nmmmmmmmmmmmmmm UUf'fl :. I'Ui; VA(M 'VtlttM H w.uvouu t.th ruiursK ii:umuu, nut.n vuiuw """ ""J J'OW - '" "" i; ;ni, I.I.II..H. .mi. ii,l.-..i.i..,.,n. IK CART ORCED F BY ILL HEALTH 10 IE BEDFORD PLAYS ASHLAND I I A Unit MLP Kl .w7ii,ii,B7T1,1i.nri Agnlnat Substitutes Ask For Wk DECLW HONOR Poor IiprIiii Iihm rmmH y v. far ter f Anhlnml lo di-rUtm (o It h pk lilMlvw rondlilnte the cumin cam mlltii. Mr. Curler wrltw mi follow T(t too ttillter: I wloh to tbonk tho Trilmno ror Ita vorjf romullmentary urtlelo df Pel rttHrV 19th, auRKoithiK ie ahvnlU nbloinialorim for the Ig1ilnt(ye tick t Ih thin county. 1 know I do not donomi Hit high liroUo thu Trillium aitconla ma. but Hie coniinomlalloii of otio'a uIkb Itora and frlomU 1 always tilount to tlio lecliilont, and I cnrtalnly up proclato the nmlonionioiit you Rive 1110. Snvoral frlenda liavo urnod mo to try for thu nomination on tint leg Ulallvc tlrkct ami 1 have Riven tho innttar aorioiiH connldoratlon hut I rannot consent to do ao. I imy tin- rqaorvmlly that I would llko to ho n cnndldato for thin iioltloii If my health would penult not liocuiiao I have any partlcitlnr monatiro to mlvo rate, any ax to kHiuI, hut In tho hopo and hollof that I could he of uae to .lackaon rouiity. In lioromliiK " con dldato I ahoiild In no npiiso fool that 1 waa making a mrrtfirn In wi do liiK, hut rathor thai I was only aa aumlnR a duly that I owed the county In which I have paund thirty-two happy yoai-M. It la true, aa tho Trlhuue linn ao ofton atatnd, that wo are no Inolated that wo are ofton iRiiorod. and rarely liavo wo boon Riven tho recognition ve had tho rluht to e.Npect and de mand. Wo have had to Hcrntch anil fight andhlto for audi aitccr-M as wo have attalnod and It alwaya apemed to me that what waa rIvoh ub was Rranted RrudRltiRly and reluctantlv rathor than a mattor of equity and falrnoaa, ao whoever represonta ua In the next HoaMou ahoiild go rexolvcd to mcratcli and flht and bite again If nocoBiuo-. My health has Improved but I am ntlll far from well, and aaaumlnR that 1 ahoiild be elected, I have grave (Ionian aa to being able to atand tho Rrlnd of tho aoaalon and to aathtfac torlly perform the dutlea that the people have a right to expect of their roprovontatlvo. I hope I niu men tally fit for tho Job but I know I am not physically competent, and that la my aolo roaaon for declining. Afjuln thanking you, 1 am. Yotira very truly. IJ. V. CAUTKU. Aaliliiml. March 2. FOR CHAMPIONSHIP Tin Mfilford tiaiu l'l .l Ali laml tonlRht at the Natutorinni for the timt game o? a Mrlos of four with the iirobahlllllm that a firth will be MCMwirr. HafrM Center , who ployed for four yeara an the 0. A. C. team and thrte years all-alar man, arrtyori here t4wy to be the tenth man In thr game. Tin- Ashland team with Run fans will arrive thla afternoon and their band will Rive a concert on the utrOot. Tho Medford school will hold a rally at tho N'at after aohool and their baud will give aoveral nutnbora. It la planned to allow the achoola, after tho flrat half of each Rama, a certain leiiRth of time to ue the floor. Serpentine daucoa, auhool aonga and eheora will he Riven. It la requested that tho vlsltora bo shown .every courtesy during the time I hoy are using the floor mid that no Medford fan ho so disloyal aa lo cauao criticism of the homo team by any unfair action. When foul shots are thrown II la