k i i W, r atrti 'ACM Font MFDFonn fn THfiuK, ff-:rn,oiiD, or?rr:nv. motiv. Fit:i?ffiv AiaWJPOItD JWAIf, THrmlTft All lfKf'NifT NKWfrAtllH rvMf i-'i v fir tub mkim orm riiiNriNM .Qfffet " Trll.ur.x iIitMlnjI Mt l nJTUI flf afroet, wi'iin"ir T. W DMIKIrMlll" f !, Km bmrooaa, Tlir Atihliutt Tfbttno. f stHfnM , Tfi fktatb 8L rsr wanth. t?MitKirrxow RMf."I f. b awl . II.M oath, far suiii. . .. .It MrMl kv mrftnr Ih ISONMNMrUte Murffont. PhonnU. Mil Central PMnt - .It aatHriMr only, by (null, orr year-.. 1 su wrKiy, pr jrsnr.. ....... . 1 19 mm a dASAfim kayy IfleUJ lftw of Urn City f .Merita! OfTlclnl Psprr of JnrkMin County ttnlnrad mcond-ctoM matter at MstlfWfil, Oregon, umtor Ike net r March wofn Clreulatiem for 1DH, II SS. I'u 1 1 leasod wire Aaseoluttd Vrtm din yaiefrts ''! Subscribers falling to ro colvo pnpors promptly, phono Circulation Mnnngorat 2G0-R .. .;. v ! HONG KONG KOLUM Tin.- toriior grocer Is nlwnva tho first person to know when tho novv lywod'n Jionojnioon Ih ovor -the brldo sonda In an order for onions, lilltlll KlIOVVH Kilt I S AllOlll 1'jlllMIUK People KIllK (Icorgn nt riiiglniiit close III oyoN h lion asloup. President Polncare of Franco vvoari a different hIioo on each foot. In KhakliiK lunula Proaldonl WIU koii hnliltuiilly iiimih IiIh right hand. Punuho Villa hasn't had a facial inaMnfto hIiico ho lout IiIm JoIi na urn oral. (When koUImr, .lohn I). Itocknfollor lmvnr plays tho ulnctcuuth hole Kinntu tloldinitu nover votud tlm icpubllcati ticket. .Aflor rending all about how tho Hermans or tho KiikIIMi can taku our Atlantic tdatoH ovor nlKht and tho .lap von rop Iho Pacific dirrliiK tlio Innrli hour, wo nukkomI tho (liand Cation of Iho Colorado as a nifty 111 t lo trouch for tho "lout Ntand" of tho Aniurloan army. An AroiiDHi' of .Mixed ICuiotlon A prwttv and nrrninpllhlietl girl who haw boon onllnK miloitx. IUwh' 'mtklit fTM nic4rn wlfo placed two plut8 whJ Wimt, fork, Mpootit ami turn Mt ii lh dlBliiK-rooin tulil. and mk wo Mr napklnn from a draw. or, laylni- otic Imtldn nnch nhil. Tfteu ah llaliti-d IIh B.i' atovo opeimd a nan of hoiim and plated it In a aklUrt to hoat. Next alte upi'iied a eu of salmon and ItwMed thw. Sli uut alx altraa of hakor'n bread and quartwrod a bnkitr'a pla, plncln orrythlng on th tabid taiather, with butter, aall, pppor and a pltohor of cold wator. ".lohn," atio aald lirlaklr, "your dlnnnr'a loady." .India, "1 W9 n dark man," murmured th furliiHu lollar. "Taku another look," damandod Ilia iKilltliilan, "and iuu If you imn ajHt a daik horao!" Uurnpoau TourUt- I toll ou ou thliiK. Aiaorlca la fur bolilud t.'inopo In ftatoilng place. VankoM SoT ICutopean Tourlat It U Tako KiiRlmnl; aha hua liar lUlh; fraurti ka bar Alx la Ititlat: Qtirniaii) haa lior lludou lladau. What'a tba l'nltd slat a"t? Vuukuu galuida) night. Our Mm of tlia iinHtt (artful hua baud In ovlatonco la tho mau who toUl Ida wife ho tuuldn't bear to anioko tko clauia ah ao him fur Chrlal IHRM, bwcauio ha waa ktntplng tliom (a rawpiubor Uwr b). .Lit tin lUden, th pot of th faiu ll', foil ueglwtod watm tke ua baby arrlvati. A vlaltur fouud hr wup log la a ctrur. "Dun't )u llk our llttU brMth or?" h aakwl. "I'tvtty ftoli," aald littUt HhIwh. "but I taluk thfitf'i too wiuth iuui potlUuu u thu world " iJM)s the (ill I on tho I'lllll, W'Iioh u woman taka a niaH'a jHu U UJHtht Juat tia woll bwutMo NaXUMlttNi Ut glriug bar aary thing 'a KlH. IN turn rf bix rvwvviini nwhvn flu )rvuvn mM that Iw MU'Vitl tlir Airi'TM nti tiiivv stinuhl "iiM-om-iwrafijv Ihv sfHtitixt imvv in llir world." TIiih him 1m'h 1 ! 