Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 19, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    mwoun Arur, Tfirorvr, wwoim onif-ov. hsti rnw vuu u.v 11
Tho Medford Council of ConRros
of Mothers mid I'nront-Toaehors' as
sociation met at tho library Thnrs
cla afternoon Several matters of
Importance woro discussed, principal
l.v among tliom tlio ndvlslbnllty of
wtnbllsliins; ti child wolfnro mid par
ent educational bureau In Medford.
Tho itibject of thin organization In
tho welfaro or tho child In Itn broad
est Bonne, and It In hoped that tho
parents and nil thoiio who aro Inter
ested In children may co-oporato In
making tho work a snrcoss. Tho
money which has boon raised by tho
clillds wolfarof lags will bo used
for this purposo Just as soon as n
favorable location can bo secured.
Tho council extends henrty thanks to
the commlttco who had cluirRo of tho
flag snlo, tho young ladles who helped
and tho Hlks IoiIro for disposing of
the extra flags. Much gratltudo and
appreciation Is also folt for tho help
and co-opcratlon of tho local news
papers, Tho Medford Trlbuno and
tbo Medford Sun. Doth papers havo
shown tho utmost cotirtosy In print
ing notices whenever . it has been
necessary. Any information in re
gard to this work will bo gladly
given by Mrs. Joseph O. Grey, pros
Idont; Mrs. Porter .1. Noff, vice-president;
Mrs. C. O. Power, sccretary
tronsuror. or Mrs. K. II. Scoly, who
Is vlco-prosldmit of tho Oregon Con
gress of Mothors and Pareut-Tonch-cra
To gRther the pupils of fifty years
might seem a formldnblo undertak
ing, but tho w oil-kept records of
tho Institution havo enabled St.
Murj's to determine with somo do
greo of accuracy tho whoroabouts of
ninny of those who havo passed be
yond Its portals nud nil to whom It
Is possible to bo prosont aro expected
at tho rouniou of former students
which will take place at tho acad
emy Thursday, Kobrunry 21. Tho
motive of tho reunion Is a commem
oration of tho establishment of tlio
convent school In southorn Orogon.
It Is nn iuterostlng fact that the
rocords show that In more than ono
ifu.o daughter for three generations
hnvo been odurnted nt the academy,
while very often mother ami daugh
ter hae had the smile alma mater.
The guueratlous of fun-loiug, hlgh-
splilted girls who wore taught
throughout the fifty years will not all
bo at St. .Man's Thursday, but some
thing of the spirit and happy mem
ory of old days will surely coma to
those who are.
Tho Dubious Decorum club and
their friends woro entertained at a
Valentino party nt tho rosldeuco of
C. J. Stewart Monday availing, tho
I llh. Progrosslw) Hook wns an In
teresting foatuio of tho evening, last
Ing until 11 o'clock, then an excel
lent lunch was sened, nftor which
several Interesting gnmos woro plajod
rontlnulng to an enrly hour. Tho
dccoratlvo effect was very pleasing.
Those prosont were: Htliol Trnut
fethor, Wllnia Harrison, Iloinlco Sim
mons, Mao Meadows, Gortrudo Traut
fether, Vivian Stewart, Wanlta Car
stons, Itoth lllackford, Delia Whlso
UHiit, lleth Stewart, Karl Hyatt, Ar
thur Trautfother, Krank Wallace,
Jobn l'arkor, John Whlsonant. Ham
or McClaln. William Stlnson, Charles
McClalu and Park Stewart.
A number of Odd Kolhfws nud He
lieccns from here aeceptod nu ln na
tion from Jacksonville I. O. O. V.
lodge and attended a social given by
them Tuosday ovonlng. Tho grand
mastor. Mr. Hull, was presont and
gave a talk on Odd Fellowship. Talks
wero also given by A. J. Ilanby and
Mrs. John Perl, of Medford. Fol
lowing; tho program a baiiQtiet ak
Tho program for the regular meet
ing of the Lincoln 4 Parent-Teaehor
circle, which will meet next Friday
afternoon, will bo very Interesting.
Mrs. Hillings will be leader. The
subject for discussion will bo. "Somo
Characteristic Traits of Childhood."
