Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 29, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MM) OUt) M Vff, I NflU T, Ml WOUD. ni.f.n iimiW I I l:lM UV I'll'
lly A 0. Ifowloit
Mr Mrttl Mr uenffp t&fi der MM-
Ion and on. Hon, stfeemimtiled by
Mm l' nt Cirtnllf. w,,r
gnosis at the Ronnysiae en Ttieaa. '
AIM llonry Lostr. It. li. Mlrttftr. W
It Hammel and M)r. Pater Stoil
rturil. of llutto Fails.
Mr, Stoddard nunc out to spend
n taw dura to commit with Or. Holt
with rsgard to her health. And Mr.
Hummel hud Just returned from
serving on the grand Jury In Jack
sonville. Tuesday bolng a hoHday,
proved to bo qulle a noted da In our
little town, iiN that was the da on
whloh the Hdbekahs hold their rog.
tilar lodge meeting at night, and the
way It turned out will be n day long
to bo remembered by our blacksmith,
W. L. Chlldreth. for on that day. or
rath or evening, ho wan Joined In mar
rfngo to Mrs. Sophia Hoblnett, b
Itcv. I.. I.. Simmons, the pastor of
the Ha'ptlst church In thin place, in
the Odd Fellows' hall nt tho close or
the lodge work. They mnrched front
tho nntlroom, ttnv. Simmons In the
lend, J. W. Orovor with tho groom,
nnt then cumo Mrs. drover and tho
lirldo-to-bo, and stationed them
selves under an arbor on tho grand
-master'a thronh and amid tho most
profound silence Itcv. .SlminoiiH road a
portion of scripture nnd then Joined
them hi marriage. AfteY spending a
short tlmo In tendering congratula
tions therow ore at least thirty-two
of u h, seated at tho well supplied
tables for the supper that hud been
.prepared by tho friends of tho bride
and groom. Now It Is almost use
less for mo lo try to describe that
ftkiht for they lind almost everything
on tho table mid Ktilebonid that
the most fastidious could desire or
Imagine , After tho foam was over
tlio groom and wlfu arono to their
feet and Hi short address thanked
the brothers and Motor of the lodge
and visiting friends for their kind
ness In thus lionoilug them, after
which Mr. (V tool; u bov or dgurs
nnd Mth. C. a banket of oranges nnd
cllntrlblttnl thnm anions those pres
ent. And by thin time it, was nenr
11 o'clock so wo, after bidding tho
bride and groom a hearty good night,
began to start for our homes. Thus
oniled the day that Is commemorat
ed an tho birthday of tho rather of
our country.
On Wednesday It. D. Moke, pro
prietor of tho Horiio River Vnlle
cannery and bin sou, II. B. Hoke,
accompanied by George E. Johnson
were out getting tho farmers and
gardeners to tontrart to put In to
matoos for their cannery. And Mr.
Johnson was out hiiHtltng up busi
ness, for tho I. & K. It. It. Thoy
seemed to bo succeeding quite well
In thulr undertaking. They weic all
nt tho Simn.VfcUlo about 11; o'clock
iinou and no was .1. II. Drlstoll and
Kd. Walker, the men who aro look
ing after the gamo and birds, nnd
Mtini Sundry, the deputy fltdi war
don. Them was not anything of In
tonwt oeeurlng Hint day. only a few
of the farmers cmno to town to liao
thole pldws shniponinl or to got some
thing thoy had to have: they are too
busy farming tlili. lovely weather.
Mut Thursday was another tathor
noted day ns two moio hearts were
Joinod togother until death doth
them nsrt. Vos, wo had another wed
ding In our neighborhood on Thurs
day, two weddings In one neck In a
thinly sottlml community is not so
had, and there have been four cou
plori so united since tho lflth day of
January. Thne out of the six were
hewrder at the .Stinnysldc, and there
Ik talk of two more weddings from
the same hostelry. Tho hidlos are
surely taking advantage of tlio lesp
jot'ir soasou. Hut I did not toll who
Were married. Tho last couple that
woro married was Samuel II. Court
n uy and Mlw Samuntha (Mattle)
Mlntwr, on ThtiMtdnr, Tebniary 2 1,' at
tho rosldenco of tho bride's father, It.
It. Winter, by Itev. I.. I. .Simmons.
