Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 12, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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A .
ir !
p.orc vnru
StMit'VUU, TrursfNf, VtUVOUU. 1 1 If n I M.i I M;
yMa,itiaMltlM,ii-,--k-jJtAM:ET" n-Tirtmwm i i.iIjuijii t niuimii r-fl ,im ,, rug .im. r win n-nr "-
MllitfCMD MAN, tmmnfJ
feIMP! A TATK?rrrFK tTtp on irrifirfifm,
?iir.iWor(f A rrai ,.mJu mtlhrrriH Itv thr lnf a
itntraAfri' mm
l n .' lllli
H5tfVW,,r; "'Oron IrHirnHon rrrnm will f hold i Portland m-xf
month, rho nhjwi nf flip roiirorpiifn is to draff mmti
hillorinl ampmltrpttt providing stale jftmrwnfy of primipjil
ami interf si of irrigation nnd AM rM dminngf bonds, mid
for Irffifilftf ion to wrttrp a sfiitr syafnm of rural cwlits.
The ponfwnro will he rornpowd of rpprwntnfivr of
mn aiatr Kronen, rarmors organizations, Federation of
IniKir, t ho various railroads and public scrvirr rorjHirn-
.Jt& jHrnmrnUr Tim-, fhe MertfoftJ
Malt. The Matter Trbiino. jhe Jlowlh
H tytintimmt. 1"h Aiilnl Trfcuee.
WW t
Oftt( If Itlftjf .
i&tiOrt HAut
'Villi, vj nMi ... ... ......
Mlw. wnvrf4 br rrflf HI
tn, Pkoeni. JnokNMillli
Central Point .M
r ni)'. r men, pr rM... iff
far year
' rr , , tr - ,1M hi ti J " 'rr i(
'WtifmiX 8mi&mtti!lGr ,'""". '"mmrivial rliilw, development leagues, press aawf
MfflPolSttPtMfllAlr,,,tl,,l,,,' i,rln,ion "fl drainage associations, flip govpiv
i, M.
worn Circulation fw ln, II8H.
Ml I
lMl wire AiMXUUtl l'rM MM'
j j ! . j
: ftubirrlbor IbIIIiik (o ro-
4 rflvo paper! promiidy, phone :
5- Circtilntlori Mannunr at 260-11
A SIkIiI Tor tin CimIs.
To (Hob fllluil Uie airect from curl
to rrtro.
"I.nt'a ioo lilm! fllvo im a Imk!"
thnr kIioiiUmI.
Vainly Hid polloo rlinrftod tlipin;
tlioy itill aunml on.
ytraot enra antl auloc Hlotipml at
Om lmmau lttiriler ami thnlr Mi,.in
aara wore drawn Into the maulatorm
by tlio tamo Irrttalatlblf Impulao (lint
anlmatoil tho throng.
ClothliiK wm torn, lint warn
amniliml, rllm worn brokon ami fnot
worn crntliod.
Hllll tli rt eriwi or "' too lilm!"
fllllid tho nlr.
Tlio ilntn liillltln -wn called, hut
anon (lie aolillura tliHnmnlvwi woro u
jiait or tho crowd, ulioiitlnn with tho
roftt, "I.ofa aeo lilm!" "flivo u n
look I" i
"OlaiiR! ClaiiKl CUANO!"
Tho Riont oiiRlniw or tho flro do
tmrtninnt whlazeil Ami tho atroot.
Slronnm or wntor woro turnod upon
Hit! HlniKMlliiK pooplo nnil nt Init tho
at root wna olcnrotl.
Only one man rniunlnud. Ilo wna
flliiililiiB h toloKrnph polo and thoro
wm the llalil of doapnrallou In hla
"Who aro youT" iloiiiainlml Jw
mayor or thu city.
