MKDFORT) AfATf, TRimiNK, MKDFOKP, OfM-riON. FfffhW. rF.HKT U.'V 2". Ifffr, ."-' ' i ' i i 1 1 ill. v?ifm vnr, mm m vicinity Jim Yoknm. M. I. br';cinnti and linrw in n Itoldtip Mime time ngo m (Ira wmn Hh sxwr IiHm, fijnirw in tooftawa a t rwinitmt of $Jl)0U far Wrtwy m M MMntoH whH be fat iic Immlit tliwd. result in in etio of twu olhcr nwiitt; the )(. At tke trwe Vokttw w iiiif f the ftow iir I'mnk Dickey, cfliMllir, wlw PtWilt liorti, rHHninjf Let wren A "Wand miuI lied I Huff. A rungi-eie biorml comiHitlct' lias reported favor ably ii a mcHrir& to present Yokmn with tlit mini mentioned. The S. !'. bml proviiMtHlv miil him WOO in cash aiitl awarded lit in kii o.Ietinvu medal. AinniiK name liH'titiotu'd ns fundi dittos for tlti' position of county su perintendent of schools, Hint of .Minn Gertrude Knglo, prcMJtit principHl of tlio Wot school, has been recently uiinouticcd. , Tho Mtlo .oinn timo ttto of ono of tlio Cotuiwtiy liniiKnltMVM in Wot .Aaliliind to Geotyu V. Senior, now of St. Juntos, .Minn., Iih been con finned. . A notable realty tnuitfur i a re cent one between ('. A. Kliiioon mid W. I). Hodj,'on. Tlie former e. chaiijjo.s hii tine residence property nnd extra lots ut the corner of North Inin iiiul Laurel streets, to the hit ter for oer ;)U0 neres of i'nnn hinds id the Pioviuce of Alberta, Cnnnda, ,ii(j(ir where I(os KHiihoii is idready ltjuittcd. Mr. KliuHou rctuiiit the boiWo on the propmty now occupied by(". H. Day, which ho will occupy. With this house will be n lot reser yntiun fid feet frontage by 100 feet in depth. In the mcniitiiiiu Hill Day will have to move, into other qunr tor.s. It is undcrhtood Hodon will occupy his new purchase. The Ashland Trading Co., n flour "hiug general merchandizing concern of thin city which hus been in opera tion for years, Iiiih elected L. S. Hrown, president; C. W. Chattiu, sec retnry; T. .1. Acklin, treasurer and manager. In addition there is a i'oreo of efficient clerks in the vari ous driKirtmentN. In light of recent development, sky school boosters of this vicinity ought to send nn npolojry to Dr. A. A. Morrison of Portland, who threw cold water on tlio scheme of remov ing the Disliop Septt school lor boy to Ashland, nnd whoo action at the time was consideicd to he knocking the town, inasmuch ns all other members of the committee favored the plan. Morrison stud; out tirst nnd Inst for- old Yamhill, with the result that the institution has gone thu way of the normal, the convent school and the Polytechnic defunct. An eutcitaiuuieut at the West school I'ridav evening of this week will partake of the nature of a pat riotic demonstration. It is taken for granted that it will be on a "prcpar- 'dii' liasis liHydeii Mutterfield. I'onner man uger of the miinicipHl electric light plant, garago owner and motor ear spceinlist, lms icinoved with his family fo Albany to remain perma nently. The Wednesdnv Alteration club's !onn exhibit with side attraction.-. DOCTOR SAVES A BLACKSMITH Some time ago I wait taken with kldnoy trouble which caiuod mo to glvo up in) work as blacksmith. 1 lott my appetite and could not sloop, from the dreadful palm that would romo over mo. from my kldnoy. I wan treated by a physician for about three month. Ilu could not help mo no finally ho proscribed Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Moot. I started taking iamn and before I had finished taking tliu first bottlo I began to oat and sloop better than I had In a long time. I continued to tako tomu until I wob entirely cur ml and took on conshlor alilo weight. I am now back working at my tradu again and novcr felt better In my life. I appreciate what Swamp Hoot has (lotto for urn and will rocotu niond It to auynno who suffers with their kldnoys. When physicians full to glvo relief and then prescribe Bwnmp-ltoot, tbuy sure know of Its morlt. I am, Very truly yours. State of Now York, S. A. HALK, County of Monroe, m. S. A. Halo, of Honrlotta. N. Y.. be ing duly sworn deposes and sayv that ho Is the person who wrotu the fore going testimonial letter to Dr. Kil mer & Co., and knos's the facts there in to bo true. Subscribed and sworn to bofore mo this 80th day of July, 1909. Morris T. Orlffln, -Notary Public. I-etter to Dr. Kilmer & Co. lllngliampton, . V. Prove What Swamp-Hoot Will Do 1'or Von Send ten cents to Dr. 