'laiiKr of rlw jingtNH Ur yean. It Iiam U'l'ti testified At the eoTigrouiioiMiI IiohHiis by the ranking adtnirnh of the nvy that no foreign nation at war with the lnltcd States would dare to wild more than a half of it navy in an attack upon the I'nhed Rtatea, the rent iM'iiur required to defend home eoaatx, and that the Tinted Ntntt'H navy wan already xuperior to half or anv foreign navy except Hritain, and eonld defeat any sticli force a likelv to he ent even by J'ritain. J'iVen in the present war, over halT ot KtiKland's great fleet is kept guarding the "tight little inland." The bulk of the I'Yeiieh fleet i patrolling h'reneh wateiw and this with the (Jerinan fleet "bottled tip" and inactive. To create the greatest navy afloat, congress will have to aiithori.f increases four times as great ns the program .submitted by Secretary Daniels, which calls for the expen diture of $.j02,182,!2 1 1 in five years, in order to even equal (Ireat Britain's navy, congress will have to authorixe tin expenditure of $2,22.V)i)G7.iOS. It will be necessary to au thorize the construction of seventv-one first-line shins in stead of sixteen as at present proposed. If the present plan is authorized by congress, the Tinted States will have by 19121 twenty-seven first-line battleships and six battle cruisers, or thirty-three first line ships. England, at its usual rate of increase, will have eighty-eight ships of the first line by then. To become the greatest naval power, the construction of fourteen capital ships per year, plus the necessary scout destroyers, submarines, aeroplanes, gunboats, ammuni tion, fuel and repair ships to balance, with enlarged ap propriations for the extension of the naval establishment, navy yards, docks and preparatory schools. And by tin; time we secured the plannod-for ships, other nations would still be building ahead. But why the necessity of any such mad program of tax burdening expenditure As a nation, the Tnited States has no idea of embarking upon ti career of world conquest. What do we need the biggest navy for Not for defense. Rear Admiral Blue, chief of the bureau of navigation, de clares the present navy fit to do battle with any possible enemy. (Jeneral Nelson A. Miles declares our coast de fenses equal to any in the world and the guns of battle ships powerless against laud fortifications. The nation is in no danger of attack. Kvcn in time of war controversies like that over the Lusitauia are settled amicably. What belter arbitrament could war briny,? FLO POCK MA'TfN. WHO WILL l fgtfTSOrjrj in na 0' MY HEARr AT the vining theater LINCOLN A WATCHFUL WAITER P Stronuoiis UiiniNliaUlov. UOFTSKOB WALTKlf k DAVIS of the history de partment of the Culleue of I'njret Sound at Taeoma has dug up some historical documents concerning the atti tude taken by President Lincoln in 1SI51 towards interven tion in Mexico, thou loudly clamored for us now, showing that Uneoln was really the oliuinator of "watchful wait ing." KoHowiii-r the Mexican war with its American aggres sion, Mexico had been torn with ciil war between a re public and monarchy. With Lincoln's election came the triumph of Benito Juarez, who