mnmttm 4tf WEATHER I' SECOND EDITION lilr (oiilglifi Sunility cloudy fol l.j ruin. Wax. TJt, inlii. 110 Medford Mail Tribune I Forty fifth Yetr. ROOSEVELT TO RON ANYWAY FOR PRESIDENCY Barnes-Crane-Hillis Crowd Can Go as Far as They Like, But the Lit tle Old B. Moose Bunch Is Going to Name and Run Teddy, No Mat ter How Many Tickets In Field. Hv GILSON GARDNER. WASHINGTON. Fob. 19. Noose yelt will mil anyway. A trip to Now jYork before llonscvolt left for thi West Indies has convinced mo of this much. George W. Perkins thinks no, no. I had n long tnlk with Perkins, lie thinks Itoosevolt can win even in thrce-ootnered fielit ; so, ns T. Hur- Ron wonlil sny, jnctn cht nlea, which Jieing interpreted, is "the dice nre flown." or ns n itrent Gcrmnn student Jins rendered it, "the bones nro in the fang." The Hnrnos-Craiic-Hilles cnmbinn- Slon innv ro ns for ns they like. They Bnny go nhend ninl fret their hand- picked delegates and nrrnngd for their ilnrk horses nnd masked mnr- vol-, until tho gong sounds. The lit He old 1). Mooo bunch is going to rnllv around the nutler nnnin. Onoo more the Florentine room in the Con- rm'ih lintel will echo to the ronr of the Hull Moose nnd once more in the luditorium hall the hosts of Annn- ueddon will nemble to do linttlc for Ithe Lord nnd T. ltooscvclt. Xolxxly to Ilcnt Hint. "Von can't bent somebody with niohody," Dick I'roker used to sny. That is why Perkins is chipper. Fair- liinnks. Weeks, Hurtou and the othor ''white hope" of tho Hurnos-Penrosp- Cmue-Sinnot managers nre "no body" in tho estimation of Perkins wluie T. It. Stands for "somebody." He believes tjie vagueness and indefi inteneHs of the atnndpat republican campaign will be its undoing. Al- Erciidy the prospective southern dele gates demand to know tor whom they Cue uoiiur to vote. They want nt leant r prospect of winning the jobs! No lieore Tuft campaigns for theirs. The stiinupnt jrftmo lu been ranch weakened by tho premature appear ance of old General Prosperity. There i-n't u prnve-digger's chance 'or Hamcs & Co. to bo tho nihan?) scents of n prosperity which is prancing around with all four oofs in their faces. Tho tariff im,uo -in cluding a tariff commission is now unanimous, having boon adopted Jwl indorsed by W. Wilson et al. Lory- Hiody's for pronrednoss with tlw blg- echt anuv und the biggest navy in the hvorld. So there's no issue botwuen nmliodv. except tho personal issue Let ween T. Itoosevolt and W. WiUou, which ismio is sharp and acrid. T. It. May Swallow I'nity. Of course, the three-cornered fighl may become a two-eoincred fight. Sxmptoins in M;i .nrhusett stronglv that way. When Hud, Cashing and Augustus Gardner can net together on Roosevelt, there is little of tho chicken lett for Crane nnd Weeks and tho shoe machinery trust hardly anything- except the neck and tli feet, as it were. Other statos, Perkins thinks, are llikelv soon to follow Mnssaekuretts, and be su it would not lie surpris- mg it ' ww " ovcr uu' ,,ie bout iny b June 7. FRUIT GROWERS' SPOKANK, Wsh.. F.-l. 10.-A part or the plans of the Fruit G row en.' agcucy, organucd here by gov ernment representatives, fruit ship iwr anA LrrnuvN. was announced here toiftv bv C. A. Malboeuf of Portland, who was appointed to an lumnce the details. SmUne i to be the headquarters of the oruaniiation. The organisation plan, according to Mr. Malboeuf. is built about tne uniform contract in wbh the grower i itcrmittrd to eel the urice for jslueh lii fruit mv be Mild. The II 't III I- lilMTl hlllll III ''iiWIIw .Hid AGENCY ID -i.i..i i-. flOII riu mi it in-1 nii TURK GARRISON FLED AFTER ATTACK Complete Co-operation of Russian Troops Over p. Wide Area Made Resistance Useless Turks Realiz ing Fate, Withdrew Bulk of Forces Lcavlnn Garrisons to Fate. PETROGRAI), Feb. 10. The' first story in detail of the capture of Krzerum by the Russians reached Pctrognul semi-officially today. It shows complete co-ojiornlion of Rus sian troops over a wide nrca which mndo useless resistance on the part of the Turks. Apparently the Turks tcnlizcd the fall of Krzonnn was in eitnble and withdrew most of their forces before the fiunl onslaught, leaving the garrisons of tho widely separated forts to 'their fate. Tho campaign begnn to reach its climax in the Inst days of January. The troops of General P. from the north, and those of General K. from