The pupils or the seeond and third
grades will give a Washington pro
gram. A large attendance Is desirod
Follow lug their usual custom
members of the Epworth League of
the Methodist church will give their
annual Washington baaquet ia the
social hall of the church Honda,
evening, February 81. A line pro
Kianie has been arranged tad all
members and friends arc Invited to
The Yeoman lodge nUrUlaad
their members and frieads with a
Leap Year dogetng nasiy at taa Me
(.til Thursday evening.
1 1 1 1 Tllgnnaginw1 Ibb bbw yi Jmmf " . -"Jam. Jr am. "lgr
7 jgifsf
The regular meeting of tkrt Oroa
Icr Medford club was hold In tho as
son My room of tho Public library,
Monday nflernoon, with a fair atten.
dance and much onthlislasm. After,
the reading of the minute o
previous meeting by Mrs. Schelffolln
nnd the treasurer's roport, Mr. Kd'
Andrews was given an opportunity to
prosont his plans for tho production
of lolantho, to be given at tho opora
house, Monday and possibly Tuesday
evenings following Haster Sunday.
Miss Jounosso Hutlor gnvo a splendid
interpretation of Clrolg's Urldal Pro
cession, and Mrs, Lungo sang two
numbers, nil three of which wero
warmly received nnd thoroughly en
joyed. Mrs. Stoddard, chalman of tho
civic department, reported SO.0O
had been realized from tho norland
Itobinson art exhibition and outlined
plans for two or three afternoons be.
tween now nnd tho closing of tho
year's work In this department. Tlio
first to bo a Jnpaueso ton, with cos
tumes and cakes a In native, to bo
givon when tho almond trees aro In
full bloom.
A petition was read nnd signed
by those present asking tho city
council to assist in beautifying lies
orvolr Hill by laying somo water
pipes to supply moisture for shrubs
trees nnd vines to bo placed by tho
civic department on above hill.
Mrs. Conroy outlined plans for
Ilctter Ilables crusado to bo held
March 4th to Uth.
Mrs. Schlcffolin road a letter from
Sadio Dunbar thanking Greater Med
ford club for their cooperation In
salo of lied Cross stamps. Mrs.
Schclffelln urged tho nccossity of
aiding In n material way tho Scholar
ship Loan fund. This fund Is loaned
to worthy girls desirous of an educa
tion and unable to pay for same,
without Interest and with the under
standing It Is to ho paid back after
the education Is acquired and so far
after ten or twelve years of this
splendid work only two girls havo
failed to return the funds loaned to
Committees were named for tho
Japanese tea, and four now n nines
for membership woro accepted.
Tho regular meeting days will bo
tho first Monday in each mouth.
The 111 Jinks club girls gnvo n
Valentino dnnco Monday night at St.
Marks hall. Tho color schomo of
red and white was carried out and
tho hall was nglow with rod hoarts,
cuplds, and largo bowls of pussy wil
low tied with hoarts and cuplds add
ed to tho decorations. Ono ond of
tho hall was cosily arranged for tho
ploasuro of club ami their guests
during tho Intormlsslons, whero they
were ontortulned by an Kdlson phono,
graph, which also furnished music
for tho dancos.
A dainty two courso suppor was
served by tho girls during tho even
ing. Tho club mombors and guests
wore: Sndlo Lacy, Jean Anderson,
Laura Page, .Mauri no lllatt, Loiilso
Williamson, Jenn lludge, Loah Wnl-
tlior. Gladys Peart. Flora Welsh, Mil
dred Antic, Margaret Souttor, Knth
ryn Sworn, Mario Gates, Francos
Keniioy, Herbort Alford, Karl Horry,
Harry llosonborg, Halph Pierce, Ned
Vilas, Llo Walthor. Karl Schuchard,
Carl Tongwald, D.ivo Hononberg. Mil
ton Schurhard, Leigh Swlnson, Fran
cis Dennott, YVosloy Judy and Waltor
The danco wns oiiglnal throughout
as there aro fourteen club girls, tho
dance was given the fourteenth, and
tho guests wore glvon programs In
tho form of foldod rod hearts, con
taining fourteen dances.