Thore were tlilrtj-two persons pros
mt, all told, and after the marriage
ceremony was performed we were
seated at u long table, at least eigh
teen of us were, and O, audi n spread
but what in the use of talking
Hbout a big feed out In this llutte
Omsk country. Well, after we bad
oaten moio than piudeuce would dic
tate, the second course vame on, Ice
en in and cake. Houte of them bad
the faculty of holding out. especially
the three preschor. Ite Simmon;. I
be Is a staor; Itev. Smith, the Sun
day school man, nnd your corre- (
HiMiiident tried to keep up with him,
but signally failed In the course of I
time wo all loft tho table and took,
a stroll sreund und bad some photos
taken of tho group and the taiiill),
tiisn they inarched back to the table
and commence to eat cake and be
creum again, but right there I drew
tb lino fbrow up the sponge and
willed After spending the most of I
tb flrnoen with the family we be-1
inn to 9iarate. wishing the iul
we44 lOHg and prosperous Journ-)
through lire.
Krtdai tker was nelblng of hpt
elal isHarovi occurred uutil at uigbt.
UDhMC It wft that Hr- and Mrs Aus
tin SM I.. K. achwalbaasen, of Med
fer4. cssae out to pd a part of the
day YlaUMg U liwltt fauiliy. Mr
In i idlii rt' Mi n"iil'i "f
run in ((hi iful i UniNi end I Ur iifod ir
iLfiirw of h mill. nM thsf In nil
of hi-, (ratals to 1KHI toHor soon any
rtonlrr to Mimfwrp !! H"H" rhcr
PrMay Hlkt Jlfl. Won. lli MiilV
levnnKCirm. wn mm both irwinrm
h''r', ,r ' ,IM,f "r
tsliimwit In the opnrs bens that was
net ogfjr von llM(Mfrtg, ' but fn-
atruFtlfr Hhs openod the nrrlai
by having the entire awd9e of orr
100 Join lit Hlngleg 'America," with
'Mist' Clair .Xlmmeritmu an pianist.
and they song It with a vlw that
you don't rintl outside or Kagto 1'olnt.
She then gave Ms a short talk and
miik several of those old southern
melodies that wo u9to hear In our I
Childhood (lays that would almost
raise tho hnlr on a bald head. She
then Introduced Miss Clair Jlmmor
man and she rendered "A VVnrnlng,"
In her own peculiar stylo and It was
received with an outburst of ap
plause. Then Mrs. Owen gavo us
a fine addrose and whistled for about
half an hour, when she bade us good
night. The entire company (teemed
to regret that she did not talk long
er, for she surely can hold an au
dience. John Holtz, onp of the forost rang
ers, spent the night with us I'rlday.
Mr. Uufrey, who owns a sawmill
between hero and Dutte I'ulls, has
established n lumber yard hero nnd
1 understand that Mr. Newport, the
dopot agent, will look after It at
.1. II. Cooley, Piofeasor C. li. John
son nml Mr. Lye-roll wore hero for
dinner Saturday.
Mr. mill Mr. Oiie C'otterill of the
Meudow are vifitiug its tlie valley
tlili week.
Mr. and Mr. .Ichko (Hupm ti ml U-t-ear
Hotlgcr of Heagli1 laotoreil lo
Mtull'ord Moudiiv on laud biihinetni.
Hell l'linimnu ii jiluwinir I""' ""1
Morrison for his siriii: ,,r"l ol'xniiu.
Itube Moore liiul a luiinl'iil neeldent
tins week. He wn elmwing n steel
to the eoiTiil on a liHivhacked lior-c.
The hore was throwu'liy u calf nml
Ituhe had his wrist put out of plneo
in tin1 miui ami other bruises nml
will luive lo I'tirry lib nnu m a sling
for ii few days.
Siime iHiilies in Mcdfoul have a
larxe herd of gnat on the iiijver Ta
ble Ruck. !' runic Mtseiii is Hie
Tlioinas .loiics, one of Auliooli"
pioKeer tanners, was in Medfonl thin
week on Innd liusinefs.
The spelling- eontekt between the
t'litiparnil selioul mid Hie Sum k al
ley M'hnol was n ielory for the
( he m mi I pupils. Itolli of them did
lemnrkubly well and are progressing
in these studies, and it is a credit to
the teacher of both sehooN.
There will be a (lit nee at the Monte
residence at the upper Table Hock
Satimlny )iigl)t. Muieh I.
Clnude Chapman and sihiei, Vi
ola und Mytlle, and MIhk .ellu Tay
lor Hint Mr. Abbott, Mr., moloied to
(irents Pass Sumluy.
Mr. Trowbliilge of M'edford motor
ed out to his Antioeh ranch Saturday
with a load of young fruit trees.
Reported by Jackson County Ab
tract Co., Blitb and Fir HU.
Cliciilt Court.
Stale of Oregon vs. Fulton Smith,
Hoy Klllntt v. IUa! Klllott; affi
davit service of summons by mull.