the east, moved ngninst the first line foits under the most severe weather conditions. The Russians dragged their artillery to the heights surrounding the fortress nnd when nil wns ready began to bombard forts Kara Gudek, 'JO miles, nnd Fort Dnl nngez, !. miles northenst of Krze rum, .preparatory to the bayonet as sault. ltotli Forts Surrender. January 'JO both forts capitulated. The taking of Dclangez made n brench in the outer line defenses nlnnjc the Hevcboinu range in front of the city. Tho capture of Kara Gudek opened a direct passage through the Kurabugas pass to the city proper from the northeast. Fort Tafta lies midwny between these two fortresses. In a night nt tuek Jnnunry .'10 this fortross was captured, leaving only Chnban Hebe between the two aimies operating from this quarter. February 'J the Russians began to stonn the whole front line on the Hevcboinu heights, Ity evening nil those jMtsitionx were in Russian .hands, permitting complete junction of the troops on tho northeast. The fall of this fiit line quickly doubled the fate of the inner forts. Meanwhile the Teknn group of forts, seven miles to the south, had been surrounded on three sides. Tho general assault on the second lino hegnn without giinsrtho men time fnr a rest. Tho five inner forts made only n fceblo resistance. These gar risonB beat a hasty retreat into tho city nnd followed the bulk of the troop whieh already were on the ronds lending westward. May Attempt Stand, Only tho roar Riinrd took part in tho fighting of the last day. Signs that tho evacuation wns under way were observed immediately after the fall of the first fort. It is thought possible the Turks will attempt to make a stand nt the first favorable point, which is in the hills on the .western od0 of Krenun alley, eleven miles distant, but it i- (Contlnuod on page two.) BY ALLIED FORCES LONDON. Feb. 19 The complete touquest of the K.uncrun, the (ler tnan colony in Equatorial Afnoa, was official!) announced this afternoon. It was officially annoiineod in Lndon on February 17 that tho com mander of the entente forces in the Kanierun had reported that tho con quest of this Germau posesio;i was comdete, with tbe exception of tho Uolated poitiou of Mora Hill. Thi position, according to a emi-official announcement from Iterlin, Febru ary IS, wu being Uuacioulv defend ed by tbe Germau force under Cup tain Von Kuben. The German forces in southern Kumerun crossed the border into Kiunih Oilmen and were interned it F hi unr '. thfir it-tical follow - III'.' Iln Mlltlll it. i'ilM.ili tl . Illicit' vu ib l.U 1. El Kit RUN IN 1 GERMANY MEDFOHD ASTORIA WINS F Interstate Conuncrco Commission Requires Carriers to Put Astoria on an Equal Basis as to Rates with Puget Sound and Portland Exist ing Rates Held Discriminatory. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.-The in terMnte commerce commission decid ed today that the piesent rate ad justment of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle nnd other railroads in reach inc Seattle, Tncomn and Astoria un duly discriminates against Astoria in favor of those cities on Pugct Sound. Tho commission nlso required car riers to put Astoria on on equal basis ns to rates to Spokane nnd other points between the Cascade and Rocky mountains as nre Seattle, Tncomn and Portland. HMoi-y of Case. PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 10. The action brought by the City of Astona for a reduction of freight rales, which was decided today by tho in- terntato commerce commission, was begun on Juno HO, 11)11. In n prcv ious action not so broad in its scojic, but similar in its nature, brought on December 'J, 1009, tho interstate commerce commission had decided nuniiiHt Astoria. Tho second notion, tho one just de cided, was brought by the City of As tnrin against the Spokuno, Portland & Scuttle Railway company, the Ore-gon-Wnshingtou Railroad & Novi gation company, tho Northern Pa eific Ituilroad company, the Oregon Short Line, tho Oregon hlectnc Rail way company, the Oregon Trunk railway, the Ctunns Prairie Railroad company, tho Great Northern Rail road company, the nun nun nl ley Railway company, the Spokane & Inland hmpirc Railroad company and the Southern Pacific company. CoiiiiiifHllty and Class. This proceeding involved rules on nil commodities and classes- of freight between Astoria and nearby points, nnd points in Idaho, western Montana nnd those portions of Ore gon and Washington which lie oust of the Cnsoude mountains, Tho petition alleged that the rates in question were unreasonable and unjustly discriminatory in that they were much higher thnn the rates to Puuet Sound and other Washington points, Tho complainant nski'd that the locality at the mouth of tho Col umbia river be placed on n parity with tho ports of Seattle and Tn comn in the matter of rates and chnrges between Uiosc points and the inland empire. BRITISH TAKE OFF F SHANOHAI, Chum, Feb. lO.