Tho Ito ill Neighbors entertained
tho Modern Woodmon with an old
fashlonod social Friday evening In
tho K. P. hall. Tho amusements con
sisted of old-time game, dances and
music. Mr. Stunipf won tho first
prize as a blind artist and C. Wob
stor the booby nrlio. Itofreshmonts
woro served by tho following com
mittee: Mrs. Hyatt, Lafue, Ilnrnuu,
Mason, Ttolor, Conrad and Howol.
.Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ilolllngor on
tertainod with n Joint birthday din
ner last Wednosday in honor of Mr.
Ilolllugor's mother. Mrs. Carollno
Ilolllngor. who was 72 years old, ami
Mrs. Helllnger's fathor. Mr. William
Arthurs, of Kueh, who was 76. Those
prosont woro Mrs. Carollno lielllngor,,
Mrs. Luolnda Slover, Mr. and Mrs.
William Arthurs, of Ruch, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H Ilolllngor and son, Halph.
Tho Political Seleneo and Parlia
mentary law class will meet Mon
day afternoon at 1:80 at the library.
Miss Marlon Towne will be leader.
All ladles who are Interested are
invited to attend.
Mrs. C. A. Kuigat was host- lo
the Kullo Ilndfeja clue at ar bwne on
ISaai ilain stratrt Thm4y after-nKn.
TUn PnUhfnl Hand !,. - -f tli'
llfiplbt fhnrrh -Hnt n .rv rnjoy-
Wt tTPMinsT nt (lie liome of MW
nrfli ,.,,, c.,,,,,1,,. ,,;,,. pj,.
... ., .. .,.J,:
L,,,.',,, , m, BIM, whit...
rj'iiHt it tlio wlor iclieme of St. Vnl-'
entire' liny. The "veiling wn itit
will) gnuicM nnd iimiIokN. IpTro-h-im'nt
were served tin hitter jwrt of
the turning-. Piineli, jello mill waf
ers rnrrii'il nut tlie eolor Holieme of
Kt. Vnlentiue's day.
The llanien Hoys of the ItnittiM
elitireli were the gtionlH of the Knitli
ful Hand cIiihh. Those prvhonl weie:
Frank Wnllnee, Arthur Tmutfeuther,
Karl Hinlt, Hurry Hrynnt, Hollle
Pelty, Hrynnt Tuiuiui, Dnnn l)ai-,
Park Stiinrl, Hurry OulherMtii, Or
ville Hnrr, William Slinson, Hubert
Sehenek, Oeorpe Jfuddov, John Par
ker, I'nrley Klliott, Jolinnic Stint.
Ktliel Trnutfeatlier, Junnita Cars
lens, Oertruile TrnutfeHllier, Lurn
Fouls, Kidelns Mornn, Zantn Hoherls,
Oclnvin Childs, Krnin Dynr. Zelma
Ilohcrts, Olive nnd Qrneo Kinclielo.
Ilvn McClnin, Mno Meadows, Lucille
Jackson, Myrtle Mention-, Velora
Hughes, Tlieimn Klliott. Myil Davis,
Paris Ilintt, Vivinn Stuart, Leila
MoDougal, Honiiee SinimonH, Annn
helle Olson, Virginia Mr-freight,
Wilnui Hnriihun, Joscpliinc Clark and
Ilubv Wilcox.
A ilelishtfiil surjuiso pnity was
tendered the Misses Fay and MJillio
Slinger on Moutlny oveninj; nt flic
litniie of their parents Mr. and .Mrs.
Kit-hard Slinger, on Heutty utreet. A
lui-ge nnd merry party assembled,
surprisiiijr the youtif; Indies joyfully
A happy time followed, devoted to
social converse, daiieiu-j-, suppor ami
cards, all of which was entertaining
ly interspersed with excellent music,
both vocal and instrumental. The
festive merriment was jilensniitly
Mtstniucd until midnight. Those
prosrnt were: The Misses Mnry Phil
lips, Sadio Wliitiuan, F.thcl and I-Mith
(Snrrison, Ifnrgie Skeeters, Florence
Lounstlnle, the "Me-ilnmoH Turpin,
Mt'I.nugiilin, Phillips ami Mr. uml
Mrs. George Frere, Dr. and Mrs.
Wright, Mr. ami Mis. (leorge Averill,
Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Skeeters, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Charles (liirretsou, Mr. and
.Mrs. A. II. Ilimmiond, rr. and Mrs,
F. P.. Hammond and Messrs. fhurlos
noekersinith, Koy Surraii, Charlt.