the rule ami the courteous ciiKtom to refrain from Irylng lo rattle the shooter. To break it will bring hu miliation to Medford or Ashland and causo the loss of points to the offend ing side. Ii hafnr nnd hail wMtllnl nrm I Ices thla weed showing mirnritttw form and so rmnI art lh.ir r iptftmt to show tiiH iwttlna mn , Hies m tboff rhetoee to wtn hers is bettor Inna a break and o.mi rbaneeo for Iht torloa. Atowart. Ha- , roo, tals bar Improvta t on per cent; no one afeouM miss Ibfe gsaie. i Tho boya' loom Is to mo4 shofss. Thomas ta fooIlM floo anal ! ' Ion haa roooverod, being la eaeottwl condition. HENR Y Inn ln-'t wrih, ri'Ml''it .' in. . Hiiiii-i'tirin wilh tliaf incrlinir. Mi'lralf bt frfrn-rn' mn v'tertln -isW timt i In- I'lini of call tgnetl hi lltsn WSv iliffrri'til t'OOl Ihr one iimtd ht etlsrhi and -nli-f)uenl ' U imbliHhH. Tko BUbl'-ii-.l fall m I enmeii an inooraonieoi oi in aiimm ?KW YOHK. Moreh : A npoti ! " "' Owwrrmr fllfsm that a Uorman eoawaenn roloor or J""0 wotroaa that aifaosl by M. i ansa was lurking off rai Floory, ' f"'f; hl' "" "M Mot' t V... awstiio. foooral.i. nteM i I M9tvn)t wm one of the oamlidalc make s dosk for New,,rt Mews or l tho" "new" rotwMiran Ajjninst Substitutes Ask for HORLIGH S (1st the Wsll'Knowq Itound VcVi Anhlsa- oromlsM to eorrt tho riokt Mavfslk brMhi h.n ii. Kv . 'aV"" ,n '" repnhlienn niitiiuU ta Mettfont fron the start nod a Captain MnnhewHs, of the Rnll-lH-wblrlwlnd game will roaolt from tho solar llnr Oraysoa, srrlvlng from tort This Is what Medford wants Porto Rim. their opponents to do. j Captain Mnnkowlta aaid that early Coaeh Klttm said: "The team Is ' rosterta mysterloua tights had boon roadv. nor have we uaderettlmated ' f'o this ship, anparently mor- Aabland's strength. Thi bovn will lag westward. Me said heavy weoth- flght everv minute a&the hst team or and rlonrfa prevailed ofr the Vlr-1 will win. The gtMr Akue will be Rlnla coast and that ho was satisfied j fine and must itBt fi9$ifnllu'ered a 'bat the reasol whoso lights he hail i preliminary buru ufjafriautn1fafaiue seen were trvlng to koop their move- of aqual ImportadW' '" , menu secret He felt sure that tha I convention. lie as lie Iih requc-t cd that W name lie taken ott' tlio ticket. i nAV iu pnMPPKQ Uiil 111 uUliUliLUU ' i ICnthusiaam was lillfi Utti fans are hacking the to! Tomorrow both teams will Joii noy to Ashland, where the atsoond j game of the serloa will ln plaed SpiH'lal attention la agul tho fact that smoking I will not be tolerated for one Instant , anil thu offending parties will lie given their admission money and told , Jo leave. netting and ro will he piomptly II co. of which t hero will lie quite, a number In plain clothed. The greatest sale ol tickets for the Medtord-Ashlaud gamoH has been recorded. Double rows of scats have been sold out and standing room Is kdAtttlfbrd "n'"" 'H'1 "ol Im'Iomh llritlsh f ir n man' l '"" rs a incse pairoi nips maae W h sr i rel of their movement ifMEICALF STARIS RUMPUS IN G. 0. P. ovd lui In any fu'ti)j - punished by the jD-. ,i at' fffr WA8IIIN11TON, Marelt 3. Senate Defeated legislation to warn Amor leans off arm ml ships by a vote uf us to II. lira lutein hearing contltiuod. House TorelKii arralrs committee conld eted armed ship warning resolution Naval affairs committee reported llaltlmi cout-tuhularv bill tK Caution 7i t ACINf,WlJ.1W.3.tJJ The girls team