-The American ntcnmship China, which lelt Shanghai yesterday morning for Sun FniiU'isuo, was held up on tho high sens by fr Ilritish auxiliary cruiser and thirty-eight Germans were takeu off. It is thought the China may have been held up by the Iiurentic, which recently stopped tho Tenyo Maru, while on a voyage to Manila, and lo mocd nine Tudians. In August of 1011 the China, then owned by tho Pacific Mail Steamship company, and tho Manchuria of the same company were halted by Hrit ish wsrililp off Hong Kong nnd foreed to surrender forty German re kenist. The Germans took passage from Hong Kong to San Francisco and it was said they had received assurances from Washington that they would not be molested while on American -vesceU. Officers of the China said Great Rritain, in their opinion, had acted within her right-. The Manchuria was boarded within the three-mile limit. A similar situation arose lust De cember when n French cruier held up four Amarican steumshis ott their wav from Porto Rice to New York ninl rcniowd Orrinun- und Autnali. 'lln I mliM M..1.' .r..l -t.-ii .iihI the lull ii u.u-Wit rtUuaca the Uiiu, TERM NAL RATES ROM RAILROADS GERMANS 1 AMEMGAN P OKlttlOX. NATUtmY, VV.UUV WW lfl. HMii GANGWAY OMAPIIVEiBRITISH LIRi'APPPAM' UPON WHIGHIIBEL'WASiFILEDIBYlOWNERS today 'mLftmJmmftmflHmH&L MtL.-i Ji flmwiimmb V r&3MHMMJMml(''l '? "Prlson-passennors" erowdod about the aauRway on the captive llrll Ish liner Appam, where a (lermaii sailor with a rifle utanils on guard. Tho Appam Is now anchored off Newport News. OWNERS OF APPAM FILE LIBEL UPON WASHINGTON, Fib. 10. A'i neys for the owners of the liner Appnm, in Hampton IfoaiU, as a prixc of a (lennan crew, !iue brought an admiralty proceeding un dor th pirn" law to regain jmisscs sion of the ship. The state depart ment holds that under the Prussian American treaty the liner belongs to Germany as a priou nt least uu'il a prize court piisseil on tho legality of her capture. Tho Hritish embassy has contended tho ship should be re turned to her owners under a pro vision of The Hague convention. NORFOLK, Vs., Feb. 10. Kill oral Judge Wnddill issued tho usual libel procesii today and the Appam was seized by a deputy Fulled State marshal, who went to Newpoit New on a tug for the purpose. When Deputy West and his party leached the ApMn, Lieutenant llerg attempted to pietent the posting of the libel notice, '"If I had known voh were a United States marshal," said Herg, '"I would not have allowed you to board." The personal proeesa was served and tho deputy started to tack the usual libel notice on tbe mast of the vessel. The German commander ob jected. "The ship is in charge of Collector Hamilton," he said, "and you buVe no right hero." Lioutenant Herg went to Newport News to telephone. When he return ed DeMity West bad tseketl on the mast of the ship the slip of white paper which certified that the Appam had been seized bv older of the United States district uoutt at Nor folk. Lieutenant Heitr directed his men to tear it down. Deputy West commanded him not to touch the notice mid it remained on the mast. POSTALlAVK WASHINGTON. Fib. 10. Po-t-muttr Co mi. 1 1 lim lr-un today au thorised rxtt'li-ioli nl (lie poitnl inn ing stcm to Alifta. This con temdates the installation of the ser vice at all the iiiwirtant oiitlvini' Jll.