44-it MM) SECOND EDITION WEATHER Main Maximum, M)j Mire liiiniti, :uii Precipitation, ,01 forty-fifth Yr, Hall T ilh Trnr BEDFORD OREdOX. TIU'RSDAV, MARCH 2, Wlii NO. 203 Medford Mail Tribune a OF Most Sensational Debate of Session Develops Over Armed Ship Issue Oklahoman Repeats Charges Based Upon Hearsay, Which Are Prompt ly Denied by Senator Stone. WASHINGTON. March. 2. Tlio following statement xvas 1s Btipd lato today at tho White Heuse: "When the attention or tho Whlto Kongo was called to cer tain statements In Senator Goio's gpcech thin nftcrnoon tho president ntithorizod nn unqual tried denial or any utterance to which any such moaning could ho attached." WASHINGTON', March 2. Tho armed tdiip inn tic suddenly blitzed up in tho senate tndnv with tho most sensational debate of tin session, in which Senator (lore, democrat, and nnthor of n resolution to warn Amer icans oft' belligerent vossols, repented what he characterized as a report that President Wilson had told cer tain congress lenders that war bo I ween the ruitcil States and Cler many "might not be ungrateful and illicit result in advancing civilization by bringing about the end of the F.iirnpenn war by midsummer." Chairman Stono of the foreign re latinns committee emphatically de nied that the president ever had o- nresscd nnv Mich sentiment in hi hearing ami Senator James another administration leader, demanded to know why Senator flore hnd not sought to confirm I he report from the president himself. Senator floio reswinded that ho had hoped the report was untrue; that ho had repeutcd it only a a icport aurroitndad by oiteuinstonoes which gave it credence, in his opin ion, hut that he was glad to hear it denied. Storm Breaks riie.xeetcdly. The storm broke in the senate uti oxpectcdly when Senator Stone, an nouncing that he was not in neeoid with the president's- dcmauil for a de font of tho armed ship resolutions, proposed u means to let the Gore res olution come to a vote and Senator Jones announced that the ndministm tinn force had the voles to defeat it. Senator Williams of Mississippi spoke vigorously in support of tho president, as did Senator Lodgo, tho ranking republican of the, foreign re Istions committee. The debute ended without action ami the sctmto has pawed to other business with the prohect of taking up the Gore reso lution at an early date tomorrow. Meanwhile llio situation in the home was unchanged, with the ml ininuitrti"o Udders apparently mak ing no headway toward a vote there. To outline his position fullv to the republicans in uonres, President Wllion will confer at 3 o'clock this afternoon with Hepuhliinn leader Muuu. floro Tears Conflict. Senator Gore, in his speech, declar ed that at the propor time he would put squarely bofore tin senate whether tho unking of an arwod mer chant vessel by a submarine wouhi ho considered sufficient eunse toi war. "I introduced, my resolution be cause I was apprehensive we wire heading toward war," he sail. "M.v act was based on a report which seemed to me to come from the buh (Continued on pase two.) L I TORHEON. Coaln.lla. MeUo, March 2. -General Benjamin Armim oda, leader of the opposition to the de facto got eminent hi Duraugo and lacuna district of Coa hulls, was court martial yesterda at bfraugo Clt and ordered mh uu-d toda at noon, 4 cording to a nport rutpul 1 i if tiid.ii. fr mi Ha V n .in "' tul at t lie I uMl'fcO Ji'l'jl PR N KN M WAR LIKELY TO 6 OP President at Conference Admits Thai Relations Might Be Broken Off With Any Nation Causing the Death of an American in Disregard of International Law. WAS1I1NT.TON, March 2. Presi dent Wilson at conferences with con gress loaders today in understood -to have said that following out tho notes of tho United States government, re lations might lie broken off with any nation causing tho death of nn