'Kilmer & Co , Hlnghampton. N. Y., for a sam ple Uh liottle. It will convince an one. You will auto receive a book lot of valuable lafornwoian, telling abHt the kidneys and bladder. When wrltiag. be surs and lueutieu the Madford Mall Tribune. Regular 50c and 1 tin- bottle foi mIi- at all91nijJ Stores AJv '- -wml moot irmtifyhlir nrrf this wrek. Mk n to iwHt nd wrirntte nttntwnl rptitrm. fhor t(HH) iiHbvM -mil portrwtt wn on ittftpfar. tlntinjr from tN mri mhnfi 4y- in (hr prrmH epwh nf WiHtnlW phofjr ruphr. Puifiling ht oil nnH -itir roKr, oriox, rn?rtirirti ipw gn lorr, lrftnr ami muienl numhpni, writ HfMrd nttrnrfioti. not f mn tioH liht nfrchMieiit' dnintilv rrv 1. KiMHrml trtnrn Wfir iirntifv iHft. iNHoinnch w the etHn's wore trivinl s comimrod vith tlw r-iript. In ntttftbk fxivptioa to the rnlj. ,i. u. ummhni ot uorowrook wti an AfthltfiHl vixhor on Ytuir-du.v, rnllcij bore to ("lo up iiaNir(ant renlt (IcmN. I. If. ItHinetio, runaeVIv Ht'iit of the Metro'iiolitaii litMirnncH i'o., but 'now of I!illngliii. Wnh bus tiniis furrcd hi illtoijiiiBPe from tWn MBt." to tliu Wwlorn Ittwcrvr Life JiMur unee Co. . First coiiIniii'h fliiniernry ball on Wflxhington's birtlidav was one o( the finest social events in the mili tary hiiiimU of this city. Decorat ive" features were superb, while the at'muciuent of eipiipmcut and ac coutrements transposed the anuory surroundings into a veritable militant (tamp. Lieutenant Po- was repre scntulive from Secnth eonipanv of Med foul. Other burgs beside Ashland have troubles of their own respecting springs and irrigation streams. One IliiHor or Kiddle seeks .fJOOO dam ages from his home town for divert ing water on the supply of which he claims prior and monopoly rights for irrigation purposes. David It. Francis of Missouri, re cently nominated liv the president as ambassador to Ktissia, bears a strik ing physical resemblance to It. P. Campbell, the lloosicr poet nnd story writer of this city. This is not fic tion. Karly in the week Superintendent Mctcnlf, DivUion Hngineer Wester and Signal Superintendent Dickey paid an ofltclul visit hero in the Shnsta. Seeing a chance to cast a fly between tram, Agent Kramer whirled the two former in his car to A Fine Aid For Mother-to-be V'c flre nil greatly Indebted to lhoc wuo icii iiicir experiences. And among tlio many thlniri which wo read nlmut ami nro of Immnllate Ira portsnre to the cipec. tant mother, N a uplcn did external remnty called "Mother! Friend." Ttil It nn piled orer the uindn of the stomach. It Ii deeply penetrallnc In IU Influence. MotheM cenThere tell of Iti sonthlnir effect, Iiow It ol!ayii p.iln.1 Incident to ,. . . oiiriciiinK ( conn, Hsamentj and mmele. They tell of restful comfort, of calm, peaceful nlnhtit, an ah enco of thwe i!itrcei peculUr to the pe riod of eipeclnncy, relief from mornfn lckneKi, no moro of that npprehcnilon with whkli an many younj women' inlndi be come Imrdepcil. It N a splendid help. Oct buttle of Mother's Friend" from your nearot drujgld. AiW your limhand to ret It for you. Then write tu Urailfleld Res (ilator Co. 403 Lamar DMr.. Atlanta, (Ja., f?r.a L.'r li,n,lome and Inttructlre book. It l tilled with (unrcitlra Ideas of rreat help to all women Inlereilcd In the tuliiect of maternity. And bet of nil are iitiw let. w"lurioda,yU'e ihiLaK "" IWPlraUoM, POLITICAL AHNOUNCEMENTS SIIKUIIT. I berebv announce my candidacy for the nomination for sheriff on the ropubllcan ticket, to bq volod upon at tho coming primaries, May 19th, 191U. I have hold tho position of deputy sheriff for the pnst four oars and am thoroughly familiar with the dtttlos connected with the office, both cleri cal and outside work. 1 feel that I am competent to hold tho position, and it nominated nnd olectod, will glvo the people of Jnok son county an efficient and