Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 03, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medtord Mail Tribune
. -. . . jf.
lliln Tonight nnd Hat unlay.
Mat. nils Mfn. (IS.
fot-t- fif'ii Tr.
MKDFOIID ()IiK.(K). FRIIUY. M UK'U :t, 101(5
NO. 20!
'I o
SI 68 T0 14
Administration Forces hy Over
whelming Vote Smother Armed
Ship Debate in Senate Gore Him
self Votes to Tablc'Motion Cham
berlain anil O'Gorman Only Demo
crats Votirg Analnst Administra
tionConfusion During Vote.
WASHINGTON, March .1. lly n
vote of 08 to M. n (t"tor majority
tlmn they o.icetod, administration
forces in the senate today tabled
Senator Gore's resolution to wnrn
Ameiiouus olf tliu tinned ships of tint
Kttropcnn bclligcients and thereby
filially killed iii. the sonnto an ngitn
tion uliii-li hff embnrrassod President
Wilson in tho submarine negotiations
with Ooimauy.
Senator Gore's resolution, n sub
stitute by Senator MeCumbor, a re
publican, nnd nil attempt liy Senator
Do re to strengthen his original pro
posal, all were defeated at one time
on ii roll cull on n motion hy Sena
tor .James, one of the iidininistrntiuii
whips, to tnlile them. Tlie udininis
tration vietory in the senate trnns
lerred the fight to the hoiiso.
Itesiiit Satisfactory.
It wns Haiti nl .thi white limine. Hint
the lcsiilt in the annate whs entiwfne
tory nnd met the wishes of President
WINon. It wan lidded thnt attention
would now Ik concentrated on the
situation in the house.
Sena I or (Ion himself voted In tn
lile his resolution. Senators Cham
licilniii nnd O'Gormnn weio the only
democrat who voted uguiuet the ad
ministration. The twelve other nnti
inliiiiuisiruliou votes were ropubli
i .hi. For! y-four democrats mid
twenty-two topoblioniis oted to ta
ble the resolution.
Seuntor MoCumher Inter reintro
duced HiibHtnntiullv the Mime resolu
tion he hud offered as a substitute
to the Oore rvlutiou. Tho MeCum
ber resolution will go to tJie calen
dar. ('oufiisiiin Dining Vote,
During the null rail Senator Sinoot,
republican, asked to lie o.xousud from
vol int.' becuuso h was not hlu to
ote direet on the profiositiou. Sen
ator Borah, reblicau, objected, but
Hie scuttle voted to excuse hail.
It wits cxpluinotl then that Senator
.Tame had moved to lay not onl die
(lore warning resolution, but also the
so-culled i-MHM'tt'd resolution, on the
table. It wu necessary then for sen
ators to express themselve As to
warning and on the question of kill
in;; of an American on an unarmed
merchantmen us n cause for war, iu
one ote.
For that reason Senator Gore vot
ed to table because he did not favor
ho nun substitute mid had iiitrodue-
i Continued on last page)
Ni:V YORK. March 3 The White
Star liner Canonic, which alletl to
day for Italian pert with thre Amer
ican in hr first cabin, will take
on armament whan aha arriver at
Gibraltar, It waa announced by the
White, Star Una today. The arma
ment will he removed when the ship
uguln arrives at Gibraltar on her
return trip, it was stated.
Tho notification that the Canopir
would be thus armed waa received
i. tho White Star line today from
the British admiralty, it was an
nouixed, and the order alao Includes
Hi.- erotic, plying between Boston
and Mediterranean ports and which
v.i .1 if at taiiraltar wstrrda The
I : . I, ! II Dueiuu 1 l'i uai 1 1
1010 HONOR
Wilson's Position on International
Situation Further Revealed En
dured Jeers and Ridicule to Main
tain Peace Took Three Months to
Convince Germany.
WASHINGTON', March 3. Presi
dent Wilson' position on the interna
tional situation as revealed further
today was that he hail told congres
sional lenders it was months after the
resignation of Former Sccrotnry
Brynu before the United States gov
ernment could convince Qcrmanv thnt
. . i
tin nation wns in earnest m its pos
ition on submarine warfare.