Amer ican in disregard of International law and that he had hern Informed break ing off of diplomatic rotations might precipitate war. While no official statement was given out, nn authoritative account was obtained of what had happened at the various conferences between the president and the members of tho senate and house. The president deolnred, it was said. that to warn Americans to keep off nrmed ships of belligerent nations f would he in effect acknowledging the right of altnek upon such ships. Might Precipitate War. In reply to questions nt oneof tho conferences, the president is under stood to have said that following out of the notes of tho United Stntes irovernmimt diplomatic relations might be broken off with n nation which caused tho death of American 'citizens in disregard of international law and the stand of the United States. The president added, it was said, that he would expect that the break ing off of diplomatic relations might precipitate- war. Ho said he could hot certainly predict what might fol low, nut Hint despite ins enrnesi ei forts to keep the United Stntes out of war he must uphold the rights ol 'American citizens to tho freedom of the seas. The president was said to have been asked nt one of the conferences what effect the entrance of the Unit ed States into the war would have. He is understood to have replied thnt it might shorten it. l'nr from desiring war or threaten ins it, it was s .id, the president has pointed out to congressional leaders that war would be more likely to come if the United States did not follow the established rules of in ternational law, and should begin nt tempting to change its rules as a re suit of varying conditions which have arisen since the outbreak of the world war. To Ilciuaiid u Voto. Administration foiees, facod with delay lu the bonne, turned today to tho sonato to carry out Presldont Wil son's domand for the defeat of reso lutions warning Americans off armed shins or Huropoan belligerents. Chairman Stono. or the fnrolgn re lations committee, announcing openly from tho floor that ho was not in ac cord with the president on the Issue, proposed, howover, that ha senate tako an adjournment Instoad of an other recess and thereby get into a now legislative day relieving the par liamentary situation which thus fur has hold Senator Goro's resolution from coming to a xote. Ills action was taken after a conference of ad ministration leaders, who were satis fled they had tho otes to defoat the Core resolution and demonstrate to Germany that dissensions against the prosldont's foreign policy did not have the support or congress. Huvm Voles Promise!. "It has heon decided to bring the resolution up for action as boon as WIN ID (Continued on page two.) day in corns WASHINGTON. March 2 Senate Debs led proposals to warn Ameri cans from taking passage on armed merchantmen. Hraudeis Investigation continued. Agricultural committee continued kUul Investigation. House? Foreign affairs committee called to meet to consider McLemore reso lution toc3arn Amerlaus off armed shlpS a.il fool' i"' U .mil L' atu.b niihti'ied canal o THE SONG OF THE PEANUTS! TO zr-M v"" isiu22-wt -v nftaM 9vAtxiwFifc.x""i: BY. GERMAN DELAY S5n-Oi a, ZftSi i&v. -vcunjR II I'AKIS, March 1' The press and public or Fruncc are mystified at tho continued pan so lu tho Gorman at tacks around Verdun. Caution, born of experience, leads generally to tho rejection or tho view that tho Ger mans liaVo given up all hope or trying to capture tho horralno fort ress. It Is thought more likely they aro merely resting boforo starting afresh with greater energy. It Is believed lu many parts that tho at tack on Verdun was only a prelimi nary to operations on a much larger scale for tho purpose of trying to crush tho French ouco and for all. However that may ho, It is affirmed