Annie IC Haker vs. W. P. Uaker;
nfflvadit service of sumnions b) mall.
Ileal IJstnte Tiiiiisfei,.
. II. Slngler to O. IC. IHack
Ingtou. 1 aere In see 33, twp
30, It 3W IJS.9K
vV II. Slngler to I W Wslcli.
laud In Kci-v I and ' twp
ST. It l'K K.:5 M
Man U lilikerdlke t' .i In
This is
Stove Polish
TTUS dlfreri t trot
I others bet. u in, ,
is taken In t'-J i ri
.m 1 the m .t.iuh t I ara
higher grade.
Black Silk
Stove Polish
Mikti a brmi.r.t. ni: v nt?
net rub eft or U'i t :t mi :., ' , i .
loor Jiuii- (4 jr;: o-, .i c.i,
pailh. V .ej -in -. . iplu i ik .,oa vid
tyllrJwa(u .,n I jr -pr.U r
AS Mk M B Ii J I M '1! Jf Afot,
W' Bpffcr it . ur , oj i.r ir oo
immJ, wur 4rimr , , iXlA.iaii ' , r, tu 4 4Mr
111 WW I iwl mi llu. Kilk S" I ,u.
Black Silk Stovo Poliih Works
Stcrltar. IUibam
tM BUch Cllk MrOtyt Un SruM. m
'A !( SUk MlUI fUJlh I. r . i Kfce,
wStu, li Uh imi mm1 fc umiu. NUuuMa.
Ihi mw i ' M
Use-i: V
aW. v
t ilwi H
"'" " '
l l Kl' aMll III li ii
i ii n '
.ore I, Hsff et at in I'
rnfcfcolis). mlnifM Hfsfertr
III f 1K ! II R It fW
Ms infs .larks rt Ir id Jo
tOHi Cobri, lot in l.Ht
(TiaVs adtT .Martftfrd . . .
amm P.'KiHgtot Hr io r. a.
Merrick, laud lu Kooa It
U f r?: i-ai, it if fi-ii,
I H, I-l-tl, t W. IMI. t
ft: l(H. It
IIOI1S--Alrvr, O'je.
STKEKS Alhe.-ifffAVic.
COWS Alie, a,j.
KAL-Dri-iaoil, S(H)llc.
Mve Poultry
HENS light, l'Je:1ienvy, l:ie; old
roosters, 7o; Ings, lie; spriug, He.
DUCKS Fat, bo.
(1KKSE Km, fle.
TL'HKKYS Jfl(St17c, acroiillng to
UKLQ1AN HA11ES. H to Go.
liny nn(t Grain
(Hnyin'lf Prices.)
WHEAT $1. 0(1 liiUliul.
OATS $118 ton.
1IAV Alfulfn, ,?lf ton; Rraiu, $13.
1IAHLEY Whole, i?J8.
Prlcvs I'Mid irj- nrjrters
EOCIS if' ae. '
W'TTEK Dniry, 2 lbs. 50c.
ONIONS 'Jc per lb.
IIONEV l'Je per lb.
cmr.K 2re.
l'OKK 8ffl8V&o.
UUD 10c.
BACON 13fo)lSc.
HAM lCc.
lll'TTEH KAT fllo.
B L'TTEIi-WliuIcMle. 30o.
Precincts Mod ford North Main nnd
West Med ford register now at tho
MallTrlbnno office
' S V-' v
,-" sV-$"$i(-M
How To Get Hcllcf When Head ;
i uad Nose are StufTod Up.
Count ftflj! Your cold in hwj or
iciUrtli disappear. Your ilogUfil "on
trlli will eH-n, tliu air pnstati'- ef your
licnil will elenr and Jon .un bn-itht
freely. No more HuuttUnir, hawLnif,
inucoiM discharge, dry net or tmiJitrlii-;
no struggling for hrentU at ui'lit.
Oct a siniill liotthi uf KIj'j Cmmi
IIaIui from your druggl't and aly a
little of this frsgrunt uut inpt i- crmm
In your noatriU. It jicnjlrntex tlirmigh
imry nlr paMSgn of the bead, uitliini:
mid lieitllng tliu siYnllcii or inllMiio)
muroUs raonitrstie, giving iu iii'tnn
relief. llcsd rnlils und entarih yicli!
like insuii' Don't stsy stulfnl-up and
inlM-ralilc. Itcllof t euro.
I hereby announco my candidacy
for tho nomination for nhcrlff on the
republican ticket, to bo voted upon at
the coming primaries, May 19th,
I have held the position of deputy
sheriff for the past four years and am
thoroughly familiar with tho duties
connected -with tho offlco, both cleri
cal and outside work.