economi cal administration. I also agree If olectod to onforco all laws. Adv. K. W. (Curley) WIUON. I am a candidate for the nomina tion of Sheriff on the republican ticket to be voted for at tbo primaries May 10, 191G. If nominated and nloctud 1 will enforce the law and Kive tho public an honest. Impartial and efficient administration 37 years lu Jackson county. Adv. II. N. I.OFI.AND. DISTItKT ATTOItXHV I horoby announce that I havo fllod my declaration of Intention to bocome a candidate for the repub lican nomination for the office of District Attorney for Jackson county, OroKou, subject to tho deelslou of the republican party, at the primary oloc tlon to bo held May 19. 1910. Adv. G. M, ItOIIHUTS. I am a candldato for ro-oloctlon to tho offlco of district attorney. Adv. K. K. KBLLY. I horoby announce that I have fllod my declaration of Intentions, and that I am a candidate for thu democratic nomination for the office of district attorney, subject to tho May primar ies. If I am nominated and elected to this office, I promise not to forget the faet that I am a public servant, and that I will to the beat of my ability administer tho affairs of the office, Impartially, honestly and without fear or favor. Adv. NKWTON W. llOUDUK rorvrv Tiii'Asritmi. Depuy County Treasurer Myrtle W. Hlaketey announce bar candidaey for the office of count treasurer. 1 hereby announce m candidacy on the republican ticket for the of fice of count trea irer to be voted' on at thctycuuiii? rjmaries, jj Jjava. HI wn H("-r for hrnf fUhhtf frtp.i Thnr link ft iintitformt. Ummmmmr cmiffhl n h.TfhfWted Qrrman rnrp in n mud pmMt wkllr frpoint ftif rlen prt. FdrtniMtrlT Ihr pmlv hwk-fa-tfd Hbnnnl Ike Mhnn hfforp km vine t-r th rrM ut ptsrntoriiil 1 liHiNiin(ai'nl Mr. Rnbfrt Wiley ami her son, Kurt I(oc. were in Med fn I on Thiir'dm, inirnr Ifw-ir dinihtcr and itrr, Mr. Murv Aiken SALTS IF KIDNEYS Harmlvu to flash Kidneji and neutral lie irritating acidi Splendid for 171 tern. Kidney and lllnddcr weakness remit from una scld, says a noted authority, 'Hie kidneys Alter this acid from the blood nnd pass it on to the bladder, where it often remain to irritntc nnd inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or retting up nn irritntiou nt tho neck of trie bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during tho night. Tho sufferer Is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding aensation nnd is tcry profuse.; again, there is difficulty In nvoldlng it. Itladilcr wrnRness, mot folks call It, liccviu&e they can't control urination, While It Is extremely annoying and tonic times my pilnful, this Is really one oi the mojt cimplc silmrnts to overcome. Ot nliout four ounces of Jnd Snlta from your pharmacist nnd take n tnlile spoonlul in n glass o( wnter before breakfast, con'lnuc this for two or three dsys. Ibis will neutralise the ooi'Is In tho urlno ti It no InnRer Is a source of IrrlUitlon tn tlii bladder nnd urinary or gans width tb"n net normslfy sjtaln. Tsd Halls is inexpensive. Itannlcfs. snd is (rem the ncid of sranrs cni lemon juice, combined with lllliln, sol Is used by thousands of fulls who nr subject to urinary dlMrders csusr. bj urte nckl Irritation. .Tsd foils h spbii dkl for kidneys and causes no bn. Tn'ts wba'etcr. !!: j nn have a plsatil. cf,rpsfcn r i i-r'ni-r drink, which quickly lelievcs 1 1 - - .,.1 u held tho position as deputy In this offlco for tho pnst year nnd am con fident that I, can fulfill alio duties connected therewith. I served two yctirs as deputy coun ty recorder bofore taking tho posi tion as deputy county treasurer; I hnve nlso had experience as account tint for sovoral corporations, such an tho Mcdford Concrcto Construction company and Medford Ico and Btor ago Company, bofore tnklug up coun ty work, nnd will say that my pist record Is open for Inspection to tho voters of Jackson county. It nominated nnd olectod I will run tho office without tho expense of a deputy and contlnuo to servo tho pub lic Just as efficient In tho future tvt I have In tho past. Adv. MYHTI.K V. MLAKULKA'. I