WW!i '!) i". " r i m H ii i J r.:4 ,f $ y i 1 paok srx medi'dtid Ar.rr, THTnrsrc. meowim), qi:m;q. rfimAT rafmrAnr r, rm SIA1E ASSISTANCE 11 "ThsTe hare been only twenty-five sfelpmetits of liquor to .Medford no fAr Uito itHtnth," said Prosecuting A't trnr Kollf tedny. "Thore have WwM only two arrests In this eounty tor drunkenness slneo the prohibi tion alntuto bocamo offeetlvo on tho flnit of the year. Lnwler, kIvoii a jtill sentence yesterday for bolus drunk, obtained his liquor from Horn brook, ChI, Ono of tho shipmentB of liquor to Medford wan to an ox-im-laonkoepcr, showing thut hn had not kept a supply for distribution. The law Is respected, in fact, beyond tho most optimistic hope, no far. "Old topors who llvo In tho coun try districts now como to tho city, transact their business and ko liomo obor. Formerly, jt wan different. Tho people at all of the points In tho county whero snloonn woro main tained nro ploasod with tho apparent ly perfect operation of the law and they will practically all help to main tain It. Tho only dunitor Huh In tho unlawful carrlaKe of booze into tho county from California. Cirjoful watah is liolnt? maintained for those offenders. It Is unlawful to carry liquors Into tho county, except ns provided by the now statute. It must oo mo by authorized common carrier, npt only to tho city, but to tho homo of the person who orders It. "Tho governor has promised state nld in patrolling Pacific Highway. That, toHother with tho work of tho county patrolmen, will make tho highway a safe placo to travel, but a hard rond over which to carry liquors unlawfully. "Thero Is no occasion for powd- mlsm over tho manner In which the law Is liolnt; enforced. It Ih find Iiir favor In all purls of tho county. Soino bootlei!giiK may bo undertaken by tho claim of mon who noil booio to Indlmis, but thoy will oporato against n stroriK suiitlinont favoring their np proheuslon and they will soon bo caught. "Thoro Is nothing in tho vaguo ru mor of an Illicit still In -the county. That roport was run down nnd proved to be u canard '' ONLY SEVEN1HTF " 'PORTLAND OFFICER . . . . .... TOPATROLHIGHWAY VOTERS REGISTERED i TAKES KISSEL CAR EGGERS IN JACKSON COUNTY DRIVER IN CUSTODY- i j i m i I NEW PHASE IN JOE BAR F A pi'ciilitirJv ru"Miiii mndi- ihr lid J"f Hi' i life pt )M Rtoraf M Vt tM nfl I (IwjMIm nffpws! (N flevMiyk In-tr Inn .Imkson county rrglotratlon to date numbers 1391 about one-scvsnth of the tout rot of th county. Of these 7S6 arn republicans, til nro democrats, 37 prohibition, 31 social ists, 8 progressives and 9 mlocttllan- COtlH. So far twenty eandittatog have filed record of their candidacy at tho pri mary contest for eounty offices. Jfer ontecu of these candidates are repub lican, thruo are democrats, there be ing ono of the Utter for assessor, one for coroner and otto for county survoyor. There are four republi can candidates for tho nomination for tho county sehool suporlntendcy, thrco for tho county shrlovalty, throe for tho clerkship and threo for the aHfloflsorshlp. It Is understood that thoro will he seven candidates for the nomination for tho district attorneyship, four of whom nro republicans and three dem ocrats. Those petitions nro filed with tho socrelary of state. Other candidates for tho primary contoNt nro In the field, but have not yet fllod. Deputy I'orfam, VEGETABLE FREAK PUZZLES EVERYONE A voidable i'ronk Jinn been left nt the Commercial