r ; VCK TOVU mummi M.ur, TumrNr; MMnpoup, oimov, tiuhhw. mmvAnv ?f. fftin -v k iVr' i I '.i r, . l-j I r iWit -i tiBtfOlU) ill AIL T1UHUMIS UXCm'T M'SHAT fit Till mihWori rifiMTi.fn c TOfto Mall Trllmt . nuli.tln. Keen nf trr. tti.piin ;. Mall Trllmt . nulMIn. it-tl.t Tha rtomorm He Tim. rat &ifftf Mall. The MttifnM trrviiM, fh Bee IIH en ONffvmtit, Th AsMbni Trtniee. unnoRinriorr xatcr On yser. or mai ....... ...... tt.N (mm month, by mail...-. .... M I'or HMinlk, Mllvrl by enrrler In Mart ford, Itimnlx, JaekseMrttle. and Central Point .60 HitHrrtay only, by mult, per yenr. 2 99 wtttny. par yer... . 1.60 rfflelal rapr of thD Cltr f Medfard. Official Ptr of Jaekaen County. EfltSrari an second-claa matter bJ 5J1WE ottl, Oregon, under the not of i Mnroli Sworn Clreulatlon for 191 4. 2111, I'Nll leased wire Asaoelated Press ilia atoms. Siilisorltinrn fnlllttR to rc oelvo pnpora promptly, phono Circulation Manager at 26011 ' ! HONG KONG KOLUM Today's Worst Middle. iWlirn In money ilnnip? Answer: Whim It Is duo In tho morning nnd mlHt at nli;lit! (Subtli! hIii ff. boys nubile stuff.) . All In tho l'nmlly. Tho oiIIIop'h wife's cow 'a hclfor, whltfh Is mimed "llossy," brought In n duo cnlf yesterday morning, nud soon wo will bo having pUiuty of milk mid butter.- The WhllosbtirR (Ky.) Nowh. Tlirrti tr People l.lkc This. Tlu'ro wuh a lottil ccllpso of. tlni moon, Wednesday night, hut tuoHt I, Inn ('rooltnrs missed It. Tho strout lights hud not lioou turned on yet. Mini Ori'uK (Mo.) Reveille. The Kvcnt of tho Sanson. Thn feature of tho ovoulnj wuh thu opoulni; of n "Nlght-bloomlng Coroe." Fnlminunt (N. 0,) Mnestiu. Hon Cm, Itlnl ChIi. The qutckeat way to get a highly teapectajile woman mail In to tall bat aha Iniike a If aim had Jum 'rtflKrtl out ot thn latest fatliiou Why: lh Why da tlu-y cull thin soup ptwjee He Jacket T HeWt.ll. you see, 4rksnu le tho .Mine of the ohef. and ho hud m hand In lt.-firvart UitniiwHi. On of 'Tun. pUtuaiMt Doh'i tho mrttttora Um u with thu iiiMtltmi thtir rtator Ytp. What l do you WftHt tu know? JMtr. TodayS IWtlli-inuoi'. A llloniry club wiu oibhiiIiwI by wo m on In u aiiburb of Itoaton. I'or h H'hllo orsri'tliliu; wont hIoiik hwiti tlfully. One ovhiiIiik, whlhi thn Urowng wtiro huvliig illnnor, Mr. HmwH miKimI: "Wall, I noi. did you hve k ploua Ht woUhii at your club thin nftoc. ntnT" "Oh. ywi, Ur," rtmllml Mra. IIibwii with Kioxt tmthiiKlfiHm. "It wh ronlly u aplundld mootlun. About tint bent mo huu hud, I think." "ludeod," fwld tho liiubnud, who Maa aot w firm ballovor In waniHU'a oluba; "wtmt wa tho topic uuJor iIImumIou today?" i!r. Urown euuldu't wm to ro wombnr hi find. I'lnwlly, howuvor. ho H'lnlmtMl trluiuphnutly. "Oh. )oa. 1 lonmmbwr. W dla ruaaoil that brmon-laokluK woman wtth rml hulr that's juit iiunod In acraaa the ali-fNM and Xhaktwuo." - I'MUulolpUlM l.edgoiv Siijs tlni fi'hl mi tlio I'lliii, If IKIMI IHUlUl Will OIll.V lllMtllt km auto that la aa good a nolf-alcoror im iba uUMaahlttutHl buggy a lot of hand bwlUlug ouug iouul4i I huuw of iMll htm blaattU. lial to the Shiiio 'I'linok. ar Hi njm that by thw Hiua thn wit anow cia off uaxt fall h baMt cau play a In hum pi km of ntHak, ai it in th) U iUh1 tba aaw uiuili- aiact' tba orgaultutlou aavwal iar ago. -Altauunt tMo.) TtHtM. IT' "S (IIMIAT Hilt ,,KV IIOWHUS AMI STOMACHS W waul all poopl a bo havd ehrouii kiumaib trouble or voiwtl- ptllwti. tio matter of how long atgntl- Iftf. t try out dOM. of