hereby announce that 1 havo filed my declaration of Intention to be come a candidate for tho republican nomination for the office of county treasurer, to bo votod ou in the com ing primaries. If I am nomlnatod and olectod will conduct tho offlco lu nn efficient and bttsluoaallko manner. Adv. HOY L. MAULB. COl'.N TV CI.KKK. I hereby nnnottnco tnut I havo filed my declaration of Intention to becomo a candidate for tho ropubll can nomination for tho offlco of county clerk, for Jackson county, Orogon, subject to the decision of tho ropubllcan party at tho primary elec tion to bo held May 19, 191G. Adv. (I.lttlo) JOU 11. WILSON. I horoby announce that I havo fllod my declaration of Intention to becomo a oandldato for tho ropubll can nomination for tho offlco of coun ty olork, for Jaokson county, subject to tho (Incision ot the ropubllcan par ty, at thu primary election to bo held May 19, 191(1. Adv. A. N. IIILDUIIKAND. ror.vrv mtkhixthndknt. I hereby announcn my candidacy on tho ropubllcan ticket for tho of flco of County School Superintend ent for Jackson county, Oregon, sub Jot t to tho will of tlio republican party at the primary election May 19. I stand for practical school ef ficiency, personal supervision of the schools ami elimination of county siiaol supervisors Adv. KllAXCIS C. SMITH. COfXTV AKKKSSOIt I horoby announce my candidacy for the office of county assessor of Jaokson county 011 the republican ticket, subject to the primary on May 19. I plodao myself to an honest, efficient, impartial and econ omical discharge or tho duties of tho offlco and propose to make all aasosa. monta upon the basis of the true actual valuo of the property and not uK)ii any Inflated valuation. Adv. (JKOUCilC I.AUNIl'ACII. I herewith announce my cundfdaoy for county awessor. subject to tho decision of tho republican party at the primary election to be held May 19, 1910. If elected I pledge mysnlf to roalui a Just aud equitable aasosa niont and administer tho affairs of the office In a business-like manner. Adv. J. II. COI.KMAN. Comity KcIiimiI .SuHiiiiiieiHlent. To tho veters: I am ropubllcan candidate for county school auper latendent at the primary election, May 19, 191C 1 am for supervision of the schools by the superintendent and for econ omy In the county suprlutedt's office aud every place where It do not retard tho efficiency of the schools. I am In favor of progressive educa tion, that is. education that prepares the boy or girl for lire. I am ror an . having a square deal and an equal 1 chance for an education. If noiuiuaied and elected 1 will do eer thing In mv power lo uialce the kchooU of Ja saoii county tlie .0 U-st itiClli.- I" Au, A J IUMA H '' nf Mfj '" iw fimriri rwnri nt in immi fHalim for fh tlltre( of OreffMl III lk mmter of rthwr eKl(i, buHKrtijit. Motlee It Mrvhv airen that ptir mnt to nn arttm to m iitrneld nnd ImhM bt I' J fttwmm, fpfwee In bHnkrnpteT ilfrncOim me I ll the above. Hmo lnMhrunt loierctt Ih and to the horalimfter dMMitbed real property at pttttlte me to the hlghent nMil (HMt Mddnr for h; that I will tip until 12 o'clock on Krlilav the 10th day of Mnreli, Il, receive sentml bids for the pttrrhas of all or any portion of the real property herein after described, snch bids to be ac companied by a certified check for 10 percent of the amount bid and sold bids to be opened Ih the office of the referee over the Jackson Coun ty bank In the Clt or Medford. Ore Kon, nt tho hour of 2 p. 111.. on tho said 10th day of March, 1910. The property to bo sold Is situated In the county ot Jackson, state of Oregon nnd described ns follows, to-wit: Kqttlty or redemption In this Northeast quarter or Section 2C, Township 35 South. Ilangu 1 West of W. M., In Jackson county. Oro gon; front foreclosure sale held April a. 1915, nnd confirmed April 17, 1915; tho amount required to ro decm from snld sale being $(J.2!l.