Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 19, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    VAdl TWO
Ml. Ut nUU iU n v M MMiIdlM) m.i.n
i r r. i v ' i i 4i u i
V :
$ .
..-. ...?.. e
Mnrvev nfti Mkm, this stsfe,
arrived in Medrord this morning with
a party of threa from lhal part of
la alata, two of whom ram to took
star Ik valla somewhat rarefollv
wHh a flow (a locating Hr. while
l third man wtll m tn min
is) totreU la qnawl of pfwaawH.
Ma to Jaofcrn far rlaaftbar gropar-
. (f) 1mm an f)d far, claae i
In It f. .!.
Weft Bwarkar and John HcRey
naMe, both lf known In the Med
fflw sertlon of fha valley, are rc
yanairto hav1 mada a rtrh strike In
tlmfr naw properly oh IMrdseye
rraWt. hear Ungae Hirer. They
'' struck a "iHWkaly streak" Jn the ledge
tknr wora following In their develop-
lUBHt Wdrk aHf) wore excitedly amaxod
ul two watalltt (if the ffml, but the
flfevraa lmo nut yet bow pnhllcly
Turkish nougat 30c lb. Tlio Shag-
II. It. Rlomi, wlio will lis Identl-
fluil with tho Industrial fontum of
tho Oregon-Utah Sugar company's
work In thin valley, loft thin morn
lug for I'nrtliuiil on business.
2S95 off on Kodnki nt Weston's
CAmo.rn Shop,
Constable A, II. Hammond returned
taut night from mii offlelnl plunge
into the Jungle at the head of Cole
man croak for M. Perk, whom ho
arronlod ahiI broiiKht hark to thin
ally. Air. Park' family rosldos at
Phoenix. .Mm. I'wk has charged liar
husband with rnllurn lo provide. Ho
Will have a llonrtng before .itfatlrn
Taylor In this city. A son 'work In
a garage at Central Point.
Onte sella Ford cars, $200 down
and KK a month.
T. T. I'engu, of Fresno, Cal.. In n
visitor In thla valley thla week.
Oystors, nny ntylo. Tho ShnRta.
V. II. Mansfield, of Tolo, did busl
now In .Mcdfnrd yesterday, rrttirn
Ing this morning to his valley homo.
Smoko n King Hplu clnr, fie.
Thoy nro homrt-mndn. tf
I.. Iliulow, of Halom. Is In this
city today on hualiiHos.
Ron Mnildox & Ilnunoy, Portland
nvOi greonholiso, nbout tomnto plants
for norongo plnntlng. Slnndnrd va
rhMlos, lowost prlcos. 290
Oaorao FuIhii, of Fioano, Cnl., Is
HinniiK the olit-oMown visitors In
Jlmlford mid vicinity this wetk.
Ico Duvo Wogil ahoiit that flro In.
anrnnco polluy. . Offlso Mnll Trlbuno
II. Hhmii, of the state capital. Is
Among Ike ratify slRhliwcra In
annnly today.
Jladnm DavaniMrt. rHiinwnml imlm
1st aHd rlalrroyant. Colonial apta. X3
U. Prlea, of Itwwuiira. stnppal
oror la .M ml ford for a faw days on
hit way south.
Sao what It' will bur this wak at
tlio Iteaall Stora. 181
II. It. McCiiiinttll. of Centralla,
W'ush.. who Is vlaltlna In this vi
cinity this week, U one of thosa who
yoam for a country of iiihnMmh in
which to make a home. 8o fur aa he
haa saen the ltoti river country,
ha euys that It suits him to a T.
He Is aajoyliig our sunny weather
and will raHtaJn for some da mi yet.
Tal. Dink Sandera your t roubles
about papas-tajr. painting or tint
ran. 30T
Mra. HstUe IC. Mayor, of linker,
thhj state, who haa Itaau saloMng u
vMt of aavaral woeka with frleatls In
' t i- ' ,, i In iv . '.in i, iiiiII I i
nllr for thr"" tK's, end i
ford diirlna the swat
will reave this etealaa tar hi- "
In I food River,
Try a Klif falts ataar and en
aonrafX )mi iMtaairy, "
Martin Vegler. of Ahertfawn v .
who has noea nhtalnlna ifaia ri' i
Ina oar local timber raaoar r - r
some dav. will lea re Inmorrou u,
i Ci core nt f'Mv. Cal.