"I'm llio nmti the nioli wna try
Iiik to aeo!" roplltxl the atranxor
"lint why were (hey .trying to aoo
youT" naked the mayor. "Vou mint
lio M0.UI! alghtl"
"I nm. I'm the only uittunr who
Ihmm'I written mk about thu
A .lllUt's a .louw, Mill
Ak emplaye In a big oHIee loet a
mU4 Oil eurr link. Certain (hat he
bad dropped It eomewhere In tbe of
fice he potted the notice on tho of
fkft bulleiln beard: '
Loet A ruff link. Owuor will
ha grateful for He Immediate return
to Alfred Jonea."
Tlio next day another otl niya
terlonaly appeared ImnHNllattdy un
derneath Junea' announeeuient. It
read :
Found A rurf Unk. Kinder will
tt grateful If unner will Itaw (he
otltttr link.
nor, lpgiftiniorn, alnlp bankpra nnd delogntca ni)poinlpd by
n.r. :j.. ..!... i..: i t. ; !n... ii'
im- wnn iidi, un huh iifiiiir id iiiiikp ii rpnrPaPIlinilvP (11 I, 10
vnrifd inlpivaia of ihp alatp.
Oregon imwi get liehind llio dpvelopinenf of lier ro
rpHoiuvpH, if they nrp ff be develojied in flic )reapui genor
nl ion, and legialation npcpaaiiry to nap Hie eredil of llio
Mlnte in aiich developnient must 'be paaaod upon Jy the peo
ple to be enneted and the coming election offers the op-
The Biibjpct ia one of vital concern to all portions of
the state, especially the undeveloped central and eastern
arid regions, but it is no less important to the development
of the Rogue River valley, as it offers tlie solution of our
irrigation problems.
There is no reason why state credit should not he loaned
to the various districts, thereby enabling the financing of
developnient projects. Hacked by the credit of the state,
it becomes an easy matter to finance needed projects from
which capital runs away.
A few years ago such a suggestion as state guarantee
would have been labelled "unsound''' by bankers and de
cried as socialistic but what is government for if not for
the benefit of the governed?' The standpatter may still
believp that government is for the exploitation of the
masses for the benefit of the few, but the progress of the
people is leaving him far behind.
If rational and fair legislation is offered by the confer
ence the people will lose no time in its adoption, for all
roifli'e that Oregon must "fly with lier own wings" if the
state is to develop as shcslinuld.
WAMHISOTON. r-b. 1.'. -Larr
ninnl bnp werr .iined to nawi!
militiii orstiiniaMtion- of tirnl -lHt
toiliiy by Meerngnrv lhwW. The
bnttlexhiit I(eHlek. now in Mf-sicim
water, w NMiignrd to tfew Tori,,
the iHttUeebip ICciirxiirjni to Mn
I'huaetta ami the lu-tnrir hot I If-hip
Oregon to I Miromin. The onttntr
fhimgn, now the JfiiNonchuxetN liitj
wom nxoisned to I'cnnxvlvanin. nnil
th cniiHor AflirWohend, mw lieing
nwd liy CnUfornin, w given to Or
egon. Four IfinwIn.lHMt denlroyoit of
the firt diviafon of llip rvaerve tor
jhhIo flolilln wott nwHixiicil mm fol
io wh :
The Weld to Toxna, tho 11wvr In
l.ouininiiH, tho I.ntnxon to South Cni
olinn nnd tho Pi-okIoii to Kloridn willi
MtutioiH nt Koy West.
Thoo nanignnionta nro llio firt
inovo in Hip navy ilopiirliiKmlV pluti
to Imvo icorvo lmltloxhip inonucd
principolly hy nnvnl reurvo nun with
the Atlnntio fleet nnd PiioiuV floel
durinff the annimor mnnijuyoi. Sno
rotnrv Dnnii'la litis iiakcil i'ongrpa for
?77,fl(IO to triinapinl nnvnl tuilitinnion
from interior Mnto to tho ronst for
The Malhle evanKcllmir mretlnu at
tlta Knt opeaod moat auitidcluiiHly lut
Might. ly 7..IU the hall wax fill.d
nd when the great chorim oponed
the tervtoii almoat evnry vlmlr In the
ureal buihllng waa wTiiplcd.