that General Joffro Is fully preparod for all eventualities. So far ouly the local French rosorvos huvo been called upon at Verdun, tho grout general reserve forces remaining In tact for use lu repolling other hoay onslaughts or for carrying out u great counter attack when tho op portunu moment comos. Tho question is raised as to who til er the next German attack will again bo at Verdun or along tho front from tho Sommo to tho Alsno as It is Known that the Germans have heon making preparations along tho lat ter linos, the sou thorn limit ot which is many miles nearer to Paris than is Verdun, Those preparations, how ever, aro not so elaborate as those which had been mado for Verdun aud should tho Germans attempt tho latter plan, tho military observers say they would bo liable to a flank attack by tho Ilrltlsh In Artols and ! Flanders. No news has boon rocolved of Lieu-tenant-Colonol Driant, a son-in-law or tho late General Iioulanger, and deputy Tor Nunoy, since tho begin ning or the battle, In which he com manded two battalions or light In fantry. . 10 WASHISflHiK. M.inh 2. 0For. mer Secretary ol Mate Hrvan is iu taxor ot President Ail-on'i rcnoiu wation aud will probubh be u mem ber of tn solid Wilson delegutiou irmii Xebru-ku, Mid Ih-woerutic Stutg) ( h.nnii.'in llini) !, ..Uii iWii'iiii!;' i ruin in ti i .1. .' i v iii I.r i. ' Mi 'U. , Jr-u. J FRENCH IN VERDUN'ATTAGK w AMERICAN HOMO -- E OF ALLIES VESSELS SUNK BY LONDON. M,i nli 2. The Making of four more ewls was irportcii today. The crews of three Hritish smacks Inndcd nt Iiwcslot't. Their vessels arc said to huvo been sunk in the North sea. The Italian ship I'.lsiii also is ie polled to have been sunk. LONDON, March 'J. Lloyd's agent at Hlvtli reports that tho Itrilish steamship Tluirnaby wiis sunk by n 'initio on Monday last. A dispatch of yesterday's date an nounced that the Thnniaby had been sunk in tho North cu and that near iy nil of tho crew wero killed or 'drowned. Later it was repoited that the steamer Devcrenu.x hud urmed in the Tyuc, hrwiuinu the steward of 'the 7'hornahy, who hud been rescued from the wreckage, and rcMirting that two other MTon hud been su ed by the steumcr Ihgligflto. LONDON, March '.The Itussian stcuiiibip Alexander iWcntsel bus been uuk. lCightecn of the crew weie drowned and eleven rescued. The Alexander Wente was of J8:i8 L'lOhs Ion-, was ,T'0 feet Ioiicf liud I") leet beam. She was owned by the Northern Stnuw.hip couiaiiy of I'clroisruil. BY SNOW SLIDE DF.NYF.R, Colo., March 2. Two persons missing, a number of tas sengers slightly hurt and thiee ours flerailed were the known results to day of a snow slide that yesterday struck a westbound Denver & Kio Grande train iie miles west of Sui inerp, f'olo. The ucuidunt occurred in the Itluck cuuyou, whare at pluce the waters of the flutmison liter wash the roadbed. The missing are: ('. II. Matbewf express messenger, and Hurl l.ey of I'aeblo, captain of the Ccnteuuial high school uuskftt ball team. Wire communication with the scene of the 'cideiit was interrupt l by the bli7;ijj, ohi h nl-o mt, i, nil w tli II . ir. Ii iSi tl . i , ,, i' itPto I J. k la HOI- i SUBMARINES WRECK CAUSED fun t I CW'IA UOAVrl WouptAwnsirv E L WASHINGTON, March X - Senii lor Lewis ot Illinois late today deter milled to introduce immediately if IHixsihlo a i4solulinu pledging 1'resi dent Wilsoi the coufiduitiTiN of the -enate in Uis dealiiifjwilli the sub iiiariuc wif'fum eojifroversy. "The Inin liasyCiune," said Sonnlor VilliuuiM,"lu4i the (piestion stales itself Him : 'Shall I acclaim Americn Jifst, or shall I Hcvlnim DeiitschhTiul tiber alios." "I linxo the highest contempt for one who would inject iolitic in this situation. Politicians looking for a racial vote of somo kind to be gained from this are not only jwior Ameri cans, but Mior iMdilieiaiis. "Through