lacelaJ urices an eaeravoa cards,
aow sad from akl alates !or a fow
aayi at the Mwirord Prtntln? Co,
Mrs ftemtlrti Janea, of Portland
who has been vlettlng la tMe rir fm
a waak, will leave for her home to
It waa tt. J I.ockwooit. chlropraf
tor, of the flameU-Corey bunding,
who racwatly removal to Missouri,
not Dr. S. A. Irkwood, physlclnu
and stiraeoti, loente at tho M. F :
& II. Illdg 283 '
Mr and Mrs, Hugh DeArinond arc
spending a few days visiting Aire be
Armonda' parent, Mr. and Mrs. J
I. TVtherow, (iranla Paw. '.
Tho Rtar brnnd of typowrltor rib-1
bons nro gunrnntrod to glvo 75,000
Iniproaalons of tho typo "a" nnd "o"
without so clogging tlio typo ns to
show on tho paper. This Is a pretty
stiff warranty, but that In what tho
Wobttnr company ngroo to with Star
ribbons. Sold by tho Mod ford Print
ing company.
Hov. and .Mrs. V F. Shields nro
attending the Christian Kndeuvor
convention at Orants Pubs.
Insure your auto In tho Alllnnco
against theft, flro. C. Y. Tongwnld.
.1. C Pendleton, of Table Hock.
wns n Medford visitor Friday.
.1. O. Corking, tnn neat all around
photographer In southern OrcRon.
Always reliable. Xngntlvs nindo tiny
whoro, tlmo or place Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-J.
W. F. lllddlo and wife havo ro
t n mod from an extended visit In the
Mrs. II. K. Ilanoy has moved hor
dress making shop to Harnett Corny
bldg. Itoom 313 nnd 3H.
Mr. nud Mrs. S. M. llullls. of Mod
ford, nro registered at Hold llmison,
, , -,. t A
rX'nLffr WHb atVagaBi alaV - aaBaaEBaaBK JMBaaBar aVaWBK Its
RiBBBiU'iiBarr ubblmbi t T"JaT tBBBBBaarlBBHBBvaBBBBT jaati CJ i
! irl,
nl I rl,,rtll
I ll'f'IU
. ,i. littcfii eil' 'icl '' r in i-tinji' "I (Crreruoi - r . , .
JUr Turk ore evae-1 -nrreiMler HHneua'nVi'c ,
ii?w. . 1 1.- iat eVeriil c. V
" ' I thai tha Twrki-s) rar-there m ,.
Itolml I ill "in In "Tin- Ali-cnl nl (In- star today.
m'k w h-. " out tin n 1 1 "tr().ion
nion ftirlnu cxt'-iMion or the
ill'M t'aiml iVpiiiixin ' Irrluii
rsteni. tent were pltrhed and
" naaacd to i nsh work. All the
nnd tennis that run ba UKd tll
i iiloycd until the canal shall
I'd-n finished, which will he in
- f-eji or about the flrat of April
H.M.nty men will start oa the work
odn At least loo men a 111 bo
re tut red to complete tha Job.
The farmers are watching the cn
toiiirlso with much latcraat. knowing
that they will have to depend on the
i-miHi ior moisture, ror ineir crop
this esr. The comany will lose no
time In supplying tham with all the
water they will naad.
The canal on tha Phoenix segment
hn been eompletod. oacent a few Int-
; frHls, on which work Is being done
TV rcieyenre ia lite foTcgtom toiinnrfe (. twe ncrwaaj UWQ mnr i,l
y -nrfrfrftMiM'il !S .
ytJMUW5eNil lEmY
A Thorough Inspection
It's nif al n' 'surv trt n fOLtge !(.
v as f r n h i: ien 1 " ' Uoml health
nn',1 r"- itn v i . c-thrr r . fj fre
itittiori i bii n mfntuefrf.
103-105 S. Cunt a!. Pliono 22-J
Free innpeciim of any battery at any time
5 ...