A ekurua of about ouo huudred
vo4oa under the direct Ion nl limiiunl
Voaey with Mr. ' ?), at Dm pl.tud
wm a gteal inatdratloM.
Mr. AUthla preached a alien. tlr
rlng aennon oh the theme, "l.auucli
Ing Out Into the Deep." Ilia atl In
winning ana hla almpleeart to heart
mearnge waa ouihualaatlcally receiv
ed. Tka muale of the meeUuga will
Imi a marked feature. 51 r. Veaaey hi
not alone a good director but he U
poweaacd of a voice or rare aweetHeea
and auaJllr. lie la alao a ohiMr eor-
The meettnga have began IU
gratltylug aucueaa antl great thing
are collilHiiti eiMwtea. r. Mathia
will proach again twulght. The publle
la cordially Invited.
A DRATIAM LINCOLN stands enshrined in the hearts
-- of his countrymen because he voiced the cause of
down-trodden humanity and fought for human welfare.
Against Lincoln was arraigned the plutocracy and
snobbery of the nation. No man was ever more bitterly
derided, abused and ridiculed than he. The beneficiaries
of privilcgc'tho wealth, the aristocracy and the subsidized
press shrieked and thundered against' him as they howl
today against a llrandeis, or a IJryau, or a Debs, or any
one who fights the battle of humanity.
Only through the tragedy of martyrdom was the real
greatness of Lincoln revealed to his contemporaries. Only
Hit) .perspective of time enabled the true measure of the
man and the universal recognition of his irenius.
It is one of the ironies of fate that predatory plutocracy
has appropriated Lincoln's name and faimj as a mantle of
masquerade to fool the people through partisanship and
prejudice. The vovy class who hurled stones at Lincoln
now Bound his praises in resonant platitudes, seeking
snnetification of unholy acts under shadow of a great
If Lincoln were alive today, where would he stand'.'
Would he favor the militiiritsatiou of the nation ami the
gospel or armed might .' Would he favor the exploitation
of the many fur the benefit of th; few by unjust tariff
laws Would he encourage the greedy rapacity of t mists
and the private monopolization of natural resources
If Lincoln were alive today it is an easy guess, from a
study of his life, his utterance's, his activities alid his sym
pathies, that he would still be a pariah and outcast, with
no place reserved for him at Lincoln day baniuets. lie
would lie round advocating .social reforms for human wel
fare, the establishment of social justice and the abolition
of poverty -all subjects barred at the hollow mockery of
celebrations in his name. In brief, Lincoln would-be an
unwelcome guest at political organizations fur spoils of
oil ice that are a traveslv on his name.
To tho Hdtter:
I want to glvo you my oxporlonrf
with poultry In n hiiihII way the past
j'oar to ahovv how tho vnlloy and oh
perlnlly tho foothllla nro ndnptod to
profltnhlo poultry rnlalnR.
I.nat Hprlnp I purrliQRPd thrco uni
ting of S. C. White Loghorn ogaa
or tlio Corvallln strain nnd Hiicroodrd
In KPttltiK n lintclt or IT clilcka from
tho 4S okkh. I never anw chicks
Krow and thrlvo its this hunch did,
nnd with very llttlo rood, mnklng
nioHt of tholr living on tho rnngo.
From this lot wo rained to maturity
20 pullota thru liogan to lay Xov. 1
nt C months of ngo. In Noveinhor
thoy laid 72 ogga; In Docoinhnr 21.1
okk. nnd In .Innuary 2SI ogga.
About tho rirat or Jnnunry our cold
woatlnir hognn nod during most or
tho month wo had snow to the dupth
or ono to two rent tho pullota being
kopt up dmlng tho entire month.