ayi'a Won- dtffUl KiiuhI out (loan will chju- vivee ,vu. T'l U tho iiuhIIi-Iho uay of our loon mmi Itavt- ueuti ftktux uHih Kuriiriaiiig t$ulu 'i'lio iiiuat tuaitm9 aygiii rltnor vr Bold. Vji .Vollrf'tul Homed' ia old by loiidinx dinfxMii frlier wit tbt' K4iOf uD'ivrMabtliutE that or ipftuny will ! rel$)idwlltUout qHtttloior nulblfll. If OKB buttlt fclhi to, Kh .' ton oKolnt sailhfactl A LEADER VTETSDTSD AWT3 AT HAND T ACKMOX COrNTY ricitln itn lu-f Imcinlntlvp nnd cmi ' MtriK'tivf tntfiif in lhf fmiiiiK' Irfjtalntlvc twnnan. 'ITic cfrtinf v ix no holnjfil Hint in oitU-r to nofMirc the ntttttinn Hint it nmmnvn ami mfenmten iirrrit, it n ncrofnmvy to innkf iif) in HmrBftor nnd nbility wlint it liifku in Jiumer icnl rppi'owcntntion. (U'cut ttu'i.' ahmilcl be cxi'i'ciatMl by tln clcctoiiilc1 in HiooniiiK tin lejfinbitivf delegation, 'i'licre in no quest ion of imrtinniiHlii) inrolvcd. im j)olities cuts no figure. The men who eim do the best for the county and the stitte .should be chosen, reifwdlcHs of the mvv label tbev weitr. TheloHsof thelftte Wepi'esentative rawter makes a gap in the legislative delegation hard to fill. His personality and influence were universally recognized and enabled him to do much I'or southern Oregon as well as for the state. His place will be hard to fill. It i not a time for experiments or trials. !Men who have made good in the past, who have, been tried and found not wanting, should be selected. Knowing what men have done in the past, we cau estimate what they can do in the future. There is one of Jackson county's citizens who has proven abundantly qualified, a leader in legislatve work in the past as well as in private life, whose recognition is statewide and whose influence extends beyond the limits of the slate, whose honorable career entitles him to rec ognition, and whose selection would at once place .lack son county among the leaders in state affairs. There is but one man who fills this description, the Honorable 10. V. Carter of Ashland, former speaker of the house of representatives, always a power in the legisla ture and a source of strength to his constituents. Air. Carter secured for .Jackson county the only state institu tion the county ever enjoyed, the normal school, and dur ing his term of office he advanced in many ways the wel fare of southern Oregon. Air. Carter has been in poor health during recent years, but has improved much recently, it is asking a great favor of him to again sacrifice his time and energy, in the public welfare, but his county needs him, and his Citizen ship is of such a high order that he might be induced to make the sacrifice. We do not know. Ve hope so. Jf ever .Jackson county needed a leader of Mr. Carter's strength, power nud ability in legislative affairs, it needs him now and we hope there is good citizenship enough in the count v to make the call unanimous. News From WATKMS WHSPERS W ait' en i vntu Mtiuo lienutiful rni wruilhT at tlii unliiiK. Arthur JoIiImpnk mid wife have ittorad iiom I heir whiter- homo in Atwlfunl lo their botneatwul fn Ulli olt (iwk. David irurtiilil ami aiatur, iltH. Martha Jonex, of. Copier mad a huainaitH trip to Vrgti, Cali., )aat wwk. Mr. Downing or Xovaila iunK'clt'd th anliuion.v mino beloitKitiic to Al bert Aiolcraon of Uruuta I'iinn l-'ri-tl.v. Till' Kucli ImakidliHll bo.'H and tlu ltiHMtr Cicok holiool toauiH met tin l'nltutr Null Saturday night. TIih rhiiiii wuh a laal ono hihI