2 arrcnTorm matt; TrtTnrwt, mwortv. 6umm, irnruv, mtmcwr , mm HIGH SCHOOL AI !M'KINLAY LECTURES REVIVAL MEETING UPON THE FROGS' ISL 1 .nnnnru'ing lb time rr httimming III Urrfiirp Tfc hnf h 8 'rl niui CHEERS EVANGEL FOR DRAMA LEAGUE ViiriMim mucr tar Itwil. rifn honiw thfi rliiM)? war lllahnt amito romblnatto Tntmim rlmmr and wiw fur rwit, $1 r dv, i1Oivfrprt anil rrtaraml. Cull I ihoni No 2 flrnth Company, O N I! , Mia ta ok rrrmw? High rbool night wan tlir program ,t tlw XaUitorfaM lust erraiMfr. Tho Krttot hull vrtiN ilcpflralctt with tho Mliool colore, jn'mmnts ami met to. Tho confer section liml bcun rtworveil fyv the MotlfonI liiali school, which iwnie in a body, giving their yell lotije bniWe they reached tho building. Kvery ohnir reserved for them wna tnhen when tlie grcnt throiiGT filed in. When they entered the hall tho great jimltonue nue mul received thorn with ciithuaiimtie npilnuac. The yell winter then took tho ro tnun and for ten minute tliero was a quiuk succession of yollS and school songs until everybody caught tho spirit of tho oeeasion. t i ..!.....:.... ! il... lit...- d llllf;r lirirp;iill(ll limn uiu I nut'- nix hiph school was present and given reserved enK ANo a delegn tion, some twenty strong, of tho oil-ir-otift di' daeksom ille had a reserved space. Tonight a Im-jjo delegation from Ashland is e.vpeoied. The miiKie was stirring and bright. Tho choir was augmented again by Seriuoii I'imiii .loscpli, V large orchestra and Mr. Vosey kept tiling moving' from beginning to mid. The -ennon by Mr. MnthU ynf- a heait-to-hcart talk with young people on I lie character and purposes of .losejth. Ills tost was, "And Clod was with him." There yi nothing of the "goody-goody" about the rapid-fire. Mraight-to-the-mnrl. manner of putting some of the vital principle every young person must hold to sucocfsfiillv face the demands of life. Tho siwnkcr inist od that the things which made Jos eph one of the heroic great charac ters of mankind are the very things the jnescnt-day youth must cherish and iwercisp. "Joseph made good wherever he waK In adversity nnd in prosperity he maintained the same high ideal of self and virtue. Joseph Has the same in heart and pnrwse when as slave he felt the grip of tho shack le as in the sent of authority n flovcnior of ICgypt. One thing fot which Abrnhnm Lincoln will be re vered and' cherished forever is be cause lie 'wits' still Abmlinin f u co'fn' In the White' HoiiHe as in'thc Squatter' cabin in the hack woods. It was a hiph place lo which Joseph ctmic, but he came thither bv wa of the slaxe pit and the felon's tell. Nevertheless find was all the while fitting him for the high plucu of honor. Any young man or woman who will pay the price in character Mud pronmtion has the right of way in this old world." The speaker urged young people to sot before them some worthy ideal nnd then subordinate nil minor con kidorntioiiri for its accomplishment. Thi' senium was recencd with marked appreciation and often the Hal!cr was interrupted with ap plause. Clioeis foe I'vangclM. At the close of the service the yell mNnter of tho school took the pint foiro ami led tho great thiong ot school tolks in yell and songs, and Mid: "Wo have received much here tonight from Mr. Muthu: let us give him three rousing cheers." And they wote given with a rim and puit onou'jh to put heart into any man The seventh mid eighth grades oi i thi lMiblic M-hoid were present, com iiif in a body and occupying lesencd i unU. Tonight is "men's night." Kverv I ImmIv is invited, but tho mnou will ' bo 4npccin)ly to men. Saturday niplit , t)tf great ehoir give a sacu-d , conceit in place of tho usual piuic st'rvloo. A fine program i: prepared T " xetici: ProolncU ModTord North Main nnd Wait Medford register now at the MallTrlbuno office. i GIRLS! HAVE WAVY, THICK. GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Saw Your llalK tvnutile Its Itcauly In a I'cw Xlnutcs Try Tlilsf 1 1 you euro for lionry hair, that glbitona wltli lioauty and Is radiant with life; lias an luromimrahlo fioft uoi and Is fluffy nnd hiHtrotiH, try Dauderluo. JiiHt one application doubles tho regions ncnuty of your hair. healdoH It Immo which illntely (HmoIvch every pnrtlclo of Th lecture ..n "The Frog-." winch hi to be ghm by Dr. McKinl.i i I'ortland thia evtiAng in the read iiirrooni of the Hotl Hllaml, pnmt-, ipo an eroding of tnnl Vtitfiiniii nioiit iu;d ixtent. (rtie.Wnpjig that, there in nothing ner under the stm, which has