I feel that I am competent to hold
the position, nnd ir nominated and
elected, will give tho pooplo of Juck
son county an efficient and economi
cal administration.
I also agree If elected to enforce
all laws.
Adv. li. W. (Curley) WILSON.
I am a eandldato for tho nomina
tion of fthorlft on the republican
ticket to bo voted for at the primaries
May 19. 191 U. If nominated und
elected I will oufor.eo Hit law und
give the public an honest, impartial
and efficient administration.
37 years In Jackson county.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for ttie republican nomination for
sheriff, to be voted on at the nomlux
primaries, Muy 19th, 1910.
I feel that' I need no Introduction
to the public having been a resident
of Jackson county for 20 years.
I pledge myself, if electud, (o give
an Impartial, economical and cbn
senatlve administration of this Im
portant office
I hate undeavored to sorvx the
puMIc faithfully lu the post and
agree. If elect!, to strictly und
Impartially enfoiie all laws. Having
a lery large experience In the mat
ter uf taxutlon and knowing Jack
hon county thoroughly, I pledge my
'If to conduct tliu tax collection
branch of tho office lu sueb a muiiuer
is to servo the taxpjers honestly,
promptly and efficiently.
Ailv W. T. (iitircvis.
niSTP.irr ATToit.vuv
I I am a oaridldate for ro-oleetlon
I to tbtt office of district attorney.
Adv. K. K KKLLV.
T hereby announce that I have
filed my declaration of Intention to
become a candidate for the repub
lican nomination for the offlco of
District Attorney for Jackson County,
Oregon, ssbjsot to tho decision of the
republican party, at the primary else-
ttou to bo halil Mar 19. 1I1-
I Adv.
(1. M. KOUBKTg.
- i
I hereby aunoiwce that t have fllod i
my declaration of Inleutions, and that
I am a candidate for tha dvmooraifu,
uo mi nation lor tho offieo of latrlet
attorney, aiibjoet to tho Mny prioiar-
ioa U.I urn nomlnntod ami olootwl .
to tbU office, I proiuuo 't to forgnt)
ir in rin i
if 1 1
itiiHf.M.vnsAi itnvnuiis
are ggarantewl to glre rllf from
rhiHthTBlIilfl.' They f tWhally large
selbjf Seta only l us, Oft and
the fait that I am a public servant,
aad that I will to tho bost of my
aklllty administer the affairs of tho
office? frTTfHrrtlally, lienastly and
without rear tir faror.
The first of tin enr a number of
reiuibllcans. Including many who ap
proved of my efforts In the Interest
of the taxpayers as state rereetitnt
tlve four years ago. requestor me to
becomn n candidate for the office of
District Attorney, inasmuch us there
would be, In addition to tho regular
duties of tho criminal and Juvenile
courts, new duties mid conditions
confronting the office. Among these
were mentioned the enforcement of
the prohibition ait, and the llkell
hood of limine to foreclose many tax
liens, particular those iigalUNt the
Southern Pacific latin grant or nearly
half million acres in Jackson county,
amounting to about $200,000.
My reply wns that 1 would become
ii candidato If It were generally cio
sired and tho race could be made
without assuming special obligation
to any particular individual, faction,
locality or Interest.
Therefore, niter consulting person
ally or by letter sooral hundred men
and women of nil occuputlona In
all parta of the county, believing
there Is a real desire Tor my candi
dacy, I will be a candidate for the
nomination of District Attorney on
the republican ticket.
Deputy County Treasuter Myrtle
W, Hlnkuloy announces her candidacy
for tho office of iounty trousurur.
I hereby nunouuie my candldncy
on the republican ticket tor the of
fice of county treasuror, to bo voted
on at the coming primaries. I have
hold tlio position as deputy In this
office for the past )ear and am con
fident that I can fulfill the duties
connected therewith
J served two years as deputy coun
ty recorder before taking the posi
tion as deputy county treasuror; I
have aUo had experience ns account
ant for several corporations, such na
the Medford Concrete Construction
company and Medford Ice and Stor
age Company, before taking up coun
ty work, mid will say that my past
record Is opou for Inspection to the
voters of Jackson county.
If nominated and elected I will run
tho office without the oxpnn) of n
deputy and continue to serve the pub
lic just as eriioient in tnu itituro ns
I havo In the past.
I hereby announce that. I liavo filed
my declaration uf intention to be
come a candidate for the ropubllcab
nomination for the office of county
treasurer, to he otc1d on in the corn
lug primaries.
If I am nominated and elected will
conduct the utrira in an efficient and
busluoasllko manner.
Adv. JtOY h. MAULK.