club rooms for jmli lie inspection nml identification. In native botauv there nM)nr to be notJiiiiK like it. Internally, it re- Netnukw the horseradish. Physiolog ically, it in miieh liko it stijpir beet. Histologically, it in a freak, nothing siwilur to it in tho vop;etli1o growth about it ImviiiK been found. Ilk flesh is white and hitter. The specimen ia three foet long and eight inches in diauieler nt tho top. Jts haiHi resemble that of a jwr suij. TIip low hwtl eut it partiH in two, four inches under the surface f the ground. Tho other half of the root is equally large at the top. but only half us loo. 1'oliHge grew ut the top of it like wtto ww ju-t )inuting. 12. V. Idadhhaw, uhose place i eiirhl miles oast of .Medfonl, found .it in his upeu field. It was such n stniiute growth that he dug it up and brought it to town for identification. It grew in dry. coare soil, in which re found the onlinary wild plant nd duiiieoiif grtiMtlii uf tin regiuu. The Steeiuieii is ho large, the meat mi tender and hnttle, the growth vigorous, iipianutly, uud the eomli Uodk ui whieh it was found w tudi-nar- that an rffort is being made to find someone who ran tell what it i. AI1T1, BEET RAISERS All who a if intoroitrtl m Migtir beet it ud Hiigur let tulture hould bear the lecture at 7:3(1 tonight at the jmblie, library b Mr. (leorge Austin, far twwilj -mx eam chief agrieuJtiir !ii for the I tab- Idaho Sugar eoui IMjMiy at Salt Lake 1'ity, Utah. Tho. TlilWsled are invited to ak ipie UfctW, a the leeture proeeed, on .n.v )M)jlt Jfl.Milxed in beot cult m. i .. fully udertiMid. ST. MARY'S GRADUATES HOLD ANNUAL REUNION Sixty-five former students of St. Mary's Acndomy, most of them from tho elassos graduating botwoou I SAO and INTO gathered nt tho 'tcademy building yesterday, renewed old ac quaintances, and formed a permanent alumni organisation with the follow ing exocutlvo cemmittee: .Miss Alice Hnnloy, Mrs. Miles Cantral, Mrs. Kato McAudrows, Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch, Jnek sonvlllo, nnd Mrs. Kruost McKee. Tho name of the orgnnlxHtlon will be selcctod Inter by this committee and a constitution nnd by-laws will bo drawn up. Tho former students woro mostly from .Mod ford, nlthoiigh (Irauts l'.iss, tho Applegnto vnlloy, Lnko croek and northern Callfornlr woro roproHoiitml. Tho present stu dents arranged an impromptu pro gram In honor of the visitors. An address of welcome was delivered by Helen Itoddy following which the following program was given: 1'lano solo, "Dololaise," Chopin, Mabel 8c udder nnd Helen Iteddy. Vocal solo, "Tho Lost Chord," tiul llvan, with violin obllasto. Wlnulfred Clnnry. Itose Campbell and Luclle Koont . Violin solo, Mndrlgale, lloso Camp bell. I'lano selHtlons, Lucille Kuiitz, Neda Samuels and tlene Steele. Mrs. John Wilkinson, u graduate of he academy then dellalite! tho guests with it vocal solo, with violin obllgato "Tho Perfect IVsy", giving as an eu- ooro "Thy Voice Is Calling." Tho obllgato was splendidly rendered by Miss lone Klyuu. St. Mary's Academy was founded In Jaeksouvlllo In txti.'i and inneu enrn ago was moed to Medford. It num bers among Its graduates huiidredn of prominent women in southern Oie gon and northern Cullfornia and It Is believed that the organisation of former studeuts will not only add u pleasant serial feature to the life of Mlit-rill K. S. UiiIm aerompstue! by C Von ftotlmon, who haw nil interest