almost become a danger- j ons platitude, is restored to its orig-' iunl nnd virile meauiiiguoaH umui eon ,lderiur and enjoying thn lutrnor ahdi What would be greeted today na tltoj most modern and up to date trent- moni oi some oi ine snnuni iiilsiioiis which confronted the Athenians when Aristophanes wrote his grcatet com edy. Hucchu-' expedition to hades with his slave as traveling ciimpnnioti and .advisor, their interxiew with the gatekeeper of the infernal and the final denouement . . . ,. ... . i lakes place ip tlie court oi l'luto dnnilriiff: you cannot lmvo nlco, n fiord n M'hiele Tor wit and satire, , hoavy, healthy lmlr It you have lian as bright and sparkling, n-keen and j tjniff. Tlila dentrunttvo curf rolm caustic as any oujnjcd today. To the lmlr of Its lustro. Its atrongth this literary nltainmeut is added the 'and ltx vory lUo. nnd If not over merit of its having been without Icomo It produces a ,iev'orghnon nnd doubt u beacon light to the greatest I Itching of tho Henlp; tho lmlr root satirists of modern times, and ono1 famish, Ioohou and dlo; thou tho hair wonders how much of a peek our falls out tart. trenchant Shaw takes occasionally If your lmlr baa boen negloctwt and into the pages of the ancient dram- Ik thin, faded, dry. icniRy or too oily atist espeeinlly dots. this, thought ; get a SK-cent bottlo or Knowlton's suggest itself in that deliciously Danilerlno, at any drug atom or tol. Shnvian hell scene in "Man ami Su-'et counter, apply o llltlo ai directed pominu." ' i nnd ton minutes after you will auy Dr. McKiulny's presentation of tho tlila waa tho bent Invoatmont you over comedy will be such that even thoe made. who lire not familiar with the author Wo alurcrely bollovn, regardlnaa of will iievcrthclesi feel well lcpnid at , evorythlng olio adVertlaed, that If having heard him nml enjoyed the you doalro soft. ItiHtroiii, beautiful modem interpretation of the ancient; lmlr and lota of It no dandruff no wit nnd humor. ' Itnhlug acnlp and no more fulling lmlr The lecture is free nnd the public ou muat lino Knowlton'a Dander is urged to iitlcnd. Ine If ocntunll whj not now? An error wus made vcstcrday in Adv '.nut p i.nn-.- lIlGRIhK ::::t:.J".-.-c', ahoWi Ut i In the collage or mansion in the club or cafe in the hotel or apartment and on shipboard or on the Limited dc Luxe, there, and wherever exacting coffee thinkers congregate, you'll find liTllOS MElfe lOOFFEEf WaUKDAHOStAlllt GoldenWestCoffee The purest, most delicious and most healthful coffee. Order of YOUR grocer. Full weight. Always fresh. Economical. Closset ? Devers Portland, Oregon 40c lb. 3 lbs. $1.10 v t P u m t n &-1 i J '.frr e iiiiit sgiSst E OF First Sign of Blood Disease. iPtmjHM. caly ilolnn? akin. raUn VuraiUK nrliMiUoliil and AiofuU ilrm.iti Willi UDfl)lliK r.Tlinl) .t lllhmir4 w.akcnml an 1 liupuie iul or tu. VUtil. The lioublr nut) lic been Br blood from birlh, bill nu t. , .. t . you r- infrrtvd. )uu iii'i nn lirousb lh bl.Mxl. It U a blumi li vmtm- Tou luuat u UK., th nt.m.i ard Hood tome foi 40 am. If u ' IHKl rilf Kor iurlfiajc the iei . Mlblti? ritual to it Th a uuii ..; ' i. a. 2 la to . lri. Ihc blxud. H .-..ki . . i. . . ... . .,.& . .i In . la lo .iraiisv ifir ifiui. 4. 1 IkNiuah lliv aMlni dlr. I to tlie M the tii'inlr aiilna ua an aiiiiJ to nruliall. the t.lood poltonf It viMJUta tin rtJ l.lood coipuatUa ti'HMn thr (Ium o that the lil....il prupth piifoin. iia ph aUn I w The dull aluKUtah f-rliQK la. v 111 caaiDlrllun llMK UP Kvril 1. MeMjInc. uira rcapond liruineiit VU II1L1BI ..LB I I' 'tK RH 1 l.v ' lit! t. '.a ycu liuint taWe S IS ! n, auiul.i '.n t Ju 'if 1 s v fp'ii .ir w: 1 -t 1 cu 1 .. ! l WP 1. (t itvVft n illv WHY FAMOUS PASTRY COOKS USE W Baking Powder The patrons of our first class hotels and restaurants are exact ing they demand the best. Women go where the pastry and cakes are noted for their excellence. Men are attracted by hot bread and biscuits when fresh and moist and light. t. The pastry cook with a reputation uses K C Baking Powder because he knows that results are certain; every time everything, is as good as his best. Then, too, with K C Baking Powder he can mix the various kinds of batter before the rush of the meal begins and bake as needed so that every order goes to the tabic fresh and hot, yet the last he bakes arc just as good as tnc iirst. The reasons behind these reasons is t.tat . C is really a blend of two baking powders. One commences to give off leavening gas as soon as