has Jumped lutoat a premium. SAN MJWN('lhft M a . -Ho-, liliunlf find inrouroMxti' lamiiri roilKuout the Ktute 'wete liuaciiigl Willi eciteinent loilnv a- : ie-ull ol'i a statement by ielor II. Melcull, forniwr seerelurv of Hie na.v, nuil I oilier of the three men uho iuiicil the call for the "new" repnlilieuii tewtQsl aajM I THE OMCHHAL MALTED MILK Mado In the largest, beat equipped anal sanitary Malted Milk plant In tho world "Wo do not mako ' milk products" Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc. AskZorllORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Mado from clean, full-crcnm milk and tlio extract of select malted grain, reduced to powder form, soluble in water. Best Food-Drink for All Atfei. Used for over Quarter Century UnloBsyaumny"IMmUOKS , you may got a SuUaUluta CSHP Take a Packago Hoin& GOTHIC an ARROW i COBJLA& 2for2ffc IT FITS THE CRAVAT ' C'.OtTT, PEADODY A CO INC Mnrno -$ ojo-ojo- ojo- J5 '-X" " '' "" V" " X"5 V " " X X' "' " W " 2"X" a SHOW ID E A PROFIT T T r t v ? V ? ? f 1 THE GOLDEN RULE Y ? ? ? ? T ? ? ? ? T 1916 i3 going to be a remarkable year in many ways. It is going to take up-to-the-minute buying to get tho merchandise that you want and at tho right price. Tho policy of the Golden Rule Store is to have tho coats, Suits, Dresses, Waises, Dress Goods, Silks and Wli ite Goods designed for 1016, and not six months behind tho season. Our Now York office keeps us in touch with all new creations. Watch this store every week for the up-to-the-minute Suite, Coats, Silks and Dross Goods. What are you going to do about Cotton Wash Goods? Buy them from tho Golden Rule, the store that was wise enough and had the power to buy them early. Tho early buyor of muslins, sheetings, ginghams and cot- t ion staples win oe ino wise snoppers tins season, r ne uoiaen Jtaue aiore, welcomes uus opportunity to provo once more our oft-repeated contention that, quality for quality, we undersoil all other dependable stores in Medford. It will pay you to trade here. LADIES' SPRING SUITS and COATS When you cull to sec us nii will find ;in intensely interesting "live" line of Coats and 5 Suits that will satisfactorily settle your spring buying. The Coals are priced at $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $10.00 and up to $15.00. The prices on Suits are $10.50, $12.00, $15.00 and up to $25.00. A splendid new line of Nkirt,s just in, including (lie new .Mixtures, Shepherd Checks and & I'lesldent Hunter, of the Southern Oregon Poultry nssoelstloii, Iihm culled HiOtttltia; of the siiouclutlon to b held at tho nubile mnrket Sut urilny afternoon Ht 2:80 o'clock, at which It la hopeil timt every mein our nuil a!rt) ottouilMiiio of otlni'M lutoroaU'il will lie iiriwut. Tiimh uror Itiorngml A. Mlkarhu will .r aoHt an ekt'olleiit ifKrt of thu intui tu Of tllO MUMH'lHtltlll to llalH. Hh)H- log an Hxueniilturo of JL'.'