i(Hulltil in ii novel 0 do font I'or thn IIuoli team in Htito of the t'aet that thoy Nnlitfti tuttHl two new jiluveta in the liiat Imlf Tho farmi'iv of the Appleguto val ley are huv thee line day doming uioie land and gettiiiR ready for tho ipiing oluiiimg. Frank t 'a inn ha it ami wile lmo mined trom Medtoid to their Mimmer jeaidenee at Copper, t"ul. Moaie Ihir.el, with a jwrty of uiiuiiiK and buaitumn inrn ot Med lord motored to the Itluo l.mlge Thursday. II. ('. Ilauabaw of Sboahouna, Alaku, ith a trioud friwi Urania 1'afc, motored up the valley to the. pom runeh one dav lat.t weik. J Albert Ctil ot .hlaud i vi-iUuk his brother, C. V, Culy, for a few da . ttobert Wat kms has been -ummou-ed U Jui kxoinillo uh jiuy duty. Trueuian U'i- wade a nwial call m the upper end of out alley Siiuduv tUWIHIIIg. Mi- F.tlu K.illin- of Med font will okmi Hchool at Heater e rek Monday. David Iwni and lather uiotonsl to Medtoid TueMlax. William Unideu iittul fnenda iu (hi" neighborhood iveently. John Ueudiuuti aud Frank Ml made a trip to Jaelttivi)le after a load ol' supplies this -eek. Junii WmuiiihiH and wife of Meuiuuoul vi-itul ineail ou luisi aide of the utoiiulHiu Sunday awl Muadax. KUootl ltolHrts ana returned tu the Moitawk mine on Ikldk Furit after a two wts-kV kojoiiru iu itugne ttivar valley towns. Frti'uds of Mr. and Mr- Kraiti Iwi- are oiinitulaliug them ou Hie birth n nit Ojht-pitiiKi boy. - low.ie Uksia If ttaurieloR grow on tree1 would 4uobom aiou on ior tf tile wei9 at big a oljio.ut ' eoId "u cateh u hl,iwiiiotamu8 ou ; It) paper? dx lire wore cold would an Wt K) get burned Wlo- Strtoka lilt Ctnars When t.a ilon-lj-ar olih IU. Our Neighbors GOLD HILL NUGGETS .Mi. end Mi. Suallvtood, Sr., ae t'oinpaiiii'il liv lite UiLlfi-'-, mother, have aimed at the home ol their mm, K. I. hiiialluuiMl, of tiie k. 1. forutt, at IbiK place. Thry a.ieet to lemain for home tim und enjoy our dt'liglit ful ulimnle. ilr. and .Mi-n. George Uiuee of l-'iMitH Creek tlintrivt Here in Clold Hill Friday. .Mr. II. I). Heed and .Mi. K. V. Tp ton wore ut Medford WiidmaulHy, A. S. Iiitoonhtiiini, Mudford'a gon ial Southern I'aeifie agonl, waa in Oohl irll between traiiih Wednes day. .Mn. It. T. Ciaiie wa in redford .Monday. Mr. and .Mi. Cbailoa 1'iening: and non Donald, loft Tlnimday moniitiK tor Miami. Aria., where they o.xpeot to lexide, a Mr, Pietiing has auuupt ed a poxitinn with the Iiipimtion Copper Co. nf that plaee. A erowd of foul teen made a uty to motor to Metlfoid Tueaday oenin to attend tlio meeting tit t lit Nut. All oprot tBeiiiolves hn delighted with the "oniren and in all proha hility will attempt another trip while tho mooting eontinue. Minium Hattie and Millie Hodges vinittHl with Mrv. John Dddiiictoii ot' SaniV Valley u tounle of la. lat week. Howaid Wharton, who ha been ill at the hmue l his pa lent-, ia about again ami inmioMng raimlly. Mr. and Mr-. O'llaia nf Cent i .it l'oint visit (d nt the homo ot M. D. lUiei and wife Sunday. "ItUltf"' Foiuh.ir sKl a eotiple t da this week ith tneml- in Hold 1 fall. Mis. 1'. Laiidell -pent Finlav in .Mmlt'unl shopping. Mr. . C. KeUev of the I.ail'i-' hhup was in (i runts l'ass Frulav Mi's. Charles Farmer of Ahl.ind is visiiUiK witli Mi-. I.uke Jeniiin- John No' returtud Fritlny !"' Cortland, Wbete he bus bc.u soiho tunc, btixiug hud an op. i i performed un hi- eyes. Mrs. Moreiiee Urouee ia uiim i Medford. Mr. Koler SiLudeiNi and - i Jaok vi-ited Knda with hei tin. . uud aunt. Mr. nnd Mr. H. It. M.ioir Uaruum Pial halmdny. Febiiuuv i. .it. ia, was me inrtiiitav anniversary Mr. C. F. Whaiti.n, iilile ,i loin. 