PAflB TWO MKDFORT) MAIL TRinrVK. MLDKOUJ), ONM.OV I IfflnV. I I HUI" MlV 1. I'M. mmm 5 ?.. Br K&' m S Sef MV V. fc --- -- TOCAL AND PERSONAL A telaRram wn rirplrH bv f)r. Curtow MfpUy minoiiMrlHK th dw(h or Curl Kittnn hi hitnH nr Dwtler, Mlrli on Fl litli lln WM K resident of Mfrtftirrt Nr nMrl yMc and n Imlf unit whll hfr artml m InfSMl aKPiit for th Kvmilwn Tnlngniin. tJfa left tore lt Mny, tNklN IH l'l xpltliH ill Sun frun- rtro and vUltlii other putnl of In- tdrMf H bin way tmctt In Mlehlnnn. $if Ot) tn loan an ool farm, clone In. II'. S. itlno. Tha I'jrtlilana will clelirtil the ,fJIt)'HHWiiiiil nHtlvcmirr of the order Willi a tine "octal hihI itmiro tonight ;J. the ynth ouiii)!sn)' nrmorr, tin ilar tha mmntrM of Talisman 1. oil go No. 31, KnlRlita nr I'rtlilaa. (TniimiHl prArmrntlnn Jitta heon mmlo for thla ovont nml h InrK1 nttflinlmico Mm linnn fully nroriilrtl for. Turk lull nougat 30c Hi. Tho Sling, tn, II. Wntnniilii', neooiiiiMilil y Mrs. Walnnnlm nml linliy, loft ynatnrilay nvnnliift for ,lninn on nn (xlunilwl visit with mlntlv ami frloiiil. .Many ironiliwnt .Immnpno In till rlty nml vicinity nrroiuHtilil them to tho tin I ii to litil tln'in hooiI-Ii)( ami wluli thnnt it aufo rnliirn. Mr. Wm tuunlio linn Iioim HiirroMful In Intui tion!! In thlH rlty for wiiiio your. 259?. off on Koilnfc at Wton'ii Camera Shop. llaliy Weak la a cnmilaii for ninny niirpoxoa anil mImiiU from Mnrrh I to 11. (1) It will lirhiK In ovory onci tho fnrt Unit II In civic wnnomy to rmlnro lh alcknoss and ilontli rntn animiK Imlilaa: It will Improve tlin qohiIiiK Knnni-Htlon hy iniaauri wliloh will koop Intliy and mother wijll. The community' roapniinllill lly for tho Imlilwi Ik tho eiinlrwl tlimiRlit for llahy Wook. (2) It will printout fncla conaornliiK Ihu promnil HtutiiH of Infant mortality and what In hiilmc ilono, linth by piilillr nml private nrgnnlMitloiia to Imprnvo ron dltlnna which affoot tho hoalth or hahlon, which wo hopo to do lioro on n ainulnr nottlii. (3) It will kIvo ill rnotlyto fathora, motliora. hiotlior and alHtora, Information about tho onro of hnliloa that will lomilt In hottnr caro and fciHlliiK dmliiK Hi" inontliH whim tliu mortality rato Im DHPColnlly mid iiitiIIowI) lnra. Ontfw rqIIi Ford enra, TZOO down nnd J26 a month. 0. II. WoatlaUe, of Mailora, Cll foriila, In a valloy vlaltor thla wimk, IihvIiik limuy woiiuiiIhIhiiohh In lliU. vlelultr and about (lold 1 1 111 and T out. Ho any thr iHopl of tho olfla eoaat urn bttlng illatrlUarHd tliioiialiout Hit throe cohi! XoUt tli la your iiior In aecurdairi' with loillrlUual tnwto anil ronalilarHtlnii tann evur bfir. 'Phono 'who hia rrflecalliVK. after a few oi of ev iwrlmieo tin the eaat, are k4iiornll) mtaUllahlim priiiuiionl humoa. Kor that rttaanu many of llittm at IihiIc liif uvor thf variolic loralllrva nlth Ureal oar. Mr. Woatlaka bllo that Itogiiii rtvw valNy lll remvf u vory oonalrtarabl apoaaalnu tliuH, yiwr to tta bualnaaa ami farmliiK imp. ulailon. Oyitora, any stylo. Tim Shasta. ' Tha Unity wok rainuaUn hold uu illiotloii ot thtt rltlldrou'a liuroait of laa l'. S. ilHimrtmont of labor, will a haW In Mwlfwrd from March I to 1 1, u Hilar tft Hitatlcea of tho Ureal or MUfrU flub, Thea 4ata havo bun aot Halite by the national human Ha the llabf wtok fur all over the I'MltMl Stalaa. I'rosram plana an imiiiinl later. In the meantime In HtrMattoH ilcttly Kb on 1 ihalrman of ltaby