.u or moru anil altoul Vi In the treason. In adtlltloii to Hih uaual biisluoas of thu went I UK. h plan for tht ihiiiihIkh In tho proiwratlou for tho Mut hIiow htiro noxt IhhxmiIm'I' will h oiiiilmil hhI tlio i'0-opora.l ion or .loicpliiiH nnil Klooiatli )tMtiitiH iirgiW This will ajlvo tlin oiilir Koil) of tiiu.o I'OUHtlOH M I'llUIM't III iri'Uli' (hi u full reproaoiitutlDii. In tho nho ltolil roi'ently In thla rlt the tlint given oiiIhIiIu dltttrlctx two hhurt for oxleuahi) ureiiaratlon for i hlhlU: auil yet the illtl sll 1T4 wy hi iTJ fSaL & BalfeyvffR mv : (M, TO I l vm. p 1 Y ? ? ? ? ? V ? ? V WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN STAMPS $2,000 BANKRUPT STOCK Now on Sale at SNEARLY SALVAGE STORE Medford NO. 2 WEST JACKSON ST. Oregon Staple and Fanoy Grocerios, Provisions and Supplies Notions, Novelties, Toys and Music .SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND SUNDRIES OF VARIOUS KINDS You can save from LM to ."50 on these goods. If this saving to you is not worth coining after, we cannot deliver it to von. KOISIYRLMIOXH ORDKRS. NO DELIVERIES. MUSIC! MUSIC! OVER 10,000 COPIES TO SELECT FROM, Latest popular hits. Popular Music of all kinds, Classical Music, Selections from the Various Musical Comedy Shows, Students' Music, Dance Music, Or- chestrations, Music Books posers' Comploto VALUES PRO THIS COMPLETE STO OF PRICE AT Romombor, 5c per copy, re Como down early an l PWfitettSn5iJ20: . Vi gai. can Log cabin Syrup I rjal. can Lop Cabin Syrup 2-IIj. can Molasses 25c can K. C. Oakfnn Powder . I lb. Poyal Baking Powder isc can Cocoa 25c cake Bal'1"'" Phnrnlnta. --! i.J Plain Tailored Serges. The prices range from $1.48 to $5.00. AVtihthe revival of quaint modes of dress, there will nec'essarily lie a greatly in creased demand for Colored 'ash Fab rics this spring. Among the weaves now -10-iiich Duchesse Voile IMi-inch Novelty Stripe Moiisscliuc .IJ5 .'5(-iiicli Printed Marquisette 50( .'JH-iiich Printed Parisienne 5S TK How to Get Strong A Simple lliiuieil). Whatever tho mime. e want to nay to ovary pruou whu neeiU otroiiKth. )ou need Vinol, our dellc loua uoil liver aud Iron tonic without oil. ua It la the uiont efflclem utreiMih eroatar w have Iu our afore. Hero la oroof from Dorcheater, Moan. "I don't know what we would do without Vinol In our faiulh. ( wu woak. norvoua and ruti-dowu a the roaiilt of an oporatlou. aud Vluol re atorwl io)' strength. Then (irand UioUlor nuil a nervoua brookdowu, and Vluol Unlit bar up aud reatored her health ami strength after ever thlng olao had failed. We hae uued Vinol for IB yeara In our rainfb, and would not ho without it iu the lions." Myrtle L. Ileal). lonuet-r, M.s Wo boltovo lo Vinol betam we Kaow It la a groat atrength frt-ator. -4uo Ut tho extractive tnedl Inal ele ments of froah eod liver, without oil. eomblaod with poptonate of Iron and boof pootoao, all diaaolved Iu a pure madloinal wlno, ao we alaa return tho purcbaao money If Vinol falU to teaofU thooo who hnv it Mlfonl I'li.irin.K v Adv. ' , I I I V f V Y f T V t t ? ? V t ? ? t v V on display in our Wash (loods Depart ment arc these: Primrose Batiste, a large range of pat terns and colors I ' h'laxoiiK, ninny pretty pattern I5 .Modette, .'11-inch uiereerisicd. noii-shriiik- ahlts in piuK, nine and niaciv su-ipes also fancy stripe :ili-iiich Princess Chiffon liD-im-li 1'igyptian Tissue 75( Mercerized Poplin, a inucli-wantetl cloth, in mack and white and all the staple coIoi-h 15 and 135 WHITE GOODS 27-inch Crepes 'M)S 25: I'jgyptian uinniy .MH-'inch Pitpie H0-inch (lahcrdiite 10-inch Matiste :s-iiich I'hiiliiiiiiltrcil N'nilt 15 50 DRY GOODS Iink t)Vtr these prices on Staple convinced timt we are justified iu selling for letw. Dent quality PrinU 5d -8-in. Dundee Percales f'i' Cotton Challirw 5 Cheviot Shirt iugx, a good general pui'ixttic cloth 10 Pretty Dress (linghains 10c