Kvou In thekO condition, egg pro
duction Increnaod,. getting aa high na
Ifl ogga from tho 20 pullota In ono
day. Tho food cowt for January una
loaa than $3. no, making the coat of
the ogga for the month only 12c a
doien. The pulleta Raw nr, u net
profit for January of $.". With a
flack of 200 or nioro thla'wouhl giro
a noat little aum to any family. I
attribute, thla aurcoaa to tho favor
able climatic condition nnd bred-to-lay
atock. Thla valley can't be beat
for tho poultryniftn and tho Corvallln
train can't bo boat for ogga.
J. A. IliriCKItniKIC.
TIIKKi: PORKS Mom . I'd) 12
With the M.ulihiiii iiur out of It
tmitlvti umt rioodlna the r it lit of way
liuuuhmry I twin Tmubln.
Do you have patna In the region
of the heart T Uoea your heart
thump? it terrible pounding aUrma
you? Wlwt la wrong? Do you be
lieve thee ajmptonia occaaloa tnueh
IMin. Nearly all of theao palna are
Qguaed by aome derangement or the
at'Ofiach. Meritol Toole Dlgeatire la
eapeclall) reeommeuded for tndltM
tton and dyapepalu. and (or reatortag
the atoiiiarh U IU normal (unetioa
and no more "heart dleeaae." lrt
?1. lCx, ' :lve ageuta, HsmMm' Drug
Store.- i w U
torlhern cityi"1' th Milwaukee and Northern I'.
olmok .vt- i4'"'0 ,,ne" lM,ltt Uilii i Its and Im-
AMII.ANH. IVIi. I.- .Im- Snudi'r,
loni'licr, u wni'k an cteuiivo
gunleu truck intoli mi m
limit-. - acculiiilnlh
tenln by n htmv bullet while in loo ' " rv, floa 'ontlou aroae in
held. The hall hit him or mi eye j "" "l" y- Milwaukee tralne
mid pb)MeiniiN nay Ihnt hml tho bul-' hv bn h'ld MW n ,h'' .
let beeir del te.ted een n qiuuler of traffic througli here today on that
u union Hunt whew it utruek iiirn. J ' The Northern Paclflo tralna
Somler would hnve been killiHl. .U it ' orawtlng alowl over their
in, he ii. duugeioulv w.mndeil uiul . ' are under ix to eight
MiftWinif trom .iio'k. Then- i no ,nc"M ' 'r. but It aeema likely
olue to who fired the miiU, ill- u,at thla line. too. wilt have to be
though it i thought, to have Umii the ; abandoned.
etireleaa work of kid out hunting in At the water In the Mgdieon
that locality. Aelingtiiiuii llna .- j '" rialng. Several hundred
Mimlioii, lputv dome Wunleu Jim , lla of onamite had lee uaed to
)riMd of thi eit ha- gune ovei the
ground iuetuiutiiig the mutter. Too
uuiiiv iiiinur kiiU lire out armed like
a niiiuiiture uroual. Th, wuunilel
muu u one of fou" him hern engugtHl
in gardening,' giveuhouoe and iluiry
pursuit-. Q
break up the Ice to give the llooil
water a chauce to eti'ape. There
ta muili anklet) In the town for,
ahould gn lee. gorge, which la thre
oulng lu the Jefferon river, form, it
would flood the city.
Onl of TIihhK.
(S e wlab to thank our many friend
Modi, nl Itnmuni KHtoke
'i'ha iDWl1' ul Mt. lMf Cigar.
We wih to expreaa our thtnka lo ; and neighbor, (or their Qdndneaa
tho maA) frlenda and neiabbora (or and at niitatliy during the lllneaa and
leeir atuBi) afmiiainy mown u in aeatn of our belored motherland
-i aa uian ui -- -- -- luiii .aBaar.
fv A uun u i Mfii i7ri
A. J KI.KTt'itNR,
To tho Hdller:
If )ott would ponnlt me to no a
little of our vnlunblo apace I would
like t( way a row word nhout tho
mlaerablo walka leading to tlio .lacK
hoii aehool meiitlonod fn locnN and
lieraounle in Mall Trlbuun or I'o
ruary 11.