The president is understood to
have mentioned this fact to show his
belief that action by congress would
further weaken the position of the
United States abroad. He is under
stood to have told tho leaders thnt
charges that he wnntetl to Ret the
United States into war were entirely
disapproved by his attitude in the
last two jenrs. He endured jeers
anil ridicule, he mi id, because of his
efforts to maintain peace, lie is un
derstood to have declared that ho
has nlwnys been willing to do any
thing except sacrifice honor in order
to maintain the United States nt
Ureal; DIsciismvI.
At the some timo the president de
elared he did not see how the United
State could do anything but sever
diplomatic lelntinim with nay nation
which kilted Americans in violation
of international law.
Wliiie both Secretary tansiug nnd
fount Von Heriistorff, the (lonnnu
nmbiiusiitlnr, have flntly deelinetl to
eoiuinent upon the statements re-
ita riling the osibility of wnr uttrib
ii ted to President Wilson by Senator
(ore, ami later denied by the white
house, it wns learned today that
mention of the result of n break of
diplomatic relations hud been dis
cussed (uite casually and informally
by the secretary mid the ambassador
late iu January of this year.
Secretury Lansing, it is said, told
tho ambassador thnt in event of a
complete disagreement on tho sub
ject the United States might bu
obliged to break off diplomatic rela
tions. The ambassador is reliably
represented a having replied that ho
fully understood the iew of the sec
retary nnd to have ndded the hope
that nothing of the kind ever would
Check On .Submarines.
The ambassador pointed out that
with diplomatio relations severed
there would bo no agency by which
the euthusiasm of naval commanders
could bu hold in check and that some
eircumstauco wns almost certain to
occur to load to hostilities. The am
bassador is also represented as hav
ing pointed out that the modifica
tions in the eouduet of submarine
warfare, made since the beginning of
the wur, had beeu solely on account
of icgurd for tho wishes of the Unit
ed States.
The authority from whom this in
formation was obtained said it
should bo understood that the am
bassador was only oppressing his
own personal opinions nnd thnt the
ennwrstttion with Seerotnry Lansing
was absolutely informal and not to
be regarded" as sigmticaiit of any
UJXIiON. Mnn-1. X The Oct man
steutner iKltu, Irom AM-nrade, I'rus
siu, is beiievisl to hue struck a
(lerman mine field soulhjjf the sound
and foundered, according to a dis
iatth to the xohange Telegraph
rouipuny from ( 'ufM.'nhugea. Wreck
".'i' I nun lie I It. i li.ii u.t-liiil
l iiuik.
bdrah mm -v
WASIIINOTON, March n.-In the
debate following tho tabling of the
(lore resolution on wnruiinr Ameri
cans off tinned ships, Senator Hornh
suid thnt he was iu favor, nfter full
debate, of having cnugroM go on rec
ord as supporting the right of Ameri
cans to go on armed merchantmen, n
right ret'ognixed for five hundred
years nnd to tell the world that any j
nation which tint not reeognue that
right would be held to it strict no
couijnbility. "Wo denounce Oermnny because
we do not like hfr system of govern
ment norther militarism,'' said Sena
tor llorah, "yet the senate of the
United States, the highest legislative
hotly in-the world, wus Oennn nixed
today. We took the snme attitude
and reached the same result by the
sumo process as the highest dominii
legislative body would it direeteti by
the knimir from the throne."
Senator Ilornh eoutiimed Hint the
vote was of no miIuc to the presi
dent as mi expression of the senti
ment of the aeunle.
"It it most unfortunate that we
disposed of it as we did," he said.
"I am not afraid of war if it is
necessary to protect American rights.
I am not afraid of sacrifice. We
cannot1 hope to piny our part in the
world if we are not brave euoujjh to
make a sacrifice for our rights.
