Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 12, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I" ' ' " - ..i. J-JILL
TO?ffJ 11
ttW'Vixrjmr ,
The iiitinT tiiten Mt the Page
under the of the (Ireator
Medford rlnb wns In every way n sue.
cess. The program was a varied oiik
and ouch number greatly enjorcd.
Murh credit Ik duo M1m Sadie I.Hcy
who arranged with the different sin
gers, made up the program and opor
nted the Kdieon phonoKraph. Tho
first vocal number wan nuns by Mm.
Oily Chlldors who rendered the Jewel
Song from Pntist lu costume and with
the suitable properties Including tho
spinning wheel, Jewel box, etc., made
n very unique little scone. Mm. Chil
li em In the possessor of a splendid
rlenr lyric Miprauo voice well suited
to Counod's Kn list music. Sim nets
well nnd has a Reed stage proscnco.
Indeed she would inako a good Mar
guerite nnd would hold hor own In a
pretentious company. Mrs. Irene
Isaacs wns something of n surprise
to us. She has been known to hor
Medford friends as a pianist par ex
cellence but has never before appear
ed In the role of prima donna. Sho
sang the sceno from Hutterfly with
romnrkablo force, clearness nnd ex
pression. Mrs. Isaacs has a dramatic
soprnno voice of unusual sweetness,
n wide range with an effective pianis
simo and holds her quality to re
markable decree on the extreme, forte
lmssngos. Wo are lu hopes to hear
mote of this talented sliiKor In futuro
programs. She was accompanied by
Miss Venlta Hamilton who Is ait uiw
usually kooiI accomianlst as well ns n
soloist of first rank. Miss Pl'oronco
Clark lu hor violin number with
phonograph accompaniment was very
good Indeed. Sho Is a player of prom
ise and with age and experience will
ho a very successful violinist. Kd
Andrews gavo n talk on operas and
composers, commencing with the
early Italian, leadline up to tho Wan
ner renaissance showing the Wag
nerian effect on all modorii composi
tions. Miss Keene and Mr. Mowltt
lier dancing partner who are tnachliiK
dancing In Ashland gate two dancing
number In which they showed grace.
Mr Frank Anderson, organist at the
Paw was a good addition to the pro
gram. He Is a thorough musician
who has become a favorite lu Med
ford. The program as a whole was
a very enjoyable un and the ladle
of the Creator .Medford club are to
be complimented.
The member uiiil friend f
Oirwintliemimi circle, Wihuoh of
Woodeinft. were entertained with a
Viileiitiue Mirty nml hawpict Tuesday
evening. The table were decorated
with heart nml milled plants and
the eommittce in charge wore led
heart nml nper ea. Valentine
were distributed and read at the ta
ble. The follewing: eowraittee was in
charge: Mr. K. It. Oatnmu, Mr. J.
1). Mcllridc. Mr. F. p. Lodor. M.
Mender, Mr, (i. P. Merriiuaii. Mr.
Maitiu, P. Letter and Martin Mc
Donough. A ohurndc wu given by
twelve Initio, which, when worked
out, gave the number of Chrysanthe
mum, it being number 84. Alter the
liiiuquet Mr. John Perl pave a very
interesting talk on fraternal inur
imee. The ret of the evening was
"lent with bridge, dancing and mu
sic. Viitng member were Mr. Pur
keypile nf Ashland and Mr. Hoe t
Mis Helen Da hi entertained at her
home Thursdav evening with a Val
entine iwiity for the pleasure uf Mr
Ivor Pu ley. 1 and pink heart
Mere uetl in the decoration and
color scheme of pink and white u
carried out in the luncheon decora
turn. Heart-. Imped cae wet
ii-cd in nerving the luncheon, with
nk i-undlcs at the imUvidunl place.
Pt'.o)ii of iuk vrvw were huns
Horn the eandalabin In I lie roruen.
ot the table aud eoer were laid for
ten. The guet inelutled: Mr. hor
I'.'liy, Mr. John Wilkinwtn. Mr.