Now permit mo to aay that almo
tho city haa aproad gravel along the
walk it 1 absolutely uuneceaaar) for
the children to get tholr foot wet and
muddy, but if thla juvenile court
will anl to protoct theee children
iVot ggalUHt getting wet uud keep
thorn ft out rntdhlng cuhU and turn
log into pneumonic, etc, umt call on
John Perl or Frod Woeka to put them
to rent, it will be noceaaary to plank
a small orchard or about an acre and
a piece of vineyard about the wime
die, bolouglng to the writer, which
U mud and wuter; in tact, a regular
loh lolly, plow deep, and thone aame
children will Inaiat on golug cros
lota througli thla orchard and vine
yard even againtt my atroiiuau pro
teat. And the aame condition cUt
all over thla .part or the city, aa there
are large tract or vacant ground all
full of pot hoh .
Now ir thl juvenile court will tr
to remedy thl condition tbe i)
have to put out an army or juvenile
ertlrer to keep tho children on the
aldewalk. If any one wiahe to learn
more about thla condition let tlum
com out here about aehool .i,m,
time and take ttoileo aud the will
not blame the ty or aehool oif :.,N
(or their children having wet tPit
Iteapectfully your,
Feb 12, 1.16.
at r
foniMtpynuc h tti m
iky.i:u. iti:Mi:i)V 0
Sold on a Kinraniee (or Keiina, Ubjeum. aud aliullur at
(eel Ion of the akin and acalp Sold
onl b u. o aud 11. uu.
WAMIIINUTMV. I' i . F-h. 1
The tett nf Scm.tor ChnmberlinnV
bill tn provioV fr the exchnttge with
the State irf Oregon of certain eehool
lumle oihI Miilemnity right within the
ntofiAl font of that etle for nn
KtyvA nren of uaiiong foreet land H
M fe8iw:
"Itg it enacted h.T tWn aennie nnd
houne of roprfvtrUitrTM of the Unit
ed Store nf America- In congrea na
ptnlileil. tlmt the Slnte of Oregon, q
hereby ntithoHxed lo aoleet, with llio
npprovnl of the wretnrr of itgri
cnlture. a compnot body of not In ox
cocil 40,000 ncrea of Hnnpproprinled
m.n-inincinl Intid within town-hip In
anil 11 Month, range n nnd ft enat,
Willamette meridian, in the Snutinui
national forest, Onoii, to ho inaiu
taiticil tin n ntnto fowwl, to seonre ita
higheal pcrmniient nefulneHa to the
ttnle of Orison, nnd iwulieulnily to
the common hcIiooIh to which it re
source nre devototl. nnd to itnle
foreatry ilemonatrnlion nnd editon
.tion. and the eere"try of the interior
ia heieliy uuthoriKcd to grant and
convey sniil HoItM'tion to tho slnte of
Oregon for tho purpose hereinbefore
"See. 2. Thai in exehnnge for the
f iH'letl Inndi the atnte linll rceon-
vev uiul icliiiiiiii.t to the lrnite1
Stntea it good' nnd uffipieit title to
uu npiroimnlelv eminl men of un-
tineumhereil section 1(1 nnd 30. or
'part tliereof, of Htibalnntinl foreal
vnlttea Hntiwfnetorv to the eeretnry
of ngrieiillure. within tho nntiounl
I'nro-t of Oregon, grnnled U anid
nIiiIc, or iudemnitv righln within audi
national fore-K to which the -Into
in -entitled therefer: Provided, thnt
tho InmU reeonveyed and i'oliiuuiali
hoeome nrt- t.f the utiiiouitl forest in
cd Hs Iimmi- laud xhnll iinmedititoly
which they nre -itiiatcil.
