MIMOUt) t1. Tffflf Vf . ttmi1lV. :. o- if,'M ii i.r , i;, r, ... moi? wr. E BY W WATSON for flftt wnto or more the old Itrsntner placer mine on the Apple gate river. IT ml leu from Medford, has yielded Hi quota of gold, Dm annual out put being measured by tlin desire of those who worked It Tor I enough to satisfy mi Immediate now!. Originally, It yielded generously. It was worked regularly. Mm operator always carried sway a hug of the precious Stuff. Ilnl It seems to ho tho victim only or Its owncr'H whim, lift the years paasod. for Its gold bearing gravel was disturbed lose and lorn, until .Mansflolil came along, dls covorod tho onso with which the proirbrty could bo worked, tho ox tnnt of tho imy-dlrt In sight nnd tho aboundnpeo of tho water necessary In Its oioratlon. Ho bought it nnd again tho fit ron in from the giant noz 7.i waHhud down tho precious hnrvest. Nobody knows what the new owner obtalnud from Hh golden Hnnds, but he wan not known to complain about tho extent of tho clean-up during any season through which he. operated tt. .MnllWd rltlscn litiys It Presently It woh abandoned, no far ns work wuh concerned, whether bo enuso ItN owner thniiKht ho had ex hiutRted ItH HUpily of pay-dirt or pre ferred to devote his energies and time to something else no hint Ik given. The seasons came and passed, but thn splutter of the nozzle was client. It lies In a rich mining district, many claims about It having limn work ed during the past decades with great profit and some with 1m. In other parts of the dWtrlct rich veins of ore havo been uncovered and in some In stitutes worked with much profit Intermittently. Hut the Mansrirld claim bleached In the huh. Recently J. D. Dell, who has cap ital to Invest In numerous local en terprises, was attracted by the recital of a chapter In the history of this old claim. Ha was at once Interested and began an Investigation, which finally rosulted In Ills acquisition of thn claim, one hundred acres In extent. Its bank runs to a depth of 24 feet, with a vein of wash gravel seven feet thick and strata of gravel Inter vening, nil carrying values. Tut Fortv a Wtrk. At onro Mr. Hell put a force to work, aftor having equipped the mine with a No. 2 Giant throwing a it-Inch stream. On the 31st day of January, IT dnys ago, six men begnu the work nf handling 500 cubic yards of dirt a day. Tho stream Is novor broken. Piles or earth in solution are wash ed Into tho slutted flume ovory hour of the 21 each day. Tho supply of water, however, Is sufficient to ope.r nte two No, 2 Giants, each with a 4-lneh oapnclty, without touching the run from tho wash ditch, which would supply l.'OO miner's Inches more. Fred T. Osborn, a mining engineer and superintendent for 20 yonrs, was omployod ah suporlntodeiit of tho Dull plncor mine and, after investigating tho property, entered upon the work with eagor onthuslasm. Mr. Osborn In thoroughly equlppod by experience unit praetleal knowledge or mines to handle tho proposition for "all there Is In It." Revival In Mining Thus this old bod of gravel, broad and deep in extent, is again the scone of Interostod activity. Kvery equip went ha been supplied to gjve thn work regularity and completeness. The plash and splatter and sllsh of iHisiness again awaken the hills and scrags alHiut the "Old llrantuor" with forgotten echoes. The grains of gold, released fiom their beds of gravel, are seeking their way Into thn trap of the miner, on routo to tho mould of the