"1 atn nfruitl of the subserviency,
the degradation of the American sen
ate iu the eyes of the Americnii peo
ple. Tina
esteem iu w
the American pcopl
world eiiaHs like this, with the cm
of tho world centered umu us, we
come here snd eringiugl.y crawl to our
destination under the direction ol
some power without the chamber. I
would rather thnt a battleship be
sunk than t have the honor of this
scnuie coropromiscd hefoie the
PARIS. March .1-It wa, nn
nouoccd nt the French ministry ot
marine today that there were nearly
-1000 men on board the French aux
iliary eroiser Proveuce when she was
sunk in the Modjterruuenn on Febru
ary 20.
As the ministry of murine on Feb
ruuiy 20 announced that the number
of survivors of the Provence disaster
wus estimated at S70, it is indicated
b the foregoing dispatch that up
wards of ;U:ifl In us were lost.
It was stated that ou board the
Provence were the stuff of the third
colonial infantry regiment, Mm third
battalion, the second company of the
first battalion, the second machine
L'HII colupaiiV 1 1 1 ) one I tl.i eolliiull, ,
lit all lull! i ItlOO ; i..
CvifkWQ (j Twjfr y 2 0aaw3Kw
L .Frot vr. o- ,
lOoisuouRaus "Rnnri
r-v n V -Ut
cttntimur i ruMiiii
rju' Uerfnenmiieoroin
rrcntrtriHfi OL.VC r l.7JA
vJfV.A' 41WITL
r Fou
jj i rocpuav!
iithrlnt Cw
0 BIUr.tiSfM
IT' J O ttSZiJT llifl ... '
BtfuvuiEi. u.-NitTtJrTA
ri5S'""s -
v W
At top, n ilew of tlio city of Venlim, On the map (I) slums tlio
original Isittlti line, ln-foro (lie eniwn pilot e laiincbctl bis offensive;
(") shows (liniiipuciixillo ami Cite tlo Talon, captiuc of wblrli was an
linimrcil liy lieilln I'tiilty, tleolcl Ketiinlay ami actsnnpll-lied Siiiitlay;
(It) is Foil tie Doiiaiiiiionl, willed the (.'eininns look liy storut Saturtlay
only to linttlo tlio ivliiriiing I'iimicIi who since hate Ih'cii flglithig foe
possession of (tut tiitsstH; (I) ioill coles wlieie tlio I'leiieli ii'plilsetl a
heavy attack of (ieiiimiis lNtweii I'oil tie Iloiiaiiiiiout ami Vuiix Villagi
(.) shows wlieiel'ivncli pivkM'tl allacks against new (icrmaii lines no
either side of lloiiaiiuiout.
WASHINGTON. Muroh :t -Immediately
after the ute In tlio senate.
Senator Hoed, demoi, read n state ,
ment, salnK he felt It was highly
Important that the Impression in
Germany that the country and rou-
Xress were not beblud tho president
should be removed sud that, there
fore, he was opposed to the Gore res
olution. While tho senate wns voting, house
loaders wero working. Tliore was no
doubt that the administration vietory
In the senate was expected to solidify
the sentiment in the house and the
loaders looked for tswo favorable
developments during the day.
President Wilson after he had con
ferred with Acting Chairman 1'ou, of
the rules committee, determined to
have a vote In the home, even if a
split rule containing a resolution
were required to net it.
Insistence that a tot he taken by
the rule committee action If neces
sary came after varlng reports as to
the stand of the foreign nf fairs com
mittee. Aa yet no renelutton haa
been agreed upon In the latter com
mittee, which would rqnirn.iml a ma
joul.. Ote.
iOTAr.y0 0fl j''
O . Vrttilli
w --. -fc v r tV ' O f
V " Jt55vUi
l il B.- r 1 IV MmtAimilllt
nrriitufcsnur. . --y,- Cll
"eilrvet Q
JirtUn t witw
"ntAjiHHiuijju: bu iwz iw in
tiMHthtlttH 'inI
o I
PF.TKoful'AH. Miii.h :. m.i I.oij-
The Idissinii udxance in Asia
Minor, radiating along three main
liues from P.rxerum toward Trchinnd,
Sinus ami Ititlis, is meeting with
wpial success iu all throe directions.