"See. :), Thnl the IhiiiIs eonve.e)l
to the -tote -hull he nt nil time suli
icel lo iihe hv tlu t'niled Slutes for
the eoiiNtrucliou, maintciiniice nnd
operation of road, titiila, tclophono
or tcleurnpli lint-, needed in the nd-mini-tratioii
ol the coiiliviioim na
IioiiiiI Ion I din." ,
The So'itlniii l)ieaiin nii.tion r1
tiire. tnkr-n bv A. '. Alho. ln
are to be exhibited at the I'mre Ho
ater nexl Wednesday and Thur-h v.
anngbl be aeen by everyone. j
Mr. AMen, in aelerting the film- "' j
exhibition, hn retained the mo-l m (
teretinti feotnrea of the pititri-j
ohown IflM -iimgier, whieh nltrneted
no muph nttenrion nt the Pnnunui
Pneifif rTpo-itioti, wiweinlly "ih-Ii
iim the dainty tlnneing by Mie Cnth
erine Kwem, nnd the widely different
hut no !p- interesting wenex token nt
thu Sterling mine, whieh mining men
tnve recognied na the IwkI motion
pietnrea of bydrnnlie mining cer ex
hibited. In addition to lhee fenlure, how
ever, the picturPK gnin their chief
commendation from the entirely new
fihna ohowii. Among these ate to he
especially mentioned the entire film
taken nt the KiiighU of I'Wliia- con
elnve nt ('niter which i rc
inuiknbly fine, nnd which ehnw over
five times n mucli its the scenes
ahuwn by the Uitumont Weekly of the
snmo event, 'i'here nre nlso very
novel effects in the films showing
our methods of fro-t proleelion nnd
of fmiey enr imeking. .Many will be
grently intei-e-ted hv the views of tlio
Kiddle barbecue nnd the Ibiukers'
eonveiitiou enjoying their luncheon in
Ashland's henutifiil pink, while the
picture showing the delimiting of a
snvage bull elk, which lunl become
dnitgciDiw to llie others of the herd,
is ub-olutidv tiniipie uud full of
thrills, "l.neky .Iim" enjoying tlio
-lrts of Young Amotion, nnd the
"Snehet Kittens'' tnken in Klnmuth
county, ore mo-t niuu-hig nnd inter
esting. The pliotornphv nnd mechanical
work -liovvu in tlue picture-. i eipial
lo thnt ol the hc-t known proiliicet-,
nnd the laet thnt the whole t reel-
of tilniN arc -liiiwn at the
price- nl the Payc -build a-uic n
full iiltuiidaiicc.
F (fifp ) ii
V Mutu.'l M.i Ur Picture
"The Cup of Life"
iikssii: iiAmuscAi.i:
The Faaclnntlng blttle Aitresa Who
Wna Seen at the Star I.nst
Supported by
I'ltAXK noitZAOK
Stimlii) otlin
("IlK'.UiO. Feb. 12 Fnvelllng of )
an heroic atatue of Abraham Lincoln j
marked the celebration or Lincoln' I
birthday In Chicago. The atatue. I
which haa beou placed on a tuiiiKcn
I wm GIVE $1000
betoro It POISONS Ctcp tludt CI ilti:ku It BONE
Ni Ku . r r
h. ln.1 1 Ati I a'.il
lilniitii.itii " .re'
Anv TUMOR, tUMP on
saxcon tut Im.. t.i'o
or tniy I. . g is
cancch; it
nllll lllllll If v
i:o.pace BOOK
FREK. lo ... I
luOl.lkl. WlHltllMI
nti rU .iv j
tho work of Paul FJelde. a Norwegian J iV ; " ' V' ' ' I " 1 1
I f.MflllAtnrt
lawn nt tun atoclrua escimnge. im iMinnutriiR. it t Kilts QUICKLY
acolptor, nnd wai purchased by dime
contribution from vlituallv nil em-1
Plove at Hi" ChlCRKO nlon Stock-!