'i ot lodit- i.illij ,il he pai-oiiiii' .uh! -M'iit .i i'i iili.t-.int in mi",. M'-- I'1 ii c liuit.'ii I. i i , S.V, ' ill M'' ii . 1 i. . iu l win ' ' i !' ii'i ii ii. ;ti tu vi-': Absolutely Removes Indicestion. Onopackago ptvvt. -s U. 'JOc at all druggists. It iumiI nftt gtlfte in fuledo, (1. A I hoit of friftflMM at tbr -totom to ' wiib hr at ISj4rip. I ilr. mill KfVl-an Himn havr I maA hrto llfiv frnili.'d bungaloa- of : Chnrloa lkskki. who twently motrj to ArieM. Pnifnaor aflyl Mr-. It. n. I!rng f Iho Rofiw TTlver hfpola irr ht Onhl Hill MtiW&fg' nftfrn.Koi WaiUlig friml. Mr. ainl Mrw. Ilnnn of Ornnln Van tixileil Mm. JAafcio MH'Imdoti u fpw day a ago, A fire at UKthome l II. C. I(f tlol Wrdtijr pvrnina". cnnt bv a ille'tivi riiio. wa exiimriiolieil without li'i'nv.r l". nltluugth lor oino time it NN-tnod alarminit. and the funtittiro iflbntly removed to thu street. Ml Xorn NVwton hn returned' after a visit of aeterul weeka at Cor valliH nud Ilrotvimville. lloxinic fnim to the extent of about twenty motored to Ashland Thtii dny evening to he present nt the eou ti'Ht between our local elinmpion and another emtwliile liKlitweilit. Mia Juno Htiuman of Medford. who tanxlit vogul muie in the Oold Hill selnjola last year, wn n very weteonie visitor nt the sehooW Wod iicadny. Messrs It. II. Moore, .1. It. l'nl mer and A. K. Kellofjir have kindly uonseiited to not n judges in the eon let now on in this vieinitv for the most popular younit lndy. Tlip eon test is waxitifr ltot. as it ncni- 00111 pletion, anil several yonnir Indie- nre woikinjf vnliaiitly for votes. Count v Coroner .1. A. I'eil und family vWtod nt the home of A. K. Iu'IIokk "ti SHtidn. E Mr. .nut Mr-. Amin en t radii iu I ..it-It Point Tuoxdfiv. Mi Kulc Iloii-ton no- in Medford I'ridn. ('. II. Voulitos of Asliluud spent u eouple of tlitya nt the much on tho river this week. Prof. Johnson attended lodge and the wedding; nt Ifairlu Point Tuesday nm'lit. W. I). Ilauunen iilleuded the court as n xrnud juror Monday. John Walker and son Jnek wore Medford iitors a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Urilson were Sunday visitors at I lie tlellows rniieh. Mist- Caroline lireler is the j-uest of .Mrs. Frank Johnson mat family. Cy Mntthewfi has u-luniud to his home in Dakota. 1 1 was in I he snow bliH-luide tuid u Vutatioitt in his relurti tnp. Sir. and Mrs. W. T. Iloiton nnd ehildren, fliveni und llerle, were in Central Point on business and n plensure trip this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of tVn tral Point wmo uuok'Uiul vUttoi ut J. I). Ilaiimili's. The religion aervieea weie well at tended -Sunday t the Iteeee Creek sellout house. The pieme dinner was splendid and bountiful and greatly appreciated by nil. Mr. and Mr. Diek Jnlimou and Miss Caroline Drexlor weie week end gnosis of Alxin (,'ouover and tamily. fi-orge Fry went to Central Point Friday and bought a skiii of lioies. Several of tho school wll begin their spring- terms .Monday. Mis Hula Houston will teach the Central school. Miss Maxon of Talent the Cpper Trail, Miss Mae Manltby of Mcdfoitt the Iuig tlranrh, and Mrs. M. Foster the poboiiger (tap. wage and Johnson have bought an other auto tin- week. It is rumored that the Tueker plaee oboe Flk Creek has been -old. The wixldiuc nt