I hereby aunounoe tnat I havo
filed my declaiatlon of Intention to
bocomo a candidate for the republi
can nomination for tho office of
county clerk, for Jackson county,
Otugon, subject to the decision of tho
republican party at tho primary elec
tion to be held May 19, 1910.
Adv. (Llltle) JOB II. WILSON.
I hereby announce that I havo
fllod my declaration of Intention to
become k cundldnto for tho republi
can nomination for the office of coun
ty rlerk, for Jnokson county, subject
to the decision of the republican par
ty, at the primary election to bo held
May 19, 1!MB
Adv. A. N. lllLDKIirtAND.
I hereby announco ray candidacy
on tho republican ticket for the of
fice of Couutv Kohool Superintend
ent for Jackson county, Oregon, sub
ject to tho wilt of Hie republican
parly at the primary election Mny
19. I stand for practical school ef
ficiency, personal supervision of the
sclioois and elimination or county
school supervisors.
I hnreby annoume my candidacy
for the office of county assessor of
Jsckaon county on the republican
ticket, subject to Hie primary on
May 19. I pledge myself to an
honest, efficient. Impartial and econ
omical discharge of the duties of the
office and proso to wako all assess.
moots upon tho basis of ths true
actual value of tho, pioprty and not
upon any Inflated valuation.
I herewith announce mv candidacy
for countv a'scasor, subject to the
decision of th jonnhllpan party at
the primarv election to be held Mav
19, 1ft I rt. If elettod I pledge my sol f
to make a Just ami equitable assess
ment und administer the affairs of
tho office In a lu.aluea-llke manner.
County KiIhmiI Superintendent.
rCo the tuters: I am reuublicaii
candidate lor county achool super
Intomleiit at tho niimary elotllon,
May 19, laic
I am for uii-rv8loii of I be schools
b) the superliiieniloiit and for econ
omy in the ciuaty superlnleuduui's
office and oveiy ploro where It does
nut rotard tin efficiency of tho
I uni lu favoi of prouri'Htdvo eduui.
Hon, that Is. eiluoailou that prepares
uoy or gin ir me. i am for ail
baring a square foal aud on oqiutl
ehsneo fo, au 4ueailou.
if nominated nnd ehsotoU I will
do evory tbln in my power e wake
tho arhoolt at JavckwN eouptr tho
beat Ht tho aUto. ' rt
Adv. - A. J. ILWIIY.
t ii, . i ii
til l im I l i iM ! uf Id
!'l MM I
mil thru I rn ,i null l,ttr fur Mir ir
iiblran nominal ion fur 'he nffWa or
CittfMtf Of! a..h.riiMft"ti(
Uli Moll rnilBfi i1m.i to llie pr1
lli,irl of Ma. !
if penilnafil nnd eleried I iled
mywlf te ait honssi. Imiwrtlal and
wonSfHk fldmlnlitratloH and will
naraonotlr imHorvtae oar sehools.
I hold an Oregon life eertlflcate,
ami tMTlHg raeeatly spent four sa
storts on iirofwrntory work, both Ih
the I'nlterslty of Oregon and In the
University of California In tho study
of modern cdueallen and stiperri
ilon, and having served tho county
aa rural MUeol supervisor far two
years, t feel competent In fill the office-In
a thoroughly satisfactory man
ner and hereby solicit the support of
every true friend of education.
Adv. O. W. AOHIt.
AUniltilstniior'ii Notice
In the couittv court of tho state
of Oregon, for the county of Jnek
eou. lu tho nmtter of the estate of Ar
nold Ilanboltor, deceased.
Notice Ih heleby given that on tho
31st day of January, 1!11C, the under
signed was dul) npiHiluted adminis
trator of the estate uf Arnold llau
holser, deconsod, by the county court
of the state of Oregon for tho county
of Jackson.
All persona having claims against
the estate of mild decedent nre here
in notified to present the same, with
proper vouchers, within six months of
the date Hereof, to me, tin; under
signed, nt Ilutlo Kails, Jackson coun
ty, Oregon.
Dated J'chruory 1st. 10 10.
I'OH HUNT Klvo-room, modorn,
furnished bungalow, gulden, bor
rlee, ?1S mouth. No children.
:i:t:i Knlc'a at. sun
POU HUNT Modem (l-room bun
galow on King atreet. Inquire it 10
South Oiikdiilo. 231!
COU ItKNT furnished hounokoup
rooms, 28 1 Hast tith. Call after
C. 290
Oll SALIC MICnijb.l.KOUt4
FOIt"SALK-Tlilri! croTof alfalfa
lui). A. K. llauley. Phone ii 1-JS.