wW, Mra. It. J. ronriy. Hmoko u KlnK Hplu olKar, So. They art) hQine-wMo. tf Jay dort anil Qwtrge Oatoa of thi cly, and Charlaa Prim of Jarkaon vlllo will Im iHltlated Into rollnge fra- larnltlea at Ike l'nlveralt of Oroo at ItHgene thla wnnk. (loro hIU Join i ho llta Thata IM. Oaloa tho ttlgma Xm. and I'rtm tlia 8lma (Mil. 9 Maildox Ss Houiiay. I'orlland ave. grMnhoute, about tomato planta fv aariMie planting. Itnndanl va rlatlaa. loweat prle. X It. X. Mooro or Uoaehuri la enrt ln a few da In tho rlty and allay ultondlng to batlnoaa muttora. See IJave Wood about that flro tn uranae policy. OfflM Mull Tribune Hldg. Oaorgc UtuMparli. o( .larknonvlllo waa In Medford Thurada In the In ioivkU of hla candidai- for count v aatieaaor. Xr. launUcb baa llwd In tho count objbt yara, waa raUott on o- carw, nw nan a contractor and bukldorfor IwMly oara undaralMida value aot ffla porfeetl) ijuallfjo! to flit Um (wafttou. Xa4aut Uvttiort. ronownad dhImi lat and clalrToyaut, Colonial auta. IS3 C. V'. AboreromUU raturned ifjf4ay from an aktaodrd vUlt in mnut City. Icuila and other Kau- j KM ol. He aaa although Kanu rglaod good crop laat oar and the Itooula are prouroua tho atato ba ' ne al tract iiuu after living In tho ttoguo Klver vallcv. Mr Abarcrom bl aod aou will ramaln lu Kaoaaa for .t loiter viatt- too wbat lr wit) "V QM woo( at t Rtdcull aiore. It I Xspoolnl prioea on ongravoa carda, ln,N mid from old plates for a few ''Ui'ilaya nl th Mlnlford I'rlntlnc Co. UP I'iIiImv iiiurktMl tho ninth annlvcr f lot Ii . lo Ml Mint Ml" (i M f.oom l llo l.ane, Hertford, Kohriiar 1", a on Who killed the widow l.eflnnge? W. K. Tbonrpoon, a prominent or rbanHnt of Uto Gold Hill district. tratMM'led kwHfteaa In thla city to day, Pour gnu neatsm, in eetita tali. I giteaa we mean bnalnaa. Wilt II. Wlhwn. A large aafo waa Hftotl In the fWi met t-Corey bNlMInc ln4oy for th offlrea of I'ranV (1. Owgxe, tho land and lumber man, wbna aulte baa rocontly ben on la rami. Tell Dick Aanrtora your troublea about naporlng, painting or tint ing. 107 William MI.oan, a btietnea man of I'ortlaml, la among tho out-of-town vlaltora lu Meilford thla wonk. ,ny ovoruoat lu tho hoiun SNc. Wo have a lot or good onoa. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Will II. Wllaon. A. J. Sharp, of .larknonvlllfl, did liimlnemt In Medford yoatonlay, re turning homo In tho owming. Weston Onmern Shop for first class Kodak finishing nnd Kodak supplies. AMlllam W. 1. Holt, of Kagle Point, did htialnoaa In thla city yns torday, reluming homo todny. Mloath'a Drug Store Is hoIIIuk an odd lot of tollnl watora, 50c, "Sc ami $l.nn for x.'ic 2S8 Mrs. Krank MoKoo, of Central Point, whs a visitor and ahoppnr In Medford yeatordn, returning liouin today. Olio cent sail- on Knxull Itnmodlofi, Niiuilrioa, toilet article thla week at West Side Pharmary. 2S I .lohn J. Itoedo. of Kugnno, la n Medford visitor today. Tho host odd roata wo have, going at SOo. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Will II. Wilson. V. T. Pawloy, of Hestllo. I look- lug; over the Medford district this weok. Try n Kins Bpltr. c!e,nr and en QOiiraRn homo Industry. tf Archbishop IIhiiuu. of Shu Knin- ctsrp, was a Medford visitor thla week, tho guest of I'alhor Pownrs. Ho departed yoatordny. Who killed tho widow l.oltongc? The coin I has taken tho Turplu divorce case under ailvlsomont, pre- sontatlon of testimony having boon concluded in a somewhat aonsatlnunl trial. IMfty good warm overcoats, Sfio nploco. Will, II. Wilson. Mrs. U. Phillips, of Ashland, linn leased tho old Davenport placer mine to M. lyVp'riy II. II. McC'nrty and W. OJrfg llMnnslvo operation has on the initio 1 the lensces. I. I: I'rl"-. of Hun I- I amonc the iitor h f iiiitnd In lo IiuhImt In Hil iiv lodm Insure your auto in the Allisnre against tbeft. fire r. T Tengwald. Oeorge w Mrown, or i.o Angolo. Is tranmuitlng luiMinea In hi- ell and vicinity Ibis week. ffundrods of artirfea sold tor Ic, .'. for r.c. Will 11 Wilson W. II. Morton, a Portland buslneae man, Is looking ever the bnsinesa slt HattoH In tbla dial riot Ibis week. .1. O. Otrklng, the neat all around photographer In aontharg Oroffln. Alwnya reliable. N'egatlvai main any whore, time or plan. Studio 2SS Main St. Phune 32Q-J. T. .1. O'Koero. of northern Oregon, Is ilolns bnnlnetw in .Medford and other vhIIp polntK thin week. .Mrs. II. K. Haney has movwl her droas making shop tn narnett Corsy hldg. Hnom 313 and .til. A wood car, which waa a part of the train on route on tho P, & It. yoslerday from Ksgle Point to Mol- fonl, waa doralleii, laualng a Mime what exciting experience among about a dozen passengers In tho conch. Tho engine broke away from tho train, the wood car was conald- eiubly smashed, tho track torn up for a short distance, hut the pnssengora wove not Injured beyond tho delay lu i cur IiIiik their destination. Any Initios' ault lu the house, .0c. Will II. Wilson. QUARAN M CALIFORNIA SPUDS lor llii l-l'l'l lit hogttr IIomiIiiIIoii sur Ciiuilolenco Whoroas, our esleenied and well beloved brother, William f. Vnwler, 7ast grand master, has hewed to 1 leaven's IiIkIi will, nml gone from our midst to behold the dawn of a brighter day, whoie Friendship, I.ovo mid Truth will llvo forever. As ho waa an earnest worker In our order and a faithful adherent to tho principles of Odd-Folloushlp; ho It Unsolved, that wo extend our heartfelt ayiupathy to tho homo whoso circle has tioon broken. Wo deeply deplore the loss of our brother anil while wo can onlv extend to thorn our sincere sympathy and bid them look to Him, who doeth alt things well and from whom nil good conioth, wo how our hen dn lu levoruuco, ami may wo ever hold his memory sacrod. (Hosolved, that a copy of those res olutions bo spread on tho records of our lodge, a copy sent tn the hei env oi! family, n copy bo sent to tho Pacific Odd Follow, and to ouch of our local papers for publication, KFIMH It. DAILY, WINfi. -MAItY M WII.KY, Committee Olive Ite'iikah I.oiIko No JS. Mod-fnril lliMioiilfunf l' Al ilietrict, who Mtl'hiltd ilir the tiilo IhmiiI nl linrlieiiltori' nt Portland laC Week, bn returned mid I lins aince been uring n uk Ihiv tor , few days. A. t ., Jr.. r "Jim." n- lie ih affeefjotiatelr otilloil. wn tmr- ; bled with N (brunt nlfeetiiin. Tr whioli an operation an iierfot'iic! while in Port land with hi- fnttior. f,, 1iIk return liouie he enuuhl etdil .m.i ,i new troulile arme, nhieli, Ihpwi-mm. . in rnpiill.v iliepp'ariiig, n ('net hIi, ii , 'Mini o iiuinornits fliendn will In- ',!id to Ichiii. ('nlirolTlia ivotnloen lme !. )iinrniitiiieil hv tlio goernnr .uit ireidcilt of the xtnto lioiilil of luilii pulliirc, the order sijmcil ftljuut .t inonlli ago Inking effect H few duv age. Cnlifnniia iiotntoe mo known to lie nffeeled by tuber inolli. Th -v 1nul lie sent by wny of