How sun and Leon Franks,
Tho wedding of Miss Mahol Ilurko
nud Donald Clark takos places today
at tho homo of Mrs. Albert Keep, n
sister of tho bride, In Los Angeles.
Doth young people nro well known in
Medford nnd will make their futuro
homo In the valloy.
Mi.. 0. L. Si'lienneihoni wns the
liostoM to the Wednosday Auction
Hridge club nt her homo on Xoith
Orspc street Wednesday nfternoon.
A number of the Colony club mom
bcrs eiijnycd an informal evening- nt
the roller sl;nting rink at tho Naln
torium Tiiesdny o ruing.
Mrs. W. H. lirown wns hostess to
the Friday Bridge club at the homc
of Mrs. S, A. Nil' on Ea-t Main
street Friday nfternoon.
clas or smvice I symbol
Oh Mwm
Dy Uliw 61
Night Mut Nil
NIM Unti I H L
II non al U'm Uvm irno
tffou tlttf 1K cSm (nurr4r ti
worti)WiUt(UmMaM. Othf
wlMltttNrKttfll Inllcttsilbyttx
yrulxil tMtH4 ft Oi chtck.
!jf ""'
i D.r i,ihr- ..f Mir Mtnr Omlil iirld
r mr1 orl,v Tlmrvdor sflmowi in
the hi .farVs kH. Pirlewi tattlf
1 .f bmlgr ami ft hmMrril ww m
K'Nrd during- the KfttrtiooR. Mm. A.
Nulls venn swflfHMl Ihf owMirr for
;tin liundrcil, flrnl tlw sonvmir for
! Iiriilgo rran awrtrflVd lo Mrs. Carl
I lluwman. Tlio IwU w urrtlUr ile-
lorntrtl for f fio ori-nHnn with flntf
sfsl fern. Tlio fnllwwmg Imllsi wild
Mra. M. W. WniUr gf. phaJrwrni woro
h piitorUtiflmeHl rommUlee: Jin
Ihwnr. Mr. Klro, Mrs. I. L. Ha
i ill,,,,. Mr. A. P. Olnun. Mm. Wnltli
cHr-Ur. Mr. A. I Hill. Mr. J. 1!
!lIltiMs, Mix. lltdmau, Mm. Oeorgi1
I'lirueker, Mr. Snm Kiflmnlson, .Mrs.
Clmrlcn StrniiK and Mrs. Swan. "
About fifty couple aUeudcd the in
formal dancing- jwirty aw" by tlio
Klks nt their club Tuesday evening,
Thtse in elm nto of the teiiing'8 en-'
tertainmeut were Carl Heilbronner
uml W. II. MeOownn, insisted by the
officers of the lodge. Musio wns fur
nished by Ilarehigg's orchestra nml (
refreshments weix served (luriiiu the
evening in me unuipifi room, niuce
the completion of their new homo the
Klks have been Kiting a series of in
formal ilnneine; parties, which take
place oacc a month. They have
proved very enjoyable affairs and
well attended.
The Neighborhood ShaUespenre
Study club met at the homo of Miss
Florence Graves on hy street Thurs
day evening- with Mrs. West ns
lender. Tlio club will meet next week
with Mrs. Johnson on Catherine
street, with Mi. Neff as lender. At
this time the study of "Tlio Tempest"
will bo completed.
Mrs. K. V. (lutlirio cntorlninetl
with a dinner party, followed by
bridge, nt her homo near Jacksonville
Saturday evening. The guests In
eluded Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston,
Mrs. Stewart Patterson, Miss Mar
garet Hubbard, Mrs. C. S. Kewhall
and Gerald Sooy-Smith.
The Altar Guild of St. Mork'n
eliurch will give n card party for la
dies and gentlemen on Tuesday evening-,
February 'JU, nt St. Mark's hnll.
Come and bring your friends nnd en
joy n plcusant Kocinl evening.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C Stanwood and
sou, who isilcd friends nud relatives
in Medford lust summer, hnvo pur
ohased property in the Koguu Kiver
valley and arrived here Monday to
make their ponunhent home.
