Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 23, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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paw, m
Afphroffi Mtr, rr,rr:i i:, Mt.hFOfU), om.noN. ui;im.siv. rr.rurr ahv j.s. irur,
,.. miLLLJ - - i i i i nrtftiiiliwMLMjj jiMm nr inr rr r r i -- r . jaMMMMM
WAJirflMOToK, Feb. SM. -Presi-Wh(
Wilson told a committee of
Hanfrians fnds? h hud intt
ttalbi! the Mlkffinnc t lb (JwMH
Atam f tho jtrrot fireperttan C
forrfftrt-bffrn .AinrrieHii eiliww hhiI
thAt lie rrroffitizAl that llicy wor
jtMit a mtieh AmoHcnns any onn
born in Hip Unit ml Slate.
HofitleU by Alexnmlnr Konjn of
New York, the committee presented
resolution passed nt n ttmtm nicot
inic of Htin(ariniin in Nnv York lust
month urging sllcwinneo to Ilia Unit
cd Htntoa and dcolnrinK Hint tlicy
hod been misrepresented nnd shin
dorod by attacks on their loyalty.
IContn told the president bo ritpro
Muted citizen of Hungarian birth
in nil purls of the country-
Tho president wild:
"Ho fnr ns my own feolhiRH nnd
opinion nro eonuuroed, thin crrnnd
win unnoeossnry. I hnvo novor my
self doubted for n moment tho feel
In; (lint gentlemen Mich ns your
Helves hnvo tmvnrd Ameiien. I reo
onizo you nro just ns much Anieri
en us n h nnjbody born in thin coun
try?. "I deplore, nnd I nm sure you
have united with mo, in deploring tho
spirit which baa bucn itninifested by
homo who hnvo misrepresented thoso
for whom they professed to apeak.
"So that I wolcome this ocenhion
na nn opportunity of expressing my
unqualified ennfidencn in those
1 bought ful citiruim liko joiirselve
ulio hnvo identified themselven In
henrt na well ns in fortune with thin
grent country which is so dcnl to
Ull Of UH.'
mam parade
LONDON, Fob. 23.--Andrew Ilonar
Luw, sooretnry for tho rolonloa nn
nouueod In tho lioiisa of conimouii
today that 730,000 square, miles of
German territory In Arrlca had been
(Continued from pngo onoi
"Our only Hcntimcnt townrd tho
Swedes is ono of ainoero friendship.
Any pretext of conflicting interests
vould only ho nrtifieinl. Kttssin's his
tory does not impel bur toward tho
coast of Scandinavia. She must ob
tain nu outlet in the frco bun in quite
another direction."
M. Snronoff then turned to Uu
mnnin, aayinyr:
"Humnnin will not betray her own
interests and when tho hour strikes
hhe will know bow to roaliio bur nn
tiotinl unity at- tho cost of her own
blood. Hhe may bo certain that in
defending herself against the at
tempts of n common enemy lo inter
fere with the indopeudeneo of her de
cisions she will find real support."
M. Snronoff took up the subject of
Itussinn-Ameriean rolutious.
Interests With Aiiieilca.
"The intorost which Amciiean in
dustry baa in our markets," ho said,
"Hmit of the hope that in addition
tu the friendly political relations now
t'iluiir between the two countries
an economic rapproohowcut may be
brought about which would bo of tho
(rreatest benefit to both nations.
"In auy ease, tba Hitssisu govern
ment will put forth all its effort to
this end."
The foreign minister also referred
to the "maladroit nnd iuiKirtuuate
proMiKandN of Herman sgt'iits in
America," which, ha said, "not onl.
faded in its ohjttct, bat provoked
certain irritation and appreciably
chilled Ainertcau sywimtliies for Oer-many."
The clnldrpri't Wilmijiliin'-. liirtli
day pa rude n n pleasing sight.
About eight sotos, gnersly pro-
fMed by the business men of Ik ity
were, loaded with school children. It
was estitnaied that at least a thous
and children pflrtieipalwl in thf par
ade. TJm ears wera droralwl
soma of them elaborately, ami ewry
IMiasonirer earried a flair. When tha
parade was strung oat for action it
was something over a mile and a half
long. Great enthusiasm was mani
fested ns the long line of antos mov
ed over some of tho principal streets
on both sidea of the creek.
Thn evening service at the .Vat was
mnrked by much intorost nnd tho
grout throng present entered heartily
into the opening prniso service.