I'ortlnnil lor inspeetiiui hoforo they can lie liuti. died enmmerojnllv in iliix xlute. XflTICH I'roclncta Medford Xorth Main nnd West Medford roglstor now at tho MailTribiino office. Tim Modfoi'il llnoitrr.i Sinukn Medford nnd Mt. Pitt Cigars. After The Grippe TAKE Vinol Our Cod Liver, Iron and Beef Peptone Tonic IT Restores Strength Medford Pharmacy PHONE 10 GOTHIC an ARROW, COLLAR aforasc IT FITS THECHAVAT CtUtTT, ptAnoov . CO. iwe . Mr.t CATARRH A BLOOD DISEASE Drive It From Your System. A Little Blossom Tn Dfilihf ihn Hnma niuir niinini in miii-irili hhi'iiv it 11 IJ fumm v vrCiia Hhora along Its vast ayalaui. X When It Is kumxii that In the iu ir It waa It J. I.ockwood. ehlronn (U'UQ H'Q homo la to lie blessed with :i tor. of tho (Inrnott-rorfi)- building. l tfl&K fUW- !'."w !,.rr,v?1 "i0. ''f who rocontly roinovod to Missouri.' feWC PWS "SbS'Fr'li'n.r snrv or A. $. Itoscuhuiun aa Kouili eru Pacific agent at Medford and It" la a safe hot that tho railroad has no more itninilnr or efficient agent any IICPHIlffl) fflfOllll urflt'tN I 111" tlfiNr nml ' III roll I. chiihIiik aoioN III the nuxtrllii. liiiiaK f iiIi-puhkuki-ii Mini KHtlirrltiK In Ilic llllunl, ( Iihi Iiohu coliiiiinii rru - J llir lo UHl PhIhiiIi with naive. whkIi. ' uml prn Mpplkil to llirnr Inirlii, i um iiiuiic iii irxHiiurni raiiiiui i' prr iiiHimul irllcf, unit In llulilv to KKluHt Him liiilililx. C;lHllll mllliMl Iim trirird with. If Hllowrtl lo run on It w III Uln- I'lixc tin liniiiuhlal tubi, Hrttlo mi tlie i liltiKH Hint urfrrt tilt ntntiiui'li liulrcil I It I ii ery nflloii iIIxphm. Don't tn-Ht I It locally. Tho out) tiestiutMit that Iim pinvi'ii iffi'tVf m thr lirutiiifiit or (u IhiiIi In S. M. H.. llir KiPHtrnt lilmxl null. I llrl Hllil lllUDll IlltlU' NIIOMII. it rcllf-n the inline nf faiarrli by iciiimi IhIiIiik tin- hlnod, rutliiK Itx Ikiii, If IsliiK new lltt' tn liluoil nil iiiibi U Hiiit Htliiiulutiuic Hit f""' that It hui tin sllsllty lo tlifViw ufr tlit piilrtui u ml Krrini from tho vyntrm. It la HlvMlly h IiIihhI hath. You otllrkly ffl tint. lUuilurhrn UliappoAl'. the antlieiltlt,' III the Ihrmit ti. Hit- iiohIiIIm lival. . 9. .s In n tut t il I nl hluoU tonic nml Iibh n.ifM rff(tle In ilia ttmtmeut or all nlnoit nrri'tloiii. KcKonm, iltui. rHli. Screfnlft. U;t.3. H. .-, at yum itriiKKlKt'w. ir jimi uro expert auvir unit Hwlft pvctriQCU. Atlnnlu, Ua. "jeer idK.;, th. TODAY GAIL KANE in the 'Labyrinth, Hurry Chanderler's romantic tnle of ! nn actress PAGE MEDFORD 'S LEADING Motion Picture Theater "Human Movements Analyzed" FEW DAINTIES From Our Bakery Foxy Grandpas Killed will) whipped ercain mid nispherry jam, en. 10c Croiiiii Rolls, doz 10c (Veil in I'ulTs, do I0i! Loirs, do 10c Moclin Cjileiiux, tloz Uh liiidy Finders, now, do. 10i! Try Our Raisin Bread every Wednesday Nurmi Baking Co. i i Makers of Butter-Nut land Pan-Dandy Bread (? not Or 8. A. I.ockwood, physician and aurgoon, locatt! at tho M V & II. llldg. 