There has been no serious Turkish
Wsislutico since the fall of Krxemm.
The Turks are said Us be strength
ening the fortifientions of has,
which is about UQO miles west of Kr
aerum, the ouly point considered here
as likely to be a serious obstruction
to the westward progress of the Itus
sians. Turkih reinforoements are
iwuriug daily into lids center.
In the uorth and south advances
the Russians are close upon Trebi
aoud and Uitlis, respectively, ami oc
cupation of both cities i momAar
iiy ennectcd. The main army la con
tinuing itt udvuure due west from
ItiisMun forces in Per,i. with
KcniiUhshflh safe iu thcjr Mcsion,
me now leporteil Nimllii; to,iii tlio
(lJiyi h loit pj Mi -dlp.itiiliu.i
Negotiations Being Contluctctl for
Syndicate of Capitalists hy Colonel
Munily Will Know by Monday
Whether Factory Can Be Financed
for Present Year.
Uoloncl John I Mtindy hits been
iu New York City for tho nst month,
representing n syndlente of capital
ists who plan the oslnbllshiuout of n
beet migtir factory in tho valley near
Mcdford. Whether arrangements enn
be completed in time to creel tho
factory the present yenr will ho
known by the first of tho week. There
seems every renson to IipI1pv Hint,
even if the factory is not secured for
the present year, it will mnterinlizo
for 1017. '
got lat Ions Denied.
The Mundy syndicate hns no con
nection with the Orcgoii-Utnh Sugar
company, nor is it affiliated with the
Mormon church. Negotiations tillcgcd
to hnve been mnde with the Utah
concern nre denied by Colonel Mini
dy nnd his represenlntivcs, us ahown
by the following telcuniuiK:
".Mcdford, Or., Feb. lift, 3010.
"John F. Mundy, New York City.
"Hnve you wired Alox. Xibley or
C. Nibley within past week nsk
mg them for beet seed and tanking
proposition In grow beets for stiKnr
factory at flrnnts Pass? Such stalo
uiciit comes from Alex. Xibley to pub
lic generally. Keep me fullv posted.
Answer. .IAS. W. DU.Vr.OP."
" New Y.irk, Fell. 'Jo, Illltl.
".Ins. W. Diinlnp, Metlfortl, Ore.
"Nothing iu Alex. Nibley and
Saunders talk. C. W. Nibley waa
hero Inst week; winded us grow beets;
tohriihu if he would build sugar fac
tory Metlfnnl, site furnished by us,
wo would grow five thousand no res
heels, give bond mid would reipiiro
l.niitl from him. .1. 1-'. MUNDY."
That a sugar factory in this sec
tion is earnestly desired for the pres
ent yenr ia shown by the following
Urge n I'mtoiy Here.
"Mcdford, Oie., Mutvh o 1010.
"Col. .lohn F. Miiiidy. NYnldorf-As-
loiin lloltd, New York, X. Y.
"If Missible for you close your ne
gotiations by Monday for 1010 su
gar factory locuted floor of valley,
am sure thnt Ibis community can and
will furnish sufficient ncreago for
successful operation of factory.
"ltv C. 15. flutes."
"Medfoid, Ore., Mureh :, 1010.
"Col. .lohn F. Muudy, Wuldorf-As-toiia
Hotel, New York, N. Y.
"Sure the farmers in this commun
ity want a sugar factory in the floor
f ItiiKue Itixer mi I ley for this year,
and thc will furnish plenty of lioets
for stii'h factory to assure success
ful operation (Jus cur. Weather
tine ami time -Icit, -o auiioiiuecment
(Continued on Inst jiane)
KI PHO, Texas. March 3. --Fran
cisco Villa, the outlawed chieftain, Is
(leeiiig northeast from Casus Grundes,
Chlhiiuhuii, according to official dis
patches today received by Guuoral Ga
briel Gavlra nt Juarez. Carranvi of
ficials expressed uueeitnlnty whether
Vlllu waa headetl for the United
States bolder or for Sonars.