Donald Springer. Mie Iwe Flynn,
l.'Hiiine Itlitou, Ikit lleriy, Wrna and
' Griffin aud Jeunee Itutlei.
Mr.. Pttlcy left Friday for Portland,
vbere Mr. I 'a ley i engused in hui
)!. ii ud where the will make thrir
mt urt- htnue.
The meeting of the Greater Med-I'-r.l
club, whit'h wa MlMMied front
-t Monday, will be held t the pub-
!k library ilunttav atternotaji. '
1' H. A large atteutlnnee i de
- "l. a. there will be mailer l im
i"' in iHiaie before the mem-'"-I-.
StMriil uiu-kiiI n muber have
,-" lien uriuuged fr I hi" meeting.
i ' ' ii'Mililr iifliur in the lorin
t .i fipj-rrarv parti wa gnen al
i he bow of Km. K. ti. Vni14 for
her daaplMer, Ml Cara. An unita
tial nMNrmH of avafrhttaiit was ramaed
bv the earryinff ont nf Ihe lrth Weas
in game, mnie and emvertin,
even to the kiaahtg nf the Marney
atone. At a late knurr an nftpetixing
htMfh wat mrred, ronthiting. of
andwif'hea, iiiekltrw, oake and ehiwn
late. TIkikc piewHt were: Mr. P.
W. Strond, Mr. K. Chenworthv. Mias!'0 nnoHl tho brief bat oxeeed
I.ueille Ifuder. Misses .Uyitle Stanley,
Corn Wakefield, Sarah Juhnntun.
Horn Hnley, Helen Stevent, Mar
jon Stevens, Mnrv Martin, Itnby
Wileox, Mr.. K. V. Wukefield;
Messrs. lluviuond Powell, Chemnm
Pinlcy, Hoy Wnkeficld, Leonard Hny,
I.eslcr Wilcox, ltobert Wooden, Cnrl
ton .Martin, Ifalph Watiou, Ambrose
Wntson, Stanley Jones, Hohnrt Pow
ell. Mr. T. P. Withers Rave a vnlentino
luncheon at hor country home Thurs
day for Mrs. W. H. Fredericks, who
is soon to leave for her home in Ohio,
am her daughter, Mrs. Jack Proph,
who was n Christmas bride. The
house was benutifully decorated with
hearts, valentine-, and kewpicsj
Strings were stretched about the
rooms nnd each guest was given one
end nnd asked to follow to tho con
cealed end, to which wero fastened
various prizes. After a social hour
the guests were invited to find their
places at the table bv means of hew
pic place cards. A two-ooure lunch
was .served. Covers were laid for
fourteen Indies. I. ate in the after
noon all dcvirtcd declaring the host
ess n delightful entertainer.
Mrs. W. 0. Knips and Mr. A. W.
Johnston entertained recently for
Mrs. w. Frederick nt the ranch homu
of Mrs. Knips. The guests arrived
amidst a gviiuiiic snow storm, but ull
eiijoved u pleflMint iiftenioon by the
tircsidc, and with uuv threads of em
broidery, tuttiut; and conversation tho
hours jiHsni'd only too swiftly. Those
present wcic: Mrs. W. Frederick,
Mrs. T. P. Wallers, Mrs. Xaniuo
Wtmlf, Mn. Ida Kenworthy, Mrs. J,
W. Snider nml little Miss Mnrv Sni
der, Mr. August ItwrentV, Mr. It.
I,. Kny, .Mr. Win. Howard, Mis,
Kni, Mrs. A. W. Johnston, Miss
Sarah Johnston. Mi Marjnrie Wal
ter. m
The February eion of the Col
Jege Women' chili took plaee this
afternoon at the home of Mr. It. W.