WAsms'dTov. hit. in. a;
ikJ.r"".Ofl0 I'mergeiicy eiiroirintioti yAl'PHK'., Mlos., Feb. 19. A soc
lor immcdmte iutc-sii rv rcMiii. ofond appeal from Maor Jacoby of
tiiHrbinery in liiittlcliii-i, torjicdii- fewollton, m., where eovornl thou
boiit ti'tropri iiihI iiliinnriiic. to sniid nogtooa are marooned by MIs-
iiicicnse the Miipplv or mines nnd for i alaalppl floods wus reelved hero to-
the )1rt time to efpiip bnitteehiiM dny.
with nnli-nirernft (tuim was aki-l ; "Our supplies have glvon out." tho
of eoHgres Imlny by Secretary Hnn-i mayor aald, "and iinleaa wo rocalva
(Continued tTorn pngo onoi
".Mhiiv of our iIpm royora have
'renchi'd nn ngc where renewnla of
I'xtcneive HriioiiM of their machin
ery rt.itlimioMt iw neceasary," Secre
tary DnnielM said. "Tho same ia
true of NulunnrinoK, both elaaaaa of
vcxm'Ii making a big ilrnin on tliia
yenr'H ninirintion."
The boiler of the
food wo will soon face starvation."
Federal and local officials In re
lief work did not share tho mayor',
apprehension. ,
More than one-third or tho town
of St. Joseph was under watar today.
WASHINGTON. Feb. in. Semite:
Aiti'iciiliiii'iil I'Diumitli-i' I'lintiiiucd
licuntii: on rcoliitmii in direct in-,
ipiiiv into control of imiI out put.
CuiiKiTviitiou ehamiiiMi' licunn!
nun i to nmemi .-smew wntcr mwit
Ilniticn trcnlv wni Initl befnre ''.c
wenntc to he cullwl nn next week ,
HiMiHe: (Jeorge
i m ill. tH.i. ..i ..u
, ... ..... ..nun iviHiitr lliHHlllliUn.
j A (intirtor scml-clrcle with a radius
! of twentj-flya miles Is Hooded rrom
I six to fifteen feet deep, while beyond
this another fwenty-flvo mile Is cov
ered with wafer from a few Inches to
one nnd two feet deep.
i NKW OUI.HANS, Fob. 10.
Iinttleliiij Incraasml atipreliensinn was felt to-
deonrin and Vinrinin, both of which , i,a.v fr tho ooo or more persons
hne been in almost cunfctnut service marooned around N'ewellton, without
for ten yenrs, linve hIiowii such J f,(l "d with but scant shelter. Most
uenknoMx, .r. Daniel wid, hm to I f thein aro negro plantiitlon laborers
ii,niirM tlinf Iiiim t'tiiiwnlu li.i u.itli. I tillable tfi i-imfli mufutiv utiun li.. Miu
.-..... ..... v .... - .... .. ... n- "-- - .-,..w.. m. . ,, n ..V-.. III!" ,H ,
When hotter Inmirnnco Is nohl lniw rnrni twtiw M-rviro to him lwllI river broke throiiKh the Iwvee
fTnltiifva Mtrt Inatteation tfnn .III .11 I rlti.if li.ttitt wk.l ..1 r
iwiiiii'n, itw iiiniHHilVV ellllKa III HI! all ' "M' (rFil Til
The imbllc library has received
through Hi kluduoea of Mr. Iloos a
most attractive book on the Pacific
coast good roads. It Is tho minimi
ror lew of J ho Trl-Hlate (lood (toads
association, printed to glvo a record
In permanent form of what has beau
done on tho coast. There aro ac
counts of the different projects, In
cluding description of the Klsklyou
highway by Air. ICIttrldge. and many
this map and -illustrations add Interest
I tit t 14 I.iiaIt
Peanut brittle. 30c. The Shasta.
W YV. I'ssher. a trl-weekly visitor
lo Wedfnrd. Is in the valley metropolis
again today, doing business, as us
ual. II. A. Wltcrhnrg. manaaer of
the company's business at Orants
Pass. Is also a business visitor In this
oily today. Jointly busy with Mana
ger I'ssher In the affairs of tho Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph com
I) Heitn llolenmb. of Portland. Ia
a Medfotd "shopper" today, having
flflltt.l llllULII III lllallAl ,. In. ..,11.. r
Pelts offered by a trapper on tho11" '" ,ro,,,b,' ,h" ''' of ford. probRl st the library, on Kri
not rcgniilcil nn piobalilc thai t fir v
hiuc been nble to erect nn cxti u
ic fortification there.