283 II. II. MrWIIIIama, of Ashland, vmih m .Moitroni visitor rruiay. uv ladloH' coat lu the house, M'c Will II. Wilson. The Star lirauil of typewriter rlU hiiua urn gimranteed to give 7R.000 luiraalons of tho typo "a" and "o" without k clogging tho typo as to show on tha paper. Thla Is a pretty stiff warranty, but that la what tho Webster company ngrnaa to with Htar ribbons. Hold by the Medford Print ing company. O. W Howard, of ttaii I'rantlaco. a partnar of tho Into W. I. Vawtor, una baa u bora alnco tho latler'f doalb. rturnod lu Man I'ranrlaco Krl- ila. I'reparadnesa la th Issue, ao In )our lawiiHiflHar anil ha sharpouod and In propaiod for la coming. J W. .Mitchell TliM l nil CTtftr il r. noiir acntly uppllc I our tlie ttoiii.icti nuiv ilfi. It nisln tlicin linn nml pliant. Itwy rp.imt natiirnlly will nut iiimIiio ttrnln It rumnw from tlm nrnci IImho IiiHii. cine Miiivii nrc re. cpninllili- fur kiimIi nf Ui pain IikLKmiI tutlhi in v. It l for tlii riMiii ili.lii'W kihIi aa iiuirnliiif K'tliut of rxpnliiiK Hint iiiikIi or Hie kWklll H ,l.l.lfi. 1 p.i.HvtllV f,lllMM imihi iii i 11.41 ii expwUiit iiHitlirr l prothUsI hIIIi a lottle of '.Mutbvr'i Friend." 0 Jlrllo itrc lwpU'. (Vt It at nav ilrue torr It l :ihIII by the pwUnt HtotWr HerM-lf. It prnrlrntn ilwjilv hii.I f. fnrtW irnlil hihI H'IcimII.I rrilof In a mo,t siatlf)lu nimiiir uml rcitt ili)lal Ivtlfniivnt l II in-mint ilUiawilloii or thft lisby. m.n't rll tn t it l.ittk. of M,vr'i lrkllM tethi) suit llx'H unt llriularlil Kt uUler Co.. Ill loiimr MM., Ul.uitii. U,i , fm- pull) llllk lirllufHl of ll.f.lfww lion for .kjHutunt wuIIkik. Jt a a itllit lit I tail It. ;!i:; Spare Ribs TOOhATIt TO riiASSU'V. KOK BAI.K Oaii tTiraM?r'dlnlug rmiiii lulile. vmIIIiiu iK. chlf ronlei dilri'HH llov .'.9, llakn-l tu ao ;.: 7c KOIt SAI.K One modiiim weight 8ialik M i: Al rauch team. Imiuire at N.tshl Backbones notice ot PropertyOwners! SATURDAY i While They Last salt- II Mill lil'OlMM'IV Tot SO, Yl ht'lifVl' it will lie lit Miur ad"Mii Ui(' lo roarer with is. (live voiii' interests cm ii -I'ul roasitlenttion iuul see us AFTER MARCH 1ST, ant before. After this date we will he readv for real hiisiaess. Page-Dressier Company !K0 K. Maiibsl. MedftTiHl Our Own Pack of Hams and Bacon are on the market Warner, Wortman & Gore IMIONK 701 New Spring Millinery A VERY REPRESENTATIVE SHOWING OF THE NEWEST SPRING MILLINERY, TRIMMED HATS, SHAPES, FLOW ERS AND ORNAMENTS. THERE WILL NOT BE ANY BET TER STYLES SHOWN FOR MONTHS, AS THESE ARE PAT TERNED AFTER THE LATEST PARISIAN MODELS, SHAPES ARE SMALL AND MANY TRIMMINGS IMMENSE LY HIGH. COLORS ARE BRIGHT AND CHEERY AND OUR PRICES ARE IMMENSELY REASONABLE WITH A CON STANTLY RISING MARKET. New Showing of Tailored Suits New Showing of Skirts New Showing of Silk Waists New Kabo Corsets and Brassieres New Snowy White Undermuslins Winter Coats and Tailored Suits Aro still on tho market at very attractive special prices and in most cases the style and material is such that they will answer vory nicely for a conservative spring garment. Winter Coats, ?G.50, $-.S5. $1 1 .95 and $15.00. Winter Suits, $G.50, 911.25, $15.00 and $10.50. HOSE OF LUXITE 50c The great ost value in a Ladies' .lOr l.nxite Synthetic Silk Hose on the market today, eoines in blaek nnd white, two weights, extra deep riblied tojw, at 50 WASH DRESSES $1.19 One fall table of Wash Dresses, in peivales and iriturhains. an exec-l ent line of colors and patterns, letter than yon will he able to huv later with the present dye situa tion, jvh! values to $2.50, verv sne 'il at SI .Xft. WASH DRESSES $1.98 One full table of Wash 'Dresses, in percales, ginghams, a few linens, etc., really spine marvelous values on thus table to choose from, all sixes up to 12, values to $8.50, very special $1.98 The Daylight aStore c zsmsmit l1" ' lfFfJJP Special Sale Silk Hose U J O o 0(O