Stearns, 1(1 Itof avenue. Ileniilo
the three hort talk on "The Karfy,
Middle nnd Thiid Periods ot Painting
in America," by Mcdami' Malmgren,
fallow and Harrison, the club hail
the dcauie of hearing an ad
dress by Mi Dorlaiul Iddiinson of
Jnekstinville on "The Mnntins of
a flood Picture." Mr. Steam was
assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Tot-
4ioy and Mi. Curkin.
Wednesday evening frientU of Don
ald Clark tendered him a bachelor
dinner nt the Piiiversity eiub. Mr.
Clatk will be married to Mis Mabel
Itnrke in Io Angeles, February 11'.
The gueat included l.uti:oln MeCor
mack, Dr. I.. A. Salade, Ii. 0. Ilur
ge, .Ir., S. V. Iteckwilh. A. C. Fiero,
H. C. ligaa, It. W. Ituhl, V- F. Cluth
rie, Karl Tumy, A. Cnrenter, I).
Cas, J Carjienter, fl. StKymith,
Walter Itowae, Kvna Itenme.
The Hast Side Shakessare eluh
met this week at the home ot Mr. nnd
Mr. C. I. Iloon on Myrtle avenue,
with Judge K. K. Kelly a leader, at
which lime the atudy of "Macbeth"
wa cfNUdeted. The next metfting
will be at the home of Mi Thetme
Carkia on Kettdy avenue, when the
stndy of "Twelfth Night" will he
taken up.
The "First Aid" ela held a meet
ing at the Miblie library Tuesday af
ternoon under the direction of Dr. F.
K. Seely, aited by Mia (trace Dye.
After the meeting the ladies nf the
Cidoay elub adjourned to their club
room in the Mtdford hotel .and con
tinued their work of making baa
dage for the lied Croa oeiety.
ilie Sue liraiae CowgiU left on
Tueday tor Coeur 4e Alene, Idaho,
where he will viii friends fur -
eral week before jwuiag bcr mother
at their homo m Kwkaa
' l aaror rweago, wsjere .a win join m' t ' y&? 'W3m vwwifi'S r JbbbbOTKbbbbbbbI ' IH
Mise Bdoa .ad Mable BfeeaVa,! Mr. LeW, who left aer.w wek. ago. Kfe. -' ,V jfjj ' viBft; ' W . 'VteSVi'S '.- iJKSSWB 9
who lutve bee. vUiianPlMr Malar. . . , t , iL W&&M 'm WLS '"- imlMAaW W
Mr. &ILIrce. fortlla.tlwo Jagelubmeia. the f'rfSMi ' && V L iWHlB
04,1b. red to lbe.r be hi W f Mm. Yong Oakdale -vc- fe A&A? ' "TW& v ' KUKmSBBBm
MaosvilU-. C.I.. Maday. aue T.y a.otjn. MUUBmMi ' W ' " '' MlMMW-iM &
Mr? H we. h...ess ,., J, Mrs. A.f4 CrpMr enlertain.,. , mMM V' ? mHHHiH
Tbur-tlay Unto elnb at her hoe o. l cer Fn4., aigbt for Mr! and timffiagEL " ' - l ' W& V fBtVBBMHB H
119, ......... Ti.iiis.iffi Mriivrfuinn. ! - w "i . jrr zs kl,.. - . iJr-2 krj! zmm.w&1-hiiimnmBmnauamm m
MP!tiFor?T) matt, Tfmiryrc.
tTn'-l'"V.l!." r nirr m n iij.i.ktt ittii r nilrr-iiTMin l nn w " hi
Cne of the reall wurtii while af
fairs in rbnrcs) nrrles Was the rsllr
at the Ptrtt MetatHturt ehurth kwt
tenlng. Iletwoen two and three
hnndrml nf the members hsm frtenils
ii. & . t. ...i ... . i . ..