The ltuNiiin nre howtilv rcimiiina
Hie Hinnll ilmnngcH done to the l'otf
reene ngninet n itoetilile ntleinpl ol
the Turk to rolukc them.
N'o newe lias ln'en received of the
fiile or Kkwcl l'ezi Pimlm, i-inim:iii-Icf
nf the ninth corm. who wn- in
charge of the dcfctixo of Krxcriim.
Hl;el Pasha Coininandcd.
Itxin reMrte(l that rpinforcciiicnt
from Thrnce were mi the wav to I'r
xenun, but tlmt thev wen- till luc
or i iinvf, (liHtent when the i it
was M-icd. Artillery had been -Inp
pctl by va to Tii'bi.oinl.
A telegram trnm Scba-tnpol iv-
Our courses are arranged with one aim in view
to get the best results. Investigate then enroll
in Day or Night School.
Medford Commercial College
New Students May Enroll at Any Time. Phone 15-1
The prudent person iloct not wait for flro or theft
before he gels Snfo Deposit Protection for his valuables.
Our Vault Is Fire and llurglar Proof.
Wo hoe Safe Deposit Poxes for rent bore as low aa
1!.00 AM) I P PKIt VDAIt
How's This?
t off-r Ono llMilrnl IlolUn Hi waril (nr xny
n if I alurrli Uiti aanimi U- lumt bt Hull t
('Urm lurr.
r. J uu:m:v jl in. t..m... o
M, th nii.)rrlmii .). Itati- known I' J.
Ckrur)' for Ikr ll IA lean at4 U-IWlr aim
-lll)' linnwalili' In all ll. !(. tru-urlUan
M SMSHall aVIf lo urrj- mt anr ubllialHH
iMito Uf Ma nrm.
Tlnlii. Olilu
trail's ('alurrli (ir, 1 1 l.lii inlirimlr at-tlmr
UnvHi tifoK, Mi., ., j nii."i!M .iirfiii- nf
III. -,lilll 'Itsllt i i.l lr. I'rn . Ji
TnN (ht l. in. .- '. i, all lmgi.-M
Tiki) II U , 1 n 1 I i all ,n.
Alt-x Xllile. F F lirainw.ll .ml
A.iHiln, ol tin- Oregon! Mil .
Iteaiimeil eiiueiilenilion of imi-ImI- !8,,r comiuiiiy, will urrh.. In ....
nee appropriation lull.
Tha hearing of M. Peck bfor Jhs
tie Taylor today developed the stia
plcion that It is largely a family
liiarrel. Peck and hi a if having
keii sw rated far soma time. Mr.
Peck Is an old mun, unable to work
much, hut It was shown that he was
doing tha best he could. Tho wlfo ia
rorrf oil o(tncsds next to iiealn
sariea of mecttaga among iln- farm
era who are Uuxlous tu ubtuin in for
mat Ion on tha subject of licit i
Mr. Austin, tho conii.ama ehief
agriculturist, will lecturo to the farm
ers at Talent Wednesday evening,
Feb. 23. at the city hall; at Central
Point on Thursday evenlnu, Kebru
, much younger. A divorce proceed- i ary 21, at tho city hall, and at Med-
tan Itatte creeks, the "pack" being
his catch In four months.
The funeral sarvico for little Dar
rta. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mm.
Frank l.oder. who imstasl away at
the home of her parents on Kebru-
ary , hnxlng been lit only an hour
Ottfarawt puna ,r tj, valley, to which and a half from ptomaine poisoning
came to eaaaae the rigors of the
later season tn northeaatera Ore
goa, will raiura home early next
weak, mah liaurwvad in health. Mrs.
Mayer says wh-eu her husband can
aail to advaataae lu Maker county,
tNv wtll looala narniaaautly In this
WatloH Cataera Sana for flrat elaas
ICatUk riaiaalag and Kodak uua4lea.
H. I., Waller, of MilUboro. left for
horn thla moraiag, after a visit of
tan days In this valley, with head
quarters in this city.
