jolted and shaken by the motion of the train. Tc get pastry to raise and stay raised under these con ditions, a baking powder must be used that continues to give off Its leavening gas that sustains the raise until the dough is baked through. Dining Car Chefs lave found a baking powdercxactly suited to their needs in K C and you will find it lust as well suited to your requirement -. K C Is really a blend of two baking iwvder. one active as soon as nioUUned. the other requiring bold niois t.ire and heat to start the generation of leavening gas. Nomatter h.-w moist and rich ypu make your cake. K C liaklng Powder will ju-nn the raise until a crust Is lonned and all danger of falling Ispa.t, I C Baking Powder is pure and healthful It Is guaranteed un r .11 pure lood laws, and U Kuaranteed tu ilse you. And it lo 'lJatareasun..')fc price - no baking powder should sell for more. C Trv a (. at at our risk and be convinced. m wri -. j nigjMsjEBWtasr&'ai? "T 'ttr.ixirmw jwa-y IsiViH arcfFrlrfWC'kiM iiJW'WR BaiaiaiaiDaT. Bl VAt VBfeaiaTia! mJrJuf VAflHlHl T.I III II II M To Get a Trade or Profession I f. 1 r '' -III . I M 11 M .i.l I . I I ' t !0l tl.l JU.Mli. H i.. - . At OVER ?l VABS UNDER ONf MANAGEMENT ll?lMM, -aaEatf "'nfwyrm- -nvi OlfA ShinoiA Home Set for polishing, makes the home care of shoes a pleasure. BLACK TAN WHITE SHINE WITH SilttOlA AND SAVE At all dealers Accept no substitute Are REAL Plays" T Mntluco 10c Kvo. Adults Children 10c ' llaLM I 1 I . .'.It 1 r..-. O P ..II A, S4.. ,( riM )n . 1 ! IS ill. ' , ', J . t 1 at .a- .lUd J u i ii ..j ii t, r n TwJO fy cR?4fa u a u 4-&mm an i i - r w Wj utrsaeaeaeaaaaaei 'A, mi J l i 'I J (I .( I' Vr MB1 ffnfly raaaaMisgsLl ic TIWniMal ' ) O o Qo o o o o o o o o gtHHHlllL msmmL . glgVwmmmmau--u& u ; I f . r .9BaaaMafBfUaMMHSH