ui inn rnrvn Kninnrnt in ine nniu i
otrlum which had been trainformml i
Into a pleasant reeeptln rnnm, dae-1
orated with palms, potted p'anta, eut '
flowers and flan. Aflor an hanr of J
social exchange of greetings, Dr. Itl-1
llns, who aeted ns master of eeremon- i
Inglv choice progrnm. An orohostra
under the direction of Mr. Heine fa
vored the conipHiiy with throe snlec- i
tlons. Following this Mr. C. M. j
Meeker, president of tho F.pworth ;
league on behalf of the young life In ,
the church set forth In u crisp well !
ordered address the nlms nnd pur
poses of the organization what It Is i
and nt what It nlms. A violin duct I
was given by Mrs. Dnddysmnn nnd
Prof. Hoot with .Miss Ilutler ns ac
companist. This number wns so well
received they wero obliged to respond
to nn oncore. After this Mrs. I.ynette
llovious of the Medford Conservatory
of Music delighted the nudlencn with
her rendering of "Mon Plorro". For
a response she unvo "Tho Serenade". I
As usunl her efforts wero of tho high-!
est order nnd most onthuslasttcally
rccelved. Mrs. Van Scoyoc nnd Mrs.
Hanker wero heard with pleasing ef
fect In "Over tho StarH Is Host." As
nn encoro they snng "Perfect Day."
Miss Vromnn nccompanled thotn.
Theso numbers wero highly npprecl
nted. As a closing number of the
musical selections Mrs. Daddysmnn,
Prof. Hoot and MIm Duller gave an
other selection.
After a few words by the pastor lu
which ho urged a larger fellowship lu
the broadest sense the company was
Invited to the social hall below whero
tho ladles had prepared a enfnteria
lunch. Tho entire evening was ono
of profit nnd pleasure and tho friends
of the church wero unanimous In
agreeing that such evenings as was
this ono are well spent and a frequent
repetition would be profitable.
Saturday evening the Hustler elas,
entertained with a fivo-eourso dinner
al the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Kunzmnn on Knight sheet. The girl
gntlierid at -I::i0 mid soon hud tint
dinner under way. Tho table was lain
for eighteen and all enjoved the well
prepared dinner which wn served b
the member, of the class. Alter din
ner the present enjoyed the even
ing in telling hmt stories aud jokes
The following were present : Miase
Nellie Campbell, Angie llalle.v,
Irene Frank, Alice Schleicher!, Aniui
Robertson, Margate! I'ughsh, Dons
Jjtyiic, Josephine Clark, Muriel Da
vis, llcatiiee Simmon, Harriet Cole
man, Frances Ilneon, Fdnn Marquis,
Fthcl Aiiilcron, Hazel Wiley, Mr. ami
Mrs. George Kunzman nml daughter,
The tegular meeting of tho Pan
Hellenic naMHsiation met at tho home
nf Mrs. Vernon Vawter Saturday,
January '.'8. Mi Susan Deuel had
eharge of the leading for the after
noon. Those present wete: Miases
Snan DcueJ, lie Kentnrr, Thisine
Carkiu, Hertba McKinney; Mo-damcs
Olen Arniger, Hoberl Hnmicond,
Clinton McCurdy, Vcrnnn VawtsV,
Herman Hwirison.
The regular meeting of the High
School Parent-Teacher Circle will bo
hold Friday, February lfl, At :i p. m.
in the high school building. All Mt
ion ami friends of the high school
are urged io bo present.
Mrs. M. M. ScunvHH of Hoguc Hirer
retumod to her home Thursday eve
uing after spending the week with
her daughter, Mr, funic Duffiuld,
and .Mr. .Marion tance.
.Mr. and Mr. C. W. Jnaobaon nf
San Franehino are the gtieat of .Mm.
Jat'obAn' narcnts, Mr. and Mrs. II,
T). Nordwick, nn South Ivy atrout.
Mrs. H. rL Conger anddaufhter
Dorothy re-tinned Tjiasdaylrom San
Kranciaeo, ure'they have himn va-
iling for the pt few waoka.