moistened. The other requires both moisture and heat to make it active. Dough or batter will remain in a partially leavened condition for hours, and when put In the oven, will come up as light as if mixed a moment before. For cookies, pancakes,'' doughnuts and the like, which cannot all be baked at once, K C is indispensa ble. Tor all baking thedoubleraise makes doubly certain. ' Follow i example of the proftttlonal C3 rvok and your baking will be equal to hit. HMHHHttMMHHUI " NEW SPRING MILLINERY It's nono too early for your Now Spring Hetdwaar and already much of the season's stock has arrived, including all that is to be worn this season in tho variod shapes, sizes and colors. Dame Fashion has decreed that small hats shall bo the popular hat of the season, but you will find a generous sprinkling of the med ium and larger shapes among our stock for tho discriminate buyer who would have something different. SOMETHINGS NEW MOST EVERY DAY BUY WASH GOODS NOW WHILE THE STOCKS ARE NEW And with such a variety as is shown this season, should make choosing Lawns in tho better woven Stripe Novelties. PRINTED CREPES 10c That make niT sunuuer dresses for both children and grown-ups. Some arc stripes, others small patterns, and a good wash material. FIGURED LAWNS 15c Come in a big range of patterns, both floral and stripe patterns, in the most wanted' colors, and a big varictv to choose from. COTTON POPLINS 25c Come full tlR inches wide, in light pink, light blue, Alice blue, navy, black and tan, and a medium weight cloth for the present sea son's wear. GINGHAMS AT 10c, 12y2c, 15c All the new patterns in the new spring gingham, including checks, stripes and plaids and colors. easy. Dainty Printed Crepes and RICE VOILES 25c Shown in a big range of plain col ors', also stripes, dots and figured patterns, ,() inches wide, all new designs this season. NOVELTY WASH FABRICS 35c, 45c The newest that is to be shown for the coming season, in wide awniug stripes, splash voiles and cretonne patterns, all run in the wide width. SAVE ON DRUG SUNDRIES Cicnuine Imported Castilo Soap 19 Peroxide Jbith Soap 9 Colgate's Dig Hath Soap..9 Pure Extract AYiitch Hazel at 15 Hinds' Hoiiey and Almond ( 'old Oroam 19 Palm Olivo Soap 8 Colgate's Shaving Powder at 19 Sutiibbs' Trtleum Powder nf 19 Dr. Graves 'Tooth Powder at 19 Colgate's Dental Cream nt 19 Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder al 19 Pcbeco Tooth Paste. . 39 Colgate's Toilet Waters at 21, 39, 48 AI ennon's Shaving Cream at 19 Select Your Spring Wear ing Apparel Now and Get the Full Season's Wear Suits "With Easter at tho latest date in many a year should promote an early season in spring wearing apparel, for where is the woman that would wait until most tho first of May for her new spring garments? Already we have assembled a big variety of tho new suits in both silk and wool priced at ....'....$24.50 to $45.00 Coats Early Spring Coats in white or mingled with a shadow spripe and plaid, also checks and plain colors, at ,. $12.50 to $27.50 NOTE "We expect a big express shipment of New Silk Suits and Coats the first of the week, direct from the big Xcw York shops. The May Co. J Property Owners Have buyers for city and country property Wc want your listings Right Now CLARK REALTY CO. 206 Phipps Bldff. Phone 233 RESULTS COUNT 1 Our courses arc arranged with one aim in view to get the best results. Investigate then enroll in Day or Night School. Medford CommerciaS College New Students May Enroll at Any Time. Phone 15-L -1 fw ' '' 'i.T , ' w" y 'wwtMt ''-' l""C';ajM SHOE POLISHES a Easy to Handle -2. Costs Less .3 Always the Same SOLUBLE SULPHUR Blaclc White Tart TEepolisliu'iafs easiest louse-iltcsluneflutis 0Jjar(lesttolasc. KEEP YOUR SHOES NAT Tho F. F. Dalloy Co., Ltd., Duffslo, N. Y. ssmmm thx.jii. mm& 1CK WutSV'Stt - J (cauroi'NU) You Sprayed For Scale Last Season. And Yet You Failed. Why? Au?Vt.TM.HV:iAlttVy2r' l!; ... u.iuulli. iwi SOLUBLE SULPHUH Hi " la inMIIK lllinni.l nu nn. nrmt . kill II II will S !!. IMII Iix.l lull. ! .otklal .1 tlVI .t tMM" tk.uit.Ji il lam axd, 1K.11U ! tktt tli may li III". IT IS RIGHT. IT D0E8 THE WORK. SINO TOR OUR llll SPRAY BULLETIN. II t.lll Mmilklig o.rlk Willi limit SOAII ANO SCAB. Willi fir Prlh Mi. )wr liw. LILLY'S Siittll Hi PmIIiM II 111 lt, IHI 'fit i. llmi wir I 1l',i ! tm i.uliy " lltllll UlllllMI M WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE r'.'wiiitiimi 50IUBLE SULPHUR "UTi T'" ii... ;r:." - "vvinuLUo i i