Haata's Urug rttora ia sailing aa
oaM lot of toilet waters, AOp, 7.".c
aaal Jl.oo for .! ts
laiar Mtrang, an has baeu visit
ing with frtaada la taa younger sal
lu this vl.lnll) for two weeks. alU
leave tomoriow for his homo lu Port
land. Oh etatt Mle on tlevall Itemed tea,
uu1rtes, toilet articles this waek at
Waat Bide Pharmacy. at 1
Police authorities are loakiag for
the ubiquitous sneak thlevea a ho
have naau ateallag lights aud robes
froaa tha autos ten standing tn from
of or near, the N'atatorluiu during
rval aervlies. rotuplaluts art
nnwerous about this troufctc In taa
gaaane of a larno poliea force In
lata olty, liacausa is isn't grueraliy
njt4ad. It has been saggoaled that
iaov most Interested In ibis mailer
aiiould engage a wairhiugn to keen
an eye on tha ditos and nab the
inlaws a ho ajuo lham
It.reducs la the issue, ao bring
in ipir KiMuijiowar nnd hava It
bntft0Hel and km preparad fur waal
is vimtm j. w. MlteaelL
T ")K
was held ut a.UO o'clock Friday aft
ernoon at the residence, Dr J. Lau
rence llltl officiating Mltle IVorris
was placed lu a beautifully white
couch basket, which was surrounded
profiueb lth enMiilsile floral offer
lugs, a fitting tribute of respct from
so man or her devoted friends. The
interment was lu the I. O. o, r . em-
eter ou the hill east of Medford. j
overlooking the city and valley. A
funeral cortege of many vehicles and
automobile loitawed the remains of
tha little one, ao long a favorite In
a large circle of family acquaintances.
to Its last resting place. Mr. Lon
er's other child, ulso III. is reported
John Htghaia. of Central Point,
ana a ftaturday visitor lu Medford.
Colonel H C. Waahburu. of Table
Mock, was a Medford waek.aad visi
tor. II. II. Tionaeu. of Kagle Point, was
a aeak-oud visitor lu Medford.
The O. A. V. basket ball team,
whose member export to make it the
champion of the coast, having won
from Berkeley. Stanford, Washing
ton. Washiugton State. Whlleutan
and Idaho, will play an exhibition
game Mouday ulght with the local
high school team ou the .Medford
floor. The local tea in. It la said, will
be glvea a handicap.
Now Is the lima to plant roaaa.
Home extra choice three-year-old Car
olina Testout and Krau Karl Ururkl
from the lineal roaa hedges In Mad
ford Ordar at ouce aa supply la lira
Ited Ptarre the Florist.
Jy Siim,e lilt nanus
Wlian u UomdM art tniy
the separation The com t admonished day evening. February :!.'.. nl 7:30.
Ihe rather lo provida for tha one County Pathologist Cute wilt par
child at borne, and let him go back j tlclpate In the discussion at these
to his Job in a mine at tha head of i meetings whenever possible
Colenisn creek. The charge was non-'
uplMirl. i Medfonl lloosicii. Hiuoko
I no Medfoni and Mi. Pitt Cigars
Niitlnii .in i.ii t t'n patc of a
diaii'oiid u hen ii i onu -- to iillulitiii.' .i
You will ni-er reiei flu- taMe and
expeudliiin iinericd in tin flttinu
seul ot oiii i iiKaKemeiit
To sati ournfir hiiiI the peifon
most direitlv uteii'-.t-il in the mat
ter that the diamond U ulxnc ques
tion. tu It of a dealei who in known
for his falrnehs and iIkIii incthods.
W $1000
Martin J Reddy
lloiiso of fjimlitj
special meeting of the Moi k
holders of the Kugue lllver Fruit .V
Produce Annotation will be held at'
the public llbrarv. Medford, Ore
Felruar 2 at : no p. m. for the,
purpoaa or conslderlug the method of
marketing our fruit to be adopted ,
for the season of 11-17. ami for I
the purpoee of transacting any oibei I
busluass that ma proMrl come be- j
fore such meetiuK. The board of di-
rectora believes it uuwlse to lencw ,
the contract xilth the Northwestern
Fruit Kxchanae and tleairtta to uiilimli I icO&MOCO '1 wyMv ,n
the whole marketlna question to the I cm ' , ..',!. ,
uiA.ukAu. ...,. , . .. . i Wi . 'im i In, u vi a
mmanuinria lll K lull IIISCIISSIOII Ullll .,r, I
for their suggestions and recommen-1
datlons. A full attendance of stoc k i
holders li carncsth requested. '
before It POISONS dnp ibefs :r atlKht la BONE '
Without nnile or Pain
t ' i- r A I Mmm-idSf i
.mi iln I yJ ACTU'JIcm'b)
il i, iii i m k. . r aWaValfrVJBarjto,
3UKK UH liu II C
.ii bixT I K IS
IMti! 'I '
Hi KIT. . li,
Mu' j V .11 SUI
fjafftgl. tf"' Xffck I
iiwB(v5.iA 3F I zZirmLiB VkMa -
a&sri'&v. &7ZHi&.