Mr. War Palcy and KtUe dawfh
ter, -Dsatlty, left FrWgy fr Part
land, vbera ibey will make their Al
boss.. StmMX&lXQlP' Al 25fc,W. ST. .' f .. . W ?wWatLi. N. asaVaallaaaaaaaaV ' 3H
i Mr. iaane . isxi ten inure- eV &?$', V l' r rf Wmt'MK I S'nlHlWtai ffflfr aasaaawmlaaBBBBBBBV ISM
MBpronp. arnwcg.. MU'iaxjnitjUitatJM-
sm iiissnsfc j i n sir wtwww.aaifciMii imimjwihimiu m iT jMfWi iTIi j, ! JgjTrVMjiwi7i M iiuTir
F.lsie Ferguson, called "America's
short absence from the stage, will be
play, entitled, "Margaret Schiller."
The Lincoln ten given by the Pnr-ent-Tcaclicrh'
circle of tho l.inoolu
school at tho Holland hotel this nf
tenioon was thoroughly enjoyed by
ihoso present. In the drawing- room
the picture of I.inooln was tho eonter
of decorations, which were foatooiii
of bunting mid flags in profusion.
The ten room was prettily deuornted
in green and white, ivy mid potted
plants being- used. Tea wna served
from huiiiM tables bv the following
girls of the freshman class: Chnrlotto
Howell, Floreneo Main, Grace Wilson,
Florence Trowbridge. Ilnrel Womuek,
Music Tuniin, I.oruine lliinners and
I.eotin Williams,.
The following program of unusual
morit wns rendered dining the nfter
uoon: Selections by the high school
nrehestrn; vocal solos by the follow fellow follew
ing: Froiliilns MotHU, Master He
gnu Allen, Mr. Lunge, Miss Gerald
ine Theiss mijl Herbert Alferd: piano
selection, Mis Vcuitn Hamilton; talk
on "The Mfe of Lincoln," Mrs. John
Perl; trio piano uud violin, .Misaea
Helen I'eddy, Lmilc Koontx nnd
Itnth CamidMill.
The circle wishes In thank nil who
in any way contributed to the success
of tho afternoon, eieciallv to Mr.
Woatoiiuiid, who gnre them the use
of the hotel.
A has boon the custom of tho
Hooaovolt Parent -Teacher circle for
sevcrnl venr, Washington's birthday
will be celebrated by a ten at the
home of Mrs. J, W. Mitchell, Geneva
avciiuo. An interesting program is
being arrange-'! and tha occasion will
ho as onjiiyuhle as miv hold in thoi
About fitly young nsjople of the
Haptfad Young Peoplo Union of the1
First Daptiat church attonded the,
monthly business meeting and social ;
at the church on Friday evening, Feb -
DkaafeanMSBswmasMSMahsM - -. i - n. - i , , ismsa
Asi sL v&sniiBtLkHi
flKai 9e vavLBLLss&sHi
fc ft xi LLbLbLVMbsbB
1 iatfLF t iirttfvar ' JTIHDbLBjH
saHPaaKlaWL sMNlMsasnsaVaVlTTX, ?tsaHLHsIB
kwtrP ?Ld. sB
tjsssssssn nt vse sm
runry IL A cry intticating program A. S. lurry, .Mr. and Mi. J. S. Wort
was rendered, after which refresh-1 man, Miss Marion It. Towne, Ruporin
menta were served. The hearty paity lendent II. 11. Matthews. The dinner
waa enjoyed bv oil. was servotl by the following girla un-
" J dor the auporvision of their teacher,
A party was given Lowell Nether-Misa Do'Lnne: Malud Hcnru, Kliun
laud Tliursduv nt hia home on Olaonjieth Gore, Mildred KUnor, Hutli
street in honor of his J 1th birthday.