resolutions anil In whis pers and speeches the chief magis trate has been prodded and nagged and duied. To do what? To sur render the initiative the constitution places with him, and let congress take the lead in foreign relations. He bus lucked up the gauntlet anil said: 'If the M4liiotim of coHgica is be hind me, lei's find it out, and if it is not behind me, let's liud that out, Jt I'm to be hamstrung, just kiU rne as a negotiator and hnxo done. If 1 um helpless say wo, and let me and the K-ople know it.' "The president has offered no iew duet tine. The proMition of armed iiieiehanimcu is a principle recogniz ed in the war with Spain and in the IX il wur. "The ouly (lunger of war today, the oiiH cloud on the hnrison, ooines from the luct that the politicians haxo not let him alone uml that somo of you must Keek to create tlie imptessinii that the American uoplc are Hot bo bind the American goxcrnuiuni, and to your fiction alone i due the Inst position taken li the Genumis," E F, HAN FitAM'ISt'O, Man h 2 - .Mrs. Carrie Chrlstenson, or Oakluud, four times married, was sentenced today to one year in jail for using the wails to defraud prospcitive husbands. It was u!!f-Kd e obtained &lout $ ' bi n -fitnifd be f.ii,tya ,.! wi ' atri'(tt ir( c irt 2f ME COM m AMERICANISM SAYS SENATOR WIL M FRENCH FAIL TO I AT T 'Germans Report Counlcr-Attack Re sults In Useless Slauqhter Situa tion on Front Unchnnncd Artll ' lery Duels Raglnp, on Verdun and Wocxrc and Bclnlan Fronts. nintl.IN, March S.Tho official German ntatemont of today nays tho French sacrificed men unsuccessful ly In a counter attack on Fort Douau- inont, (ino of tho out!) lug defenses of Verdun, which wns captured by tho Gorninns. Tho situation on tho Frnnco-llel-glnn front, tho communication says, Is unchanged. The text or the statement follews: "Western frent: Tho situation Is unchanged. In tho Yser district the onomy's nrtlllory xvas very aotlvo. "On tho eastern bank of tho Mouse tho French suffered moro lossea In useless counter attacks against tho fortress of Dounumont. "Knr.tern rrent: In tho northern port or the front thero wero very spirited artillery engagements at sev eral places. German field gunH mado successful attacks on detachments of enemy troops. "Northwest or Milan, n Russian aircraft was shot down In an aerial fight. Tho occupnnts ot the aircraft wero captured. "German airmen successfully nt tacked tho Molodechiin railroad." Intermittent Firing. I'AIUS, Mnrclt 2. Tho war of flee announcement or this nftcrnoon saH that there was Intermittent bombardment or the Verdun mid Woevre rrrmt during Iho night, but that there were nn developments or Importance. The text or tho war orrico's an noiiucement reads: ' In tho Artols district east or the road running from N'ouvllln to hn- rolle, wo causod the oxploslon or a inlno locateil under an old crater which was occupied by the enemy, We took possession or tho now orator. "hi tho region or Verdun tho enemy bombarded xloleutly Inst night I.o Mort-llommo (tho dead man), at the Cote do I.'Olo, between Mnlancourt and Forges, as well as tho principal crossings or tho river Mouse.. There was llttlo activity on the part or the artillery to tho oast or tho Meuso. Germans Itcpulsisl. "In tho Woevre district, after an Intense rolulltory flro from tho ar tillery, the enemy yesterday evening delivered a spirited attack on our po sitions at Fresnem. Thoy wero nt onco driven buck by our counter nt- taek from tho few- positions which thoy had succeeded In penetrating. "In tho Lorraine district a bom bardment of several hours' duration against the Saints Marie farm west or llesnnge, was followed by nn at tack on tho pait of tho enemy, which resulted In complete failure. "hi Alsace, tontstho movements undertaken by strong German patrols against our outposts In the valley or