set up a provisional gov ernment. Revolution and outlawry still tore up the land. Reports were widely circulated that the provisional government was without authority to maintain order. Stories of robberies, depredations, murders and wrongs against American citizens flooded Washington. A member of the American legation was murdered on his way to era (tux Ironi .Mexico City. Intervention was loudly de manded. Here was a situation that paralleled that faced bv Pres ident Wilson. The question is frequently asked: J'What would Lincoln dof1" Here is what Lincoln did: lie proclaimed a policy of watchful waiting and for bearance. He opposed aggression. He appointed as min ister to Mexico tin opponent of the Mexican war. Through Secretary Seward he sent the following instructions to the new minister: 'Tor a low i'r tho rendition of iltnlto hu boou no unsettled aa lo raise tho quenl Ion oh both aides ef the Atlantic wheihor the tluio hua not eome when some forelan power ought, In the goi a I lutorost of socletj. to Intenene to establish a pruteeturate or aouie otbur form of government In that uuutr and auaiautov it loutluuauce there. "Tho pn-nidout ueter for a moment doubts that the republican us I urn iJ to pass safel) through all ordeals and proie a permaueut ui.is In our own couutr, and so to be recommended to adoption by all other nations. "Hut he thinks alao that that system haa to make IU wav painfull Ihiougb difficulties and eniltarraastnents whlrb insult from the uitlon of autagoulatlral elemeuta which are a legacy of former times and vei dUiureut Institutions. ' The president Is hopeful of the ultimate triumph of this system oer all nbaiatW', ax well In regard to Mexico as In regard to ever) other Auiorieau utale, hut he foals that those states are neveitbeiesa Justl) eu 11111 to a greater forbearance and wore generous )ntnathhm from the government and people of the I'uited Stales titan they art) llkel to ie cehe In an other quarter " "The pteaideul tnuU thai our mlaaion. manifesting these aenllmeiils, will reassute the i;o eminent of Mexico of his best disposition to taor their commerce and their Internal Improvements." "I find the archives here full of complaints against the Mexican nor element for violation of contracts and spoliation and ctuelties prac ticed agalnHt merlcan citizens. It is not the president's Intention to acud lorward such claims ai the present moment lie willingly defers the perrormamo of a ilut whlh at auv time would stem ungracious, mull Hie liHoniliiK admiuUtraUoa lu Mexico shall have had time. If pos itie, to leiiuut Its authorit " T PAY IMS I INCOMES sutt.i'o i .'. .i ru' M ' I cm.' cn(p li"ti it ilif d l lie HUalloll l.t .! IMI IIM il I iHHI til 1 II I omp.Qlt i Ml the income lav tai-en betofe lit'' F ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL .MALTED H1LK Chap Bubntitulei cost YOU Mtn pries. i SUICIDE REPORTED FROM BE AGLE 5. 5. 5. IS VEGETABLE-NATURE'S HFNT If IUU I RnnnTMTf. named Siilion who realdaa A man .... ,.. ILaslr. llllK COUnlV.I fhlenll'ts inrnv rem " -- , . frtrcKt nnn Is reporied lo have .onimiucn sn clrte thl morning The cau.e of the paMrfv the manner In which H was dene and when or bow the bodv was hV rtlH iWH fr,riiii nl in """ " ,ii.f.nrt wiin a-'-i i -'I klnil' 'hut fuinmn ' ' "m 'O' ! r ii i Mklnrt Mr I miii. hr ra n u in.li. that Minn ,il nrni "f niitlk si Din i'iw"-i ..