mint. And the friends of Owner Hell are hoping that they may luld their harvest by tho ton. Interest lu mining matters, In old claims and new claims and claims that tho silent pocket-hunter found and passed long ago, becauso he oou Id n't pick up nuggets In oliunks, have boguu to receive affectionate at tention this spring in a manner to suggest a revival of mining activities In southern Oregon Is ono of the sub stantial evidences of now llfo In this region this year. (Southern Oregon and northern Cal ifornia comprise ono of tho richest undeveloped minim? regions on the continent, both In vast lodges of oro and broad areas of placer. There is nbudant excuse for this activity. ('aid of Thanks. Mr. and Mr. Frank I.oder desires te express their heartfelt gratitude to the many friends wha, by aet-and word, comforted them is their hour of profound grief over the lojw of the Idol of Uotr hou.hold little Dor- rift. ItspeeiaMy would titey thank thso who m bountifully provided the floral tribute ao gfftyliosintelr 00 PLACER M PON APPLEGATE AGAIN YIELDS GOLD A. haggod lnw a:u.ut the IUtl csjkgt. . I I JMUStMfJ' Hi .- ! I 1 f uilmftS'iiA Our (Treat' Itauity Contest Send In Your nature, airls, and Take a Chance. You might win the prise a solid celluloid potato peeler and even If roil don't, think of tho froo advertis ing you got for nothing! Lots of young men roritl Tho whoczo. l)cnl llricfo. I.In OnrrlRon Is out of work, hut expects to stnrt In business for hlm seir soon. Mr. Ily I'lndoll Is prominently mentioned Tor a good Job with tho government. Ho almost got ono onco before. but there's many a slip twlxt Peorln and Petrograd and ho didn't get It that time. Congressman Porkbar'I of here writes to yo od "Folks are sending back so much or my freo seed with sassy letters about this preparedness bUHlntiss, I'm beginning to fear they don't fully appreciate tho difficulties of statesmanship. Hut republics ul- ways was ungrateful!" Sheriff Hozua says If they don't quit ''rcportlnK" Punch Vlllii. thn well known bandit, and git" Him liantlll unnck 1'I1 IIH din ill pretty soon, he'll go on tho trail himself, hook out Punch, warn we! Co to Cohen's for pickles, carpet nwrepcrs, phonograph records and homo made pits. Adv. I At the Churches St. Mark's Kpikfofml. 10 a. in., Sunday school; 11 a. in., holy communion. William Ii. Ham ilton, vicar. Catholic Chunti. First mass, Sunday, K a. in.; sec ond mass, 10:30 a. in.; evening serv ices, 7:00. Ite.v. .lohn Powers, rector. Krr MrthortUl. Corner Tenth and Ivy. Sunday school, 10 a. in.; preaching, U . m.', preaching, 7:30 p. m.; mld-wcek prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30. You nro welcome at theso services. J. K. Hradley, pastor. Keventli lNy .ldvrntlt Cliurch. North Illverslde avenue, meets every Saturday. Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; Ulblo study, 11 a. m.; Young People's meeting, 12:30 P. M.; Prayer meotlng every Wednesday at 7:30 p. in. T. 0. Hunch, pastor. Klr.1 lUptM. Sundav sohool, B:30 a. m.; inter mediate U. Y. P. U., 3:00 p. m.; 11. Y. P. U., C:1S p. in., topic, "How to Put the Illblo Into I.lfe." leaders Mae Meadows and Waunlta Carstens. Thoro will be no evening service on account of tho union revival moot ing. JsrliMmvilb rrewhytt-rlnn. Morning worship with sermon by Dr, J. I.nwrenco Hill, subject, "Tho Christ of History," solo, 'Abldo With Mo" (Ashfonl), by Dr. W. W. How ard; evening union service at 7:30 with sormon by Uev. It. A. Hutch