FOll HALK Underwood No. ft and
L. C. Hmlth No. 5 typewi Iters, In
good condition; clump, terms. Ad
dress Typewriter, Mall Tribune.
FOH SALK 1913 Indian Twin nio
torcyale lu good condition, .SOS.
Walker's llarage. 392
FOIt 8AL14-I37-.I.
Alfalfa bay. Phone
FOIt SALH I'Ihiio. iwo-Kisitod hack,
two saddles. J. C. Homing, Central
FOll HALB Mitchell spring wagon,
double-seated hack, with top, plow
and small dlsu harrow. II. L, Nab
bit, Capital Hill. Phono 370-L. 292
POU SALKilaby carriage, collap
Hlble, with hnoil and rubber tires;
good condition. $'- 737 W. 1 1th
lit. 292
FOll SALK CII1CAP-- flood hack, sin
gle harness and hand cart. Union
Llxory barn. 800
FOll HA LH Haled hay, $10; young
biood sown (S) SO each; heifer
cnir, 0 mo. old, SU; 100-egg Ineu.
bntor. S3. CO; light spring wagon,
51K; llron.e turkeys. Mrs. 1). .l.
McN'nsser, Central Point. Phone
h:i-xy. :ih
FOH HAL10 milestone nt 2S rente
per pound. Krncst Webb, Central
Point. 294
KOH SALB--Or part trade, n good
paying established biislnoss jn
Klamath Falls, Ore.; will take part
trade; Invoice $1500; reason for
selllni;, going east; what have you?
Addross Ilox U3G, Klumnth llls.
Ore. 393
FOR SALWUiB"soiIii ok Side
hoaid, ohlld'a folding boil. Call
1009 West 9th. 893
FOR SALK 1000 gallon oil tank
and 400 gallon hauling tank. Kr
nest Webb, Central Point. 292
KOR SALK -ttteain hoisting engine,
Westlughoiise air compressor. IC im
pel side dump car, loon ft. s-lb.
rail. Oregon riranlle Co.
FOR SALB -Qr trade, one second
bund auto t flick, I ton. In good
oondltlnn; will trade tor second
hand Ford. Appl to llox 533.
Ashland, Ore. 288
FOR HAL14- Oveilaud roadster,
Vood running order, snap. S22&
rnsl(. Phono IKN-ll. between 0 and
7 p. in.
FOR 8ALB -Roudan grass and Col
lege Minnesota Ko. 13 teeil corn.
F. 8. Charley, Itrowusboro, Ore.
FOR HA LIC Ford one man tops mid
top work of all description. Med
ford Tent and Awning Co, 1UC N.
Front, Phone -K 295
l . ,- IS. J. W IJH .
Twenty ier rent lower than pub
lished befoie,
Koar Crook biilooi. half In
cultivation J 12.10
Hear Crook bottom, all In
Rticky, thfo-fourtba suRlvat
peeert, UtMtOr cllteh ...,,.. ..
Com menial Orchard, cktilro.
115. id
Applegole, Irrigated, half l fultlva
tlon, Improved . . .. 80.00
unit MB NOW
J. C. BARN&&
t'bus 799
lull III ir It HMsH tPH
mil MMVT fHftmof fr
Tie MeMien, in (Jel'i g(
t- -- i
I'Oll lilt VI MiHf'ltl.l.fNr'OI'H
KOIt ItKNT lianih In rent Inn and
AMlf nlrot froas Medford str.
bfitltnfs and rsiitort. Phone 'i-J:
FOll SAI.ry-MrtrrqjftnW
eOfl RALM Six gooil. frosh milk
raws. ahM gOHtle saddle attg work
IMJiiy C. W. Peurt. 311 Ashland
at , 2 blocks south of hospital. 203
FoTTaALBWork toom. good flesh,
weigh itboHt IftOO Ion. eanh. (for
tttilch sole. SI SO Pslmer Piano
Plaeo. Phew sQ-J.
FOIt SALKToam, wagon and Imr
ntsisi horses weigh 1280. SMC
Taylor St. 29 1
FOR 8ALB 20 horses must be sold.
See Walsh, at tlnlou Livery Ham.
So. IHversldo Avo. 'J97
FOll 8ALK Span mules. Frank
Adams, Control Point, Ore. 293
FOll SALK Young red cow, also
John Deeie disc plow. 11. V.
Crtim, near Lone Pine school
house. 1!92
FOH RAL1S Ono flrst-clnss Jorsoy
cow. J. II. HtpvcttH, Tolo. 291
Fon fMiiiv rottiriiY jnd i:gcis
FOIt HALK One turkey gobbler
flironto), mm Ilerkshlre boar, two
, llotkshlre sows; all young) well
bred slock. .1. 11. Webster. Phone
FOR .SALU-llatchlnn eggs, day old
chicks, O. A. C. strain, from trap
niHttml. bred-to-lay R. C. W. Leg
horns; egg production first, but I
also nave finality. At Mo. ureg.