-.. --.- - i mr has ulsiee t t!i 01 --- .... i... . .. .. uaiir injin pir.ffTR in i found are nol known in mis snj i - Mr- H,.dkinoi w , . 1 IfffSSSSl "lu'i " Oi" ilelleate lh t day. 5!? "m .Pmv tn siom. tindertalter John A I'erl was snm-, ' by eatm oui th. i . . a m ...leohone this morning, the i hr-nf. P"-' JK ''' " " ImeaaaM requesting h.m to n!" once and take enre or tne oooy. ,r. of t,., tm. iimiinir i.ri able to obtain no other par-1 inoia. hrb. ' "' fc", '''- lllculnra. except the s.ateu.ent that t 1$$, .T l a case of aiilcUlo. that the man's "';" .,? V'tnTent fur .il name H Sutton thai he was an old- tV M nlln' ,' j erb nwaon ho lived alone and that , , ? ,. - r. r p ,no relatlvf- are Lnowti In thH re- "',;, MPr dls over, d if I m a puiillrr .im wru J?'0" , , M Co. Allnn'K On. I .Mr I'crl will return late this even- Iiik with he remain'' lo Rw t Kloronco Mnrti" who u cpn--i.1i i 1 inont mlm for It Is doubtful If b Ihontrogoora to l.e ihe hcht Pen "" l,1,n llaM vt'r Uce" " l,(,l''ur ' that ovor essayed tho title role In "Pog O My llenit,",nol excepting I.nuioltu Taylor, Its creator, Is to hund tho company that will appear ut tho VlnliiR the.itro, Ashland, on .Moniluy, Keb. L'S ller wonderful purforuinnco of Iho sweet little Irish lass, ondoarcd hor to thentiegoers this cltv m Peg. On this occasion Oliver Moiosco, tho producer of "Peg O' My Ileal t" haa surrounded Mlas Mm tin with tlm menihers or Ihe Iloslou caat, and the performance to be seen hero la aald tu he one of unusual excellence and completeness. Seal sain Wednesday, m box office. Telephone our roser- Innt reason, and hei visit heto will lie , v.itlonM now, to Ashland il. EXPERT MICE GIVEN MOTHERS I deiicy to make babies more perfect. I Itoinomlior that llaby Week ex ' tenda from March I to 11; and thai llaby Show- la (be last two days of that week. Host of Babv Weok pro iiiiii annoumed later In detull. AT BABY SHOW- i Don't foiget i.i'' ll.il ('onti'Ht at Holland hotel on afii'iunous of M.tnli lo and 11, beiunliig .it I 30 and endiuis at S on both afternoons. PrUca for the three highest scoring babies at show. Prises in be on ex hibition Ihe ftrnt part of that week In M .1. Hiddy'a Jcwolry window. Kilduy, the 10th will le known as M.dford Day flaby Conlekt, Saturday will be known aa F-iriners Day llaby C'nutttl. Hables admitted up to a joar and a half In aga. All oouveuleuca.! for mothers and babies have been carefully provided for by committee. Inconveniences Wliv SinoKe lilt Clpiifi Whi'ii I, u Ooudari are pnl tuc. M h IT'S SURPRISING I 'llml So Munv Medfonl People Tall lo Uecosiilr-e Kidney Wenkiic" Suffor twinges; lioadnchoa, dlzzj spoils? , ,Oo to hol tired get up tired It's am prising how few miopett iho kldno.va. It's surprising how fow know wlint to do. Kldnoj troiihlo need kldne) ticnt- meiit. Uoan's Klduoy Pills ate for tho kid neys only. ' Have convinced Modfonl people of their met It. I IIeres a Medfonl caie; Medford , i testimony. Kidney suffuiurs hureabouta should load It. 1 Mrs. W. I'. I.ciiikwIII. H'2 MlHtle- ! toe St.. Medfonl, says: "I have taken liuan'a Kidney Pills for kulnov weak, noss and dull pulue In my bnck. They soon rid me of the tumble and made me well. Uoan's Kldne Pills havo ul no heeu iinimI with good reunite by olhe'ia lu (he famllv " Price ."lie, at nil dealers Don't almply ask for a kldnev