(iC with Interest thereon nt tho rnto of ten per cent per annum from snld April 3, 11)15; the estimated valttu of said real ostato Is $?,KO0.0O. said sale to bo subject to said Hen; also Lot 3 block 9. Central adltlou to tho town of Kaglo l'olnt, Oregon, subject to a mortgugc thoroon In fa vor of T. K. Nichols Tor $2000.00. and accrued Interest; tho estimated value of which lot Is $3,400.00; said Halo to bo itindo subject to sntd Hon. also An undivided ono-clght Intercut In nnd to lots 1, 2, nnd ,1, block 1; lots 1 nnd 2, block 2; lots 3, I, 7, 8, 9, block 3; lots 1. 2. 3. I, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, It, 17. 18. 10, 20, 21, 20. 27 nnd 29, block -I; lots 1, 2, 3, t, , block f. ; lots 1, 2, 3, t, 6, C, 7, S, 11, lb, 10, 17, IS, 21, 21, 2G, 20. 27 1S, 29, 31, 32, 33, 31, 35. 30, 37, 38. 39, 40, II, 42. 43. nttd 4 1, block 0; lota 3, 0, 7, S, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, tl, IS and 10. 22. 23, 21, 2&, 20, 27. 28 nnd 29. block 7; lota li, 12, 13, 16, 10, IN, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23. 21, 25, 20, 27. 28, 29, 32 and 32. block 8; lots I. 2, 7, 8, 9. 10. I), 12, 13, II, IT., 10, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 23. 3D, 31. 32 11 lid 33, block 9; nil In Central Addition In the. Town of Kaglo l'olnt; said undivided ono-elghth Itttorost being of tho on tlmuted value or $2,r,, bo sold at public sulo in lots or parculs, sub ject to thu HeiiH thoteou. Terms of sale to 1m for cash, on confirmation by the Court. Tho reforco roservos the right to reject any nnd till bids and thu sulo Is to bu mado subject to tho confir mation of tho referee. Dated nt Mcdford Oregon, this 24th day or KobruHt), A. D. 1910. J. F. IIUOWN, Trusted. Notice of Asit'SMiicnt Oillfonilu-Oiv- Kim I'nvtct- Company. I. oration or principal place of bus! ness, San Francisco, California. Notice Is herein given that at a meeting of tho directors hold on Tuesday, Fobruarv !'. 1910, an 11s- sossment (No. ;ii of Firtj Cents por share was levied upon the capital stock of tho corporation, paynhlu Im mediately to the secretary, at tlio of flco of the 'corporation, No. 13) I.eldosdorff street. San Francisco, California. Au stock upon which this nssossment shall remain unpaid 011 Tuesday, March 21, 1910, will bo delinquent and advortlsed for sale nt public auction, and, unless pay ment Is made before, will bo sold on Tuesday. April 11, UMii, at tho hour of 12 M.. to pay tho delinquent as Kcssmoiit, together with tho costs of advertising and expenses of sale. Dated February l.'i, 1910. J. C. THOMPSON. Secretary or California-Oregon Power Company. Office- No. 131 Ildesdorff street, San Francisco, California. FOlt HK.Y1 mil'NISKKKriNO HOOMH FOIl HKNTFurnlHlicd housokoop rooms, 234 Kait tlth. Call after 5. 290 FOIl IIK.NT It;it.MSIIi:i AITS. FOR HUNT -Apartment for runt. The Ilerbeu, 10 Q11I110 St. roit nAMv--MVKimiojc v FOlt XAI.K Span mules. Adams, Con tnil Point, Ore. Fiank 2D3 FOIl SAI.K 20 horses must be sold See Walsh, nt Union I. Ivory Hum. So. Illvorslde Avo. 297 FOIl SAMS- flood work maru only $10; cultivator, incubator, hay rack, clump for quick sulo. (! Alldor, I toss huiiu. 20 FOlt SAMS -Young tod cow, ulso John Duore disc plow. It. V. Criint, near l.onu Pine school house. 292 FOlt SAMS Milch cow. Jersey, a bargain, If taken soon. Phone 17-IM5 N K. Chlldora. 2SW FOlt HAM' Ono flrst-clasa Jersey cow. J. II. Stttvous, Tolo. 291 FOIl 8AI.K 20 hersea: must be sold.- Reo Walsh, at Vinson's barn. N. Illvorslde ava. 297 WHY? ni:w kciif.dim; of piucks Twent ter lit !owor than pub lished before Hear Creek bottom, half lu cultivation $ S2.50 Hoar Creek bottom, all In cultivation 116.00 Sticky, tbrae-fourtka cultivat ed 45.00 Desert, under ditch ... . 12 50 Commercial Orchard, choice 660 00 Applegate. irrigated. IipU in cultiva tion. improM-ii ho uo ski; Mli .vow J. C. BARNES e;,t Mm SI I'Jione i?9 ron nnni ftotJflKfi row RIOSfT FnrBlshed htihMhHr. rlAM In. lot ftonfh ontral FOR ttmn XoWern mtow m Kffig street a-fuom Mm- Inqnire ltd J1 MonlN nKMI. POK ritiirr S-rvtmed mottertt fur- Hkm rtl. em Ml. 117 Jar i; cor n- Oak dabs and Ittti St. SM FOlt III4NT Ml.ltJKI.I.ANnoUH FOlt inem Ford withmtt Hrlvar $1 per hnr; special rata by day. Karl Klahor, Gates Oarage. 