A good time was reported by all
present. Mrs. NHhcrland, assisted
hy Mrs. W. Turnhum, served light ic-
froshment. Those present were
Mary Itiekert, Dorothy Mjor, Hutli
Seyinorc Kuniee whitman, iiiejmn
White, I.oa I Wilson, Houaiil liouiii,
IH' Parker, Ilry.m Turnhuui, Lowell
and Harold Nelhcrlund.
iWE' i m mzmmsm- mm&,: mm.m s
most fnseinating actress," after n
seen again in New York in n new
Tho card party given by the Cntli
olio Indies Friday evening in Parish
hnll wns ono of tho most onjoyable
and Hitcccaafut parties givon by the
ladies this aensou. Tho hall wns beau
tifully decorated in Valentino colors,
carrying out n color Bchcmo of red
mid white. Klevcii tables of five Imu
dred wore onjoved end the souvonirs
wero nwnrded to It. L. Kwing mid
Mrs. 11. P. Piatt. During the evening
two inusienl numbers were given, n
duet by Miss Lucile ICoontz nml Miss
Helen lteddy, accompanied on tho vio
lin by Miss Hutli Campbell, and ft
violin solo by Miss Iltttli Campbell no
companied by Misa Luoillo Koontz.
Tho committee in charge of tho even
ing's entortninment wns na follows;
Mrs. F.rnest McKee, Mrs. A. A. Duff
and Mr. C. Debley.
The Arts nml Crafts league held
J their second nwn social jneutings nt
tho league room over the .May com
jMiny's store this afternoon. Hearts
mid eupida were used to curry out tho
valentine idea. Little Inex Howard
was dressed as u valentine and Or-
ville Wilson to represent Cupid. Dur
ting the afternoon n jwier wan read
by .Mrs. Sat eh well on "Art." Miae
Carolita Jack pleased those present
with u reading. Throuuh the cour
tesy of Mr. Palmer of the Palmer I'i-!
, uno Plnec music wa furnished hy mi
F.dison phouogrndi
wero served by the following com -
mittee; Mra. 0. It. Sulchwell, Mrs. A.
G. Ilcnch, Mia Fannie Whitman nnd'
, Mrs. H. F. Wilson,
Memhcranf the domestic science
class of tho ltioenix high school on
tartained the board of dlmetora of
! tho school with a four-eonrse valen.
tine dinner Friday evening at the
home ol 31 r. and Mra. A. S. Furry on
the highway, The guests were: Dr.
. and .Mr. J. II. Webster, Mr. and Mra,
Hughes, Maude Fiy. Itelle IVcnuh, ,.d choir. Ilernard Veasey will also'VO a teasiwonful o( "California S)
Ijnma French, Jlertlia Woodruff anil l)HK at thla hour. Tho Hpworth I rul, of pigg," and In a fow hours all
Pearl lleartly. j i.oague moots at fi: 1ft and the moot-'0,0 constipated wnsto, sour bllo and
i lug will clone In amplo time to roaoh J undlgoeted food paMoa out of tho sys-
Mr. J. (. (lodlovo was hnatesa at
her hme in Pprr'lale for the It. II,
it. emu tnurinv auernonn. 1 '"'
, mcmiicr pnmeiu were: .vir. rtiioyu,
1 Xfr. Cheiiworthy, Mrs. Wakefield,
Mrs Ha v. Mr. Jjijui .Hdlrs.
.if 1 1 3 ..abak?" a!L
.VKaWr-fc.m lOftS. subject,
y .' mmmi il
d&m ' V'v' '" ft'-w 'the beginning nfthg sorvico, so oemo, kind with contempt Adv fiM
m ZSH . VsssiBM a- f-- ,II
tfMM(. Tlw itm at te
IWIMIg 'IH'T WWIW PWI "" ww"1"
f fJfetnn. after
I, tefreiWsWlIn Were eren.
M. Krnk Huberts entertained
s i, .i.,b this afternoon al her
boo,. .. rtivat.
f. .l Are. Arthur Sewman left
Td'swlav for their old home at Jo-!
-on Cltr. Tenn.
At the Churches
Cntliollc Clmrc It.