Miss Maine Minter and Mr. iVmrtnev ,'t Kobert Mintei's w.i well ,itii-iiili'd .uid w.i- . wr en- iov.ioi,' inn u oi f in . m,nn liieiid- wi-li ' in .i '..n, i inp tup on tin -tu it I uh The Coming Baby! Hooray! Hooray! Nothing elo cm so completely endctr us io the present nud Iho future as thu ejpoctcd arrital of a tub)-. Hut In tlio mean time ttic cumfort of the mother l of rut Importance, There tsu iplemiut external rem edy known a "Moth er Mien J shlchet I; ciM a wonderful Ind enca upon the expand mr ruuclw. Tlir cone more n 1 1 a ttrctih without un,lu pa.n, male the rwrlftt i one of plfiMtit antic ipation liMtesd of an-' prehenilon. In a enJ of sptemliil litter Trout nil over llu- mi.ntrv ninths,. lM nf il . .lm - n rjnlmothe.9 tell tlw t)Rderfl sto tu Hula , .. . t .i . . ..' treit help "Mots.r Frieiut" wsj tn IUmi w ttielr own il.mHiitr about lo eater tits wuu in iftuiuetiKKsi. (.( a totile of "Mutb- r rrieiui wni or jour nearett ilnuW IZTitlZTlAT ffrM SW.'Waatfu'JIKr tL'LTXZ' umg rvimnw, IU. It rtUtM toe srunat ' CMSfru ih-e of imny lapny mutben. It telU iuiji itnnan lb, i ai M.HHcn should be f. n.iur ,,, ,t , at ou.t, . p.i.to juuj w JOHN A. FSKL irKDEHTAXXR, tartjr AMuiaat tPboowi h it pJi tal) 4iuliulmi(i Sunlt "tiax Mr. .lama tawrrner, who b.i lM' on Ifcf sick list r Ik laof t.v Baj', i rrcliog Iwtlrr. .Mr. Ifotlettsmi tramt fhtrntar in Aaklnnd wtth hi family, rainmiaK Monday to the ranch. Tow .Morris returned to til mine on Kohk's erek Monday after tnlin vral days with his fa wily in Med fhrtt. Mr. and Mr. Will Ma -on of untsr Kanis l.'rrek spent Smulay with Mi MaMrti's Mireiils, or the Centennial plaee. .Mr. and Mr. ThompkiHs were Cen tral t'otntristtors on Simday. W'withor l'rophet's feteeawt: A xiiddeu idiaiige and eooleitwearher. Kane' Creek hiiims visitoi. to Hold Hill: Mr. Itohorlsoii, .lohn Knolls, Mr. and Mi. Olseu. Ita Thomp-oii, Mr-.. Ilogms, Joe Ferry, KiTtl ilronn, .Mike Folov aird Mr-. Muxoii and Kekell lloueliolder. Mngltio Lnwrenoe, who Hiistaiiieit u -plained ankle nud other injuries while liding' a hieyelo, i oltui)r iiliinj; as well an eould be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Mn-nn were leeent HtibU'ity business visitor-. Mrs. Iligitthothiiin of Medford spent Sundav on Kane's Creek, the Kuest of friend-. UGH! ACID STOMACH, The moment "I'ape's Dlapepslu" reaches llt .stoinaeli all distress noes. Do Houio'fooilH ou eat hit back taiile good, but work btidly; ferment lutos tiibboru lumps and caiiKo u nick, our, koshj- stomach? Now, Mr. or Mr. Dynpeptlc. Jot thla down; Pnpo's OlapopHln dlgentM everything, leaving nothing to iioitr nud npact you. There nuvor was anythlux io anfely qulek, so cortalnly effective. No difference how badly your stomach Is dluordorod you will get happy relief Iu five liiinuteg, but what pleanca you most Is that it strengthen! mid regulates your stom ach so you can cat your favoilto foods without fenr. Most romcdle give ou relief some tlinea -they uro alow, but not sure. "I'ape's Dlapepsln" Is (pilck, positive and puts your stomach In u healthy condition so the misery won't come back. You foul dlffotont aa soon as 'Tape's Dhipoimln" romoa In contact with tho stomach distress Just van- isnes your atomacii gets sweet, no i Bases, no belching, no eructations of i lllllllLfllAliliI fnml vnlir li.tail f.l.taru ikiiI ' .......r-w-.,-.. .....u, w., ,,.'nu ..,-. m ,... ynu feel flue. Co now, niako the host Investment you ever made, by sotting a large fifty-cent caso of I'ape's Dlapepsln from any drug More. You realise tu five minutes how ne.udloss It Is to suffer frotn.lndlf-ostion, djapopslu or any atoinnoli disorder.