The parliamentary law olnss re-
'contly organired by the members of
the Colony olub, under tho tliieclion
of Mrs. Stewart Patterson, met nt tho
club rooms in the Hotel Medfortl Fri
day afternoon.
Mrs. John Sehutto and Mm. W. II.
Smith wore liostossoti at tho ton
given by the ladies of the Altar so
ciety tif the Catholic uhurch Wednes
day nltomnon.
Mrs. George Morrison, who has
been visiting her parents Mr. ami
Mr. II. I). Mellrido, for tho past
mouth, left Thursday for hot homo
in Ogden, Utah.
The East Side Shakespeare elub
met at the home of Misn Throne
Cniken tin K'eddy H.onuo Thursday
Mr, and Mr
Frank L. Huiiscn left
'today for Haxtiin, Colo.,
I their future home.
to mike
OCOnoe W, E. ATKINS. vicrrtioHT OELVIDCnc nnoOKS. vie rfroru
OREGON, 2 PO. G. 48 NL
"Wr -
Mr . fe u i
TaiiMiK'nii v x
111' -tdHaKVaBaHflByfll jit 1
yKi JbPB
aBaBaBBm. IbbHb. J
Rut-h Haand..
llittli Kolnnil, famous filmland star, benn plnmg rlnltl juris on the
legitimate stage when Jie was little more than n "toddler " She practic
ally was "horn" on the singe, she hajh, and to this fact owes her success
in a varioly of roles in the movios.
Tuesday evening- the Iowa society
held a business meeting uml social in
the St. Mnrk's hall witli about l.r0 in
attendance The followintr officora
weie elected for the ensuing year:
President, A. X. lllldobrand; vice
president, C. W. McDonald; secre
tary, Jounosso Hutlcr; treasurer, L.
L-. Cntlicnrt. After the election of
officers the following program wna
enjeyed: Pending, Miss Helen P.
lirown; vocal solo, Dr. W. W. Ilow
nvd; reading, Mies Cnrrio Jacks;
piano selection, Miss Jounosso Hut
lcr; quartet, Mr. and Mr. Sheets and
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frame; vocnl solo, Mi
Juno Himnnn; shoit stories, Mr.
Ilurd. The evening wns concluded
with refreshments delioious coffee
being tlonnted by 1-3. A. Welsh of the
Medford Grocery.
Tho High School Pnront-Toachor
circle of tho high school hold tholr
regular mooting at tho high school
building Friday afternoon, with n
fair attendance. Miss Andorson nud
Mr. Ouunell gnvo interesting talks
on "Social Life of tho High School."
Miss Mnrio Seely nud Miss I.tmoin
Godlovo loft Sundny for Corvnllis,
wheio they will take up tholr studies
iit tho 0. A. C.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Huhbaiil of
McMiunvillc, Or., tire visiting Ml the
home of their daughter, Mrs. II. K.
Mrs. Homer Kothormtd cntui tnined
tho GirU' Thursday ltridge club nt
her home on Geneva nveini Thursday
The Girls' Tuesday Sewing olub
met with Misa Joy Folgcr at her home
on Wesl Main strtitit Tuosduy nfter
noon. Mrs. I). W. Luke ontoitnined Hip
Five Hundred elub at her ranch home,
the Orchard Home trnet, Monday oe
ning. .
Most Itev K J. Hnnna. archhlsho-i
of San Francisco, was a visitor at St
Mary.'s Wednosday. Tho archbishop,
who was tho guest of Huv. J. Pow
ers, visited tho different classrooms
nnd music rooms nnd spoko Intorcst
Ingly to tho pupils. Tho distin
guished prolnto was a charming
guest nnd proved to the boys that ho
had not forgotten hl own boyhood
by tho rondlnoss with which ho grant
ed tho solicited half-holiday.
About twonty-flvo girl friends
plonsnntly surprised Miss Ornco
Ilrier with a birthday party Mon
day evening In the Auditorium. Danc
ing and games formed tho evening's
entertainment, Light refreshments
wero sorved.