remedy get Dean's Kldne.v Pills the samo thill Mrs. Ingwill had. Kostor-Mllburu Co., Props., nuffnlo, X. V. Adv. iColor your Last gear's Straw Hat with IOLOMTE lM4tln 'MAKES OLD STRAW HATS LOOK NEW. Splendid for fixing up Ukllos&Chlldmisfials EASY TO APPLY Dries In. 30 Minutes tVA(rprMf aiilDvMll JatDlickDuDBack CvduulRoJ Hi vP .. Cdtl3lu SGrvn Burnt r,rwnn5wn;f( FOR SALE BY HASKIN FOR IlIiALTII Till Ol MTV IUIK. sroill. Phone (Svvct) 1(1 Cfnlltll lotilrtf -ithln Ih'lllt tri ititMiij dlvbidJ. tttry mom villi prhitt I.U, Otiitlfully firnbliitf. 140 SUMY OUTSIDE ROOMS Sodi SUry tied tad (tncicli Bmlint. n TF 51.00 A DAY ONE PtSSOK KATES jj j ft Dfty TW0 fmm (rem frrry or Dlt tile "URIVERSAl BUS" " (t our fiptosO Any Giry tlrtrt tit nt the deer. OR SICK HEADACHE Ileal for I.Iv.t mill Itovvels, fur 1111 iuiim, soiie shmuiili and CollktiptUiuil (let a 10-ccnt Iwx now. Purred tongtio, bad eolda, Indlgea t.on. sallow akin und mlaerable hoinl nchea come from a torpid liver and etoggvd Iwwels, wljlch causo jour thut oecurted at other Baby Shows' stomach to become filled with until- will bo ellmlnatad. The committee gested food, which sours and for tius expert udvico as to conduit of ments like itarbago In a swill barrul. this show from such cities aa Now Thai a the flrtt step to untold nils York, llostou. Grand lUplds and er -Indigestion, foul gasea, Itad many other smaller place. i ureal b, allow skin, mental fears, ov- This oigauliatlon formulated def-' nulling thut Is horrible and nau lntte plans that bare as their object 'seating. A Cascaret tonight will glvo the conveuieiie of babies and mtb-, .voor constipated bnwois a thorough crs during the show. KverMblnn 'clcanvlng and straighten ou out by will be dono t point out defects of a ' morning. Tbe work wblle ou sleep babv Mich an adenoids, enlarged ton-1 o lOcent box from your druggist slla, defective bone growth, defective I will keep uu feeling good for j chest expansion, nor nourishment or' months. Millions of moo and women ' other minor or major defects. j take a Caaiaret now and then to j It must be remembered the prime 'keep our stomach, liver and bowels object of this show Is not seeking of j tegulaled, and never know a mlwr- j Ihe pcrfetl ''abv but the edmaUon , able moment Don't forget the rbiU of the motliurs, fathers and ionium- dren- Hair little myites uted a good, Itv along Inns that will bare a tn- k ntle !ean-inn. too dv. , Dry Batteries lose their strength even though not in use, so you'd better buy them fresh. We get Columbia Batteries fresh every week and test every one in your presence. C E. GATES MMgtaMawawDauiiraiajiJWiiJaiivi'iiu.ssiii miinvtswnaMnRaeaasniMniMU i i in i'MiiirwTwnmnnB n,,, MMI, u). asuunaaMJBaxKOBkivuuuamtin w SIX DODGE BROTHERS TOR CARS SOLD LAST WEEK -, .-.-ir.w-.........i- -- nTT.T ANOTHER CARLOAD EN ROUTE See us at once for demonstration. Piace your order now for early delivery Bernard Motor Co., Mtd 9 IL J ! ik 1 tt m JOHN A. FERL UNDERTAKER BtJ) .kb.iiint s s i,an.rrr I'lu'iu- -VI. n and I7-J11 Distributors for Southern Qce&on fA i L , ine court were dliimsed ef In! 9 Kllftrguerite. tbwfact thai thet of V. '.. ". :r"av on y'n Fieeeh galneo i no n9! uu h" lu'i it' n' i i 'In n.ti i 1 1 ti ' I I I' il ii Hi enen w III h.iv i jii.in , in "I ' 'fv. " Xtul'oUui. sKrvi(- (kroner i? 1 emsm i nmsnaiminw,,!,, mm la" waw I"'!. 'Tvor