inson, of the Methodist church; Sun day school at 10 o'elock, A. I,. Call, loader. I'irst CIii-MIhii. Comer Ninth and Oakduln. illblo school, y: 15. Communion service at the close or Sunday school lu order to enable all to attend the union re vhal at the Nat. Ilrlng your offer ing ror the church and your en velope properly marked and either drop It In the plate at tho church or at the Nat. I'loase do not forget this, as tho running expenses of the church will bo taken care of In this way. H. K. Tuckor, minister. Hot, Idenco 311 S. Holly. Nntatoiluiii .Meetings for Sunday. There will bo throe services at tho Nat on Sunday. At 11 a. m. a union meeting of the churches. Mr. Mathls will preach on "Tho Second Mile" At 3 o'clock a meeting for women only. This will bo tho only exclu sive women's meeting of the series. At 7:30 a great mass meeting at which Mr. Mathls will preach on "The Open Door.' Special music at each service. Kxtra seating capacity has been provided and all aro invited to the Sunday services. Come early. Methodist. OrlfMn Cieok. It. A. Hutchinson, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. J. A. Hiekertlike, supt.; preaching serv ice, 11 a. m.. subject, "The Cross," duet by Professor and Mrs. Ashcraft; prays service Wedaeaday, 7:30, C. Darby laader. The church Is nore far the uplift ef the community. The cburcb stands for everything that U wpliftiMK l kuMtaa uutur. Cub wCaod 10:30 p, m, I Villy. to kkki' vol- .ioviil i .vnf. lu UKACTY CONTKST Af,or Kol'K through an ash wngon ,onl ' Jn-atity rontestnnts' plcturos '' W,,'k wo print Miss Minnie Mush- "'K ' iilnawurst, N. I). Miss Mush- "'" '8 llsn ,,a'r ,n T- n110 Ko" gnrty's Steak Shop. and says: "Tlic fiteam from tho dish water Ih account- nio ror my wondorful comploxlon." . Jm-rrr .m.arsn-ri r j.',jor. wiy n iiorsn tlo,n.t K'nl Um, of ,,, Unlly ,,, of j,,,.. nn, 0nts V O lilts ' August Hurtwlg of lllank Jack township, had so much mud In the road In front of his house his chick- nnn pnl ntnl.U In t nnil AniiiM liml l0 ,,,! them out before somebody rau vcr llu,m A ,t t HOn)e ,,,,, himself before he flnUhed the Job. Ulrls! Have your -beauty contest pictures taken at Iloob's no case re- fused, no matter how difficult. Adv. count on you to help us make your community what tt ought to be, and what It will be If wo can secure the co-operation of all? I'it-Ht. Methodist Kplewl. Klrst Methodist Kplscopal, Dr. J. C. Kolllns, pastor. Tho only service held In the church on Sunday Is the Sunday school, which meets nt 9;-tf a. m., nnd the Kpworth I.eaguo meet ing nt C:lf. Doth services will close lu ntnple time to reach the great meetings at the Nntatorluui. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS Mr. and Mr. A. Oilon ot Sterling tmiiMititi'il liiiHiiiehK in town Fridny. .Ir.'HiidsMrt. Knlpli iTenniiiKH pass ed through towyi TliuiNday on their way from Mnneom to Mcdfoitl. .Mrs. F. ('. Stuitli and Mix. Lewis ririt'h upeiit Ttiesilny aftenioon in Medford. Mrs. (!uy HniHr was the guest of Mr. Kwing- of M ml f a ril Tliurhdny, talcing in the Ouild bridge Mirty in the ut'leriioou. Mrs. C. Ii. firanl was n Jneksoit ille isitor one day lnt week. Joseph Min-eoiu, who ha been em ployetl in ti mine tit Vnntront, Cul., spent a few dnys in town the first of tile week. Fied I.uy of Wollen was. a recent Jaekhonville visit nr. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Ijiwrence, Mr. Fleming and Miss Fleming eiiuie over from Medl'ord Monday evening lo l (eud the Ko.Vfll Neighbors' social. Mr. and Mrs. John Duniiinglon spent Sntiitdny eioniug in Medford. Mrs. Kiln Cook lint, retunitul from a week's iit with Mrs. Hlnine Kltitn nt .Meilftinl, Mr. Osenr Iww .jent a few hour in Medford Friday. Mr. ami Mrs, Lewis I'lrieli enter Iniueil at ilinuer Sitndtty, rover lie iug laid for Mr. and Mrs. Oito Kiuu, Mr. wml Mr. Itasil (irtgtry, Mr-.. Smith uud Miss Kluabeth Itlaekfoid. Deputy Sheriff UTImui innde a lius iues trip to Steftmliimt Thursday. rs. Hurry l.uy entertained the Forlniglitly liile i-luli at her home Fridav it-eiiinr. The box social given by the ll"nl Nt-i-'hlxtrs Inst Moiiduv evening piov eI a success, hull) lumiiciidlv anil socinllx. An cxi-elleiit piuruiu was -yiMJrJg THAOk MAHS l.C1 M Itl Ml lV Sold on a guarantee for Krzeni.i, Tetter, Salt Uheuiii, and similar af fections of the skin and sculp. Sold only by us, One and (1 00 TIMR CAIll) INTKdUltltAN AUTO OAR CO. Leave Medford dally excopt Sun day for Ashland, Talent and Phoenix at 8 a. m.. 11:60 a. m., 1:16, 3:30, 3:45 and CIS p. m. Also on Sat urday at 11: IS p. m. Sunaays leave at 10 a. in., 4 p. in. and 9:30 p. in. Leave Ashland for Medford dally except Sunday at 9 a. m., 12:t0, 3.130, 3:30, 4:4$ and S:1S p. m. Sunday leave Ashland at 9 a, in,, 1.00, 5:00 ! . j j " - assr- Mo.vn.tv. Tim CTIOlM ntnmtmM. mi repairing, pfano tnnlitg A4r. The MnnsUm llense iMMei ImhI a KHMt last weelt. m Ma kaiMwrHtag was so bad neither Ike sMr tlM geMlal boMlfaee. Hiram leiM, reM read who he was. IhtrsMltm In ear pet Upper, slate pencils, coined salmen and axle grfwse at Debbie's Kmperlum. Adr notick to aiiiwcmurctta If It wasn't that our advertisers wo,I(, kpk nWo(lt ihn om ,n rtrfH. Intlon we'd stop the papers going te a lot of folks who haven't paid their sifbsorlptlons. Hetter look out, an?- way. wo may change our mind! Hd. Oi" Mall v. Iwr Hdller: Will a pawn shop tko gold fish?, A. M. Hroke. Dear Kdlter: How Is It I can eatch n co',' ,,ul ORn llovor 'h n rnli- bit? Win. Iaimo. (Lay orf that "Kd." stuff. Kd.) nr Kdlter: Hero Is a little poem which I wrete: Kubbors mnke the feot look worse, Hut thoy heoji one from riding- In n )iim,i., -Constant Dunn, lln C? 4 r ! . Iluilinli "' """ "l ' Crossing without his overcoat on last Tmvsdny uud caught n chill. He had to go Into Wlgglnmoyer's Irn ereum puilor to gut warm. rctitlcrcil, after which the lioxe were sold uud tint guests repaired to the bouquet room. Dancing u indulg ed in until n late hour. Tho l-Misoti concert given by Mr. 1'tilinor nt the xcliool house Thursday night wiih greatly enjoyed, the rec ords being unusually clear. A. Klciuliamuier of Uuueont tinned in town a few hours Thuixilny. Attorney Guy Newbury attended t hutiiiess nt the courthouse Thursday, l'lody .limes is icHitcd slightly improved nt litis writing. 1. F. Turner, a iniuiux man from Spokane, Wiish., is looking over the mines in this icinity. Mrs. M. M. TuWor is home ngniu nfler sKnding two mouths oti the Applcgate. JUported by Jacksnu County At traet Co., Slitu and Fir Bta. (Ii cult Court. A. JL JlcFhnil Piano Co. . .1. F. Hale, actton fur nmney. Annie K. I taker vs. V, I. Maker, di vorce. John Carlson td nl. vs. (lull Cieck Mining A: l)ccloiuicnt Co. el al., suit in ciMiity. IVtilmtn Kstnte of Anna I'oe, proof of pub Mention. F'state of F.liw C. .limes, proof ttf publieittiou. Ileal Kstitlc 'iViltisfcr Joshua J. JnrtOH ol ii v lo Sid ney Jacques, land in Alloti- ilale Add., Ashland fl.800 Mary