An additional fonturc of the miisio
nt tho meeting is the orchestra, nt
times numbering fifteen pieces, which
adds greatly lo the oftloiency of the
Lnst evening Mr. Matins spoke on
"Conversion" from tho text, "Kxccpt
ye be converted yc unnnot cntor tho
"Conversion," said the evnngelist,
"is something more thnn blowing your
iioho nnd wiping your oca -it is n
thing Hint down deep into your heart
life nnd produces u change in your
relation to (bid."
Mr. Mnthia maintained that it is
not necessary that nil conversions bo
of tho sumo type or style. Thu Mas
ter ojHiiied many blind eyes, but on
no two occasions were tho methods
employed or the manner of doing the
Mime. It is only necessary that the
results he sucured.
Tho result of conversion is n
ehnnged nttiludo townrd God and
tho going in n different direction
from tho former life.
"If you want to bo converted you
can bo nnd it is certain if you do
not want lo be converted you will
"Conversion, in whatever fashion
it is brought about, is n muikeil
ehnngo in one's oniiduot. It in tho
producing in one's purpose a loath
ing of tho things which supamtcd you
from fled and loving the things which
Clod lovos."
The. preacher's definitions and
statements were simple, clear nnd hi
hnniiony with the generally accepted
tenets of the great Christian world,
Mr. Mnthi' preaching lauk tho
fnuuticism so otten witnessed and is
marked by u manly, squaio and kind
ly interest in thu effort of men to
lend n better life.
The meeting tonight nt 7:H0 will bo
n most important one.
The songsenice v ill start prompt
ly at tne nour appointed nml is a
most enjojobh le.iture of the serv
To Lydia E. Pinkhnm Medi
cine Co.
(Continued tiom I'sro ono)
pletoly dastrojwl In the course of
those action.
"A dosultor) artllLery duel con
tlnuoa In the region of Haute Char
rlcro uud of Kremaroy in Lorraine
In tho region of Nomsuy our artil
lery has boon very active. An onemy
rcconualMance north of I.etrlcourt
fallod t ronoh our linos.
"In tho llorbo foroat wo have
evacuated the village of Hauuiont
Wo still hold tho environs after a !
hitler fight In which our troops In
fllotod very heavy lowoa on the en
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it. 2Dcal all druggists.
Women who nro well often auk "Are
tho letters which the I.ydla K. rinkham
MwlloinoCo. are continually publishing,
gonuino?" "Are thoy truthful?"
" Why do women write such letters? "
In answer we sny that never have wo
pubttahod n fictitious letter or name.
Never, knowingly, havo wo published
an untruthful letter, or ono without tho
full and written consent of tho woman
who wrote it.
The reason that tlmimnnds of womor
from all parts of the country write such
grateful letters to tho Lydia K. rink
ham Medicine Co. is that Lyilin K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has brought
health and happiness into their lives,
once burdened with pain and suffering.
It has relieved women from some of
tho worst forma of female ills, from dis
placements, inflammation, ulceration,
irregularities, nervousness, weakness,
stomach troubles and from tho blues.
It Is impossible for any woman wIic
is well and wno
baa never sultored
to realise how those
poor, Buffering wo
men feel when re
stored to honlth;
their keen desire to
help other women
who are (suffering as
they did. M KYwtfMrorf
Iwif at Othetl,
S Wwk.
Get a Can Today
CIIIfAOO, Fel J" tnformstloli
to be laid before thp rotmrll commit
(en oh seNools, fire, pollee and elvll
arrlee when It metis Friday to l
roitlHate tho eharges of graft made
by Mrs. I'age Waller Raton, former
omnlore of the bureau of social serr
Ico In tier allegations thai she bad
been forced to pay one-third of her
salary to Mrs.'I-ouls Osborne Itowo,
eommlssloner or public welfare, was
sought today. An Independent Inves
tigation has boon started by tho olty
elvll service commission.
Charges and counter charges havo
been stirred up by the allegations.
Mayor Thompson assallod Kdwnrd J.
Hrundogo, Senator Sherman's cam
paign manager In Cook county, as
sorting that ho was Involvod In tho
development of the graft charges.
Mruudugo donled all connections with
tho matter.
Mrs. Itowo denied alt allegations,
saying onomles of tho administra
tion nro responsible for tho chnrgos
of graft.
Mrn. Margaret H. Mlvolas, sister
of Mrs. Thompson and alleged re
cipient of the salary graft, donlod
that sho had ovor received uny fi
nancial aid In tho insnno'' charged.