S r
1 II d. 1UI. M. ill!) ut Im'i j n. i n iar ,'tr H yctnuull
t u
I'l.l. in llci) til ii.U ii-uinA
i .-., sn-l ill I.k. K.. ua.
1Lmu wilier Uur f ...ur i
ll.uiat.t. A .HI 111.4 llH.TrilH
DIAUOM) IIUVMI 1'll.Ul.l Ui.
rikikilrvl.til.t AllilKUIMia
Or. Mrs. Dr. GHAMIEY 6 CO. tS&flim
"jiilstly Rll3b(. Cioti)t CAsr Spcuiilltt living"
134U 4jgt vt!:enc4 ot.. an rnntttco, uu,
Ijiily A-sUtnnt
rbonoti M. I? nnd 17-J2
uibiilanr4) Service Coroner
Clara Kimball Young
Wilton Lackaye
; IN
Du Manner's Famous Dramatic Classic
rdw.; Motion Picture Thenter
( (ii:i)V
Peculiar Pranks
MatilKT, ") illltl Kir.
Coming Tomorrow
Kiiiiii'4', "), in ami lor
ion I'lnM'xinvtJ
ovsTi:n cnogtiTTKs
Take tho hard end or one pint
nt oHterH, ocald and chop fine nnd
add an equal weight of potatoes
rubbed through a colander. Add n
tableapoonrul butter, a tenpoonrul
anlt, one-hair teaspoon!'. il ravenne,
the aame or mare nnd one-hair gill
cream. Make up into small roll.-,
dip in egg and rolled cracker crumbs
and try In deep lard. The parti or
the oy titer left may ho imed tor
Roup or atew.
ovstku ni:
Take .one pint oyatera. Line a link
ing dlah with pate nnd put in it tho
oyatera, together with a amnll lump
or butter and a topoonful or vor
finely chopped hncou. Senium with
Halt and pepper, put on n top critHt
and bake three-quarter ot an hour.
Wo carry Knatern nnd Olympla
Oyatora, Mali or nil hinds, Poultry
Meilford Fish & Poultry Co.
Phono iltli:
U you contemplate consulting n
ClalrvoMiut, two things nhould bo
taken under consideration tho abil
ity or the Clairvoyant nnd honesty
ot tho method. I nm a natural
bom medium ot 27 year' experience.
Hut with my wondertul power I will
guide you aright on lmslueaa, lovo,
courtship, marrlago, dlvoree and min
ing. Tell whether your liusband,
wire or sweetheart la truo or talso,
when and who you will marry, when
you will well your property and what
you are boat adapted tor. To thoso
unhappy and discontented or In any
trouble, bring It to mo and I will
straighten It out to' your outlro sut
Isractlon. ir you have lost conriaence through
unscrupulous clairvoyant, havo a full
lite reodlug, $1.00, and know tho
OpMslto Nash Hotel, Palm Itlock,
Hooni II.
l f "" " L!i7
The puidttit j.t r--..ii doti not w.nt tur t'ie or t'.ft
btfor. he .;. t- Sa.i P. , umI PiotntDli ler bli !e
Our Xuli I- 1 ne .itij Hiirt,l.V 1'ioof.
XNotbuve i' jii ,.o-u Hum- ior rni l..i, .ii Ioa as
O 8-MIO MI IP im:u m Jt
I ami i 1 1 m
aum. mi.
1 1
Bargains in
200 Tnroe-yoar-old
Caroline Testout
Itows ror sale at u bargain
The rinet rosoa lu Mcdrord
rrom the best roso Vodgo In tho city.
The Caroline Testout Is a porpot-
ual bloomer, largo pink ro3ea and
the beat hedge or street roso ror this
Pierce, the Florist
Camera Shop
20S East Main Street,
Med ford
Tho Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
iu Southern Oregon
NtogativcOrncle any time or
plneo by appointmcut
o Phone 117-.T
We'll do the rest
: m
E. D,)WESTON, Prop.