J. (Indley el wr to .1. OepjM'it, land in sec. S-.'t5- UK. Hi NOTICK Precincts Medford North Main and Woat Medford register now at the MallTrlbune office. POK KK.NT FUlt.'itnrimi nfKMH FOIt ItKNT- l'urnlshed roou.s, close in. 322 Howtii central s3 WHY? CAPITAL PREPARE FOR PEACE Newcomer oldllmer - stranger or oltlen if you will como to my offiee yon will ho Interested. I have ready for your examination a JIU8INK8H PItOPOKITION. The owner will sell at Invoice thou loaso from purohaser, paying pur- ohaser 607, of his money back for a five year lease; at the ond of five years will turn business over to pur chaser or purchaser stock that will invoice T,0r more than It does now. neuiemlMT you double your capi tal, and have ewj.lomeat; a Hague uiver vaiiey, liMtrord, OragON, proposition. I ask you te Investigate thla than (C3k any Hank or Ranker In Medford as to Its merits. J. Q. BARNES 10: Wot Main St. COURT HOUSE NEWS 1'buao 799 O tmtnM.tr -ntrrtirtt Wfc- ---. mm tm .. k -.- w "ZMiZ wgiTMNgra - - . , WttU Mt.fr tin t ' rsivh 'n mathm ri ieonir at s,ih flMtfct. JaT. tt aTawt HI WJ1 ",T ----- - sr jr--si 0tt niivr ndmtM ror ftfl&T WMm ummmr lUfWHmm, I romrn nnn iMIk. MfWg. Jam. J7 tMMaa9 Aa'tVaMaaail flaMflMI aMMt MflM Iff. &J1 a( 1 ti . VMtf, or Manes n-r TO KnWT rlarMsi iw 1ug k tease. fgrfHakml. I W. 111 1m 3I-M. Jofcu r. Whit. FOIt HUNT 5-reusa assMNcnt ?, 1 cr bottom laud, gwotl cliMfc on ami ganltm prapoallhNi. 1 1 S.St a month. Henaett I a vest Co. FOll ItH.VI linnSHKHKl'INO t ItOOMM FOH 111CNT Wurnlshetl beuMkcep rooms, 234 Kan. Sta. Call after POLITICAL AIH0UBCEItVT3l SHKIIII'I. I hereby anuounre my candidacy ror the nomination ror sherltr on the republican ticket, to be toted upon at tho coming primaries, May lSlh, 191(1. 1 hate held tho position of deputy sheriff- for tho pasl lour yoars and aui thoroughly familiar with the duties connected with tho office, both cleri cal nuil outside work. J feel that I am competent to hold the position, and Ir nomlnattsl and elected, Will give the people of Jsok son county an ef Uclenl uud. imoml cat administration. I also agreo If elected lo enforer all laws. Adv. K. W. (Ctirley) VIISO.V. distkict ArnniXKV I ht'ieby announce that I have filed my declaration of Intrntian to KK'omr a eandldatu for the repub lican nomination for the office of District Attorney tor Jarkson county, Oregon, subjvet to the decision ot the republican party, at the primary elec tlou to he held May 19. llft. Adv. U. M. UOHKIITS. 1 am a eandldste for rc-elrctlon to the ofricr of district attorney. Adv. K. B. KKLLY. I lierrby nnnonnce that I have filed my declaration of Intentions, and that I am a candidate for the democratic nomination for the office of district attorney, subject to the Ma primar ies. If I am nominated pnil elected lo this office, 1 promlKe not to forget the fact that I am a public servant, and that I will to the best or my ability administer tho affairs of tho oriieo. Impartially, honestly and without reur or ravor. Adv. NKWTON IIOICDKN COCNTV TIUiASritKK. Depul) County Treasurer Myrtle W. ltlakeley announces her candidacy for the office of county treasurer. I hereby announce my rantlldary on tho republican ticket for the of fice of county treasurer, to bo voted on at the coming primaries. I have held the position as deputy In this office for the past year and am con fident that I can fulfill the duties ronnortod therewith. ' I served two yirs as deputy roun. ty recorder hefoie