2SS FOlt KSiT-liuTih to rani two and half mIIm frnm M ml fent: water. ! "a buildings and pasture. Phone ftst-.ll. FOIl ItBNT Ornln and fruit ranch, very llbornl terms to responsible man. Phono 7I2-.1. 2SS -' l'OK SAfiHPOUIAUV AND HHOS FOIl SAMJ Harred Hock oggs for hatching; young thoroughbred roosters. J. 11. Wobstor, It. F. D., Talent. Phono 3-F2. 289 FOIl SAM3 Uggs from rango raised S. C. Huff Leghorns. Witt. J. Forns, Mcdford II. F. D. 4 or phono Mrs. A. It. Forns, 19-F2. 291 FOlt SAM5 320-ogg Pctalttma Ittcu bat or, Phono 539-J2. 289 FOIl SAMS S. 6. White Leghorn eggs for hatching from my trap nested O. A. C. strain. Karl Knapp. Phono 922-J. 290 FOIl BALK KggH from prize win ning Huff Orpingtons, It ier K; $T. per hundred. J. W. Shirley, 2S Almond st. FOIl SAMi KggH for hutching front my heavy In) lug pen of Dark Ali en 11 a k mid Silver Cumplues. O. II. Crary, 322 U. 12th, Medford. 2S8 FOlt SALK S. C. II. I. Itcd setting eggs. Telephone or write Uruiist Webb. Control Point. 292 FOlt BALK Kggs from selected winter laying nnd prlro winning strain of S. C. Ilhodo Island Iteds; $1 por setting. Mrs. C. S. Laiuinoy, Hogtio lllver, Ore, II. t. 292 FOlt HALK--Hutching eggs, day or month old chicks from ptixo win ning hoavy egg Btrnln White Wy nudottoM. Write for Inrormutjon. Tel. 21x2. A. K, Strong, Knglo Point, Oro. 290 FOIL SA L1C KggH for hatching. lll . Iteds; also P. Hocks. Tot. 488-X. I). Ilradloy, 811 Dakota. 293 FOlt HALF MMCKMiAXKOUS FOlt SALIC Or part trade, a Hood pnylug ohtabllshcd business in Klamath Falls, Ore.; will tako part trade; Invoice $4fiOO; reason for selling, going oust; what hnvo you? Ad dross llox 1131., KIiiiiihIIi Fulls, Oro. 293 FOR SAL1S 60 rabbjln nt 11 bargain If taKen at onco. nil lc. Matu. 289 FOlt SAMS - Largo solid oak side board, child's folding hod. ('all 1009 West 9th. 293 FOIl SALK 4000 gallon oil tank and 100 gallon hauling tank. ISr- nosl Webb. Cent ml Point. 292 FOlt SALK Stosin hoisting engine. wostlughouso air compressor, Kop pel able dump car, 101)0 ft. 8-II1. rail. Oregon (intuitu Co. FOlt SAMS Or trade, ono second hand auto truck. 1 Ion, I it good condition; will trndo for second hand Ford. Apply lo llox 683, Ashland, Oro. 298 FOIl SALK Stock carrots $7 par ton. I'ltouo 128, Central Point. 288 FOIl KALK Overland roadster, good running order; snap. $226 cash. Phono 188-11, botwenu 0 nnd 7 p. III. FOIl SALK Soudan grass and Col logo Mlnnoaota No. 13 send corn. F. S. Charloy. Ilrowusboro, Oro. 307 FOIl SALK Ford ono man tops and top work of all dosrrlptlou. Mod ford Tent and Awning Co., 10H N. 1'iont, Phono 78-11. 2!r. FOlt HA 1,16 Hood barley. clKMtp fcod; balod barley straw. Call 732-J2. --.r six - nr- t- - r rOIt HALL IlKAb BHTATB FOlt 8ALIS Flue, modern liuugit low, closo In, at big sacrifice for Imnuullato solo. Clark Iteulty Co. Jill! llliltitui lililv FOIl SALIC At a sacrifice, 4 3 acres, . miles front (irntits Pass, nearly all river bottom, Include herd of llolatolus, 2 horses, silo, liberal terms. 3 purcout iutereat. J M Watklus, Oiiints Pass. 288 FOlt SA LIS 801110 of tho best stock ratiohos In Jackson county; cattle go with tho ranch es. Come see what I have. Phono. T. C. Ualues, TihII. Ore. 311 FOIl SAMS flood stock ranch with water right: good range, at a bar gain. Inqulro llox 80, Jacksonvlllu, Oregon. sou WANTKII MIM'rrvjTYKOnH WAXTKD Horsea or burros, also saddles suitable for packing. State approximate wisgiit. condition price and where can be seen. Ad' dress J. Sypher. Olendale, Ore. 290 WANTICD Two-seated hack with top. Must bo reasonable. Phone U-J6. 290 WANTKD Shoan bought and soul. Koaanborg lira., Central Point. I'h one aixxxl. 