- Adv. Clairvoyant Till: WOMAN WHO KNOWS Celebrated ClalrvoaiH nnd Medium. Know what 1 0 10 holds for von, she tells you tho truth, whut you want to know, at a glume, tier powers have mystified the most skoptjcal. Ituslncss, love, courtship, marriage, dlvorco. lost or stolen articles, mtu- lng. samples of ore read with absolute accuracy. Tolls whother your hus band, wife or sweetheart is true or false. When and whom you will marry aud how to wlu the one you loe Conquer enemloa. liiluga thu separated together. Sell or trade our property. If vou are unhupp and discontented, or lit any trouble I whatever hrltiK them to her, she will straighten them out to jour en tiro sntlsftKtlou. No work too dlf rinilt Known the world over as the flood I.mk Woman. ITU. KKAIIINO t 00. t)pH-itc Nio.li Hotel, I'alm lllock, Itooms rl-1 1. WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 Ettst htin Street, Medford Tim rtntv irviliicii'n Commercial .Photoj'rrtphors hl Southern Orcgou r kr , ,. Negatives Aiaoe anv tmio Q) ptuec uy uppointuieur. Phone t47-,T We'ilflotfifiWtJ .(whston;pI). l mmm iiiMiiiiaMW There is a better cooked with Cottolene. Used as shorteninjc, it blends with the I nnd tho result nhowa in the fine taking, frying, it muJie-i th ftxxhi better tasting ar Rt'stible. Try itreIie tne quality it Rives to iooub. Yvir rocT wt wipplr yon rcgutatly-CoMoJano ia packed in palU of various sins. E5E5X FA I R B A N KS5SS3 mmmBuemmmacammmamamimmmmaBxmmM mill n n'mawriiiii in hi in m I nw miw Last Performance Today Douglas ALSO ! The Lamb RAYMOND HITCHCOCK MABEL NORMAND MACK SENNETT FRED MACE AlStar in a Star Comedy My Vale PAGE MEDFORD'S Leading Motion Picture Theater &$ ' GSy8 'W J '3T -JL j." rr -s.."1 VH15RF rnr; "v j.. ' T- l U ' TO DAY- HE nVtARP TO OVEHCOME- mr HnuriTiNQ cortrciENce- -iif otncvi rnccAN rrAi uod. DID HE SUCCEED? N If j . m liBil'I BHTGOGF A VITAQRADH lilUC RIBBON riAtURC Willi MAURICE COJTELLO AfinPtiuuiMmtru VIIAOHAPlirrABr, ijuilpjj Admission 10 and Bargains in ROSES 500 Three-year-old Caroline Testout Rosea for i ai a bargain The finest rosog (n Medford .'roin the best rose hedge in the city The Caroline Testout )m perjax uaI VJoon.vr, rss pink rosoe and the m htolue eritreet rose tor tbti clt&ate. Pierce, the Florist 1 "" Eeas s ,. ii um i in um nrrr i 'l ..p ., .,. . .....n... e wjMmtJMM wsm - mmumi - y - "' lasle OK Fairbanks IN- by that famous producer, D. W. Griffith. It is really n miniature "Birth of a Nation." a zoet to food 9 ir easily 1! Used for ! more di- I il ATriangle-Kcystone full of startling, happy .surprises Matinee I Or KeiiIiiR tJults 1,1c Children !0c .i If": .sa .tt. -." Ift.-a.'tASU-'ll" " CKJViT.S ge1: EVERY MAN WOMAN and CHILD should see this special production feiuuring MAURICE COSTEJXO ONE DAY ONLY 15c TODAY NEAREST JO I XRYT1HNG Hotel Manx San Frannsrn PowellSt.otOftrreI Oregon" m Head- qujttcrsululcin San 1-ranvisco KuiimuijI (1 ue i.a(5 . iii..l V Mjnagei "I Ike emaat ecer lUy rrsiin S,'t i.j 1 .in. ir liuiliiuvn Iu l,l,ll, IruuJui, mi, vc,i . 11 , i. . ..., h', Jiiiintf r.niin. i-J .eAI.l UU 7l 't,.U jrV VI ie I mmgjmm : -cas ' t ; T r.?j i M-tw fm) j vy "Meet me at the Manx' I .mixkifme t"':'!!tli!!"'Sa cSCIII.'!UlSL'!ll?j. o o " A'K;, JJ- ; X. i' ta