taking the posi tion as deputy county treasurer; I have also had experience as account ant for several corporations, mien as the Mntlfonl Concrete Construction company and Medford (re and Stor age Company, before taking up coun ty work, and will say tuat my past record Is open tor Inspection to thn voters or Jackson county. ir nominated and elected I will run tho offlco without the expense or a deputy and continue to serve tho pnb lle Just as efficient Ih the future r.i I havo In tho past. Adv. ilVUTLK W. 1ILAKHLKY. I hereby announce that I have filed my declaration or intention te b- eome a candidate fur the republlean noHilnatlon for the office of county treasurer, to be voted oh Ih the com ing primaries. ir I am nominated and elected will coNguet the office In au efficient and buslttesslike msHHer. Adv. UOV L. MA I'M!. mrvrv ri.iiiiK, I hereby aanouHee tnar I h'ave filed my declaration of latent loa to Ihtohio a t-untllUate for the republl ch HoiiiloatioH for the office of count) clerk, for Jacksou county, Oregon, subject to the decision of thn icpiiblleaH party at the primary elec tion to be held May 19, 181 ft. A.D (Little) JOK II Wil.MON. I hereby announce that I havo ribd my declaration of intention to itcroiuB a candidate for the republi can nomination for the office of coun ty clerk, for Jackson county, subjoct to the decision of the republican par it, at the primary elettlon to bp held May !!, I9l. Adv. A. V. HILDHUltAND. cor.NTV swimi.vnt.vnit.vr. I hereby announce my cendldaey on tbv republloan ticket foi Uio of flco or County School Superlniotul ent ror Jackson count), Oregon, snb Jcit to the wKl of tptf republlran party at the primary lection May It I atand for praetleal school of flcicney, personal supervision of the schools and culmination of county school auperisra. Adv. KilANCI C. SMITH.. ror.vrv assiwsei: I berohy anminnoo my candidacy for tho offlco of county assess iir or Jackson county on tho rpubll4n ticket, subject to the primary on May IB. I ptoag asysolf t an honast. efflcisBt. laipsrtlsl and ooan omlcsl dlschsrgo or tho dMtkM 0f tho offlco and propose to auko all gastanu insula noon Um bfttixtof tho true actual valuo of tho properly and not upon any Islalod tttmtom. Arv. OBOROU LAVmhAm. ' pf ttmtiptj trrn 1 r.-n n w. i F.r. "".,, ,,Jr r-n & BBV T kd.a ..- -- r.r rb' '",f,,'r, '" -"n' " ' port (Mffe ifrarnM..tnntrff y,,n HAi.r (mrat ie(oni h-o-i on nt wfr ofae (an nnA nmtl pm PJagu ajrfr 'o-optralivc FrwM Orors ,mm . . Ptt nl MMM- tt rft'aT. Jlnln lak-ttt, writing .te. rMir M TO. POU HALS Mtlrhol' spray rig, riin pfNr tmt in gmf eowmie: will mnhe ptHm ragM. Alae st 4nbkt or Mraoss). mm each n, 14. i? tMrk Btow, ossf sprlgg-tooth bar rrow swots Prult Co of fr- 24 FOR SAI.hV tMttc rtnh oml wheat. Jas. Caaspbrtl. 21 rOR gALIC -15a foot of half Inch raa4: two pwWoyo. So. nnd te; one fifty pollen gusollwa tank. Utts galea Stable. S3 M. Klvsr aWe. 3a FOK SALK- Wmtilan graos ami Col lego Minnesota No. 12 seed corn. F. S. Chorloy, Hrewsaboro, Ore. 307 FOIt SALB a bargain. Canton rtd in g gang plow in first cia.'s eon tlltlon .tpldy C. Fitch. Phone H-F1J. SSI FOIt S.M.K KA-ogg Cyphers Ineuba-tor.-also thirty laylHg While I.oa . born hens, high craile stock. In clndlng ten pullets nearly one year ojd and twenty hens two years old. Phono 310-J for purtlculatat. 3S? FOIt SALH HoiiMihoitl Roods and fruit. 333 Knt 0th. from 10 lb p. w. FOR 8AI.K S'ine tnrkey hens one gobbler. 11. X. lleltRH, CenlTnl Point. 