Oakdnlo avoimo.
'mas. Kundnr. a. m.: aetonil "(
1 10:10 a. rtU "veiling services. 7.30. 1
Pice .Methodist.
Corner Tenth nnd Ivy. Hundny
school, 10 a. m,. proivchinK nt 1 1 a. in.
Jniid 7.130 I), m., mW-weok prnyor
meeting TRUrsdny at 7:80 p. :n.
, These services nro froo to nil. J. B.
Hrndlcy, pastor.
licst ltnpllst.
The live church with a cordial wel
come. Morning service. 11; Sunday
school, "The 8chool With a Vim,"
0: If.; Intermediate 11. Y. P. U., 3;
H. Y. P. V., :30, topic, "The Con
secration of Influence," Heb. 10: 19
26. Special music.
OukiUvlo Avciiuo MethotlLst.
flundny RChool, 10 n. in.; preach
lug, 1 1 n. m., subject, "Tho Now nnd.
Living Way." No servico In tho even
as we nro uniting In tho union evan
gelistic meeting at tho Nntatorlum.
All momborB nnd friends of our
church nro Invited to tho morning
servico. Slrangors nro welcome. II.
M. llranham, pnntor.
JnckannvUlo llvabylcrtan.
Morning worship with lorinon nt
11 o'clock, subject. "Tho Silent
Christ;" solo, Miss Hess Ilryan, of
' Medford. In tho evening thcro will
bo n union service nt tho Methodist
church nt 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Handy
will preach on tho subject, "Tho
Surrendered Life," Mr. Hutchinson
taking tho evening servico nt tho
Central Point Mcthodlstc hurch.
First dumb of Chi 1st, Scientist.
llranch of tho Mother Church, thOThoy have two sous, Chnrlcs II. Gay,
First Church of Chi 1st, Snlonttst In municipal judgo ot Medford, nnd L.
lloston. Mass. I J. (lay, manager ot tho F. S. Harmon
Sunday servico nt 11 o'clock. Sub. Fumlturo oompnny, nt Sonttl. Wash,
Ject "Soul."
J Wednosdny evening meetlngB at
which teatlmonlnls of Christian
Science healings aro glvon, 7:80 p.
in. All nro cordially Invited. ,'
Hundnv school nt 0:4B n. . All.
under th age of 10 nro walrome. i
HaAdng room In church edifice, J
211 North Oakdnlo, open from 1:30
to 4:0 dally except SJundnys and
Methodist (iiincli, .IncU-sonvlllo
fiundav school. 10 a. in., W. 0.
j Cumllll, superlntcndont.
) Piouchlng servico, 11 a. in., sub.
ject: 'Keoplng tho Stono liolllng."
pworth Look no, 0:10 p. in., Mrs.
Abbott, loader.
I'ulon prouchlng service, 7:10, ser
mon hy Hov. P. Handy.
TIpwortli LoaRiio monthly social
evening, Wodnoedsy, 7:10 p. m.
Prnyor tervleo Thursday, T:80 p.
Kverybody Invited to all of those
meetings. Como and bring a frlond.
First Methodist Kplscnpnl.
Dr. J. C. Holllns, pastor. The Run-
day school moot promptly at 0:U.
Publl worship nt 11 a. m. The
pastor will preach on "Tho Imino-
dlute Order." Music by tho full vost-
ti, Nat, 0rvico. At the hour of
j evening sorvlee thore will ho n great
' meotlngi at the Nat Mr. Mathls will
; nr,aBn atil the great chorus under
tie direction of .Mr. Veesoy will sing,
o the 3 o'clock meeting at the
Nat. The public Is cordially lnvltod
to al1 these sorvleos,
PIiKt Christian Church,
Corner Ninth and Oakdale. Tho
church with a vital moaaago, to whloh 'up plainly printed on tho bottle. He
you aro lnvltod. Morning sermon, 'waro of counterfoils sold hore. (let
'The Lord Judging
Us," Professor Veasey will sing at
jpAatfi wnm
gfmrgtfr AWf a1 In I he tff of Ih
rrtlee r?ttad aflran rtri(( Ofdn-
'" , "" .
dun airsiBii ibiib i n v it
--- " - ""- ",.,. ... ...