Hest Colored Outing flannel. .J)c White Outing 10 Amoskeag Daisv Cloth, white, for ' 1 1 Hope Ulcaclied Muslin S' Fruit of the Loom Muslin i) Dcrkely No. 00 Cinuric....l2i:i Herkely Xo. 100 CainbricKi-'c :Hi-incli Long Cloth 15 House Lining 5q Sei'iK'Utine Crepe 15$ A. C. A. Ticking, will hold feath ers, at 1S Mest Colorwl Oil Cloth.... J7tf Best White Oil Cloth .. ..20c Medford - Oregon Dry (ionils and oii will soon he making the claim that we aru SHEPHERD CHECKS We have this uiuji-uHcd pattern iu different sized checks and sev eral qualities: :! inch Cotton Cloth 25 :i(i-iiich Wool and Cotton Cloth for 50r; 10-inch All-Wool $1.00 -10-inch All-Wool Funcv Checks for ..$l.Lf) LADIES' UNDERWEAR for SPRING Sleevcltss (lau.e L'niou Suit, hue knee, for 25 Tiihhed l'niou Suit, no sleeve, lace knee, fur . J5 K.xtra fine .lei'sey Mbhed Cuion Suits, sleeveless, lace or tight knee, all sizes, including ex 1ms 50? CiailZc Sleeveless 'etH, 10c. 12' ,. 15? and 25 r Crepe downs, white or colors. 0,'c. 70c .11. M j?i.oo There have hecn sharp advances on i he prins of Notions, hut early lm - illg has eliiililcil lis to keep otll" prices nearly the same. Only a few ad vances. .. Jt P. Coats Thread ! Corticdli Silk Thread, 100 yds. . Sc Hooks and Kyea 1 Dress SuapK 5 liox Assorted Hair Pins 1 'oats' Silk Finish Crochet Cotton f flood Lead Pencil 2 for 5- (iood Pearl Buttons 2 for 5- Fine Pearl Muttons 5 Safety Pins J for5 Large size Peroxide J2 Pound can Talcum 10 Calgate's Talcum 12 Afi- Float Talcum 8$ Williams' Shaving Soap 4$ 1000 sheets Toilet Puper c 1 Ih. pkg. Writing Paper, containing III sheets 15 Uunil Kuvelopes to match 5 GOLDEN RULE C. W. Whlllock & Son T ? ? ? V ? ? T ? ? i ! 4 I t V V ? y f y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y V f y y y y y ! RESULTS COUNT Our courses arc arranged with one aim in yiew . to get the hest results. Investigate then enrolls, in Day or Night School. ' Medford Commercial College New Students May Enroll at Any Time. Phone 15-L Scale-Scab Mildew TliiM' hit tin iriiiciiiil pt'stH nuil iIisi-iisch alVcctiiib' tin tii)i' on-liiinl Sffi Soluble Sulphur 1 Ih ilic hi'Mt Hiry for isale, mildew hiiiI toab. It Ii.ik .i pi in ill itciinl of fltH HrM. Elfeettve, Eco-no- '!, Convenient. ' rooMtin obiiiluiMl ly v'ornbH:iiuxkltutlon. iimIiik 2i lua. lo 100 kiiIIoiih. VoW-Voifc)r, In mUDtr; Mcalo kllll. Vutggffniky lll '; ocolo Wltu-.l. Ui-iuiuJojBgy uyu&-',; ocnlo klllnl. Nntii rt-hillU fea4fe " DlHlrlfl Iiimikh HO M fi'tt Votiwia In I'M Uli JO Urn. to loo iiullor, .. ooaio ktill Aguln (lii'ot; tf t im ut iliJhroot n(r 1.1 llm. lo lot) huIIoum 75'i oomIk U'H 114 to 100 KUtldllH -Uti'i hf'tkli J". Iby. I 100 uH0 '' hcuIii 'llil. Ih on linJUpiilubhi Mt-ioiiOnc ruvurO. loo-lti. tirum 7.Mi lo-lti. cau lit lib con 0 K'liwiKlKmllj US SOIUJIE SULPHUR i fillY's rj xrl J III '"ATiiviw'fa m I LILLY'S Seattle and Porlbnil ..iiiuu.i ..,,,, .M, wiuie Beans Llnw Beans, lb. . . Skinner's Macaroni, pkg. dinner s .s,ninnn - Huil for our loitt nru&Y l!UX,X.r.TIN It ttlU about tilt Btt3yry ud how Bit to Spray o.... nfr ' Afd Jjl.A' " ! ,m L I JT ? OOOOI '.E- m mA IB m SHOE POLISHES v:...:..:..;..:..;...;..;..;...;..;..;..;...;j. ..;;. ?JcHH'MH:''": s f7 JsL;J&l T 2 I i 1 I -Vl 1 ( '1&k i KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT 10 I W TKr-FDAlltY C-.ltU But'lo.NY S 3G -.85C $1.25 -.10c 20c -I7f 8c 10c o