the Launch were repulsed ly the use or hand greuadcH " ITALIAN SHIPS 10 T nOML, March 1, xiii Pari-. The Italian amhuBxudor nt Washington, Count Macchi, has been instructed to notify the American iro eminent that, notwithstanding the (ienitan and Austrian decree regarding the sinking of armed merchantmen, Ital ian uiorchuntuien will continue to carry armament. BY FELIX DIAZ PL PASO, Tex.. March -J. Ofiiciul (uVjuiul of operutioiis bi udliOents of Felix Duw ui tho iJougUs district of Kouoiu, was miide today bv .Mexican 1'i'iiMil I.elewtr fit" DioikIii-, An., in i ill p.itili(t)i tl M vfi a i iili-.iil.itr llU, 0 HON E CAPTURED OFF I Wireless Interrupted Near Coast of Brazil Reports That British Cruis ers Have Taken the German Auxil iary Cruiser Moewe Another Ver sion Vessel Was the Roon. IHTHNOS AlltKS, March 2. rross dispatches from Montevideo say that n steamor nrrlxlng from .Kurono In tercepted near tho coast dr Brazil a wlroloss mensago ethtlng that Brit ish cruisers hiid captured tho Gor man nuxlllnry c'rijlk'or Moowo. The Moowo, It Is said, xfrhs taken by tho British cruisers to" tho Is land or Trinidad. l'Yc'ncli Flro in Nltfit. Tho American ntenmor Santa Bar bara has arrived nt Montevideo, hor captain making tho announcement tlmt n Fronch cruiser, which put out Ironi Dnknr, on tho west coast of Africa, encountered a German rnldor, namo not glvon, nnd opened flro on hor. Under covor of dnrkness tho Gorman ship got nwny. 8ho was, however, damaged on her upper xvorks liy tho French riro. Thero is somo doubt, however, na to tho identity or tho Gorman vessol, reported to have been captured. An other version or tho account is thnt tho x'cssel In question Is tho German crulsor Boon. Tho Moowo rirst camo Into promi nence with tho arrival nt Hampton Honda soveral weeks ago or tho Brit ish Hteamshlp Appnm, In chargo or n German prlzo crox 8ho brought word or n mxstorlous German com merce raider, tho Moowo.-whlch xvas roaming tho sens and had captured and sunk seven British merchant men and admiralty transports In ad dition to capturing tho Appnm. Vigorous Search BcgiHi. Dispatches Trom tho Canary Is lands Into last month reported tho ar rival or the British steamer. West burn with n Gorinnn prlzo crew on board, said to bo from tho Moowo. According to thoso reports tho Moowo, continuing hor actlvltlos alt er capture or tfio Appani nnd tho seven other British vcssols botweon January ID and February 0, sank flvo Ilrltlsh steamers' off tho coast of Brazil. A vigorous soarch for tho Moowo was begun by tho British admiralty. Tho Moowo was reported to bo a tramp steamship flttedwlt'li' guns' for proylng on commerce of, tho cntento allies. Tho Gorman cruiser Boon xvas said to hnvo oscortod tho Moowo when tho Inttor captured the Appani. A report that tho Boon had been cap tured by the British emitter Drake off llormudn xvas published lust mouth, hut subsequently xvas de nied DEALINGS IN METAL L LONDON, March 2. Following tho announcement that uo spvur illative dealings would bo porniUte.it, In metals for making munitions, tilt) A 1W NIDAD UNO members ot tho London motal, (i change, today decided to susnen.l all .. dealings, with the exception uf thoM.. In tin. pending tho report of it dep uiation xvnieii will interview the minister of munitions tomorrow, Dealings in tho Qluaow i,ie iron murket also have been suspended. M LOYAL SAYS E WASHINGTON, 51a ohaJnuI P. Mueller, ot Uhleago, pclunt or tho National Assoolatiou of flrnfiUr pub- llsiiers ami editor of "J no ahicago AbudHisp told Preeldoivt VMIson to day be bollovod most Oe. o.imorl cans wore loyul to the I'nh ! 'Htjftes. DITOR The president told Mr. .Pm1IoT ha felt confldont that the Genua a-Auier-Icsf)', In common with ottwr AmS)(t cans of foreign birth, xvoro uU Mr luller declared therxna lq l'Olitt ,il aigmrkaucQ ta hs vislu o "