in the KJiwelkar alleged to have been taken nfibiwfnlly awav from I'ortlaml by Clmrlea V. Swith, arretted in tlri city yestenlay by Chief Ilittaon, ar rived in Medford today, the officer to take Smith baek to Portland nnd Aft. Itedinon to drive his ear buck, Smith, it is alleged, owes about $600 on the new ear. Uefore lenv- itr Portland he announced that ho wan going to ScHppooNC, nbout twen-' ty-spti'ii milea down the river from I'orthuid. He obtained n goodly sup-' ply of nccossorioa from variotis ce tnbllHhmenta about Portland before stinting, nil on credit. Instead of going to Kcnppoose, he came Mouth, , ninking his way over rough and -flirty . roiidn earlier than any ear over be fore eaino over the highway from ' Portland to this valley. ' Tho Kisselknr nueney, on hearing of Rmitli'a run south, assumed that lie had deceived them for the pur- ' pose of getting nut of (he stnto with the oar, or diHHing of it n suffie ient dlstfliieo nwnv from the agency to enable him to olcnr out before tho fraudulent nlo wan detected. Dnpulv Sheriff Leabo mny not stmt Imek with the prifoiicr until morning. He in awaiting iiiHtritc (ions from Poitlniid. He suyM tlnil WoodhotiKe and Johnson are not connected with the Smith deal nt nil. They just happened to be trnu'lini; in bad company. I graduates but will tend to keep the momory of tho academy a vitalizing force for betterment In tho comrnun-' lly. I i.i.n i r nunc in 1 1 h t- Mini' Idgi- di-tnri ui inti-rf-iiiig topic ui.Mifii. Ifilli.'l- c t , . 1 1 1 M'UI II. Herald I, el4 from tkt HsaifiilhMMi flf liw ff erre dletrVt tor tbt psarpoM of making it townaite. PoJtoirfcig (bb etiw by tb forest rr IrafM, Mrs. .ffliiea iwetrtlr filed a taffleatearf work on it and, it is alleged, failed io'eiaim on the mt to malt sure of wv thM. Thrv HM a lien on thnj'her jHrwesion. Thin adds to the projierly. Tin1 wit of Herald nnd i interesting involution- of the case, Mr- Ji.mc to Vreko i fo protect the 'And the end i nt et. iiiine from in'-mnbraticc- entailed bv ofthh. and H. jWn, lM aVeMi Cnied hh to Treka yenterriay, kH n interewted in H tvt ten years. A awn named OTonnor, of Phoa nix, seenred an ofrtloii on tke im about a year ago. He nut men to (lie been . in i iii the I all'tfMl PIL'llsfl'flCe jt -1 M'nr the iore of the Icrcc. t reserve iu- The Mcdford lloostera Smoko Medford and Mt Pitt Cigars - - - " i li iilliV i"i ui I . ' .'! Illlll I ' ' Willi Hill wmmmmmmmmmmBmmmm mS8m ' aWwla A recipe for delicious fried potatoes The ucc of Cottoleno for frying potatoes always brings the most gratifying results. It adds a delicious flavor and gives the brown crispness that makes fried potatoes appetizing as well as wholesome. Cottolcne i3 especially good for frying vegetables of all kinds. It is a real aid to digestion. Use Cottolene when you fry chicken, fish or vegetables in crumbs or batter; you will be delighted with the excellent results. Order a regular, supply of Cottolene from your grocer. It is put up in pails of convenient sizes. Write our General Offices, Chicago, for a copy of our real cook book, "HOME HELPS." the n.k. FAIR BAN KssSEED Fried potntoes Cut pnted potatoes In thin slices, straws or dice. Soak In cold water; driln and dry on napkin nnd cook, a few at a tlmo In bas ket In deop, hot Coitolenc. Drain and season with calu ill H SP RINGS FAVO .tu FASHIONS ARRIVE Japanese Kimonas Jrsl riTi'ivi'd, .some very siriistic Jap $2.39 