306 WANTED Dressmaking at home or by day. 111 g. central. I'nona 479-M. WANTKD Knitting mill wants wom en, full time; salary 116 weekly. distributing guaranteed hosiery, or 26 cents an hour spare time; per manent werk: experience unnee evsary AddresH Manager Interna tional Mills, .Norrhrtywo. I'a. ' HUM' WAVTID FlttMt.ll WAHTUD VVnmsn ircn'rtl IHJHaaworli. f mII of I"" t" Addrr! Ilex V, Mill Irl Mfr. WASTl'ftti iSfTOATIOS WATI-Wfli hy Ida d or hour. hmm lai-w. tn TAKW.V ri TAXSM CP - Three cattle, erne Jar enw, crap err tert ear. nen on; one Jersey Iteifer, crop aft left cur; one rod steer calf, ball nn. Owner may have same by paying charges. Wlt. Uwb, Medford. Oro. tm MOMtV TO I.OAN TO LOAN $t000 on Improved ranch Holmes tho Insurance Man. lUIBINKRS niKKCTOHY Auto Supplies LAHEIl AUTO BPltlNQ CO. W nro operating tho largest, oldest and host equipped plant In tho Fa elf In northwest. Uro our sprlngt whon others rail. Sold undor guar antco. 20 North Flftoonth St. Portland, Ore Attorneys MSM l. aiJO. W. CIIKUItY Attornoy.. and .Notary, lloom 9, JnckBon Count) Uank Hulldlng, cntrnnco N. Cod tral, Medford, Oro. POHTUH .1. NKFF Attornoy nt lnw, rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National Hank Hulldlng. A. K. IIRAMKS, LAWYKlt (Jarnott Corey bldg. 0. M. nOHKltTS Lawyer. Medford National Uank Hulldlng Dentist Dr. W. M. VAN BCOTOO DIt. C. O. VAN BCOYOO Dcntlstn Onrnctt-Coroy Illdg., ulte 3K Mcdfora, Oro. Phono 860. Collections nnd Itcporls COLLKCTIONB AND URPOItTS W collected somo sccounta 14 yoan old. Wo know how to got thi money. Tho Uuttock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Ilooms 1, 2, 3, Una kins' Hide.. 210 K. Main at. Knglnecr nnd Contractor FRKD N, I CUMmInob SnglncoTanf contrnctnr, 404 M. F. & II. Uldg Surveys,, cntlmnlos, Irrigation drnlnngo, orchard and land Im provomont. Insurniiro. HAUL S. TUMY-- ISenornl Insurnnce offlco, Flro, Automobile, Acoldent, Liability, Plato Clans, Contract, and Suroty Honds. lCxcollent com. panlos, good locnl sorvlco. No 210 tlnrnett-Coroy Hldg. lusti'iit-lliiii lii Music HaT(hTt AIUSIC STUDIO IlootE 401, Onrnett-Coroy bldg. Fred Al ton Hnlght, piano; Mrs. Floronoc linlllday llalght, volco. I'honr 7" 1 .. Oniimgo OAItnAGK Oet your promlsoi claanod up for tho summer. Cal' on tho olty garbage wagons foi good service. Phono 274-L. F Y. Allen. Physicians anil nurgcons HiCvCo? cAitLow, dICkv MAINS CAIILOW Ostoopatblr physlolnns, 416-417 Onmott-Corej bldg., phono 1030-L. llealdenct 20 South Laurel at. DIt. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath! physician, 303 Gornott-Core) building. Phone 130, DIt. J. J. KMMKNB Physician and surgeon. Prnctlcn llmltnd to oye oar, noso nnd throat. Kyes BClon tltlonlly tested and glasses sup plied, Oculist nnd Aurlst for B. P It. II. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co bldg., opposlto P. O. Phono 667 DIt. II. W. CLANCY Physician ant surgeon Phonos, offlco 3G, rost doncn 724-J. Offlco hours, 10 tf 12, 2 to C. DIt. MAHTIN C. HAIUIKIt Physi cian and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nash hotel, Houri 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. T. O. IIKINM, M. D. Hyo. Har Nose and Throat. Headaches and nervous conditions rollovod bj properly fitted glnssos. Cross oyei straightened. Offlco 228 K. Mate nt., phono 303, Consultation free (JOItnON MAC CHACKKN. M. D. Homoopathlc Physician, Surgeon, 228 Kast Main St., Medford, Ore gon, orrica photio 142, rosldonce phone 732-112. Otfleo hours 1 to 4 p. 111, DIt. 0. W. STIiiPIIHNSON Physician ami optician, uaus answeroo. Kyes tested; Glasses fitted that will correct any defect of vision; Srleoa reasonable. Phone S02-X. fflco at residence for the present, Medford, Oregon, 1 10 S. Holly Printers mid Publishers MKOKOIID PltLNTINfJ CO., has "thi boat equipped printing otfleo lo southern Oregon; book binding Iqoso leaf ledgers, hilling systoma ote. Portland prices. 