I si a I a io give yaw amino unin tor
k vmnm ttnd alas to Nltntd (ho
' meeting at tha Sat. atol&y Mliod Uf
, s t All t ehureh In tho 11 to
.achoal and all the Sttndnr Nltoot In
the ehwreh eerrlee. Let lis begin
r nd keep It up. It defend
Inn rant Hear
Prafaasor Vessey,
i morning urnee
10:45. Harry K.
Tasker, mlaUter.
lrelytcrlnii Clmrrli,
v nrner .uum nnu iiony nirccis.
Preaching at 1 1 a. m. Ilev. William
I). Vater. 1). I)., will proaoh In tho
morning by appointment of prosby-
torr (o tleclnro tho pulpit vaonnU All
Jw nre ,ntorM,w, , tho future of
tho Prosbytnrlnn church should hear
Dr. Vnten All who nro Interested
should hear every mnu who preaches
now that a nnstor may bo chosen
soon. Spcclul music, both morning
nnd evening, nnthem by choir. Kvon
Ing services at 7:30. Dr. Valor will
preach In tho evening. Ills sermons
nro rich In material and tho r.cul In
which they nro given should bo hoard
by nil in tho city. Tho meeting will
open with congregation singing, nn
them by the choir.' Sunday school nt
10 A. M.; Y. P. S. C. K. nt C:30,
subject, "Tho Consocratlon of Influ
ence," Heb. 10-10:25; J. C. K., 3 p.
m.; Ln dies' Aid meets In tho chnpcl
Tuesday at 2:30 p. ui.; prayer meet
ing Thursday nt 7:30 p. m., lender
H. 'N. Warner. All nro cordially In
vited to tho sorvlcos ot this church.
Mr. and Mrs. Jnmcs II. Oay celo
brntcd their fifty-fifth wedding anni
versary nt their Central l'olnt homo
Saturday. They woro married at
Jonosvlllc, Mtcli., Fob. 12, 1861-
Mr. Ony was born In Now York
sovcnty-olght years ngo. Mrs. Gay
was born In Michigan savonty-slx
years ago. They rnmo to Oregon In
18SG. locating nt Contral Point, this
county, whoro thoy hnvo since re
mained, Mr. (lay having engaged In
I tho lumber business nt that place.
i Precincts Medford .North Main nnd
West Medford register now nt tho
MnllTrlbuno office.
Why Smoko lilt Clgnra
When Ln flondas aro only 10c.
Cm, 1'evcrMi, hick, Illllous,
Clean Little Liver ami
Children love this "fruit laxative."
nnd nothing else cleanse tho tondor
stomach, Hvor,and bowola so nicely.
( A child simply will not stop playing
!(0 ompty the bowols nnd tho rosult Is,
thoy become tightly clogged with
waste, liver geta sluggish, stomach
sours, then your llttlo ono become
cross, half-sick, fovorlsh, don't eat,
sloop or net naturally, breath Is bad,
Bytom full of cold, has soro throat,
latomach-noho or diarrhoea. Listen,
! Mother! See If tongue is coated, then
t oin nnd you have a well, playful
j elilltl again.
Mlllona of wethws give "California
' gyrun of Pigs" boaause It Is perfectly
j harmless; ohlldron lovo It, and It ne.y.
Lr Mt io aot on the stomnob, liver
and bowels.
Ask your druggist for a RO-ccnt
bottlo of California Syrup of Pigs,"
which has full directions tor babies,
children ot all ages and for grown-
tho genuine made by "California Fig
Syrup Company " Hefuso any othor
M --g-pppj-paBjgpBjauBMpBjsjsaM IHP4'?'9KSHB8I9M