General l.uis llerrera, former Car-
ranxa military chief of Chlhuahiin
state, mid his entire staff, has been
summoned to Queretaro, according to
ofilal dlsiMtrhes received here to
day, llerrera recently was deposed
bjoAuse of failure vigorously to prose
cute the pursuit uf Francisco Villa.
Off(cjals here did not credit report
tnat llerrera waa aummonetl to
Queretaro to bo trtgij by (gourt nuji,-
UjI. ' )
( )
French Lines at Village of Douau
tnont Taken, But All Other At
tacks Repulsed Fighting Takes on
Ocspcrale Character Germans
Drive on Verdun From Two Sides
Heavy Artillery Play Along Hid
Yser Front.
LONDON, March fl. dominii nrm-
itw have broken into tho I-Vcnoh lines
nt the village of Dnimmnnnt, four
miles northeast of Verdun.
The Pnris offleinl bulletin ndmitn
the Germane penotrnted to tho vill
tigo. Tho IIoillii slntemont olnimh Ger
man troops cleared Doiinumont, ad
vanced west mid south of tho villago
and took more than 1000 prisener:
mid severnl henvy guns.
The Paris wnr office claims thnt
the French repulsed nil tho (lennnn
uttnoka except thut wost of, Fort
Doiinumont, the Gcnutms miocecilitig
in reaching the vilhit) of Dounii
moiit, where tho struphde i.s being
Appnrontly tho GonnnnB now hnvo
benn nble to bring tip 'soiuq, nt lonst,
of their henvicr nrtillory Jor tho
French war offiim hns reported a
considerable increase, iu tho intensity
of tho fire along tho whole front nt
Ihlvcs on Verdun.
The drives on Verdun from two
sides, now renewed, nro hold lo Indl
eate the familiar Oermnii plan of
rolling up the Hanks of n portion
or using the clnwhitminor juwa of tho
military machine to gut nt tlio kernel
of the mil.
Possible development of some Gor
man movement in tho Arconuo north
west of the foi trees la IndlontcdMiy
Ihu Paris icport that tho FtoiioIi hnvo
diiuelctl n concentrated firo on hos
tile positions there,
Prom vnrioua aoureos hnvo como
accounts of heavy arlillory play along
the Yser frant.
Coniistrative Inactivity prevails on.
the other wnr fronts.
From Bombay eomes a report thnt
the Portuguese lmvo hoisted their
flag on all the Gorman attKimors at
Monnuguo, the flurmans on bonitl be
ing interned nt Panjini, capital of tliu
Portuguese eolouy of Qoa, in India.
German Statement,
BF.lH.IN, Matfk n.-Gorninn
trotiNi cleared the village of Douuu
tuout mid pushed their IIiiim (o tho
west ami to the south of the vlllngo
and of the armored fort yostorduy,
iieeonling to the official unnounoo
tiient issactl toduv by Iho Gorman
prinv heiidiiiartcrs staff.
The ot tn in! statement rolutes that
(Continued on pace two.)
OSslMNti, . v.. March O.-Wnl-tor
Watson ot llrooklyu wus electro
cuted at Sing Sing this tnorninjr for
the murder of his wife, u yonr ngo.
Wutson, who protestod hfc hiiiocouco
to the last, hit a settled onvolopo to
he opened alter his tlotilli. Tn It wna
found a tudetl tlower find lids note:
''This fiicloie coutulim n flower
from my dour wlfe'a grnvo, I'lenso
bury it with me mid lot U bo ou my
breast. It is a tokon of romwidirfliico
of the wile I always loved, and tuny
Ooii rest our souls in peaco."
'nison was separated from bis
wife at the time ot the umrderwhioh
he wna supposed to bui eomtnittpd
while u. the iufluence of drink,
His sou, Tlonitts, tow his fulhor stte)
bis mother Sity, tiifi'.o Jnjife and as
t3 iu bioettiro, a
a-l I
V . ' !