2SC FOIt 8A1.B--17 fct l-lnrli wood pip at lie rxr foJt; too fret 3 Ineh wiHd plix at .Sc per foet: 3.N0 rcct 1-Inch wood pl at 7e per foot. For Immrdhtte dlsporal. Kmltli Bmcry Co., Ashland, Oregon FOIt HAt.K l'sit cars One five passenger B. M. F.: enr five ps iwngcr Itcgsl; on five paest-tiger Corbln. Can nuke very reason able prices on these cars. (leo. L. TrHchler, 39 South drape stre't. Overland Agncy. 2S FOIt 8AL1S- -Fox heunds: also best pair rabbit dogs In state. Ckas. Gilchrist. Hams Valley, Ore. 2$i FOIt SALB Ford one man tops aud top work or all description. Med ford Tent and Atnlug Co., 100 N. Front, Phone 7H-M. 295 FOll BALB Bggs from range railed H. C. Ilnff leghorns. Wm. J. Fertts, Medford It. F. D. 4 or phone Mrs. A. 11. Ferns, 19-F2. 29 1 FOIt SALB llarrcd Itock eggs for hatching; young thoroughbred roosters. J. II. Webster. II. F. D., Talent. Phone 3-F2. 289 FOIt SALB 8cd barley, cheap fcd; baled barley straw. Call 732-J2. POlt &ALK nCAl XKTATM FOIt SALB Stock ranch "of 40 acres". 31 under IrriKatlon. free water; x acres wheat land, 27 head of cat tle, 2 horaett, pigs aud chickens; also rami Implements Price SKuo (JS0 cash, balance 3 years at C percent or will take sipatl ranch ntisrcr lon an part of tlrst pay ment. PhoHc No. H-F23. C. A. Colby, I.ake Creek, Orr. 2S7 FOIt SALBOood stock rsncli wHh water right; good rsuge, at a bar gain. Inquire Dux Hi), Jacksonville. Oregon. 200 FOK SALK- Flvti acres rlTe1 and new bungalow ith riroplarr; only IS7.'. l&fl cash; 40 acres with running stream, near to n. worth I400H, rsah price onlv II Mil) Write W. A. Perkins, Hnchester, Wash. 1IBLP WA.VriJls 5l.t.K WANTKD Man with tisterlenc in bpraylng lo handle public spray rig. one with good team preferred. WAXTKn tMTUAl IONM 8ITCAT10N Hy steAographer, li years experience; references given Addreaa F It.. Moll Tribune. 2HX WA.VTUm MIM.iYiilAMK()IIS WANTKD To buy pony to ride and drive. Phone 4-FI1. 2N3 WANTKD Sheep bought and sold. Kosenberg tiros., Central Point. Pit on atxxxl. 300 WANTKD A ool Ford rnnabout. Phono I03-K3. 303 WANTKD Dressmaking at home or by day. 114 M. Central, Phono 471-M. WANTHD To enre fur children day or evening dnrigg absence of par ents at theater, etc. Phono 73H-J. 37 WANTKD Your vnieanlalng ami bat tery charging. Phone lit. Cass Trading Station. 14 WAXTBD KnKCog'mlH wauls wow en. full time; salary lib wsokly. distributing gnaranloed hosiery, or 36 ents sn hour spsr time; por HWHOnt work; experience unnoa- isssary. Adtfross Managor Interna tlonsl Mills. Norrlslown. Pa. ' MIHCIOLMNIIOUS. ACT QliCK -Atuontoliilfl gnaolino going up. Soil (Inro-Tonlc. equals gasoline at as a gallon, slloiluntes eorbog, dollar an hour profit, sales gnamnirod. wnr.e Mfg. t'o., Dit 10, Cincinnati. O. 3 HI MKSCS AS IH'MANITY'g IDKAL' by Kov. J. T Suuderlaad. and oili or ualtanon iitoraturt aont rrv- io Igainliwn. AaMMaw Miss Htvi HttrUM. CsMtrti PoisU, R. r. O, Nt. 1, Uftfti. W port nr-vf FOtt Pt tt X(ip VtiH TttSI'V, flnoit Hr 'nt" tnf smsll one Mne A Co for" f IHr-1 I I' TtK'-'Cf Thrr rsitl, tm WfsVlV 'o croo off Ifff ent, oH M flH6 icrsrt NHfer. crop off fcm eajf: on retf tsr ralf, boll Mk Wfiaf my hove sown itv pwyfwg swttrgo. W. n Ijimh. MetlfOTtl, Or. Stl - -SB- .. - -a -3C - - J3gS LOflT- Two fttmal Alrtlaltt pttpa ft tweon Talewt and Moslfsrti Notify T sshland or .117 XI Mdford. or adilreM M W Ringbam, Talent, and recetvo rcwartf 2 JfO.VllY TO LOi.V IX) LOAJ J10H9 on ImproTod ranth Holmes tho ImmraiMe