27 Nortl Fir st. Transfer ft BADS THANBrBIt rroitAOK CO Office 43 North Front st. Pboni 316. Priras rlaht. Service guar nnie1 Sewing Maeliluos siNoicR sic w i KiVTcinii bTfop SALE OR HINT Home naod chines also for sate Cleaning and repairing Haldwln Piano for Mala from f.i-tor to customer Kent-reui-e U7, So 1 cntiiil Phone .IfO. o Start Tomofrow and Keep It Up Every Morning Ost In the habit of drinking m glass of hot water beforo TAfA'aA wtti Ifl fjlflfl- mr 1I'm mjikn our stAjr agreoablo, Lot us Hvo well Mt well, digest wall, work welt, sleep well, aud look well, whnt a glorlotti condition to attain, and yet, how very oasy It Is It ono wilt only adopt tho morning Insldo oath. Folks who are accustomed to fool dull and heavy when thoy nrlso, split ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul1 tongue, nasty breath, ncid stomach,1 can, Instead, fact ns fresh nn a daisy by opening tho sluice of tbo aystom each morning and Hushing out tho whole of the lntornal poisonous stag nant matter. Bvoryonc. whether nlllng, sick or well, should, each morning, boforo' breakfast, drink n glass ot real hot' water with a toaspoontul ot limestone ifliospbnto In It to wash from tho stomach, liver nnd bowels tho previous day'a Indlgostlblo waste, sour btlo nnd poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, ewcctonlng nnd purifying tho cntlro alimentary canal beforo putting moro food Into tho etomnch. Tho action of hot wator and llmcstono phosphato on nn empty Btonmch Is wonderfully In vigorating. It cleans out all tho sour fomentations, gases, wasto and ticldlty nnd gives ono u splendid nppotlto for breakfast. Whlto you aro enjoying your breakfast tho water nnd phosphato is quietly extracting, n largo voltimo ot wator from tho blood nnd Kcttlng ready for a thorough Hushing ot all tho Insldo organs. Tho millions ot pcoplo who nro liothorcd wlllt constipation, bttloun spoils, stomach troublo; others who havo sallow skins, blood disorders nnd sickly complexions are urged to got a quarter pound ot llmcstono phosphato from tho drug store. This will cost vary little, but Is mifUcIent to mako anyone n pronounced crank on tlio sulijcdt ot Insldo bathluc botoro break fast - . ft .--.- DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD !. 1 1 ! - (let a ininll packngo of Hamburg Hrrant Ten, or ns tbo German folks call It, "Hamburger Ilrust Ihcc."ntany plinruiary. Tsko a tnblcspoonlul of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve nnd drink n tcsciip full nt nuy tlmo during thu day or before retiring. It Is tho most effective wsy to break n cold and euro grin, as It opens tho pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens tho bowrU, thus driving a cold from tho system. Try it the next tlmo you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is InexpcnslTo ami entirely vegetable, tbcrcloro safo and harmless. mmm out Bub Pnln and StifinOM oway with a, small bottlo of old honest St. Jacobs Oil When your Imck is Hire nnd lnmo or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stlirentil up, don't miller! Oct a 1US cent liottle of obi, honest "SL .Tsoobs OllM at any drug store, pour a little In your bnud and rub it right into the win or nohe. and by tlio time you count fifty, the soreness ami lwnc lieiis Ih gone. Don't stay crippled! This MMilhltig, prnrtrstiiig oil nuils to lie used only once. It takes tli nche nnd pnln right out of our back nisi ends the misery. It is magical. cl absolutely harmless and dnoMt't burn the skin. - Nothing else slm lumbago. Mtntlciv ud lame bask tutsvry so promptly I NOTICE TO Property Owners J I nve you properly for sale J If so, wo believe il will bo to your wlvnn tngo to eouter with us. (Jive your interests care ful consideration ami .see us AFTER MARCH 1ST, not before. After this date we will bo ready for real business. Page-Dressier Company :i2() K, Main st. Medford 18 POUNDS OF BLOOD Ls the average quantity in a healthy tulult, but it ii the quality of the blood that determines our btrengtli to resist sickness. ilh weak blocxl "we iind cold liands and chilly feet; in children un aversion to study, and in adults rheumatic tendencies. In changing seasons get abundant fresh air and take a spoonful of Scott's Kmulsion alter meals, because Scott's UtnuUkm is a rich blood-food that will incraa both (juuntity and quality of the blood while it warms the body and hclne cany ufi Uw itHpuriliea. Wlien iuulii((tdi of ppil are to day taking hcott'. 1 rn iIm..i to avert winter si ktii ., .1111.I .111 "iug it to tlveit ciiildicu, it U careless to neglect ItsUlirDti I iil out ( uli'.litUtM. ' u