-l-sioll-, ol I he I llitl'il'i- l linn lllllll tin I'lll illi In. I. i'l ' l I , t. .1 l.lli - pi il -.. ! ili CAPTIVE STEAMER HIGH SCHOOLGIRL'S ' DEATH CAUSED BY I C'llU'AiiO. nti 19 Ctanldo of io(Hlum wns the I'Olion which I killed Mai Inn Franc-en Lambert. Lake I'o rest IiIkIi school rtlrl. a cording to h report made to tho coroner today by Dr. Italpb C, Webster, of tho Chi cago laboratories. Tim ilgntlvc or gans, Dr. Wotwter auld, showed no trace of any other poison. Tho white chystals said to have been found un der the finger nalla of the girl were originally ey snide of potassium, ho reported. The report Is to be read Monday at tho Inquest. Dr. Webster Is analysing crystals of cyanide and other poison found In an ash pile near the greenhouso at the home of Will II. Orpot. who Is In custody charged with the murder of his former sweetheart, Miss Lam be! t Tbe mIhoiim found nt the Or pot home worn, used for spraying trees ami plants li tlif hoy' father, hetii Km tit nt'i mi a lufKf eetute TROOPS IN BELGIUM AMxTI UDAM. I.'. Pi IiuiiMir i die ln-t -i il.i- ui'tiit liiiiiuiu troop moM' i li.ive ot'iiiiiiil in south cm iiii.l iiniuil Iicl'.'iiiiii, -.i a ill-. - pal eh 1 1 fin the fl on lie r In the Tele . groat'. auv trains with artillery and in fantry were running along the rud rouds to the west and south and some small detachments were transported by way of tauvain, Wuverti am) Gembloux, to the southeast. Iouvain, the dissilci adds, still is a strung poifti of suwrt of Ger man strategy aad many conferences of high military officer are held there. , CONhTASTIXOPLK. 1'eb. 1U. An attempt by Ilritih force in Mo-opoliimiu to cross the Tigria be low Kutel-Amara was retUsed af ter u battle for three hours, tlM war i.e announced today. The llrit ih in their retreat were pursued to their seeond line entrenchments. IlKlfl.lN, Fh. lit, viu Londou. Another iniitutss nttuek by the Urit i h -iiillieut of Vpres, where the (leruiuii-. it.'tnlK e.iptuicd -.Qernl 1 1 i ml 1 1 1 1 Hi" i.l I ii m In - w.i - .hi ) .. in. . il lull, i li I ,i nl III e. POTASSIUM CYANIDE GERMANS MASS ASSERT TROST COERCED BANKS AIDIUOWERS Representative of Slsnl Growers of Yucatan Charges International Harvester Company With Intimi dating Banks in Order to Aid Its Monopoly of Binder Twine. WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. The sen nto agricultural coinmltteo decided to call upon tho Continental and Commercial National bank of Chi cago to submit a statement showing the doposlts of tho International Har vester company for tho last tlireo ears In order to determine the truth of charges that the harvostor com pany had disciplined tho Chicago brink for extending financial aid to the slnal growers of Yucatan. Sol Woxlor, a Now York bnnkor, charged today that tho harvostor com- pniiy had sought by Intimation to provont tho National City bank of New York ns well as tho Continental from loaning money to aid sisal growers. Combined for Monopoly. Tho committee Is Investigating rhnrnos that the harvester company and tho Plymouth Cordngo company combined to monopolize tho sisal out put and prevent Independent twluo dealers from obtaining rnw material and counter charges that tho Pun American Commission Corporation of which Woxler wns tho head, fi nanced u slsnl monopoly with tho Idon of putting up the prlru to Amer ican merchants. ' Mr. Woxlor explained tho oi'Ktinl nation of tho Pan-Amorlenti Commis sion of which ho Is president, whloh Kiinranteod to loan the Yucatan plant ers $10,000,000 a your. "When 1 went among tho banks of the country to assure myself that I could get this money from thorn whou needed, all but two agreed that If othor conditions Justified tho lonns I t on Id locuro them," he sold "Those uere tho Continental and Commercial National tank of Cblrego and the Na tional City of Now York. "Tho president and vice-president of the International llurvoslor com pany bad gone to them und tried to Intimidate them with throats of withdrawing their depnelts and with holding their reproiientatlvu from tho hoard of directors. (Jiitii Slino CnnipalKii, "And fuither this entire propagan da to arouse the furiuers ugalust tho slsul growers conducted through tha trade Journals ami by mouth has boon started by the harvester com liany. lit Its underhand, gumshoe way." Senator Gronna of North Dakota declared that he had resolved many letters from farmers In his state urg ing hi m to advoeate laws forbidding Interstate commerce to binder twine manufactured In the various state penitentiaries. Tho committee adjourned until next Thuistlsy at the conclusion of Mr. Waxier' testimony. It decided to cull as witnesses Cyrus II. Mo Cormlik, president of the Interna tlnnsl Handler company : Arthur Itcwioldx, vice president of tbe Con tliienUI ainl Coiiiini