Poultry Hluiw I wou two firsts, one
second mid three specials on six
bltds entered. W. J. Warner, Med
ford. Phone C.9C-M. 310
FOR SALB The fa'mous MeClmin
liuu Incubator, made at Bugeno.
Sum pie cub be seen at Medford
Poultry & Bgg Co. 28!l
FOR SALB-Kgus for hatching, HII
ver or Uolddn Camplncs from prlao
winning htrulu. Call 14 Cottage st.
or phone GIG.
FOR SALK Bggs from rnngo raised
11. C. Huff Leghorns. Win. J.
Ferns, Medford it. F. I). I or phone
Mrs. A. 11. FeriiH, 19-F2. 291
FOll HALE -Bggs from prlxe win
ning Huff Orpingtons, SI per 15;
SR per hundred. J. W. Shlrloy,
2S Almond st.
FOll SALK S. C. R. I. Rod hotting
eggs. Telephone or write Brnest
Webb, Central Point. 292
FOIt SALB Bggs from selected
winter laying nnd prUe wjnnlug
strain of H. C. Rhode Island Reds;
SI per setting. Mrs. C. ti. Lammoy,
Rogue Hirer. Oro., It. 1. 292
FOR HALE Bgga for hatching, R. I.
Reds; also P Rocks. Tel. 488-N.
I). llradley, 811 Dakota. ' 2911
ron 8AL!c-nrc.iLi kstath
FOR HALE- 71 acres Hoar creek
bottom ut .Seven Oaks station, flue
buildings, water right, pi leu nli
Itolutol) right. II. H. Plckard, Cun
tral Point. Phono 143-X2. 29b
FOR SALE Some of the bent stock
ranches lu Jackson county, cattle
go with tho ranches. ' Come mid
see what I havo, T. C. dallies.
Trail, Ore. C t
FOR BALE Will take!300 for my
equity In nice home and acre of
ground. For Information call 292
FOR SALE Fine, modern bunga
low, close In, at big sacrifice for
Immediate sale. Clark Realty Co.,
200 Phlppa bldK.
FOR SALE--Some of the host stock
ranches In Jncknon county; cattlo
go with tho ranches. Como sco
what I have. Phone. T. ('. Gallic,
Trail, Oro. 311
FOR BALK flood slook ranch with
wntor right; good ranpo, nt a bar
gain. Inquire Hex Sfi Jacksonville,
Oregon, 300
VANTEJ)-"RlngTe nian. 25 to 30
years of age, to trarel with adver
tising irew; steady position with
good opportunity for worker. Ap
ply W. B. D. 21
U'AM'IIII Uhlrrilfl.,rtOlJH
tmm. wnajPMMsios ii- iiw
WANTED To buy about 10 rods see.
und-band Page fencing lu good ion
dttion Phooe 777-L. 293
WANTED - HiiialMtact on "PaTlTlc
Highway for cash. Clark llenlty
Co , 2U0 I'lilpi bldg
WASTED -Setting hens. Phone
uIl-JI lira ddreOH Hoc l0, Route
No. i. ml ford'. Oregon. 2'J2
V A NTE i) - -Sheep" Imui gh t "anil soid .
Roaouhorg llros., Central Point,
Phono aixxxl. 3n;
WANTED Dreasnuhing at home or
by day. Ill 8. Central, Pbuna
WANTED KninJTmllf wants worn
on, full time; salary SI& weekly,
distributing guaranteed hosiery, or
16 cents au hour siure time; por
mgnent work; oxperleneo unuoo
ownry. Address Mauager Interim.
Usual Mills. Norristowu. Pa.
by l(ov J T. Sanderlnnd, ami oth
er Unitarian litorniUfW aent free to
tnaulrers, Address Miss Musel
Uwrtou. t'eutral Point, it. V. D. No.
I, Oregon. ' 311
FOR aULU OR TltADB fora Place In
ur nonr Mo4ford. fnmatag outfit
Including ajwxl Iom. WrU. mo for
doocrlptlofl. A, IC honr4, XiPjo
Itlvw. Oronm.
'Mill S I I'
.TlHrVII' ("..rrri rlshl tiled
While, wire mi In leri froot
tot tiifr id'Tin. nisrTMi owner
idfl set iiT'ilMTfi li
sej) nml ,i, .luncs
I TO 51
r Mtliit for
Iirk Ph6ni
TAKatW rp f Itrae onltle, ono Jersey
ow. drp off lft ear, belt on; ono
Jorooy heifer, erow off loft our;
ono rod Moor calf, bell on. Owner
mar bam Mine by ilnK ehnrnion.