ofawakaaVPI ' u.ts5fiw ii; SStsH2XJ
jmm& i mwsL $m
lyWiaVlatiiTlJ . VTT v T-!fZ Z6
zljjk Mar-c tzmmcp
111 I
III an
a III 4H
lllj "rore than ONi: MILLION now in use ."i00,0)()
nl more arc to he olil this year. N'o otlicr motor II
fill Still
III '''"' ' I"' c'tiliie world hits .ttcli n wonderful II
Iii'corii nn- erice. tma yearo lowered price 11
iiienn the name Ford enr of rmnlity nnd reliahil- j
ity for lose money that's all. Tito Ituiniliont i 1 1
rllOO; Touring Car l0: C'oupelct WHO; Twn I
Jill Car .flHil; Sedan $7W, f. o. b. IMroit. J
Kasy tertna if decircil ,'200 down, $25 per
ill! inonlh.
ll C. E. GATES
i ,.i
- r . t
Dr. & Mrs. Dr. CIIAMIEY & CO. tiWA!
Mrlill S'UtNt Rmt LnCI. SfHilhf .Hint"
t?40 I 43i '.'stensM St , is rra-r .tea. Cal.
v li.-rjc r- V TMI. .. CANCCH
m ssaisagfs saj i a - , aa smi a
WAXTKD To hire a
team ltlioui diicr.
hea vkurk
I'hone 7-Fl
iit !
LOST Silver aatrh baiweon Oag
gatt ranch ami Medford on Uo
Lane. Keturn to Tribune office,
reward. ,m
Bargains in
J00 Tnree-yoar-old
ac.ini.-i ua n anl li .-n m i , imv
inp; me t"-t them uiiiler tnc !.TKST
and HKST Kt m m no aii nerve
measurements. ml If found neies
sar.v, nt them to proper glass.
Suite I.U, t)ur .la)'., .Medfoicl.
Wl- llilVf jliv -(.. i-if,l a si
lipnu nt ol
Taylor Subsoil Plows
Imatadlata sale cinrk Remit) Co .
:' Phlppa bldg.
FOR nut-Flue moder buuga-'. CtlTOline TeStOllt
low. cloa lu. at big sacrifice for
uoeei ior sate ni a nargatn
Tha finest roos la Medford
trant the Ut raae kodga In tho elty
The Carolina Teatant is a perpet
ual bloomer, tare p4ak raaos and
tha beat hedga or traat roao for tUla
Pierce, the Florist
AaaocUted Fran IManatcb.
FOH BXCHANUK Stock ranchas for
city property, so acrae einr of
martggge for small bouse and gar
den ground; o-Qra dairy ranch
for rtly. 17500. CUrk Really Co.,
SO t'hlppa Bldg. wtat liatlwgs of
rlty Md country prvnarty for sale
w .!. Ml
O 6
no oi w.wr ri ki
We iuaure that our Marinollo
prAuaration con m in uo harmiul in
gradients You will rind the best ol
was the niont economical and bene
ficial. Msrlnello toilet nrcparatioas eaa
onl tie port Uiised here
This iniplfincnt solves tin
.md lnvakiiifr up a hardpaii.
Ii ,...!..,.: ,i. .
I "uyri.r. uio siHwoil so iib to nw
n'obleni of storing wntti
the surpl"
coitA u. rn.icv
ItwiHi IH7 lHMilttCHr' Ulibe.
I Medford. Orafoa.
t t0 run dwP riw" tl.o soil ,l bo
,Vstn t? ,M;; s,n" Tr thp sot(1 hs
RtMitt start lifioiv the dry season aet in
nulll'ln.,1 o,!,,!,,,UV'ti 1S S "i1 that it mnv hV o.i-ilr
pulled in oiu- smls hy two horses.
MKDKoui), OIK(i()
rksl tWTIt.
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