ri IhI bunk and (Continued on pruo six) 'S GRILLED BY LEWIS WASHINGTON. F.b. 10. Si, into Lewi-, deinoerut, ol Illumes in a speech ill the senate luduy on the "Hypocrisy of Stutcniuiudiip, as sailed Klihu Hoot for his address Ik- fore the New York state republican convention Blinding the administra tion's foreign imlicy. ".Mr. Hoot says it is necessary in hthi international criis to have u president who means something more than words," Senator lwU said, "that we should follow words with action. What net ion There cun be but one tbiug and that is war. If be mean- that he wonts war with On many, why dm- he want war? If Mi. Hoof, speaking for his iarty, oi pects to dedge the party lo war, let linn dci'l.trc it with eoiiriie, and tbe lei ..In Mits Mill meet tin' i- ' O ROOT HYPOCRISY T). 2K) COONTJES ONITE FOR PROMOTION RAILROAD LINE Northern California nnd Southern Oregon Development League Or ganized at Yreka to Comprise Ad jacent Counties of Two States Seek Biilltllnn of Railroad. "The Northern California and Southern Oregon Development IcnKiio" is the iiiiuio of tho organiza tion pnrtinlly formed nt the meeting of the Commercial club nnd 'Hoard of Tnulo represcntntlvcs nt, Yriikti, Gal., on Ihursdny night und Friday of this week to perfect an association ot ptomiuent business men nnd corn met cial intcrcM to promote the pro posed nillronil from Humboldt Hay, Culiforilitu tip the Klnmutli river and into (he vast timber and mining reg ions embraced in u large scution of the Siskiyou mountains lying between ItoKitc ltivcr volley and the Klnmnth country, in Onon, nnd the Humboldt Imv count r in Culifoniin. The Medford Commoreinl club committee nllcuding that noufcrcncc wns met at Montugtic, Cnl., Tliurs dnv evening by the delegutions that hud nlrendy arrived at Yrokn and es corted to the latter place by nutos, h distance of x miles. OiKiiiiljitlon IVrfcclcsL A meeting was called for that evening. A gcncrul discussion of tho mutters in band wus hud. Through out tie meeting most ciithltsuiKtio ex pressions of indorsement were made by Hie speukers. A resolutioiiH com iiiillco wns appointed in the ptrpons of W. L. Lnmbert, Kurokn; C. M. ThonuiH mid .1. II. Andrews, Medford; Claude K. Gillis mi.l 1-Vcd K. Wads voi tli, Yreka. This oommillee was also rerpiircil to nominate offioor for tho )onurincnt orgnnixntiou to bo formed Friday. On Friday the dolegnlions got douii to business again nt 11 o'cloelc ic the foicuoon, ndnpllng tho rcso l.itions as preeenled by tho commit tee ami electing A. L Hill of .Medford as piesidcnt of Iho Northern Cnli foruiu and Southern Oregon Develop ment league; II. A. Lattu of Medford, secretary mid treasurer; W. L. Lam bert of Kurokn, us vloo-prosident from Humboldt county, und J. P. Churchill us vice-president from Siskiyou county. Other nouutios wore not represented at tho unnferencc, but it is intended lo iuoludo vice president from Klnmnth eounty, Or egon, and from Trinity, Modoo und Del Nor to counties, California. To Co Over Piotosoit Itoute. Tho longiie will meet in its new form at the call of President Hill. Meantime, arrangements may be made for a trip over the proposed route from this valley to Kurokn, passing through the Illue Lodge dis trict and the gieat limber bolt to wn nl the Klamath river, and on to Humboldt bay. Mr. Hyder of tho forestry service will keep the lengno informed a to condition on this mute und asist in every way to make it possible for this plan to bo carried out ns early as travel muy Ic made through tho mountains. The committee oh organiwtion ro f oiled in part us follews: "The purM)-e of this orgaHiaaUon rhall be io promote the Interests of xoulhcni Oiegmi and northern Cali fornia in ewrs tield, but shall huvq loi it- immediate purpose nnd oh left the promotion of tho conktruu t.iui ni a riiili'outl cwineeting Ihu in- (Contluued on page six) WARHINiiTON, Feb 19 repre sentative lief tin. of AUbamu, told At-torney-(neral Uregnry he believed a comblnallon of bear oeomtors In New York was responsible for tho low price of cot ton. Assistant Attorney-General Todd. In efcarge of tbe anti-trust proseou lions, was present at the cunfereiiso sad an luveattgatlan to determlno wiititber tho Sherman antitrust not has been violated will be luudo bw ageuts of ibe deiMrtmont. No for mul tliarKfn or ovldenco wa3 proi duecd totla), , i I fe