Mrs. tinton renewod her chnrgos
and assorted Mrs. Itowc had, in ad
dition, "padded" the payroll. Sho
said Ml F!mma ft. f,infbr. a ste
aosrsfber, mi wtfffwt on tie mr
mil wfhm mtfftrfflrtng tut stftlea
Miss Lnsdby ndtfltt(d sba a oh
Mrs Ititwe's garfflll for nwfe thnn
six motttbs, tml (fselired she bad
wnrJtwl rortsirilitty.
Mrs mien mM Mrs. flow bud
offered t tshtw a (fttmmt MUM an
the Bsvrsll as itWBrsiber nt Iff
per month daring (be tlnw tbnt ber
regnlar stenegntjilrof was in Callfdr
nm for her health anil offered to sal It
the salary with bor. Tbbi sbe said
he refnsed to do.
sMWMl 4sfssWssistMs
(foafliUKHt frm Fsjf rttM
If. II. Ooltleson, of O'ahland, Cal.,
la a visitor In M ml ford today.
favriHg rbe sihmsrlM Issue r (h
MortfwiM war.
AelivMy lot Imliit nt botwe mn
ber nrgiffff tt ifefnwr reaofation
rrrivisinjr AmeHenfw (0 remain off
rwed merefmntsne earned oVmo
oral mneh ewtieem.
On llrliik of War.
"I loW the rfsirfen( (bat f was for
adopting eurh a resomtfo imraedi
ately." t(epreent alive Jeebr le-
elared later. "I fear we are on the
brink of war and wc should ardd it
If possible. Xo demoerat i rnwro
Do you read the labels to know whether
baking powder is made from cream of
tartar derived from grapes, or from
alum or phospjiate derived from min
eral sources?
Baking Powder
Absolutely Pure
Made from Cream of Tartar
No Alum No Phosphate
willing In nphrdd (he hand, nf Ihe wltji .is Hat i?d
rstep iM.mVHlM h. (a.e wKbol EJ-,"" W lfiJ
mmrA in him viHITtt. , . "'"
MBHIM t" ! . -
Nine Inch Top Boots
Are Good Right Now
Itnvaim llruwn Kiel and Black
(Ihraed Kid are two colors very
Ntiiplp, made up in Lace or JJutton
in the 9-inch top. AVo havo those
two boots in now in all sizes and
We Will Order Specials for You
in the following leathers: Bronze
Kid, Midnight Blue Kid, Champagne Kid, Imported
Battleship Grey Kid and Imported Light Grey Kid.
NOTE We will have "White Nile Fabric Boots in
very soon.
AT THE JtelfdctlM 21NOUTII
Cooo Shoes
: o.
rWt isn.JW TJ 9 V . . m 1
M Mm MmrCs Pfi
I ' AVenue r 5jj7 , o, Postoffice PpX
sf' II Ihe Woman's otore feAvGlr
TuS Spring's Favored Fashions Have Arrived pri .
llNrA'il This unadorned announcement will be enthusi- A(!&&QlJ
j&i r? astically received by the women of this commu- $m fe-7
, $ffift J u mty or stvle leadership has been unquestionably v 4
. rii 1 vested in this store. ' ysJr
Tr. s Ty YH n : LiiW Pi J
krbyj Til 7) 0
x i5?, I J '
I ' "jD -W
1 4 1 '
Special Display of Coats and Suits
SI' ITS AKE SHOWING the influence of sports. Belts, pockets
and trimmings, as well as materials radiate the outdoor life of the
Aimu'iean women. For the more dressy occasion you will find
Silks quite the thing, with Taffeta and Gros dc Londres as favor
it t-s.
NEW BLUE SUITS FROM $15.00 TO $40.00
NEW SILK SUITS AT $30.00, $40.00 AND $50.00
Coats are of 110 less importance than suits, and soft wool materi
als, guch as velours, flannels, etc., are shown in brilliant colorings,
black and white checks, with a touch of green, blue or with
other colors are receiving much attention, and justly so.
Now Black and White Check Coats from $6.50 to $20.00
Nov Volour and Corduroy Coats from $9.00 to $30.00
Now Navy Bluo Gaberdine Coats from $8.50 to $25.00
Our Weekly Shipment of New Skirts Are Here
Any of these skirts will make a noteworthy addition to your
spring wardrobe.
MATERIALS All-wool checks, poplins and serges.
The prices are reasonable and range from $5.00 to $12.00
Radiant Silks
The new coloring in HG-iiuh
IMwid Taffetas, so suitablo for
waists, per ard,
at "
New Gloves
Our celebrated "Derby" Kid
Glove, in all colors and sizi-s,
special price, per (fl "j H JT
pair, at $ 1 , J