Kimonas, pa eh, nt. M OAKS TheWomans Stoi;e Just arrived, a on sale, a set, nt....', No Appetite LitMc Sleep Symptoms of n Hun. Htm ii Condition, V IIiiio i Itemed). We ask eer week. ruu-doMii pt-r son In Med ford to tr our Vliiol, Willi the understHudiua that their nioiie will be returned If it does not re-es tabllsh their health. Letters like toe following ge us ronfideuce. "I am in the milliner) biislnesb ami on my feet most of the time I not so nesk sud ruu-ditwu thut I lost in appetite sud vsms unable to sleeii, hud a severe ehronle cold and lost tu oolor. i lesmMl wootil Vlnol through a frleud, and wUUlu three weeks af ter taking It I noticed au Improve ment, and soon valued In Height, health sua strength. I Mm recom mending Vlnol to UI) frteuds sud the ulso speak highly of It." I'stherlue llowr. West Chester, N. y. In hundreds of cases where old fHshloned cod liver oil and emulsions lisve fulled to restore strength uud health, Vluol hus surceedeil, beesuke while It cohtslus Hit the iiirntlM'b the) do. Us good work Is not retarded by useless grease uud oil Medford I'hsnm. Adv Vv t T ? ? ? V ? Y ? y Y V T ? ? ? ? T ? f t ? ? ? V"V"V"V"W' -- -v R T"Tv Japanese Lunch Cloths J)ejtutifnl new line, 98c New Suits Spring's Smartest Suits On Sale Saturday at i $16.50' $18, $20 $25 and $35 WORTH MORE SiHontli Iln) Athentlst Cliunli North HIverslde svettne V, ovory Saturday VMbbath sihooi ) h. ni UoBie missions moetinu n t in.; VoHiig People's meeting. i. ui : prwor moetiug, Wednesdj . n iiig. T:30 J. nj. T li Uuuili. im- i Y1y Smoke lilt ripurs Vsjien Uondu oi I0e. o eO gfcp a whole m e t y y y y T Tsk T ? y y y f y y y y y y y y T New Coats Stunning Stylish Coats On Sale Saturday at $8-48 $13.50' $18 1 $20 and $25 WORTH MORE y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y A SATURDAY SALE OF SEASONABLE GOODS KIMONA SILK n liir it I owfivtl lmttei'liK. wine width, very sitcini, vard 89c NEW CORDUROYS Fur Sport mats ami skirts, in all tin' new spring shades, yard FANCY SILKS :U! ineres wide, in stripes and plaids, two-toned lf- fll "I 7 C feets, special, yard . tj) X ) SILK WAISTS An odd lot of Silk Waists, values up to $10.00, to close tut, cneh .$1.35 BATH TOWELS ") doxen extra lartrc Bath Tow els, well worth H5r, spe cial, eneh 25c i I y y y y y y y y y y y y y "$2.00 SILK PETTICOATS About 20 All-Silk Messaline Pet ticoats, up to $t.00 val-t ties, to close out, each. :$1.98 NEW TUB SILKS 'ery stylish this year for waists anddresps, special at, Q Q yard yOt MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Covers, 59c ? NEW SKIRTS . A beautiful lino of new Sport Skirts in' cheeks and (2? C Q Q plaids, special, each. jp O J O Gowns, Skirts, Corset vAlues ip to $1.00, spe cial Saturday, each ton of noodnesa in abound of Vogan's Moire wh- uit MODUUN CflNFI-l THIWiRl . I uriiaiiu. f vvitw.. sjMjsjBBMKWivTiiiirwyigcgasaai Saniol Talcum Powder, ''." cans, Npccitil, can, IQc Fiber Silk Hose, all colni-s, very special, iair, 50c 36-inch Gloves Corsets Laces Percnlae, Spring weight New model, New Yal. good as most Chamoisette worth $100, Laces and Tn- !" grades, (Moves, very spec tab sertions, 10c special, vard, special, pays pair, values, vard, 10c 48c S9c 5c y y y y y y y : '.. TTTTTT A. K A. A. A -A..A Pounds Best Cane Sugar (jjJIOO Pure White Flour Sack We Sell Everything for Less Jackson County 1m J nJ MMaSSSSHBSMMSMMSHiJiM Supply Co. CASH GROCERS 33 N. Grape .I