Tho reunion of former studontB to
bo hold at St. Mary's noxt Thursday
In honor of tho fiftieth anniversary
of tho coming of tho sisters to Jack
son county Is arousing much Interest
among the pupils nud faculty. It Is
planned to make tho gathering ns
successful nud roprosontntlvo as pos
sible, i
Tho teaching staff has been rolu
forcod by tho" appointment of nn as
sistant toauhor In tho music depart
ment. Preparations for spring gardening,
flower planting., roller skating and
basketball divide attention with prac
tice for tho mimical recital of March
2. lCnsemblo rehearsals nro In prog
noes and continue ns ono wittily says,
from 7: .10 to 5:30.
Miss rilndya Pnlltm. of Gold Hill,
and Miss Katharine Donnoll, of
Grants Pais, are among tho rosldent
puujla who are spondlng tho week
end with relatives.
Many welcoma visits from old pu
pils have been recorded In the lust
few weeks. It Is hoped that Thurs
day's mllrall will find none missing.
Resident pupils are rojolelng ovor
tho return tills ovenlug of tho popu
lar little Miss Ilesslo Weeks, of Klam
ath Falls, who was not able to re
turn to (ho nrndeni) prompt!) lifter
the Christmas hnlldn.K
w-v . t hi: iTUmonu n ii a ni, x
Ir.r.l.l. Ali("fl IIM ifH.Trns
If .
)ft,4knontlt Mftll Al-ljtkt) Iblt
.1AIKI1IP IIIIAnil I'll.l.H. 1,4 HA
Vm tasi
I SitWrs
I 1.1 l,M.lrr llUMJIlr4V
'III In lUU nl llul.l wi..iiW
I .. . .rii.i nti iii K, i a V
Tl.L ll.r IlHVAfvAMV
I A.'l.VTttA. 1.7,
, M TvViJ'l
ML $
claw or tcnvicc imoi
Oh LilHf Db
Htytil tAnH Kit
"it im H ) 5UM tyntoli
WPMIf tM tht thck (iunef gl
yUI inyttm ifttr lh (hull.
FEB. 18, 1910
' .
If cronS, fcverloli, sltk, lilllons, ttlvn
fruit laintlro nt
i Kverr mother roallros, utter giving
' lin. ..hll.trnn "Pnllfarnln nf
Figs." that this Is their ideal laxa
tive, tieenuso they loro Its pleasant
taste and It thoroughly cleansed tho
tender little stomach, II. or nnd bow
els without griping.
When cross, Irritable, fovorlsh or
breath Is had, atomneh sour, look nt
the tonguo. Mother! If coated, givo
a teaspoonful of thin harmless "fruit
laxntlvo," and In a fow hours all the
foul, constipated wnstc, sour bllo and
undigested food pnsscB out of tbo
bowels, and you hnvo a woll, playful
child again. Whou Its llttln syntom
Is full of cold, throat sore, has stom-nch-nrhc,
diarrhoea, digestion, colic
- rcmemhor, n good "Insldo cleans
ing" should always bo tho first treat
ment given.
Millions of mothers kcop "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs" handy; they know
a teaspoonful today slvcs n sick child
tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a
BO-cent bottlo of "California Syrup
of Figs," which has directions for
babies, children of nil ngos nnd
grown-ups printed on tho bottle. 11 o
wnro of counterfeits sold hero, so
don't bo fooled. Oct tho gonulno
made by "California Fig Syrup Com
pany." DR. JONES
Painless Dentist
We Save You Money
Our denial work is tlio
elic-aiK'nt and best in tlio
west. Prices lor this week:
Full Sot Tooth $8.50
Alloy Fillings $1.00
Gold Crowns $5.00
ISnniucl Fillings $1.00
20 1 Main St., eor. Central av.
We Carry
Everything in
Kippered Cod
and Salmon
Finnan Iladdie
Boneless Herring
I"rtliliiK In
iivsii rinii
Cialts and Clams
Medford Fish &
Poultry Go.
riiono ito-j
Property Owners
Have yon property for
sale? If so, wo boliovo
it will bo to your advan
tage to confer with us.
J. a.T-7 m J?
a ''I11L ft
Office 43 North ITont at. 1'hons
315. I'rlroa right. Sorvico Bua'r-nntttiwl
SovtiiiK Mnshlnos
oi h-
MJS OK ItENT Soma used inu
aMBM also for salr OlaanlnK and
roMlrkur. (' a ciiupmau, at Mod.
nti rui ii ur. n nnniware store.
(MUltiiuo a; j S. CcutraU 1'Uons