W. II. Lamb. Motiford. Ofe. 291
iSSdNA0 i
TO LOAN 11000 on Improved ranch
llolmoa the Insuranco Man.
Auto Rupplles
nre operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Uso our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee 20 "North FIttconth 8t.,
Portland, Ore.
QUO. W. CHERRY Attorney., and
Notary, Room 9, Jackson County
Dank nulldlng, .ontranco N. Cen
tral, Medford, Ore.
PORTHR J. NEFF Attorney nt law,
rooms 8 and 9, Medford National
Uanlt llulldlng.
Coroy hldg,
O. M. ROI1BHT8 Lawyer.
Medfdrd National Rank Building.
.'wTiiivscoYob"' "
Oarnott-Corey Dldg., ulto
Medforo, Ore. Phono 850.
Collections nnd Reports
collcctod somo nccounta 14 yonrt
old. Wo know how to got ths
money. Tho Uuiiock Mercantile
Agonoy, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, lias
kins' Dldg., 21 G E. Main st.
-irrir-r:it--nfc:3-r ; tat-.- . -
ICnulnecr und Contractor
PREP N. CUMMINOS Snglnoor and
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Dldg
Survejs,, estlmntcn, Irrlgatlou
dralniigo, orchard and land lm
provoment. luiurnnco.
EARL 3. TUMY Ooncrnl Insuranco
office, Fire, Automobile, Accident,
Liability. Plate Olass, Contract,
nnd Surety llonds. Excellent com.
pnntcs, good local service No.
210 (laruott-Coroy nidg.
Instruction In Mutdc
401, Onrnott-Coroy bldg. Fred AU
ton Halght. piano; Mrs. Florence
Hnllldny Halght, volco. Pbons
FRED ALTON 1IA10UT, teacher of
piano mid harmony. Composor
and arranger of music. Ilnlght
.Music Studio, 101 Oaniutt-Corey
aARRAOE Got your promlsoi
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on the city garbago wagons for
good service. Phone 274-1. F
Y. Allon.
sr s -x-rrjiz-
I'liyslclatLS nml Murgcons
" " T" ' t ss w irsriBni,-jp-s rnuri srn A
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic
physlolnnt, 416-417 Oarnott-Corey
bldg., phono 1030-L. Residence
2fi South Lnurel st
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician, 303 Oarnett-Coret
building. Phono 130.
5n. J. J. EMMEN8 Phyalcianand
surgeon. Practlto limited to eye,
ear, noio and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasica sup
plied, Oculist nnd Aurlst for B. P
R. R, Co. Office? M. F. & II. CO
bide., opposite P. O. Phono 667
DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon Phones, otfloo 30, real
donee 724 -J. Office hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
DR, MARTIN C. RAIinBR-Physl-olan
And surgeon. Offlco Palm
block, opposite Nash hotel Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
T. O. HEINE. M. D. Eye. Bar
Nose mid Throat. Headaches and
uervoiiH conditions rellovod by
properly fltbwl glasses. Cross oyes
. straightened. Office 23 8 E Main
st , phone 303. Consultation free.
flORDO NMAOCmAl'KENrM. 1). t
HoinoopatblQ Physlnlan, Surgeon,
228 East Main St., Medford, Ore
gon. Offlco phono 142, rosldenco
phone 732-R2. Office hours 1 to
4 p. m.
Dr7(L W.VrBPHBNSON Pbyslajnn
and Optician. Calls answered.
Byes tested; Ulasseo fitted that
will correct any defect of vision;
prices reasonable. Phono 8G?-X,
Office nt rosldenco for the prosont,
Mo4fortl, Oroson, 148 S. Holly.
Printers nml Publisher
boat equipped printing offlso lo
coutharn Oregoo; book bludlng,
looao leaf laslatoro. blllins aytemsj
eta PorUoiiil nrlves. 27 Nortb
Fir sL .
i ortistt 13 Ninth Front at. Pbons
315. Pricoa right. Sorvlro guar
fj ta- 3rs-t -- . - i.'Sij;
Huulng Mneblueo
SALK Oil nNT fcowe tiHod niu
chlut olao lor agio. Claojalng anil
"'I-'' liMJ. Baldolo0lKauo for Mo
ii om (uua7 to euawmer. kwi- n
,'Oi. cvnitol. Phoft '.,
JjO! Woat Alalo 8t.
o o
c:5o C