Mnn. " nusi.vn.sg nmRCTOKY Auto Snppttes LAIIKTt AUTO 8PRINO CO. Ws are oporatlag tho largest, oldest and beat enulpped plant lu tbe Pa cific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 28 North Fifteenth St.. Portland. Ore. Attomyi QKO. W. CHKRItY Attorney., and .Notary. Uoom 9, Jackson County Uank Building, entranco N. Con tral, Medford, Oro. POItTBU J. NBFF - Attorney nt law, rooms a nnd 9. Medford National Ilank ItulldliiK. A. B. IIBAMHS, LAWYErt Oarnott- Corey blug. Q. M. UOI1KIITS Lawyer. Mwlford National Bank Building. lMUC4 --h l Dr. W. M. VAN SCOYOO Dll. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Osmetl-Corsy Bldg., nits Mnlfom. Oro. Phone SCO. ColhVetlniPt nud Ilcror4a 310 COLLKCTIONS AND UBPOKTS We collected some accounts 11 years old. We know how to hot tho money. The Dnttock Mtrcaatlla Agency. Inc., Tlooma 1, 2, 3, llas klas' Hide, 21C B. Main s. ltsticcr ntut Contrnctor FltKD "n. CUMMINaSSngincoMUl contractor, 404 M. F. II. Uldg. Surveys., cstlmatsa, . Irrlgatloa drainage, orchard and land lnr provcmcnl. Intnmuc. HAUL S. TtTMY tlencrnl lusuranco office, Flrv, Automobile, Accident, Liability, Plato Class, Contract, and Surety llonds. Bxcellont com panies, good local service. No. 210 Carnctt-Corey Hide Instruction in Mnsls HAIGUT MUSIC 8TUDIO Room 401, Garnett-Corty bldg. Fred Al ton Halght. piano; Mrs. ) lorenco Msllldsy llslght, vole, rbon 73. CUrltngo OAItllAnB Oct your promise cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for good scrvico. 1'hons 374-L. V Y. Allen. PhyilcUiM aud HutrjreoMi Dll. Y. O. CARLOW, Dlt. KVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physlclaas. 4K-417 Gsrnctt-Corsy bldg.. phone 103 0-L. Itcbldssvco 2tJ South Uiurcl St. DR. W. W. DOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 Oarnott-Carof building, rhotts 130. DR. J. J. BMMBNS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to oyft, car, nose and throat. Byes scien tifically tented and glasses sup plied. Ooulhit ftnd Aurlst for B. P It. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co. bldg., opposite p. O. Phono Gu7. DR. It. W. CLANCY- Physician ana surgeon Phones, offlco 30, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hours, 10 to 12, 2 to G. DR. MARTIN C. IIARnKR Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. T. O. 1 1 KINK. M. D.- Bye, Bar. Koso nnd Throat. Headaches and norvoua conditions rollovod by properly fitted glasses. Cross oyea straightened. Office 228 B. Main St., phone 302. Consultation freo. doit DON M AC CrtACKKN, M. D. 1 Ilomeepatblo Physician. Surgeon, 221 ltaat Main St, Medford, Oro gon. Offiee phono 142, residunco phone 733-112. Offlco hours 1 to 4 p. m. DR. O. W. STIiPI I ICNSON Physician anil Optician. Calls answerud. Byes tested; Glasses fitted that will eorrect any defect ot visien: prices reasonable. Phono SC2-X, Office at residence for tho present, Medrord, Oregon, 116 8. ilully. Printers and Vtihllslicra ssssaiis",a,sn MIJDFOItD PRINTING CO., has the host equipped printing ortlco In southern Oregon; book binding, loetio loaf ledgers, billing systems, eta, PortUud prloos. 27 North Wr st. Ti ousters BAD YraNRFKU & "gTORAOB Co! Offlco 43 North Front St. Phono 3 IB. Prices right. Service guar anteed Suiting- Mushluee -JWH'-lM SISiflJCB WnSQ MAC1IINB3 FOP &Ll9 OK RENT Some used nu sttlnss also for -till.- Cleaning and repairing, r A Cluosann. at Med. ford Kiirnitur. &. Hardware store. Jtosldeute H'j So. I'vUtruL Phons 390. C53 0 o o o o